Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, September 04, 1912, HOME, Page 6, Image 6
6 EUROPEANARTIST STUDIES YANKEES Auguste Benziger Spends Sea- son at Summer Resorts Watching U. S. Tourists. PARIS. Sept 4 Aug isle Benziger |j the Swiss-American artist arM tallest B painter in the world spending the sea i Bon in the mountain towns of Switzer | land, studying at close range American S’; character as it rev< als itself in summer |4 resorts ami hotels His object is to be able to make the portrait <4 every Amer- B'Jean whom he will paint a human docu t merit. a vivid and indelible record, not only of the face and figure, but of char- J acter and life Benziger is 6 feet 3in his st >• kings He H 4 has the head of a philosopher the eye *»f fl poet and a sympathetic power of in y Might into one's character* To these is | united a complete mastery f the media . of expression He has taken to the spe dal study of American character because f he finds in it the mo<t interesting soul r and Intellect Frequents Resorts. And he has taken to the study of It k tn hotels, in the mountains and at the, | seaside, in dining room, salon and motor |h ear. at glof. tennis. <a rd table and hall r room, and all during the American hol- L*; Idays in Europe, because he finds that the J American character there reveals i ,M elf B? best A distinguishes Eren< b woman of let g ters. whose pen name is Pierro !»<coule- B vain, has dune th»* ■ im»- in literature. »■’ Though all her studies of American worn en have been made in European hotels. |s* the characters she draws are singularly striking and faithful Benziger studied I the American in his nativ* heath and y now in the international piavground of '•/ Switzerland He has painted so many 0 Americans that lie ma*, be said to have ft- made them his •specialty Fainted Noted Americans Among the many he has portrayed with 1 his brush are President Taft. the late •g President McKinley. General Miles, t’olu- H? rei Roosevelt. Cardinal Gibbons. Richard Croker and John Pitcairn. of Philadelphia. After Americans come the Swiss He & has painted three p esidents of the Swiss R confederation And so complete i*« his » record that he paints them as they -live B —in the spirit as in the body He has a curious way of making the J sitter reveal himself It is by indulging w in lively anecdote*, or pensive epigram. |g or in any easy flow of wit. humor and philosophy such as may suit the tempet- W «nient of the sitter in question The H consensus of the experts is that he gives If:' adequate expression to souls and sur faces, to face, figure furniture and dress, ■to jewels fashion, passion, sentiment. J* thought, to things of the moment and w to things eternal CONTRACTOR SLAIN; WIFE, CHILDREN AND MONEY ARE MISSING ET fiAST IJVERPOOL, OHIO. Sept. I Richard Banovs 41. a wealthy eon- S tractor, was found slain today while his 9 wife and tw«> children have disappoar- B cd. 'l'he affair has thrown this corn g munity into i stat« of wild excitement H Barrows. his skull crushed, was found ■ in a hay barn on the farm of Moody | Gobourne. a neighbor. Mis t’obourne discovered the body Barrow's horse and buggy were found In a shed on his own farm. A sum Hos in obey estimated at lea*t Jl.uOO 9 which he had <lia«n preparatory going to Pittsburg today on business, was missing ‘DEAR OLD MOONLIGHT’ 1 SUNG AT THE BONITA BY i ELIZABETH ANDERSON K Pretty little Elizabeth Anderson, who haa just joined the Beauty chorus of H the King-M urra y Jon. - Musk-al r l)m . ®| edy CornVany, it the Bonita theatei. 32 rLPeaihtree street Is making the hit of J the bill this ii... „ with a Brand-new if song hit entitled "Dear Old Moonlight ' isl Miss Anderson i„ assisted in this K number by the entire ehor.r and never I®i falls to-take an encore ■ The bill this week Is The l.ima- ■ tic. and it s a scream. Don't miss it ■ Continuous p. rform in. - s afternoons H and evenings, with motion iimtui's MADDOX TO DEFEND WOOTEN 3$ DALTON GA Sept t '■ nnel s I' [d Maddox. of this <n> ,as oven employed |S to conduct the Ci-lerise of Constable W orn i. May.'' c- ’n • ■ ROUND TRIP RATES TO WASHINGTON. D C SEABOARD E Will soil tickets x h :.n l 9th K limit 16th. and may !»• extended io ntiet. .th Bat- f otn Atlanta $19.3.. "p Athens. Sis 1. Cedartown. s2'i.o., |.; ® berto'n. sl7 lc Lawrenceville. SI9 3*> WlTloekmart sl9 33 Wind.-- <i s s.. CARE OF THE TEETH IMPORTANT TO HEALTH ■j ■* B Without pct feet teeth one can not enjoy perfect heal': Ite.ned ot im Hp«tfect teeth are t t <>nl> puinfnl and p;i • ontinuously annoying but < positir. menace to health and et. n life Do no’ neglect rout teeth I'pon tie 3 first sign of de. tie hav. fbeti. Heated g J and sate suffering Or. -f the teeth are *l'3 already in ba*' condition, have them at. SI tended to at once The modern s< ientifi. painless meth i jcds in use by the Atlanta Dental I’ar wiors rob dentlstrv of its f .rmer terrors 3S and the moat ditfii tilt operations art. Hi performed quickie and without pain. This handsome establishment is lo [Srated at the corner of F’eachtree ami | i Decatur ntreets, entrance at 19 1-2 ■ j Peachtree. $19.35 Atlanta to Wash ington. D. C.. and return, Southern Railway. Tickets on sale September 8 and 9: final limit September 16. Three trains daily. Leave Atlanta 11:01 a. m., 2:45 p. m.. 12:15 night. Arrive 10:40 p. m. TEXAS JUDGE, KIDDED BY THREE STRANGERS. WALLOPS THE TRIO <'HJ<’AGO. ILL., Sept. 4 F’ormer Judge I» B <’hapin. 'he* Texan tvhose pei-sonaliy < onducted class on civility left Thee bravado strangers with bruis* faces and wider experiences at the Auditorium hotel, today disallow »'d any inclination toward a white hope ship. J am probably one of the most j •aceful citizens that Texas has turned »ut. ‘ h» said a smile as broad as his hat lopping off his *»ix feet legs, arms and body such as i« raided in plenty in the Lone Star state Did you find the Montana sheriff a tougher proposition than his asso ciates?' the jurist was asked It would be extremely bad taste for Io be talking here of my physical prowess and courage I do not wish to be put in the light of a fighter.” he insisted. Mr Chapin may be here several days <et. I’he identity' of his three pupils in politeness has never been learned. I hey kidded” the judge about his hat and fie wiped up tbe marble floor with 'em FLOOD SWEPT BELT IN PENNSYLVANIA HIT AGAIN BY CLOUDBURST PJTTSBVRg, PA., s. pt 4 -For the '•econd time in three days portions of Allegheny and Washington counties to day are suffering flood devastation wrought by a series of • loudbuists which broke over the district, late yes terday and last night. No loss of life is known Scores of families were made homeless and damage that will mount up to a large figure resulted • Finleyville, Washington county, was still shut off from the outside world to day Half the population of the town o* camping out on the hillsides Latest reports from the flood-strick en district in southwestern Pennityl- Hiia and West Virginia, the scene of Sunday night's cloudbursts, place the numbei of dead at 46. J. C. GREENFIELD TO LECTURE TO MASON'S AT JUBILEE TONIGHT I he origin and symbolisms of the l'elion<Hifl degree will he the subject bf J. <* Greenfield's lecture tonight at the Masonic jubilee which is to bp he ld m the Baptist Tabernacle*. W Mr. Greenfield, who is a thirty-second degree Mason and past master of Gate City lodge No. 2, will be Introduced by Gov. i nor-elee t Slaton Between various parts of the lodge work, musical sehetions will be- given. W J Hubbard and J \V. Marsh bank will sing solos and C. T. Wurm will render a e e>rne*t solo. An. offertory in I) major will be sung by Charles A. Sheldon. Jr The program will »i.i t at x o'clock .end contains many features interesting to .Masems. TWO WIVES IN FIGHT FOR THIS MAN'S PENSION '•AHI.YI.H ILL.. Sept. 4.-Two tvid <>k.< of Wllluim ft Smith, a blacksmith, who lived in Carlyle more .than 30 > ears ago. are involved In a legal con tiov. isv containing many unique and romantic features They are trying to prove io the pension department that ■me or the othei is entitled to Smith's tampon sl2 a month. Sull ha« ben filed m the < ircuil court of Clinton county by Mollie Smith against Alfreda Smith. The first woman lives in Harwood. Mo It Is al leged that Smith obtained a divorce from ills first wife. Alfreda, in ISBO. bui through negligence the decree was not made a matter of record, although tile fact that ii hail been granted was on tlie court docket AT THE THEATERS TOMMY VAN’S MINSTRELS DRAWINC GOOD CROWDS ropulai music, good jokes and a va ' 1,1 vaudeville stunts make* up (he main te.itures of Tommy Van's minstrels that are scoring a decided hit this week <i the- I yric Tommy Van has been seen here <»n numerous occasions, and is al ready a favorite with Lyric au <’ience'< 1.. < offman is a new one. but his work so fat has been of such a na <un as to warrant the assertion that he wdll always be numbered as one of the cleverest young men on the minstrel stage t"< a\ Howard Martyn is proving him- M-H the biggest kind of a hit in the oam-mg line His clog work is above the average I’he Van minstrels will appear al the l.yiic the entire week, with mati nees Thursday S;RRirda\ EXQUISITE WEDDING BOUQUETS AND DECORATIONS. ATLANTA FLORA]. CO., Call Main 1130 Dr Hines has given his entire 1 f> to the study of the human <■'> and how to correct refracted »ir rs with lenses. With him it does not matter how contpli ated ot how dim tlie sight might !>• if the eves respond to the light he can uncover any and all hidden defects, and correct same with glasses in a manner that gives pleasure, comfort and re sults herebefore unknown He wishes ,dl to know that his prices are do higher than elsewhere. nd that there tie no chargee for examining when glasses are l.'Ollg lit. HINES OPTICAL COMPANY 91 Peachtree St. Feiween Mon 1 gomery and Alcazar Theaters THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS.WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 4. 1912. «ENW 8 DIVE KEEPERS With Joan of Arc at Head. They Plan to Rid the Town of Undesirables. • . WEST HAMMOND. ILL.. Sept. 4. Eight men. deposed divekeepers of West Hammond, will be ridden out of town on rails by more than 50 indig nant women, who first intend to treat the men to a complete coat of tar and feat hets. . This startling determination was an nounced by Miss Virginia Brooks, the town's Joan of Arc. organizer of the woinen's vigilance committee, which proposes to rid their city forever of the eight men. The decision wax reported after it had been ascertained that several of the eight resorts recently ordered closed by the city council of West Hammond had opened again and were conducting their business with the apparent cogni zance of the police department. Going to Ride 'Em Out. "We are going to put through a plan within the next two days." said Miss Brooke, "that ought to force them all to leave town without the necessity for the fearful violence that w<: are ready to adopt "If this plan fails, then, as surely as there has been the vilest of crime within this city, there will occur with in the week one of the most elaborate tar and feather parties that ever has been recorded "And we 50 women will do the work too. After we have tarred anad feath ered the eight men, we shall ride them all out of town on a rail. If they dare to resist us there may be fatal results " Women Purchase Firearms. That the women are sincere ui their determination actually to resort to this tai party," if their town is not com pletely purged within the week, was proved in the unanimity of theif en thusiasm A number of the women al ready have obtained firearms. All will carry revolvers or shotguns upon the night that the tar party Is held. The plan that first Is to be tried was not disclosed today. The women in timated. however, tliai would Include a small display of force. If this fails to accomplish its purpose, then the final effort will be made. SEABOARD MAKES CHANGES. SAVANNAH, GA. Sept. 4 —An nouncement ha« been made by V. e Tompkins, assistant general fieight agent of the Seaboard Air Line rail wav. of tlie appointment of J Lam bert to be commercial agent of tile S< aboard at Chattanooga. Mr. Lam berts jdace ns commercial agent here w ill be filled by the pl emotion of Harry Owens, formerly chief clerk to Loc.t Agent S H Reams Praise This Remedy For Consumption It the voluntarily written words of grateful people, ’living in all parts of the country, praising Eckman's Alterative, a remedy for tlie treatment of coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles, are to lie believed, this medicine is certainly doing a cast amount of good for such sufferers W’e stale none but facts and give to you the names and words of praise of those who declare It benefited them in many <ases < oupled with tlie writers' statements that it restored them to health. This is a sample taken from mans . St. Mary's Academy, O'Neill. Nebraska. "Gentlemen. About seven rears ago. I was attacked with the dreaded disease. ’I überculosis. I coughed unceasingly, could not sleep nor eat. even could not speak out loud and could do no work. I hail three hemorrhages, raised blood most of the time and suffered with night sweats, fever and chills. \ specialist of Columbus. Ohio, pronounced my hopelesa. "Nearly five years ago. 1 heard of your Alterative and procured some at once. With the result that I soon found myself restored to health. Eor the past four years 1. have been able to continue my teaching and though I have always had heavy school work. I am also able to per form much manual labor. I consider your medicine, if faithfully taken, a most ex cellent remedy for consumption Mother Superior permits this testimonial." (Signed) SISTER MARIE. Sisters of St. Francis Eckman's Alterative is effective in Bronchitis. Asthma. Hay Fever; Throat ami Lung Troubles and in unbuilding the system. Does not contain poisons, opiates or habit-forming drugs For sale by all .I,(cobs' drug stores and other lead ing druggists. Ask for booklet telling of recoveries and write to Eckman Labora tory. Philadelphia. Pa. for additional evi dence Men and Women I CURE YOU TO STAY CURED, of all chronic. nervous, private. blood and \ skin diseases I use \ the very latest meth “ “(Is. therefore getting A \ desired results I give <»erman preparation. J -» for blood poison, with- /\JF\ ' 111 cutt W or deten IT y \ ’“in from business, i you O' make no charge. Everything ontklentlal. C me to me without de lay. and let me demonstrate how x l gn 1 you results where other physicians have failed I cure Vari cocele. Stricture, Piles. Nervous .Dp bility. Kidney. Bladder and prostatic troubles Acute discharges and in- I tfainmatlen and all contracted dis ease*. FREE consultation and exam ination. Hours. X a m to 7 p m Sundays*. 9 to 1. Dr J. D. HUGHES, Specialist Opposite Third National Rank 16 ? North Broad St.. Atlanta. Ga. I &jl ■ Opium, ind l>ru« treat. I D * Hum, M Hanll.nuio uo,>» M nUrcl F re* PH. ■ M. WOOLI.KY. 24 ■ N Victor burntaritini. Aiium.i *.u CHICHESTER S PILLS Bl *«"'<• BR IM>. A !-■- . w.te.l with 1( r >*Ke no other Ibi. „t ,„ ar V Vrncsl.t. < ,< IU-< irm.TFK h ihaVomi iikim, i-ii.iA.r.rsa yearskr owna< 0 wna< Bevt.Mfeit. 4l*>.?R e iabl« OLD BY DRUGGISTS EVtmHtRE CHURCH MINTING TO COST $5,800 Noted New York Artist Will Do Mural Picture for St. Lukes Episcopal. • A painting k by E. H Blaxhfi -d. con sidered the greatest mural artist in America, is to fill the space over the chance) ih St. Lukes Episcopal church in Peachtree street withift the next year The painting will cost about $5.- 000, and will measure 13 1-2 by 18 feet. Mi. Biashfield will come from his New York studios to study the interior of the church before beginning his work, and will pay another visit when the painting is to be fixed in its place. Mis. S. B Turman call'd on the famous artist in New York several months ago and after several confer ences persuaded him to undertake th<> painting for Ht. Lukes. She has re ceived a small sketch from him, giv ing ills idea of the picture. It depicts the Good Shepherd leading His flock It will be bordered by Gothic medallions in keeping with the architecture <>f the church. The sketch was shown to a number of members of St. Lukes and several p eminent artists, and they were unanimous in recommending the acceptance of th* design. Tlie mural painting will be a memo rial tp l>". Robert S Barrow. former rector of St. I.ukes. who was greatly beloved by his paritioneis. Blashfield has adorned the walls of several of Amsrica'- most famous buildings with his pictures His most celebrated wotks are the "Angel With tlie blaming Sword" and '('iirist mis Bells." More sold than all ether brands com bined. SAUER’S PURE FLAVORING EXTRACTS. Because they flavor BEST. Asl; the housekeeper. JF ® ere g°! The Georgian’s Atlas Campaign is a W rousing success. Everybody wants one and the supply ' WmF i S £ e “ti n g l° w > but another shipment is now on the way. ft Wk 11 IS We don t want an ybody to be disappointed, and must & W ® Cl Hi ur S e our readers to lose no time. Get your Atlas as soon as possible before they are all gone. Act quickly. wri'wnwiii ’- /e.-.t-rae-i- THIS ILLUSTRATION is exact size; bound in | O (lET IT silk-finished cloth; beautiful and durable; v , ? with maps of every country, state HEADINGS ATI ANTA CrFCFRC and province in the world —LiKE THIS: and educational \ charts. K u *u . —-— . • an d the expense fee of 53 cents to defray ~~~~ necessary items of the cost of handling, —~~~~CLF ~~~packing, shipping, checking, accounting, etc. LZI. THIS $1.50 H A IV II V ATLAS Doctors, Si B O|||p f I " ercta ' ts ’ Manufacturers, '■ Managers, * IMs lig i KX. ® ® Superintendents, ® Teachers, •vV-:??:: •■>>•••• # Policemen, c.wj ><< Hrcmun, Conductors, wit S 5 Motormen, iSS S l oremen, Workmen, W which O iiSs j $ include '•/•'•i’.v-j'tslLre'-y*- Fathers, Brothers, Au " ,s I tides. ££•l Cousins, I NTI RE F AMt IA DOG IS CHURCHGOER AND BASEBALL ‘FAN;’ FAVORS THE RED SOX j < BROCKTON» MASS.. Sept. 4. Major F\ I<* Blanchard, of Pleasant street, one of j the men close to Genera] Grant in the Civil war. has a dog which, he says, could not be bought for ail the gold in the United States. Buster is his name and he is one of the most popular dogs in the city. • Buster’s latest achievement is to regu larly attend revival meetings in the lent at Perlcins park. Every night for two weeks he has occujiied the same chair. sirtinX upright and apparently listening attentively to the speakers. Buster is al«o a great baseball fan. Every afternoon he goes to the newspa per And looks at the basebail bul letins He invariably barks when the Red Sox or Brocjktons win a game. 8188 COUNTY'S TAX RATE NOW HIGHER THAN EVER MACON, GA.. Sept 4.—Bibb county's tax rate i.f the highest rjow that it has ever been. The rate has been raised to 9 1-2 mills, an increase of 11-2 mills. The extra revenue to be derived from tlie increase will be applied to a high school, a new jail and concrete bridges tn the rural districts. A high school costing SIOO,OOO will be built within the next few months, and $25,0'))) will be spent in remodeling the jail. The county eommisslbners today raised the tax rate. A vast amount of ill health is due to impaired digestion. When the stomach fails to perfo in its functions properly *4i- whole system becomes deranged. A few doses of ('hambet iain's Tablets is all you need. They will strengthen you' ( igt stibn, inv igprate y our regulate vour bowels, entirely doing away with that mis-inble feeling due to faulty digestion. Try it. Many others have been permanently cured Why not you? For sale bv all dealers. •* - * WE WILL MAIL YOU $1 for each so of old False Teeth sent I us. Highest price paid . for old Gold. Silver, obi Watches. Broken Jewelry and Precious Stones. Money Sent By Return Mail Phila. Smelting and Refining Co.. Established 20 Years 863 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Pa. TO DENTISTS V\ ■■ will buy yout* Gold Filings. Gold Scrap and Platinum. Highest prims paid. • SENATOR BRIGGS UNOPPOSED. 1 RENTON. N. J.. Sept. 4. —Former Governor Stokes today withdrew his candidacy for I'nited States senator, thus leaving t' e field clear for Sena tor F. <I. Briggs to S < ure undivided Republican support. FOR DMDW, FALLING HAIR OB ITCW SCALP-25 CENT ''OANDERINE" Save your hair! Danderine destroys dandruff and stops falling hair at once—Grows hair, we prove it. If you i are for that glis t< ns w ith beauty and is radiiirtt with life; has an incomparable softness and is fluffy and lustrous, you must use Danderine, because nothing else aeeom plishes so much for the hair. Just one application of Knowlton's Danderine will double the beauty of your heir, *bc; ides it imme diately .dissolves every particle of dandruff: you can not have nice, heavy, healthy halt it you have dandruff. This destructive scurf robs the hair of its luster, its strength arid its very life, if not overcome if produces i fever ishness and itching of the scalp; the hair roots famish, loosen and die; then i EVERY TIME You See a Pair of Glasses Think of ATLANTA OPTICAL CO., 142 Peachtree St. They Originate. Others Imitate. Perfect Glasses Dr. E. G. Griffin's Over BROWN fi. ALLEN’S D RUG STORE, 24' /2 WHITEHALL ST. $5 A Set ot Teeth ; COMPLETED DAY ORDERED « k Gold Crowns, S 3 Special Bridge V/ork, All Dental Work Lowest-Prices k. PHONE 1708. M H c urs—B to 7. La dy Attendant NEGRO. 110 YEARS OLD. DEAD. ANDERSON. S. C., Sept. 4.—Abe Guyton, a negro 110 years old. died today at his home near Anderson. Guy - ton remembered when this section was nothing but woods. He was hale until a week before his death. the hair falls out fast. i It your hair has been neglected and 1 is thin, faded, dry, scraggy or too oily. (lon L hesitate, but get a 25 eent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine at any drug store or toilet counter, apply a litth- > as directed and ten minutes after yo t will say this was the best investment you ever made. r We sincerely believe, regardless of everything else advertised, that if you > desire soft. lustrous, beautiful hair and • lots of it—no dandruff—no itching I scalp and no more falling hair—you must use Knowlton's Danderine. if ■ eventually—why not now ? A 25 cent t bottle will truly amaze you.