Newspaper Page Text
Published by The Georgian Company,
30 East Alabama Street,
Atlanta. Ga
r-tpred at Atlanta postoffice as second
class matter
Subscriptions Payable in Advance
rme vear mail, postage prepaid. $5.00
months, mail, postage prepaid. 2.50
Three months, mail, postage prepaid, 1.25
-.•ie month, mail, postage prepaid. 4n
Subscriptions Payable in Advance
Delivered by carrier, one year $5.20
r.Evered by carrier, six months .... 2.60
hebvered by carrier, three months.. 1.30
De vered by carrier, one month .... 45
De'ivered bv carrier in Atlanta and
‘ other cities, one week 10c
Want Ad Rates and Rnles
in The Atlanta Georgian
•» - ■ ■ ■' —•
One cent a word each Insertion.
No ad taken for less than the price
of ten words. Ads in larger type.
12c a line (4 words to the line).
Out-of-town advert! sements
must be accompanied with cash.
Agencies discounts 10 and 5 per
The Georgian will not be respon
sible for more than one incorrect
insertion of any ad ordered more
than one time.
Closing Hours: To secure prop
er classification, ads must be in
The Georgian office before 1 o'clock
the day of the issue.
All ads must be ordered out in
writing or at office. No discon
tinuance notice taken over phone.
Every word in the advertisement,
including the name and address,
is counted. Each initial counts one
word; compound words are counted
as two words.
Telephone your Want Ads to The
Georgian (both phones 8000) when
It is more convenient to do so, and
collection will be made at your
home or at your office the follow
ing day. This is an accommoda
tion service rendered Georgian
Want Ad patrons and payment
should always be promptly made
on presentation of bill. Always
ask that your telephone ad be re
peated back to you by the ad
taker to make sure that it has been
taken correctly. The Georgian can
not guarantee accuracy or assume
responsibility for errors of any kind
occurring In telephone advertise
ADVERTISERS should retain re
ceipts given in payment for Want
Ads over the office counter, as mis
takes can not be rectified without
them In answering advertise
ments addressed in care of The
Georgian, if the advertiser requires
references, send a duplicate of
Help Wanted—Female.
WANTED—Nurse, also light housework;
good pay. 41 Bass street. 9-16-43
WANTED—A good woman to work half
of day. 485 Peachtree. 42-16-9
WANTED—Good general servant. Good
wages. Apply*l36 East Eighth street.
WANTED —Settled colored woman for
cook and general housework; small fam
ily; one who really wants work; good pav.
Call 169 Angier avenue.s7-16-9
WANTED—Competent colored chamber
maid. Apply at once. 330 South Prvor
street 9-16-24
WANTED—General house girl. Small
family. Good pay. Apartment No 3.
240 Courtland street. 9-16-19
WANTED—At once, good house woman*
to work on lot. 27 West Sixteenth
street. 9-16-6
WANTED—Experienced cook for small
family; good wages to right party. Call
at 323 East North avenue. 9-16-7
WANTED —Experienced colored girl to
nurse. Must room in house. 395 Wash
ington street. 9-16-9
WANTED—Combination cook and house
maid; one without husband or children,
so you can live in the house. Good
references required 585 West Peachtree
street. 33-16-9
WANTED—Cook and nurse, with refer
ences and experience; none others need
apply. Mrs. Leary, 160 Cypress street.
WANTED —At once, experienced, reliable
dining room maid. Apply 710 Peach
tree street. 9-16-2
WANTED—A competent colored girl to
serve in tea room. Apply No. 17 South
Candler street, Decatur, Ga 96-14-9
THE Southern office of one of the large
manufacturers of electric and other ma
chinery desires to employ a competent,
experienced stenographer. Address Box
917, care Georgian, stating salary expect
ed and present employer. 9-14-26
WANTED—A reliable cook; good wages.
. Apply 289 Myrtle street. 9-14-26
WANTED—At once, reliable, settled
woman as cook; must have good refer
ences. Apply 28 Washita ave., Inman
Park. 9-14-40
1 ROOFREADER—With experience on
railroad tariff proof. Give references and
salary expected Piedmont Printing Com
pany, 127 Central avenue, Atlanta.
" ANTED—FIrst-cl ass cook tvho can
milk Must live on lot. Call Ivy 3509-L.
" ANTED--Help in dressmaking. Apply
. Whitehall street. 9-14 35
''■ANTED—Young woman to do general
housework. Good salary. 65 Wabash
Bvenua 57-14-9
'.^NTED —Good cook. Apply at once.
_2_T_ Ponce DeLeon ave. 9-13-29
" ANTED—Northern tvhlte woman; good
r, k for small family. All conveniences,
bes' wages, good home. Mobile Market.
Marietta. Ga. 32-9-10
Help Wanted—Mak.
" SNTED—An experienced jack shoe
maker. Call at the Shoe Renurv, 80
A rth Broad. 9-16-46
' ■ —Three or four carpenters Ap
-1 816 Peachtree or phone Ivv 80
. 58-16-9
'■'TED Young man stenographer and
u.-noral office work; prefer one who re
' with parents; give age, and experl-
—1 ■ Box 888.9-16-27
" ANTED-A man to clean furnace and
ar Apply at once. 485 Peachtree
V— 43-16-9
’ b’E BOY wanted; colored; neat.
.' an .\- can read and write. Inquire
, ' 201-202-203-204 the Grand from 8
2LJO or 3 to 5. 52-19-6
\ 1.,-! r 7 trimmers?
-RIENCED carriage trimmers,
"ady employment. Apply at once.
n Eagle Buggy Co., Means st. and
' rs ave. 9-16-33
s J ED—Experienced chair finisher.
IV fy'fatt Chair Company. 9-16-18
■ED Young men to learn pharma
c . i fa "- Demand for our graduates
KU „PPIy. Next session begins Oe
, 1 Southern College of Pharmacy.
. . .;. *■» street. Atlanta, Gaß-1-1
'-D Ideas. Inventors write for list
j. nventions wanted and prizes offered
'nttfacturers. Also, how to get your
Sent free to any address Ran
A- Briscoe, patent attorneys. Wasli-
-h! 'h- D. C. 7 11-23
" Hilburn hotel, heart of city, 10>v
, • ‘.'or. street, if you want a clean, quiet
'r.iitsicnt 50c. open all night
_ 3- 21_19
Professor <; <> Bratining will teach
the barber trade (It's easy) We
hi one-half time of other colleges
position in our shops only
" 1 .' pay more? Thousands of our
• ■'les running simps or making good
'Ranta Harber College, 16 East
•J M reet t1 > 7
M 'SSAI ; I| r , u ts - > i t ■
b' os \|| barber work free Clean
HlartQ Barber 'Allege, 10 lost
11 ’RM Magazine premium men,
' Proposition, nope but bus
' «i'ply lainforci, 8* N. t
1 »1 9-13-30
Help Wanted—Male.
it ANTED—Men to learn barber trade.
An army of our Bfraduates running shops
depending upon us for barbers. Many
.lobs waiting Can’t be had elsewhere,
hew weeks completes. Call or write.
Moler Barber College. 38 Luekie street.
_ 43-14-9
WANTED—For U. S. army, able-bodied
n .unmarried men between ages of 18 and
oo; citizens of United States, of good
character and temperate habits, who can
speak, read and write the English lan
guage For information, apply to Re
cruiting officer, corner Peachtree and
Forsyth streets. Atlanta, or 411 Cherry
st,, Macon, Ga 9.4.37
WANTED—Non-union plumbers. $4 a
day. eight hours work. Thos. G. Brit
tingliam. Augusta. Ga. 9-14-28
WANTED—MaIe cook for private home.
Don t apply without references. A. B.
Kellogg, 806 Temple Court 36-13-9
" ANTED —An experienced planer man
for four-side planer. Pattillo Lumber
Company. 9-13-1
MAIL* CARRIERS, postoffice clerks want
ed; SBO month; Atlanta examinations
November 6. free coaching Franklin In
stitute, Dept. 49-S, Rochester, N. Y
, 52-9-9
WANTED—AII-round first-class white
shoe repair men; must be sober and
understand Goodyear machinery. Max M.
Hubert. Athens. Ga. 58-9-10
I WO young men to press shirts.
Robinson Shirt Company. 195
1-2 Marietta street. 9-10-18
ANTED—Bright, strong
boys to deliver routes in
afternoons. Good wages
and chance for promotion.
<"all at circulation depart
ment The Atlanta Georgian,
20 East Alabama street.
Help Wanted—Male and Female.
WANTED—Competent and rapid
stenographer and phonograph
operator, by large jobbing house.
I nreply state experience and
salary expected. Address Box
204. care Georgian. 9-16-46
WANTED—Good cook; also boy between
seventeen and eighteen years old, and
a butler. Ivy 3509-E.9-16-20
GOOD COOK; also waiter for dining
room. Apply 241 West Peachtree.
WANTfcD—Competent cook and butler;
small family; wages $5 per week; room
on place. Phone Ivy 3536. 221 Peachtree
circle. 9-16-5
WANTED —Middle-aged colored couple to
live on country place, near Atlanta; man
to attend horses and gardens and woman
to wash and help with housework. Coun
try people preferred. Answer Couple. 1220
Empire building 30-13-9
lating. voicing and repairing. Bell
phone Main 2254-L. East Atlanta. Drop
a postal. I will call. 8-19-24
Salesmen Wanted.
SALESMEN and collectors wanted to
work in city; experience not necessary.
Singer Sewing Machine Company, 79
Whitehall street. 9-11-4
Teachers Wanted.
WANTED—A few more teachers for
rural, winter and spring schools; five,
six and seven months; good salaries.
Register Teachers’ Agency, Register, Ga.
WANTED—IOO teachers for rural schools.
Salaries ranging from $45 to $75. Ap
ply at once to Southern Teachers’ Agen
cy and Employment Bureau, Americus.
Ga. 50-9-12
Situations Wanted —Female.
WANTED—Employment for half day as
office assistant. Experienced in book
keeping and typewriting. Address J. 8..
Box 100, care Ge or gia n. 45-16-9
YOUNG LADY desires position as office
help or cashier; have had several
years experience. Can furnish good ref
erences. Call Miss Horwitz. Ivy 5356.
- 9
WANTED- Position as housekeeper in in
stitution or apartment house. Phone De
catur 191 Address Y. W.
WANTED—By young widow, position as
housekeeper in widower’s home, where
there is very small family, and to be
treated as one of family. Must have em
ployment at once. Box 40, care Georgian.
REFINED WIDOW wants position. Can
do sick nursing, housekeeping, or can
act as companion. Can give references.
F. N , Box 201. care Georgian. 40-16-9
WANTED—Job by colored woman as
housemaid for half day after dinner. S.
W.. 61 North Boulevard.3B-16-9
YOUNG LADY desires position as sales
lady at once. Three years experience
and thoroughly competent. References.
Address Miss C. V J., care Georgian
YOUNG LADY bookkeeper who has had
six years experience will be open for
position September 15. Business, Box 731.
care Georgian 51-14-9
WANTED Young ladj desires position in
office with some shorthand; must have
work; experienced; salary SB. Phone Ivy
1297. Address M. M., care Georgian.
COLORED WOMAN wants three or tour
days’ laundry work or house cleaning by
the dav; best city references. Address G.
W. williams. 383 Richardson street. At
lanta. 42-13-9
i’<i.m I'ETENT young lady stenographer
desires permanent position. Five years
experience stenographic and general of
fice work. No objection to some book
keeping. Phone Ivy 4291-L.40-13-9
MASSAGE -Udy who understands hair
and scalp massage; also expert on fa
cial massage, would ilke to visit ladles
at their homes by appointment. Can also
give body massage. F. C. K., Box 3, care
Georgian. 33-13-9
middle aged, good character, wishes
place where she would be appreciated.
Good salary. Best city references. S K .
Box 3, care Georgian. 32-13-9
EXPERIENCE!> lady desires position cs
assistant manager or housekeeper in
some good hotel. Only good paying posi
tion will be considered References fur
nished and can take position In thirty
days Address Mrs S M . Box 12. care
Georgians 4-9-12
EXPERIENCED young lady stenographer
desires position; can give best of refer
ences. J. W. D , care Georgian 33-9-11
1111; 11 GltAl'i!. experienced music teach-
er wants position in a school. Write
Southern Teachers' Agency and Employ
ment Bureau. Americus. Ga 56-9-10
Needle Work.
EMBROIDERY, designing, fine sewing
and darning 13 Baltimore place Ivy
I 5968. B’2B-8
Situations Wanted—Male,
| Yol’NG MAN <>f 19 wants a position as
assistant bookkeeper; Is fast and accu
rate on tigures and is a good penman;
good reference kddress Assistant Box
5, < ;i rr ' 11
w \ti i • PoSltlon b\ an expeiien< ed
blacksmith on granite tools C L
I lavs. Route 2. laiwrenoe vide, Ga
PRINTER desires position, am good job
and ad man Write or wire T W Jones,
* 47-16-9
I\\ \NTEI) Position as uteno bookkeeper
bv \oung man, 26 'ears old either in
,r *»ut nf <ity. four 'ears experience
j Nothing under <SO per nmnth < <»nshlerrd
K'luresh S'.rnu”Bookkeeper, care Georgian
1 34 16-9
Situations Wanted—Male.
WANTED—Position as an experienced
meat cutter; long experience in best of 1
markets. Address T. J. G., 127 Fraser st.. I
Atlanta. Ga. 49-16-9 i
HONEST, reliable colored boy wants po- I
sition with private family as butler or I
house man. with room on premises. Ad
dress S. M., 293 Auburn avenue. 54-16-9 I
WANTED—Position as chauffeur: have'
three years experience: can furnish best i
of references. Address,Allen McLeod, 151 '
Spring street3l-16-9 ;
YOUNG MAN stenographer wants posi
tion in lawyer’s office to read law. Ad
dress J. 8., 46 East Mitchell street
BRIGHT, intelligent boy, aged sixteen,
desires some kind of work for several
hours each week, to help pay expense of
education. Address Worker, care Geor
gian. 26-16-9
MAN with many years experience in trade
journal work is open for proposition.
Satisfactory references Address Box 613.
care Georgia!: • 79-14-9
AN experienced chauffeur wishes position:
best of references Address < >lln E
Crawford. Barnesville. Ga. 53-13-9
MAN thoroughly experienced in office
work and business correspondence
wants position with good business firm
or manufacturing company; good type
writer operator and hard worker. Satis
factory references. Address Box 733. care
Georgian 43 13-9
HAVE FOUR DAYS each week. Am a
salesman, collector and stenographer.
Can produce results. Business, care
Georgian. 45-13-9
LIVE, active drug clerk wishes position.
Dong experience. Good references Ad
dress Box 279, care Georgian. 44-13-9
POSITION WANTED by young man of
nineteen. with high school education.
Any honest work acceptable. Address S ,
general delivery, Atlanta 27-13-9
Job Work.
WE CAN SAVE you money on repair
work, shelving, tables and counters We
make them to order. Roof repairing, brick
work, wail tinting, painting and plaster
ing. 62% South Forsyth street. Bell 1187,
Atlanta 6087-M
Boarders Wanted.
HOME COOKING; private home; a few
boarders. .Main 3618-J,9-16-35
ROOM and board for couple or gentle
man; also roommate for young gentle
man. 442 Peachtree st. Ivy 4562.
NICE ROOM and board for couple in re
fined suburban home; no objection to in
fant: near car line; plenty shade; all con
veniences: reasonable rates; references
exchanged. Address R. A A., care Geor
BOARDERS wanted, with a nice large
airy upstairs room; everything conve
nient. 18 West North avenue. Phone Ivy
6576-J. _ 9-14-80
COMFORTABLE room with board in
large suburban home, two minutes from
cars; big porches, shade trees, two bath
rooms, good servants, vegetable garden,
chickens and cow; nine acres of ground
South Kirkwood. Decatur 389. 9-14-78
ONE couple for nicely furnished front
room and board In refined private home;
select neighborhood. Phone Ivy 4254.
‘ 9-14-82
ROOMS and board; conveniences; near in.
119 Washington street. 9-14-25
UNEXCELLED rooms; table board; lo
cation and surroundings pleasant; rea
sonable; running water in rooms; furnace
heat. 32 East North avenue. Phone Ivy
Jewish Board.
FIRST-CLASS JEWISH board at reason
able rates. 110 Capitol avenue. 9-6-11
SELECT BOARDING; everything home
like 132 South Pryor street. _26- 13-9
NICE ROOM and hoard; references ex
changed. 102 Ivy street. 9-12-14
NICE, large room and board; also table
board. Ivy 2423-J9-11-15
PLEASANT rooms and board. 513 I’each
DELIGHTFUL front room with first-class
board at reasonable rates; private home.
256 t'apitol ave. Main 2031 -L.9-9-15
$1.50 to $2.50 day; $7.00 to $12.50 weekly;
American plan, 50c to $1 50 day; $3.00
to $7.00 weekly European. References
exchanged. 8-13-36
Lost and Found.
ON WALKER or Woodward avenue car,
between 5 and 6, Sept 14, ring with
two emeralds, four diamonds, oblong set
ting. Phone ’West 744-J for reward
LOST—On Peachtree street, two pairs of
children's shoes, tan and black. Finder
will please return to 468 Peachtree street
and receive reward. J. W. English, Jr.
LOST—On Colfege Park car. Sunday
noon, small purse containing three five
dollar bills and small change; generous
reward if returned to Mrs. John M Coop
er, 86 Elizabeth st. Phone Ivy 981-J.
LOST—White ’setter dog, with brown
spots in face Reward for finder and
return of dog. 64 East Seventeenth
street. George P. Fuller. 9-14-34
LOST—A small gold medal with the na'me
Bernard S. Fahy and ”I’. N. D." engraved
on It. Finder please return to the above
at Chamberlin-Johnson-Dußose Company
and receive reward. 9-13-42
LOST —Monday morning, between corner
Jonesboro road and Margaret street, or
on Lakewood car, a small monogramed
locket, with L. B. C. in old English letters.
Finder will receive liberal reward for re
turn to Miss Lotta Crockett. Jonesboro
road and Meldon avenue. 9-12-9
SCREENS —Wood fly screens, metal fly
screens, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds,
metal weather strips furnished anywhere
in the South Write or phone W. R. Cal
laway, manager. 1403 Fourth National
Bank building. Atlanta. Ga. Main 5310.
SERIOUS RESULTS come from trusses
improperly fitted John B. Daniel, at 34
Wall street, has an expert fitter and it
will cost you no more to have him fit
you, and it means insurance. 6-24-19
refined, homelike; lintifbd number of pa
tients cared for; home provided for in
fants; infants for adoption. Mrs. M. T.
Mitchell. 26 Windsor street 6-22 12
DEAF PEOPLE—We help 99 per cent
worst cases to hear without tedious de
lays. Your only permanent aid. Write G.
A. Company. P. O. Box 644, Atlanta
MISSES’ special school suits, chic long
coat; costume work. Arnone, 845%
Peachtree street. Ivy 5891. 9-10-37
STOCKMAN. 55. worth $60,600, would
marry K . Box 35, League, Toledo,
Ohio. 37-14-9
TEACHER, first grade, six years expe
rience. desires position. M . Box 200.
care Ge or g]a n 32-16-9
MISS BRi'WN has opened her school at
290 Washington street. Pupils coached
with great care and attention. Terms
reasonable 33-14-9
DR. EDMONDSON'S Tansy. Pennyroyal
and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re
liable treatment for painful and .sup
pressed tnenstrm’ton, irregularities and
similar obstructions Trial box b\ mall.
50c Frank Edmondson A- Bro , manufac
turing chemists. 11 North Broad street.
Atlanta 2-17-14
PROF’SV «’!'RE|i Relieves shortness of
breath tn 3G to 4K hours’ swell
ing tn flfteen to twentx davs Write for
parti< ulai H <'ollorn I»»•»>!•«' Rernerlv <’otn
-513 Austell building. Atluntu
“ The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin”
Do Your Renting Through This Bulletin.
It contains a complete list each issue of every desirable place that is For
Rent in the city and suburbs; no matter whether it is furnished or unfurnished
they are al! here below.
For the benefit and convenience of its patrons The Georgian employs a
special man to search the city and surroundings each dav for desirable places.
This bulletin will save you time, money and worrj It is for vour conve
nience, so take advantage of it.
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
TWO connecting newly furnished front
rooms, suitable for two or three gentle
men; price $lB 321 Courtland. Bell
phone Ivy 1502-L.9-16-50
TWO or three furnished front rooms,
complete for housekeeping; sink in
kitchen, hot bath, electric lights, Bell
phone, best location. 290 Washington.
NEATLY furnished room; all conven
iences; close in. 147 Form wait st. At
lanta 6008 M. 9-16-49
SMALL furnished room; use of phone:
near in. 367 Whitehall street. 9-16-41
311 WHITEHALL, two or three connect
ing roras complete for housekeeping,
close in; reasonable. Atlanta phone 4810.
FOR RENT—One large, nicely furnished
second floor room; cheap; close in. 270
Houston street. 9-16-44
TWO large front rooms in private home,
elose in. 114 Windsor street. 9-16-45
FOR RENT—Neat, cozy rooms, near in.
Good neighborhood. 161 South Forsyth.
FOR RENT—Two conencting front rooms
for light housekeeping; close in: tea
sonahle. 18 Woodward avenue. 9-16-37
FOR RENT—Three connecting rooms,
complete for housekeeping; second floor.
202 South Forsyth. 9-16-40
FOR REb«T—-Rooms, single or for
housekeeping, with or without board.
36 Qarnett street. 9-16-38
For RENT—Nice, cool rooms, sul tab) e
■ for four gentlemen; corner of White
hall. 1 East Fair street.s3-16-9
FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms for
light housekeeping. Call Main 4551-L.
FOR RENT—One large and one small
room, suitable for light housekeeping, in
private home in Hapeville, or will take
desirable couple to board. Call East Point
378-.1, or write P. O. Box 754, Hape
ville, Ga. 9-16-23
TWO nicely furnished, conveniently lo
cated housekeeping rooms, five minutes
from Five Pointsbo West Cain. 9-16-11
NICELY' furnished front room, adjoining
bath, in Marlborough; meals next door.
Ivy 3720.9-16-10
INMAN PARK—Nicely furnished front
room, suitable for couple or two gents;
private family; home comforts. 96 Sln
clair ave. 9-16-114
FOR RENT—Two or three rooms, fur
nished complete for housekeeping; no
children; references. 73 Williams street.
TWO young gentlemen to occupy large,
nicely furnished front room with con
genial roommate; near Lyric. 55 West
Caln. 9-16-12
FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms for
housekeeping; private home. 520 Cen
tral avenue. 9-16-4
IN PRIVATE FAMILY—42S Luekie street,
near Tech school; nice front rooms to
rent; bath, hot water; private entrance;
hoard if desired 9-16-1
PULLIAM. STREET —I have three beau
tiful rooms, trout and back porch, hot
and cold bath, telephone and cabinet man
tels; furnished complete for housekeeping
Vacant September 17. No children. 17
Pulliam street 9-7-68
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished loom, all
conveniences, three blocks from Can
dler Bldg. Apply 9 Williams street.
TWO nicely furnished steam-heated
ropms, adjoining bath, three blocks of
Candler Bld., St. Charles Apartments, 45
Williams street. Apartment 1.8-14-89
NEATLY furnished looms at 35 West
Peachtree street. Ivy 1352-L. 9-14-S8
NICELY furnished cool rooms; hot bath;
very close in, 104 ivy street. 9-14-91
FOR RENT Neatly furnished front room,
all conveniences, close in. 148 Luekie
street. 9-14-71
FOR RENT One nicely furnished front
room, suitable for one or two parties.
Close in! 1 vy_39ls-. 1. 9-14-73
EXCELLENT ROOMS and board at 55
_Luckie st
FOR RENT Large furnished front room,
with bath, on Merritts avenue. Phone
Ivy 5863. 9-14-73
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room to
gentlemen or couple; conveniences. 210
Spring street. Ivy 3205-J.94-14-9
FoR KENT—Neatly furnished room on
second floor at 340 Courtland street.
FOR RENT—Room with board at 24 West
Baker, for cotipie or gentlemen. Ivy
1788. 9-14-87
FURNACE-HEATED room for rent at 485
Peachtree street. Call after 5 o'clock,
upstairs. 9-14-70
FOR RENT—Two nicely furnished con
nectlng rooms, suitable for light house
keeping North side. Close in. Ivy
3915-J 9-14-69
YOUNG MAN at 252 Ivy will share room
with GENTLEMAN. Stove heat and
every convenience. 9-14-68
NICELY furnished front room; North
Boulevard.lvy 580-L. 9-14-77
NICELY furnished front rootJ ivy 2455-
L. 2g3 Courtland street 9-14-76
FURNISHED ROOM for rent at 22 West
Peachtree. 9-14-75
TWO nicely furnished rooms for house
keeping, $3.50 per week or sl3 per month,
close in. Phone 3058-B. 9-14-81
FoR RENT—Nice, largo, furnished front
room; steam heaf, all modern conven
iences. Call Main 3335-J 9-14-63
FOR RENT -Two completely furnished
rooms for light housekeeping. 106 Au
burn avenue 80-14-9
THREE connecting housekeeping rooms;
north side; sls. ivy 519 ft-J, 9-14-46
ONE room, nicely furnished; hot and cold
water. Phone Main 4787 210 South
Forsyth st. 9-14-45
Ft >1! RENT Ti* lady cheap, one second
floor furnished front room, with closet
Phone ivy 2807-L.55-14-9
FOR RENT Three nicely furnished
rooms. 58 East Harris. Ivy 3775.
FOR RENT Pretty front room, furnished
or unfurnished, on Park avenue Would
give breakfast and supper. No children.
Phone 3866-1. Main 9-14-12
FOR RENT- Nicely furnished front room,
all conveniences. 45 Williams street;
third floor. 9-14-8
FOP, HEN’I’-Two delightful furnished
rooms; all conveniences Everything
furnished. 232 Capitol avenue. 29-14-9
FOR RENT -Two handsomely furnished
rooms io gentlemen Main 2709-L.
__ 32-14-9
TWO young men can secure a lovely
furnished room at 14 Simpson street.
Apartment 2. Phone Ivy 4399-.1 49-14-9
FURNISHED rooms; all conveniences.
Atlanta 3266. 116 West Peachtree st.
PRETTY front room, two and one-half
blocks from Aragon hotel; private fam
ily : all conveniences; gentlemen only
Bell phone Ivy 3841 -J. 8-13-32
ONE beautifully furnished room for rent,
with but and cold water and steam heat
Call Ivj 7!>9-L. tsifi-?
FURNISHED rooms for rent at 52 West
Peachtree st. 'SO-13-9
SUITE of front rooms, freshly papered:]
private home; meals if desired. Phone
Ivy 818-L_ 9-13-23
FOR RENT—One well furnished room,
dressing room ami bath connecting, fur
nace heat. private family; gentlemen
preferred 21 Currier street Ivy 2013 J
NIP ELY furnished front roorn; steam
heat, connecting bath; new apartment;
north aide. Call ivy i3Bt-L ■•-!:? 13
fOR ItHN'i’ Xi.■«>!> furtnslic.l front room,
adjoining bath, steam heat, every con
venience. close In. on West Peachtree,
private family, references Ivy 5984-L
nislied rooms arid excellent table board
121 Capitol square Main 4839-1.9 12-32
THREE unfurnished or partly furnished
front moms for ItouHekeoiiing all <mi
t entent es also bed rooni.s to lady. 18
R.n.Uv.eH Pl.ea Ivy 6231. H-'J-ll
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
For RENT—With private family, couple
of nice front rooms, convenient to bath
With or without board. For further par
ticulars Apply 134 Forrest avenue.
FOR RENT—Two or three rooms, fur
nished complete for housekeeping; no
children References. 73 Williams street.
NICE, newly furnished rooms, also light
housekeeping apartment. Close in. 151
Spring street. 9-10-6
b'oß RENT—Furnished rooms in strictly
private home. 19 East Harris street.
FOR RENT—Two neatly furnished rooms,
close in, for gentlemen. 50 East Ellis
street. Ivy 4877. 9-9-18
LARGE front room, on good north Tide
street: convenient to five car lines; fur
nace heat, hot and cold water, all con
veniences; strictly private family; very
reasonable to one or two young men
Phone Main 2053 9-9-17
ONE small room for one or two gentle
men; nicely furnished; hot and cold
water; close in; cheap. 48 Pulliam
WANTED—Young men or couple; pleas
ant rooms, with or without meals; good
beds; good meals; reasonable price 64
E. Harris st. 8-31-60
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
LEASE OR SALE —Beautiful new bun
galow, oak floors, screened, furnace,
tile bath, garage; shady lot. "Ansley
Park," care Georgian. 27-16-9
FOR RENT—Two large rooms and kitch
enette, sls. to party without children.
64 West Harris 9-14-86
FOR RENT—Three connecting rooms for
light housekeeping Apply 108 Park
ave., or call Main 440 Mr. Roberts.
FOR RENT- Two rooms and kftchen
ette. Ivy 2352-J. 9-14-36
FoR RENT Four connecting nice rooms;
upstairs, with bath. 377 Whitehall
st reer 9-14-21
For RENT—Two rooms to couple with
out children. References exchanged 26
Orange street. 27-14-9
FoR RENT Three large rooms; water
and electric lights; large back yard and
garden 12 Trotti street, Kirkwood, Ga
TWO rooms and kitchenette, near in
Call Ivy 3718-L. References 9-13-36
FOUR rooms with bath; fuel provided.
FOR RENT - Entire upper floor (four
rooms and bath) at 221 Central avenue.
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
Foil RENT—At 196 Juniper street, near
Seventh, first-floor seven-room fur
nished apartment, by the year, S6O per
month, ivy 662-J. 9-2-3
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
FOR RENT -Two very attractive steam
heated apartments of seven and eight
rooms, next door to Peachtree and near
in Freshly tinted walls. Telephone Ivy
6338 52-14-9
THE COLONIAL—One extra desirable
six-room apartment; hardwood floors,
etc.; perfect light and ventilation; best
janitor service; one block of Georgian Ter
race hotel. Phone Ivy 657-J, or call at
29 Ponce DeLeon avenue 38-9-9
Furnished Houses For Rent.
Fol: RENT Furnished or unfurnished;
six rooms; bath; piano; near Grant
park. sls or $lB per month 107 Berne
street. 30-16-9
M' 'ST attractive six-room bungalow,
completely furnished, north side; best
of everything; only first-class tenants de
sired; no children. Phone Ivy 1762-L.
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
FOR RENT -My residence, twelve rooms,
two baths, gas; bouse in splendid con
dition. Apply 108 West Harris street or
phone Ivy 80. 59-16-9
PHONE or write us for our rent bulletin;
excellent houses all over the city at
moderate rates. Turman, Black * Cal
lioun, 203 Empire bui 1d 1 ng. 6-29-66
FOR RENT. HOUSES —Call, write or
phone for our rent bulletin. Ralph O.
Cochran. 19 South Broad street 4-1 -21
THE IfOl'SE you build, buy or
rent will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
SPLENDID 10-room steam-heated hoilse]
near in. north side; S4O. owner. 4676,
care Georgian. 9-14-79
FOR RENT—BO East Pine, seven-room
cottage, two baths. 443 Courtland st..
corner Pine. 9-14-51
FoR RENT--Good nine-room home, on
large, elevated, well shaded, corner lot.
Has chicken runs and all necessary out
houses. Two blocks of Grant parJt. Will
rent or lease cheap to good tenant Ad
dress W T. H.. Box 1746. Atlanta 9-14-24
NO. 214 PLUM STREET, near Tech
school and Luekie street car line, two
story six rooms; all modern conveniences,
$lB per month. Apply at 610-11 Peters
Building 9-13-31
!•■' >ft lti ;.\T Six-room house, on River
car line, at Carey Station: large lots,
garden, outhouse: the place to raise
thickens $7 R M Mitchell, 24-A
South Broad street. 9-13-5
Stores For Rent.
FOR RENT The best storeroom in Madi
son, Morgan county, Georgia, and the
best location in this hustling city, 40,000
bales of cotton grown In this banner
county last year, and Madison catches
the bulk of this business; over two ntll-
I'on dollars worth of cotton sold annually:
size of storeroom 25x120 feet: all newly
repaired and renovated Address Paul
M. Atkinson, 9-16-31
MT entire building. No 155 Whitehall,
having bank vault with box office fix
tures. suitable for Insurance office, bank
or store Address T A Flodfng, Atlanta,
Ga 9-13-13
Furnished Rooms Wanted.
WANTED Two or three well furnished
rooms for light housekeeping, by cou
ple without children Must be central
Box 987, care Georgian 50-18-9
COUPLE who travels most of time wants
comfortable room for winter within few
blocks of postoffice. Give price, phone
number and references P. O. Box 716.
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
WANTED Three unfurnished rooms for
light housekeeping M , 98 East Pine
Mreet 9-14.93
WANTED By couple, no children, four
unfurnished rooms, with conveniences
for light housekeeping Address L M K ’
H'A t<.~, cat< 1 leorgia 11 11-9-12
W ANTED By couple, no children, four
unfurnished rooms for light housekeep
ing. reasonable price Address L. M. K
Box 495. care Georgian 9 13-2
Unfurnished Apartments Wanted.
W ANTIIIt To rent unfurnished three or
four-room apartment, must lists porch
ind heat, permsnent parst of three
11 die tddress P <j. Box No. ti. Mari
•'•a G» w. 4
74 Walton St.
Office Hours, 9 a. nt . 9 p. m.
Sunday, 10 to 4 Ladies' Maid
In attendance.
REVEALS PAST, present and future
Can be consulted on all affairs of life
Readings 25c, 50c. 17 East Mitchell street
(in tent).
IS NOW LOCATED in tent, comer For
syth and Luekie; can be consulted on
all affairs of life. Charges moderate.
Satisfaction guaranteed. 6-25-13
WANTED—Child’s iron bed; first class
condition Main 2600-J.9-16-26
WANTED—Two good second-hand desks
either old top or flat; must be in good
condition Johnson & Trimble. Bowdon,
Ga. 9-16-30
WANTED—To hire occasionally, in vlcln
ity of Inman Park, private one-horse
rig. suitable for lady's use. Call Ivy
3509-L. 9-16-22
WANTED—One stone crusher, one ce
ment mixer Address Mill Dam, Cham
blee, Ga. 9-18-6
EXPERIENCED hotel lady wishes to rent
a furnished hotel in town not under
3,000 inhabitants. Good references fur
nished and can take possession In 30 days
from notice Address Mrs. S. M., Box 10,
care Georgian.s7-9-12
I BUY MEN'S old clothes and shoes.
Drop a card. I. Bock, 32 Bell street.
FURNITURE and household goods, office
fixtures and merchandise of any kind
accepted on consignment. Cash advanced
Pembroke Sales Co.. 143 South Pryor St.
Bell phones Main 1434 Main 187, Atlanta
2285. 8-15-12
DROP A CARD Will bring cash for old
clothes and shoes. The Vestlare, 166
Decatur street. 6-27-42
WANTED—We pay highest cash prices
on household goods, pianos and office
furniture Cash advanced on consign
ments Springer’s Auction House, 25
South Pryor street. Bell phone Main 1526.
WE PA Y HIGHEST cash prices for house
hold goods, pianos and office furniture.
Cash advanced on consignments. Central
Auction Company, 12 East Mitchell
street. Bell phone Main 2424. 8-26-2$
For Sale Miscellaneous.
CAMERA 4x5, In perfect condition; Tripod
and developing outfit; value S4O; will
sell half price. Call Ivy 5078 9-T6-28
FOR SALE—Cheap, one top, one spring,
eight duplex shades, one dozen window
screens Phone, Ivy 764.9-16-16
FOR SALE Second-hand hot air fur
nace; good condition. Must be sold
Make an offer. Call Main 2256, ask for
Mr. Bates. 9-16-8
move dirt and germs from rugs, carpets,
floors, etc.; vacuum cleaners from $32 50
up; vacuum sweepers, $9.75 C. J Daniel
& Co . 416 Fourth Nat Bk Bldg 12-2-11
Goldsmith- Acton-Wither
spoon Company,
Furniture, Rugs and Draperies.
Never Tarnish Brass
Beds SIO.OO and up
Pullman Davenports3s.oo
National Springs $ 3.98
Leader Felt Mattresss 7.50
Arts and Crafts C10ck....$ 2.98
Mahogany Dressers24.7s
Pay for your Furniture while
you use it, “A little at a time.”
Goldsmith-Acton Wither- -
spoon Company.
Life-Time Furniture, Rugs and
62 Peachtree. 61 North Broad.
FOR SALE —The furnishings of a 14-room
house very reasonable Atlanta 2187.
National Cash Register.
$35-SSO and up Terms easy. Liberal ex
change allowance. Both Phones
60 North Broad Street 7-20-52
NEW, beautiful rugs woven from your
old carpet, superior to any in service;
plain or designed: any size Catalogue
free. Oriental Rug Company. Baltimore
A iTinrinon registers everything "
rtlllt lit ctu Latest improvements
Co registers exchanged
t drill AU sizes, easy terms.
RzirrioAtlanta Cash Register Co.
I»( 34 East Alabama street.
WOOD 7-18-15
domestic feathers; live geese feathers a
specialty. Write or phone for samples
and prices. R S. Eubanks. 73% South
Broad st.. Atlanta, Gas 9-14-9
DIAMOND—Fine white, perfect 'i-karat.
In gents’ mounting, for sale at great
sacrifice; less than wholesale cost. J. C.
Melllchamp, 601 Atlanta National Bank
Bldg 9-14-39
FoR SALE- -At a bargain, entire house
hold furnishings at 107 Ponce DeLeon
place. For particulars, call Ivy 3945-J.
FOR SA LB - One Tew Boston cornet; nev
er been used. For particulars call Ivy
6218-L. 9-14-22
FOR SALE—Few dozen glasses pure
home-made guava jelly at $2.50 a dozen.
Address Mrs. M . Box 450, care Georgian
ONE nice oak bed room suit cheap; good
as new. J R Tuck, 348 East Georgia
avenue. City 9-13-11
FOR SALE—Small cigar or soda fount
register Out of business Box 93, care
Georgia n 9-13-3
FOR SALE Humphrey gas heater, in
good condition. Address Box 786, care
Georgian 29-13-9
FOR SALE Beautiful early English
davenport at half price Apply 45 Wil
liams street: apartment 2 28-13-9
FOR SALE—Tables, chairs and other
furniture. No. 2 East, Fort McPherson
' 25-9-1 1)
FOR SALE —One steam cylinder (half
price) for cotton gin press G. D Col
lins. Flint. Ga 9-4-19
Timber For Sale.
FOR SALE 4,000 acres of long leaf yel
low (line timber in Leon county, Florida;
two ntilea from railroad; will cut 3.000 feet
per acre; can be bought at $6.50 per acre.
Terms reasonable Address p. o Box
67. Tallahassee, Fla (-18-9
FOR SALE -10,000,000 feet long leaf yel
low pine; prices, terms, etc. Address
J M L., Bainbridge, Ga 33-8-24
Trunks, Bags and Suitcases
Ri: r\ll.El> AND REPAIR!?!'"
Heil Main I&7H Atlanta 1654.
Auction Sales.
COMMENCING at 10 a m , Tuesday, we
will offer to the highest bidder a fine
lot of furniture. Including a bird’s-eye
maple chiffonier, mahogany' dressers
ana chiffoniers, three-piece oak bed
room suit, mirror-door wardrobe, hat
Yack, genuine leather parlor suit, re
frigerator, pedestal dining table, sev
eral elegant brass beds, with fine
springs and mattresses, pillows, blan
kets, brass costumers, buffet mahoga
ny library table, fine rockers, library
furniture, Turkish leather rocker, cost
S6O; mahogany pedestal dining table,
center tables, an extra fine lot of Wil
ton, Axminster and Brussels art
squares, and hall rugs, stair and hall
strips. draperies, curtains, shades,
rugs, sofa pillows and many other
things too numerous to mention. Ab
solutely to the highest bidder with
out limit or reserve. Promptly at 10
a. m.. Tuesday, September 17. Open
for Inspection all day Monday. Coma
and look them over.
12 E. Mitchell St.
Decatur street. We buy and sell any
and everything. Atlanta phone 2285; Ben
phone Main 1434. Main 187.7-29-20
PEMBROKE Sales Company under new
management; will accept your surplus
stock of any kind on consignments; cash
advanced; settlement on date of sale.
143 8. Pryor st. Bell phone Main 1434,
Main 187; Atlanta phone 2285. $-6-30
NEW BRUSH; never used; to exchange
for lot; and 25-horsepower Maxwell,
fine condition, for cash, cheap. Owner,
Box 350, care Georgian. 9-16-36
FOR SALE —Four slightly used quick de
tachable tires; size 34 by 4; price $3 50
each. Anderson, care Georgian. 56-14-9
GUARANTEED tires at cut prices; to
close out surplus stock, 28x3, $7.40; 30x3,
$7.85; 30x3%, $10.20; 32x3%, sl2 10; 34x4,
$17.25; all other sizes; order now while
they lest. Central Mfg. Co., Dayton. Ohio.
FOlt SALE—One practically new E.-M -
F. 30, 1912 model automobile. Write
Box 100, Cornelia, Ga 9-13-14
28 by 3 $7.90. 30 by 3 $8.90, 30 by 3% $11.90,
32 by 3% $12.90, 84 by 3% $13.90, 30 bv 4
$15.90. 32 by 4 $17.90, 33 by 4 $18.90, 34 bv
4 $19.90, 35 by 4 $19.90, 3(5 by 4 $19.90. 37
by 4% $27.90 Send us your orders Mc-
Pherson Auto Tire Company, Atlanta.
FOR SALE —One E-M-F touring car. in
excellent condition, with top, seat cov
ers, windshield, speedometer. electric
horn, driven two thousand miles; a bar
gain for S9OO. Address Fulton Auto Sup
ply Company, 46 E. North avenue.
FOR SALE —7-horsepower 1912 model
Indian motorcycle. Good as new, Bar
gain for quick sale. L. E. Kamper. 319
Peachtree street.4l-16-9
1911 EXCELSIOR twin cylinder six-horse
power. with free engine clutch and lug
gage carrier; in perfect running condition
and a bargain at SIOO. H. N. Cooledge,
12 North Forsyth st., Atlanta. 9-11-13
Sewing Machines.
WE RENT new machines with complete
set of attachments for $2 per month;
also machines repaired; prompt delivery.
Both phones 1898. Singer Sewing Ma
chine Company, 79 Whitehall. 9-14-44
Fire-Proof Storage.
pianos. Office and warehouse, 289-241
Edgewood avenue. Ivy 2037. John J.
Woodside Storage Company.
Stove and Range Repairing.
We sell secondhand gas stoves.
We sweep chimneys.
Atlanta Phone 2285. Bell Phone Main 2699
Monuments and Stone Work.
ALL KINDS stone work.
17-19 Fraser street. Phone Main 3540.
Railroad Schedule.
The following schedule figures are pub
lished only as information, and are not
No. Arrive From— No. Depart To
35 N. Y0rk..5:00 am 36 N York. 12:15
18 Jaxville. 5:20 am 30 Col’bus... 5:20 am
43 Was’ton. 5:25am 13 Cinci s;3oam
12 Sh’port.. 6:30 am 32 Ft. Vai.. 5:30 am
23 Jaxville. 6;soam 35 B’ham . . 5;45am
*l7 Toccoa... 8:10 am 7 Chat'ga.. 6:40 am
26 Heflin... 8:20 am 12R’mond.. 6.55 am
29 N. York.lo:3o am 23 K. City. 7:00 am
3 Chat'ga 10:35 am 16 Bruns’k.. 7:45 am
7 Macon.. 10:40 am 29 B'ham... 10:45 am
27 Ft. Vai .10:45 am 38 N. York. 11:01am
21 Col’bus 10:50 am 40 Ch’lotte. 12:00 n’n
6 Cinci... 11:10 am 6 Macon... 12:20 pm
30 B’ham... 2:30 pm 30 N. York.. 2:45 pm
40 B’ham. 12:40 pm 15 Chatt’ga. 3:00 pm
39 Ch’lotte. 5:55 pm 89 B'ham. .. 4:10 pm
5 Macon.. 4:00 pm *lB Toccoa... 4:30 pm
37 N. York. 5:00 pm 22 Col’bus... 5:10 pm
15 Bruns’k. 7:50 pm 5 Cinci.... 5:10 pm
11 R’mond.. 8:30 pm 28 F. Valley 5'20 nm
24 K City. 9:20 pm 25 Heflin ... 5:45 pm
16 Chatt’ga 9:35 pm 10 Macon... 5:30 pm
29 Col’bus 10:20 pm 44Wash’n.. 8:45 nm
31 Ft. Vai. 10:25 pm 24 Jaxville 9:30 pm
36 B’ham.. 12:00ngt It Sh’port . 11:10 pm
14 Cinci . 11.00 pm 14 Jaxville 11:10 pm
Trains marked thus (•) run Tiaily,
cept Sunday.
Other trains run dally. Central time.
City Ticket Office. No. 1 Peachtree St.
The best Want Ad days in The Geor
gian are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday Try them
AIA., The result* will surprise you.