Newspaper Page Text
The Georgian’s Poultry and Live Stock Page'
Clean Up Your Plant and Get
Everything Tight Before Cooi
Weather Arrives.
September is a busy month in the
poultryman's calendu . At thi- tint* .*!
th" year h:< iluti.s ii<- manifold fol b< -
sides the regular routine of w. rk. he
must begin to ; reparc for w.n’ r The
moult must be < trried thru’. ; • su* >
fuilv md the birds gotten in suie lot
the protection of wintei eggs. If in
husln. ss for the fancy end at all. tin
future show D.’i- must be pat in s' ap'-.
to; tills’b u.miill' marks the op-n
--ini; of tit tn’.' poultry
Voultini. ath ugh 1 n 1 yo
cess, is very veaker’iTj ■ n i't fowl's
vitr'ity. md pres cti:c sl oiilil be given
the birds at ils w • ‘Io
r."' idvma* ' ir."." tilt ' i'll, to
f.-ri e .iy t i -It ~..•!•.■■'■ i : ■ ine
m i.T.f ma; Ir. \ . If U.e
b. < • ar; . > on b; ’ ’ i■ ■: io. so a
s . ■ ti-r : ; tln bi .1 .i. ■:g of ihe
iiio i’t. and f ee h . tne
st:' t ill l nr tli • ■ It ist< ti?d
th-, h I i < -air . . ifl\ in i unci
in r >oe i,.,. v 'ln <>. I'n.j-y- I *w
j. ■■■»( a; • ■ ».ng .le IK.A J. '■ u
th* ill.’ i girly to about |U’> A’t .
Tn | i < ;>i ■< Ijrllim unit l’iw ;
<_■:.. t . and th i<.' vy i‘ <»»„«
■>viil iu '. .r* ’ ami ii ;;?ii' 'l'
zup'i’t la !>» o in -.’ sb >< !
A . till 1 ' ii> " teed oh 1 ; lllrtl which
js g<> ,1.1 f .IT ' '.'.l ■ i ft Ilin Is.
As i ..*■ > . di lie an;
duct CL"- ’ 11 link 'till”.’ hr.lid Het
suftvr l.i o I ''Hi" • . \V I’’ at pom
me .1 un*' ■ .It 11 li.e A’< "mt >■ d fid
the inoti ; . c fowl. . T i • nd -i
gem u>;;.’ t." «' ~r ,p 'i 1 ' ' liouhl
also b< gl n. It Ist ogo ’<l IcM t<» r<
inovi tile male biid ir n be I" n dm
ing th’ ai" ng . . u: .»• ■
Now is Time To Clean Up.
Now is a good t ' Tenn i ;• tn 1
get everything in rc.ulii to wind
Lay in a plentiful supply of good dry
sand for tip dust Iritiis. tti’i tin
house.s a liioiough cleaning and fi;.i:
gate them well Get busy with the rak<
and clean out the summer’s out pul ol
rubbish nroum’ t'.i” yards. >re awa.
all the broodt us and coisps tiiat yon
are not using, after giving tiicm a good
coating of some strong disinfectant.
September is a good nionin hi whirl,
to whitewash the hod’’ In addition
to being an enemy of liv« and nines,
whitew ashed walls will make tile house
much more light and cheery uuring tin
dark winter days Apply the white
wash with a sprayer for then you wil.
be sure in reaching tin (>r
dinary whitewash is made more ell’*,
live by using carbolic avid in emmee
Hon with it Slake the lime in an old
tub with a sufficient quantity of wa
ter to. make a wash *»l Hi* 1 desired
consistency adding a little watir it <i
time. 'Then add.a fluid mini * ”f crude
carbolic acid to every bucket ot waler
Put it on hot and get it into the crack,
by means of a sprayer.
If you expect to exhibit al the fall
show s. the specimens should be plac’ d
in the training coops now Handle the
birds as much as possible, so that they
will be perfectly tame when in the
show room If you expect to exhibi*
fowls that will need washing, you had
better begin to practice up now ’Take
some dirty bird that isn't as valuable
as the show bird and try youi hand at
washing him. While seemingly' very
simple, the job isn’t as easy as it
The yx intei quarters tor the young
pullets should lie thoroughly oy.rliaul
ed and whitewashed. The pullets should
be moved from the colony coops to the
laying pens the ast of this month. I his
will enable them to get settled nicely
and in working order before winter be
Take Care of the Pullets
If the pullets are hatched in March
or April, they should be laying in tn
tober. and then good care and food will
keep them laying steadily right through
winter The food and espei i illy the
care an- the most imisirtant factors
The first essential is in having tin pens
cleaned up, whitewashed and every
thing In good working ordci Remem
ber that the pullets have been on free
range, and housing them up entii* ly •
verses the conditions Keep tin
scratching litter always on the floor
and change it whenevt it becomei
musty or damp Beware of drouths an
the cold rain storms, for now tn* bii
will catch cold <.i-ih
Feeding is an ever-interesting sub
ject and deserves mor< than passing
interest. Next to a variety sound,
wholesome grains ranks plenty of green
food. Tin- feed bills can be gr.ath
lowered I>y the free us* of green foods
hence the breeder who fads to su; ph
this want is certainly shmt sighted
Neve feed musty or dirty feed tbt
the best: wheat, corn or oats are tin
staple foods, with meat and gr* . n food
as accessories. The all-grain diet is
injurious; bulky material L lie* d*-d I*
give variety. -Milk in any form is m
reptable ami is greatly relished by th*
flock. —Industrious Hen.
The Louisiana State fair will lie held
at Shreveport. La.. October 3o to No
vember C. 1912 The poultry depart
ment will receive sped tl attention. Th.
judge will be \V. Theo. Wittman. Al
lentown. Pa. Secretary, I. N liiug
gernott. Shreveport. La. S. Al. Vtat
»on. superintendent
iyw»i Hiyii.iiiMimiiewj.w'
w it
• fc • .
It i u -t.ik' t«» ronthn- turkeys in
.- mill it!closui< B\ natun li<\ are
.a. Ing i:HnU m I l-i<*ir hH on a
vha rI; \( Tub. . r.J, <<l
•a it .' :L. ' !n n . n• < :lip young
u »\ i; h (hi h a :iot!:-r.s w ill not
rant: .is I. :• as ’ icy nntm.'ily should
i . ■ :uIo ? an asuailx b in u • to
'ay v. in ie y<‘U wmiii tit a tn by mak-
• r i in b< • r b irr- I of < lean
’ ■ . .In ■ ' • < 11 , t pl i< .s’ i bout
the farm. !»•» not u: • anything’ new.
; ' ' ♦,! • ' iH» 11 ■« 19 ilrious. It Is
no . <’ .<• attempt to raise turkc.s un
it-.-s ti .-_ .. > ■ '.••pt ft ■ fi om In Be
> n t» • iini i< thin: <v< ry ton days
Tm y-)i:ng ? 1 kevs slumlil be turned out
• i ’<• th- b •!<’ b t - ton as ’.he dew is
off th -,rass and allowed to roam till
about di. K.
GA i. turkey .‘'ii a fe« d of gr in
at nig- t If d i'tavil) in the morn
iii'X, he will not range as far with the
youip sler> as if she starts' out to find
her own h •nitfast.
Sf a« is . heap vompii I'i’il to the loS'i
of bi’okf ti ogsts- in ttli- nest. Keep pl' n
tj of straw in the nests. If you havi
ev i i i 11. ken 'a. an <pg ' 'U > ,ir
ipp-. :;ii II fooling of tb- egg win;
it .niglus it is worse still whin thev
are from the breeding pen.
Don’t lie tight on handing out the
feed, espi-i-iallj to the growing young-
• tel s Yoii’will eonte out on the worst
end if you do. Deni yourself a few
pleasures, and not lite ehleks a few 1
eomforls About 99 per ceijt of the*
minus quantity in eggs is lack of fend
and poo feeding, and then people won
der why pullel.'; don’t lay until spring
Don't soak ere n in water to make It
swell up to mv< it little bit or forget to
order feed and make grass do, for
The poultryman of today ought to
make the most of the trap nest If you
h. never tried it. you w ill be likely io
find It clumsy business at first. Rut if
you get the right kind of nests and
hamlie them with care and faithful
ness, the results will be a revelation
io you. T’>e trap nest Is to the poul-
i. what the most scientific milk
test Is t the dairyman. When you
discover that you have a fowl that is
capable of making a great egg rec
ord. marl her carefully and follow her
io th. tin'-h of her career. She is "not
for- de.” It ought not to take long to
test a bird. X bird that will lay six
egg" in seven days and do ft for a
month has proven tier superior value.
\ thousand hens like that next Janu
ary would soon pay for a farm. Kind
them out!
I' sing turkey; requires skill and
latience. but any woman who has a
fondne-s for them can successfully care
so a flock of turkeys with profit.
Tlfe farm woman, w ho can command
a w ide range for hei turkeys ami 1“ d* -
terminod to make money in the busi
ness will find turkey raising most
profit .bit part of poultry raising Tin
bronze variety is very desirable sot
market, on account of its size and tin
swe.t flavoi oi Its meat But they ate
hard to in -m iv of their rov
ing disposition
nne of the banner shows of the
South will be the on< held by the
Virginia I’oultj-y association, January
14-18, at Ki. imond Va Charles T.
t’ornmm tnd .1 H. Welsh ffer will lie
the Jti’ges ind (I E Giiv.nator is
seereta ■ ’!’: ■ • ;r> u mm list Is full
of attractive specials and wil( be
promptly >■ nt by the sevrctaiy to all
s ppllea m “
jnr> a i lam a AM j i\EWS SAIL KDAY. SEPTEMBER 7. 1912.
At the left is one of the superb White Orpington hens
Ihe Kimballville farm; at the right, Charley Dobbs’ great Rin
Island Red cock,* which has won half a dozen blues: below, <
of .1. M. Karwisch’s manv excellent White Plymouth Rocks.
The raising of ducks for market is. in
my opililon, the most profitable branch
,of poultry keeping. A sandy soil and
somewhat sloping location is’the best;
an unfailing supply of water is also es
sential. It is always advisable to buy
breeding stock or eggs for hatching
from ,i reliable market duck raiser in .
prt fi rem e to one of tile so-called fan
ciers. Keep your breeders in tiptop
condition and you w ill have no trouble
in hatching their eggs and raising the
ducklings. Give them clean and airy
sleeping quarters, clean water to drink
and plenty of green food to eat. A
good laying ration for ducks consists
of 300 pounds of bran. 300 of cornmeal,
100 of No 2 Hot r. 100 of bet fscrap and
150 of alfalfa meal.
I keep one drake to every live ducks.
The majority of duck breeders keep
their breeders in docks of 30. Nine
reais ago I started to keep all my
bri edi ts in one flock and on free range.
With the exception of s-opar.i t ing at
times a tew birds for experiment, 1
have never changed this practice. I
now keep over 300 bre, ders in one dock
and on free range.
Keep Hens With Breeders.
F'oi bedding I use sawdust, but dur
ing very l-oid weather and when there
is snow I prefer dry leaves, straw or
hay By keeping some hens' with your
breeders ami throwing some small
grain into leaves or straw you will
gain twc> point- it will give your;
breeders needed exercise, and the hens |
will shake up the bedding and mix diri 1
with the droppings, which will make (
them less offensive. When sawdust t-j
used the droppings should be raked up i
daily No matter how clean you keep ;
the quarter#, some of the eggs will be
soiled. They should be washed as soon
as they are gathered
Eggs should be incubated as soon as
possible. The frenher tn.- eggs the bet
tor they will hatch. e |,dally in warm
weather. The temperature in the incu.
batol’s is kepi at l"2 fm the first four
or fivi davs. is gradually increased to
1 >■ -
.... .. -
103. and during the last three days of
the hatch is kept at from 104 to 105
degrees. After the eggs have been in
cubated a week 1 cool them once a day
by leaving them out of the incubator
long enough to become pretty cool,
which may take from ten minutes to
over an hour, according to the length
of time the c ggs have- been incubated
and the temperature of the incubator
cellar. 1 also moisten the eggs from
one to three times a week.
As soon as the ducklings are hatched
and dried off they are removed to
brooders, which are heated to from 95
to 100 degrees’. For the first two weeks
feed and water are constantly kept be
fore them. if ducklings come from
healthy stock, there should be no trou
ble in raising 9S per cent. They should
be fed a crumbly mash containing
plenty of bone-forming material. A
good ration consists of 300 pounds of
bran. 300 of cornmeal, 250 of No. 2
Hour, 300 of bi fscngp and 1,30 of al
falfa meal. Thric times a day I feed
to the ducklings ail of this ration they
will eat up clean.
Keep Brooders Clean.
The. brooders should be kept dean.
Be sure you keep them warm enough so
that the ducklings can spread all over
thi‘ floor and will not have to huddh up
in a bunch to keep warm. Ducklings
should bo removed from the brooders
at from one to two weeks of age. ac
cording to tile time of year. I have
taken ducklings from brooders when
they were only twelve day s old and put
tin i in a house without hovers where
itm water was frozen every morning,
land those same ducklings two weeks
ati r were put into coops with tiie front
land back partly open. We had about
j three indies of snow at the time and
. freezing temperature every night.
I Phose ducklings ware market d at the
ig' **f tiim weeks ami six davs. and
the returns for them showed that they
had averaged 6 podnds and 14 ounces
each. In order to do well, ducklings
must have plenty of fresh air. which
they can not get as long as they are
kept it' stuffy btoo.leis and under hov
■r- Don’t crowd your ducklings The
fewir y ou keep in a pen the faster they
will growt’ountrv Gentleman.
By the first of October most poultry
men will want their fowls well accus
tomed to th" hmt os in which they are
to live and lay all through the winter,
if you wish o keep your hens from
laying change them about frequently
from one roosting and laying house to
another. That is the way we do when
we wish to save theii strength for
later i ffort Bui if you really desire to
get egg- and get them regularly, get
your bins just where you will want to
keep them permanently. Now is the
time to place the fui'y developed pul
lets anti the well moulted hens in their
permanent,, roosting and laying quar
ters. Pullets yet undeveloped may be
permitted yet to run as usual. But the
permanent housing should come sev
eral weeks befo e the laving is ex
pected to begin. If not. it will put-them
off that much longer.
The hot days of August and Septem
ber are very trying to poultry, young
and old, and great pains should be
taken to make them as comfortable as
The ideal place for poultry in the
summer is in an orchard, or grove,
where the trees furnish shade; but in
must instant cs -ueh a place can not
be had. and we must provide artificial
shelter. Os boards or muslin.
Sunflowers with pole beans growing
around them or morning glory, or other
quick growing vines, will be a great
It’s to the henhouses now! Are they
clean? Make them so clean and so
wholesome and so liceless that you
yourself would be willing to go right
into them and sleep night after night.
Whitewash is "cheap as dirt." Spend a
day with the brush, and you will be
tickled as a child when you see the
result. What if you do get white
washed yourself? It will rinse riff. It
isn’t dangerous.
EDINT.I'RGH, Sept. 7. — Militant suf
fragettes today struck their boldest
blow by invading the estate at Bal
moral castle. King George’s Scottish
residence, where his majesty is at pres
ent entertaining a number of cabhiet
Evading the royal guards, the women
tore up ail the golf flags upon the loyal
links, substituting purple banners bear
ing the inscription:
"Cabinet ministers must stop forci
bly feeding women!”
“Votes for women means peace for
cabinet ministers.”
Fearing that King George might suf
fer at the hands of the women, special
guards were provided for his majesty
when he walked upon the grounds to-
MACON. GA.. Sept. 7. E. Edwards,
the bandit who held up the express
train near New Orleans Wednesday
night, is wanted by the Macon police
on charges of cheating and swindling.
The proprietor of a local hotel is in
possession of a suit ease left by Ed
wards when he departed from Macon
several months ago without paying his
board bill, and a number of merchants
would like to consult him about the dis
position of money given toward a fake
advertising scheme into which they
wet' inveigled.
The letters in the suit case prove
that, is he states now in New Orleans.
Edwards' home is in Jupiter. Fla,,
where he has a wife and three chil
dren He spent about six weeks in
BITT ORPlNGTONS—Exhibition stock a
specialty. Eggs for hatching and baby
chicks. Reduced autumn prices Send
for catalogue. Bacon & Haywood. 166
Springfield avenue, Guyton. Ga. 8-31-1
Plymouth Rocks.
tion stock a specialty. Eggs for hatch
ing and baby chicks. Reduced autumn
prices. Send for catalogue. Bacon &
Haywood. 166 Springfield avenue, Guyton.
Ga 8-31-2
5,000 EARLY HATCHED White and
Brown Leghorn pullets bred for eggs.
In numbers to suit. Also Airedale ter
riers. American Poultry Plant. Collins.
C»bio. 4 3 - 9 -j
SINGLE COMB Brown Leghorns. 5 hers
and handsome young cockerel. This is
proper mating, all for $5. Ed. L. Culver.
Sparta. < 1a.9-7-2
WHITE LEGHORNS—Highest quality,
strongest vitality, uneqyaled utility.
Exhibition stock a specialty. Eggs for
hatching and baby chicks. A postal
brings interesting catalogue and reduced
autumn prices. Send for it. Address Ba
con Haywood. 166 Springfield avenue.
Guyton. Ga 8-31-3
R. I. Reds.
FOR SALE—Thoroughbred Rhode Island
Red pullets; fine color and markings;
April hatched; .*1 apiece. Mrs. .1 C.
Wilkes. Molena. Ga. 67-9-7
SINGLE COMB Rhode Island Reds. 1
hens and unrelated cock, all raised last
year: to make room, only $5. Ed. L. Cul
ver, Sparta. Ga. 9-7-3
FOR SALE, Partridge. Wyandotte chick
ens. Guarantee fair winners. H M.
Ross. Tullahoma. Tenn. 9-7-9
GOLDEN LACED and Columbian Wyan
dottes. S. C. R. I Reds; eggs, $1 and
$2 per 15. W. D Bennett, Molena, Ga.
SAY. BILL, you can get Penciled Indian
Runner ducks at $1 each. Fawn, $1.50,
at Copperas Falls Farm, Tullahoma. Tenn.
ciled or saw n and white at $1 each ; good
ones; time yet to raise stock; order today.
Munnimaker Poultry Farm. Normandy,
Tenn, 5-25-3
BI FF Orpington ducks. I offer a few
trios for present delivery from my prize
winning stock at $lO to $25: snow birds a
matter of correspondence; eggs. $5 per 12.
Carlos Lynes, 20 Walton st., Atlanta. Ga.
Miscellaneous Poultry. Miscellaneous Poultry.
EITH'ER OF THESE will start your hens to laving.
Conkey’s Laying Tonic, Rust’s Egg Producer,
Lee’s Egg Maker or The Southern Poultry Remedy.
25c and 50c sizes of each.
DON’T \\ AIT TOO LATE, start a few bulbs indoors
now for early blossoms. W’e can supply you with
large, strong, sureblooiners of the following varieties:
Pape? White Narcissus 25c a dozen, postpaid 40c;
\\ hite Roman* Hyacinths 40c a dozen, postpaid 50c;
Freesias 20c a dozen, postpaid 25c.
LEE'S. Conkey’s and Rust's Lice Powders are all
good. Price 25c a box.
LEE'S ~soc <;ERMOz6ne’
THE Poultry Medicine for roup, canker, cholera,
swelled head. etc. It is not only a cure, but a pre
ventative of poultry diseases. Liquid and tablet
form. Tablets can be sent by mail.
NO TROI BLE TO CURE scaly leg fowls with Con
key’s Scaly Leg Remedy. Price 50c.
A BEAT. I IFI L ( OLLECTION of flowering plants.
Call in and let us show them to you.
■‘RED COMB" POL’LTRY B’EEDS always give en
tire satisfaction.
El)\ will cure chicks that are troubled with
white diarrhoea. Price of each 50c.
PCRE I>RESSEI) SAi?F BRT(’K lor' aiuT|7-
geous 15c each or two for 25c. Medicated Salt
Brick for stock 25c each.
MOCKING BIRD. Canary, Parrot and Squirrel Cages,
Bird Seed. Gravel. Manna. Bitters. Cuttie Bone. etc.
MALE CANARIES— All little beauties, and guaran
teed singers, $2.50 each. If it is not convenient
for you to call at our store and make a selection, we
will take pleasure in selecting you a singer.
MITES CAN’T STAY where Conkey’s Nox-i-Cide is
used regularly. No trouble to use. Just mix it
with water and spray the poultry houses. Two table
spoons mixed with two gallons of water can't be beat
as a dip for poultry. Price. 1 pint 35e. 1 quart 60c,
2 quarts 90c. 1 gallon $1.50.
ÜBE “BUG DEATH”.on vegetables that are bother
ed with bugs and worms. It is a nonpoisonous
preparation, put up in convenient size packages. Can
be put on in the morning when dew is on the plants,
or can be mixed with water. One pound package 15c.
postpaid 35c; 3 pounds 35c, 5 pounds 50c. 12 1-2
pounds SI.OO.
ALL SIZE FLOWER POTS, fern pans and pot
BEEE SCRAPS, alfalfa meal, wheat bran, shorts,
chicken wheat, charcoal, grit, crushed oyster shell,
BANTAMS—Game Bantams.
Buff Cochins. Carlisle Cobb. Athena.
G*- 4-28-it
Eggs. f
THOROUGHBRED Buff Orpington eggs
$1 per fifteen. 126 Windsor street’
Main 3588. 4-37-25
Miscellaneous Poultry.
SELLING OUT -Black. White. Buff*cT
pingtons. Black Langshans, Pekin Buff
< irpington and Runner ducks (white and
fawn and white). Prices should move *
them. Also collie dogs and Berkshire
hogs. \A . E. Lumlej. Tullahoma, Tenn
Horses and Carnages
FOR. SALE—Very handsome 1.6-hand
1.100-pound combination saddle and sur
rey horse; very gentle. R. C.’ Congdon.
Main 494a. 9.7.49
It ANTED—A-No. 1 city broke surrev J
horse to weigh 1.150 pounds or more; be *
good. Call I. N. Ragsdale, Main 1191
- 9-5-6
TWO fine cows, fresh in milk, for sale;
will be sold cheap if taken at once. Can
be seen at 107 Garden st. 9-7-20 y
Dogs. »
BEAUTIFUL female French poodle: very
intelligent: five months old; pr'ce $5
40 Alice si, 'l-7-24
FOR SALE—Scotch (Jollier pup
pies. beautifully marked and
richly marked. f'ome and see ,
them any time. Atlanta 1830,
137 Lake avenue, 9-7-15
FOR SALE—Two extra good toy French
poodles; eight weeks old; both males:
pure white; $lO each. George Austin. 4"8
East Georgia avenue. Atlanta 35-9-7 •
It was back in the olden times that they
hail to have a person go crying it out it
any one had anything to sell or wanted
to buy, or to notify the people that so and •*
so had lost this and that. The way was
the only one available It's different now.
Your wants can be told to an audience cf
over 50.000 In this section through a Want
Ad in The Georgian. No matter what
your want is an ad in The Georgian will *
fill it for vou. Georgian Want Ads buy,
sell, exchange, rent, secure help, find lost
articles and .countless other things.