Newspaper Page Text
Chairman of Primary Probers
Asks the Aid of People in
Clearing Shame.
COLUMBIA, S r., Sept. 11.—The j
people of South Carolina are called
upon to purge their Mate of the fhanu- ,
and stigma that has fallen upon It as a
result of the scandal and alleged fraud
growing out of the recent state primary
In a statement Issued by W. F. Steven
aen, of Cheraw, chairman of the com
mittee having In charge Investigation
of alleged Irregularities In the primary
Already several thousands of dollars
ha ve been donated by the public to
carry on the probe
Chairman Stevensen. In his state
ment, acknowledges that the task be
fore him and his assistants is a mam
moth one and he calls upon the people
and press of the state for aid. Ho asks
the papers to publish club rolls and
asks the people to study' these, and if
any Instances of fraud are detected to
report to the committee He also calls
for funds with which to pay the ex
penses of the Investigation.
To Clean Up Muddle in Two Weeks.
That the present muddle In which
South Carolina finds herself will be
Cleared up within two weeks, but that
within that time the committee of
seven appointed from the state execu
tive committee to make a thorough in
vestigation of the fraud allegations will
ha ve as much to do as any seven men
could possibly do in a fortnight, Is the
statement of Mr. Stevensen. He prom
ises to let the people know In two
weeks the official result of the recent
primary or else let them know what the
committee has done. In effect, he says
that he and his committee will let the
people know whether the first primary
nominated anybody and will unearth
the charges of fraud or else will report
that they failed to accomplish these
ends and give their reasons why.
Committee Too Busy For Meeting.
The meeting of the committee, which
had been called for today, was called
off, the chairman stating that the com
mittee has too much work to do to be
coming to Columbia again with no defi
nite end in view. He has divided the
committee Into two divisions, one to
work in the eastern part of the state
and one In the western, and these are
now at work hunting for fraud. As ■
aoon as It Is deemed necessary the
chairman will call a meeting of the
whole committee and ascertain the
progress of the work.
Each division of the committee of
seven has employed a force of assis
tants. clerks and stenographers ami
these are hard at work comparing club
rolls with poll lists, tabulating returns,
comparing rolls of one club with an
other and examining affidavits and
other papers showing Instances of
fraud, and one of the most
tasks ever yet undertaken in the stat.-
is under way.
Funds for the Investigation are pour 1
ing into the office of Wille Jones, a I
local banker and treasurer of tin 1
state committee, for the defraying ■!
the expenses of the Investigation. Th i
people have been called upon to con
tribute to the cause of the salvati u ’
of the good name of South Cao lin.i I
Democracy and the purity ~f the bal- '
lot. and the responses are hearty
ready several thousand dollars hav, '
been sent in.
fiatou?v D T eache « dead.
KMlv .J?,’ 4’ A ■ ' p ’ " M,ss Laura I
Kelly, aged ,fi years, me of the m-.-t
prominent and highly beloved women of
this city, died yesterday after a tengtlk
Illness Miss Kelly taught for rears tn ''
the public schools ..f !| ~ cltv ba vim: in
structed more .-hUtit.-n tbtm am
teacher In this <-ln The funeral <
L cr ’ w . ,n be condiu'te.l todat bv Re\ i I
b assisted bv Rev \\
Foote ,
Without perfect teeth one can not
enjoy perfect health. Decayed or Im
perfect teeth are not only painful and
continuously annoying, but a positive
menace to health and even life.
Do not neglect your teeth. Upon the
first sign of decay have them treated
and save suffering Or. if the teeth are
already in bad condition, have them at
tended to at once.
The modern scientific painless meth
ods In use by the Atlanta Dental Par
lors rob dentietrv of Its former terrors I
and the molt difficult operations are
performed quickly and without pain.
This handsome establishment Is lo
cated at the corner of Peachtree and i
Decatur streets, entrance at 19 1-2
Peachtree. •••
Train leaves Terminal Station. Sal
urday, September 14th, at 7. Return
ing reaches Atlanta 9:30 p m.
Dr. Booker T Washington has ar
ranged entertainment at the Tuskegee
Normal 4 Industrial Institute for a!’
Odd Fellows and their friends.
Ticket offices Fourth National Bank
building and Terminal Station
J. P. BILLUPS, Genl Pass. Agt.
announces an additional
celling date, September 12,
with final limit September
13, on reduced rate tickets
to ATLANTA from points
within radius of one hun
dred miles, account ODD
Running for of-
I flee in Georgia is
; an expensive pas
' time, luxury, hab.
j it, or w’hatever
I one chooses to call
| it.
It Ist too expen
| slve, that's all—
land everybody
know s It!
The total of the
late primary ex
i penses listed, win
ners and losers,
I runs ayvay over
I $150,000.
That is about $1
for each vote
cast 1
And not all the
JAWX-3 a
expenses were listed, at that. It is
Impossible to list them all, even the.
direct expenses.
The Indirect expense Is purely specu
And the election—the real election —
has not yet been held!
It will cost another $50,000 easily.
There were three candidates for gov
ernor, some twenty candidates for state
house offices, some thirty candidates
for solicitor general and judge, twenty
candidates for congress, two candidates
for the United States senate, more than
seventy candidates for state senator,
and some two hundred and fifty candi
dates for the house of representatives.
In numerous instances, the unsuc
cessful candidates spent more tlian
those who won.
One candidate for the house In south
Georgia gave in hfs election expenses
at $199. His salary for the first session
will be S2OO. He broke $1 to the good
on the cost of getting elected!
And the expense of running for of
fice may run riot to an even greater
extent than It did In the August pri
mary, and still be strictly "legitimate!”
Something inevitably is wrong some
where, somehow, with a system that
works out that way.
It presents a problem that can be
solved by patriots only—by citizens
with no Ulterior motives to serve In the
As it stands, it generally Is ap
proached for consideration from one of
two .angles from the standpoint of the
demagogue yvho uses it as a thing upon
which to predicate a cheap appeal to
the people, or from the standpoint of
an interested person or thing, inclined
to be “conservative” in Idealsand never
desiring to "view" anything whatever
"with alarm.”
Relief would come in part it the state
. ..Aching Feet from
c ° üßw,cd Nervcs
/ Ai fX. ,-brens.b-bcel Strain
1 il
' st: & Xr Exce«* Sweating and Bad Odor
‘ r ~Muabroom Corns
O’ . Flat Corns
nd Z T Corn *
Between Toe*
Inflamed BuntonsN—uJ
and Knob-joint l
Tells Positive Cure
For all Foot Troubles
Science has proven that nearly all
foot troubles originate from a common
cauee. that of injured tissues The
following Information will bo weL
corned by thousands of victims of
dully foot torture. No mutter how
many patent medicines you have tried
In vain, this treatment which was
formerly known only to doctors will
do the work. Don't waste time Get
It ut once "Dissolve two tablespoon-
Make our bank
your ban k. When
you need
“ I < & I
W f
As u bank us strength and experience, we
freely place at the service <»!’ t>nr customers
our .judgment and knowledge on financial
4 Per Cent on Savings Deposits.
1 1 ik ■ IHIK g 11 tin
would agree to pay the direct expense
of the primary—as it should.
Further relief would come, perhaps.
If, by layv. candidates were restricted
In their expenditures to a certain pro
portion of the compensation attaching
to the office sought.
It ought not to be necessary for a
man to be able to spend from $15,000
to $30,000 before he may aspire to the
governorship—either money of his own,
or money from some person or thing
interested In his election.
One dollar per vote cast is too high
a price for candidates to be called upon
to put up for political consideration —
and the presnt price, if the real truth
is told, is pretty well over $1 per vote!
The question of politics is taken al
together too seriously by a lot of peo
ple, anyway.
In considering the question of pover
ty, Addison says:
"Laertes and Irus are neighbors,
whose ways of living are an abom
ination to each other. Irus is moved
by fear of poverty, and Laertes by
shame of it. Though the motive of
action is of so near affinity, in both
and may be resolved to this, 'That
to each of them poverty is the
greatest of evils,’ yet their manners •
are widely different. Shame of pov
erty makes Laertes launch into un
necessary expense and lavish en
tertainments; fear of poverty
makes irus alloyv himself only plain
necessaries, appear without a serv
ant, sell his own corn, attend his
labors and be himself a laborer.
Shame of poverty makes Laertes
go every day a step nearer to it.
and fear of poverty stirs up Irus to
make every day some further prog
ress from it."
Obviously, it is not necessary that
a man be moved either by the fear or
the shame of poverty—and no real phi
losopher is, perhaps.
Why, then, should a candidate with
a conscience be moved either by the
fear or the shame of defeat?
The man who fights for a principle
he conceives to he right and Just may
rest assured, no matter how clear his
own mind may seem to be, that he will
have honorable, high-minded and sin
cere opponents.
If he can get that idea into his head,
why should he be moved either by the
fear or the shame of defeat?
It is, perhaps, from out the imaginary
fear and shame of defeat that the
greater measure of expense in political
campaigns arises.
And that, too, even though there may
be a form of justification for the for
mer, if never for the latter.
fuls of Caloclde compound In a basin
of warm water. Soak the feet for a
full fifteen minutes, gently rubbing
the sore parts." The effects are mar
velous All pain disappears instantly
and the feet feel ’ simply delightful
Corns and callouses can be peeled
right off Bunions, aching feet and
sweaty, smelly feet get immediate re
lief Use this treatment a week and
your foot troubles will be a thing of
the past. Caloclde works through the
pores and removes the cause Any
druggist has Caloclde In stock or will
get it from hls wholesale house. Don't
be influenced to take something In
stead A twenty-flve-cent box is said
to be enough to cure the worst feet.
DN. ll'liM
Pastor To Be Welcomed by
Flock and Clergy at Taber
nacle Friday Evening.
After an absence from Atlanta of near
ly three months, Dr. Robert Stuart Mac-
Arthur will be present at the welcome
service In the Baptist Tabernacle Friday
evening, September 13, at 8 o’clock. A
special invitation has been extended to
the ministers of the city to be present
at this service.
During his absence Dr. MacArthur sup
plied for one Sunday his former pulpit,
that of Calvary church, New York, and
for ten Sundays the pulpit of Tremont
Temple. Boston. This is one of the great
est pulpits In America Dr. MacArthur
also lectured in assemblies at Marthas
Vineyard and Northfield. He now re
sumes hls work in Atlanta.
Sunday morning next his subject will
be “Establishing Our Work.” In the
evening he will begin a course of sermons
entitled Bible Arithmetic." In these ser
mons he will put old truth into new and
attractive settings. It will be shown how
naturally many passages of scriptures
lend themselves to discussions under the
divisions of arithmetic. This course of
sermons wig illustrate the value in the
direction of freshness and force of new
methods of scriptural presentation. Few
preachers have ever treated the Bible in
this way.
The large vested choir will sing under
the leadership of Professor A. C. Boat
man at all the services, and Mrs. A. C.
Boatman will preside at the organ.
OXFORD, GA., Sept. 11.—Palmer insti
tute opened its scholastic year yesterday
with some seventy odd pupils. Palmer in
stitute was founded long before the war
and has furnished to the state many
prominent teachers. The school was
named for the father of Judge H. E. W.
Palmer, of Atlanta.
A vast amount of ill health is due to
impaired digestion. When the stomach
falls to perform its functions properly
the whole system becomes deranged. A
few doses of Chamberlain’s Tablets is
all you need. They will strengthen your
digestion, invigorate your liver, and
regulate your bowels, entirely doing
away with that miserable feeling due
to faulty digestion. Try it. Many
others have been permanently cured—
why not you? For sale by ail dealers
Call Main 1130.
PRESENTED BY THE Boun<l in Silk - Colored Map. of
Fi-.iahed -.0 Every Country.
’*•**•* •11 *••*»*'
Think of the convenience of al- :•••$' ; >, ;’b'
ways having a handy Atlas at ii
your el how I It’s small enough for ££ •’ vX
handy use and large enough to :
hold more information than larger %•?«; ’:/■
ones. Besides its authentic maps S
of every country, state, and prov- ,j
ince in the entire world, it con- 7 ;«i
tains special features that have <’>’<<•’' j::‘: J •£’
. never before appeared in a similar ■'
worL I,'« ,he bandy Atta, that |
just frts where you put it and is .‘AV •?.* ’• :?4
7" y ‘ th " e just wh ™ n " d i |g|| 11
Six Headings Like This: - j •Im ,V. : . : //j
! Atlanta M f 1 i M
l, “' ,nA,? * v"**' " i ••••*• *•••* * y***** ‘Jp 1 1* * • ***i •• ••**«*
clipped daily from the first page
of The Georgian and presented at ; j;’’.:’;'
tne business office with the small
to defray the necessary items o.f :::j
dißtribution .
George M. Napier, grand master of
Georgia Masons, will be the principal
speaker at a meeting of the Atlanta Ma
sons to be held in the Baptist Tabernacle
at 7 o’clock tonight.
The ceremonies will be conducted by of
ficers and past masters of Piedmont,
Georgia. Palestine and Gate City lodges.
H. M. Wood, of Piedmont lodge, will make
the announcements. G. R. Sparks and E.
B. Thomas, Os Piedmont, will conduct the
examination for the master's degree, and
J. T. Kilpatrick, of Piedmont, will in
troduce the lecturer
P, M. Hubbard will open the meeting
with an organ recital. A double quartet
fncludln Mrs. Charles A. Sheldon,
Mrs. Peyton H. Todd. Mrs. Frank Cun
dell, J. W. Marshbank, W. J. Hubbard
and Clyde \\ hite, will render several
Don’t Pay 50 cents for worthless hair tonics—Use old,
reliable, harmless “Danderine”—Get results.
Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy
hair Is mute evidence of a neglected
scalp; of dandruff—that awful scurf.
There is nothing so destructive to the
hair as dandruff. It robs the hair of
its luster, its strength and its very life;
eventually producing a feverishness and
itching of the scalp, which if not rem
edied causes the hair roots to shrink,
loosen and die —then the hair falls out
A little Danderine tonight—now—any
time—will surely save your hair.
Dr. E. G. Griffin’s
WLE jfik South’s Largest, Best
Equipped Dental Rooms.
- llw Anißl. Set 168,11 • • $5-00
Delivered Day Ordered.
22-K Gold Crown... $3.00
er^ect Bridge Work.. $4.00
Phone 1708. Lady Attendant
Over Brown & Allen’s Drug Store—24 1-2 Whitehall.
MACON, GA.. Sept. 11.—Judge W. I.
Grubb, of Birmingham, has been des
ignated by Judge Don A. Pardee to
preside over the fall term of the United
States court in Macon, in place of
Judge Emory Speer, who will be in No
va Scotia ay that time.
The trial *of Colonel W. A. Huff on
the charge of contempt of court for
sending a fiery letter to Judge Speer
recently will take place under Judge
Grubb, as Judge Speer has declared
that he will not preside over the case.
LEXINGTON. GA., Sept. 11.—Next
Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday the
horse swappers of several counties will
hold a convention at this place. Reports
from adjoining counties are to the ef
fect that a full attendance from each will
be present. The meet will be in charge
of John Knox and Dave Morrow, of this
Got a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton's
Danderine from any drug store or toile'
counter, and after the fi st application
you will say it was the best investrrfenl
you ever made. Your hair will imme
diately take on that life, luster and
luxuriance which is so beautiful. It
will become wavy and fluffy and have
the appearance of abundance; an in
cojnparable gloss and softness, but
what will please you most will be after
just a few weeks’ use, when you will
actually see a lot of fine, downy hair—
new hair—growing all over the scalp.
One of the most common
that haul working people- are at',' ” s
with is lame back. Apply -
lain's Liniment twice a da'v ar. :".' ' ‘
sage the parts thoroughly at s '
plication, and you will get uni
For sale by all dealers QUl<?k !
TRACTS have no equal. Sold e-- F , X ‘
where 10c and 25c the bottle at’?'”
£ racer’s. * your
An sale every Thursdav to
eluding September 19. Through „
ers daily. SEABOARD
LiqU< lL i .? l ? d n . Tob i cco Addictions Cured
Within Ten Days by Our New M
Painless Method.
Only Sanitarium In the World Givinn t
conditional Guarantee.
Our guarantee means something \\.
one dollar need be paid until a sa-u-t,.?
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We control
pletely the us-’-.i
toms. No ext'r-rre
nervousness, aebinp
limbs or loss <./ .. .., . s
Patients mial.i.‘ .'
visit Sanitarium . J
be treated i.rivai..'-
at home. Reference: The* Max <>r , ■ 7
City, the President of anv Bank . ■
let N 6" ” f L * hanon ' Wri, « for I'>ee 1 '>ee 1 Z
Is what Dr. Hines, the Opto
metrist. gives in every case. He
examines the eyes and fits glasses
in such away that they relieve
the trouble, remove ail strain
from lite nerves and muscles, give
perfect sight and make life worth
He does all this without para
lyzing the eyes with poisonous
drops and drugs. Have your
eyes examined by scientific meth
ods and get pleasure, comfort and
relief out of your glasses at once.
Examination Free.
The ”Dixie ! ’ linger top eye
glasses, the invention of Dr.
Hines, will stay on any nose,
can not slip or fall off.
91 Peachtree St.
Eetween Montgomery and Alcazar Theaters