Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, September 20, 1912, FINAL 2, Image 17
THE ATLANTA GEORGIANAND NEWS. READ FOR PHOFIT-GFORC.IaM WANT ADS-USE FOR RESULTS THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. p, wished by The Georgian Company, r 20 East Alabama Street, Atlanta, Ga. KT;---..! at Atlanta post office as second class matter. c hscriptlons Payable in Advance, one rear mail, postage prepaid. $5.00 cii months, mail, postage prepaid. 2.50 Thre.’months, mail, postage prepaid. 1.25 One —onth. mail, postage prepaid. .45 —subscriptions Payable in Advance. Delivered bv carrier, one year $5.20 nJ vred by carrier, six months .... 2.00 npbvered by carrier, three months.. 1.30 Delivered by carrier, one month 45 Delivered bv carrier in Atlanta and *" other cities, one week ...10c Want Ad Rates and Rules in The Atlanta Georgian One cent a word each insertion. No ad taken for less than the price of ten words. Ads in larger type, l?c a line (4 words to the line). Out-of-town advertisements n-vst be accompanied with cash. Agencies’ discounts 10 and 5 per cent. The Georgian will not be respon sible for more than one Incorrect insertion of any ad ordered more than one time. Closing Hours: To secure prop er classification, ads must be in The Georgian office before 1 o'clock the day of the issue. All ads must be ordered out In writing or at office. No discon tinuance notice taken over phone. Every word in the advertisement, including the name and address, Is counted. Each initial counts one word; compound words are counted as two words. Telephone your Want Ads to The Georgian (both phones 8000) when it Is more convenient to do so, and collection will be made at your heme or at your office the follow ing day. This is an accommoda tion service rendered Georgian Want Ad patrons and payment should always be promptly made cn presentation of bill. Always ask that your telephone ad be re peated back to you by the ad taker to make sure that it has been taker! cdrrectly. The Georgian can not guarantee accuracy or assume responsibility' for errors of any kind Occurring in telephone advertise ments.. * ADVERTISEBS should retain re ceipts given In payment for Want Ad- over the office counter, as mis takes can not be rectified without them In answering advertise ments addressed In care of The Georgian, if the advertiser requires references, send a duplicate of same. Help Wanted—Female. WANTED- A cook for small family. Ap ply 289 Myrtle st. _ 9-20-38 WANTED A cook, reliable, settled wom an Apply at once, 28 Washita ave., Innlan Park. 9-20-24 WANTED White chambermaid. Apply to housekeeper Piedmont hotel. 9-20-19 W ANTED Young ladles for our inspec tion and filing department. Must be ex perienced. Good pay. Chance for promo tion. Call at once. Office, 314 Rhodes aiding 9-20-12 WANTED Two or three first-class" worm en pressers in our dry' cleaning depart ment. Capitol City Laundry, 128 White hall street. _ _ 9-20-1 TELEPHONE operator, experiencedJwlth good reference, can secure permanent position in high-class hotel; salary $25 per month and meals. Box 848, care Georgian. 9-19-42 Woman to cook, wash and iron for Two and live on the place; good wages. Ap ply 06 Westminster Drive, Ansley Park. WANTED—-Competent maid. Apply 717 reachtree street. 9-19-11 W ANTED Experienced millinery makers and trimmers. Address City Trade, care 55-18-9 SEVERAL intelligent and pleasant young women, employed or unemployed, may ami >2., weekly to their income by a little pleasant and interesting work which 'iocs not interfere with regular employ ment; Confidential. Address A. R., care Georgian. _ __ 48-18-9 LAD) demonstrators and canvassers warned for popular toilet article; agree able work: salary $9 a week. Apply 4 to ■•J 1 tn., 9 to 10 a. m. to Mr. Collie, Room Im- in Bldg., 22% 8. Broad. 45-18-9 Woman, to cook and do general house w-ork; must room on lot, also washer -27 West Sixteenth street. 9-18-19 V- ■AI i;d -At once, good woman for , "He,ting and general housework. Small family. Apply 3 East Eighth street. 1,1 v wages. 9-18-17 \\ ANTED— At once good servant. 175 _Rass street. » 9-18-5 Help Wanted--Male. W N I’ED—Special delivery boys after yi ■"! and on Saturdays. Apply shlp pmg department M. Rich & Bros. Co. -20-42 v-\ N I ED--In law’ office, at S3O a month, ooj- as stenographer. Call at 515 Pe ttrs building between 2 and 4. 47-20-9 wanted —at once, 1? ET AIL CLOTHING AXD FURNISHING (i( >ODS SALESMAN. BITE, GIVING refer ences, FORMER EXPE RIENCE. ETC.; ALSO salary expected, r. GREENE, OPELIKA. AXA. 9-20-22 ■I ED Young man, from eighteen to n<v years of age. who can take . nan.i and is willing to do general r, -A "°t'k, for position with good op i- unity for advancement. Apply in l andwriting to P. O. Box 1158. -20-9 ' I ED—Young man about nineteen, clerical position. Must write good and be rapid. Salary S3O. Address care Georgian. 9-20-17 (h'N WANTED by steady and re soda dispenser of five years ex . nee f a ]| jj a j n 3817-j and ask for _ 37-20-9 ’• 1'9 —Short knife cutter on chll- ■ dresses. Enterprise Manufactur :>'<ny, 3S West Alabama. s-20-10 -''TED—rtMght colored lad. in office; |ir ’ r week. Address Revilo, care ' Kian.' 9-20-3' 1 ED— A man that has experience as 'llector in the installment business; other but a first-class man need reference necessarv. Apply al 68 _Mltchell st, 9-19-46 l ED - offj<-e boy. white; not more fifteen years of age. Apply office ’ 32:' School of Technology. 9-19-25 ? I I.D -Dairyman and truck farmer, 'ess Robinson. 26 Capitol avenue, via. 25 19-9 M FITTERS wanted. Apply A. C. wthern Freight Depot. 9-17-36 XI ED for college barracks, | ;| n cook. Salary S3O per 'ith and keep. Apply «to J. C. 'ii"s, Dahlonega, Ga, 9-17-1 1 ED—ldeas, Inventors write for list nventions wanted and prizes offered manufacturers. Also, how to get your Sent free to any address. Ran & Briscoe, patent attorneys, Wash- 1 "A-D- c - 7-11-23 Young men to learn pharma- 1 fits fan. Demand for our graduates ‘-ds supply. Next session begins Oc -■ 1 , Southern College of Pharmacy. Luckie street, Atlanta. Ga. 8-11 ~ Help Wanted—Male. S \v?dnn V, 1 ! bu , rn ,? ~1 *“ 1 - heart of CitV.lOl.. r ,./',“ t ? n St^ eet - if You want a clean, quiet room; transient 50c. Open all night -21-19 vm, G F Branning will telM? , < e bar ber trade (it's easv). We teach in one-half time of other colleges $30 UrK Wbv n<l in our Ihopsifnlv eradoa.L* pay , more? Thousands of our Ui Un ? ”5, !,h . o, ’ s or making good Miffhell sVree".* arber College ' 10 5 halt cuts, shaves, n_ sbamp !’?, s ' AH bar, ’er work free. Clean Xlitchell At anta ’ Barber College, 10 East , ______________________ 5“27 “ 6 I '' \«T El ’~y en to lear n "barber Trade. ' a o!P y our graduates running shops ' .?• u P° r us for barbers. Many I wa i tln g Can't be had elsewhere. ' t/T competes Call or write. Moler Barber College, 38 Luckie street 43-14-9 lon krtIERS, pnstofflce clerks want v™' V BO month; Atlanta examinations b; . fr A e coaching. Franklin in stitute, Dept. 4?-S, Rochester, N. Y. L 52-9-9 M ANTED—Bright, strong boys to deliver routes in afternoons. Good wages and chance for promotion. Call at circulation depart ment The Atlanta Georgian, ■ 20 East Alabama street. , Musical. PIANO TUNER—Action, regu lating, voicing and repairing. Bell phone Main 2254-L. East Atlanta. Drop a postal. I will call. 8-19-24 Salesmen Wanted. SALESMAN, traveling Georgia railroad, can secure good fruit and produce ac count as side line. Georgia Railroad, care Georgian. 8-9-41 SALESMEN and collectors wanted to work in city; experience not necessary. Singer Sewing Machine Company, 79 V hitehall street. 9-11-4 Teachers Wanted. WANTED—A few more teaehers for rural, winter and spring schools; five,) six and seven months; good salaries. Register Teachers’ Agency, Register, Ga. i -16-29 I Situations Wanted—Female. WANTED -Position as bookkqgp er or clerical work; have had six years in insurance and banking of fice. Live with parents and can give best of references. Address G. 11. L., Box 300, care Georgian, i 9-20-33! WANTED—Position as maternity nurse; charges reasonable. Can give best of references as to ability. Address Nurse. I care Georgian, or phone 4211-J. 9-20-30 FREE to all, our practice department. Remington Typewriter Co., 56 N. Broad st. 9-20-14 FIRST-CLASS lady stenographer, expe rienced in general office work, desires a position. Clerical, care Georgian. 59-19-9 , YOUNG LADY stenographer and office assistant wants position October 1. Now employed, and will be well recommended by present employer. Will begin fur $12.50 per week. Address, Miss L., 216 Auburn I avenue, Atlanta. 28-18-9 ; Needle Work. LESSONS in needlework to children Tues day and Saturday afternoons; $1 per month. Orders taken for all kinds of . handiwork. Samples shown. Mrs Ole sen, 30 Angler avenue. Ivy 1820-.1. EMBROIDERY, designing, fine sewing and darning. 13 Baltimore place. Ivy 5968. 8-28-8 Dressmaking. WANTED —Sewing of all kinds; first- ! work desired; experienced in fash tonable dressmaking. 19 Cherokee ave. 9-19-52 : WANTED —Sewing of all kinds. 43 West Peachtree streei. 9-18-1 ; Situations Wanted—Male. EXPERIENCED colored chauffeur wants position at once in private family; with three years' experience, and willing to do all repair work. 317 N. Butler st. WANTED —By colored man, position as cook; fifteen years experience. Address Cook, rear 90 Houston street, Atlanta. VIOLINIST; all-round, experienced pro- : fesslonal, desires position; thoroughly reliable. Phipps, 92 Simpson street. WANTED —By a Swede, position as jani- j tor or work In private place; expe- ' rienced gardener. Address Benson. 23 ' Orme street. References. I POSITION WANTED as assistant in re tail drug house. Soda and front store work. Can give any reference. Address ■ Box 44, Madison. Fla. 55-19-9 ■ WANTED —Position as stationary fire man; ten years experience. Apply 372 Auburn avenue. A. J. Singleton. 30-19-9 I WANTED—By an expert machinist, of ’ thirty years experience, position in any ; kind of machine shop. Address J. T. Gresham, Avenue B. Augusta, Ga. EXPERIENCED shipping clerk wants po sition in or near Atlanta. Atlanta phone 3167-B, or write Mr. Couch, Box 17, care > Georgian. 44-18-9 ■ WANTED-- Position in furniture or hard ware store. Can furnish very best ref erences and not afraid of work. W. H. J., care Georgian. 32-18-9 WAN'i'EJD Position by young man (Ger man) to work around house; willing to do any kind of honest work. Address , Box 744, care Georgian. 46-17-9 I WANTED —Position as. chauffeur; have L three years experience; car. furnish best ' of references. Address Allen Mcljecd, 151 Spring street. 31-16-9 I MAN thoroughly experienced in office work and business correspondence I wants position with good business firm or manufacturing company; good type- , writer operator and hard worker. Satis- , factory references. Address Box 733. care | Georgian 43-13-9 MAN with many years experience in trade ; journal work is open for proposition. 1 Satisfactory references. Addresgßox 613. care Georgian. 79-14-9 Situations Wanted —Male and Female. REFINED young couple, no children, wishes home and care of elderly couple. Box 516. care Georgian. 32-20 9 Dancing Lessons. DANCING LESSONS —Adults and ladles special rates. Atlanta phone 2738. 9-20-27 Job Work. WE CAN SAVE you money on repair work, shelving, tables and counters. We make them to order. Roof repairing, brick work, wall tinting, painting and plaster ing 62U South Forsyth street. Bell 1187, Atlanta 6087-M. The best Want Ad days In The Geor gian are Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday, Saturday. Try them ALL. The results will surprise you. 1 Boarders Wanted. 76 WEST PEACHTI4EE—Nice rooms and board; private family; all conveniences. Phone Ivy 1727. 9-20-20 LARGE ROOMS, up or downstairs, with' board. 11® Washington street. 9-20-21 EITHER couple or young men at first class boarding house; ail conveniences; references exchanged. M. 3758-J. -19-48 BOARDERS WANTED for nice, large. steam heated room. 18 West North ave nue. Bell phone Ivy 6576-J, 9-19-45 first (’LASS TABLE boaqg at 16 Por ter place. Just off Peachtree. Ivy 6705. -19-39 jr-.x I I.EMEN only to board in handsome, modern, private home; reasonable rates. Ph,one Ivy 2893. 9-17-37 t'NE I'ol'PLE wanted for nicely fur nished front room and board in refined, private home; select neighborhood. Phone . Ivy 4254. . 26-19-9 TRY HOARD at 308 South Pryor street. ! References. -1®;10 , EXCELLENT table; prompt service; $5 per week. 406 Peachtree street. Ivy 1746. 9-18-33 I HAVE large room with board at 315 reachtree. _ 53-18-9 ROOMS and first-class board; also table board. 29 E. Harris. Ivv 3741-L. -18-31 TWO lovely connecting rooms and board tn home with refined couple; no other boarders; north side. Phone Ivy 1762-L. -18-28 245 SOUTH PRYOR can accommodate a few boarders and roomers; with con veniences; 9-18-16 Just Off Peachtree 21 EAST CAIN STREET; clean, newly furnished rooms, with good board. A. M. Fuller. 9-17-32 HOME COOKING; private home; a few boarder-:. Main 3618-J, 9-16-25 itOOM and board for couple or gentle man; also roommate for yAung gentle man. 442 Peachtree st. Ivy 4562. ' 9-16-34 SELECT BOARDING; everything home like. 132 South Pryor street. 25-13-9 Board Wanted. YOUNG married couple desires board tn tirst-class boarding house or family. State particulars. Address Box 474, care Georgian. 43-20-9 REFINED COUPLE wants room anti board in private home; north side; walking distance. Will pay SSO. J. M., care Georgian. 38-19-9 Lost and Found. LOST—One bunch of keys; suitable re ward. Box 219, care Georgian. 50-20-9 I LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN— ! ber 18, from Whittier & Gay Manufac turing Company, one small black mule, weight about 900 pounds. Reward for any information or return to 116 West Mitch- I ell. Bell phone 2164, 42-20-9 LOST—Male collie dog. Answers to name of Dan. Sable and white. Tips of feet and tip of tail white. Strayed from 30 Ashby street. Return and get reward. AV. M. Stephenson. 41-20-9 I LOST—On AVashington street car early Friday morning, pearl and coral laval , Her ano chain, valued as keepsake. Re- I ward if returned to Miss, Irene. Battar. I care Nunnally's. ■ 9-20-15 | LOST—Scotch collie dog; red and white markings. Notify F. B. Knapp. 125 Mil ledge aventie. Atlanta phone 4473. Re ward. _ 33-20-9 LOST —A bunch of keys on North Jack son street or Summit avenue. Return to AV. L. Dorsey, 176 East Cain street. -19-18 LOST—At Alcazar moving picture show Monday afternoon black silk umbrella, pearl and silver handle; reward. 479 AVashington street. 9-18-4 Personal. I PHOTOGRAPHS and photographic work; let me direct you to the best and at 1 the same time save half on the price. 1 AV. M. Bricken, 20 East Alabama st., Citv. FLY SCREENS. FLY r SCREENS, FLY SCREENS —Wood fly screens, metal fly screens, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds, metal weather strips furnished anywhere lin the South. AVrite or phone W. R. Cal laway, manager, 1403 Fourth National Bank building, Atlanta, Ga. Main 5310. -15-5 SERIOUS RESULTS come from trusses improperly fitted. John B. Daniel, at 34 Wall street, has an expert fitter and It will cost you no more to have him fit you, and it means insurance. 6-24-19 ' MATERNITY- SANITARIUM refined, homelike; limited number of pa i tients cared for; home provided for in fants; infants for adoption. Mrs. M. T. Mitchell. 26 AA’indsor street. 6-22-12 J DEAF PEOPLE —We help 99 per cent worst cases to hear without tedious de cays. Your only permanent aid. AVrite G. A. Company, P. O. Box 644, Atlanta. -14-23 MISSES' special school suits, chic long coat; costume work. Arnone, 345% Peachtree street. Ivy 5891. 9-10-37 Educational. xx-xx xxxxx .xxxxxxx MISS BROWN has opened her school at 290 AVashington street. Pupils coached with great care and attention. Terms reasonable. 33-14-9 Palmistry. GYPSY CAMP. CLAIRVOYANT AND PALMIST; RE i VEALS PAST. PRESENT AND FU- TURE CONSULTON ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE. 138 AVHITEHALL STREET. 9-16-13 I MISS RECK, AV< iRt.I t-FAMED INDIAN PALMIST. A GIFTED WOMAN. LO- I CATED 76 EAST HUNTER STREET. 36-16-9 PROF? LA VO UX, SPIRITUAL MEDIUM AND CLAIRVOYANT, 74 AA’alton St. Office Hours, 9 a. m., 9 p. m. Sunday, 10 to 4. Ladies' Maid in attendance. -6-7 PALMIST AND LIFE READER. REVEALS PAST, present and future. Can be consulted on all affairs of life ' Readings 25c, 50c. 17 East Mitchell street | lln tent). GYPSY QUEEN. I IS NOW LOCATED In tent, corner For syth and Luckie; can be consulted on i all affairs of life. Charges moderate, i Satisfaction guaranteed. 6-25-13 Dropsy. I DROPSY CURED Relieves shortness of breath in 36 to 48 hours. Reduces swell- ! Ing in fifteen to twenty days. Write for I particulars. Collom Dropsy Remedy Com pany, 512 Austell building, Atlanta. 5-25-11 I —- . "Ji— —= — Medical. DR. EDMONDSON'S Tansy, Pennyroyal and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re liable treatment for painful and sup pressed menstruation, irregularities and similar obstructions. Trial box by mall, 50c Frank Edmondson A- Bro., manufac turing chemists, 11 North Broad street; Atlanta. 2-17-14 Sewing Machines. WE RENT new ma<hlrtes with complete set of attachments for's2 per month; also machines repaired; prompt delivery. Both phones 1893 Singer Sewing Ma chine Company, 79 Whitehall. 9-14-44 Trunks, Bags and Suitcase*. RETAILED ANIT TePAIREiT ' RO UNTREE ’S 77 PHONES; Bell Main 1576, Atlanta 1654. “The Gtjorgian’s Rent Bulletin” Do Your Renting Through This Bulletin. It contains a complete list each Issue of every desirable place that is For Rent in the city and suburbs; no mat ter where it is or whether it is furnished or unfurnished. They are all here bel >w. , For the benefit and convenience of its patrons The Georgian employs a spet ial man to search the city and sur roundings each day for desirable pin es. This bulletin will save you time, money and worry. It is for your convei ience, so take advantage of it. Furnished Rooms For Rent ' COCPLE only, two first floor rooms; clos- I t«s. private bath; furnished for light housekeeping; owner's home; close in on j ! north side. Ivy 2078-L. 49*20-9 < CLOSE IN, north side, In quiet family, 1 nicely furnished second floor room for one or two gentlemen. Call Ivy 4515-J. i 9-20-37 VERY desirable rooms for business i ladies; all conveniences; with or with out meals. M. 4020. ■ 9420-36 ; LARGE furnished front room for $2.50; i walking distance; private family. 65 Crew st. 54-20-9 : Ft >R RENT —Two elegant second-story i rooms for two, three or four gentle men; four windows to each room; adjoin- t ing bath; great location; near in. Also j one nice room for light housekeeping. 371 Whitehall street. Main 3462-J. ( -20-28 (InE upstairs front room; all conven- iences at 117 W. Baker st. Atlanta 4555. , -20-23 ■ Fl' 11NISH ED rooms for Tight housekeep- ; ing; no children; close in. 210 Spring. Ivy 4405-J. 46-20-9 j NICE rooms and home-like board at 130 , Ivy. Ivy 4138-J. 9-20-26 FOR RENT—Furnished rooms, suitable ' for housekeping. Atlanta 5892-M. 42 t Auburn avenue. 9-20-13 FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms, hot • and cold baths. 46 Houston street. -20-2 ; . FOR RENT —Large, well-furnished front room; steam heated; eight minutes walk from postoffice; private -lavatory; j hot and cold water connecting; electric light. Phone Ivy 3769-J. 25-20-9 , TWO furnished rooms; private bath; elec tric lights; steam heat; private home; permanent; young men preferred; would I board wife and husband; kitchenette I could be used. 139 East Tenth street. Ivy 6164. 9-19-47 ‘ 1 HEAI TIFUL furnished rooms for gentle- | men only, at 20 West Harris street, op- i ■ , posite Capital City club, 9-19-49 l ' PULLIAM STREET—I have three beau- , tlful rooms, front and buck porch, hot i i I and cold bath, telephone and cabinet man- ; I tels; furnished complete for housekeep- I I mg; vacant September 17; no children.;, ; I? Pulliam street. 9-19-51 I | WANTED —Two gentlemen to occupy large, nicely furnished room in apart- | i ment No. 3. 148 Forrest avenue. Steam ' ■ heat and_all conveniences. 58-19-9 j i FOR RENT—Neat, cozy«room, with all) conveniences. Walking distance. At lanta 4735. _ 9-19-44 FOR RENT—Neat rooms and best home- ■ like cooking at 184 Capitol avenue. Good i ' neighborhood. 48-19-9 FOR RENT—Nice, large front bed room, In private family; furnace heat, eleqtrlc j lights. Good neighborhood. Spring street, ; I near. North avenue. Phone 6622 ivy. ■ 50-19-9 | I FOR RISXT—Two front rooms, furnished • for housekeeping. Private family. Ref erences required. 240 Capitol avenue. . ' 9-19-38 WANT eL> -Nice congenial roommate; business woman preferred. Private ■ home. All conveniences. 35' Currier ■ street. _ Ivy_ 5335-L. ONE furnished room with bath. 178 For- rqst avenue. 9-19-17 FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms for ; housekeeping. 106 Auburn avenue. FOR RENT—One nicely furnished room to lady music teacher. Will take rent in music lessons. Bell phone 4162 Ivy. FOR RENT -Three nice little furnished rooms for light housekeeping, cheap to refined couple, by owner. Call Ivy 2490-J. _ 9-19-8 i FOR RENT—Two rooms, furnished for ; ligiit housekeeping. 371 Glenn street. : 9-19-14 - ; FOR RENT —Nicely furnished cool rooms; hot bath; very close in. 104 Ivy street. . | ; [FOR RENT—Three nice rooms'for ligiit housekeeping. Phone Main 435. 27-19-9 , ; FOR RENT —Two nice bed rooms, with j I kitchen if desirdd, for housekeeping, to . 1 parties without children. References ex changed. 72 East Fair. Main 3833-J. 9-19-2 i - ■■ n— - HANDSOMELY furnished rooms to gen : tiemen only; every modern convenience; I adjoining bath; walking distance. Ivy 4972, _ 9-18-36, ’ SEE my clean, well furnished rooms at 19 West Cain street; I hot and cold water; meals next ‘ door, and rates reasonable. Call Ivy 67J8-J. 9-IS-11 ; ROOMS; steam heated apartment; pri vate family; close in. Ivy 5818-J. ®1 18 1 30 ’ TWO nicely furnished rooms for house keeping, also one lovely room for slet p > ing; cheap; close in. Atlanta phone 3558- B. ! TWO newly furnished connecting rooms for two or three’gentlemen; steam heat and every convenience: Apartment 5 and 6, 61 East Cain street. Ivy 3137. !i_-18-18 FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms? ligiit housekeping; to couple; all conven iences. 240 Central avenue. 9-18-14 GENTLEMEN or couple without children can secure lovely front room with board; I every convenience, in private home; best I part Inman Park. Call Ivy 4231-J. I 9-18-12 ! FURNISHED rooins for rent at 52 West Peachtree street. 50-13-9 IxARGE front room, private bath; private entrance. Ivy 4014-J. 9-18 2 NEWLY furnished front room, dressing room, connecting, conveniences; private family; references. Ivy 2506-.1. 26-18-9 TWO large connecting upstairs rooms, furnished or unfurnished. 317 Grant street. 27-18-9 : FOR RENT —Nice, newly furnished rooms; also light housekeeping apart ment. Close in. 151 Spring street. 9-17-28 MRS. D. H. WHITE, late of Hotel Plaza, i has taken 11 Cone street; steam-heated J rooms, hot baths at any time. 50-17-9 | rt HMSHhIt ROOM lor rent, with or | without board, tor two young busl- , , ness men or married couple with no chil dren. Inman Park section. Apply to Mr. Taylor, 61 North Forsyth street. 9-17-26 FOR RENT—Two conencting front rooms for light housekeeping; close in; rea sonable. 18 Woodward avenue. 9-16-37 F(Ht _ connecting rooms, | complete for housekeeping; second floor I 202 South Forsyth. 9-16-40 j For Sale Miscellaneou*. Goldsniith-Auton-Wither spoon Company. Furniture, Rugs and Draperies. Never Tarnish Brass Beds SIO.OO and up Pullman Davenport $35.0(1 National Springs $ 3.98 Leader Felt Mattress $ 7.50 Arts ami Crafts C10ck.... Mahogany Dresser $24 75 Pay for your Furniture while yon use it, “A little at a time.” Goldsmith-Acton AVithei- - spooQ Company. Life-Time Furniture, Rugs and Draperies 62 Peachtree. 61 North Broad. Furnished Rooms For Rent. INMAN PARK—Nicely furnished front room, suitable for couple or two gents; private family; home comforts. 96 Sin clair ave. 9-16-14 i FOR RENT—Two or three rooms, fur nished complete for housekeeping: no children; refernces. Phone Ivy 3681-J. ■ 9-16-15 Fttß RENT Ni.elj furnished room to gentlemen or couple; conveniences. 210 Spring street. Ivy 3205 J. 94-14-9 i FOR RENT—Room with board a<* 24 West Baker, for couple or gentlemen. Ivy i 1788. 9-14-87 1 FTRNAGE-HEATED room for rent at 485 Peachtree itreet. Cal! after 6 o'clock. : upstairs, 9-14-70 ! FOR RENT -Nicely furnished front room, i all conveniences. 45 Williams street; third floor. 9-14-8 PRETTY front roofii, two and one-haff blocks from Aragon hotel; private fam ily; all conveniences; gentlemen only. Bell phone Ivy 3841-J, 8-13,-32 ' OPPOSITE THE CAPITOL -Nicely fur- nished rooms and excellent table board, i 121 Capitol square. Main 4839-L. 9-12-32 ' FOR RENT -With private family, couple of nice front rooms, convenient to bath. With or without board. For further par ticulars. Apply 134 Forrest avenue. _ 9-13-T Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms For Rent. FOR RENT—Rooms, furnished or unfur nished; all conveniences. 49 Terry, street. 44-20-9 Unfurnished Rooms For Rent, FOR RENT—Four rooms, with bath; fuel provided; S2B a month. Phone Ivy 961-L 9-20-6 Fttß RENT —Two or three large unfur nished rooms, with dressing room and den, suitable for business ladies or gen tlemen. All conveniences Meals in neighborhood. 74 East Merritts avenue. 80 EAST PINE Seven-room cottage; two ’baths. - 443 Courtland street, oorner PinF 9-19-26 TWO rooms for rent, $6 a month. fj9 Kelly street. 9-19-21 THREE rooms for light, house keeping. Unusually attractive. Gas connection. Good location. Extra bargain at $15.00. 208 Rawson street. « 28-19-9 FOR RENT- Two connecting rooms and bath, $7.50. 5 Oglethorpe Court; en- trance 44 East Caln. 37-19-9 (FOR RENT- Four or five unfurnished rooins; private bath and separate gas; sink in kitchen; use of Bell phone. 220 Capitol avenue. 36-19-9 FOR RENT Half house for housekeep ing. Five rotjtns and bath. 319 North Jackson street. 33-19-9 Fort RENT—Entire second floor of dwelling consisting of five rooms with kitchen and private bath. Electric , lights and furnace heat. Apply 140 Cres cent avenue or telephone Ivy 5398-L after 3:30 p. m. 9-19-6 TWO connecting unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. 168 Central ave nue. 51-18-9 FOR RENT —Three or four unfurnished rooms on first floor; all conveniences. Also furnished bed room. Phone 6231. 18 Boulevard place. 34-18-9 FOR RENT -Two unfurnished rooms at 42 Rosalia, street, one block from car fine. 28-17-9 ’ FOR RENT- Three large rooms; water and electric lights; large back yard and garden. 12 Trotti street, Kirkwood, Ga. : 9-14-20 Housekeeping Rooms For Rent. LARGE connecting rooms, fur nished or unfurnished; private home; conveniences; private porches. 66 High land ave. Ivy L 9-20-32 TIHiJCE connecting first floor rooms; sink in Kitchen. 225 N. Boulevard. 9-20-25 TWO UNFURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping, with private family, for rent; all modern conveniences; ten min utes' walk from center of city. Call 117 Pulliam street. 30-20 9 FoR RENT Three unfurnished rooms for housekeeping; walking distance. 40 Alice street, just off Central avenue. Fort RENT—Neat rooms, furnished or unfurnished, for housekeeping; all con veniences. 229 Central avenue. 9-10-43 Bachelor Rooms For Rent. TWO unfurnished rooms; very close in; at 7 Carnegie Way; suitable for two gentlemen. Ivy 902. 46-18-9 Furnished Apartments For Rent. FOR RENT—Furnished three-room apart ment, in new modern apartment In In man Park. Will rent for a few months or longer period. Phone Ivy 4584 J. 43-18-9 Unfurnished Apartments For Rent APARTMENT of two or three unfur nished, large, bright rooms; sink, hot water, gas stove, bath; large porch; north side. Currier street. Phone Ivy 6603. -20-40 FOR RENT One beautiful five-room up stairs apartment; steam heat; janitor; modern; price low. Phone Ivy 3698-J. FOR RENT—Five-room apartment In the Corinthian. 136 West. Peachtree street. Apply to Mr. Kelly, 2% Walton street. -18-6 , FOR RENT—Beautiful, small, steam heated kitchenette apartment in the Saint Bride. Inquire apartment 9, 52 East Cain, or phone Ivy 428. 24 Furnished Houses For Rent. MOST attractive six-room bungalow, completely furnished, north side; best of everything: only first-class tenants de sired; no children Phone Ivy 1762-L 9-18-26 For Sale—Miscellaneous. I EAST LAKE DRIVE Over 206 feet front age, on East Lake drive; east front; I corner of Fair street; ideal place for swell bungalow; good terms on the property; can be used for two homes. Will trade this land for stock or improved city prop- • erty. See Charles E. Thompson, 201 Equi table building, Atlanta, Ga. 57-20-9 FOR SALE New $6 motorcycle lamp, $3.50. G. B. Barnwell, care Georgian. I 1 SAFES, files, cabinets, new * 2nd hd. Gookin Bank & Office Equipment Co. -20-31 1 FOR HAIVI Feather bod In good condi tion Apply 85 Windsor street. 9-20-S DUN TLE Y I>NEU M ATI C CIJ EA NE RS~fe: move dirt and germs from rugs, carpets floors, etc.; vacuum cleaners from $32.50 up; vacuum sweepers, $9.75. (?. J Daniel ' Co." 416 Fourth Nnt Bk Bldg 12-2-11 ANY ONE wishing to take a ToomTng house will find this a bargain; furnish ings of a nine-room house; fuii of room ers: ' lose in; owner leaving city; wishes to ilispose of ever? thing just as it stands. Call Atlanta phone 5495. 9-19-52 CLEAN cotton quilt scraps, 25 cents a bundle, sent by express or freight on re ceipt of money order. Enterprise Mann fU"”“Uig t'oiopany, Atlanta, Ga. 9-17-84 FOR SALE one steam cylinder (half price) for cotton gin press. G. D Col ■ llns, Flint, Ga. 9-4-19 Unfurnished Houses For Rent. Nl-.AR PECH SCHOOL and Luckie street . car I>lum street; five-room cot- tage, $11.,->O. 214 Plum street; two stories, I six rooms, $lB per month. Places have all conveniences. Apply 610-611 Peters building. 9-2 Q-41 FOR RENT. ~ i s' ro J?l n cottage; porcelain bath; lot a0 by tine neighborhood and pretty location. 420 East Georgia avenue; A. J. & H. F. WEST, Phone 1754. -20-11 i 1,8 WEST ALEXANDER STREET, near center of t«wn; four rooms; newly pa pered; large hall and front porch, on second floor of a two-familv house All conveniences. $12.60. Apply Fitzhugh Knox. Ibl3 far.||,r Imlhllng. 9-20-5 137 LA R KlN—Cottage'; — fiveTooms; sls" 22 i East Alexander; apartment; first floor; s ls - 47-19-9 i five- ROOM. COTTAGE for rent; near in, 145 Ormond street. 9-19-12 PHoNE or write us for our rent bulletin 7 ; excellent houses all over the city at moderate rates. Turman. Black & Cal houn, 203 Empire building. 6-29-66 FOR RENT. HOUSES—CaIE write or phone for our rent bulletin. Ralph O. Cochran, 19 South Broad street. 4-1-21 TITE HOUSE you build, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for electricity. FOR RENT Good nine-room »home. on . large, elevated, well shaded, corner lot. ' Has chicken runs and all necessary out houses. Two blocks of Grant park. Will rent or lease cheap to good tenant. Ad dress W. T. H., Box 1746, Atlanta. 9-14-24 Furnished or Unfurnished Houses For Rent. FURNISHED or unfurnished six-room house, near Grant park; piano, large chicken yard and garden; sls or $lB. 107 Berne st, ■ 48-20-9 LEASE OR SALE—Beautiful new bun galow, oak floors, screened, furnace, tile bath, garage; shady lot. “Ansley Park,” care Georgian. 27-16-9 Office Space For Rent. OFFICE SPACE for rent to approved ten ant. Apply to 1527 Candler Bldg. 54-18-9 Stores For Rent. ' FOR RENT —The best storeroom in Madi son, Morgan county, Georgia, and the best location in this hustling city; 40,000 i bales of cotton grown In this ’ banner i county last year; and Madison catches the bulk of this business; over two mil lion dollars worth of cotton sold annually; ( size of storeroom 25x120 feet; all newly ■ repaired and renovated. Address Paul . M. Atkinson. 9-16-31 I I -----■? ■-. » . ... i Basement For Rent. ’ FOR RENT —Basement, four rooms and bath. Apply 163 Courtland street. ; I / 31-18-9 Stables For Rent. * NICE, large brick stable, suitable for t horse and carriage or garage. 104 S. r Pryor. M. 2751-L. 9-18-50 ). . i Furnished Rooms Wanted. 1 | WANTED—-Four furnished rooms for housekeeping; two bed rooms. Atlanta phone 316, Main 2069, 38-20-7 WANTED-lKirge, airy room, with pri vate bath; private I family preferred. Must be close in. State price. Address P. O. Box 485, Atlanta. 28-20-9 I Unfurnished Rooms Wanted. WANTED—Four unfurnished rooms with bath; good location; first floor preferred; state price. P. O. Box 783, City. 9-18-20 Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms Wanted. GENTLEMAN wants furnished or un furnished room and private bath. North side. Not a boarding house. State location and terms. B. E. W , care Geor : giam 9-19-27 Unfurnished Apartments Wanted. , WANTED—Three or four nice rooms ami bath; steam heat and electric lights; north side preferred. Address E. 8., care Georgian. 9-20-9 WANTEI) —Three or four-room apart ment; north side. State location and price. Address Box 1412, City. 42-19-9 Furnished Apartments Wanted. I 1 WANTED—TO RENT FOUR OR FI VE-ROOM FURNISI IE D APARTMENT OR FLAT. MUST BE MODERN. GIVE FULL PARTICULARS. REFERENCES GIVEN. ADDRESS BOX 49!) CARE GEORGIAN, 9-18-2 WANTED—By October 1 for a term of four or five months, modern 5 or 6-room house or apartment; north side; state lo cation and price. Address Modern, care Southern Bell Telephone Company. 9-18-3 Furnished Houses Wanted. j WANTED—Up-to-date furnished luingu low or apartment by young couple; re fined; references exchanged. G., Box 87 | care Georgian. 41-18-9 Fire-Proof Storage. WE STORE HOUSmToLD ~gwd7 Trid pianos. Office and warehouse, 239-241 Edgewood avenue. Ivy 2037. John J. \\’oodsi<le Storage Company. For Sale—Miscellaneous. SPECIALS FOR SATtTRDAY. Leg of Lamb (whole), lb. 121-2 c Leg of Lamb (cut). lb.. . 15c Lamb Chops. Il> 15 ( . Lamb Stew, lb lOe Prime Rib Roast, lb.. 12 1-2 and 15e ■ Chuck Steak, lb We I Round Steak, lb. : 15c I Pot Stew, lb 7 ]-2c 1 Fish* and Oysters. CAMPBELL’S PLACE. ■ 89 Decatur Street and 150 Marietta Street. For Sale—Miscellaneous. LADIES—The Titus darner will keep your children's stockings new all the time. Instructions free. Get one this week, 49 Whitehall. 29-19-9 FOR SALE—IOO shares Coca-Cola bot tlfng stock, Chicago. Make offer. Ad dress Dope, 529 Candler building. 1 9 ‘ ONE French plate glass barber mirror, 6 feet 9 by 3 feet; one hot and cold water lavatory. Can be bought at a bargain. C. E. W. Wallace, 34 Peachtree. 9-18-40 SACRIFICE SALE OWENS APARTMENT, NO. 4, CORNER WEST PEA CII TREE AND THIRD. A RARE COL LECTION OF ORIENTAL RUGS, OIL PAINTINGS, KNABE PIANO. AN TIQUE MAHOGANY DAVENPORT, W I T H OTHER HOUSE FUR NISHINGS. HOURS 10 TO 2 P. M., THURSDAY, FR11) A Y AND SAT UR DAY. PHONE 5919 DUR ING THESE HOURS. FOR SALE—Lot of best quality tiling, any style and size desired. This is an unusual bargain at prices far below reg ular. See or write W. M. Bricken, 20 East Alabama st.. City. 9-18-22 FOR SALE —One solid oak hat rack; Colonial style; mirror; $5 cash. Phone Ivy 4481. 9-18-7 BUSINESS college scholarships; big dis count on regular price In all of the best institutions in Atlanta. See or write W. M. Bricken. 20 East Alabama st., At lanta, Ga. 9-18-25 National Cash Registers. $35-SSO; S6O-$75 and up. Terms easy. Lib eral exchange allowance. Both phones. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO., NEW, beautiful rugs woven from your old carpet, superior to any in service; plain or designed; any size. Catalogue free. Oriental Rug Company, Baltimore. -16-31 Ampripnn " n registers everything.” ziuictitdii Latest improvements. Uoqlq 0,< 4 registers exchanged, vjctnll ah sizes; easy terms. Rmnct-nvc. Atlanta Cash Register Co. lit gISH IS 34 Rast Alabama street. -13-47 NEW RUBBER TIRES PUT ON YOUR: BABY'S CARRIAGE. PHONE IVY 3076. ROBERT MITCHELL. 299 EDGE WOOD, 7-18-15 Auction Sales. PAWN BROKERS AUCTION HOUSE, 51 Decatur street. We buy and sell any and everything. Atlanta phone 2285; Beil phone Main 1434. Main 187 7-29-20 PEMBROKE Sales Company under new management; will accept your surplus stock of any kind on consignments; cash advanced; settlement on date of sale. 143 S. Pryor st. Bell phone Main 1434. Main 187; Atlanta phone 2285. 8-6-30 Flowers. FLOWERS—Bee or write me before plac ing orders. I can save you half your money in buying potted plants and cut flowers. W. M. Bricken, 20 East Alabama st., City. < 9-18-23 Automobiles. FOR SALE —Four-cylinder five-passenger car, in good condition; for quick sale, $295. Atlanta phone 1887. 9-20-39 RELIABLE man would buy four or five passenger automobile in first class con dition on easy monthly payments. Ad dress A. R., care Georgian. 36-20-9 WILL EXCHANGE Atlanta real estate for late model automobile; prefer Hud son, Oakland or Overland. Call Main 318-J. 9-20-4 NEW BRUSH; never used; to exchange „ for lot; and 25-horsepower Maxwell, •fine condition, for cash, cheap. Owner, Box 350, care Georgian. 9-16-36 Motorcycles. FOR SALE—Seven-horsepower 1912 mod el Indian motorcycle. Good as new. Bargain for quick sale. L. E. Kamper, 319 Peachtree street. 9-19-36 Monuments and Stone Work. ALL KINDS stone work. 17-19 Fraser street. Phone Main 3540. Stove and Range Repairing. DAN, THE FIXER. STOVES AND REFRIGERATOR RE PAIRING. We sell secondhand gas stoves. We sweep chimneys. 121 WHITEHALL STREET. Atlanta Phone 2235. Bell Phone Main 2639 -4-7 Wanted—Miscelaneous. Atlanta phone 1476, Bell Main 4840. WANTED —To buy second-hand lumber for framing. Call Main 2672-. T. 40-20-9 WANTED—VioIin; full size; to learn om Must be reasonable. State price. Ad dress Box 404, care Georgian. 26-20-9 WANTED—Second-hand lathes, shaper, drill press, emery stand. Must be bar gain. T. H. H., care Georgian. 9-19-29 WANTED—To buj" small flat top des. E? G. Black, 718 Fourth National. 9-18-34 WANTED—One stono crusher, one ce ment mixer. Address Mill Dam, Cham blee, Ga. 9-13-6 I BUY MEN’S old clothes and shoes. Drop a card. I. Bock, 32 Bell street. -16-29 FURNITURE and household goods, office fixtures and merchandise of any kind accepted on consignment. Cash advanced Pembroke Sales Co., 143 South Pryor St. Bell phones Main 1434 Main 187, Atlanta 2285. 8-15-12 DROP A CARD —Will bring cash for old clothes and shoes. The Vestlare. 166 Decatur street 6-27-42 WANTED—We pay highest cash prices on household goods, pianos and office furniture. Cash advanced on consign ments. Springer’s Auction House, 25 South Pryor street. Bell phone Main 1526. -10-10 WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices for house hold goods, pianos and office furniture. Cash advanced on consignments. Central Auction Company, 12 East Mitchell street. Bell phone Main 2424. 8-26-26 Business Opportunities. CLEBId TnTUaVEn’u E Y? ~50~ by 300 feet, west side Cleburne avenue; be gins 386 feet from corner Euclid and Cle burne avenues; deep lot; worth more mon ey; right In the swell part of the street. Terms. See Charles E. Thompson, 201 Equitable building, Atlanta. Ga. 56-29-0 A BARGAIN—WeII established general merchandise business in good town; owner wants to retire Address P tl. Box 73, Glennvllle, Ga. 9-20-34 Money Wanted. M AN I’ED—To borrow $2,500 on suburban home worth $5,000. Prefer monthly pay ments, or would accept straight five-year loan. Answur Box 787, care Georgian 9-13-8 Kean and answer the Want Ads In The Georgian. A good rule for every Individ ■ ual who reads Make it your rule and | you will be more prosperous ana mors contented.