Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, September 07, 1912, HOME, Page 14, Image 14
14 THE ATLANTA GEORGI AN AND NEWS. READ, FOR PROFIT— OEIORGBAN WANT ADS— USE FOR RESULTS \ J A.« F* PT II . 113 1,1 e Palmistry. Miss'B EC K.~ WOfa I ,D- FA MED I NDI A N PALMIST. A GIFTED W"MAN LO CATED 76 E. Hl NT ER STREET 38-8-28 PROFESSOR LA VOUX SPIRITUAL MEDIUM, clairvoyant and' palmist Parlors, 74 Walton street La- . dies' maid in attendance 8-6-7 I PALMIST AND LIFE - READER. REVEALS PAST, present and future Can be consulted on all affairs of life I Readings 25c, 50c 17 East Mitchell street (In tent).• GYPSY QUEEN" IS NOW LOCATED in tent, corner For syth and Luckie; can be consulted on all affairs of life Charges moderate Satisfaction guaranteed JL 25-13 A DELVE INTO PSYCHIC RESEARCH Prof. La Vaux. Spiritual .Me dium and Clairvoyant Gives Free Lecture Tonight. Tonight at 8 o’clock. Prof La Vaux. for twelve years principal assistant to th<- noted Anna Eva Fay, seeress and mystic worker, will give a lecture on spirltualis tic religion at his parlors, 74 Walton street His lecture < this particular re ligious belief, that the spirits of the de parted can communicate and converse with their earthlj relatives is a very learned and s » vlarly argument, and this, together with his marc. Jous demons! ra tions and tests stamps Prof. La Vaux in delibly a man of mysteries and a wonder worker, possessing almost ;nbolievald< powers Press notices from various West ern cities where l*rof La Vaux ha> given his lectures, give evidence « • what he can do. The following is < lipp* -1 from Th« Topeka i Kans.» Capital “Pr< • I«j Vaux. the spiritual medium, located Lari Gould, the ten-year-old ho> win disappear♦ <i from his home and for whom ti.< police department have been on the lookout since that time The boy had be< n *rn ployed by the Kansas R- <«k r.. . on Qmnrx street, and while going from his work to his home he lost an t nl a SSO bill and fu $2 lulls It u.h th* loss of the money that .< a». ( | him t<. run away, as he was afraid of a repri mand from his parents "When he failed t*> .< -ar at t • home, his father. Mr. W R 'Tiff. 317 Adan street, notified the polite ami search was Immediately instituted f<-r th* miss ing boy. Chief Laton assign**.! office) Hull on the case, but af’»- . ve* tl da v s work he gave it up If v then th< patents of the b<»\ *: • wrvi* • s of Prof Ln Vaux. and fifteen ' .i> aftei he took the case the box returned io Im home. Prof 1 n Vaux then set <ut to find the money and succeeded tn turning the envelope containing H “A peculiar thing about th* i: is th* manner in which the boj aaxs ho whs compelled to return home, from a com mand, he says, which he received in a telepathic way from a man whom he picked from a crow*] as Prof La Vaux. The boy had never before seen Vaux This lecture is absolutely free and \t lantans who are Interested in the pryehic should not miss this. The professor will be located during his slay in \tlnnta at 74 Walton street, where he will give pri vate readings dally from 9 a m. until 8 p. m., Sunday. 10 a. m to 4 p m Ladies’ maid in attendance For Sale Miscellaneous. ADDING' M.\( 111 XL Universal Adder. Lost $350. Very little used. Good as new. S2OO buys it. Suited for bank use or large business. Address 210 < Jould Building. 11 7 51 FOR SALE- Gas ami coal range On ac count of giving up my house, I offer for sale two medium size ranges, in per fect condition Will make reasonable nrices. Call at 255 Lawton street. Mon day, and look them over and make me a price. 5 6-9- 7 FOR SALE 3 l 4 by 4' 4 folding Eastman kodak with <-atrying case. in good con ditlon. Cost S2O. Will sell f*»r $lO \d- dreas Eastman, < are Cforglnn 3.” V-7 g \s SToVe Cal) \ii;iiit.i phon 325 35 (’lia | ■»■! !i• i I DRAWINGS tracings. «kotches. blue mints, patent drawings W F 380 Spring street Phone !v\ 11?.!' I One Price No Commission TUNING, REPAIRING PIANOS AND PLAYERS. LET us make you an estimate on your work. Old pianos made new again at moderate prices. The only complete piano shop in j the city. Cleveland- Manning Piano ( onipany, 80 N. Pryor Street. Bell Phone Ivj 2240. EEC' 'ND- H AND SAFES Small, med' . n and large home safes s!,'• Hall's bank and fire-"roof sa , ■ J Daniel. 416 Fourth Nau.mal Bank Bldg 9-7-Ml NEW dress form and stand bust. 36 Mis stm set and ami r. sat ilary walnut ly> ■ • F' IK SAI.E I lai and kitchen furniture a sacrifice Call at once 21 West rem hirer i la. ;<«, 9-6 WANT I'.l'l " Deca fur 212 6 . FOR SALE A 75-poiind r* I 'gtr.i'.r in good con.litior ''all Ivj . | Foi; s A I.: : 8 • ' stov. for light housekeeping .'all it 100 i. I.inclen st I hma i\\ ■ FOR SAI .17 . 'i ■ price) for cotton gin pres- . I' ■ tins, Hint. Ga 9-4-19 HIGH-GRADE 1C'’ R I \ M c N 1 Nunnally's ice cream depart , ci fan Ga 18 21-> A iiiovi.-nii " >r ' ” R ■ZHU*. I H.tll Latest improvements P nub 01,1 resisted .'.<' V dr'll All aizes; eas> te-ms ~4- Atlanta Cash Register Cn Keglbiei S 34 East Alabama street 6-13-4? . NEW RTHBEII TIRES Pl T "N" Y"t'R| BABY'S CARRIAGE PHONE IVY 3076 ROBERT MITCHELI. 229 El'G'' WOOD. .yi’P ’ National Cash Register. 335 360. S6O. $75. SIOO. sls*' and itp to ■ it your needs Terms easy Liberal ex change for cash registers in use Bell phone Ivv 4155, Atlanta 594 THE NATION AL CASH RhM’STEU '. ■ 60 North Broad Street 7 -20-52 NEW, beautiful rugs v. .ven fr<m 0• ir old carpet, superior to any in se'viee; plain or designed any size Catalogue free Oriental Rug Company. Baltimore, Md*2l2l The beat Want Ad days In The Gtor glan are Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday Thursday, Friday. Saturday. Tr> then, ALL, The results will surprise you. Bankrupt Sale. FOR SALE. I In pursuant of an order of the Hon. P. : H. Adams, referee. I •will receive bids sor 1 the stock of groceries and fixtures and I accounts of ,L A. George, bankrupt, situ- i j ated at IBM and 170 South McDaniel street, ' I .Atlanta, Ga . fr< m this date until Sep tember 9, 1912, at 11 a. m.. at which time ah bids will be opened in the office of the , I referee. 313 Grant building An inven- j I tory and a personal examination of the | stock may be had upon application to the! ! undersigned. HARRY D''i>|), Re* civet g ~ 5 S ' Auction Sales. ~ —- 1 I PAWN BROKERS AUCTION HOUSE, 51 Decatur street We buy and sell any land everything .Atlanta phone 22k': Be-' ( I L horie Main 1434. MjHn 7-29-20 1 PEMBROKE Sales Company »ind< r , management: will accept vour surplus stock of any kind on con? ignmen -. cash ‘ advanced: settlement on date of sale , 1142 s Pryor «;t Bell phoi * Main 14.34 Main 187; Atlanta phone 2285 8 6-30 | Automobiles. Gt \RANTEED tires nt • ut pri< e to close out surplus stock. 28x3. >7 P . 30x3. 117.8.'., 30x30 . .<lO 20 ■ .X312. l 2 . *l2 H». 3-Ix4. $17.25; all other iz*s; order now while they last Central Mfg. Co . Davton. Ohio. 9-5-58 WANTED Runabout, as cash payment on beautiful Mix room bungalow, all con veLien* e. c lose in. Balan* «•<■*.* per t han rent. Address I 1 >i \\ . J.’* Llli*lt St ref ' , Ma,'’< ". ’ ! • »NL t wo-pas.-enger twenty, Whiting; half original c*-.-i run le.~s than fifteen hundred mil* - Doesti’t suit rn\ purpose I T. Pitts. M D Newborn, <la 44-9-6 PK<'SPEPTIVE buyers, drop me a line ' I have a pt* positmn that will interest ; Aou. Prospective, Box 74. care Ge<»rgian. i '■ ' 5 "■ LI TRADE 31 800 demonstrating tour- ' ing car. fully equipped. f*»r vacant lots. F’ne appearing and rervk eab!« car Ad dress S . Box 700. care Georgian. 9-2-28 Business Opportunities. cocacgla bottling plants, prop pt ly managed, make mon* y I offer. subject to prior sale, (’olorade plant. $lO,- 000 < »ther locationß .1.1 Willard, Hi< k ory. N. C 53-9-5 Sewing Machines. sci of at tad: ment s nr e -j oct month; also machines repairer!; prompt delivery. Both phones Ik;*., y r-gcr S< v. u 4 g Ma chine Company, 79 Whitehall 9-14 44 Money To Loan. LOAN’S made on real estate. Purchase money notes bought and sold. F. M L< 1321 ''.iridb-i building S-17-10 Till: PRUDENTIAL IX- Sl R A X('l ’. <'(). of Ameri ca can make yon a loan on Atlanta improved property, through their loan corre-' spondents. Turman. Black <fc Calhoun, 203-8 Empire Building. 6-7-12-1 ’\D EY FOR 'LAit I i:t» PEOPLE AND OTHERS, upon their own names; cheap rates, easy payments Confiden tialD HTolman, £44 Austell building. wEcanrnakii tianta~reai< tate ami farm lands Apply to Ralph 1 " ' ' 11 ' 1 ' ■<■ ii Broad 7-10-20 MON] •i. hand ' edlate loans <>n property In or near Xtlanta .1 E Vin 501 Epuitable Bldg »> WEVMAN A CONNORS. ESTABLISHED 1890 Mortgages on Real Estate. 4-1-3 WE HA\'E ph'iity of money to lend at lowest rates on Atlanta and nearby property, cither for straight or monthly payment plan. Also for pnrehasing pur chase money notes. Poster & I Robson, 11 Edgew iod Ave p.,. - JEWELERS AND BROKERS 301 F ’s Tl * S J bldg. LOAN <Y i 9HON6 MAIS OS 1 STRICTLY PRIVATE I I situ : HOME !•. Ki'S to LKNT'. anj 1 amount; t per cent Write or call S. \\ 1 S'", 1 1, [ ■.: : ■ I’l7 FA RM LOA NS placed 1 11 • on improved farm lands in Georgia The Southern Mortgage Company. Gould build ing _ 7 13 1 Wit bout Indorsement Without Collateral Security Without Real I Estate Securities M'.uev loaned at LAW ELL RATES. NATIONAL DIS CO I’NT CO.. 301 2 Fourth \”:ilien al Bank Building. Money Wanted. • W ANTED To borr< \\ SIOO <m $330 worth of property. Will pa.' 25 per cent \nswer immetiiatell Address C. 1 s.. 1 ‘ v 181 an I .< u'.ir WANTED . »w i on 51,600 w- ith of first-class »>*rs<mal propeuv. a Lbera! rale of interest will be paid if mone\ <-.-n he had at onio \<|- . I’ O Box 6'iG. 9-5-42 Real Estate For Sale. BAKTO\S FLA. Superb climate, pro ouetive soil, year around I'uriolng. good hool -, . Inn .-lies, v< liter of citrus fruil ■ lot', health' and prosperous Write ' • • : .. : . 36-9-7 1 FOR SALE: Beautifui country I'l'ine. 98 • lores two miles from Marietta, half mile' from ele. iri. .-ar line, good ten-room I ■ l"elliig. oak floor--, etc . large oak grove house on eh 'ated site Ml kinds ’ of fruit In abundance: four-room tenant j' hotiFe two-room tenant house, large base ment barn. tool, wood and chicken houses. I I ’' acres in good uasiure and woods. : under fence. Two g. oil springs and 1 ' branches Owner must sell. Price, on good terms Several other good t . no ..nd Cit' properl.' tor s.Je I 'bi:. .< Sessions 9-7-10 i I oil s\|. I: i•. ,|,|> couiii? :a: m. 290 acres, two miles out of \,w..rili well im prove.; lour settlements, will hieate.i; I best neighb. "hood in count.' . < HS acre I I' ■ ep' I art in eit> property \\ N I |i'.> ort 9-6-28 IIN one of tin ' streets in Inman Park I offer x room bungalow at ' ■ Main 1804 9-5-11 ' 1 ' YLE ■ : RENT N " slx-rootn | itigal.." " th all improvements in , : " I'-.1 S. • -rn >U ,ir Illi. Main ' 180* 9-5-10 I 'd.' S• I 1 ■tl Mvrtl. ‘sl-eet. t'eil'.ltlful I t With all r io. rn improvements: ' will ms ■ ' ■ ■ rade for smaller pro 'I i; 1804 9-5-9 I K>R SAI , ' 22~acrS at • Myms switch, just beyond College I ark soring ind o"<Tard. h< ait ifuliv sit I in l ': I. t'. nt' g .ar lie M .'ot' Ma n 2405-. I ■ I! ■-o ; iso s' 8,„,' . vaM ■ :i FOR pertj ytth | Everett A l.veiett. 224 Er wn-Randolph 1 Bldg, Marietta aud Furayth. 7-15-J* 2 9 Real Estate For Sale. | $2,600 Bi VS an up-to-date five-room house, No. 252 E. Georgia avenue; easy 'terms. A IL Co«»k, owner, Can»entcr at naJ Bank ' ’ B’ RBAN Bl NGALOW N®w 6-room bungalow; jot 60x400; east front; tile walks; stone front; •:ity water: best of plumbing and bath Owner wants to sell. \ t'b i ,p for " iic orc. <’ah MafT? 1342- ‘ L.Terms. 9-3-42 I FINE CORNER lot on Marietta street to exchange for well located renting prop , erty. Will give or take differenep. Ad ; dress Exchange. Box 97, care Georgian. 9-2-29 l I GFi-’I’R my 5-room cottagp. in good condition, at 8 Gra*iy avenue, just off •South Boulevard., for $1.77'), for prompt, i salp. I »’ Gloip, care Pittsburgh Plate ' '^ aas <-ompan?-' 9-2-14 I I WUd. sell ni> beautiful 6-room east front ' cottagp. at 4! • South Boulevard, for 1 ?2.000. m\ \aiued equity. Go out at once I ■ i ug J ‘' • Hore, Pitts >urg ; ■ - pa j GRANT STREI T HOME $3,000 buys“a dandy 5-romn duelling, 173 Grant st.; I new and moderi throughout: splendid neighborhood It •?. i< please you If you want a home Easy tern's Ed R Havs, ' Cltj Hall 8 77 3 THE 1101 'SE you btiihl buy or i rent vviH not be a modern home unless it is wired for electricity. Fhtttis For Salt? FOR SALE Fifteen acres level, fertile land, nt Concord, Ga on the nrw rail road being built fr*»m Gainesville to Rob ortsfown. Within a short distance of tl.<‘ i-F' i .>.<♦•«! .site c depot and foW hun dred feet of the big school of (,’oncord. A big < pportunitA for right man to cut and sell .i ;<it \ l< t< Terms reasonable A<?'irc'? .J w ixoitn. Route 9, Gaines -9-7-33 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—496 acres south Georgia cut-over timber land for Atlanta tt mm* nt property, improved or unimprove d \ddress. giving full descrip tion, Stovall. P. (» Box 756, Atlanta. Ga 9-6-34 LI’JIIT <’obb county farms for sale, near Acworth, < la We have some bargains in farms .Vh|r*'.-s I <’. Stokely. Real Estate Agent. Acworth. Ga. 9-4-43 Farms for Rent. kOR RENT - Six to fifteen horse farm, one-half to tw«. miles of railroad station G.D_Collins. Flint Ga. 9-4-20 SPLENDID place, close to \tlanta; teie> phone. uit\ watei. tine bottom, well im proved ('hot t road, mile frpm street car \ddress P. <» Box 580, Atlanta Will lease for a totn < f years to a man who will work, no loafers, triflers or •Jeadbea’s wanted. \* ry place for a truck farm an*] dairy. 67-9-3 Timber For Sale. S.VI.E 10.000.600 feet long leaf yel low pine; prices terms, etc. Address I M. 1.. Bainbridge. < la. 33-8-24 Wanted^—Bids. BIDS WANTEI> Ft >R ROAD CONSTRUCT Tl< >N SEALED proposals will be received by IL E , Heitrnan, F ort Myers, Fla., until noon of September 25. 1912. for the clearing, giading and «'<’tion of i»*n miles of shell automobile road between Fort Mvers and Punta Kassa, Fla. The work will consist of approximately 60 acres of clearing, 35,000 cubic yard’s of earth excavation, 15,000 cubic yards compacted shell macadam, 185 cubic yards concrete culvert work and 400 feet of vitrified clay pipe. Profiles and specifications ma\ be had upon application. Bids must he accompanied by certified check for $1,000.00. The right is reserved to reject anv or all blds. II i: HEITMAN, Fort Myers, Fla. Railroad Schedule. SOUTHERN RAILWAY? ■PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH” ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF I’ASSENCER TRAINS, ATLANTA. The following schedule figures are pub lished only as information, and are not guaranteed: No. Arrive From— No. Depart To— -35 N. Y0rk..5:06 am 36 N. York. 12:15 am 13Jaxville. 5:20 am 30 Col'bus... 5:20 am 43 Was'lon. 5:25 am 13 Citici's:3o am 12 Sh’port . 6:30 am 32 Ft. Vai.. 5:30 am M 3jaxville. b:SO am 35 B ham.... 5:45am •17 Toccoa 8:10 am 7 Chat ga.. 6:40 am 20 Hellin... 8:20 am 12 R’mond . 6:55 am 29 N. York.lo:3o am 23 K. City.. 7:00 am 3 Chat'ga 10:35 am 16 Bruns'k . 7:45 am 7 Macon. 10:40 am 29 B'hani... 10:45 am 27 Ft. Vai. 10:45 am 38 N. York. 11:01am 21 t'ol'bus 10:50 am 40 Ch'lotte 12:00 n'n 6 Cinci,.. 11:10 am 6 Macon... 12:20 pm 30 B'liani. 2:30 pin 30 N York.. 2:45 pm 40 B'hain. 12:40 pm 15 Chatt'ga. 3:00 pm 39 Ch'lotte. 3:55 pm 39 B'hain.... 4:10 pm 5 Macon.. 4:00 pm *4B Toccoa... 4:30 pm 37 N York. 5:00 pm 22 Col'bus... 6:10 pm 15 Bruns'k. 7:sopm 5 Cinci.... 5:10 pm II R’mond . 8:30 pm 28 !•'. Valley 5:20 pm 24 K Citv . 9:20 pm 25 Heflin ... 5:45 pm 16 Chatt'ga 9:35 i n 10 Macon . 5:30 pm 2'.' t'ol'biis 10 20 pm 44Wash'n.. 8:45 pm 31 Ft Vai 10:25 pm 24 Jaxvllle.. 9:30 pm 36 B'hani 12:00ngt II Sh’port 11:10 pm 14 Cinci... 11:00 pml *l4 Jaxvllle 11:10 pm Trains marked thus (•> run dally, ex cept Sunday. Other trains rim daily Central time City Ticket Office, No. I Peachtree St Legal Notices. • ■ Sadie S. Ovcrend vs. Andrew Overend. I'etition for Ifivorce. T<» Defendant, \ndrew Overend: ’rake notice that Sadie-S. < ‘verend has filed, in tlu superior court "f said county, suit against y< u for divorce*, and you are hcretiv required to be and appear at said court «»n the first Monday in November, 1912. then and there to answer her com plaint, as in delai'lt thereof said court will proceed as t«» justice shall appertain. Witness the Honorable .1 T. Pendleton, judge of said court, this 7th day of Au gust, 191?. \K.\-oLD BROYLES. Clerk. B <: : '*b JIA ’ ‘ i!i-'D i c'.ini \ sl.i\ Morrison \s. .less), 1. Morrison. Tv Jessie I. Morrison. By ortler of court, you are notified that •ni the 6th da\ of September. 1912, May Morrison filed suit against you for an nulment of marriage returnable to the November ’Term. 1912. You are required to be at the November term 1912, of said court To be the first Monda\ in Nov mber. 1912, to answer the jdaintiff’s complaint. Witness th.' Hon .I T. PENDLETON, judge of said court, this 6th day of Sep tember. 1912 ARNOLD BROYLES ClerD NOTICE TO DEBTORS \ND CREDIT ORS Ail creditors of the estate of John M Hill, late of Fulton county, de- • c'O'.'d. art hereby notified to render in the';- demands to the undersigned accord ing to law. and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make imme diate paxment. September 7. 1912. ' CARROLL PAYNE. Executor of Estate 9-7-71 ADMINISTRATORS SALE GEORGIA Fulton Countj Bj virtue of an orde»‘ of the court of ordinary of said 1 "i'nit. c.r.ii t' i at tl.e September term, i I'l2. will be solo before the court house « oor of said ce 'iitx on the first Tuesday ,in O'lvL . next, within tlu legal hours iof sale, the following property of the es tate of Earm st i. Williams, deceased, to wit; A b- nd for title interest in all that. | tract or parcel of lard lying and being in land lot .74. of th* Fourteenth district f Fulton county. Georgia, .nd more par ticular!,' d» scribed us follows. Beginning at a point on tht east side of Fraser .••treet. seventy-seven am! three tenths feet south of the .southeast eoriuT of Fraser ar'' Hass streets and extending thence south along tin east side of Fraser street ■, ■ . • extendh ‘.m e widti. as ir« nt ••r.e 5 undn »1 and for ts f»‘*"t to the west sid< of a t en-foot al h \ I’he house on said lot known as 3.78 Ft a-' r "‘reet Tern - cash. Gi.RM.vXIA SXsiX'.s BANK. Bs PETER 1" CLARKE Cashier. . . »r y-7-63 Real Estate For Sale. Houses For Rent. W. A. Foster & Raymond Robson Real Estate, Renting and Loans. Bell Phones 1031-1032. 11 Edgewood ave. Atlanta Phone 1881. | FOR SALE. FOH RENT. I AT 43 GREENWOOD AVENUE «« have 15 ALICE ST. the nicest home proposition on the north sole, at the price we have on It for quick ox right going out Alice street, he i sale. Ha. eight rooms, nicely finished tween Pryor and Central, we have a ni''• mantels and fixtures, the lot is lower floor, five-room flat, with cabinet 75x165 to ar, alley t'au handle this on mantels, gas. bath and sink in the kltch terrns of SSOO cash an I S3O per month en - convenient to schools, churches and I See Mr White. car lines and within close walking dis- I tanee of the business portion of the city. Price. $22,50. j 3 AC RES near East Lake Junction at har- j gain price and terms. See Mr. Hook 297 COOPER ST. 1 EAST FIFTH ST., we have"a lovelv ox the rigllt B°* n § out Cooper street, be house of eighi rooms: has all improve- i t ,?’ ee " B ? s \, Tennessee, we have ■moms and ft.i ~a< . heat The house i< half of a ,lo ' jble house, consisting of six li t 'tieallv fin: died ins de larsre ro °ms, with gas. ! a U) and sink in the Price. $6,000' easy lorm- ' See n>- kitchen; convenient to schools and '" e ' r ' 1f ' churches, one block from car line; includ- ing city water $15.60. ' ?o'"’- 1 11, 1 k”'' 'T> ST between Spring and \v liiiams, we have a beautiful 94 WHITEHALL TERRACE. ti'm' , ;'<‘.r"a m'i' 8 Dew?”® ,<X ' a '‘ OX lh * left RoiriK out white hall Terrace. ' ce Mr . Dews. between Whitehall and Richardson OAK ST .. Streets, we have h&lf of a double house. roori>- and ,r ’, ”> , u , er - "ve consisting of six rooms, with gas. bath to an alley I t' 7 nn"'n- Lo ' 51x ’. 50 a ”‘i sink in the kitchen: convenient to Mr White ’ ' O ’' J Terms. See schools and churches and car line; in- „ eluding city water $15.60. IF \ OP HAVE MONEY TO LOAN, WE ('AN PLACE IT. FOR RENT. '• i- h BNv ° r i.'mJ “7*' 9r ' 11 349 Central ave 32.50 9 r h iv w rI , '2 00 8 r - h - 111 E - Ellis st (Sept. 141.. 30.00 i 7 36 Y.o Rt 40 ' 00 8r h - 307 Pulliam st. ... 32.50 J r, h. .36 < ave 30.00 8 r h. 378 Piedmont ave 45.00 d - or,t>t,on * JOHN J. WOODSIDE. !HE RENTING AGENT. 12 AUBURN AVENUE. PHONE MAIN 613. FOR RENT BY E. RIVERS REALTY COMPANY 8 WEST ALA BA MA STREET. ; -}y E ' we have this splendid eight-i-onm bourse on an elevated month H splendid repair and in first-class neighborhood. $45.00 per K ' Y- ou wi ." n< l, thl ? ei K ht -room two-story house with all modern *mnveniences.Very desirable for two small families. Only *35.00 ppr month. 369 t'ENTRAL AVE. This Is an eight-room two-story house with all conven iences. Good neighborhood and splendid location. $30.00 per month. Ml MILLS ST This is a rive-room house, in good repair. Has bath and gas. and only a short walk from center of city $22.50 per month. Modern Apartment Cheap HE m F iti» apartments on the south side. Brick, marble finish side ™ } I *cn 4 nin o l ,er , VPar: lar ?e and on the best street on this side. Will sell for $40,000, or trade equity for smaller property. Carries 6 per cent loan See Mr. Grant v per RALPH O. COCHRAN CO. HARRIS G WHITE, Sales Manager. APARTMENTS THE BERKELEY. Eleventh Street, Corner Crescent Avenue. ’HIE new Eleventh street apartments just off of Peachtree. Six rooms anti sleeping porch. Cool, quiet, comfortable. Ex clusively .situated. Every modern convenience. Building just completed, and you can move in now. TURMAN. BLACK & CALHOUN. Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. AT CL AR KSTON. PRETTIEST SIX-ROOM HOUSE; half acre; shady, corner lot: flower garden and chicken yard; block of depot; 8c car fare. terms. $2,150. ALSO LOVELY HOMES, with acreage, at Mountain View and Forest Park: on easy BADGER REAL ESTATE AGENCY. 307 Fourth National Bank. Atlanta. A HOME BARGAIN. I AM leaving the city and desire to sell at a bargain my home on best stree t and in tine neighborhood. I must saurifice in order t o get small amount on which to move away and get settled. Will sell furni ture. including piano, all at a bargain, and want bids o n either or all. • Address Bargain. P. O. Box 277, A tlanta. <la. BARGAINS $4,250 -SPRING STREET eight-room house, modern in every wav. Don't wait This is tlie best buy on the street. You go look at it and make an offer. $3,500 AUGUSTA AVENUE, six-room close to Grant Park. If you want a nice little home at a bargain; easy terms. See this. SIO,OOO WES T I'l-lAt'J 1 TREE home, corner lot. with a pretty eight-room house on it. with every convenience; a perfect beauty. You will have to see it to appreciate it. Can arrange terms. $5,500- BUNGALOW. St. Charles avenue, near Druid Hills. Here is a classy little home. sure, stone front and hardwood floors See this at once, before it is gone. Can arrange easy terms. Martin-Ozburn Realty Co. Third National Bark Building. Phone Ivv 1276: Atlanta 208.) North Side Bungalow NEAR DRUID HILLS, on a large lot. we have a modern, up-to-date bun galow. with all conveniences, that is just being completed, which we can offer for :i few days for only $5,500. This home is ideal in every respect, ami Is a bargain at this price. Term s. See us quick. EVERETT & EVERETT 224 Brown-Randolph Bldg. Phone M. 3392 Money To Loan. Money To Loan. MONEY TO LEND WE ARE IN Pt'S! llt>N to handle good, first-class mortgage real estate loans from 6to 7 per cent from 3 to 5 years The e is no deiay in get- ~ is. L. H. JI RALPH O. COCHRAN COMPANY 13 SOUTH BROAD STREET. .. » * Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale Medium-Priced Property WHEN LAND gets up to $8,200 a front foot (like the corner of Peachtree and Auburn), it is right expensive, aud few traders can handle it. AVE OFFER a medium priced business property on Edgewood avenue, near Fort street (only six blocks out), at S2OO a foot. It is 47x129 to a 20-foot street in rear; has small frame building: lot already excavated to basement depth. Reasonable terms. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR — g—~—rs— !— — ——s= f JOHNSON & YOUNG REAL ESTATE. 215 Peters Building. Bell Phone Main 2245 IN THREE BLOCKS OF FIVE POINTS, we have a lot .’>oxllo feet, with an old house, renting for $40.00 per month. This will make you $5,000 in six months. Let ns talk to you about it. AS THE CAR LINE f() FfONTaylor ty, we would like to show you some small tracts on that line. They are beauties, and sure to double in value. l->0 ACRES ON 'I HE NORTH SIDE, on one of the best automo bile roads out of Atlanta: 50 acres in high state of cultiva tion, balance in pasture and timber. Five-room cottage in beau tiful grove, two houses, four wells, two good springs. 4.000 feet railroad frontage. Trains stop at place. 'Phis is in fine shape to cut in small tracts. Will sell at a bargain, and make good terms. WE WANT TO SEE YOI ABOUT 20 ACRES of as fine laud as there is in Cobb county, close to Smyrna. Ga., and ear line. New five-room house, young orchard: land lies well, fresh, ami all good. You ought to see the potatoes raised there this year. If you are looking for something first class, you ought to see this. IN ONE OF THE BEST RESIDENCE SECTIONS (>F THE CITY we have a beautiful brick home that must be sold. This place was built for a home: has lot 50x300 feet. East front. 'Phis can be had for small cash payment, balance easy. If you are looking for a home proposition this should not be overlooked. ON ONE OF THE.MAIN RESIDENCE STREETS wTliav? a nice five-room cottage, practically new. on a lot 100x140; nice shade, nicely elevated. We want an offer of $3,250. This is a sacrifice proposition, as owner is leaving the city. M. L. PETTY & E: L. HARLING REAL ESTATE. 32 EAST ALABAMA ST. ON IVY STREET, we have a business lot 50x130 Shat we offer for $28,000. This is the cheapest lot on the street, and if you are looking for one that is in line for enhancement, you can not afford to overlook this proposition. Good terms can be had. ON CHEROKEE AVENUE, we offer a six-room cottage on a lot 50x250. for $3,500. This is a $5,000 place being offered at our price for quick sale. If you have SI,OOO cash and can pay $40.00 a month, see us at once. ON PONCE DE LEON AVENUE, we have one of the most desirable corner build ing lots on the street that we offer for SIOO a front foot. If you are think ing of building a home you can not afford to overlook .this corner lot. Take it up with us at once. NEAR PEACHTREE ROAD, in Ansley Park, we have a new nine-room, two story house, lot 62%x300; nice sleeping porch, oak floors, furnace heat ami every other convenience. We are offering this pla<;e tor $10,500. If you have a desirable vacant lot we will take it in as part payment See us at once if you are in the market for a modern north side home. Luckie Street Between Cone and Spring $725 PER FRONT FOOT if sold within the next few days: after that $750. Size, 20x60. This is a good opportunity to get an economical 10l in a location where values are increasing every day. Property in the next block sold for $l,lOO front foot last week Don't delay. SII,OOO BUYS one of the nicest homes in Ansley Park. Two stories, nine rooms, furnace heat; lot 70x200. This Is a eheap place at the price. EDWIN P. ANSLEY I * ’ REALTY TRUST BUILDING. PHONES IVY 1600 and ATLANTA 363. J. R. NUTTING & CO) * LOANS, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE. * Sol-4 Empire Lite Bldg. Main 141 nN FORREST AVENUE, near Bedford, we have a bargain in modern eight-room home: comparatively new. There is a straight loan of $3,750 ~n this property, and we would consider an offer around $2,000 for the remaining equity. For rea sons, the owner is very anxious to sell at once. Make us an offer. WE ARE just completing a BEAUTIFUL SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW, with stone front, hardwood floors ami otherwise complete: near corner of Highland ave nue and Highland View: best of car service. Attractive as a home and excel lent as an investment We have been considering whether wo should charge $5- 250 for this, but if sold immediately we are going to let it go al $5,000 Better be prompt. See Mr. Gay. ONE BLOCK of Grant park and few feet from wiouble car line, we have seven room two-story BUNGALOW, nice enough for even the fastidious The lot is not very large, but this is more than offset in the price. Has gas. water heater, two toilets, spacious closets, and is altogether attractive. Owner is mov ing to the country, and will sell, if taken at once, for $3,350. Good for a home and a place that wo i d return your money easily in future should \ou wisli to sell. We can sell it on dead easy terms, too Store and 3-Room Dwelling Conibineo ( ORXLK LO I, only $850,5->0 cash and -fill |x*r month. Corner of Oliver and AVestern street. One block from Kennedy street car I ine <>r from River ear line. W. M. Scott & R. S Morris 210 Gould Building. Houses For Rent. ‘ Houses Foj Rent. TURMAN, BLACK & CALHOUN 203-S EMPIRE BUILDING. ' RETAIL STORES AND BUILDINGS. FOR RENT—ROOMS ANO HoI'SFS FORSYTH STREET- Three excellent stores at S6O each; right at Mitchell 5-r.. flat 124 E. Fair street S2O 60 street, in the retail section. 6-r. apartment Eleventh street .3 80.00 132 MARIETTA STREET Between 6-r. flat, 70 Whitehall Terraet .. 1) / 22.60 Spring and Bartov. ; fine; near in and ‘Ji * str ect 14 60 cheap for SIOO. Winter heat .furnished. J’ r * J 1 * -’•* 1 unninghatn place ... 22.50 59 AND .-,2 AUBURN' A VENUE- Fine ' rZlw’* place fur some factory branch. Be- K .. , linn in»Ti \ ..J , W' '.'o'. a 7 < ! in PryOr ,:arh S, " re « » . East "fi 's" 1 ' |,la<e ' ' 'I MJ bx 109; >IOO per n.ontn, t -. r h ,. :ast Ba ker street Z’. 37!!, 12 SOUTH BROAI> STRrJET—Four 8-r h . l Mell avenue . ... “2 50 stories Will rent all or sub-divide. 8-r. h.. 179 Sinclair avenue . ” 50 i)u Fine lease Retail •listrict. 8-r. li . 272 \shby street LL 20 00 6 MADISON .WRNI i: Five stories and 8 »’ ’■ ■ 36 ? Spring street 45 00 basement; fireproof, modern, concrete B * r )• • Hast Merritts avenue building. Every convenience. Will rent t furnished) 80 00 as a whole or sub-divide to suit tenant. 8-1 h • stewart avenue (newr. 35.00 AUBURN AVENUE—Just off Ivy street. <2*!? i? 2 ** ?2 00 Five-story building Best in the city 19 „J • ‘ Wawhimrt n A e v T.y clo " e !"• 12J h.’. KM teuth its.- X'l" mm IVY STREET Big building. Mill con- .... structlon. Right at Edgewood avenue. ~—— Four stories. , , “ 65 HAST ALABAMA STREET Excel- J:'.lUJ', f 7,. c . lent retail store: 25 by 12': feet, and LT? -L E '’bd floor; basement .-ante size Water, gas. elec ♦».r»o<> equate feeler; cheap. tricity, and piped for heat only $l5O 12 S'»UTH Bit' ».\D STREET AH or arTv per month one of thret* floors; 1,500 square feet to 84 ~IVv ■ STRi<i ':t”rW> t'TfirthiTcorner’of Nuburn avenue Ari excellent little .WEST MiT< lIELE STREET Fine retail place, 20 b\ 35 feet, for S4O. ond story l<*ft .7,000 square feet. We Have Plenty of Money to Loan on Real Estate.