Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, September 16, 1912, EXTRA, Page 12, Image 12
12 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS READ FOR PROFIT— GEORGIAN WANT ADS— USE FOR &ESULTS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1912. Money To Loan. '^mo^VTor^salaried^people i AND OTHERS, upon their own names: cheap rates, easy payments Confiden tial D H Tolman. *44 Austell building. WE CAN MAKE loans on Atlanta real estate and farm lands. Apply to Ralph I O. Cochran. 1S« South Broad. 7-1020 | MONEY ON HAND for immediate loans | on property in or near Atlanta .1 E. ! Van 'alkenburg. 501 Equitable building I 0-6-22 WEYMAN * CONNORS ESTABLISHED 1890 Mortgages on Real Estate tL? SPECIAL HOME FUNDS T* > LEND. any amount; 6 per cent Write or call S. W. Carson. 24 South Broad street. 4-1 17 Farm LOANS plac«?d in any amount on I Improved farm lands tn Georgia The Southern Mortgage Companv.Tlould build ing. 7-13-1 LOANS made on real estate Purchase ! money notes bought and sold. F. M i Loveless, 1321 Candler building S-17-10 | I WILL BUY your purchase money notes if they are not payable monthly H. L. I Cobbs, Fifth Floor, Peters Building -13-41 THE PRV DENTIAL IN- SURANCE CO. of Ameri ca can make you a loan on Atlanta improved property, through their loan corre spondents. Turman. Black (S’ Calhoun, 203-8 Empire Building,6-7-12-1 WE HAVE plenty of money to lend at lowest rates on Atlanta and nearby property, either for straight or monthly payment plan. Also for purchasing pur chase money notes. Foster & Robson. 11 Edgewood Ave, AND brokers BLDO t ’IOAN <s• main >u N»O 'strictly private ■ 1 ■■■" •' 1 Without Indorsement Without Collateral Security Without Real Estate Securities Monev loaned at LAWFUL rates. NATIONAL DIS COUNT CO., 301-2 Fourth Nation al Bank Building. Money Wanted WANTED—To borrow 82.600 on suburban home worth 85.000 Prefer monthly pay ments, or would accept straight five-year loan Answer Box 787, care Georgian 9-13-8 Business Opportunities. WANTED—To buy a live drug business Fulmer. Trion. Ga 4H-lA-‘.> FOR SALE—Established grocery store and meat market, doing fine business, on prominent corner in good section of city. You could not get a better place In city M. A., care Georgian FOR SALE—One of the best country practices tn the state, with home and office fixtures Address Doctor, care Georgian. 86-14-9 FOR SALfc-Four fifths interest in best paying business in Atlanta Small cap ital required Can be turned over semi monthly Phone Main 3816. 9-10-22 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE—Four-room house, lot 60x150, River car line. $1,000; $lO a month John Carey, 2 Whitehall st 9-16-17 EQUITY of S6OO in six-room cottage for $330 This is a bargain F. S. M . care Georgian. 9 16-3 kOR SALE -Beautiful, new, modern eight-room home, furnace heated, on prettiest street in Decatur, Ga Lot 100 by 400, near car line Comfortable sum mer and winter $6,760 Terms Owner, r O. Box 720, Atlanta 4704-9 BY OWNER 76 Lake avenue. Inman Park; story and-half bungalow; six rooms; all modern conveniences; corner lot and on car line. LBJ) BIG. choice lot on west side, worth $750 to SBOO. will sacrifice for S2OO cash If taken at once Retail Merchant, care Georgian. 9-12-38 MARIETTA car line property and Cobb county farms Send for our large list of bargains We have four acres with nice three-room cottage, for only $1,850, and seventeen acres with good six room residence, for $5,000; both of these places are right at car stations and are big bar gains R. N HOLLAND A SON. REAL ESTATE AND LOANS. COURT HOUSE, MARIETTA, GA. 9-12-36 BARGAIN to home builder. One-acre lot on ear line; beau tiful, elevated and covered with shade trees. Will sell cheap to desirable party wanting to build at once. Ideal place for .subur ban home. With plenty of room for chickens, orchard, garden, etc. Satisfactory terms. Address B. R., Box 433. care Georgian. 9-11-34 FOR quick sale, list your property with Everett & Everett. 224 Brown-Randolph Bldg . Marietta and Forsyth. 7-15-27 GRANT STREET HOME—S3,OOO buys a dandy 5-room dwelling, 173 Grant st.; new and modern throughout; splendid neighborhood. It will please you If you want a home. Easy terrfis. Ed R Ha vs. City Hall. 8-77-39 THE HOUSE you build, buj or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for electricity. Farms for Rent. FOR RENT —Six to fifteen horse farm, one-half to two miles of railroad station G. D Collins, Flint, Ga 9-4-20 Legal Notices. GEt>RGI A— Fulton County Ruble B Allen vs Frank B Allen. No 26087, superior court. To Frank B Allen: You are herebv notified that on the 7th day of August. 1912. Ruble B Allen filed suit against you for divorce to the November term, 1912 You are required to In at the Novem ber term of said court held the first Mon day in November, to answer the plaintiff’s complaint. Witness 4he Hon George I. Hell, judge of said court. September 3 1912 ARNOLD BROYLES, t’lerk FRaWK L HARALSON. Petitioner’s Attorney. 9-3-23 GEORGIA Fulton County William ItThx vs. Estle Enix Superior Court To Estle Enix: By order of court, you are notified that on August 26, 11*12, Wil liam Enix filed suit against you for divorce, returnable to November term of court You are requited to be at No vember term of court to be held on the first Monday in November, to answer the plaintiff s complaint Witness Georg< I. Bell. Judge, Vigusi 28 1912 ARNOLD BROYLES, Clerk 9-3-lS POULTRY Edited by Judge F. J. Marshall H z 7zj / 7W Up Poultry; Incidents of Early Work. I have been asked many times why I happened to take up poultry for a business. It was not a “happen so. I began . r — working with thoroughbred poultry when but a boy fifteen years old. I liked chickens. I liked them not only from the Methodist preach er’s standpoint, but I liked to look at good stock. I admired the fine ones. It was of great interest to me as it always has been to watch the devel opment of well bred youngsters. To watch certain fine cockerels develop into great big noble specimens fit for the breeding yard or the show pen, and pullets to be fit com panions at any time or place. But back of all this there was something else that attracted the boy on the farm, situated as I was where dollars were not shied around as we sometimes see them these days. We soon learned the value of a dollar. And we could see them plainly lurking in the background of this thor oughbred chicken business, and they looked to us as big as a full moon on a summer’s night. g] ( 1 < I I I We saw that by mating a few good thoroughbred pullets to a good cockerel we could not only succeed in raising a few fine youngsters that we might sell at two or three dollars each, but be able to sell several settings of eggs for hatching at a dollar and a half per setting, which was a mighty good price in those days, when chickens were selling at 15 to 25 cents apiece and eggs at 10 and 12 cents a dozen. That was before the days of Inflated prices; in fact, there was nothing in flated those days but the Ideas of a boy like myself in what he hoped to make out of the poultry business. It was an uphill business those days, for one had to work against all kinds of odds. Ever*'body hooted at the Idea of mak ing anything out of chickens, more than being able to supply the home ta ble with oggs and meat at odd times when the pork supply was short. And for any strong, hearty, able-bodied boy or man to fool with poultry was sheer folly, and even downright laziness. But we were determined and hard headed enough to stand a lot of such talk from the neighbors. Every .time I went to the express office to ship a set ting of eggs for hatching the smile would go around, as much as to say, "There he goes again. I wonder how long it will be before we will have to take him away." A Colossal Purchase. I worked hard to produce good stuff, spending quite a share of the money taken in the first few years, in buying better stock to mate with mine and im prove it. I went almost to the bottom of my pocket at one time and paid out eight hard-earned dollars for a Light Brahma pullet to complete a fine breed ing trio I had been getting together. Such a price would mean nothing these days of big prices, but it surely did then The word got out that I was making a little clean cash out of this small business in addition to my other farm profits, In the language of the present day, people began to sit up and take notice. The women began to see something to it first, as they usually do, and the Orpingtons. S3O PEN thoroughbred Buff Orpingtons; five hens, one rooster; first sls check gets it; prize-winners. 65 Crew st. 48-16-9 Plymouth Rocks. BARRED m.YMOUTH ROCK? E. R Thompson's Imperial Ringlet strain, di rect ; invincible at world's greatest shows. Stock from New York first prize winners Prices right. Circulars free A C. Brown. Holton, Ind. 92-14-9 Incubators. INCUBATOR, 240-egg Prairie State; only used for one hatch Call Decatur 270. 9-13-22 Dogs. TWO male French poodle puppies for sale, pure white; little beauties; $lO each. George Austin, 428 East Georgia ave . City6B-14-9 DOGS At close prices. Variety of point ers. setters and hounds to select from. Young and mature. Trained and partly trained. Correspondence solicited. Mont vlew Kennels. Kernersville. N. C. 38 14-9 FOR SALE Pointers, setters and hounds. State wants E. A Linville, Kerners ville, N. C. 59-9-10 Horses and Carriages. FOR SALE —Texas saddle pony; hand some bay; gentle; splendid gait; very tiling for boy or girl A. B Kellogg. 806 Temple Court. 35-13-9 Real Estate For Sale. Railroad Frontage FRONTING on three railroads, less than two miles from the cen ter of the city, we have a prominent corner with good depth which we have been authorized to sell at once for nearly one half what adjoining railroad frontage Is being held at. Here is a chance to make some real money quick. See Mr. Phillips or Mr. Everett. EVERETT & EVERETT 224 Brown-Randolph Bldg. Phone M. 3392 WILLIAMS-HARTSOCK CO. REAL ESTATE AND BUILDERS. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDINa Phone 2106 Main. ST. CHARLES AVENUE BARGAIN Here is a home on a lot 50 b\ 200 feet, to an alley, that we can sell for the low price of $4,200 There is no loan to assume Reasonable cash payment will get it Come quick CAPITOL WENUE BARGAIN—On Capitol avenue we have another bargain, corner lot. alley in rear; price is only $3,900. Terms good GRANT PARK BARGAIN Here is a six-room home, with cabinet mantels, porce lain bath, walls tinted in rich colors Ont* block of ear line Price is $2,- 500 Terms to suit purchase! JUDGING from the above prices, you would not think that we are advertising i• ■■.'■ * eatau Th»’‘-»-a! 1 ms’ rare bargains that we are toda> ii YoU knew Kow easy it is to get ns to build you a home you would not hesitate to come to see us You would quit pay ing rent THE HOI’SE you will build, buy or rent will not be a I modern hume unless it is wired for Electricity. men would reluctantly agree to it, pro viding they could keep their wives in the foreground, that the laugh might come upon them rather than upon the noble head of tlje household. Woman was made the scapegoat, as she has ever been since the days of Adam. When asked if they were going into the poultry business my neighbors would reply something like this: “Oh, my wife is a fooling with some of those new-fangled Shang Cochins or White Brahmas, but I don’t take #ny stock in the blooming things. They* are too high tone for me.” But They Were Converted. But 1 want to tell you that some of these same tenderfeet in later years showed their chickens side by side with me. That was all right, but you know I felt like it was time for me to laugh. The first breed I tried was the Buff Cochin, but it was a little too slow' in its movements for me, and short on egg production, so I changed to the Light Brahmas, which were at that time the aristocrats of the barn yard and very popular. I bred this variety for a num ber of years with the old reliable Barred Plymouth Rocks, called simply Plymouth Rocks, as there were no other varieties of the breed at that time. It took a lot of hard work in those days to produce a few good birds in the Rocks. They were crude and had to be manipulated with the greatest sa gacity to produce anything wmrth look ing at. Others were in the same boat, so that you could not turn out and buy what you wouln like to have. But it was this seeming impossibility that made the few good ones we did raise worth good money. The balance of the flocks we sold at low prices, from a dol lar and a half to three dollars each, to farmers and others wishing to start pure-bred utility flocks. While much of this stock would be considered as culls at this tirpe, they were pure bred and answered the purpose of furnish ing the farmers and others a fairly uniform flock of thoroughbred stock. (To be continued tomorrow.) Miscellaneous Poultry. H. G. HASTINGS & CO., Seedsmen for the South, 16 West Mitchell street. Four City De liveries Daily. North and South Side 9 a. m., Inman Park and West End 2 p. m. Bell Phone M. 2568, Atlanta 2568. BULBS THAT SHOULD BE STARTED Indoors now for early blossoms: White Roman Hyacinths. 40c a dozen, postpaid 50c; Paper White Narcissus, 25c a dozen, postpaid 40c; Freesias, 20c a dozen, post paid 26c. All of our bulbs are large, strong, sure bloomers. Write for a copy of our bulb catalogue. CONKEY’S WHITE DIARRHOEA REM EDY. 25c and 50c. Lee’s White Diar rhoea Remedy, 50c. Either of these will give satisfaction. CRUSHED OYSTER SHELL and poultry grit. 50 pounds 50c. 100 pounds sl. MALE CANARIES All guaranteed sing ers, $2 50 each. Cages. $1.25 and up. SILVER SKIN and Yellow Danver Onion Sets. Seed Rye and Barley. I’SE CONKEY’S NOX-I-CIDE for ridding your poultry houses of mites. Two table blespoonfuls mixed in two gallons of wa ter is what is needed for dipping your fowls One pint can 35c. 1 quart 60c, 2 quarts 90c. 1 gallon $1.50. Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. W. A. Foster & Raymond Robson Real Estate, Renting and Loans. Bell Phones 1031-1032. 11 Edgewood ave. Atlanta Phone 1881. FOR SALE. ON HARDEE STREET, close to school and churches, on a pretty, level lot, 75 feet front, we have an attractive home of six rooms: all improvements; brand new; price. $3,500; easy terms See Mr. Dews. ON BOULEVARD DEKALB, near East Lake junction and convenient to 15- minute car service, a nearly new five room bungalow; all city conveniences ex cepting gas; nice lot, 50x200 feet; terms to suit you; price only $2,500. See Mr. Rad ford. CLOSE to South Decatur and East Lake car line, a nice six-room bungalow, with water and electric lights; price, $2,300; easy terms. See Mr. Dews. AT 43 GREENWOOD AVENUE, we have the nicest home proposition on the north side, at the price we have on it for quick sale; has eight rooms, nicely finished; nice mantels and fixtures; the lot Is 76x165 to an alley. Can handle this on terms of SSOO cash and S3O “per month. See Mr. White. IF YOU HAVE MONEY TO LOAN. CAN PLACE IT. FOR RENT. NO. 329 GREENWOOD A.VEMUE. A NICE four-room cottage, in excellent condition, with lot 50 by 200. Splendid neighborhood. Has porcelain bath, but no gas Two blocks from car line. Price sl6. WE PUBLISH A WEEKLY RENT BULLETIN, giving a good description of everything we have for rent. Get a copy. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT. 12 AUBURN AVENUE PHONE MAIN 61$. FOR RENT BY E. RIVERS REALTY COMPANY 8 WEST ALA BAMA STREET. 365 PIEDMONT AVE , we have this splendid eight-room houpe on an elevated lot. House is In splendid repair and in first-class neighborhood. $45.00 per month. 115 EAST AVE. You will find this eight-room two-story house with all modern conveniences. Very desirable for two small families. Only $35.00 per month. 369 CENTRAL AVE. This is an eight-room two-story house with all conven iences. Good neighborhood and splendid location. $30.00 per month. 39 MILLS ST This is a five-room house, in good repair. Has bath and gas, and only a short walk from center of city. $22.50 per month. Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. “ASK THE REAL ESTATE MAN” Call on him for Plats and prices. He will tell you that Beautiful Highland View Lots With ten-minute car service and ail city improvements and high-class settlement IS THE BEST BUY IN ATLANTA FOR THE PRICE WE ASK YOU. ATLANTA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, 609-13 Third National Bank Building. TIIE L. C. GRE EX CO. REAL ESTATE. 305-6 THIRD NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. Phone Ivy 2943. EDGEWOOD AVENUE—Vacant lot 22x43, on easy terms, 6 per cent on notes. The purchaser of this property is sure of a safe and rapid increase in value. See us for information as to just how reasonable we can sell this property. ON POPLAR CIRCLE, two doors from Euclid avenue, eight-room house, practi cally new; electric lights, hardwood floors, piped for furnace, hot water tank and fixtures connected; large lot with chicken yard and houses in rear; in a fine locality, and at a great bargain; easy terms can be arranged. THREE BLOCKS from Five Points on Collins street, large lot 60x100 feet with alley on side; rented for SSO per month. We will be glad to show this property and will submit any reasonable offer. McLENDON STREET —Vacant lot on south side of street, 250 feet east of Arizona avenue, in a rapidly growing section of Atlanta. This is one of the few’ un sold lots in this section; water and sewerage in easy reach. If sold this week will make price of $450. 132 AND 136 EAST GEORGIA AVE., lot 32x52: six-room house, bath, cabinet mantels, slate roof, modern, and rents for $22.50 per month. Don’t miss this opportunity to nuke some money. A bargain here. Come to see us. THE L. C. GREEN COMPANY. Auburn Avenue S2OO PER FRONT FOOT will buy 13 7x112 to an alley, close in on Auburn avenue. Splendid location for small stores, with excellent prospects for enhancement. Edgewood Avenue CLOSE IN on Edgewood avenue, 25x120, at $350 per front foot. This will soon be in the SSOO class. J. H. EWING REAL ESTATE. 116 (LOBBY) CANDLER BUILDING. SALESMEN—L. S. BROWN. R. E. RILEY, WM. C. MASSEY A Home for Your Rent AT Jefferson park, East Point, we are building a five-room cottage on ex tra large lot, which will sell for small cash payment and S2O a month. WE have beautiful, large lots. 100x150 feet to alley, on which we will build a house to your plans for small amount cash and balance monthly. See us. , W. D. BEATIE Both Phones 3520. 207 Equitable Building. Houses For Rent. Houses For Rent. foFrent PEACHTREE —Between Ivy and West Peachtree streets —new two-story building being erected. Modern and up to date in every detail. Look at the construction of this building, and then make us a price. Size 25 by 100. FOR RENT PEACHTREE—Right at Merritts avenue. We will have ready for occupancy in a short while, an excellent double building. Wo have rented half of same to the Indian Motorcycle Com pany. The other half you can get—2s h\ 125 feet. Get a price now before some one gets it. TURMAN. BLACK & CALHOUN. IF YUE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN. WE CAN PLACE IT. Houses For Rent. FOR RENT. 6-r. h., 27 West Fair streets26.oo 6-r. h., 289 East Fifth street 32.50 6-r. h., 71 Bellwood avenue 10.60 6-r. h., 234 Chapel street 21.00 6-r. h., 408 Ormmond street 22.50 6-r. h., 295 Cooper street 15.60 6-r. h.. Fair street, Kirkwood 20.00 6-r. h., 36 Orleans street 18.00 6-r. h.. Boulevard DeKalb, Kirkwood 15.00 6-r. h., 38 Curran street 9.0 C 6-r. h., 81 Ormond street 20.60 6-r. h.. Lakewood drive 20.00 6-r. h.. 293 East North ave., furn.... 45.00 6-r. h.. 33 Lovejoy street 16.60 6-r. h , 94 Whitehall terrace 15.60 6-r. h., Holderness street and three acres of land 11.00 6-r. h.. Posey street. Kirkwood. Ga.. 21.00 6-r. h . 24 South Warren, Kirkwood. Ga 15.00 6-r. h.. 8 Coper street 30.00 6-r. h . Boulevard DeKalb and Clif- ton JJ-50 6-r. h., 122 West Alexander street.. L. 60 6-r. h . Gilbert street. E. Atlanta .. 12.00 6-r. h., 504 Euclid avenue 25.00 6-r h., 69 Bellwood avenue 10.60 And a long list of larger and smaller houses. Come to see us. Real Estate For Sale. Plan Your Own House Wo are prepared to build in our Stewart avenue subdivision a house according to your own plans. Maybe the houses you have looked at do not exactly suit; you want something a little different. Give us your ideas, and we will build just the kind of house you wish, and arrange terms* of payment. In this subdivi sion we have many fine lots to select from—all near the new Tenth ward school and city playground. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR M. L. PETTY & E. L. HARLING REAL ESTATE. 32 EAST ALABAMA ST. ON EUCLID AVENUE we have a new ten-room two-story house, lot 50x200, that we are offering for $<,o00; SI,OOO cash, balance on easy terms This house has solid oak floors, furnace heat, large sleeping porches; in fact, it is the most modern and up-to-date house In Atlanta for the price and terms. See us at once. WE OFFER a nine-room two-story house on Capitol avenue, lot 50x200 for $?500 The location and the price of this house should sell it at sight Let us show it to you at once. WE HAVE a six-room cottage, on a lot 50x250 on Cherokee avenue, that we offer for $3,500. This piece of property at our price is certainly a bargain and if you are interested in a $£,500 home proposition, you can not beat this house and lot. WE HAVE ONE of the most desirable corner lots on Ponce DeLeon avenue. 60x 230 that we are offering for SIOO per front foot. You can not afford to over look this lot at our price. Have You Any Money? LOTS $l5O AND S3OO EACH. A few months ago we had a number of Simpson Ridge lots for sale. Since then half of them have been sold, houses have been built and other improvements near by have been made. Enhancement of all property in this section has increased materially, but the remaining few lots in Simpson Ridge are now offered again for sale at the same prices we sold them last year. Prices are $l5O to S3OO, $1 and $2 a week, no interest, no taxes to 1915. To see is to buy. See for yourself. Take River car, get off at Ashby and walk two blocks west. The lots are on the right of Simpson street. Get plats at our office. THOMSON & LYNES 18 and 20 Walton St. Both Phones 458. EDWIN P. ANSLEY REAL ESTATE AND RENTING. $5,000 $5,000 NORTH OF PONCE DE LEON AVENUE, WEST OF HIGHLAND AVENUE. A NEW BUNGALOW, just completed, containing six rooms and sleeping porch, bath, hardwood floors and cellar; lot 50x150; terms to suit. One of theffnost attractive homes in the street. $6,000 $6,000 KENNESAW AVENUE, NEAR PONCE DE LEON. TWO-STORY HOUSE, containing seven rooms and bath; lot 45x160. This prop erty is owned by a non-resident, and anxious to sell. EDWIN P. ANSLEY. REALTY TRUST BUILDING. Phones, Ivy 1600-1-2; Atlanta 368. RALPH O. COCHRAN CO. (Incorporated) REAL ESTATE. RENTING AND LOANS, PEACHTREE STREET. HERE Is a lot 25 by 140 in the Georgian Terrace block, on Peachtree, for sls • ,ao. Terms unusually attractive. It will make monev for you HARRIS G. WHITE, Sales Manager. DILLIN-MORRIS CO. 609-10 Atlanta National Bank Bldg. Both Phones 4234 $5,500 ST. CHARLES AVENUE, six rooms, furnace heated bungalow; has hard wood floors; stone front: on large shady lot. A home at this price on a 70-foot street isn’t found every day. Good terms. JI 350 WILL buy a vacant lot just off Highland avenue, near Ponce DeLeon; noth ing else on the street at this price. Terms. S3,ISO—NEAR in on the south side we have a dandy little six-room cottage on elevated east front lot. We can sell on terms of S2OO cash and balance $25 per month. Buy this and cut out your carfare. v LEON PLACE This is a beautiful six-room bungalow; has hardwood floors throughout; best of fixtures, stone front. We consider it a real classy bungalow. See us for price and terms. Owner says sell. Salesmen FRED C. WOODALL and CHAS. R COLLINS. PEACHTREE STREET LOT 100-FOOT FRONT, beautiful east front, elevated, shady lot; just beyond eity A. S. HARRIS, Real Estate MA LN 138 <. 805 Empire Building. FOR SALE WHITEFOORD AVENUE LOTS. * (Near Hardee St.) TZAT TAT T 65ft EEET frontage on Whitefoord Ave. 11l I I l\| I and 400 feet frontage on Maud St. J ■ AJ. A X J • Price only $4,500. WOODSIDE Will Exchange term near Atlanta or negro property Now if you want something good, get busy 31 INMAN RLDG. PHONE M. 2053. WANTED-AT ONCE WE HAVE three clients for small homes—s2,soo to $3,000. If vou want to sell yours, see us at once. ■ ATLANTA SUBURBAN'REALTY COMPANY. 31 Inman Bldg., M. 2053, A BEAUTIFUL HOME EIGHT-ROOM steam heated double-floored, with felt in between- cvnress shin, gles. nicely arranged; large parlor and dining room with French doors brink mantels; large butler’s pantry and closets; shady, level, easy front !ot be.? ro'j service in city; price. $6,500, on easy terms y iront lot, best car WILSON BROS. 701 EMPIRE BLDG. MAIN 4411-J. G. R. MOORE & COMPANY REAL ESTATE. BUILDING AND LOANS. 1409 CANDLER BUILDING. pHONE lvy EAST 1.1 KE I'i:n E. 2<>0x27.'..‘n.!’53,0'.A in two years. MAitii-.i i a STREET, 2,’.xD»o. has amall store; at $2,000, termr \\ I. NI E HOME at a sacFifica • * Pltl'fli STREET and on ■'< . ..mer, has ** < APITOL AVENI. E HOME. Tenth street home. Hemphiu avel home, this wmSl Real Estate For Sale.