Newspaper Page Text
gives w. otr
City Clerk in Near-Panic as
Friends Indicate He Has
Rival-Entries Closed.
The worm turned today and for the
firet time Mnce he became city clerk
the city hall crowd hed a Rood laugh at
the expense of Walter Taylor, the man
whose sharp repartee has given the dry
grtns to all who dared to Joke with
All the officials In the city ..all were
waiting for 12 o'clock today with the
same Intense Interest as though they
StaZl their last dollar staked on the fin
ish of a horae. The hour marked the
Closing of the entry list for the city
primary’ of October 2. They who had
w opposition were praying that none
Would develop Those who had op
position were equally as desirous that
a»re should he no other contestants.
Walter Taylor nonchalantly' strolled
irtb the office of Councilman Albert
Thr.mson, where J. O. Cochran, secre
tary of the Democratic executive cotn
itrtttee was receiving the entrance fees.
Usual Smile Freezes.
Mr Taylor's usual smile froze on his
Tare There on the table before him
wts a duplicate receipt to A ouzo Rich,
'trdfton. the well known auditor, ns can-
Hdtre for clerk, for an entrance fee of
S 10«.
■Rut that was not nil. There wis an
other' receipt to D. R- Wilder. < andidate
for council from the Fourth ward Mr.
Tn.ylor's friend. t’Jnude I, Xsnlev. had
axpe< ted no opposition from that ward.
MT. Taylor discovered Intel after
many agonizing minutes, th. t it was
a. joke, and rushed out to find Mt
Ashley, who had by th
ered that he. too. va- 1 vatlm
Contrary to a published announce
ment. W. G. Humphrey < otincilman
from the Eighth ward
tng from *n opt rat on J< ns Hop ;
klne- hospital, will be i candidate f-*r j
re-election Mr. Humphrey wl-ed to- |
dsv that he would st.r. in the ra. e. .
Joseph F. Nutting • running against ,
It was published thia morning that [
Mr Nutting had ’ ® unt ■
of ils healt E. Har-
man had entered the race. Mr. Har
man said he intended to eutei onlv in
the event of Mr. Murphey's with
Who Candidates Are.
The other candidates a ■
I'or AJayor Udine Cha ■ l unes
G Woodward. Dr. George Brown and
St ♦’VC R. Johns - 1 ui-
Ministerial -'fli •' < Wa'ter lavlor
citv clerk. R M Clayton and <'. .«
Robert, chief of construction; R. -' I
turner and Fred Miler, city electri- ;
cinn . Thomas Evans anil S B. I.a Salle. ■
city warden; .1. b Mayson, city attor- ,
ney E. E. Williams, city tax collector; I
.1. H Goldsmith, city comptroller; Ed;
R. Hayes, building Inspector. Thoma.- !
.1. Peeples, city treasurer. .1. M Fuller,
city marshal.
For Council • First war, .1 H Har
well, alderman, and S A Wardlaw
councilman. Second ward. Thomas I I
Dy rich, council; Third ward. Carl N ,
Guess. Sam S. Shepard and A. S Had
ley, council; Fourth ward, Claude 1..
Ashley. council; Fifth ward..!. W Mad ■
dox. alderman, and .1 D. Sisson and 1
.1. W. Rowe, council. Sixth ward. G. II 1
'Boynton, council: Seventh ward, .1 li
Andrews and A R Colcord, council
Eighth ward, W. G. Humphrey ami ,1
F. Nutting, council Ninth ward. W P
White and J. P. Wall, council, and
Tenth ward, 1. N Hags.ah- aiderman
and D. J. Lee. J T. Kimbrough and \.
W Calloway, council
Miss Mary Elmira Johnstone
The funeral of Miss Mary Elmira
Johnstone, 17 y ears old vv ba died it a
sanitarium yesterday, was held at the
residence. 91 La France street, this
morning, and her body was buried at
Westview Miss Johnstone was a
daughter of Mr and Mrs W R John
George A. White.
The body of George A Whit< •’■u
years old. who died at a sanitarium
yesterday, will be buried at I’toy
churchyard tomorrow afternoon. Serv
ices will be held at the residence, 95
Woodward avenue. Hv was ; n embei
of the Red Men and of the .lurlm or
der of United American M -■> .atm ■ M-
White is gurvivt d by two cl ' •
George A.. Jr. and Miss Marion Whiti
W. C. Elrod.
The funeral of W. C. Elrod 52 years
old. proprietor of the Piedmont Wa
Paper and Paint Company - 1 ■ d ■ .
yesterday afternoon, xx ill b- held at
Westmiristet Presbyterian .hutch . -
morrow afternoon a; o'clock lnt<
rnent will follow in W» tvievv ceme
tery. Mr. Elrod is survived by lii
wife. Mrs. Lavernla Elrod and s. v.-al
Mrs Francis Parker.
Funeral arrangements of Mrs. Ftan
eis Parker, 7" veals old, who died at
349 North Jackson street last nij
have n<>t been Complete :. She is sur
vived by a daughtei. Mr- Ncwn an
latsser, at whose home sin - i.
Ruth Casey.
Services ovet the body ot Ruth - i
gev. little daughtei of .1 -> i.'uoy who
died last night, vv. • he tHi - aft- > -
noon at Mount Petrin church Int-. ■
ment was in tne vhuichvn.d l'l'< child
died at the residence, ! 1-ran - sire, t.
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Son of Publisher of “Sacred Harp” Raps Rival New Book
. Clans of Unique Organization
Differ Only in Hymnals Used.
Notes “Shaped.”
Sticking loyally to their chosen hymn
hooks and their favorite leaders, the
rival conventions of the Sacred Harp
Singers continued their separate meet
ings today, though the tdngers in the
two churches numbered hardly more
than enough for one big chorus. But
♦he Internationals, in the Woodward
Avenue church, and the United*, at the
old Baptist Tabernacle, made up In
vigor and enthusiasm whate.ver may"
have been lacking in volume, and
everybody was happy.
l”rom the Tabernacle windows floated
Joo S. Jarnos, president of the V »’ ’ ' • .
I’nited Sacred Harp Musical a*
sociation, at tip- Tabernacle. < j; - A&bj
nw Jli w ' v
' "7 s; ' K < & £5
I. / .JI, V-Q $. a
I’ z 1
V/ 'lf
Z " -\Z'
/ -z
J® & ' * \
the sir.cns of Sweet Rivers" today,
with t < <■ d. -i- bassos booming along
in ap 1 I rumble of sound and hlgh
plti'h-'d tribb l -s' on the women's side
rlngini: ,-m above t l .- r--st. I-Yom the
Missionary Itipt -t. out Woodward
avenu,. the favorite old "Pleasant
HIP." dating from the Sacred Harp
book of ISI4, rang ut from half a hun
dred well trained voices. The names
have an o>:d sound to modern eats, for
they are the names of the tunes and
not of what a theatrical man would
call the "lyrics'
But though both congregations sang
from the que. • shaped notes" ; ,nd
adhered to p-actically the same rules
ot harmonv. the two bodies differed on
the song books used, the Tabernacle
folk using the new Fnited Sai red Harp
melodies, whiie the Internationals at
the Missionary church stuck to the
blue-backed song book created by R
F. M i ite in ist4 anad bearing his name
: - P tblishi r 1 L. White, of Atlanta,
himself gray-haired, was bitter in bis
j denunciation of the rival faction at the
To Stick to Sacred Harp.
My father mad-> the Sacred Harp."
It has been revised some
then, but it Is practically the
•anti book Tl-.- \\ it,- family has kept
■ l - ”!'■ I; -s t' e Ho; my th.- \\ bite
ht • - ■■■ • d my four v- id tvved
Is.stt !', oiiu 77 yt’uT® obi.
■l'sst crowd led by .1-. S. Jam, s split
off from us a year r so ago We at ■
ni con -• ■ o : , book
• and he led his crowd off and published
‘h brand t ew book which he controls.
I 0 0.. 11 t adopt it. You might as well
| as., - to .bang, our religion. W.
coll du - ’ It lira! keep faith w ith our
selves. W< shall stick to the old Sa
' I cred Hart
Bri " w tt ' sue
ijgesteu a t :• o' 1 man with the iron
• rose . ■ ti - ( ( .t : deracy on his coat.
Miss Mattie Huggins, of Carrollton. Ga.. one of the Sacred
Harp singing leaders.
[Y 3k :
V 7 " v ST
/ ' w <sa IMF' ’' ■
He was a veteran from the Soldiers
home, given a day's holiday, and he
. bore under his arm a dog-eared copy
of the song book he had loved for a
generation. "If I was you I'd get out
an injunction a gin them tellers."
At the Tabernacle, President .James.
, who leads the United Sacred Harp as
sociation, was equally as firm in the
, assertion that his was the real Sacred
Harp, antifcorized and correct He said
, his convention was made up of dele
gates from Sacred Harp societies all
, over the South, and many had come
, from a long way off to attend the meet
ing And in both conventions there
was an atmosphere of fervid determi
nation. of uncompromising intolerance,
which might have had its foundation
In a vital question of theology rather
■ than In a collection of sacred songs.
Singing Marvelously Musical.
Hut whatever their differences, the
| singing in both'convention* was mar
velously musical There was Inspira
tion tn the old hymns as sung by' these
enthusiasts First the leader announced
■ the htnyn, there was a rustling of
: ages. and then the singers burst into I
I 'the music, singing the notes. ".Ml. Fa.
So’, 1.1. and giving no heed to the I
wor - Then the words were sung,
with every voice joining lutrtiiy and
| confidently. Then a moment’s res* and
I the selection of another hymn. The
t .dvrs w re changed frequently, for
i*v.ry man and woman at these eon
. ven: mis is a trained conductor The
sessions begin early in the morning
continue through afternoon and
i evening They v. ill close tomorrow
i afternoon.
Ai excerpt from the preface of the
I new er song book shows the spirit ini
whin t ■.< Sacred Harp Singer- regard I
‘ l r-• ; hymns and discard the melodies
new®' Uo C&L': gvy-'' t /X:d- ; -L
ti. Al. Roberts, of Bucharnn.
tional Sacred Harp convention.
so popular in some modern churches.
To a considerable extent the sn
ored song books of this section,
and in many case.-: church music,
is badly tainted with operatic, sei -
ular and rag-time strains of mu sb
Such compositions drive away, in
place of promoting, religion and
religious feeling amon: the church
people and lovers of sacred music
and retard the woi k of the Gospel.
The aim in the presentation of this
volume is to . ontinue in a simple
form a great body of sa. red tunes
which are as far from secular, op
eratic, rag-time ant! jig melodies its
it is possible. To tills* end. tit
music is in four shaped notes and
written on four staffs in dispersed
harmony—some call it old harmony.
In these compositions there are but
few of the twisted rills and frills
of th* unnatural shaking of the
viiiee which h&ve in the last decade
so demoralized church musl .
XEW YORK. Sept. 7. localise his
wife had left him and he was obliged
! to do the • Poking for the family. John
* Ury*.. a locksmith, commit:-d si.i. de
Arrests Follow Disclosures of
' Workings of "Death Trust”
in Chicago Resort.
CHICAGO, Sept. 7.—Twelve person-’,
two men and ten yvomen, are under
arrest today as a result of the anp
vlce war at West Hammond. Police
and detectives are seeking another
woman alleged by Ethel Parker, known
also as Frankie Ford, whose confes
sion exposes the "death trust," to
know all the Ins and out of the re
markable series of crimes she alleges
took place in West Hammond. The
woman sought is "Kittie” Clark. She
is said to be hiding in Gary’. Ind., and
police there have been asked to help
tn locating her
The aria rts at West Hammond fol
lowed a raid by county, city and Fed
eral pfficers. led by Miss Virginia
Brooks, who has headed the vice cru
sade, and by M s. John F Bass. Chi
cago society woman, whoh as become
interested in the case.
Today > heavy guard nas been
thrown about Miss Brooks' home in
West Hammond to p:event its destrucr
tion by -live keepers and their friends.
Tiie raid the cause of groat
disorder :n tbe village. A howling mob
surrounded t'i” jail where the arrest
ed persons t-.e’e lodged-, and as a re-f
--ault police .today planned to remove
them all to the Cook county jail.
Mob Planned Rescue. Rumored.
The n.ob was not dispensed until
long' after midnight. Ugly stories of
a planned effort by thugs and "gun
men" from the vic- distiiit to rescue
the prisoners made the polite believe
that it tvould be well io r move the
The two men unde arrest are Henry
Foss, proprietor of the rose t In which
Alessmaker met his death, and Con
Moore, proprietor of the Colonial hotel,
a resort.
Tne white slave charge against Foss
■ / f
IMBk, //
, (fai.. president of the Interna-
is n connectiefn with tin entrance of
the !•' ■<l woman in his resort. A, -
cording to the girl's Her.- she bad
known Fess since sin was a child. He
invited her for an automobile ride, she
allege - took her to Crown Point. Ind.,
and latw held her in the bottom of th,
I tonneau of the ear while he drove
j; ■> : >ss the Illinois line and took her to
! bis own resort.
l-’os- was found in Hammond. Ind.,
cleaning brick in a packing plant. He
bad fled from his resort following the
investigation of the death of Mess
Carrie Arnold, a laundress who was
emploied at the Foss resort, told a
story that in many ways contradicted
the tale included in the 80-page con
fession ot the Ford girl
Morphine for Girl.
The Arnold woman said She was in
the resort on the day that Mossmaker
died She said she passed the room
When ,\| ssmakei and the I'ord girl
were and wont in. According to her
story. the Ford girl admitted that she
lei I been taking morphine hypodermi
cally. and that .she had given Mess
. . ui "four shots" of morphine dur
ing the night i’h. Arnold woman said
■i <■ •ailed Foss, believing .'dessmaker
Th< Fo 1 git I . j fixing
her hair at ft mirror, and said she
thought Messtmiker "would be all
>t Shi .-iied 11' F< >ss that she
it fected u on hine in Messmaker's
.'i'll Im: aid sin hail injected a little
wa:v< with a hyt»odi i inic syringe.
William Charles Adamson, represen
tative in congress for the Fourth Geor
gia district, will be nominated for the
ninth time by the
Democrats of his
i field of endeavor
I today at Warm
Judge Adamson
is ranked by Judge
Bartlett only in
point of continu
ous service, as the
delegation now
st ands following
t h e congressman
from the Sixth by
one term only.
Judge Adamson
has one distinc
tion that can be
claimed -by no
other member of
congress Demo-
crat, Republican, or what not. He is
the only member who ever has been
nominated nine successive times with
out opposition!
Down in the Fourth, they all vote for
Adamson. He suits the people of that
vicinity right down to the very ground.
Nobody ever thinks of running against
him. and apparently nobody ever will.
And if somebody does, the result will be
approximately the same.
One of Judge Adamson's proudest
boasts is that, while he has had hon
ors and distinctions of various kinds
showered upon him generously and
abundantly as he went along, he never
has taken any prizes at beauty shows —
except maybe an occasional consola
tion prize here and theie.
The gentleman from the Fourth
Georgia, is easily one of the leading and
most influential members of the house.
He is chairman of the powerful com
mittee on interstate and foreign com
merce. and as such has had almost en
tire charge of shaping recent Panama
canal legislation in the house.
Some of the facetiously inclined un
dertook to "kid" the Hon. Joe Hill Hall
of Bibb, during the progress of the
Morris-Patterson hearing Wednesday—
but they (jidn't get away with it very
The gubei naiorial vote of Gilmer was
under consideration, and some one had
asked to know the vote avcordtd Sla
ton and Alexander, Then some one - Ise
asked how many the Hon. Joe Hill
received in that primary, and the wit
ness said, "None!”
The laugh went around on the Hon.
Joe Hill, but before it had subsided the
gentleman from Bibb arose and said he
desired to say to the committee that l.e
considered his voteless estate in Gil
mer the very highest possible tribute
to his genuine Dernoi -aey!
Tnen the Hou Joe Hill got a tine
round of '. !
Afterward, Mr. Hall fount, out that
one Hall man had applied to vote in,
Gilmer, but that he had been turned |
down by the managers. Mr. Hall said |
he thought that cinched his previous 1
H. L. Patterson. Democratic judge- !
snip nominee in the Blue Ridge. !ia> ,
his expense account ready for fifing,
with the < omptroller genera'.
He sp*nt 519.9.27 in making his tight '
against Judgs .Morris, mostly for post-|
age. livery and railroad fare'.
The judge has returned to his home
in <'umming. where he proposes to "rest I
up a sp< II.” while ids devoted sun. who I
financed the "old man's" fight to its]
victorious conclusion, has returned to
: his home in Valdosta, where he is a
very successful young business man.
Not ah the traveling men believe I
Governor Brown erred in vetoing th"
mileage “pulling" bill, even if a great]
many cf them have criticised him,
sharply for doing it.
Foi instance tlrre 1“ Colonel Max
Krauss, <-f Savannah, or. of the oldest
traveling men in th. state. He be
lieves the governoi did the commercial I
travelers a genuine service in vetoing
the bill, and that the governor should;
be commended and not criticised ad
versely for hi? act.
Colonel Krauss was for many years
chairman of the railroad committee of
the Georgia. T. P A., and at present is
chairman of the same committee of
Post A. He surely has the welfare of
the traveling men very much at heart.
He believes that the signing of the
“pulling ’ bill would have resulted
either in the railroads withdrawing in
tirely their inter fliangeable mileage
program, or radically changing it, just
a? they did in South Carolina.
The issuing of interchangeable mile- i
age is voluntary upon the part of the
railroads, and they may withdraw it
at pleasure
Colonel Krauss Is firmly of the opin
ion that the traveling men yet will]
come to realize that Governoi Brown,
far from being their enemy, proved
himself to be a real friend in need.
The legislature next summer will
have to do some -< natorial redistrict
ing to satisfy the voters down in the
Fourteenth and Fifteenth districts, fol-!
lowing the action of the recent general I
assembly in authorizing the < reation of
the two new counties. Bleckley and
The Fifteenth district is now the
largest in number of counties in the
The Texas Wonder cures kidney end |
Madder troubles, removing gravel, cures .
diabetes, weak and lame backs, rheums
ttsm. and all Irregularities of the kidneys I
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Regulates oiadder troubles la children
if not sold by your druggist, win be s jn t
by mat! on receipt of 51.00 <jne small
bottle is two months treatment and sei-
I dom tails to perfe-'t a cure band tor tes I
1 tin-onlrP from tl Is and ,-ther states Dr
I. W Hall, f .’s Olive-st . St. Louis. U- I
I aold bi orucctsta
state, being composed of Montgomery
Telfair. Dodge, Irwin and Ben p
Since Wheeler county is to be ca v e
out of Montgomery, this district
have six. and by the rotation syst
would take twelve years to give e rt <,
county a senator.
The Fourteenth district now has • lr
counties —Pulaski. Crisp. Dooly
Wilcox. The creation of Bleckley lt
of part of Pulaski will raise the p,.
teenth to five counties, requiring >-> n
years to get around by the rotat , n
Each of these districts has por ,
tion sufficient to spare one, two
three counties and still be larger n
population than several senatorial q ..
tricts that now have only three or f<r,
The Fourteenth district, by the las;
census, had 73.298, and the Fiftee •-
75,377. There are now ten districts
with only’ three counties each having
population of less than 40,000, two being
below 17,000. Five of these ten ar, > n
the southern half of the state and fiv«
in the northern half.
5,00'0 NEGROES
Parade and Grand Ball To Be
Features of Colored Odd
Fellows Meet.
Xtlanta negroes are making prepara
tions to entertain 8,000 members < '
their race when on Monday morning
the biennial movable committee of th.
Grand United Order of Odd Fellow
the largest negro secret organization
in America, convenes at the Auditorim
for a week's session.
Governor Brown. Mayor Winn an
Miss Lucile Dennis will be among tt
welcoming speakers at tne first session
which will be presided over by Hent
Lincoln Johnson, registrar of deeds- b>
the District of Columbia.
A parade In which 10,000 negroes ar.
scheduled to take part on Thursday m
the march to Ponce DeLeon park fm
their annual pri ;e drill, and the gram!
ball Thursday night at the Auditoriu .
probably will prove the features of tl:
The order is composed of 29 state <-■
ganizations, and each state is to be rep
resented by a delegate from each sub
ordinate lodge and by Its district of
Tuskecee Band To Be Here.
| The order has a membership -' ha
J a million In America and its rei orc
.show property valued at $2.000,'.i00.
j During the week the biennial tnov
| able committee will meet in the Aud
’ Hum, the grand household in the FirM
I Congregational <Wiurch, colored; tlt.
-grand staff council in Bethel Methodist
! church, colored, and the P. G M. coun
ted in Wheat Street Baptist church, co;
I ored.
1 \!1 entertainment features will lie o
i ( hargc of M. B. Morton, of Athen
i Tuesday night the biennial address vv , 1
!be delivered by H. S. t'ummings. of
' Maryland, attorney general of th" m'der.
I A musical by the Tuskegee band will
follow this.
| A free entertainment for the benefit
lof the delegates and visitors w ill 'o
(given at the Auditorium Wednesday
i night.
i Interest in so oTiky life a Brcna
will be incipased by.the establish:;: n:
of anfithei' sarotity in its home
A handsome chanl< : bvuse so the I'”
jMu soroyity is nearing completion ir.
I addition to an attractive club room t!i
--i house will contain accommodations I- !
twenty students, a chaperon and ;■
faculty member.
These so’ority homes constitute 3
unique and characteristic feature "
Brenau. There are now seven, the Ph
Mu Gammas, the Alpha Signa Alibi
the Sigma lota Chi. the Alpha Del::
Phi. the Alpha ('hi Omega, the Mu P :
Epsilon and the Phi Mu,
About twenty students reside ir
each of these houses under the care ot
a chaperon. The Beta Sigma Omicrot
sotoiity and the Zeta Tau Alpha owr
beautiful club houses, but their tnent-
i.bets live in the dormitories, while th’
Nu Sigma sorority will occupy arr en
tire floor of the Bailey building, in
which is located ri’sp ’heir attractive
club room.
| Many old student- have signifies
their intention of coming back tor th
opening to help .then various sororities
th'.ough the so-called "rushing "-c:-
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