Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, September 11, 1912, EXTRA, Page 10, Image 10

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10 SETTLES SOUR. UPSETSTONIAGHIN FIVEMINUTES-PfIPE’S DIAPEPSIN As soon as it reaches the stomach all that distressing gas, Sourness, Heartburn and Indigestion vanishes. Time it! In five minutes all stomach distress gon< No indigestion, heart burn. sourness or hel< hlnjr of gas. acid or eructations of undigested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath o; headache. Pape's Dlapepsin is noted for its speed in 'egulating upset stomachs. It is the surest, quickest stomach doctor tn the whole world and besides it Is harmless and delightful. Millions of men and women now eat their favorite foods without feat -the\ know it is needless to hav. a bad stom ach Let Us Show You A Remarkable Line OF Imported Hats Th is season our Hats were imported from England. France, Austria. Germany and Italy. We ve taken this step in order that our trade may have the finest Hat' made on earth. These foreign products are soft, mellow and pliable, with a lus trous sheen, possessing a feel soft and silky to the touch. Being made of the finest material, they retain their shape; the colors are absolute ly unchangeable. Imported Velours, in all shades, $3.00 to $6.00. imported Furs, in all shades. $3.00 to $5.00. Imported Crushers, in all shades, $2.50. An unusual range of models and proportions in Stetsons and Crofut Knapp Derbies at $3.00 and $4.00. We sell the Heidcap at SI.OO and $1.50, Come in tomorrow and select your fall style for Our store will be closed Thursday on account holiday. Eiseman Bros., Inc. 11-13-15-17 Whitehall St. Get a large 50-cent case of Pape's Diapepsfn from any drug store and put your stomach right Stop being mis erable-life Is too short —you are not here long, so make your stay agreeable. Eat what you like and digest ft; enjoy It. without fear of rebellion in the stomach. Diapepsin belongs in your home. Should one of the family eat something which doesn't agree with them 01 in case of an attack of indigestion, dys pepsia. gastritis or stomach derange ment. it is there to give the quickest, surest elief known. A? L-L-ll] 111 fcgMM Of'■ Lassw', I witGl yaffil /h*o- Al HPHIS is the “mixer.” In it is kneaded all the dough that goes into ROGERS’ BREAD. No human handscan knead bread prop erly. No human strength can properly combine and mix the correct propor tions of flour, salt, yeast, sugar and milk. The machine does these things with unerring exactness. So that ROGERS* BREAD IS ALWAYS RIGHT—DELI CIOUS, HEALTHFUL. And the ma chine is absolutely CLEAN cleaner than the cleanest hands. Jos. Rogers Co. 57 Highland Avenue Come out to the KOGERS BAKERY, Waieh the “miner” mi*. You'll be interested. THE ATLANTA UWWAN AM) NEW’S. U El>.\ EISDA Y. SEPTEMBER 11. imz. Bright Eyes An active, healthy liver that never shirks its work is reflected in your eyes which sparkle and shine with the joy of life —watch your eyes in the mirror and take Tutt's Pills at the first sign of dull ness. At your druggist, sugar coated or plain. K . •• 1 BEAUTIFUL HAIR IT SMALL GOST A Simple Remedy Beautifies the Hair, Cures Dandruff, Stops Falling Hair, What a pity it is to so many people with thin, wispy hair, faded or streaked with gray, and realize that most of these people might have soft, glossy, abundant hair of beautiful color and luster if they would but use the proper treatment. There is no neces sity for gray hair under sixty-five years < f age. and there is no excuse for any one, young or old, having thin, strag gling hair, either full of dandruff or heavy and rank smelling with ex cessive oil. You can bring back the natural color of your hair in a few days and forever rid yourself of any dandruff and loose hairs, and make your- hair grow’ strong and beautiful by using Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy. For gener ations common garden Sage has been used for restoring and preserving the color of the hair; and Sulphur is recog nized by Scalp Specialists as being excellent for treatment of hair and scalp troubles. If you are troubled with dandruff or itching scalp, or if your hair is losing its color or coming out, get a fifty-cent bottle of Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur'from your druggist, and notice the improvement in the appearance of your hair after a few days' treatment. CRIED DAY AND NIGHT WITH ECZEMA Thought It Would Kill Him, Broke Out in Pimples. Scabbed Over, Itched and Burned. Had to Tie Hands. Cuticura Soap and Oint ment Cured Him Sound and Well, RF D. No. 5, Tenn "My little boy broke out on the face with that terrible disease, eczema, when he was juzt one month old. and I just thought sure it would kill him. »s it killed our other baby at. five months old. It ; would break out In pimples and seal; over, and be cried ’ day and night. I thought that there was no cure for 7 him at all. His face would Itch and burn so bad that, I had to tie his little hands down so he could not scratch his face . "We began at ence to have him treated until he I-- w ( iT' 1 was seven months old. and he got worse all the time. It would break out worse than ever. I decided to give the Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment a trial, bo I sent and got a box of Cuticura Ointment and one cako of Cuticura Soap. 1 had not used them a week until 1 could see a great change, and they cured hint sound and well and never left a single ecar " (Signed) Mrs. Lillie Sikes, Feb. 17. 1912. Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment are sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. A single set is often sufficient when all else fails. Liberal sample of each mailed free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post card "Cuticura. Dept. T. Boston.' ♦•-Tender-faced men should use Cuticura Soap Shaving Stick, 25c. Sample free. PRESENT FALL PROSPECTS BREAK ALL PAST RECORDS I Never before have the prospects for a tremendous fall business been as bright as they are now. Orders are coming in with a rush and the applications for private board exchanges unprecedented. Atlanta's remarkable de velopment and our “Rapid Fire Service" are two great factors in this exceptional growth. Atlanta Telephone and Telegraph Co. A. B. CONKLIN, Gen. Mgr. SAM SHEPHARD'S FRIENDS TO MEET JTUESDAY NIGHT There will be a meeting of the citi zens of the Third ward at Sam Shep hards residence. 09 Sidnev street, Tuesday night at S o'clock. September 10, for the purpose of furthering his candidacy for councilman from this ward. ••• MEN AND RELIGION BULLETIN NO. 18 % “The Houses In Our Midst’’ Neighbors, a Letter and Light on The Segregated District A lawyer asked, “Who is my neighbor?’’ Jesus, replying, told the story of the man left by robbers as dead in Jericho road. The priest saw him, but hurried on his way. The Levite, gathering his immaculate robes, scurried past. But a despised Samaritan, forgetting thieves and clothes, picked up the bleeding man and saved his life. “Which of these,’’ Jesus asked, “Thinkest thou proved neighbor unto him that fell among robbers?’’ The lawyer answered, “He that showed mercy on him.’’ “Go,” said Jesus, “and do thou likewise.” Your way of obeying, men and women of Atlanta, is more than strange. Worse than thieves are in the city. They own the Houses in our Midst. In these are their victims, more pitiable than the man in Jericho Road; women, who once were girls, for sale. To the cowardice and indifference of the hurrying priest and scurrying Levite, you add your words: “Don’t talk publicly of such creatures. “Leave them in their filth! “If you disturb them, they will scatter and may become our neighbors.” Your “neighbors?” God has made them your sisters. And you will not be able to escape the responsibility. But you need not their presence. Close the houses! Then owners of women may open for business next door to you? If they do, phone Police Headquarters and they will be moved. Atlanta’s policemen are not nearly so puerile and inefficient as some would have you believe. And you are not so low as to refuse to run the risk of having to walk to a telephone, preferring rather to remain a partner in betray ing girls, selling women, blinding babies, breaking hearts of wives and killing them with loathsome disease as you are while your city ap proves the houses and accepts money earned by prostitution. Remember this, and no longer speak of scattering the evil! Those wishing to leave the life will not annoy you. Most of these will slip away. One who did this, in a letter written in a distant city, throws light upon the segregated district. She writes: “I’m one whom the Chief of Police closed in Atlanta. SOME DIFFERENT PEOPLE THINKING I WOULD HAVE TO GO IN THE REGULAR DISTRICT IN YOUR CITY, WORK FOR THE RICH LANDLORDS WHO CONTROL AND GIVE THEM EVERY DOLLAR I MAKE. But no, indeed. I have money, and thank God, lam a different woman, and cex-tainly expect to live a happy, good life in the future. “I thank God, and also you. “Respectfully, “ONCE A FALLEN WOMAN OF ATLANTA.” May she know that her letter is valued! She had “money,” and so escaped! Think of those who have none! Without doubt, when The Constitution announced that Atlanta would be advised to force all fallen women into that district favored by officials, but hated by God, the price of girls went down while rent went up. The churches of Jesus Christ, and men and women worthy of the name, will be heard from, ere this unlawful shame shall be fastened on our city. Atlanta should and will close the Houses in our Midst. THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE MEN AND RELIGION FORWARD MOVEMENT.