Newspaper Page Text
boy says street car
Theodore Passmore, a minor, who says
his left ear was cut off when he was
struck by a street car at Magnolia and |
Walnut streets recently, has sued for 15.- i
»0. The youth asserts no warning of
the approach of the car was given.
Active Liver Keeps the Head
Clear and the Smile Cheerful
When the Liver Gets Lazy the
Blood Thickens and the System
Becomes Easily Susceptible to
Cold and Disease.
The summer cold is directly traceable
to an inactive liver. You get overheat
ed and cool off too suddenly, the pores
of the skin become closed, the blood re
cedes from the surface of the body and
a congestion is produced. The same
condition follows when you sit in a
draft, or get wet. The liver finds its
efforts oveneome by pressure of the
blood, and food remains in the stomach
or bowels. The head gets hot, the feet
.old and the bowels constipated. Right
then and there is the danger point. The
bowels must be kept open. The system
must be relieved of congestion.
JACOBS’ LIVER SALT is the great
est known relief. It is better than calo
mel. It will rejuvenate the liver, send
the blood racing through the veins, dis
pel the congestion and make you feel as
if life is worth living.
JACOBS’ LIVER SALT acts quickly
and mildly, and never gripes or nause
ates Don't take an inferior substitute.
Some stores may offer other prepara
tions upon which they make larger
profits, often similar name, but very
different in action. JACOBS’ LIVER
SALT, large jar 25c at druggists or
sent by mail (postage 16c additional).
For sale by all Jacobs’ Pharmacy Stores
and druggists generally.
Jacobs’ Second Floor
A Store Worth Knowing
Hospital Supplies, Sickroom Goods, Rubber Goods,
Trusses, Supporters, Crutches,Thermometers, Infants’
Goods, Dolls, Paints, Stains, Polishes, Floor and
Paint Brushes, Bathroom Supplies, etc., etc.
No Other House Shows as FINE Stocks
Nor as LOW Prices
IF you are not acquainted with the Second Floor of our Main Store, a visit will repay you. It
is a hatadsomely equipped, complete store with many departments, occupying almost the en
tire second floor of our building.
In Rubber Goods alone, we have here the finest stock in the Southern states. There are
secluded, private fitting rooms for buyers of trusses and similar goods, with both men and
women attendants and every convenience for your comfort.
We list a few items from the various departments. Remember, you have not only the
largest stock to select from, but the LOWEST PRICES THAT CAN RE OBTAINED ANY
WHERE upon the same grade of goods. Call and get acquainted, whether you are buying
now or not. It will pay.
Our branch stores carry representative lines of Jacobs’ Rubber Goods, Sickroom Supplies,
etc., far superior to ordinary lines shown elsewhere
Jacobs' 75c Fountain Syringe, seamless red rubber, ex
cellent grade, two hard rubber pipes, A Q
two-quart capacity. Special atnrJzC
Jacobs’ No. 9 Fountain Syringe, heavy red rubber, dur
able, three pipes, two-quart; value $1.25, -|
special q) 1 ,VU
Jacobs' No. 10 Water Bottle, heavy
ribbed white rubber, slate trim; two
Very Special, at s mV
Tyrian Water Bottle, flannel cov
/TO'-’i ered. prettv patterns; two-quart
) sl - 25 ‘
i ~RF Jacobs’ Shield Brand Fountain
jr; -fQRSfr Syringe, heavy corrugated chocolate
ITh rubber, three pipes, two-quart. I
'7 I ’A Value $1.75, at $1.25.
/« ' tsA 3 I
.7 I Palmer's Favorite Combination
U Fountain Syringe and Water Bottle,
1 7 | )est grade white rubber, slate
trimmed; three screw pipes; two
quart. $2.00.
Weather Thermometers, copper frame, black enamel
face, white figures, very easy to read.
Value 75c; Special OvJC
Wearever Ice Caps, cloth lined, best grade rubber;
four straps; $1.25.
Seamless Ice Caps, maroon rubber. 75c.
Clinical Thermometers, all standard makes. 75c up.
Douche Pans, white enamel, $1.50; zinc, 75c.
Our Truss Customers Talk
Jacobs’ Pharmacy Co.. Atlanta. Ga., Septembers. 1912.
Atlanta. Ga.
Gentlemen Several months ago I was titled with a truss by you. and 1 want you to
know how delightful and gratified 1 am tor the perlect comfort I now en,jo\ toi the first
time in eight years. I have worn four or five different trusses: none of them held the rup
ture. and all hurt me so terribly jhat m\ life was a continual misery. Since being fitted by
\ou the rupture has never come out and lam perfect!) comfortable all the time. 1 do
anv kind of heavv wotk, and can run. jump or lift with absolute security.
W. 0. SKINN.
K. F. 1). N<t. 3, Atlanta. Ga.
Jacobs’ Pharmacy
Main Store and Laboratory, 6 and 8 Marietta Street
23 Whitehall Street 102 Whitehall Street 70 W Mitchell Street 266 Peters Street
245 Houston Street 152 Decatur Street 423 Marietta Street 544 Peachtree St.
J. P. Morgan Opposes Par
doned Financier in Steam
ship Line Project.
NEW YORK. Sept. 11.—It would be
a strange turn of Fortune’s wheel if
Charles AV. Morse, who was deprived
of his liberty by the operation of a
Federal statute, should regain control
of his former marine interests by the
operation of another Federal law—the
Panama canal act.
Mr. Morse, an able, daring financier,
made $30,000,001) out of ice, steamships
and other enterprises. He lost almost
every cent, he declared at one time.
But when congress passed the Panama
canal bill Mr. Morse opened an otfiee in
Wall street.
President Taft signed the bill. This
means that, like other railroads own
ing boats, the New York, New Haven
and Hartford railload must cease to be
amphibious; must sell all its steamship
lines in two years’ time. And the New
York. New Haven and Hartford has
vast interests in steamship lines which
Morse controlled formerly.
May Buy New Haven's Boats.
It is said that Morse is trying to
establish a steamship line between
New York and Boston. But financiers,
who know Morse’s ability as a steam
ship man, are asking:
’•ls Morse seeking, or has he ob
tained. backing to make the New York
New Haven and Hartford an offer for
any or all of its steamship lines?"
The financial collapse of Mr. Morse
enabled the New Haven road practi
cally to get control of Boston’s steam
coasting trade.
Some financiers doubt if the New-
Haven interests will sell steamship
lines to Mr. Morse if they can find an
other purchaser.
His enterprise has made him many
enemies, and among them are said to
be the J. P. Morgan interests.
Irrigators, half-round, handled; quart
90c; 2-quartsl.oo. [I
Bed Pans, white enamel, lid, $1.75. JJ
Electric Batteries. $4.00, $5.00 up. > |
Sputum Cups, white enamel, hinged
lid, 50c.
Robinson's Thermal Bath Cabinets, for
taking Turkish baths at home. Rec-
Y ommended by all
lyj n I physicians. Used
Ith/LFi ''-'flci by nlanv famous
5- SRbhUI actresses and so-
- Nml ciety beauties. Ask
„ s attendant to dem-
onstrate it. Sev-
I SIMM-■ styles of Cab-
gaßjP / inets, ranging in
1 (K| price from $5.00
to $12.50.
Stork Pants, to be worn over regular diaper; wash
able, sanitary; all sizes, 50c. Onto, lace trimmed
50c. Nursery Choice, gathered legs, lace trimmed,
Kleinert s Trap Bibs. 35c; Coverall, 50c.
Rubber Sheeting for nursery or sickroom. Stork,
several weights, yard wide. SI.OO yard; Omo, yard
wide. SI.OO.
Kleinert's Cut Sheeting. 3-4 yard square, 35c; 4-4 yard
75c; .’>-4 yard. SI.OO.
Diaper Bags, pretty plaids. 65c.
Sheriff C. W. Mangum has received a
plea from the widow of a Confederate
veteran, asking that he aid her in an ef
fort tq locate Civil war companions of
Henry Wilson, one time of Atlanta, who
fought under General Robert E Lee. The
appeal came in the form of a letter from
Brady, Texas.
The widow. Mrs. Josie Wilson, wrote
Sheriff Mangum that she was endeavor
ing to get information concerning Mr.
Wilson’s service, and requested that he
have an inquiry made among Atlanta vet
erans who may have known him. She is
trying to obtain a pension.
“Just before the war 1 knew a Henry
Wilson. He lived in Atlanta in 1858 and
when the war began he was among the
first to enlist.” said Sheriff Mangum.
“When I came hack in 1865 he was not
here. I learned that he had moved to
Texas, where he died several years ago.
MACON. GA.. Sept. 11.—Chief of Po
lice W. B. Chapman told city council in
person last night that within a week
all disorderly houses in Macon, which
now number about 30, will be closed
and their proprietors forced to leave
town. He stated that he had closed
five this week, and within a half hour
after council adjourned he raided an
other and arrested eighteen white men
and women.
SAVANNAH. GA., Sept. 11.—John A.
Waters is the new Chatham county game
warden, succeeding G. A. Rossignol, re
signed. The announcement comes direct
from Jesse A. Mercer, state game war
den. Waters was iil in bed when told
of his appointment. There were two can
didates for the position, both of whom
were strongly indorsed. Mercer says he
was guided largely by the preponderance
of indorseemnts after satisfying himself
that both men were capable.
Beautiful Young Bride Stands
by Former Atlantan Who
Killed for Slur.
With Dr. A. Lee Curtis, of Atlanta,
by his side, W. H. Curtis, of Jackson.
Miss., is preparing his defense against
the charge of murder hanging over him
there, and his young wife, the cause of
the fatality, is sticking loyally to her
husband in his trouble, according to
dispatches from Jackson totjay. The
former Atlantan will enter a plea of
self-defense, and it is probable that he
will show that J. H. Helton, the man
slain by Curtis' bullets, had made re
marks reflecting on the character of
Mrs, Curtis.
The wife, who was only 17 when she
married Curtis a year ago, is describ
ed as one of the most beautiful young
women in Mississippi. position in
the tragedy and her loyalty to her hus
band have made the case one of the
most notable in the history of the Mis
sissippi capital.
Curtis, who was well known in At
lanta until he left this city to travel
for a St. Louis chemical company, with
headquarters in Jackson, is a fine spec
imen of young manhood. He is a broth
er of A. L. Curtis, of Atlanta, the for
mer a councilman several years ago.
Curtis married the daughter of V. L.
Skates, who lived near Jackson, about a
year ago.
It developed today that the shooting
was the direct outcome of a suit for
SIO,OOO filed by Helton against Curtis
and his father-in-law, as the result of a
severe beating given Helton by the two
men last March. Helton was the pro
prietor of a small news stand in Jack
son. News reached Curtis that Hel
ton had maxie defamatory remarks
about Mrs. Curtis, and, with his father
in-law and brother-in-law, he went to
the news stand, called Helton out and
beat him terribly. Helton sued for
damages. Cuitis, it is said, went to him
afterward {ind asked that the suit be
withdrawn, but Helton refused. On
Sunday morning, while Helton was
seated in a physician’s office. Curtis
entered and opened fire on him, send
ing seven bullets from an automatic
pistol into his body and killing him
instantly. When Helton was found
dead his left hand clasped a revolver
which had not been fired. Curtis as,
serted that he fired after seeing Helton’,
draw' his weapon and before the news ,
dealer could pull the trigger.
Mr. W. 8. Gunsalus, a farmer living
near Fleming, Pa., says he has used
Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy in his family for four
teen years, and that he has found it to
be an excellent remedy, and takes
pleasure In recommending it. For sale
by all dealers.
All duly qualified Master
Masons are invited to attend
the Lodge of Instruction to
ff 'X be held tn Baptist Taberna-
Ar ifX cle (Luokie street) on this
(Wednesday) evening at 7:30
$ o'clock sharp.
Lecture on "Symbolisms of
the Master’s Degree" will be delivered bv
Most Worshipful George M Napier, Grand
Master of Masons in Georgia The speak
er will be introduced by Brother James D
Musical program under direction of Paul
M. Hubbard, P. M
All Tylers and Instructors of Lodges
are requested to be at the Tabernacle at
7 o’clock p. m.
Banquet will be held at the close of the
ceremonies. HENRY M WOOD,
Master of Ceremonies.
W S. RICHARDSON. General Secretary.
for each set of old False Teeth sent
us. Highest price paid for old Gold.
Silver, old Watches, Broken Jewelry
and Precious Stones.
Money Sent By Return Mall.
Phila. Smelting and Refining Co.,
Established 20 Years.
863 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
We will buy your Gold Filings. Gold
Scrap and Platinum. Highest prices
Solid, Compact, Readily Used
Reference Knowledge Now
"Consolidation" and "elimination” are
the watchwords of the present. Not
only in business, but in the literary
and book building world is the cry for
the’ concrete expression in as brief a
space as possible and with the elimi
nation of all word waste.
One learned man compiled a five-foot
library which has been much advertised
and is deserving of praise in the field
which it attempts to cover; but other
learned men, aided by all the ingenui
ty which has revolutionized modern
business methods under the direction
of system and efficiency engineers, are
generally believed to have eclipsed all
other efforts in book consolidation by
covering the field with a smaller work.
The Standard Atlas and Chronologi
cal History of the World gives you the
ever ready key to the knowledge that
you hourly need; it could not he more
up to date, as it contains the last im
portant event up to the present time,
with all the latest maps of states and
territories, and charts of the history
of the world.
If you can afford to be without it,
you can afford to be without a con
stant counsellor and adviser always at
your elbow.
If you don't know a thing, you don't
have to admit It. the Standard Atlas
will “put you wise in a minute,"
Get busy with those shears of yours
land clip six headings; then come to
The Georgian with a small expense fee
and this book of the world is yours.
Joseph Satterwhite. 495 West Mitchell
street, says his wife. Mrs. Etta Satter
white, is particularly fond of tearing his
clothes to pieces and that she has re
fused to cook his meals. He has sued
for divorce, alleging cruelty.
'She takes a fiendish delight in tear
| ing my clothes to pieces, and has positive-
Ily refused io cook my meals.” he re
cites. Besides a divorce. Mr. Satterwhite
asks the custody of their two minor
children, Geraldine, seven, and Mary,
four. Attorney John Y. Smith filed the
Mrs. M. E. Emlen. who lives near At
lanta. has brought suit against Walker
Allen. 508 Sunset avenue, to regain pos
session of a prize bull in his care, which,
she says, belongs to her. Mrs. Emlen
values the animal at S6O.
She describes it like this: "One bull of
the cattle or cow kind, or species, red
color with horns medium length; four
years old; named Buck."
MACON. GA., Sept. 11.—After having
held out for a week, the paperhangers of
Macon have won their strike. Their em
ployers consented to the demand for in
creased wages and the men have re
turned to work. The men will receive
40 cents instead of 35 cents an hour.
"I was cured of diarrhoea by one
dose of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy," writes M. E.
Gebhardt. Oriole. Pa. There is noth
ing better. For sale by all dealers.
announces an additional
selling date, September 12,
with final limit September
13, on reduced rate tickets
to ATLANTA from points
within radius of one hun
dred miles, account ODD
Backed By a Splendid Stock of New Models
This Corset Service Department
Is More Than a Mere Place “To Buy” a Corset
We are rather positive about this business of selling cor
sets, moreso perhaps, than we are about anything else in the
We have certain ideas about it that, as conscientious mer
chants, we must follow out.
One of these is, that a woman does herself, her figure, per
haps her health, an injustice when she buys “just a corset” as
she would a pair of hose or a waist because it is the size and
seems to be what she wants. So we are concerned in selling
more than “just a corset.”
We sell corsets plus, plus service, recognizing that the mate
rial thing, the corset, for which you pay your good money, is of
value to YOU only in so far as it is the model best suited to
YOUR figure.
The ramifications of this principle of CORSET-SERVICE
• selling all lead to the greater satisfaction and comfort, to the styl
ish appearance and good health of our customers.
To make this CORSET-SERVICE real and active,* posi
tive, we have gathered this fall stocks of the best makes in that
variety and abundance that preclude the necessity of substitut
ing another model for the one you should have, that admit no
These are:
The New Bon Tons at $3.00 to $25.00
The New La Vidas at 4.00 to 15.00
The New Royal Worcesters at 1.00 to 2.50
The New W. B.’s at 1.00 to 3.50
The New Warner’s at 1.00 to 3.50
All supplemented and made of real personal worth to
YOU by the corset knowledge and experience of expert fitters,
headed by our Miss Scott.
So why take the risk of being improperly corseted this fall?
It is unnecessary,.useless. Come now while the season is still
young, before you have your suits and dresses fitted-—this COR
SET-SERVICE DEPAR TMENT can be of great service to you.
Chamberlin -- Johnson=Dußose Co.
Georgian Want Ads Bring Results
PROVIDENCE, R. 1., Sept. 11.—Three
young men were killed by the Boston
bound merchants’ limited train on the
New Haven railroad early today at Dike
street. The bodies were scattered along
the track, about 200 feet apart.
Cascarets make you feel bully; they immediately cleanse and sweeten the
stomach, remove the sour, undigested and fermenting food and foul gases;
take the excess bile from the Jiver. and carry off the constipated waste mat
ter and poison from the bowels.
A Cascaret tonight will straighten you out by morning—a 10-cent box
from any druggist, will keep your Stomach regulated. Head clear and Liver
and Bowels in a splendid condition for months. Don’t forget the children.
10 Cents. Never gripe or sicken.
4/ ' v ' ll I"'"' 1 ’" mil'll < li< > rfulm feu hours
WRIM daily.
Flat washable wall finish will make your home
bright and cheerful continually Put un in four
teen shades and tints. Color card upon request.
22 E- Bay St. Broad St.
Phones, Main 1115.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 11.—Te condi
tion of Senator Heyburn, of Idaho, who
is under treatment here for heart trou
ble. shows- marked improvement today.
The senator, who suffered a breakdown
as the result of his hard work during
the last session of congress, is confined
to his apartment in Stoneleigh court.
Atlanta 329.