Newspaper Page Text
Published by Th** Georgian Company,
20 East Alabama Street,
Atlanta. Ga
Entered at Atlanta postoffice as second
claps matter
Subscriptions Payable in Advance
One year, mail, postage prepaid. *."» 00
Six month?, nfail. postage prejiaM. 2.50
Three months, mail, postage prepaid. 125
One month. mail, postage prepaidL 45
x Subscriptions I’ayal - ince
Delivered bv carrier, one year $5 20
Delivered b] <■<>:: er. six month!
Delivered by carrier, three mobths iJO
Delivered by carrier, one month . 45
Delivered bv carrier in Atlanta and
other cities, one week . ... ..10c
Want Ad Rates and Rules
in The Atlanta Georgian
f -r - -
One cent a word *»arb insertion
"No ad taken for less than the prir*»
of ten words Ads in larger type.
12c a line (4 words to the lire).
Out-of-town advert I «ementi
must b* accompanist! with cast.
Agencies discounts 10 and 5 per
The Georgian vd’ not hr respon
sible for m re than one Incorrect
Insertion f anj a*i ordered more
than one time
Closing Hours: To secure prop
er classit ration, ads must r,e in ;
Th** Georgian off ; ce before 1 o’clock
the day of the Issue
Al! ads must be ordered cut in
writing or at office No discon
tinuance notice taken over phone. i
t.Aery word In »he advertisement.
Including the name and address.
Word com, mind words art < ;
;v. < word*
•i » ’ ' to The I
Ge»igian pi >u<« 80001 when
it Is n.iTf c. ir orient to do so, ai.<i .
roiiectfon will !»»• made at \onr
home or at ' office the follow
ing day This i« an arrow mod*
t’ >n < r .(•< i**nrierrd Georgian patrons and payman*
•houhi a’v, a\s hr promptly made
cn ntaGon of bill Always
.’«<•< ’I nt o' r telephone nd be re
pealed ha* k ’o ou b\ the ad
a’>r ‘u nr*i r - t’ at it has been
ia. • u '•,. rr . C fiv The Georg n .a:
no. guarantre O'-rura*-v or as nine
’ r-pnp-ihi’Jt v f or ror> < f an.\ kind
occurring |p tf’eihore advertise
tr« nts
ADVERTISERS should retain re ■
< r pi - g '. »-n ;n pa>inen( !••■ Want I
‘.'ln o\< r th.- office < o :itc i. .. s mis.
tiJ-e- an not be nctib'-d without
’hem in answering advertise
m.m- addressed In .are of The
Georgian, if the advertiser requires
el “Fences. send a d iplioat** of
Help Wanted—Female
W '. NTIi »- Good washer \ppl>
108 H Peachtree street 54 M-11 I
WANTED I. . \ ■
Apply 44” Pearl.£rc*_s tn *• t -1 1 -33 i
AA \Ni 1.1 • jir st-class colored hou emaid I
■' 1 •01 ' •on. ■ 1 . •
AA N”i ED A ung ladj tant book
keeper, one who can u • typewrit* r
Answer m own handv i itinu, giving r* h«i
once. Eiseman Gros.. in* :»-11-ii
NICE, large room hi.<i bo.'.d. who table |
_board. I\\ L4L3-.I 9-11-15]
Wanted <.nr.«: nurs.- h-m; ideal i
monk avrniu 9-11
WANTED White nurse. with expe-
rlence. to care for child two Avars an i
assist in hous*. Box 780. <aie Georgian
W ANTED White nurse good home and
good wages to right p. n\ Edgar A I
Neeh, 701 Equitable buildinjz. Atlanta
_ _ 51-‘.'-10 I
WANTED !>a*iy. good appearance and]
education, living hrinr io qiialifx fori
‘ Harper method” sbamuo<,mg. bail dress I
ing for ladles only. »’d best Good
prospects for proper llrJ ((11 after barn '
mg Mrs I. B Graham 1.2 Eoovth
building 4G.-..IO;
AA ANTED Good < ook. with ref. rent es
a pi’ ’■ BH Wa » . - i.. or •>. 0-31 I
■' \N I ..I- <. . reTiabh <npable <
App!> 125 Elizab.-th street. Inman Bark i
9-10 ”
WAXTi :i i ' first-riast* .■ ok u.i.i.ii. ■
aged one. who ran milk, it once l\\ I
AA ANTED N.’thern whit» uom iu. g» <<i I
rook f< i small rmilh, Ali < onvmlenevs
Best wage-. i hou. \lol. Market '
AA aN’Ii.U <h <d sr\ ( nt p,; NortbJ
Jackson tirei to’
Co< H\ AA AN’I EI • al one. APIi .• 2’ l
Peachtree circle. 34 ‘i.'.t I
\A ANTED Colored woman to cook anti do '
g. nri j) . »•.t : (v Mat r< < m >n 10l
2‘< AAesi Sixtcj ih strr.q u-ii-21' !
SHIRTS k’OBI\SO\ slllh’T
CO . 195 1 M \h’||-’,TT.\ ST.
9 I 15
Exrinui u „.
Mri'hunlc uni overalls and
imtits, sieads walk , a i| ~id highest
waves I>nid :..r >inrt lons. «will .'in
I'h'v tnexporlri I persons and tt-.u h
them this work so the) ran soon earn
good wages 'Hv< Is tin brsi employment
in Atlanta fo r women and giib- Call
an<l Id. >IS explain it Man tis 1.0. b .<■ Co .
7b South I 1 ’vot street 1-4-Hll
Help Wanted—Male.
•i M HIGH COMPANY requirea
the services of boys as eash
jet >■ al office. 'I 11 22
V. \ X t < • ■
cres-s io wak <it\. Extin m- u.-rments
t«> ri:ht cari\ « liftin I‘ort -ait « i.panv.
211 Tfntple ai-t building ’;-io
TA\ <i good rcnvaßHers, new articl* good
proposition, • vrryhod] wants ii Ap
ply 9 a. m 34’.. Peachtree street. Room
\-t 6-9-11
AV ANTED <’omp< lent, registered pharm
acist at once Give phone number and
references. IV <• Box 1202. t’itx .34-9-11
THREE industrial life insurance solicitors
to work in cltv good pa* chance tor
promotion See 11 B Dixon. 557 Candler
Annex g
GOVERNMEN I‘t’SIT!<)NS ;ue easx to
get M] free booklet. Y-H! tell? how
Write tooa> now Earl Hopkins. AVash
ington. D. <’ 57-a 4
AA'ANTED For I' S. army, able-bidied
unmarried men between ages of 18 an<i
.35; cltirens ot I'nited States, of good
character and temperate habits, who can
speak, read and write the English lan
guage For information, apph to Re
fruiting Officer, corner Peachtree .nd
Forsyth streets. Atlanta, or 411 Cherrv
V \SfTED \ ■
shoe repair men must be sober and
understand Good] ear markiner> Max M
Hubert. Athens. Ga 58-s-1 <
WANTED First-class man <ook. goo.
wages paid Apply 277 A\ est Peachtr« »
street ;
' Vi ■
eery store Appb 2 to 8 j m 271
Piedmont avenue
AA’ANTED First-class male stenogra
pher, good opening and lair salat] tv
start. Georgia Oar and Loeomotiv** Go
Ridge ave and AA'asbington st 9-10-1 ?
TWO yoiinc men to proa shirts
Robinson Shirt ConipHn.v. 19.'
1-2 Marietta street 9-10-18
AA'ANTED—Competent, quick, accurate
young man as bookkeeper; must b«
HONEST. Give good refer* ru es Hotel
P OBox 1574 19
jN I d STRI< •’ s ma 1 ■
after premises, room on lot Apply ♦»<>*
W. - . j. f
F ills .
♦s). 180 month . ’ lanta cxumlnat
November 8. free < racking c>anklin In
i t. Dept 49-S, Roche*’ei, N V
Help W?nted—Male.
’ POSITION’ es soda dispenser, cigar or
I front of drug trade; clerk A-I; prefer!
small town Address .1 Pope Anderson,
'•are General Delivery. .Atlanta, ».a, ]
j WANTED -Office boy, white, not mor*
than fifteen years of agp Apply at of- .
fire of the Georgia School of Technology *[
LEARN DANCING- Private instrurtinns
I Lessons sl. course $lO. AA’ill accept few ■
I applicants at *5 Phone Ivy 8087-I
29-9-9 I
j v ANTED Men to iearn barber trade
I Our course includes pv rything done in
j a modern shop Complete outfit of tools
given AA ages in finishing department.
I Constant practice, expert instructions. ’
Diplomas granted Positions waiting <
!<’all »>j write Moler Barber College. 38'
; ■ - I . :
AV AN'i'Ei• Young men to leai■ phat i-1
ary this fall. Demand for our gradu- 1
ales exceeds supply. Next session begin?
• irtober 1. Southern College of Pharmacy. I
M Lurki* street. Atlanta. Ga 3-1-1
W A NTE D -Bright, st rong
boys to deliver routes in
afternoons. Good wages i
and .-bailee for promotion. 1
Cal! at cireulafion depart
ment The Atlanta Georgian, i
20 East Alabama street.
'7ANTED Ideas Inventors vritr for'
list of Inventions wanted and jir.’zes of- ,
I tered bv manufacturers. Alsp, how to get
, ' our patent Sent free to any address.
Randolph A’- Brise*.e, patent attorneys.
AVashington, D 7-11
-■: -■ i» it Hilburn hotel, ieart of city, 1-d '•
AA’nlton stree* if vou want a clean, quiet
room, 'transient 50c Open all right
A ES. Professor G <> Branning will teach
yen the harbor trade (it’s casy» AA’e
teach in one bait time of other colleges
Course and position in our shops
only |3O AA r hy pay more? Thousands of
• >ur graduates running shops or making
• r o<>d v. ag< x Atlanta Barber College. 10
'I ‘ ' 117
FREE MASSAGE, hall cuts, strives,
shampoos A’l harbor work free. Clean |
' run At’an.a Barber College, 10 East L
Help W:inted—Male and Female.
AA'ANTED An expesienefd butler and
maid at 4*»9 \Vashington streel. ''-11-26 '
supply yon. Roiiiingloii
I ypew viler < 56 Nori h
Broad st reel. 9-11-12
IAMES A. Bl ( 11. WAN.
I'.’XI'ERT ri.wo TI XEI! Action, regu
lut m voicing and repairing Bell
i phon* M :in 'T<l-L East Atlanta Drop
I c all 8-19-24
j t-w?..'.. - y■ ■
Salesmen Wanted.
i SALESMEN and collectors wanted to
\.< rk in clt\. < xperi* m e not necessary.
iSmger Sewing .Aia<*hitu> t’ompanv. <9
| Whitehall street. 9-11 -4
Situations Wanted -Female.
i •'. «I ’F.R I EN< ’ED young iad.\ stenograplrnr
de'dn s position. • .tn give best of ref< r-
• •nces j w !»., (an* (.;<orgian. ;:.;-'.«-ii
(ItEI INED Christian settled. lad\ wants.
position as matron, cornpahiun or
•’•IS' ■••• per •'. ! t-iriiLh best of refcr-
• r.< , vM, « 'ompar ■ n. 1 ! a | »<-|<alb avenue
! Hl« .11 GRADI exp< fenced music teach
er want- po.dthm in a cbool. Write
(Southern reach* IS Agency and Emplox
■ i»l Rnr';m. A liter icns. jGa. 56-9-10 |
AA \.'\Ti.!> Position by ynung widow us
t companion. go\ern<ss <.i music teacher,
in private family . ran go anywhere
" - ..: •■ ' '<> "i; an 38-9 10
I COIXfRED girl desires position in
rate family as inabl. ran give refer-
AA /ANTED Cookhi position~B Chrhitiai
• Mlored woman. <’nn’t possibly work
|on Sunday. Write me. Address L. .Al . 17
( Newnan street. Atlanta 26 •'-!»
!W AN TED At on< e. position as assistant
ier in public school, high school
graduate and college »ducaiio!' Highest
i • comito ndati<»ns as to character and i
ability Address M B, 815 S"Hlh Grant
strict. Fitzgerald. Ga. 79-9-7
| GRADI ATE in music must have posi J
tion as music teacher; three years ex- 1
I perlence; highest recoihtnendatlonft Ad
res? \i it 815 Sou!h <lrani stteel.
,j l‘'irzgerahl. Ga 80-9-7
Needle Work.
I ..Al BR< H I >ER A . designing, tine’ sewing
and darning 1 Baltimore places lv\
|AA\Ti-:i> i'lHin MWii-K. Childrens
work a -.pceialiy .Address Dressmaker.
I . at u < Jeorghin. 56-9-11
Situations Wanted—Male
AA .ANTED Position as clerk in grnre ,, \ 1
"tore or general merchandise. some «x- |
pericnct . good reference B« x 751. care |
'" O1 •■■ ■■ 12-!'- I l
I I’.t'llNlCAL GRADI A'l’E, with experi- 1
ence good ch:<fact»r best references,
.desired position with a manufacturing
; cMin ti n. Address R,.x 4!<l, care Georgian
Al! round, fit k t-class r< f» ren<
wish position at once. Box 70S. < are
! Georgian 36-9-10
-POSITION b\ hustler, in business sot
se|t. seven years, make good at any
thing sober and reliable Address S AV..
. Geon i ’ - ’ »
I YOUKXi MAN wit) several expi
rience in office work, at present with
i large corporation, is anxious to make a
• te, with chance for advancement, F
• ’ . 133 < q-» r si reel
w anted Position as teacher in rural
<-r higli school high school graduate
;.iul college < liuaihi Best •(* t Inmnials
'ess *’_M Hartwell. Ga 54.9-19
Yol NG mAN 22, w r ith three years expi
rieiu v In office work, wants some kind
1 ot honest work with 1 chance for promo
( i tion Address K G H. 98 Crew st.. City.
\ ■ 1 ; i' r\l [. pali .: unEei aales
t man. who can also use t\; < writer
.wants position Best references Bex
780. care Georgian. 32-9-9
i tw < • BOYS lust back from Tallulah, one
I I a first-class house l»<i\. twelve \ < ars ex-
perience in the work, and the other all
round man Answer soon Z B . ”3> .
II Ty lei s• re. t \ ’ lan a 9
POSITION wanted bj - -1. •11 11 »■ i • -:.; i:. . \
] 1 prrionced in office work as manager or
r to take charge of correspomiein e. eollee
-1 | turns. <tc . satisfactory references as to
ability reliability etc Address Hex 74V
V care Georgian. 34-9-4
J ." -t , . . ,
Job Work.
i I AVE CAN SAVE you money on repair
• i woik. shelving, tables and counters AA e
■ make them 10 order. Roof repairing, brick
work, a *
" ng 62> ? S Fursyth street Bell 1*187;
.■ Atlanta 6087-M
Board Wanted.
<; Av ANTED Room with or without board;
good location, by single man. reasonable
e i rates H M Box 5. care Georgian
5i W ANTED Board In private family in or
near Inman I’ark must be first-class
' ami ouvtnient to hath Address M D B
* 280 Ashby <t . stating price .35-9-9
gian .v** M'-nday. l uesdav. A\ edneMwy.
I Ih'.’sda. Fridav. Saturday Trv them
Boarders Wanted.
; A ('(H’PLE or two gentl* men can get '
I comfortable room ami board at 744 PJed-
I mont ave. 9-11 -19
Jew ish Board.
| P'llcST-ri.ASS JEWISH board at reason
able tai.— Utt Capitol avenue. I' S-lt 1
j L’NEXCELED room*; ta.ble board*; loca* ,
Eon .nd surroundings; reasonable; run- j
I ring water in rooms; furnace h*at. 32.
I E. North av» I’hone Ivy 5551 ■
I’l E AS.ANT r<*orns .nd board. 513 Peach- !
44-9-9 1
i d-j IGHTFITL front room with first-clasi I
board at reasonable rates; private home.
■ • ; • av< M 2031 -L. 9-9-1 5
AVE Ila A H one very large- room, with j
i >i*»eping pof'-h; suitable for three young
nun: steam Also table boarders.
252 Ivy s'rn» t 9-7-64 j
J CAN a<cfjmmodate a few boarders at 31 .
West Peachtree Place. Phone Ivy 4606.]
• NICELY furnished rooms, with or with- i
out board, at 25 AVest Baker st. Ivy ]
| 549-. I j
245 SUI’TII PRYOR <an arcommodatf a:
few hoarders and roomers; with < on- ]
Yl'Hb-nees, 9-5-13 ;
WEST END Coup!* without children,,
two young men »»ne room, one man to i
share room , table board. 156 (Jordon, f
’AV* st 17-L. 9-4-lOj
!.\l<’E R<)<)M ami board in exchange for,
.■ j. torcycle, piano or type-
I writer Small cash payment Piano. Box!
10. cure Georgian. 8-17-.30:
II :,(> tc. $2 .’.O d.iy; $7.00 to $12.50 weekly: .
American plan, 50c to $1.50 flay; $3.00
to $7.00 weekly European. References
L-- : x -188
I F .•■ i a ppn 1 ate cleanllne Iry us, |4
to $6 week. 12? Capitol avenue $-10-7 ‘
;——c——— : 1
Lost and Found.
I EAA’ SHARES of common stock of Geor
gia Railway ami Pmver Company at
bargain. Address Dividends, care Geor
. 15 - i 1
LOS'l * .• ... ■ afternoon, a pl -i< ian*s
visiting list, a small black hook; no
value to any’ one except owner. Return I
to 1317 Fourth National Bank Building. 1
A reward will he paid for so doing. Dr. I
a i Bei 43-!»-11 '
ARD for ret urn of liver ami j
whit*! collie df.g .1 K. < »rr. Jr.. 933 |
i_•.i < ii. i •■• street 9-11 1
i A >ST Ore paii gold-rimmed spe< taqles,
in Ballard case. Think dropped them I
on East Lake car Monday afternoon, i
Any < iu- finding them and returningNto
AA’ AA . Orr. care Muse Clothing Company . I
vjjl be _suitably rewarded. 9-11 25 |
iii’ »k lady’s silver ha ndh
umbrella from For rest to Capitol avenue
ear on route to barn 'Tuesday morning is
known, and will be prosecut**! unless um
brella is returned to 111 Equitable Bldg.
LOST Sunday, on Howell Mill road, ‘due
coat, containing wat< h and chain.
F'm’er return to .1 I! Ewing. Jr., Central
i ;■ • 9*ll-8 I
L< >ST Sil ei I u dli d imbn Ha; • ngra3 ed
"M. P. IF. 1912,” on AVo< *lwar<l avenue j
or Brookwood car. Monday afternoon.
Return same io 325 Peachtr***- and get re- ‘
ward. i
LOST OR STRAYED—Brown mare mule]
about 1.100 pounds, about ten years old, ,
from National Stockxanls. Call Main ]
883. 9-10-2 i
z; 1 - 1 -- I
. . . . . |
.09 SH ARES Empire Cott«»n < dl Comjiany I
• ommon stock for sale ' Address Need
Money care G- <»rgian 48-9-11
j WANTED To buy the bonds of the At- '
Junta ami Northern Str***q Railway I
| Company, running from Atlanta to Au
gusta. Ga A<kh**ss I’ <». Box 580. At |
1 un’2L Ga 14-9-11
MISSES’ special school suits, chic long;
c«>at; costume work. Arnone. 345‘-»
htrej streoj K 58 i 9-10 37
St’HkENS AVood fly screens, meta! fly l
■••reens. hardwood Hoots Vem tian blinds, ;
I metal woatluT strips furnished anywhere i
lin tlie South AA’riie or phone AV. R v’al- ]
’.iw.iv. mat ig« r. 110!’, ‘•’o»q ih National.
Rank P.HildiiiL, Atlanta, Ga. Main 5310. ?
815-5 I
SERIOI S RESULTS come from trusses .
improperly fitted John B. Daniel, at 34 •
AAall street, has an expert fitt r ami it
will cost you no more to have him fit ;
■■n i, :i i I it ’. tea ns in
,\i \ti j; •. ity s \~mt ai:i i m Private;
refined, homelike; limited nnmb*r of
pptients cared for; home provided for i”.-
fants; nfants for adoption Mrs M T.
Mitchell 26 AA indsor st. 6-22-12
I DROPSY Cl RFID Relieves hprtness of
I breath in 36 to 48 hours. Reduces swell- i
ing in 15 t.; 20 days. Write for partlcu- j
lars. Coliom Dropsy Remedy Company, ,
5t2 Aust* II Building. Atlanta 5 25-11
-r "J •33=5=
DR. EDMONDSON'S Tansy, Pennyroyal
and Cotton Root Tills, a safe and re
’iable treatment for painful and sup
pitssml menstruation, irregularities and
similat obstructions Trial box by mail.
50c Frank Etlnunulson -V ro.. manufac
turing chemists, 11 North Broad street.
Atlanta, Ga 2-17-14
PROK L\\or\,
74 Walton St.
Office Hours, 9 a. m.. 9 p m.
Sunday, 10 to | Ladies' Maid
in attendance.
REA’EAI S I’.AS’I . present and future
j Can be consulted on all affairs of life
Readings 25c. 50c. 17 East Mitchell street
«!n tent)
' | IS NOW LOC ATED in tent, corner For
syth ami L’tckie; can be consulted on
all affairs oi life Charges moderat**
Satisfaction guaranteed 6-35-1.3
Sewing Machines.
w : . * triplet,
set of attachments for $2 per month;
also machines repaired; prompt delivery.
Both phones 18.'” Singer Sewing Ma
chine Company . 79 AVbitehall 9-14-44
Stove and Range Repairing.
ow'the fixer
SI'.LLS sec-md band gas stoves. W< sweep
i chimneys. We (akc down heaters AA e
sell wick and wieklr"-cil stoves. AVe sell
> 1 gasoline < und ranges Atlanta phone
2235 J AA’hitehall sturt Bell phone
4 4 ■
Monuments and Stone Work.
p \ll kli. Is .ore woi k
$ | i:-l? Framt < p> .■ Main 3540
Trunks. Bags and Suitcaseo.
RETAILED AND 1:111 • \ ITt Pl'' ’
i R()U\TRE‘Z’S 's-n , ;T l l : : T AbL
i’lu -x rs Bell Mata 1576 Atlanta 16C4.
Fire-Proof Storage.
i|WE s;.-i:i HOUSEHOLD Boods anti
p.’anos Office ami warehouse. 239-241
i\ > ■ ’ John J Wood*
- snip Storage Company
Ever\ day is a go* d dax read the
, AV.i’.i \d I’a.'. s rm- « :-*■ rg:an N* w
i opportunit at thetv tmiay that did no
“The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin”
Do Your Renting Through This Bulletin.
Sit contains a • -onu-let* list each issue of everv desirable place that is For
id nt in th*- city an<i suburbs; no matter--whether it is furnished or unfurnished
they are ali here below.
For the benefit and convenience of Its patrons The Georgian employs a
? special man t<> ear* .' the city and surroundings each day for desirable places.
This bulletin will save you time, money and worry. It is for your conve
i nience, so take advantage of it.
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
1 NICELY furnish#*! front room; all con
veniences, north side, close in. ivy
I 3915-J. 9-11-36
I'<’R RENT- Front room. kitchenette;
gas stove; no objection to child; would
room few ladies, furnish two meals and
tires? near car line. 42 Garden street.
FOR REN T—One or two furnished or un
furnished rooms at North Jackson
street. Ivy 3851 ; Atlanta 2116-B, 58-9-11
COMFORTABLE furnished front room
to two gents or ladies, $2.50; conven
iences, walking distance. 65 Crew.
THREE beautiful large rooms; tinted
walls, cabinet mantels, water, gas with
owner; s!<• 401 S. M<»reland ave.
£ 49-9-11
'l’ll REE unfurnished or partly furnished
front rooms for housekeeping; all con
veniences; also be<] rooms to lady. 18
Boulevard Place, ivy 623. 43-9-11
HE.AFTIFI LLY furnished front room
with board; strictly private, north side
home, tp two young men: best references
r< -i itred. ivy 1903 9-11-20
FOR ill NT Two large, delightful rooms;
st«. in heal; private family; n<» children.
N< .■ 1 1. .i.o i<soi; i... • [yy 3570-j. 27-9-11
FOR he.x’t Clean, well furnished rooms,
close in; desirable for couple, business
men ct hoard near by. Special
j ate to pe»manents. l 9 aa#s. Cain
street. 9-11-9
FOR RENT < »ne nicely furnished room,
also one unfurnished room; close in. 60
West Harris stfeel 9-11-2
PRIVATE family has mom to rent in
steam-heated apartment; close in; all
conveniences Ivy 1184.31-9-11
FOR RENT—-Furnished upstairs front
room; three blocks from Candler build
ing. Ail conveniences. 189 Ivy street.
FOR RENT -Two or three rooms, fur
nished complete for housekeeping; no
children. References. 73 Williams street.
ONE furnished room; close in. private
family . all conveniences. Apply 52 West
Dine st. 35-9-10 |
NEAA’LA furnished front room; close in;
ali conveniences. 1201 2 E. Fair st.
FoR KENT —One nicelv furnished front
room; private family 233 South Pryor.
OWNER would rent three first floor con
necting rooms to couple without chil
dren; separate entrance, gas, porcelain
sink; freshly paper* *1 and painted, (.’all
after 5:30. 430 Pulliam.9-10-9
TAA’o furnished rooms and kitchenette;
all conveniences; close in; cheap. M.
i - 2t • >• >’ 11 h I ’ry «»r. 9-10-12
FAVO young men to take nicely furnished
room and board in steam-heated apart
m**nt Private home. AValking distance.
Call Ivy 5797. _•• 34-9-10
[.NICE, newly furnished rooms, also light
i housekeeping apartment. Close in. 151
»ipring street. ‘Li 10 ’ 6
'F’oR RENT Furnished rooms in strictly
private home. 19 East Harris street.
FOR RENT *Niceiy furnished room; n
ern conveniences. Apply 7 AA’ellington
] a |iai tments. 28*9-10
\\ AN TED- Couple to go half and rent
a house on north side. References ex-
1 ■•hanged. Box 479, care Georgian. 34-9-9
' FOR RENT Two neatly furnished rooms,
close in, for gentlemen. 50 East Ellis
street. Ivy 4S7*. 9-9-18
'NICELY furnished rooms. 255 Court land'
81 » 45-9-9
LARGE front room, on good north side
street; convenient to live car lines; fur
nace heat, hot and cohl water; all con
i v. niences, strictly private lamily; very
I reasonable to one or two young men.
- 478, care <leorgian. 9-9* 17
IONE handsomely furnished front
room..with stean.i heat, hot and
cold water, within 3 blocks of
Candler building, ivy 759-L.
‘ »-9-7
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms;
second floor; no dogs or children. 56
Wi - i'• .1 -T>tie.- st Ivy 5552-J 9-9-14
FOR kent jßeasant furnished rooms,
suitabh- for housekeeping or bed rooms.
• Hast Bakei street 9-9*B
a''i NG men Furnished apart
-1 ’ nu nt of four bed rooms, w ith den. Ideal
[location, on Peachtree. Home cooking.
.\*idnss it i ii . care Georgian. 27-9-9
F» 'll RENT Two furnished moms fur
housekeeping; sls a month. 276 Court
<l street. 9-7-30
l '»R RENT Beautifully furnished rooms,
close in; steam-heated apa r Linen t; gen
! Memen only Apartment No. 6. the Ver
; non. 61 East Cain street. Telephone Ivy
FOR rent One furnished room. 331
_£ot irtland. 1 9-7-38
loNE small room .for one or two gentle
men; nicely furnished; hot and cold
water; dose in; cheap. 48 Pulliam.
F'()R RENT' -Three rooms, sink in
kitchen; furnished or Unfurnished; or
two for housekeeping and one sleeping
room. 67 AA’oodward avenue 9-7-17
FOR RENT’ Boauiiful front room; pri
vate hath; gentleman preferred. Ad
! (IressPeachtree, care Georgian. 2.’>-9-6
I ONE nicely furnishe*! room: dose in: all
conveniences. 230-A South Pryor.
9-6 -1 3
>■ i’. \_s.\nt room; modern conveniences:
in steam heated apartment; dose iti.
■t !i side Ivy 60:’,2-.i 9-5-68
IFOR RIZNT Furnishe*! rooms in sfrictly
private home. 19 East Harris street.
8-22 17
AT 419 NORTH JACKSON there is room
and board for one or two. Ivv 4349-.1.
_ IL4-7
FOR RENT Handsomely furnished
steam-heated room, adjoining bath, in
Atlanta’s most modern apartment Gen
tlemen preferred. Price moderate. Kef
*nn< • s. Phone ivy 6729 9-1-3
! AA’ANTED Young men or couple; pleas
ant rooms, with or without meals; good
| beds, good meals; reasonable price. 64
j E Harris st 8-31-60
j .
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms, three
or four, walking distance of town: all
{conveniences; cheap. 88 Pulliam street.
I Bl A MEN’S old clothes and shoes.
Drop a card 1. Boek. 32 Bell street.
8 I ■
■ F I ’RNITI’RE and household goods, office
| fixtures and merchandise of any kind
.io- * pled on consignment. Cash advanced
Pembroke Sales ('o . i 13 South Pry or St.
: B* I nhones Main 1 ■'.4 Main 187, .Atlanta
‘ 2285 8-15JL2
I‘Koi’ A CARD AViB tu ir g ash for old
clothes and shoes. The A’estiaTe. 166
ll'ocatur street 6-27-42
AA’ANTED We pay highest cash prices
on household goods, pianos and office
furniture ("’ash advanced on consign
ments Springer’s Auction House, 25
South Pryor street Bell phone Main 1526.
The best Want A<l nays in The Geor
gian are Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday.
Thursday. Friday, Saturday. Try them
ALL _The j-esult s will surprise you.
AA’E PAY HIGHEST cash prices for house
hold goods, pianos and office furniture
’ Cash advanced on consignments Central
Auction Company, 12 East Mitchell
I street Bell plume Main 2424 S-26-26
Simplify home, apartment, room seek
ing by sa\mg time, temper and tramping
I to consulting The Georgian Kent Built
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
THREE beautiful rooms; separate en
trance opening on veranda; porcelain
sink. Ivy 99, 9-11-21 i
FOR sll per month I will rent to desira
ble parties three connecting rooms in
cottage with private entrance, bath ad
joining bed room, sink in kitchen, sepa
rate gas meter. 40 Boulevard Terrace,
one block from North Boulevard. 9-11-16
It;!: RENT Tw«- vnfurnism•! connect- i
ing rooms for housekeeping. 168 Central 1
avenue 25-9-11 •
FOR RENT—Entire upper floor (four
rooms and bath) at 221 Central avenue.
FOR KENT —Three unfurnished rooms
for light housekeeping; close in; private
family. 233 South Pry r 0r.49-9-10
TAA’O or three unfurnished rooms; gas
burner and bath; all conveniences; for
light housekeeping; reasonable price. 104
Summitt axe. 9-10-10
TWC) unfurnished rooms; light house
keeping; high elevation; water and gas.
195 Cooper st. 41 -9-9 •
FOR RENT -Three large, cool and ele
gant rooms with hall, dressing room, .
den and use of bath, for light housekeep
ing. in north side private home; attrac
tive terms to congenial couple without
children 74 East Merritts avenue.
ONE large room with kitchenette lor light
housekeeping; unfurnished or partially
furnished; all conveniences; use of phone.
152 Crew st. 9-5-16
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
NICELY furnished three-room apartment
for sale or rent; combination living room
and dining room; kitchen furnished com
plete; bed room, eastern exposure and ad
joining tile bath. Outlook best in the
city. Phone Ivy 764 9-10-27
FOR RENT—At 1.96 Juniper street, near
Seventh, first-floor seven-room fur
nished apartment, by the year, S6O per
month. Ivy 662-.1. 9-2-3
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
FOR RENT—One large five-room apart
ment; steam heat: modern; beautiful lot
and surroundings: janitor service. Phone
Ivy 3698-J, 47-9-10
THE COLONTAI..—One extra desirable
six-room apartment; hardwood floors,
etc.; perfect light and Ventilation; best
janitor service: one biock of Georgian Ter
race ho'el. Phone Ivy 657-J, or call at
29 Ponce DeLeon avenue.3B-9-9
FIVE-ROOM apartment, 201 Corinthian
apartments. Apply Mr. Kelly, 2% Wal
ton street. 9-5-48
Furnished Houses For Rent.
MOST attractive six-room bungalow’, l
completely furnished, north side; best
of everything; only first-class tenants de
sired; no children. Phone Ivv 1762-L.
■■■■;.-=.. - —■
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
FOR RENT—New five-room bungalow,
furnished $20.60. unfurnished $16.60. 9 ‘
North Wellington; Walker to Westview ;
car. 9-10-35
FOR RENT Cozy five-room cottage, 105 1
Cooper street, close to town, within |
walking distance; $22.50 per month.
Apply 93 Windsor st. 43-9-10
NINE-ROOM house, three acres land,
water, lights and plenty shade J. A.
Earl. Kirkxvood, Ga.. Both phones 6 De
catur 9-5-37
PHONE or write us for our rent bulletin;
excellent houses all over the city at
moderate rates Turman, Black A- Cal
houn. 203 Empire Bldg 6-29-66
FOR RENT, HOLTSES Call, write or
phone for our rent bulletin Ralph O.
(’•■chran. I l ' South Broa_d street. 4-1-21
THE IIOI'SE you build, buy or
rent will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
Office Space For Rent.
HALF of cool office for rent cheap. 327
Austell building. 87-9-7
Furnished Rooms Wanted.
WANTED—Tw'o or three elegantly furn
ished rooms with private family , in best
location, close in; steam heat preferred, |
f<»r light housekeeping. Address P <»
Bex 51. City. 29-9-11
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
(’(H’PLE without children would like
three connecting unfurnished rooms for
light housekeeping. Must be near car
line References exchanged. Address B.
L Box 190. care Georgian. 9-Al-3
AA’ ANTED Four or five unfurnished mod
ern rooms; north side preferred; state
price and location. AV. E. Kirkpatrick. 72
ng street4l-9-11
AA’ANTED Two rooms; close in. Address
Mrs. Jones, 159 E. Fair st. Phone M
ISI6-L 37-9-10
WANTED By couple,; two modern un
furnished heated rooms.; north side;
Dear meals. Ivy 56’0-E. 30-9-10
Unfurnished Apartments Wanted.
WANTED —To rent unfurnished three or
four-room apartment; must have porch
and heat; permanent party of three
adults Address P. (). Box No. 6. Mari
etta. Ga. 54-9-4
Furnished Houses Wanted
WANTED—From October 1. furnishe*! ■
house or apartment on north side. '
Muse be in good neighborhood and in '
good condition. State price and give all I
particluars. References exchanged. Quick '
Box 480. care Georgian. 9-9-19 |
Unfurnished Houses Wanted
AA ANTED —To rent five or six-room cot- |
tage or bungalow , in Kirkwood or Edge
wood, AVill take good care of the prop I
ertv. Address A. B. C., care Georgian.
31-9-7 1
For Sale Miscellaneous
FOR SALE AA’i od or coal range, in good ]
condition, original cost $65. will take $8
Phone AA’est 7C4-.1. 57-9-11
200 SHARES Empire Cotton Oil Comrumj
stock. Address Need Money , care Geor
gian 47-9-11
FoR SALE—one *arat pure white dia
mond cheap for cash G. B Barnwell.
can Geot gian. 9-11 29
FOR sale Six fine hens, one fear old
fire layers Ivy 4160.1 32*5 Myrtle
street 9-11-27
FOR SALE One pair of Stimpaon’g com
puting scales, also one Anuuican ac
count register at a bargain; both practi
cally new AV. D. Fin* her, Mountville. Ga.
FOR SALE Corner lot 50x160, Block M.
lot No. 1. Decatur Heights Park; will
sell cheap for cash; reason, owner is in
Mississippi. Call Ivy 1569-J9-11-23 '
FOR SALE—Sixteen extra fine Jersey
milch cows; also car of young pasture
cattle. Shinpey Bros. & White. 968 Ma
rietta st. Both phones 516 9-11-18
FOR SALE—Dress suit and tuxe*iu coat.
tailor made; fine condition and material,
size about 36 Apply 428 Peachtree st
F’ »R SALE Students' law books 60> 2
North Broad street. 38-9-11
For Sale—Miscellaneous.
FOR SALE—National cash register; first
class condition. Cheap for cash. Ad
dress r o Box 1433, Atlanta. 9-H-l
FOR SALE—Twin carriage, in good con
dition. Also Knabe piano for rent, $4
ler month Box 789, care Georgian.
LARGE RANGE sl2, refrigerator $lO. gas
stove $5, extension table $4, dining
chairs, rockers, art squares, rugs, porch
swing and furniture, lace curtains and
shades, dishes bought this summer; will
sell at a sacrifice. Come this week. 415
Piedmont avenue. 37-9-11
FOR SALE—Cotton pickers baskets. W.
M. Middlebrooks. 349 Peters street.
move dirt and germs from rugs, carpets,
floors, etc.; vacuum cleaners from $32.50
up; vacuum sweepers. $9.75. C. J. Daniel
ft Co . 416 Fourth Nat. Bk. Bldg. 12-2-11
spoon Company.
Furniture. Rugs and Draperies.
Never Tarnish Brass
Beds .4»10.00 and up
Pullman Davenports3s.oo
National Springs $ 3.98
Leader Felt Mattress...'. .$ 7.50
Arts and Crafts Clock... .•♦ 2.98
Mahogany Dresser . ......$24.75
Pay for your Furniture while
you use it, “A little at a time.”
Goldsmith-Acton Wither- -
spoon Company.
Life-Time Furniture, Rugs and
62 Peachtree. 61 North Broad.
MAKE O. a! Nix, Carrollton, Ga., best
offer on complete architectural drawing;
all text-books and drawing outfit com
plete: course originally costing sl2l in
best correspondence school in U. S.
FOR SALE —Sewing machine and par
lor rifle, In perfect condition. Winches
ter. care
FURNISHINGS of five-room apartment,
corner Third and West Pehehtree street,
to be offered at private sale Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday, from 10 a. m. till
4 p. m. this week. Oriental rugs, oil
paintings, antique mahogany, davenport,
chairs and tables.4s-9-10
LADIES—Now is your opportunity to buy
the Titus darner. 49 Whitehall street.
Makes stockings and clothing new. Do
not miss it. 29-9-10
FOR SALE—Tables, chairs and other
furniture. No. 2 East, Fort McPherson.
TOR SALE —Three very large palms,
oleanders and ponderoso. lemon in fruit
and flowers. Bell Ivy g 194. 9-9-6
FOR SALE —Household furniture. 382
West Peachtree st. 9-9-11
FOR SALE —One steam cylinder (half
price) for cotton gin press. G. D. Col
lins, Flint. Ga, 9-4-19
A morienn " H rasters everything.”
Zilllt i H.ctn Latest improvements.
Knelt Old- registers exchanged,
v ctsll All sizes; easy terms.
ula>.c Atlanta Cash Register Co
xveglbieis 34 East Alabama street
: WOOD. 7-18-15
National Cash Register.
I $35. SSO, S6O. $75. SIOO. $l5O and up to suit
your needs Terms easy. Liberal ex
change for cash registers in use. Bell
phone Ivv 4155, Atlanta 594
60 North Broad Street. 7-20-52
NEW, beautiful rugs woven from your
old carpet, superior to any in service;
plain or designed: any size Catalogue
free. Oriental Rug Company, Baltimore.
Md 8-16-31
Auction Sales.
Decatur street. We buy and sell any
and everything. Atlanta phone 2285; Beil
phone Main 1434. Main 187 7-29-20
I’EM BR( )KE Sales Company under new
management; will accept your surplus
stock of any kind on consignments; cash
advanced: settlement on date of sale.
143 S. Pryor st. Bell phone Main 1434.
Main 187; Atlanta phone 2285. 8-6-30
PROSPECTIVE buyers, drop me a line.
I have a proposition that will interest
you. Prospective, Box 74, care Georgian.
WILL TRADE SI,BOO demonstrating tour
ing car, fully equipped, for vacant lots.
Fine appearing and serviceable car. Ail
dress S., Box 700, care Georgian. 9-2-28
1911 EXCELSIOR twin cylinder six-horse
power. with free engine clutch and lug
gage carrier: in perfect running condition
and a bargain at SIOO. H. N. Cooledge.
12 North Forsyth st.. Atlanta. 9-11-13
South Pryor street. Have millions of
seeds and onion sets for fall planting.
Timber For Sale.
FOR SALE —10.000,000 feet long leaf yel
low pine: prices, terms, etc. Address
J. M. L., Bainbridge, Ga, 33-8-24
Money To Loan.
LOANS made on real estate. Purchase
money notes bought and sold. F. M.
1 vel<>ss • _ l_Ca nd I e r_b u i Idin g. 5-17-10
WANTED—To buy three or four batches
I purchase money monthly notes. Second
mortgage. Phone Ivy 3339. 46 Auburn
javenue 62-9-10
SURANCE CO. of Ameri
ca can make you a loan on
! Atlanta improved property,
| through their .loan corre-
Ispondents. Turman. Black
! & Calhoun. 203-8 Empire
i Building. 6-7-12-1
IND OTHERS, upon their own names;
cheap rates, easy payments. Confiden
tlal. D. H. Tolman. 544 Austell building
Wl.' cat. make loans on Atlanta real es
tate and farm lands. Apply to Ralph
J. Cochran. 19 South Broad. 7-10-20
MONEY on hand for immealate loans on
property in or near Atlanta J. E Van
Valkenbiirg. 501 Equitable Bldg. 6-6-JJ
Mortgages on Real Estate. 4-1-8
WE HAVE plenty of money to
lend at lowest rates on Atlanta
and nearby property, either for
straight or monthly payment
I plan. Also for purchasing, pur
, chase money notes. Foster &
: Robson, 11 Edgewood Ave.
amount; 6 per cent Write or call. S
W. Carson. 24 South Broad st. 4-1-it
FARM MOANS placed in any amount on
improved farm lands in Georgia The
Southern Mortgage Cumuauy. Gou’d bulld-
Money To Loan.
loan K
rttONt main »i C
strictly private
- 1 x.
Without Indorsement 7 ~
Without Collateral
Without Real Estate
Money loaned at
301-2 Fourth Nation
al Bank Building.
Money Wanted.
_ ’
« E HAA E an application for $1,5t)0 on .
nice, new place, worth $3,500; large Hr
and splendid surroundings. Apnlv m
F -■
Business Opportunities.
FOR SALE—Four-fifths interest in best
paying business in Atlanta. Small can
ital required. Can be turned over send
monthly. Phone Main 3816,9 j o .j,
WANTED—Experienced butcher to take
charge of meat market: established
seven years. Good chance for expe
rienced butcher without capital. Call at
once. 169 East Hunter street. 26-9-ij
Real Estate For Sale.
BARGAIN to home builder.
One-acre lot on car line; heau
tifiil, elevated and covered with
shade trees. Will sell cheap to
desirable party wanting, to build
at once. Ideal place for subur
ban home. With plenty of room
for chickens, orchard, garden,
etc. Satisfactory terms. Address
B. R„ Box 433. care Georgian.
*2,600 BUYS an up-to-date five-room
house, 252 East Georgia avenue; easy
terms. A H Cm, owner, carpenter at
Atlanta National bank. 26-9-11
LOOK—Nine ‘large lots fronting two
streets; coming section; $1,200; half
cash. Ivy 5522. 60% North Broad street
WILL exchange good renting suburban
property for 6-room cottage in city and
pay difference. Ivy 5522. 60% North
Broad street. 40-9-11
FOR SALE or exchange. 22 acres at
Myms’ switch, just beyond College
Park; spring and orchard, beautifully sit
uated, fronting car line; $4,500. Main
2405-J. Charles R. Cook, 480 S. Boule
vard. 9-3-44
FOR quick sale, list your property with
Everett & Everett, 224 Brown-Randolph
Bldg . Marietta and Forsyth. 7-18-27
bungalow; lot 60x400: east front; tile
walks; stone front; city water; best of
plumbing and bath. Owner wants to sell.
A .pick-up for some one. Cali Main 1342-
L. Terms. 9-3-42
FINE CORNER lot on Marietta street to
exchange for well located renting prop
erty. Will give or take difference. Ad
dress Exchange, Box 97, care Georgian
dandy 5-room dwelling, 173 Grant st.;
new and modern throughout; splendid
neighborhood. It will please you if you
want a home. Easy terms. Ed R. Hevs.
City Ha 1) 8-77-39
THE HOUSE you build, buy or
rent will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
Land For Sale.
4,500 ACRES of round timber in Calhoun
county, Florida. Will cut 40 boxes per
acre; is long bodied, long leaf and above
average size sawmill timber; is fine grade
of soil and a natural stock raising coun
try; plenty of fish and wild game; must
be handled at once at $7.75 per acre
R. L. Colson, Swainsboro, Ga. 50-9-11
Farms For Sale.
south Georgia cut-over timber land for
Atlanta tenement property, improved or
unimproved. Address, giving full descrip
tion, Stovall, P. O. Box <56, Atlanta.
Ga. 9-6-34
Farms for Rent.
FOR RENT—Six to fifteen horse farm,
one-half to two miles of railroad station.
G ; D. Collins, Flint, Ga. 9-4-20
SPLENDID place, diose to Atlanta; tele
phone, city water, fine bottom, well im
proved; chert road, mile from street car
Address P. O. Box 580, Atlanta. Will
lease for a term of years to a man who
will work: no loafers, trlfiers or deadbeats
wanted. Very place for a truck farm and
dairy. 67-9-3
Railroad Schedule.
The following schedule figures are pub
lished only as information, and are not
No. Arrive From— No. Depart To—
-35 N. Y0rk..5:00 am 36 N. York. 12:15 am
13 Jaxvllle. 5:20 am 30 Col’bus... 5:20 am
43 Was’ton. 5:25 am 13 Clnci 5:30 am
12 Sh’port.. 6:30 am 32 Ft. Vai.. 5:30 am
23 Jaxvllle. 6:50 am 35 B.’ham.... 5:45 am
•17 Toccoa... 8:10 am 7 Chat’ga.. 6:40 am
26 Heflin.... 8:20 am 12 R'mond.. 6:55 am
29 N. York.lo:3o am 23 K. City.. 7:00 am
3 Chat’ga 10:35 am 16 Bruns’k.. 7:45 am
7 Macon.. 10:40 am 29 B’ham... 10:45 am
27 Ft. Vai,.10:45 am 38 N. York. 11:01 am
21 Col'bus .10:50 4m 40 Ch'lotte. 12:00 n’n
6Cfnci... 11:10 am 6 Macon... 12:20 pm
30 B’ham... 2:30 pm 30 N. York.. 2:45 pm
40 B’ham. 12.40 ptn 15 Chatt'ga. 3:00 pm
39 Ch’lotte. 3:55 pm 39 B’ham. .. 4:10 pm
5 Macon.. 4:00 pm *lB Toccoa... 4:30 pm
37 N. York. 6:00 pm 22 Col’bus... 5:10 pm
15 Bruns’k. 7:50 pm 5 Clnci.... 5:10 pm
11 R’mond.. 8:30 pm 28 F Valley 5:20 pm
24 K. City. 9:20 pm 25 Heflin.... 5:45 pm
16 Chatt'ga 9:35 pm 10 Macon... 5:30 pm
I 29 Col’bus. 10:20 pm 44Wash’n. 8:45 pm
31 Ft Vai. 10:25 pm 24 Jaxvllle.. 9:30 pm
I 36 B'ba’m.. 12:00ngt 11 Sh’port . 11:10 pm
I HCIhcI. ■ 11:00 pm 14 .Taxville 11:10 pm
Trains marked thus (•) run dally, ex
cept Sunday.
Other trains run dally. Central time
City Ticket Office. No. 1 Peachtree St.
It’s like getting money from home, for
it’s money easily made bv reading, using
and answering the Want Ads In The
Georgian. Few people realize the many
opportunities offered them among the
small ads. It’s a good sign that if the peo
ple did not get results from the Want Ade
of The Georgian that there would not be
so many of them. If. for nothing else, sit
down and check oft the ads that appeal io
you. You will be astonished how many of
them mean money to you The Want Ad
. pages are bargain counters In every line
| The ads are so conveniently arranged that
thev can be picked out very easy.