Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, September 07, 1912, HOME, Page 15, Image 15
■ • - - . ■ , » ' ■ ' "' . . AXT) FOR PROFIT — GEORGIAN WANT ADS— USE FOR RESULTS SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 7. 1912. ! eal Estate Fo s Sale Real Estate For Sale. farm in town 142 1-2x400 * A SEA EN-ROOM house that could not be dupli- . fated for less than three thousand dollars, three blocks from North Decatur car line, two blocks from Deeatur to* Clifton car line; tiled walk / * from station to house; has water, sewerage, gas » electric lights, porcelain bath: o-cent <ar fare; lot has all kinds of fruit, im lm’ling pearlies, pears, cherries, tigs, sbuppernotigs; splendid garden. Buv this, and \ 011 can laugh at the high prices of living. Price $3,750. on reasonable terms. J. M. DUNWODY 212-213 EMPIRE BUILDING. U - __ A W hole Land Lot In •Cobb Countv 40 At RES. on the main Roswell-Marietta public road. Five miles from Roswell. 7 miles to Marietta. 3 miles to the river and Johnson Ferry road. Ten acres in large pine timber, balance cleared farm land. Small orchard, this is one of the best sections of Cobb county. Good neighbors, school and churches. The adjoining farms are held at SSO per acre. Price $1,250. Terms. CHAS. P. GLOVER REALTY CO. 2 1-2 Walton Street. We Are Building Now AT JEFFERSON PARK, EAST POINT, a five-room cottage on corner lot, 84x150 feet to alley. The lot is level; the house has parlor, dining room, kitchen, hall through center, with two bed rooms; large veranda; latticed porch with well; oak mantels with tile: well built throughout. Small tush payment and S2O a month burs it. ■ W. D. BEATIE BOTH PHONES 3520. 207 Equitable Building. BUY THIS TODAY NEW. SIX-ROOM bungalow, best residence section of West End. convenient to two car lines; elevated, level lot. stone front. I double floors, tile bath, high-class mantels, and combination fix tures. A beauty, a gem. a bargain. Only $3,500. Terms. RAMSEY, GREEN & ANDERSON ‘4. 214-215 Empire Building. Main 66, Atlanta 344. 52 and 54 WEST HARRIS STREET THIS IS GOOD semi-centra 1 property to buy right H is going higher. Lol 52 b> 125, with 15-fout alley on th*' side, ’’an offer this for short time at 1300 per front foot. It will soon be put to $.350. so see me at once about this. (). S. HARRIS. Real Estate. Main 1387. 805 Empire Building. DILLIN-MORRIS CO. 4 ; 609-10 Atlanta National Bank Bldg. Both Phones 4234 • L $5,500 WILL BUY a beautiful new six-room furnace heated bungalow on the north side, on large, shady lot. We would like for, you to see this and pass .judgment on it. flood terms, $3,750 WE HAVE a dandy little six-room bungalow on lot 50x200. covered with . shade trees. This is onl» one block from school and car line; house is new; has furnace beat: etc. Terms, $l5O cash and $25 per month. fsTOOO FOil a two-storv nine-room house on lot 50x200 to alley. This is $750 under its value, owner leaving the city and must sell. Easy terms. VvK _ HAVE two beauties in ne» furnace heated bungalow. We can sell on S2OO cash. $25 per month. SALESMEN-FRED C. WOODALL AND CHAS. R. COLLINS Ponce DeLeon Avenue Corner —loox2oUto 10-foot Aliev. A BARGAIN ON THIS BEAUTIFUL ST. No information over Phone. Call in person at office. ATLANTA DEVELOPMENT COMPA NY, 609-13 Third National* Bank Building. ] ’ J. L. BOWLES & CO. li 205 Austell Building (first Hour . Phone M. 5534. IE you own your lot or have it partly paid for. we will build you a home on terms like rent: or if you can make a reasonable cash payment, we will buy you a lot and build you a home to your own ideas. Plans designed and drawn on short notice al very reasonable prices. Your business will he highly appreciated. North Side Investment IN GOOP whit? section rented b' good white tenants, we offer a good five-room ’’Ouse, renting for *3OO per year, for >3,000. House is in gon<l repair. A real barga r. ub at one* Nn loan to assume Reasonable 'erms \ WILSON BROS. *Ol EMPIRE BLDG j THE HOUSE you will build, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for Electricity. Real Estate For Sale. • Real Estate For Sale. Ralph O. Cochran Company’ (Incorporated) Real Estate. Renting and Loans. 19 South Broad Street. HERE IS A BEAUTY. ON CLEBLRNE AVE. we have i b.autifu! s-room residence, Svivant' house and laundry, hardwood floors and up-to-dai- in every way. for $6,250. Lot has 72 feel frontage. Keas.>«able terms. INVESTMENT. ON BUTLER, between Decatur and Gilmer street*. lot 70x200. alley on side, 4 houses on the lot. Price $l5O per font. CENTRAL AVENUE. IN WALK of the business < enter we have a good 8-rooin house on good 10l for $3,750 on reasonable terms. This is close in and good. COOPER STREET HOME—S2,IOO. IN GOOD SECTION on t'oope street we have a good 6-room cottage large lot for $2,100. S3OO cash and $25.00 per month. KIRKWOOD BUNGALOW. , ON HARDEE S! , near Warren. 6 rooms and large lot. < ii\ watt- and sewer. Price, $2,750. SIOO cash and $20.00 pe month. Salesmen; H. W. GRAN’I'. C. W. COCHRAN. HARRIS G. WHITE Sales Manager. Property Owners, Attention ! List Your Property With Us. W E HA\ Ea number of clients who are looking for homes on the north side, from $6,000 10 SIO,OOO. We also have pu>- chasers for investment properties If you have anything that will meet the above requirements. Rst it with our Mr. Stratton Give this vour immediate atteut; >n. E. I’. ANSLEY. Realty Trust Building. Ivy 1600. Atlanta 363. FOR SAI F MONEY IN ACREAGE. ! X7 1\ X (Opposite Inman Park.) T T T I\T T Between Hardee and Main streets, suit- 11 J I I IN| I able for subdivision; fronts about 600 fee* J J • on Georgia railroad. Desirable terms if WOODS I DE ™ ’•■*• >'«■ » ♦ < ' \ y _i_>* a 12 Auburn Avenue. Semi-Central Property SB,OOO WILL BUY a close-in north side piece of prop erty. just off Peachtree street: present improve ments now rented for $53.00 per month. This will make a quick profit. Terms easy. If interested see . W. L. & JOHN O. DuPREE Real Estate. 50J-2 Empire Building. Bell Phone. Main 3457. Atlanta Phone 930. (west third street bargain I ■■ ’ [■ FOR $1,500 we offer you a nice 4-room ebtlage on a j good size lot. No loan. I’erms SIOO cash, balance . $15.00 per mouth. ' HARPER REALTY COMPANY 717 THIRD NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. BELL PHoXE l\ Y 4286. ATLANTA PHoNE 672. . J. H. EWING ~~~ 116 Cndler. REAL ESTATE. Ground Floor CENTRAL INVESTMENT IHAI OP I'ERS BIG PROFITS. In two blocks of Five Points can sell a piece of central property for less than the building could be built for today. It looks like a $25,000 profit. Call at office. Ivy 1839. .1. H. EWING. Atlanta 2865. BEAUTIFUL SIX ROOM BUNGALOW. Lot 60x400. I EAST FRONT; beautiful from yard, stone front: cabinet mantels citv water, bath electric lights; everything to make a home comfortable, out in the fresn | air Owner must sell. Small cash payment: balance $25 per month * ATLANTA SUBURBAN REALTY COMPANY. 31 Inman Building. .. GRAN’I’ PARK HOME. (j R KII N iv (Six-Room Beauty.) I ORMOND ST. newly painieci beautifully elevated lot; six rooms, with all con a, x'-x x T r % X. * X r venlen- es: bargain price, $3,500. Term* U 11 |\/1 y 511 Umpire Bldg. Phone® 1590. Real Estate, (Unting Loans. HOME SEEKERS • ARE YOl in the market for a home? If so. i> will be to vour interest to confer with us at once LISTEN! Do you own a lot anywhere in the city or sub urbs paid for nr half paid for? If so, let us build a Louse on it to suit your Ideas and arrange terms like rem or easier. Houses we build range second to none in point of workmanship, material and beauty Ask our customers. Plans and specifications will cost you nothing Gate City 7 Home Builders RHAL ESTATE AND Bl ILDERS. 809 Third National Bank Building. Phone Ivy 3047. WILLIAMS-HARTSOCK CO. * REAL ESTATE AND BUILDERS. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. Phona 2 106 Main W E WANT TOP to bear in mind tba' wo build GOOD HOMES. W e build either for ash or on easy terms Wh> noi let us build and finant ea home for vour vacant lor' You select your plants or come to us and lei us help you Jr. the event that vou do not own a lot, we will purchase you one and build a house to suit your 'a*l e I>i > rop IGxt a dandy new Bungalow on W .i;!;i, * :<C avenu ry’ ~ We~ar7 just beginning one on this pretty stree' Will let vmi selrc: mantels lix *U'«s. color-' paints, etc Will sell sou the place .11 . <o rni s, and for Irc-s (han you will be able to buy it for within fie months from now REST Rl'l IN \ SCAN"! L< r'r ((N NORTH SIDE 18 feet frontage, all stre< im provements b>wn and paid for; close to P<a<htree srrmi p ~f i ~irs< >« i , good resident se-'mn For milck sale, we can le- ft ipie for *1,700, It is worth ' e.,i\ er: of t ’.lO't. half 'ash balance aoa 'gej NE'Jl:'' HOUSES RENTING *24 pr ■ : ■ ... 400 “ | ADAIR’S 1J ST. A Six-Acre Place For SI,OOO. Go out Cheshire Briuge road, right at 1 end of paved portion. 100 yards off I main road, a fi-aerc place, with no im provements; will take SI,OOO cash. This is in land lot 7 of Fulton county. No. 71 Waddell Street. Price $2,600. THIS is a. 5--oom cottage, with gas, wjtthi' and bath; half a block north of Edgewood avenue, in Inman Park: rents J 25; price. $2,800: easy terms. Decatur Lots. 70x200. Brice SBOO. BI Y a residence lot in Decatur be fore they go up in price. We have five building lots at Adams street in natural grove: city improvements; reasonable terms. 660 Washington Street, Loi 50x200. A 2-SToRY. 8-room residence in Washington Heights, near Jefferson street, nt tv and supplied with all con veniences. Price $4,500. 1450 DeKalb Avenue. Price $2,500. THIS is a new 6-room cottage on main Decatur car line, near Clifton street, the type of place that usually sells for $3,250; we have marked it down to $2,500. South Boulevard. A Six-Room Cottage. THIS is just beyond Glennwood ave nue. in next block from Grant Park school, and in the desirable section, near the park, a good home for $3,250. 55 Augusta Avenue. Lot 50x170., A 6-ROOM Cottage on south side of Augusta avenue. opposite Grant street, in two blocks of the park. We will sell this place foi $3,500 and give easy terms J 96 East Pine Street. Another $3,500 Place. IT IS UNUSUAL to find any near-in north side residence offered at $3,500. Here is a two-story residence, lot 37 1-2x150 feet, with 20-foot alley in rear; house nearly new; on car line; easy walk from center, rents S3O; price $3,500. 82 Lake Avenue. On Easy Payments. THIS 5-room cottage is near Inman Park; lot 45x120; has gas, water and plumbing; price $2,100; terms, SIOO cash end S2O a month. ! A 50-Acre Place Near East Lake. THIS tract lies on northwest corner of Candler street and Pharr, in the ter- I ritory lying south of Deeatur, toward East Ivake. Pharr road runs off the paved road that goes through Druid Hills, and road. Price, $15,000. \ Trad For Sale With 9(10 Feet Frontage. ON MAXWELL ST., right at Oakview station, close to car line, 900 feet in a both , covet ed with oak trees; runs bad: 220 feet; lias 20-foot lane in rear, all perfect building frontage, a good spec ulative purchase. Price $5,000. A Large Corner Lot on East Lake Drive. FRONTS 360 feet <>n the paved road, bne block from car line, runs back I’roin 300 to 500 fe< t. another street in rear, the kind of place to buy for next season’s trading. Price, $4,500. A Large Trad on East Lake Road Near 1 he ('ountry Club. $9,750- This is an entire block on the ea.-t side of the paved road, one block north from the Country club entiance, taking up rhe entire frontage between Fair and Tupelo streets, a distance of 730 feet. The land extends alo/tg Fair Street over 1.000 feet. It is an un equaled home site and lies well for subdivision. WASHINGTON ST. < 'orner Fair St. THIS tract fronts 192 f-2 feet on Washington and runs back 227 feet (along no'tli sidr of Fair street; brick I residence. In center of lot; one of the largest ne.c-in trams in the city. En tire property for $30,000. DECATUR STREET. Near Grant Street. NOS ::62*\ND 364 DF.CATI R ST. Lot 50x120, just a little beyond Fort street, in one of the busy spots on a busy street. Price, $8,750. only $175 a foot. 5 CASTLEBERRY ST. $•3.750- 2»lan\ people like to buv near in property, bur ar<* deterred by high prices. Here we offer an Investment properly barely without the half-mi' circle, and only 70 feet from Forsyth street T*he lot fronts 28 feet and runs back 92 feet, but is 38 feet wide in the rear. Terms, one-third cash. FORRLST A GEORGE ADAIR. Real Estate For Sale. LANDS FOR SALE BY THOS. W. JACKSON. Fourth National Bank Bldg. ' Atlanta, Ga. Bell Phone M. 5211. 226 ACRES. i 101-2 MILES from Atlanta, on main public road —a m?w 5- | room bungalow, three new ten- Janl houses, barns and other out- I buildings. A large lake stocked j with Black Bass; fine fishing and j boating; nice orchard. -4(10 fruit ! trees; 125 acres of land in high | state of cultivation, balance in j pasture and timber, with running water, dust the place for you to buy and sub-divide in small tracts. Price $22,000. Easy ferms. 392 A (TIES. AN IDEAL modern dairy farm: 300 acres of river bottom; 75 acres of red pebbly up-land; 100 head of graded Jersey cows. Two-story, 6-room residence, 5 tenant houses, two large barns and other outbuildings. This place would have to be seen to be appreciated. There is nothing else like it in Georgia. 232 ACKES; , WELL ADAPTED to stock rais ing. I am in position to sell this place for $2,600, if sold by October 1. Here is an oppor tunity to double your money. - A NICE little Cobb county farm on main public road, two miles of cherted road to the city; 50 acres in cultivation, balance in pasture and timber. Nice 4-room cottage. new barn, splendid , orchard. Belongs to a non-resi dent. and will sell at a bargain ' on easy terms. 90 ACRES. A SPLENDID little farm. Five room, weather-boarded cottage, ceiled and painted; one tenant house, two barns, buggy house, 1 smoke house, crib, nice orchard; t all kind of fruits. Twenty-five I acres of land in cultivation, 16 ; acres in pasture under wire fence with running water. Can sell . this if sold at once for $1,250 cash. 50 ACR’ES; A GOOD 5-room cottage, barn i and other outbuildings. Lo- II rated on main public road; nice orchard. 25 acres in cultivation, balance in pasture and timber; good healthy section, good neigh bors. Price SI,OOO cash. You f can't make a mistake in buying this piece of land. I ___________ 1 ONE OF THE very best farms on the Chattahoochee river to its size. Sixty-seven acres of rich, level bottom land in cultivation, balance in pasture and timber. A good 4 room cottage, barn, ten ant house and other outbuildings. This place can be bought for S3O per acre, on easy terms, and if you don't double your money it will be your own fault. 13S ACRIS. A BEAUTIFUL North Georgia mountain home—9-room, 2- story bungalow, with spring wa ter piped by hydraulic ram. This place belongs to a gentleman that lias gone North, and he has in structed me to sell it. No rea sonable offer will lie refused. Im provements cost SIO,OOO. Make a fine summer resort or sanita rium. THOS. W. JACKSON. Four!h National Bank Bldg. Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. THOMSON & LYNES 18 and 20 Walton St. Both Phones 458. $5,250. HIGHLAND AVENI'E. near Cleburne avenue. Here we offer a seven-room cot tage i»n lot 70 by 190 feet to alley The house is exceptionally well built, with all city improvements. Terms. *3.750. NEAR THE CORNER of North Boulevard and East avenue, seven-room cot tage. on good sized, level lot The house is in good condition, and can be had on easy terms - . $3,350. DARGAN STREET, near Lucile avenue. West End five-room bungalow, on ele vated. level, cast front lot, with every city convenience: $350 cash, assume loan, of $1,500; balance $25 per month. Cheaper than rent. $2,5( X). •)N SPRING STREET, near Twelfth street; vacant lot. 50 by 165 feet: level and ready to build on an ideal home section. Terms. THE L C. GREEN CO. rei.M. ESTATE. 305-6 Third National Bank Bldg. Ivy 2943. <)\ PROMINENT CURNEK. within two blocks of Peachtree street, we have for sale brick stores »n lot 40x64 Rentals under lease to high class tenants lit <J 10.00 per month You can own this by paying one-half cash balance one and two years. at 6 per cent. Property on this street increasing rapidly. ORTH ■ s< » M reland venue thre< lots, 50x150. Tile walks and all improvements down Pi<k-ups. Chance io build here and make a good profit. •C< »ME T<» SEE CS. THE L. C. GREEN CC - —— - • » « a'zß*,. • Real Estate For Sale. gHARP & ANSLEY PARK, WE HAVE just had listed with us t''o new modern homes in Anslev Hark. Ihese are modern, convenient io ear line, have furnace and everv convenience needed to make a nice home, \V e can sell these on terms. M’DAN IEL STREET. " H-''® a Proposition on this street that will make some one a good in vestment; lot runs through to another street, and we can sell this as a whole or we can divide it so that you won’t ha\e to ('any a. vacant lot with your investment; something good here. OR ME WOOD PARK. WE HAVE a vacant lot in this beauti ful section that we can sell for $75«. This lot has a cherted street in front— and juat listen, it is 70 feet front, and runs back 260 feet. This sounds mjghtv cheap to us. SUBURBAN HOME. A BEAUTIFUL stone front 6-room cottage of six rooms, on a. lot 64x 410. Owner will sell cheap, and wants to sell at once. Legal Notice. GEORGIA—FuIton County. To Whom It May Concern: Clift C. Johnson, of Muscogee county, Georgia, claiming to own five shares of the capi tal stocs of the J. K. Orr Shoe Company, a corporation with its principal office for merly at Columbus, Muscogee county, Georgia, but now at Atlanta. Fulton coun ty, Georgia, has filed his petition tn the superior court of Fulton county, (Georgia, seeking to establish copy of certificate for such five shares of capital stock, al leging that said J. K. Orr Shoe Company issued the original, and that said orig inal certificate has been lost. A descrip tion of the copy sought to be established is as follows: "Shares SIOO Each. Number 40. Shares 5. J. K. ORR SHOE COMPANY, Columbus. Ga. This Is to certify that Cliff C. Johnson is the owner of five shares of the capital stock of the J. K. Orr Shoe Company, of Columbus, Ga Transferable on the books of the said company in person or by power of attorney only after full com pliance with by-law fifteen of this com pany. and on presentation and delivery of this certificate. In witness whereof the aald company has caused its corporate seal to be af fixed hereto and this certificate to be signed by its president and treasurer this Ist day of May, 1903 J. K. ORR. President. W. J. PEABODY, Treasurer. (Corporate Seal.) Incorporated 1893.'' Said petition will be heard bv the judge of the superior court of Fulton county. Georgia, presiding In the motion division of said court, at 9:30 o'clock am., Octo ber sth. 1912, or as soon thereafter as practicable, at the court house of Ful ton county (old Chamber of Commerce building). Atlanta. Georgia, and you are hereby notified to be and appear at said time and place to show rauoe. If any vou can, why the prayers of said petition’ shall ' not be granted, and why said copy shall not be established in lieu of the orginal ' certificate alleged to have been lost. This September 4, 1912. GEO. L. BELL. Judge Superior Court, Atlanta Circuit 9-7-7 SPENCER, TEACHER’S SLAYER, BLITHE AND COOL IN DEATH CELL BOSTON, Sept. 7. —Bertram G. Spen cer, who is condemned to die for the murder of Miss Martha Blackstone, a Springfield school teacher, arose almost blithely today In his cell at Charles town prison. A night In the cell where Clarence V. T. Richeson passed his last days seemed to have no effect upon the pris oner. He got up to begin his day In the death houge with the same dis play of indifference which marked hitn on his arrival as one of the coolest condemned men the prison authorities ever watched through his last hours, Spencer still hopes for a commuta tion of his sentence to life imprison ment. ROMAN CANDLES FIRED TO END PEST OF BLACKBIRDS TOPEKA. KANS., Sept. 7.—A ton of Roman candles were fired at the biack •birds here in an effort to kill off the pests. Not one bird was hit. 15