Newspaper Page Text
One-fourth of Fulton County's
Share Raised in Few Minutes.
Enthusiasm Runs High.
Real life and vitality was injected
into the Woodrow Wilson campaign in
Georgia last night, when at a Demo
cratic dinner given in the Case Durand
more than $2,500 was raised "as a cam
paign fund starter, and plans were ac
tively set on foot to raise 127.500 more
throughout the state
Asa G. Candler, of Atlanta, led off
by putting his name down for sl,uoo,
and Senator Hoke Smith immediately
followed with a subscription of SSOO.
Right along behind the senator .-a me
James R. Gray and TV. W. Orr with $250
each; then Edward T. Brown chipped
in SIOO He was followed quickly by
Hooper Alexander and Marion Smith
with SSO />a<h.
After these big subscriptions were
recorded, the smaller hut none the less
enthusiastic Wilsonites present fairlv
fell over themselves getting into the
game, and when t the amounts wee.
footed up it was found that this om
dinner-rally alone had produced
52fi of campaign "sinews of war."
Last nights dinner was arranged bv
a number of leading citizens of At
lanta. frankly for tiic purpose .if con
sidering wavs and means of financing
the Wilson fight in Georgia and
throughout the nation
Georgia Asked to Raise 530.000.
Subscriptions are being asked by the
national committee from privates in
ihe Democratic ranks, as contributions
from the big corpoiatioris and special
interests will not be received A limit
of SI,OOO has been put upon individua
subacriptions. tine may s.tbieriln as
email an amount as he chooses.
Georgia is expected to raise sllO (gin
Os this amount. Fulton wllj undertake
to provide SIO,OOO. the smaller counties
a second Sjn.OOO. and the larger ,
ties, outside of Fulton, the third Sin -
Asa G. Candler went the limit in
starting the subscription, and Fulton's
SIO,OOO will be raised "light off tile
reel.” *
After listening to enthusiastic
speeches from Senator Hoke Smit i
Judge John S. Candler, Hooper Al \
ander. J. K. Orr and Asa g. Candle)
a committee, composed of Walter I’
Andrews. John Brice, Lucian Harris
Harrison Jones. W. J. Harris and Hat
ry Silverman, was appointed to take
in hand the raising of th. necessary
funds throughout the state, and was
authorized to create such sub-commit
tees to that end as it saw fit
The utmost enthusiasm prevailed
throughout the dinner, and the Dem
ocratic outlook was viewed optimis
tically by all present. A hunt 1 tio citi
zens attended.
A Week of Business and Uplift Mingled With
Merriment and Innocent Pleasure
Monday the 16th B. M. C., Grand United Order of Odd Fellows, America, the Biennial Congress of the largest and most
representative negro secret order in the world, will convene in our city, in the Auditorium-Armory. More than 10,000 delegates
and visitors will greet the opening session.
T") yK night there will be a- (yiitertaimhent in the Auditorium, consisting of moving’ picture
1 T shows, music, magic and other innocent amusements for the benefit of the delegates and
At iO a. m. Hon. Henry Lincoln Johnson. Depute (irand Master of America, will visitors. I his entertainment will he under the auspices of the Committee of Arrange-
eall the public exercises to order in the Auditorium-Armory. He will introduce the Gov- ments. M. h. Alorton, chairman.
ernor. who will deliver the welcome address in behalf of the State, which will bo re-
spouded io b\ Hou. Is. H. Morris, (fraud Master of the Order of America. The mavor TP T~T T J Si --■» A
and others will deliver welcome addresses, and at the conclusion of the public exercises 11 117 d J
the keys of the. meeting place will he delivered toGrand Master Morris and Grand Worthy This day Atlanta will be out in her best clothes, 'fen thousand Odd Fellows will
k uperior .Marv 1 arker and Grand Staff Officer Gates F. \\ ilson by B. J. Davis, chairman mobilize at the State Capitol and march to Ponce DeLeon park, where the prize drill will
o' Gw < oinimttec of Arrangements. take place. The Grand March will be under the command of Major-General John C.
Monday night the state delegations will meet at their headquarters for the purpose Buckner and his staff. The line will form at the Capitol, advance* down Last Mitchell to
ol organizing ami receiving tickets of admission from the Committer of Arrangements. Whitehall street, up Whitehall to Peachtree street, up Peachtree street to Auburn ave-
, ' nue. down Auburn avenue to Jackson street, up Jackson street to Circle, down Circle to
fp'QT} A "V" park. It is expected that 10.(100 delegates and visitors wjll he present at the park. The
x X Committee of Arrangements has done everything in its power to call the greatest crowd
Promptly at 10 a. m. Tuesday morning Grand Master Morris wili convene the 16th to tlle tl,at ever witlless, ‘d an amusement there. The street car company will make
B. M. C. in regular session in accordance with the rituals of tin* order. The Grand Staff a,n l'{ ( ‘ handle the people.
Council, the Grand Household. Past Grand Master's Council will convene in their re- K> Kiemiia| Gall w,| l J'ome off at Ihe Auditorium '1 hursday night. Everybody in
spective places at the same hour. Tuesday night in the Auditorium Grand Master Morris Atlanta who is not too old i> expected to attend this great social treat. Atlanta women
presiding, the Annual address will be delivered by Hon. Harrv S. Cummings, followed b\ will make good their reputation—being the best dressed colored women in America,
a musical rendered by the famous Tuskegee band, which will furnish music durim*’ the Our woinen ahvays appear to the best advantage, and the visitors who generallv attend
B. M. C. k & the B. M. C. will meet their equals in taste, dress and good manners when they meet
Atlanta folk at the Biennial Ball. Thursday is Atlanta day—a day of festivities, music
17 TAX T I? QT A \ V ami merriment. A half dozen bands and a drum corps will furnish music at the park
VV ELLziN H/OJL/1A 1 during the drill ami at the Auditorium during the Ball. Dancing will take place in 'Taft
... .. . .. , , Hall. The Grand March will be led by the Grand Master and his wife in the Audito-
Ihe meetings ol Ihe sexeial tranches ol the order will be held at their respective rium proper. Everybody will be in the march, The march will he the finest dress Da
places in the eit y. under sm n rules am! regulations as they may provide. Wednesday rade ever pulled off in the «-ity by colored folk. Atlanta does not do things by halves.
—" •• • - - - ——. .
Thursday Will Be a Holiday in Atlanta Among Atlanta People, and All Atlanta Will Turn
Out for Special Entertainment of Atlanta’s Guests—the 16th B.M.C. G.U.O. 0.F., America
MACON. GA.. Sept. 7.-Rev. J. Wal
ter Reynolds pastor of the First Chris
tian church, and formerly of Lyons,
Kans . has resigned in order to a;<ept a
pulpit in Virginia. He will probably be
succeeded by Ret Leroy M Anderson,
of Ada. Okla., who comes here Sunday
in response to a tentative < all.
It is stated that some of Mr. Rey
nolds' congregation here became dis
pleased because of his appealan«~s in
pblice court to answer to the charge of
speeding He ran an automobile, and
he charged that it se-med to be the de.
sire of the Macon police to < ateh him
exceeding tin speed limit
HOUSTON. TEXAS Sept. 7. A wa
termelon weighing 112 pounds, raised
bj Judge Norman G. Tittrel! hen. has
been’ ship)—d in a private <ar to Ben
jamin F. Yoakum, neid of (lie Frisco
WHY Not Use
Skin Soap instead of the
poorest? Ihe differ
ence in cost is tri
lling; the result in use
often astonishing.
Cuticura Soap
does so much for poor complex
ion, red, rough hands, dry, thin
and falling hair and baby skin
troubles, especially when as
sisted by Cuticura Ointment,
that no other can take its place.
Besides, it satisfies in purity, delicacy and fra
grance the most discriminating. Sold everywhere.
IKI E {SAMPLES with 32-p. Skin Book. Address “Cuticura,” Dept 79, Boston.
According to a story published today.
C. G. Holleman, a young real estate
man who was reported to have vanished
mysteriously from Augusta, is alive and
well in Atlanta A telegram purport
ing to tell of Holleman's death by blood
poison was received in Augusta.
Holleman is quoted as disclaiming
any knowledge of the death message, or
of Henderson, who signed it. He is
said to have declared the publicity
’ which the incident received would in
terfere. temporarily at least, with cer
tain matrimonial plans.
Rev. William Russell Owen, paste.
1 of Capitol Avenue Baptist church, has
eturned from liis vacation and Will
preach al the usual services Sunday.
"Vacation Experiences Round Ahnu
Boston" will be the subject of the
morning sermofi and at night lie wi .
> peach on "From Doubting t'astle to
Zion City."
WAYCROSS, GA, Sept. 7.—Dan T.
Cowart, of Waycross, is being sued by
R. L. Morse, an employee of a rail
road. for alleged malicious misuse of
legal process. Morse wants SI,OOO dam
ages because Cowart had several gai
nishments tiled against his salary.
Many New Arrivals at the
Southern Shorthand and
Business University, the
School Noted for Its Thor
ough Course of Instruc
It pays to attend a Business School
of reputation—an institution that
makes thoroughness of preparation its
That is just the reason so manj
; young people from various parts of
,tne country are now miking their wa •
to the Southern Shorthand and Busi-
I ness University, of tills city, to master
| its o’actical courses in Shorthand,
l Bookkeeping, ■ Banking, Typewriting.
I etc.
Last night Miss Ethel Whitworth, a
| most worthy and ambitious student,
i left the Southern to aycept a position
las St nographer and Assistant bouk
| keeper with a large manufacturing!
■ oncern in Florida, beginning 'on 'a I
salary of $75 per month This posi
tion was secured for Miss Whitwoitli
. by the managers of the Southern,
whose vigilance in locating their grad
uates knows n bounds. This fact is
borne out by the evidence that mote
stenographers me employed in At
lanta that attended the Southern than
the combined number from all other
Business synods in this city.
The people lea'ned that the Southern
teaches the best systems known to the
' That it turns out the best qualified
stenographers and bookkeepers in the
shortest time possible.
That the business men give prefer
ence to U.S pupils when in need of high
grade office help.
Some of lite Southern's pupils have
accepted and held shorthand positions
after one month's instruction, and
quite a number after from two to three
months' instruction, but. as is the case
in all schools, such records are excep
tions The Southern prefers that its
pupils remain in school from three
to six months and better qualify for
belter positions—that's why the busi
ness men p.efer the Southern’s pupils.
Two pupils recently entered the
Southern, paying the regular rates,
with free scholarships in other schools
In their pockets.
One of the. most common ailments
that hard working people are afflicted
with is jame back. Apply ’Chamber
lain's Liniment ci* fee a day and mas
sage the pa-rts thoroughly ai each ap-
■ plication, and you will get quick relief.
■ For sale by all dealers.
fe" =_ ~
r -
® W* n*
The efficient Principal of the Book
keeping Department of the South
ern Shorthand and Busi-
ness University.
The Southern employs six teachers.
It owns 75 modern typewriting ma
It owns b<)(h the Burroughs and. the
Wahl adding machines:
Its owners have been conducting rhe
school for 23 years.
If you are considering other Busi
ness Schools. better first visit and ex
amine the Southern's facilities and
make a comparison.
Rut, by all means, as); the advice of I
a large number of Atlanta's business I
men, then you'll-attend the Southern. I
Call, phone or write at once for eat- I
alog, A. C. Briscoe, Pies., or L. W.
Arnold, Vice Pres.. 10 1-2 West Mitchel!
Street. Atlanta. Ga '
Prof. Thos. L. Bryan. Lecturer and
Jft&neyfo the
$/ > y —-IV' — i—
\T —
A Bank Account
is a friend rhat will always recommend you
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It creates in you a self-confidence which in
spires it in others. Open an ac-ount TODAY
—don’t delay.
Procrastination is a thief of money, as well
as of time—it causes you to lose ‘the interest
that would be accumulating upon your sav
With one dollar and a strong determina
tion to build up a savings account you are as
sured of a friend in need.
Take care of your dollars now and they
will lake care of you in the future.
4 Per Cent on Savings Deposits
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