Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, September 11, 1912, EXTRA, Page 9, Image 9

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CASTOR IA * k .4.- .-,v . t ... * . 1 The Kind You Have Always Bought has borne the signa ture of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has been made under his oersona) supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good ” are but Experiments, and endanger the health of Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic .substance. Its ajje is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomac h and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought y* Bears the Signature of f fl"" In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. TT MURRAY STRICT, NEW YORK CITY. Take your choice of any pencil in our stores when you buy a tablet—whether it s a five or ten cent tablet —pencil tablet or ink tablet. , ALL THIS WEEK Z "wl’C Y-K Mt Ho CAPITOL AVE 129 ANGIER A/E. 156 MORELAND AVE. Jk SOTH PHONCS-545 IVY-64fe ATLANTA 2477. .IVY-186 ATLANTA 413 'iw I IB® i I !'r. I' ill of $195 piallofi is I * Th> result of a desire 'o g serve every one who loves I music -to put into every home ■ where there are children and a young people a reliable piano if excellent tone. j Every piano' sold at this [ price. On convenient terms, is. I in every particular, what we say it is. S We are bound by duty to K select these $195 instruments i vith great care. Only after p thorough study have we made I our selections. NEW PIANOS I We offer a small j number of new pia £|*|Ap nos in handsome ma- ! "gany eases of beau- Mjl/t/ ■ tiful design at only E Terms: $lO Now, $6 Monthly B fl While these instruments S M mst. we know there will be a u '' tidy di mgnd. Therefore, we S ► trongly urge our patrons to R 2 "inf and see them as soon as U >. "issihle Why not today? R HALLET & DAVIS 2 I PIANO CO. j Manufacturers. Est. 1839. I j 1226, 1227. 1228 Candler Bldg, g | Ml. CARDER, Manager * 153!I 53 ! Dealers Wanted in Unoccu- E r '-ci Territory. CASH GROCERY CO. Preserving Pears 1 7r ' *f U J Parksdale Butter 30c lb. Guaranteed Fresh Country EGGS 25c J a se Lois, 30 doz. .. 22 1-2 c •■Case Lots 211-2 c 12jb. Tetley’s Tea . . 9c C *SH GROCERY CO. and 120 Whitehall k "am Ad days In The Geor ••.at Tuesday, Wednes<la\ AE.I t i <lhv. Saturdav Try ther ft-aulta win surprise juu. Simplify home, apartment, room seek ing by saving time, temper and tramping by consulting The Georgian Rent Bulle tin. Is Your Child Fed To meet 9 the demands of school life? J Study taxes the brain and nerves of the growing youngsters. Certainly, that s natural and expected; and if fed right, they grow rosy in body and hearty in brain. If a child drops under school training it is a Signal Flag. Something used up each day that is not replaced from the food. Don’t neglect the signal! There is one absolutely dependable food, because it contains the certain parts of wheat and barley that rebuild, not only the body, but the gray matter in Brain and nerve centres. If you have any question of the scientific truth of this statement, write us for analysis of Brain and nerve centres and analysis of Grape-Nuts FOOD There is no guesswork here, but absolute dependable fact that can be made use of by any parent sufficiently interested in the child’s development to investigate. A regular diet of Grape-Nuts and cream, as part of each meal, will tell its tale of health and (fortunately) the children like it. “There’s a Reason” for Grape-Nuts Sold by Grocers POST I’M CEREAL CO., LTD., PI’RE FOOD FACTORIES. BATTLE ('REEK. MICIL > THE ATLANT A GEORGIAN AND NEWS. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11. 1912 Davison-Paxon-Stokes Co. More New and Delightful Dresses Have Come They Will Interest and Please ' Every One Who Sees Them Smart, beautiful velvet and serge Dresses—stylish one-piece models —irresistible to the woman whose wardrobe needs something fresh after a summer vacation. Velvet Dresses at $18.50, S2O and $25 Beautiful navy or black velvet Dresses with braid and button trimmings, becoming, high-waist models. Some have the new satin girdle with sash. Exceedingly stylish and desirable. Ready for all occasions, where a street dress may be worn. New and Stylish Serge Dresses at $lO They are of unusually pleasing style. All-wool serge Dresses in navy, black, brown and tan. Trimmed in various ways with buttons, braids, wee satin bows; some have black satin collar and cuffs. sls Challis Dresses at $8.50 Ideal Dresses for immediate wear, and appropriate for many occasions. They are • in light colors, pretty, soft blues, browns and tans—with daintv. soft lace trimmings Sizes 32. 34 and 36. Serge Dresses at $4.50 Stylish, serviceable Dresses of serge in navy, black and brown. Some have braid and button trimmings, others have plaid silk collar anil cuffs, and some have silk blouse. But a glance is needed to show that these dresses are priced much below their real value. Goldsmhh-Acton-Witherspoon Co, $6 Arts and Crafts Clock $2.98 AV hile they last These Clocks are we offer limited WMBHHKVi 1,1 th ® ot these of the beßt powible beautiful Arts ■ and (’rafts S-Day t'f ,l ““ ,n< ' as,ires 23 V 2 r,, , t-i tfMcr&nl*?•’>:’j inches tall, 13 inches (locks, tn Early w W .. and 7 inches English or Fumed B deep. The move- Dak. fully th « sp,h > ,1 i j.,- no |Ti | ■ Thomas and Is fully anteed . A $6.00 | ■ ■ ■ guaranteed. A $6.00 value at — I I H H Clock for $2.98 JLJI $2.98 $6 MISSION CLOCK $2.98 f /PM feFFIEb tn Dining Room Furniture our stock is complete in matched suitsicm odd pieces. Massive Colonial Suits in mahogany and modern Mission 'de signs. as well as the smaller pieces for the cozy apartment—in either caste the quality and price is right. , Pay for your Furniture while you use it, “a little at a time’' ANOTHER shipment of factor! i p/3 SECONDS IN CENTER ÜBLES O/ sl-98 ■ These Tables are slightly imperfect: some hlwv y , I paper marks from being wrapped too soon, I Jp 1 ™ I These Tables can be furnished In a variety of fur patterns, in either Oak or Mahogany; pew V $4.00 values„ ............ In Brass Beds we offer the cel- tsttti ebrated “Never Tarnish Brass Bed,” guaranteed against tar- .X*!'---'.".-'? HTTP 400 nishing under any conditions. Uj-ftTTT~ | rtf' • if you are “from Missouri.” Iff II I « jj HtF?" ~n~T*T make the test yourself. Take «□ I I I fl** ‘jfc?' 111 11 ~|~| 11 [' either ammonia, salt water or u |I M ‘ ißiff X #lrll Dl| 11 j nitric acid and give the bed a I kill bath, leave It on as long as you | | | | II Iff II L MnHfHtE like, and you'll see that our guar- IL Aft ft || ' L Rttltfi J antee means something. ;Jz ttlnllfl ?u Priced from $lO g|||p Headquarters f»>r Springs and Mattresses. It Mosquito Canopies, put 9x12 Brussels Rugs, 9x12 Axminster Rugs, up complete new designs; seamless oriental and medallion patterns $2 Io $3.50 $15.00 $22.50 Stepladders, in conve. Carpet-Covered Has- Mission Tabourettes. nlent home size socks solid oak 50c 49c 49c Curtain Nets HIGH-CLASS DRAP New arrivals in Lace Curtains; $1.50 values; 25c, 35c, 50c to ERV WORK - ESTh ""' r nn oh rn n v j MATES GLADLY FUR- MaP $1.50 Per Yard NISHED SOL Colonial Bedroom Furniture E .r 18. jL j Bedroom Furniture in solid and veneered Mahogany, Circassian Wal nut and Quartered Oak. > New. up-to-the-rnifiute patterns in Odd Pieces and Matched Suits. All sizes. Prices right. Pay for your Furniture while you use it, “a little at a time" Pullman Davenports $35,00 and Up (rm - - «. .. I* "'.O l ' ’I I We inn furnish the Pullman Davenport in all woods and finishes. You Will find our prices the lowest in the city. Come in and selei t your Davenport and we will airange the terms to suit your convenieliec. Mail Orders Promptly Filled Goidsniith-Acton-Witherspoon Co. LIFETIME FURNITURE, RUGS AND DRAPERIES 62 Peachtree 61 North Broad 9