Newspaper Page Text
Democratic Tariff Program
Would Plunge Country Into
Bankruptcy. He Says.
16. Into southern California came
Coioriel Roosevelt today to renew his
attack upon Governor Wilson The ex
preslrient assailed the Democratic can
didate for his tariff stand, saying that
if Wilson gets the presidency and at
tempts to put into effect the tariff pro
gram enunciated In the Baltimore plat
form. he will plunge the country into
bankt uptcy
"It is amazing that the Democratic
party is brazen enough to try to jam
such a platform down the people's
throats." said the colonel "They are
fooling onl> themselves. The people
are going tr» shoyy by a decisive vote
that they ar> not bamboozled by the
empty Wilson theories."
Roosevelt glowingly referred to the
prosp< < ts of the third party tvinning
this fall
"From yvlat I've seen here in the
West. I believe yve are going to beat
the bosses.'' he exclaimed "It's a sig
nificant thing that the bosses have di
rected their whole fight against us. You
don't hear Penrose, or Guggenheim, o;
Barnes railing al the Democratic par
ty They ate after the Progressive pai
STIRLING. ILU. Sept. 16. The will of
Mrs. Anna .'•toll, of Mendota, leaves 11.-
F» t« IP.angcHst Peter Blllhorn. to be
n-eo -it gitig thf gospel to the sink and
n- «-o>
The ex i.ngehst j •<*<•<■»v#*o n«» Instruct ion.*
as to box* in tarry out the bpquest.
Mrs Scott, who died recently, left an
e-id.e •! >»»s.opi k 'lip i< ma irdvrfi'- willed
to varffrufl ’ chorches and charities.
Many Driven From Home.
Every year, in many parts of the
country, thousands me driven from
their homes by coughs and lung dis
eases Friends and business are left
behind for other climates, but this :«
costly and not always sure. A better
way the way of multitudes is to us<
Dr. King's New Discovery and cure
yourself nt home. Stay tight there,
■with yout friends, and take this safe
medicine Throat and lung troubles
find quick relief and health returns
Its help in coughs, colds, grip, croup,
whooping-cough and sore lungs makes
fl a positive blessing 60c and 11.00.
Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all
Mr. W S Gunsultis, a farmer living
near Fleming, Pa., says he has ns,
Chatplterlaln's t'ollr. t'holera and Dial
rhoea Remedy in his family for foil,
t -en years, and that he has found it :o
be an excellent remedy, and take
pleasure in recommending it. For sn!>
by all dealers.
t Advertisement )
Miss Suzanne Carter, leading lady
with the Cartel Musical Comedy Com
pany. which opens at the Bonita, 32
Peachtree street, this afternoon, will be
remembered by many theatergoers for
the < level work she did while a mem
ber of "The Babes in Toy land" com
Miss Carter is a finished artist, and is
possessed of a remarkably beautiful
voir, . Her company, is said to be the
best now playing the popular priced
t Advertisement.)
An salt every Thursday to and In
cluding September If. Through sleep
ers daily SEABOARD.
< Advertisement >
Had Not Made Up His Mind
Which Was Correct and Was
Ready To Be Convinced.
The story is told of a young man who
applied tot a position to teach a coun
try school. The board of education
sent f< • him \mpng other questions
he was asked if he believed the earth
to be round or fiat
"Well." he replied. I'm unprejudiced,
so I'm willing to teach - ithei theory.”
The rural applicant was careful not
to show his ignorance Others are not
always so thoughtful A discussion
recently arose as to the boundaries of
■Rournania. the < aim being made that
it does not tor. h the Black Sea The
Georgian's Atlas was brought out to
decide the questtion. It correctly shows
that Rimmania is bounded on the north
and w est by Austi ia-Hunga) y. on the
east by Russia and the Black Sea. on
the south by Bulgaria, and for a short
distan, eon the west by Servla. So the
one that claimed that Roumania does
not horde, on th< Black Sea rvas wrong
Tile Standard Allas and t'h ronologi
cal History of the World is correct ’n
every detail. Its full pages, maps and
charts are authentit ami up to daft
You can get it by presenting six head
ings , ipp, ,'. or tom from the first page
ot this paper, togethei with an expense
fee to cover the necessary items of this
< Advertisement t
Call Main 1130.
< Advertix men! )
»i eacl of old False Teeth asiH
Hlgheei prl<M paid sot old • ’.''LL
Wat - Broken Jewelry
and Preeioue Stones ?
Money Sent By Return Mail
Ph la Smelting and Refining Co..
HstuLljshrd 30 Years
I ..tieinh • Pa.
' f '’ '* l‘Hi t) in H fhru prt<e«
Thomas S. Felder, attorney general,
has the finest "buzzer” in the state < ap
itol—a "buzzer" being, qf course, an
L /-jl
JAMX-S Niyv-tM
electrical contrap
tion used tn lieu
of a oetl. for the
purpose of calling
messengers, por
ters and the like.
"Buzzers" are
affected most per
sistently by bank
ers, brokers, gov
ernors and attor
ney generals, and
they carry with
them a certain as
surance of great
respectability and
When a "buz
zer” buzzes- -this
all bv way of pre
liminary—t h e re-
fore, underlings and minor attaches hop
lively, for that means a signal from the
Big Noise, and get-a-hump-on time Is
at hand:
Tom Felder's "buzzer” Is one of the
most sonorous and Insistent that ever
buzzed. It seems to penetrate into the
remotest corners of the eapitol, and it
never fails to impress visitors mightily.
The average innocent bystander thinks
life, with a "buzzer” like that at one's
elbow and the authority attaching to
use it, must be a complete and utter
But Feldvi takes no joy in Ills "buz
zer.” He uses it, because he believes
in perfect older and decorum around
and about tlie establishment.
A "buzzvrless” attorney general
would be almost a disgrace to any well
regulated administration Felder knows
that, appreciates the gravity of it, and
lie uses th< "buzzer" legulaiiy. the while
he hates it ever worse than Satan ever
hated holy water!
The attorney general’s procedure,
w ishing the porter, is Visually somewhat
after this fashion
Felder pushes "buzzer," and "buzzer"
buzzes aftei Hie persuasion of a rip
saw. The porter doesn't come -he
knows better than t> come then. He
understands tire his.-ing hate of Felder
for "buzzers," and foi all creatures,
persons and things conjured up "buz
zer-wise!" After the second "buzz.”
Folder goes out into the lobby and does
a vocal turn. "Tom! Hey, commere!”
booms through the < orridors. Then
Tom hikes for the attorney general's
office, and everything is pretty!
Felder has a choice anti-"buzzer” vo
cabulary that he unwinds now and then
for the delectation of particularly inti
mate and personal friends -but nobody
yet has ventured to print that in a
family newspaper!
Every little old political organization
in these I'nlted States lias an electoral
ticket mi file for use in the Georgia
Noy ember vie, Hons, save and excepting
the Prohibitionists.
The Democrats have their Wilson
electors of course; the/ Moosers their
T R ticket they at last, came to
gether fraternally and sweetly - the reg
ular G. <>. P.'s their Taft exhibit, and
the Socialists their Debs frame-up.
The embattled and sometimes pugna
cious Prohis alone have loft this Crack
er Armageddon undisputed!
it docs look, too, as If Georgia, being
a brag prohibition locality—theoretical
ly, anyway - would have its Prohibition
electors, that the faithful might'rally
and make a brave showing for Chafin
and —whoever it is on election day.
The Socialists have a candidate
against every statehouse office to be
elected, from governor down, except
Paul Trammell, the railroad commis
good luck only on the theory that the
Socialists gave out before they got to
his case, and they couldn't very well
run the same man for two offices!
One of the moe. common ailments
that ha d working people are afflicted
with is lame back Apply Chamber
lain's Liniment twice a day and mas
-age the parts thoroughly at each ap
plication. and you will get quick relief.
For sale by all dealers. •••
l Advertisement )
The Policy for YOU!
When you receive the New Non-Participat
ing Policy, now being written by The Southern
States Life, you have one that is:
Ample in conditions and terms.
Generous in benefits.
Simple in its wording.
A rate in keeping zvith the lowest.
This policy, also, carries the disability clause, writ
ten exclusively by this Company. One-fourth face of
policy paid, in cash, at »otal disability; premiums paid
by Company as long as insured is disabled until policy
becomes a claim.
General Agents wanted for unfilled territory
lx>cal Agents wanted in all territories
Co-operation of the Company with their agents, together
with I' eir unmatched policies, make agents’ contracts with
The Southern States Life profitable.
The Southern Slates Lite Insurance Co.
- w - s - I,cLEO "'
s,| P ervisor of
Judge Joel Branham, of Rome, dis
tinguished jurist, eminent lawyer, and
grand old man of north Georgia, had a
look-in on hfs Atlanta friends today.
The judge recently rounded the sev
enty-seventh mile post, but hardly no
ticed it, so far as the burden of years
Is concerned. He grows younger, in
deed. as he grows older.
"I long ago solved the problem of
growing old gracefully, if I may be
permitted so to express myself." said
the judge. "I keep off other folks
"The way to have people like you—
even love you —is to agree with them
If a friend expresses an opinion, par
ticularly a decided and carefully ex
pressed opinion, be a good fellow. Say,
By jinks, old man, you know I never
thought of it exactly in that light; and
I believe you are right!’
I "That gets 'em. every time.
"Every now and then I hear of some
body wanting to 'trade, last go,' with
me. and I always find out that he has
something nice to tell me about some
body saying so and so about Branham.
Invariably, the somebody is some per
son I have agreed with on a pet idea!"
Commissioner of Agriculture Connor
isn't taking any chances.
A few weeks hack, he announced that
he would not appoint the newly author
ized fertilizer inspectors and things
until December—but that was before
the point of an October unexpired suc
cession was raised, and he was undet
the impression that his term held until
next July.
Commissioner Connor still is under
that impression, but he is not quite so
sure of It as he was a little while ago.
and so he will get the appointments ali
off hfs mind on or before October 1.
If the two-year commissions he is
issuing his appointees hold good, he
will have left precious little official
patronage in the office when he va
cates it, whether that be in October or
• 'layton Robson, of Baldwin, left At
lanta this morning for his home in Mil
ledgeville, to assume a grav.e and
weighty responsibility.
Mr. Robson is chairman of the sena
torial executive committee for the
Twentieth district, and the convention
meets tomorrow formally to nominate
Judge John Allen for the senate.
Robson will be called upon to wield
the gavel in getting that august gath
ering under way and safely througli
sucii shoals as li may encounter, and
he feels mighty nervous as he draws
near the job.
He confidently expects to escape from
the ordeal with his life, however.
Effective Home Remedy
for Tuberculosis
It is a serious matter when the lungs
are affected. A trip away or to a sana
torium Is not only expensive, but it in
volves separation from home and friends.
Some are benefited, but few can safely re
turn Eckman's Alterative is effective for
home treatment For example:
231 8. Atlar'ie Ave.. Haddonfield. N. .1
"Gentlemen in the ail of 1905 I con
tracted a very severe cold, which settled
on my lungs. At last I began to raise
sputum, and my pliysician then told me I
must go to California immediately. At
this time I was advised to take Eckman's
Alterative. I stayed at home and com
m< ced taking It the last week in Octo
ber. I began to Improve, and the first
week in January. 1906, 1 resumed my reg
ular occupation, having gained 25 pounds,
fully restored to health. It is now' five
years since my recovery has been effected,
and I can not praise Eckman’s Altera
tive too Highly 1 have recommended it
with excellent results."
(Signed) W M. TATEM.
Eckman's Alterative is effective in bron
chitis. asthma, hay fever, throat and lung
troubles, and in upbuilding the system
Does not contain poisons, opiates or hab
It-forming drugs For sale by all Jacobs’
dfug stores and other leading druggists
Ask for booklet telling of recoveries,
and write to Eckman Laboratory. Phila
delphia. Pa . for additional evidence
< Advertisement.)
TtxX A,k . r <> “ r ~l «t /2k
fc V *—* k * • n >nJ 6)«ld
Wk t'”?' *'•'<'<’ ’•ith Blue Ribboo.
El ’53 ,\“ ke "• otber Bor nf .... V
I / dr lincff I **’ ASk <orCI!I.CirES.TFR'A
IS. M ~,A” "', ' » '‘»»At> PllasAre"
A fr r«” k "'”n*s n«t,Safest, Alw.v,
w \X —of any dealer. It costs less. W
» 'w IHk' // vJI
IDk ' -Cx X X I / / |\
\\ X'k VA
m wa
It offsets effects of oversmoking. It’s also a substitute for smoking.
H Look Heartbum and flatulence disappear before this soothing mint juice.
£ or It refreshes your mouth before smoking—cools it afterward. Your "Th®
the breath is purified—your appetite sharpened—your digestion aided. flavor B
spear Take it home tonight. Pass it around after meals. Make sure your lasts JV
family has beneficial enjoyment. It costs little by the package, but
fes« by the box of twenty packages.
To the People of Atlanta
We, the undersigned citizens of the NINT H WARD, the
home ward of MR. ALDINE CHAMBERS, desire most heartily
to indorse his candidacy for mayor, and to commend him to the
favorable consideration of the people of Atlanta.
Mr. Chambers is both HONEST and CAPABLE. He
is faithful in the discharge of duty, and is worthy of the fullest
confidence both as an official and private citizen. His accurate
knowledge of the city s affairs, and his careful and unremitting
attention to every duty he assumes, preeminently and peculiarly fit
him for service of a high order as Mayor at this time.
.1. Ci. Thrower Geo. ('. Walters F. I>. It. Akers Asa Q. Candler
M. M. Welch IL B. Wev ,1. A. Perdue W. P. Walthall
M. L. Minor (). W. Allen J, L. Stewart T. B. Ryan
R - Harold Hirseh J. M. Skinner W. D. Owens
Jaeob IL Olsoni Stewart R. Roberts J. W. Hollingsworth L. C. Daggett
Mark W. Johnson Walker White A. B. Caldwell Chas. W. Smith
\\ . IL Rabern H. M. Golden S. 1). ('lav E. W. Walker
W. I). Thomson U. M.Rizer V. H. Kriegshaber I. X. Brown
Hamby E. R. Stanley M. K T’m-ker J. E. Guthrie
W. \ . Kriegshaber W. L. Percey Jno. S. Candler W. R. Johnson
Asa W. Candler P. M. Williams G. J. Lawhon (\ C. Crymes
The above statement has been prepared and published with- I
out the knowledge or consent of either Mr. Chambers or his I
Campaign Committee. ' I
"" —— ■■