Newspaper Page Text
>’ bitshed by The Georgian Company,
20 Blast Alabama Street,
Atlanta. Ga.
rT 7 .-'.'.! at Atlanta postoffice as second
class matter.
Subscriptions Payable in Advance.
n r( . year. mall, postage prepaid. $5 00
Six months, mail, postage prepaid. 2.50
Three months, mall, postage prepaid, 1.25
, ne month, mail, postage prepaid. .45
-—5-Tbscrlptions Payable in Advance
r>< -ered by carrier, one year $5.20
n? vered by carrier, six months .... 2.60
pe : :vered by carrier, three months.. 1.30
Peiivered by carrier, one month .. .45
pJivered by carrier in Atlanta and
1 other cities, one week 10c
■ ■■ ' - ■ ■
Want Ad Rates and Rules
in The Atlanta Georgian
One ' ent a word each Insertion
X > ad taken for less than the price
of ten words. Ads in larger type.
12c a line <4 words to the line).
Out-of-town adverti semen* i
n >t he accompanied with cash.
\ ancles’ discounts 10 and 5 per
The Georgian will not be respon
sible for mere then one incorrect
insertion of any ad ordered more
man one time
Closing Hours: To secure prop
ir classification, ads must he in
The Georgian office before 1 o'clock
day of the issue.
\ll ads must be ordered cut in
writing or at office. No discon
•J nuance notice taken over phene.
t.vpry word in the advertisement,
including the name and address,
is • .unted. Bach initial counts one
v < rd; compound words are counted
as v o words.
i p.'enhone y >u: Want Ads to The
Ge rgian (both phones 8000) when
.t ; more convenient to do so, and
ndection will be made at your
H >e or at ”our office the follow*
ing day This is an accommoda
n service rendered Georgian
Want Ad patrons and payment
should always be promptly made
<r. nresentation of bill. Always
a<k that ' our telephone ad *be re
peated back to you by the ad
taker to make sure That it has been
taken correctly. The Georgian can
no cjuarantee accuracy nr assume
re<pnnsibil*tv so- errors of any kind
occurring in telephone advertise*
men* 0
ADVEKTISiyRS should retain re
ce pts given in payment for Want
Ads over the office counter, as mis
takes can not be rectified without
tl en tn answering advertise
ments addressed in care of 'rhe
Georgian, if the advertiser requires
references, send a duplicate of
Help Wanted—Female.
XV ANT ID Tw< ggi t( wrap pat ages
south Broad street. Apply Mon-
• ay. 9-7-70
\V ' XTET» -Good cook. Ap dy 19 Brown
place. ! 1-7-6 5
WANTED—Cook. Apply at once. 20
I "ri AlcPherson. 84-9-7
y ANTED Colored girl or woman to help
m bath room and office Dr. Morrison.
4!< Ki.- n r building. 9-7-35
<T E ll—Firs t - class cSok. 13f — East
Tenth ‘reet. Telephone Ivy 897.
ID Experienced colore
bermaid. Apply 330 South Pryor street.
WANTED Cook and house maid, with-
l ut husband or children. Room on the
!|,r Apply with references. 585 West
r r >-a- i rree street. 57-9-7
WANTED Photographer; one who can
I 'i t : Thing, Portrait Artist. Hogans
Vi!! p. C* llz?' 7
\NTED tle< middl aged 00l I■ •
i man as maid for delicate lady. Ref
ill ed «36 Roysi n avt nue, In
WANTED ::•'.. ■ whit
with c<oking and housework. Good
mes good wages. Write Box 163. De-
' a or ci!-.i. I ••• at jr 274. I 48
WANTED Your.gMany. with or without
p <i-erience, for operator of telephone
’ A'-nge ip town of 1.000 people; nice
I m residence of owner; state salarv
' xp( tec Addre. • Box IE. Perrv. Ga. *
Y aN’IED- Experienced hand button hole
The Jewell Shirt Company,
'• %_ [ka el tree street.
<T cook; references rt
(imred. Apply Janitor, 52 E. Cain.
. !'-7-I_’
" ANTED Position as maid or nurse.
_ Addrecs u. g,, 7Q \\>l_ls_s l. 59-9- 7
'' ANT<i> Experienced help in dress
pg. P. West Cain et >5 9-7
I A ’’white ladies;, tail Monday morning
rinitj ave. 7 o’ch . 9-7-22
AA ANTE;. Young lady assistant book
prefer one who can use the
t. Answer in own handwriting.
-J' '! .2 i '!(•!•< nee. Address Box 156. rare
’'eojgian. 9-7-19
"ANT i:j Xf r— reliable, seYtlc'i
cook; must have good reference.
s Washita aw.. Inman Pari;.
1 Hid reliable young colored worn
o'x and do l*gh( housework in
'•i■ • 74 E. Menitts ave ■-?-43
• s 1 G I. family require the services ot a
■ • .. >ub ikt pei. whit •• woman
applicant n-ust have experience
, , ''iriiish .*<- o rc ferences; <>ni> those
' v <>rk need appl\ good home
r ’ght pari'- Address P <• Box 375.
AA AN i EI)- -Suit and shirt -
'v.ii-A salesladies ilia!
'■"Hie diieet from Suit De-
I'i'i tiueut. (i rossmau's.
1 ■ »ooi :o . and nice
cook and keep house fcr wid
and three (school) children John
Etqj Gt 'N- ’ 7
K wanted \. ■ 185 1
' -AU; 31-9-7
1 El' Position as nurse; out of tow’i
• •'.’■red. Address M b. J.. 24 West
52 9 ’
it- • solicitor; r< fat
■ ardlcs ( r chewing gum prcf< reed.
. . • Box 818. Atlanta. 53-9-7
■ 1 kb A white woman Preferably
ciln-agcfl. Must be reliable, intelh
willing, pleasantly disposed, a good
■ incumbrance. A good home, with
is offered in small family. Trans-
l»4,id. Address, with references.
4 JunJper street.
'ED -Girls to work in factorx.
,1V an»l pleasant work. Good pay
, Atlanta Paper Company, corner
■ tii.i Ge it; a ralirc• 1
■•’ED Good cook to do general
ork, too; only thr< e in famib
‘E Linden street. M E. K.
•ED Colored woman t«» cook and do
' ral Jiousew‘ork. Must room on lot.
; - <t street. 9-6-23
. A piano player wanted immediate!'
audevillo theater. Must leave cit>
• artlett's Theatrical Agency. 217
- 9-6-7
N I’ED First-class ail-round servant
" ran nurse bab.v ten months old.
. : ;it onog 444 <'a pi t'd aye.
''•ED -A first-class vok t<» room <ji.
Ivj 3866 ■ 1
s • ED a cook Phone Ivy 5108.
'ylEl' -A woman f«»r general house
183 North Moreland ave lv\
9-5-J 9
x IED At once woman for general
ousework, 175 ;-_-5-i4
195 1-2 .MARIETTA ST
-1-4 13
Help Wanted—Female.
E 'N7?h RI^ NCEI ! operators to make~the
•I 1 ' prhanio union made overalls and
w 2 rk for ali an<i highest
paid for short hours; we will em
ploy inexperienceci persons and teach
them this work so they can soon earn
- s fke best employment
in - Atlanta for women and girls Cal!
anklet u S e X pia ih lt Marcus Loeb & Cd..
■ a bouth Pryor street. 9-4-30
Help Wanted—Male,
WANTED-bright office boy. ~Anplv in
i e o'. l ' M °nc!ay morning. 1605
< andler building 9-7-50
Rl BBERS. polishers and
upholsters. Must be ex
perienced. Capital City
< hair Co.. 172 Marietta
street. 9-7-23
J V Ai9* < U\^s alf s'>ien to take orders
'- 1 . 1 KAT'-. GROCERIES. EX PE
-TiT L ~..1 Ot’TFIT
1 • ' 1 " e Standard Mercantile Com-
I>.n V. ..2-2456 East Ninth street, t’leve
i la nd. Ohio 77-9-7
BE EXPERT detective and investigjton
i .Many waiting positions at tug pav
>« r Particulars. NATIONAL I>E
j I ECTIN E AGENCY. Hept. 20. Chicago.
I -7 4-9-7
■ START A HOME business that will Iwing
you.sloo monthly. 1 made $8,50.0 first'
ixcar with same business. Spare time. No
; canvassing. I will show you bow. In
structive booklet free. Voorhies Desk
• Qmaha, Nebr. 70-9-7
■\A fiY continue to puneh timc~cTock ami
i get half you earn? Soaps and toilet ar
; Deles m attractive combinations with val
'ha e Premiums our stunt. If you earn
•510 you get It; encouraging, push and en
ergy; others making >5 to 525 daih . Davis
loilet Co.. 908 Davis Bldg. Chicago.
BO oneper, general office mg,n 39
desires position with firm where accu
racy ami reliability bring promotion. So
ber. Best of references. H - Bob 1.07. East
Poin 1. da. SS-9-7
Ob l-TCE BUY WANTED Apply at noon.
1203 Atlanta National Bank building.
’’PPORT('NITY to make
S2OO monthly, spare time; no matter
where you live; no canvassing; guarantee
fret booklet will show you how. H. E.
Rogers. Dept, A-S, Boston. Mass. 44-9-7
I WILL START Y(>l’ earning $4 dailx at
I . home 'fi spare time silvering mirrors;
no capital; free instructive booklet, giv
ing plans‘of operation. C. I’. Redmond.
Dept, 87, Boston. Mass. 45-11.7
WANTED Men to learn barber trade.
Uur course induces everything done in
i a modern shop. Complete outfit of tools
I given. M ages in finishing department.
Constant practic*-. expert instructions.
Diplomas granted. Positions waiting.
<’a!l or wiite Moler Barber College. 38
I ■ street.
A' lt ; •!;<>■■ it start .<. busi
ness-. for yourself. Don’t worry about
capita’. No experience. Boyd 11. Brown.
Umana. Nebr.
.MfiN \f.\NTEI« ’’’he undersigned wants
.■hi 1 < nest, ambitious man in each city
and ’.own whete not already sufficiently
1 reprosenfe'i. Previous experience unnec
essary. Wo will teach you the business
thoroughly b\ mail and assist you to start
. in business for yourself as our local rep
. ten ntaliv<-. Splendid opportunity sos a
irun without capital to get into big pay
i ing business tor himself and become in
| deper for life. The National Co-Op
«*r.'i ivn iba’.ty Company, (.’-949 Marden
building. Washington. D. C. 38-9-7
I<H • r 1 )< 'Ti needed ever >• * ere
Earn S6O weeklx. Profession taught by
n ail. Diplomas. Write for free book
1b • 'fells hov . Professor Frazier. LL.D.,
j 101 W est Forty-second street, New, York.
f'if iTF7 TllT>’T bout
; more than 360,09? protected positions in
Cnited States service. More than ’O.OOO
' vacancies every year. There is a big
; chance here for on; sure and generous
pax . lifetime emp]oym< nt. Easx to get.
• Just ask for booklej ('-’1 . No obljgauon.
1 Ean t i irr.,-11>-_ \\ iMdngtdn i'. c 3r-9-*
I \VA N'rc.l > 101 ng man t » assist press
man; one who-has had some experience.
1 Steady work and gopd pay. Apply At
lanta Paper Company, ci.-rner Moore street
3 i rail) 36-9-7
\VA NTI2D—Go< ftfus • r* f-
1 crences. Anulv 57 1 West Peachtree
street. 9-7-14
.W * NTED--P< rier Good wages. Apply
1 <'day. 'fax lor Br«-s drugstore. 9-7-16
;Al .C A .H ’ NIU R \ Act ’I M ( ’TTeANE 11
has automatic adjustable nozzle and
| ether features entirely original. Sold with
(three years’ guarantee. Retails forJE‘,.so.
i Big profits and exclusive territoo for
I liv'-’ wdio act. 'luicklx A. S. Cahn.
; prt.sid nl. Desk i; . 366 West Fiftieth
I s L-eet- New Y.ork. 95- 8-31
AA A NTED ior (’. S. army, able-bodied
unmarrkd nun between ages of 18 and
(35; citizens of I’nitefi States, of good
I character and temperate habits, who can
speak, r< ad and w rite the ICngiish lan
’ guage. For information, apply to Re
cruiting Officer, corner Peachtree anti
I Forsyth streets. Atlanta, or 411 Cherry
i s1, j. (4a, 9-4-27
I WANTED —District managers for an cs-
Tun’.ished nsurance company. Verx lib
eral contia< i for the right man. Insur
:am e in reach of the poor man. All rich
iix ople buy. Address S W. Joiner. Sr..
[Southern manager. 616 Temple Court
buildii Atlar.ta, G; j*---0
WAITED White !>• • it' a music house
i offic-; salary to Dugin. $5 week. An
| «wer with particulars, in own handwrit
-1 ing, B( x 756. Atlanta ■ 3 1
" ANTI ’ ! U ood iu ichine man Steady
work; go«,d wages. Wire at our ex
pense if you can romp at once. No labor
troubles of any sort. Little Rock Furni
ture Monufaet’.’ring Company, Little
! ’ ■ ■• : \ • 52
\\ ANTED At once mattress finisher. If
xou can come, wire us. Best of wages.
Steady w >rk No labor troubles of any
sort. Oates Ma'dress Company, Little
Roj k. \rf
;BL \CKSM fth W \NTEI> for gel eral
repair shop; some horseshoeing; must
be all-round, good man; white shop;
wag--' 53.50. Albany Blacksmith Co.. Al-
G a. 8 - 8 »• 31
WANTED Yo ng mei to learn phan -
a y this fall. Demand for our gradu
'• a e- exceeds supply. Next session begins
1 October 1 Southern College of Pharmacy,
i Ki L’jckic street. .Atlanta. Ga. B-1-1
WANTED—Bright, strong
boys to delix’er routes in
‘ afternoons. Good wages
and chance for promotion.
Call at circulation depart
ement The Atlanta Georgian,
20 East Alabama street.
! IVAKTKI’ Ideas. inventors write for
list ~f inver.tions wanted and prizes of
fered by manufacturers. Also, how to get
> vonr patent Sent free to any address.
Randolph * Briscoe, patent attorneys,
L Washington, P. C. 7-11-23
S’l iif at Hilburn hotel, heart of city, lO’Y
Walton street. If you want a ''lean, quiet
'room: transient 50c. Open all night.
> : s. i .> (framing w.ll t.-acli
v. ii the barber trade fit’s easy). We
j teach In one half time of other colleges
I Course. and position in our shops
' only ?l’o. Why pay more? Thousands of
o'tr graduates running shops or making
god wages Atlanta Barber College. 10
■ East Slltchell street. 5-11-17
i FIFoE MASSAGE. hair cuts, shaves,
shampoos. A'l barber work free Clean
linen Atlanta Barber College. 10 East
I Mitchell.s-27-16
Help Wanted—Male and Female.
j WANTED Experienced colored house
cleaner; male or female. Apply 7 Lu-
ivei •
i WANTED Fir.'M-class dining room man;
also neai wmuau to assist in cooking
' Apply 391 Peachirce street. 9-6-8
\ \ \ \ ri. i i **' l • *e. u
W *\l I I > wish to know why they
starnme-T and how to quit The Fon-Lin
i Institute, 2516 Indiana ave . Chicago. 11l
Simplifv home. pamnent. room seek- j
; ii.g bx saving tino. tamper and irauipmg
, i ■ • nsul’iitg i’De Georgian Reni B .tie
lating. voicing and repairing. Bell
phone Main 2254-1.. East Atlanta Prop
a postal. I will call 9-19-24
Agents Wanted.
each town to sell underwear, sweaters
and neckties direct from our factor? to
wearer. Pernjanent business: liberal
terms; big profits Every article guaran
teed Steadfast Mills, Dept. A. Cohoes.
N. Y. 76-I'-7
AGENTS getting rich selling Wonder
ful luminous crucifix. Gives out mys
terious light all night in darkest room.
Big profits. Free particulars. Catholic
importing Company. K-4, Chicago. 73-l»-7
AGENTS—More than 200 per cen' profiT
New patented article never before on
tlie market Sells like wildfire. Every
man or woman buys. No competition.
Big tiemand AV rite tor free sample. The
Wilson Manufacturing Company, Factory
B-A, Lancaster. Ohio. 72-9-7
AGENTS Just coin money selling NEW
IMI’ROVET) HOSIERY', direct from mill,
with our big advertising offer. YOU CAN
Credit, samples in leatherette case free.
Nev. Improved Knitting. Mills. Chicago.
: ' , • _ 71 -_9-7
GENERAL AGENT for local jerrttorj to
sell our accident insurance policies, s!■
I ■> HO yearly. Easy sellers. Everybody
needs one. Liberal commissions. Also
manage sub-agents and renewal business,
'••rmanent income assured. Insurance,
Newark, N. J. 40-9-7
MANUFACTURER of popular brand linen
heel and toe guaranteed hosiery wants
agents to sell direct to consumers > Peach
man earned $136.20 in five days. 'Exclu
sive territory. Credit. Send fdr particu
lars Parker Mills. 735 Chestnut street,
P!• j ladelpl tla, I'a _»- 7 -11
Ml' WANT to hear from you if earning
less than 535 weekly. New agents' ar
ticles. Riley Specialty Company. 2531
Guilford avenue. Baltimore. Md. 8-31-5
about to spend SIOO,OOO on a tremendous
advertising campaign, requires the serv
ices of a bright man or woman in each
town and yity. The work is easy, pleas
ant and highly respectable, and no previ
ous experien ’e is necessary. We wilt pav
a good salary and offer an unusual oppor
tunity for advancement to the person who
can furnish good references, in addition
to this salarj we offer a Maxwell Auto
mobile. a Ford Automobile and over $3.-
000. in prizes to the representatives doing
the -best . work, up to December 31. In
your letter give age and references. Ad
dress IRA B. ROBINSON. Advertising
Manager, 2163 Beverlv S',.. Boston. Mass.
, •
AGENTS —Street men, to -el! Taft. Wil
son and Teddy gold and silver plated
i ampaign fobs; 100 per cent'profit; go
getters write Titfmann & Herr, 206
Canal. New York, Dept, Y. 34-8-24
.MEN AND WOMEN make money as
agents for the Wales handy case. Slip
in the dress, waist, suit or overcoat; keeps
them fresh and clean, easy to get in, easy
to get out. All purposes. Ideal room
saver Can be laid or hung anywhere.
Low prices. Three sizes. 40c. 50c and 75c.
Send anywhere: rot sold in stores. Any
body can sell Wak's cases. They all want
it. Sells itself. Sell 10, 20. 3(1, 40. 50 a
dat. Goublittg sold 2,000, Gridley 560. Mrs.
| Webster 110 in three hours. Quick sales;
large, profits; no experience, t ree sample
off< t, Semi postal for full descrip
tion agents’ selling plait. Waks Manu
facturing Company, 10 Miller building.
C_im inr.ati. Ohio.. 8-17-25
Bi: INUEI'ENDGNT -Start a ma'i order
business in your own home. We
tell you. how. and furnish everything
needed wholesale. An honorable and
profitable business fbr a man or woman.
Partieulars, free. Many make $3,000 a
y. ar Murphy Mfg Co., South Norwalk.
Conn. 5-11-5
Salesmen Wanted.
WANTED- Stock food salesmen for Geor
gia territory. Require personal bond in
sum of $2>Q. Give ruaß -experience and
rcfi»f>nres.' Tlv* Woffte’s k and Poul
try F< od Company. Greeneville. Tenn
2_ JL7-34
\VANTED-*Few traveling men who are
making small towns and cross read
stores, to handle our new and up to date
pocket sideline. Pays a commission of
84 per order. A winner. For full par
ticulars a*.dress G A. Johnson. 21V
st reet. (Jhleago, 111. 75-» 7
sTde LINE, pocket samples; rm min
utes: $lO commission; high-grade men
onix ; no other need apply. Advertising
ox-elty Newton. lowa. 68- 9- 7
gia with staph line. High eonrmiseions,
monthly advance aud permanent po
sition to right man Jess H. Smith Co..
I >etroi_t. M ich. 16- - •
WANTED -Salesman in tailor
ing establishment. Must be good mana
ger. Good opportunity Address M . Box
21, care Georgian. 9-6-21
OLD established (•()r].>ora
timi requires the services
of a good specialty traveling
salesman. Liberal monthly
drawing account with ex
penses paid. Also good bo
nus. Excellent opportunity
for the right man. Do not
apply unless ha\e good
iclean record. The Eclipse
I Paint and Manufacturing
[Company. Cleveland, Ohio.
proposition will make you money. Good
line-up assured. Address the Mid.-VVest
Securities Company, 1012 Hartford build
ing ‘ ":;i< aa". I H 15-9-2
i:< aa ana er the Want Ads in 1 I
Georgian. • good rule for every Individ
ual wh<» reads Make it your rule and
you will be more prosperous and more
i < on tent I'd.
Situations Wanted—Female.
WANTED—-At once, position as assistant
teacher in public school; high school
graduate and college education. Highest
recommendations as to character and
ability. Address M. 8., 815 South Grant
st)eet. Fitzgi raid, '>a 79-3-7
GRADUATE >n music must have
tion as music teacher; three years ex
perience; highest recommendations. Ad
dress M. 8.. 815 South Grant street.
Fitzgerald. Gaßo-9-7
YOI’NG la<lj stenographer with four
years' experience, desires position;
painstaking, attentive to business, punc
tual; prefer town, not city, references ex
changed; salary reasonable. Address Sep
tember, carc- Georglan. 63-9-7
WA NTED—Position by young lady ste
nographer. who is willing to work, and
has Inui about fourteen months' expe
rience. Would like place where there
is some, clerical work Call Atlanta phone
52« H. - 32 9-7
WaNI ED At once, in or out of < Ity, po
sition in millinery or suit department;
best of references. G. E. M . care Geor
gia! 36 9
WANTED id lad} ot ?3u atTon and re
finement. position as companion or
governess in refined family Would accept
load position aS traveling demonstrator.
Address N.; 15 Elm avenue Americus, Ga.
WANTED -Position by refined, amiable,
settled lad?’; care of an old couple or
small children, in or out of city Mrs
F. care Georgian. 27-9 6
WANTED—l’oftltlqn as stenngraph»r with
some insurance com pan j. three months
experieiu <•: salary $35 <>r S4O per month.
M. At I’.. 11 corein n. 66-9-4
WANTED \ job at once tts seamstress,
Htit.-b. cut ait.l lit. Viola Chambliss. 116
\ iolet ave., Atlanta. Ga. 35-9-5
Needle Work.
E M BR( 'I DER Y. designing, fine sewing l
sod darning 13 Baltimore < lx\
Situations Wanted—Male
WANTED—Position in some
good town in Georgia or Flor-1
ida as manager retail mercantile '
business, on salary ami eommis- .
sion basis. Thirty-eight years (
old. and thoroughly competent. I
Experienced in general merchan
dise. farm implements and drug
business. A-l references fur- >
nished. Manager, care Box 10'
Georgian 65-9-7;
wanted Position as shoe salesman In
department store; several years' expe
rience: references furnished; if in med
of salesman for anv line, phone me Main .
39J19-.I _ > 64-9-7 |
WAN’i i<i 1 .' • . - shipping ■ lerk or
in grocery store. Box 762. care Geor
gian. • SV-9-7 ;
COTT()N CLAfeSER and weigher who '
knews one who has had mill
and much* export trade experience, wants I
work In the hills of Georgia or Piedmont
district of Carolina. Cotton, P. <), Box 4. •
Pendleton. S. C. 37-9-6 :
Yul'X'i; .M.\N ••!!!u!<ix; as < it\ sale -
man wishes to change. Will accept
place as city salesman or general office ;
work. Address Alive, Box 4.5, care <’eor- ;
gian. -9-6 |
WANTED Position as job and ad man ;
or either on daily or job shop; sober '
union man. Wire Karl E. Farmer, 78
West Baker st. 38-9-6 (
YOI'NG MAN. experienced bookkeeper j
and typewriter, wants position with
a od firm; to get start in city will work
cneap; - godd references. Address J. T. J..
Box 475, care Georgian. 49-9-5
JUNIOR drug clerk experience and abil-
. ity desires position at once. Address
Bux 311. Roattoke. Ala. 48-H-5
WANTED—Some firm or company to em- I
ploy me as broom-maker as a small side ;
line with their business; can make any
ktftd of broom. Box 750. care Georgian. |
THOROUGHLY competent, energetic
young man of wide experience and val
uable Training with large corporations,
possessing full knowledge* of office rou
tine, good correspondent: some sales ex
perience. wishes position where ability
and loyalty will be rewarded. Address j
Box 744. care Georgian 26-9-5
secretary with railroad and commercial |
experience, wishes position with oppor- •
tunity to advance. Address Box 745. ('are
: '.’man. 27-j-S
POSITION wanted by man thorough!} ex
perienced in office work as mapaier or I
to take charge yf correspondence, collec
tions. etc.: satisfactory references as to
ability, reliability, etc. Address Box 740.
care Georgian. 34-9-4
PR IN 1 ER wants situation in country or
city office Address Economy, Box 31.
care Georgian. 54-9-31
Job Work.
WE CAN SAVE you money on repair
work, shelving, tables and counters. We
make them to order. Roof repairing, brick
work, wall tinting, painting and plaster
ing. 621-2 s. Forsvth street. Bell 1187;
Atlanta 6087-M.
Window Cleaning.
National Window Cleaners
[ Dwellings of Store Fronts; Carpets Vacu
um Cleaned: Floors Oiled or Waxed.
All Work Guaranteed.
47 E. .Hunter St. Main 1175, Atlanta
Psi >!)♦♦ I').*l. 7-5-24
Boarders Wanted.
WE HAVE one very large room, with
sleeping purcti; suitable tor three young
men; steam heat. Also table boarders
252 Ivy street. 11-7-64
BOAm»inFs~WANTED In private~fa7nilj".
_ ’' l Yorl< avenrie. West End. I'j -67
;\\ ANTED—Few boarders in private
boarding house, close in: everything
' new. 11 West Pine street. IVV’S2SH-L.
I •. 30-9-7
1-ttl It voung men can get board tn re
lineil 'tonic. 164 Ivy street 9-6-9
Jewish 80.-ini.
■ F)RST-CLASS JEWISH board at reason
able retes. 110 Cap£tol avenue. 9-6-111
GAN accommodate a few boarders at 31
West Peachtree Place. Phone Ivy 4606.
J NICELY furnished rooms, with or. with
out board, at 25 West Baker st. Ivx
5 4!’-J9-6-26
»’( iMFOI’TA BLE room in suburban home; '
two minutes from car line; large
porches, shade trees, two bath rooms,
good ‘-•creants. vegetable garden, chickens
and Jersey cow. South Kirkwood. De
catur 389.9-5-57
LARGE, delightful room with private
bath: good location; best table; steam
heat: all comforts. 241 West Peachtree.
JyyJOidLL. 4 2z 9 '2
GENTLEMEN or ladies can get nme.
large, cool front rooms at 18 Capitol
Place price 14 and $5 per week 15-9-5
rooms in steam-heated apartments; for
couple, with board References required I
ixx 5.’.:7 1.. 9-5
245 SOUTH PRYOR can accommodate al
few boarders and roomers with con- •
5.9-5 13
WEST END Coi pie without children, ,
two young men one room, one man to j
share room; table beard. 156 Gordon.
West 17-L 9-4- III:
WEST END family have nice’room and I
board for couple without children; room
for gentleman Phone West 568-J.
139 vl EST“ PEAJ ’! i i'REi: has changed I
hands; open for congenial boarders; *
large front room xvith private bath and
dressing room, day boarders wanted:!
meahi 15 per week * '.xii Ivy 5551. 9-2-25
THOSE desiring to tak( Te< n students I
as boarders kindly notify the office at
once, as the list is now being compiled. |
NICE ROOM and board in exchange for
diamond, motorcycle, piano or type
writer. Small cash payment. Piano, Box
10. care Georgian. B-17-30
$1.50 to $2.50 day; $7.00 to $12.50 weekly;
American plan, 50c to $1.50 day; $3.00
to $7.00 weekly European. References
excl aI. •! 8 ’ 3-36
if-' ■• ') appreciate cleanliness try us. H I
to $6 week. 123 Capitol avenue $-10-7
Board Wanted.
men desire room and meals with a
Jewish family. References. Address !’.
' > Box 775. 37-9-3
LADIES- Ask your druggist so- Chiches
lers Pills, the Diamond brand; for 25 !
’.ears known as best, safest, always relia- i
ble. buy of your druggist '"alee no other. I
Chichester.s Diamond Brand .’ills are so!.!
by dj iggj is eryw• »re 5-2-1 1
xi THORS, WRITERS L* ' us secure
your copyrights, print and place your |
books on the market. Morton Publishing
Company. Dept. ATG. Morton building, i
New i " 7-11-26 '
Sc’REE.NS -Wood fiv screens, metal ily i
screens, han-wood floors, Venetian blinds, ;
metal wemher strips furnished anywhere
in rhe South. Writ** or phone W. R. Cal
'away, manager. 1403 t-’ourth National
Bank Building. Atlanta, Ga. Main 5310
SJ Jll()l S RES! LTS come from trusses
improperly fitted. John B. Daniel, at 34
Wall street, has an expert litter and it :
will cost you no more to have him fit I
you, and itmeans insurance. 6-24-19 ,
refined, homelike; limited numbet of
;utients cared for; home provided r in- I
fanta; infants for adoption. Mrs M T.
6 -• ' 2-12 4
D ;••!'>¥ CURED Relieves shortness of
breath in 36 t<> <8 h«mr - < Reduces swell
ing hi io i.. 20 -lays ’A ritp fui put iicu
lat.*- f’ultom Dropsy Remrdj Cum pan.',
51J Au.-i'll Building. Atlanta. w 26 11
“the Georgian’s Rent Bulletin”
Do Your Renting Through This Bulletin.
It contains a complete list each issue of every desirable place that, is For Rent in the city and suburbs, no mat
ter where it is ot whether it is furnished or unfurnished. They are all here below
For the benefit and convenience of its patrons The Georgian employs a special man to search the city and sur
roundings each day for desirable places
This bulletin will save you time, money and worry. It is for your convenience, so take advantage of it.
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
; PULLIAM STREET I—l 1 —I have three beau
tiful rooms, ft int and back porch, hoi
and cold bath, telephone and cabinet man
tels; furnished complete for housekeeping
Vacant September 17 No children. 17
I st re e l 9 -7 - 68
FUR RENT - Ure or two furnished rooms,
with private hath; north side. Fcr gen-
• uen ..Illy ivy 19-7*t.G
,210 SPRINtJ. under neßv management; de*
sirahle rooms: suitable for gentlemen,
lx \ I
THREE connecting furmsiieii rooms fi>r
i light housekeeping; all conveniences; to
couple without children. M 5239-.1. 423
I Central ave 9-7-58
I-’’)!: REN’r Two furnished foofns foi
housekeeping; sls a month 276 Gouri
1 land street. 9-7-30
NICE, clean furnished rooms for rent.
119-21I 19-21 West Cain. 9-7-28
I FOR RENT To nice young man or busi
; ness woman. newl> furnished front
i room: all conveniences. owner Ivv
2211-L 9-7-61
FOR RENT - Rooms furnished for light
housekeeping; north side. Ivv 4872.
• • 9-7-52
FoR RENT—Furnished front room? to
couple’or young men; private home
For information, call lyy 77-J. 3-7-57
FOR RENT - Beautifully furnished rooms,
close In; steam-heated apartment; gen
! tiemen only. Apartment No. 6, the ver
' non, 61 East Cain street Telephone Ivv
3137. 3-7-45
i FOR RENT—One furnished room. 331
Courtland.9-7-3 8
ONE small room for one or two gentle
men; nicely furnished: hot and cold
water; close in: chehp. 48 Pulliam.
' H’R RENT- Three rooms, sink in
kitchen; furnished or unfurnished; or
two for housekeeping and one sleeping
ronin. 67 Woodward avenue. 9-7-17
1 WANTED Roommate by quiet young
man. Nice steam heated room Rea
sonable rent. Apply 16. R., case Geor
gian. 48-9-7
i THREE large connecting rooms for rent,
single or in three, with breakfast ff de
aired.lll E_sth street,_phone Iyy 2427-J.
A Bl SI7.’ESS in l\ < an get a m clx fur
nished room, with use of kitchen and
phone, for $7 per month. Object, company.
Main 1888 i 9-7-4
THREE first floor rooms for light house
keeping; desirable and cheap: $lO.
w \\ . ’’liaml lcr. 390 Spring st •L 71
LARGE, beautiful room; heat ami bath
private home. Ivv 6103. 485 Peachtree.
F( »R RENT Two nicely furnished con
necting rooms for light housekeeping.
Call 293 Courtland, or phone Ivy 2455-L.
; 9-6-31
FOR RENT One very large front room,
large closet; every convenience. Can
be arranged for housekeeping, and board
across the street. Ivy 993 J. 9-6-24
FOR RENT Two or three rooms, fur
nished complete for housekeeping; no
children. 73 Williams street. 9-6-6
Foil RENT—At 13 Baltimore place, one
_large_front room. Iyy_ 5968 30-j)-6
Tl IR 1 ■ i•: ful li is;'.co or unfui nishr- roon
for rent in private family; all conven
iences; on Fair street car line. Apply
108 Park avenue, or phone Main 410. ami
ask lot Robe? ts 36-9-6
, FOR KENT—Beautiful front room; pri
, j vate bath; gentleman preferred. Ad
‘ I dress Peachtree, care Georgian. 25-9-6
LONE nicely furnished room, close in, all
conveniences. 230-A South Pryor
7 V __ 9-6-13
PLEASANT room; modern conveniences;
in steam heated apartment, close in.
north .-ide. Ivy 6033-J. 9-5-68
7 IN a dchuiti’u! home of <’«.upi<’, block of
7 Georgian Terrace, un car line, a suite or
i singly, three lovely rooms, preferably t •
- gentlemen; no children nor housekeeping.
Ivy 514550-9-5
BRIGHT? attractive room: well furnished;
I I in best residential section of north side
I Phone Ivy_3o9_ 39-9-5
NICELY furnished rooms; close in; ah
1 conveniences: 72 spring st.
Hui SEKEEPING rooms, unfurnished or
partly furnished, with adults: parties
J without children: separate entrance 256
uirant St. 37-9-5
* NICE, large, cool room suitable for two
gentlemen. 16 West North ave. Ivy
’ 5063-J. 9-5-15
TWO nicely furnished rooms for house
keeping; also one sleeping room for one
• or two gentlemen; close in. 242 Central
ave. Ca 1 l_j>hc>ne 3058-B. __ 9-5-39
TWO YOUNG MEN can have nicely fur
nished room in strictly private family;
all conveniences; meals next door Call
1vy_5455. _
FOR RENT Two or three upstaln
rooms, light housekeeping allowed, on
tlr-'iit :;r -et near Georgia avenue. Phone
‘'—-i' *-5-3 ’.
i PLEASANT furnished rooms; meals next
| 34_East Baker street. 9-5-12
T\\<) large nicely furnished front rooms;
large closet; steam heat; north side;
i private family. Call Ivy 3570-J. 29-9-5
• FOR GENTLEMEN Nicely furnished
|. room; furnace heat; private family; on
Myrtle street, near Ponce DeLeon avenue
Phdne 1\ x 1493 9-5-4
I FOR RENT Furnished rooms In strictly
private home. 19 East Harris street
x 22 7
[ \T 419 NORTH JACKSON there Is r om
and hoard for one or two. Ivy 4349-J.
FOR RENT Handsomely furnished
steam-heated room, adjoining bath, in
i Atlanta’s most modern apartment. Gen
tlemen preferred Price moderate Ref
erenccs. Phone Ivy 6729. 9-4-3
rier street. Fall term opens Monday.
September 9, 1912 Can accommodate 20
more boarding pupils for literature and
music. Take anx Peachtree car
, 9-7-10
DR. EDMONDSON’S Tansy, Pennyroyal
and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re
liable treatment for painful and sup
pressed menstruation, irregularities and
similar obstructions. Trial box by mail,
50c. Frank Edmondson >ro., manufac
turing chemists. 11 North Broad street,
Atlanta, Ga 2-17,-14
Lost and Found.
! LOST Very large cat; strayed from 846
| P»achtr<» ; .black, striped with tan,
•white rose, white breast, white feet and
| large eyes Named. Feathers Anv one
being instrumental in his recovery w ill be
i well rewarded. Bell phone lv\ 4906.
LOST’ Between Edgewood avenue and
Armour Station; folding purse, contain
| .ng money and notes. Liberal reward for
! return. Phone Main 682 or Main 5462 L.
! LOST i-argr brirdle build 13: inscription
on collar. Barney J. G. Wilkin,. 4H*
h'eurtland street Reward for return to
above a<ldress_or phone ll’.'l Ivy. 88-9-7
jSTJI.WED from 70 West fifteenth street
! Friday night, tawn colored cow: five
I > ears old , reward. Phone Ivv 3742-.1. Ml I
T. U. Wesley. 82-9-7
j LOST Ttiursday. black “sliver han.Heil
umbrella, engraved l>. rotiiv. in White- 1
I hall mreet cat Reward Call M..n<la\.;
! Main RIIU. ’_ lt-7-56
1 LOST bla- k grip, on Whitehall'
itrcet car. coming from Piedmont purk
■ "tttained wet bathing suit Phone W. .■
. Rc y* rd -
| LOST- Pfn with two. small pink . numelfd
flowers, pearl in ( enter of each reward I
f teturne.l to Miss < Part.. , I
H.iitio■ ) jar., avenue. > beyorui Ponce
DeLeon 1 ura. I’itone ivv j*t». .1 :• 734
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
Ft ill UE\’T Entire second floor; three
rooms; furnished for 1 ousekeeping 251
East Pine street ivy 3960-.1. lt-3-10
FOR KENT—Nice, cool front room; hot
water; private family. Main 4945 and
ask for Mrs Starr. 285 Washington street
_ i . P-3 1
NICB3, newly furnisht'd roonie. also light
housekeeping apartment Close in.
Mrs. .1 M. George. 151 Spring street.
F< >ll furnished rooms with
good board, bath ami all < onvenlMic.'s.
close in; under new management. 130 ivy
street. . 8-31-51
WkNTEf. Toung" men or couple; pleas
ant rooms, with or without meals; good
beds; good meals; reasonable price. 64
E. 11 arris st. 8-31-60
LARGE, beautifully furnished rooms with
hot and cold water, bathe and excellent
futile board; under new management. 4
West Beachtree st. Bell phone ivy 6790-J.
Furnished Rooms Wanted.
AVAN TED—Furnished room by
relined couple, north side, close
in. Address R. B. D., Box 480,
care Georgian. 9-5-66
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
TWO first floor connecting rooms;.all con
veniences. Price SB.OO per month. 40
Alice street. 9-7-25
THREE clean connecting rooms, newly
tinted. All necessary conveniences.
Adults. 40 Boulevard terrace. Call Sun
day if you wish. 54-lh-7
TO business twd large unfurnished
rooms with kitchen, on West Peachtree
street. Ivy BI*H. 9-6-24
F>4|{“ KENT—Four unfurnished rooms,
with bath; all in perfect condition.
Rent s22.6oivy 961-L 9-7-18
Foil KENT Two connecting rooms, un
furnished, witli conveniences. Phone
West 315-. I 268 Lee street
I’of’. RENT Three rooms on first floor,
unfurnished or partly furnished; all
conveniences; also furnished bed room to
lady. cheap. 18 Boulevard place 28-9-6
l''oß RENT To couple, without children,
three rooms; private bath; references
443 Courtland street, corner Pine. 9-6-41
FOR RENT -Four connecting rooms; pri
vate entrance, bath, sink; conveniently
located Ivy 3654-.1. 9-6-51
ONE large room with kitchenette for light
housekeeping; unfurnished or partially
furnished; all conveniences; use ot phone
152 Crew si 9-6-16
TWO rooms for light housekeeping 127
Washington M. 4380-J. 9-6-18
OWNER Woi'ld rent three first floor con
necting rooms to couple without chil
dren; separate entrance, gas.
sink; freshly tapered and painted. Call
after 5:30, 430 Pulliam st. 9-5-20
FOR RENT Three connecting rooms,
with couple; private hath: phone; sink
in kitchen: nice porch; close in. Ivy
5427-J. n-5-30
FOR RENT Tbtre flrat-floor rooms for
light housekeeping; desirable and cheap;
sls W. W. Chamblee. 390 Spring street.
. 65-9-4
NICE front room, unfurnished: private
family; all conveniences. Phone Ivy
4060 15 East North avenue 9-5-8
FOR RENT—Five rooms and bath; use
of phone, references exchanged 319
N. Jackson st. 99-8-31
THREE unfurnished rooms. 15 Little st.
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
WANTED -One or two unfurnished rooms
with bath. Near in. Address J. F R
Box 500, care Georgian 85-9-7
FOR RENT —Three large, cool and ele
gant rooms with hall, dressing room,
den and use of bath, for light housekeep
ing. in north side private home; attrac
tive terms to congenial couple without
children. 74 East Merritts avenue
_? -"-31
BY October 1. couple wants three to five
modem rooms; housekeeping; use of
phone; close in, or good car service.
K. II . Box 470. cure Georgian. 6<>-H-1
WANTED —By mother and daughter,
three first floor rooms. Rent not more
than sl2. Private family. References
exchanged At once Box 39, care Geor
WANTED- By couple, with three chil
dren, four or five unfurnished rooms or
small apartment suitable for light house
keeping; on north side: by September 15;
must be reasonable; references: give par
ticulars Rex, 480 Courtland avenue,
phone Ivy 20, after 7 p. m 9-6-40
Furnished or Unfurnished Booms
For Rent.
ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished or un
« furniflhed, in private home; elose in;
rent_ reasonable. I'hone Ivy 3540-L. 9-6-7
FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms, three
or four, walking distance of town, all
conveniences: cheap. 88 Pulliam street.
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
Foil RENT- At 196 Juniper street, near
Seventh, first-floor seven-room fur
nished apartment, by the year, S6O per
month. Ivy 662-J. 9-2-3
Lost and Found.
LOST -Solid /jold bracelet, last week; en
graved inside, Mary Sue to Father, First
Birthday, November 28, 1908 Return to
S E Pinn. 305 West Peachtree Reward
L< >ST Black leather handbag, lined with
blut silk, containing
etc. Was left on Peachtree car, at Tenth
street, at 1:20 Tuesday afternoon. Re
wan nod ! "_-6[* I’inipcr. 27-9-7
L()ST In business section of city, Sep
teinber 5. inclosed in envelope, S4O in
four SlO bills. Name on envelope, M. H.
Finder will be liberally rewarded by re
turning same to 320 (’andler building J.
M Dix Phones: Ivy 4332, Atlanta 2849.
LOST Black leather pocketbook Thurs
day night, probably in or near Jacobs’
Phannnoy. corner Whitehall and Mitch
ell. containing about S4O In currency, rail
road passes, business cards, etc.; $lO re
ward for return to 30 Orange st., or phone
M go L 9•> 19
LOST a wrapped handbag in Cones
W’ednvsday afternoon containing cheek
book and railroad ticket, kodak pictures.
Return to (.’one’s and receive reward.
— :x_ j
Stove and Range Repairing.
D.W ’llll-: FIXER
SELLS second-hand gas stoves. We aw cep
chimneys We take down heaters. We
sell wick and wickless oil stoves. W’e sell
"asoline stoves and ranges Atlanta phone
3235. 12! Whitehall street- Bel!
Main 2699. 4-4-7
Trunks, Bags and Suitcases.
!?()[■ NTRE’ITS 77 all
PHONES: Bell Main 1576, Atlanta 1654
Fire-Proof Storage.
wr Sr< IRE u< >1 s JHQLl 1 "
•• ;mos Office and war*in>u-»• 4 ;
Edgewocd ave l\> 2637 John J. Wuod
side Storage Cvmvanv.
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
FO>; RENT—Modern n> rth side apart
ment; first and sec.rd floors; each seven
large roiflns: suitable for < ouples or h. aid
ers; walking distance. 88 Williams street.
Baker. 83-9-7
Beai ’nl-ci, steam heated small apart
ments on the south side. Apply Apart
rrent or phone Ivy 128. 9-7-41
NR.’ELI arranged lower apartments' live
rooms: shady yard Ivy 679?.. 9-6-45
YOUNG couple, having—lovcTy home in
West End Park, would sub-let four
rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Perrv.
25 S, Gordon West 1059. 9-6-12
FIVE-ROOM apartment, 201 Corinthian
apartments Apply Mr. Kelly, 2‘-. Wal
ton street. 9-5-48
APARTMENTS for rent, two steam heat
ed apartments in the Stafford, 32 Car
negie place; very desirable location; new,
well kept; all conveniences. Apply .iani
tor or phone Ivy 6109-L 52-9-4
ONE live-room apartment, without'heat
one four or five-room apartment with
heat. Apply Owner, 356 N. Jackson. At
lanta phone 78 8-31-70
Unfurnished Apartments Wanted.
WANTED—To rent unfurnished three or
four-room apartment; must have porch
and heat; permanent party of three
adults. Address P. O Box No. 6, Mari
etta. Ga. 54-9-4
Furnished Houses For Rent.
SIX-ROOM bungalow, servants' room and
garage; new house; built for a home.
156 Westminster Drive, Ansley Park.
FOR RENT—-New five-room
partially furnished; $20.60; near West
View car line, 9 N. Wellington. 9-8-38
ATTRACTIVE cottage home; finest looa
tion north side; to let for winter to se
lect party. Call Ivy 3752-J. 9-4-33
Unfurnished Houses For R«nt.
CENTRAL AVENUE, near Richardson:
for rent, six-room cottage. 342 Wash
ington street. Bell phone Main 5322.
EIGH'T-RWM! modern residence, 303
Spring street; eight-room modern brick
residence, 66 East Cain street. Ivy 3834-. T
FDR RENT—Very desirable modem eight
room house, on Forrest avenue, be
tween Jackson street and Boulevard. Ivy
5705. 9-7-13
NIN E- ROUM*residence; screened, instan -
taneous heater; nice yard and shade.
Ivy 6793. 9-6-44
FOR RENT —Two acres, eight rooms, on
Highland avenue and near end of car
line. $25 per month. Ask for Mr. Har
rell. No. 9 Auburn avenue. Both phones
420 E. GEORGIA AVENUE, lot 50x200
6-rooni modern cottage; no prettier nor
better location in Atlanta; 3 street car
lines; $25.
A. J. & H. F. WEST
218-219 Atlanta Nat Bunk Bldg
NINE-ROOM house, three acres tend,
water, lights and plenty shade J A.
Earl. Kirkwood. Ga. Both phones 6 De
catur 9-5-37
FOR RENT Six-tn.jiu house; . able for
one or two families: rent reasons)ble
348 East Georgia avenue. Phone Jia u
t933-_L. 9-3-3.->
FOR RENT -Near-in six-room col tag ;
modern improvements; good repair 1.49
Walton street. Call Ivy 6212-L. ti-: -2
118 WEST ALEXANDER ST.: clou’ in .
and near car line; four rooms on sec
ond floor with all conveniences; separate
entrance: price $10.60 Apply Fitz' i
Knox. 1613 Candler Bldg. 8-30 5 1
PHONE or write us for ottr rent bullet::::
excellent houses all over the city ,>•.
moderate rates Turman, Black K Cal
hottn. 203 Empire Bldg 6-29-66
phone for our rent bulletin. Ralph O.
Cochran. If South Broad street. 4-1-21
THE HOUSE you build, buy or
rent will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
Unfurnished Houses Wanted.
WANTED—To rent five or six-room cot
tage or bungalow, in Kirkwood or Edge
wood. Will take good care of the prop
erty Address A B. C. care Georgian.
Office Space For Rent.
HALF of cool office for rent cheap 827
Austell building 87-9-7
Garages For Rent.
ft lit
street. 8-30-8
Stables For Rent.
Ft lit RENT- Stable and garage. Apply
to H Lewis, 170 Jackson street, or at
office. 213 Temple Court. 9-4-23
WILL care for upright piano and pay
drayage and insurance for use one year.
Address A. L., Box 475, care Georgian.
W ANTED—Oa<iers for water colors, china
and oil paintings; also tapestries, work
done reasonably. Ivy 2560-J. 9-6-30
AV ANTED—7horse power three-phase
motor, in good running order. Box 760.
care Georgian 29-9-7
W A NTEI >—Second -ha nd pia nrn good
make Address Piano, care Georgian.
Phone Ivy 672-L. 33-9-5
I BUY MEN'S old clothes and shoes"
Drop a card. I. Bock, 32 Bell street
FURNITURE and household goods, office
fixtures and merchandise of any kind
accepted on consignment. Cash advanced
Pembroke Sales Co.. 143 South Pryor St.
Beil uhones Main 143-1 Main 187, Atlanta
DROP A CARD Will bring cash for old
clothes and shoes, 'the Vestiare. 166
Decatur street. 6-27-42
WANTED We pay highest cash pri es
on household goods, pianos and office
furnitute Cash advanced on consign
ments. Springer's Auction House, 25
South Pry :• street. Bell phone Mair, 1526.
4-tO- ;o
WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices for house
hold goods, nianos and office furniture.
Cash advanced on consignments. Cent'al
Auction Company, 12 East Mitc'iell
street Bell phone Main 34'-’4. 8-26-24
Monuments and Stone Work.
' I kititls stone work
17-19 Fraser street. Phone Main 3543
Contractors and Hon e
I' 1 WILL l’.\Y Y()l’ to get out erthnates
"ii st'am heating and plumbing before
Im ting xour work . x’ears’
hi «iiv put* us in position to glvo \ <>u
be t work G minimum < Lasbl -r
I H” mg and Plumbing Company, 4’t Car
negie Place. M. 455. ' 7-20-43