Newspaper Page Text
published by The Georgian Company,
20 East Alabama Street,
Atlanta, (la
Entered’at Atlanta postoffice as second
class matter
Subscriptions Payable in Advance,
pne r»ar mail, postage prepaid. $5.00
gix months, mail, postage prepaid. 2.50
T'-’-ee months, mail, postage prepaid, 1.25
One month. mail, postage prepaid 45
Subscriptions Payable In Advance
Peifvered by carrier, one year $5.20
Delivered by carrier, six months .. 260
Peifvered by carrier, three months. 1.20
Deli'ered by carrier, one month . . .45
Delivered by carrier in Atlanta and
ether cities, one week 10c
Want Ad Rates and Rules
in The Atlanta Georgian
One eent a word each Insertion
Xo ad taken for less than the price "
of ten words Ads in larger type.
12c a line <4 words to the line).
Out-of-town advert! sements
must be accompanied with cash.
Agencies’ discounts 10 and 5 per
The Georgia., will not be respon
sible for more than one incorrect
Insertion of any ad ordered more
than one time.
Closing Hours: To secure prop
er classification, ads must be in
The Georgian office before 1 o’clock
the day of the Issue.
All ads must be ordered out in
writing or at office No discon
tinuance notice taken over phone
Every word in the advertisement,
Including the name and address,
is counted. Each initial counts one
word; compound words are counted
as two words.
Telephone your Want Ads to The
Georgian (both phones 8000) when
it Is more convenient to do so. and
collection will be made at your
home or at your office the follow
ing day. This is an accommoda
tion service rendered Georgian
Want Ad patrons and payment
should always be promptly made
on presentation of bill. Always
ssk that your telephone ad be re
peated back to you by the ad
taker to make sure that It has been
taken correctly. The Georgian can
not guarantee accuracy or assume
responsibility for errors of any kind
occurring in telephone advertise
ADVERTISERS should retain re
ceipts given In payment for Want
Ads over the office counter, as mis
takes can not be rectified without
them In answering advertise
ments addressed in care of The
Georgian, If the advertiser requires
references, send a duplicate of
Help Wanted—Female.
WANTED—-At once, good washerwoman
on lot Call Ivy 6498-L 9-19-41
TELEPHONE operator, experienced, with
good reference, can secure permanent
position In high-class hotel; salary $25
per month and meals. Box 848. care
Georgian. 9-19-42
\V ANTED—Good cook. Good wages. Ap
ply immediately, 653 Piedmont avenue
WANTED —Young ladles for our inspec
tion and tiling department. Must be
experienced Good pay. Chance for
promotion. Call at onoe. Office. 314
‘thodes building. 9-19-31
11 " iK WANTED -Small family. Apply
at once. 139 Capitol avenue. 9-19-23
"< GIAN to cook, wash and iron for two
and live on the place; good wages Ap
ply 56 Westminster Drive, Ansley Park.
WANTED—An experienced woman to
cook and do general housework for
small family. 104 Peachtree place. 9-19-20
" 'S’TED—Good servant; one who ran
rook and clean up well 401 East
North avenue. Ivy 5704 9-19-9
WANTED—Competent maid Apply 717
Peachtree street. 9-19-11
W ■) NTED—Experienced millinery 'makers
ond trimrpers. Address City Trade, care
' • 55-18-'.'
bE\ ERAL intelligent and pleasant young
women, employed or unemployed, may
add $25 weekly to their income by a little
pleasant and interesting work which
does not Interfere with regular employ
ment; confidential. Address A R., care
Georgian, 48-18-9
LADY demonstrators and canvassers
wanted for popular toilet article; agree
able work; salary $9 a week Apply 4to
? p. m., 9 to 10 a. m. to Mr. Collie. Room
w. Inman Bldg., Z3fr 8. Broad 45-18-9
"■ OMAN to cook and do general house
work; must room on lot, also washer
»"man, 27 West Sixteenth street. 9-18-19
WANTED—At once, good woman for
cooking and general housework. Small
_amlly. Apply 3 East Eighth street
w ANTED—At once good servant 175
Bass street. 9-18-5
WANTED— Good cook. Must be clean.
first class and honest Room on prem
ises $4 a week Call Bell phone East
Point 237. 9-17-31
CBofirS GIRLS n>
wanted for musical comedy; experi
ence unnecessary; salary and all expenses
"Tlio learning. Apply at American thea
'er „ to 10 p. m., Empire Comedy Com
lany. W, F, Swargingen, Mgr. 58-17-9
"ANTED—Woman for housework in
Urenoon. 'Bring references 98 West
' n rih avenue. 47-17-9
'■ 'N I'ED--Woman to cook and do gen
eral housework. Call Ivy 2122-J. 9-17-11
•' ;( .’D COOK wanted. Apply 185 Forrest.
i venue, 25-17-9
'OFTiEADER With experience on
a'(read tariff proof. Give references and
Gisr;. expected Piedmont Printing Com
-127 Central avenue. Atlanta
Help Wanted—Male.
se-ns; learned in a week; best refer
nces right in Atlanta: representative
ere to explain, and will cheerfully ex
f,' a IT A’our name, phone and address,
wing time you can be seen, will bring
’ ’ esentative. Box 482. care Georgian.
._ 60-19-9
’ NT ed—a man that has experience uh
collector in the Installment business;
I ne other but a first-class man need
mV”’,*]: reference necessary Apply at 68
.2 Mitchell st. 9-19-46
■ ANTED— Good delivery bov, about flf
een years old. 290 Whitehall street.
.. 9-19-33
ANTED— office boy. white; not more
''an fifteen years of age. Apply office
a School er Technology. 9-IT-25
] 'TUD—Bright boy as file clerk. At
. ;| nta Wooden Ware Company, 264-266
’" jetia street. 9-19-22
'NlED—Colored men to prepare as
, sleeping car porters and train porters,
'’on wish position near Atlanta, write
'’bediately. No experience necessary.
■se stamp. Inter Railway, care Geor-
* -111-. ' 48-14-9
AN ied—An office Eoy at 317 Fourth
National Bank building Apply 9 o’clock
riuay morning. 9-19-15
■ ANTED Dairyman and truck farmer
'odrese Robinson, 26 Capitol avenue,
. ' ,a - 25 l’.’-:»
1 NTED— -Young boy about thirteen or
years old. Apply Greater At
: a Confectioner' Company. 207-209
hlree street 9-19-7
MFITTERS watted. Apply A. C.
•>lo, Southern Ereight Depot 9-17-::';
WANTED for college barracks
man cook. Salary S3O per
Rionth and keep Apply to -I. <'.
yirnes. Dahlonega. Ga< 9-17-1
1 I-D—ldeas Inventors write for list
inventions wanted and prizes offered
manufacturers. Also, how to get your
P J l ’ Sent free to any address Ran
'■ A Briscoe, patent attorneys. Wasb-
■ B'on, D. C. 7-11-23
Help Wanted—Male.
this fall. Demand for our graduates
n h»r d , B SU J ,ply Next begins -T
U T,,L.„ &o " th * rn '’"’lPge of Pharmacy,
_1 Lu. kie street. Atlanta. Ga S-l-1
'’nee for out of town i om
fot-cJ sW ,o , tak « charge of planting,
exocr'“n ” f P > k Work 111 general, state!
iP l e .7.“' ex PCcted salarj Address
’ d x care Georgian. 9-17-19
ai liil, ’ ,lrn hotel, heart oFcity id'-
roo'm **•''<■>« want ’ A quiet
room, transient 50c. Open all night
- . _3.-21-19 ‘
' G. O Branning will "teach
you the barber trade (it’s easy) We
, ”} e ' l, alf time of other colleges
t’n r "\'-i and Position in our shops only
, y l ,a - v .more? Thousands of our
graduates running shops or making good
'," Un ' a 1"
■Mlichen street. 5-11-17
L ■ M LSS ;iI air si . < -
nJ’ Surber work free Glean
Mitchell aiUa Barl)er College. 10 East
WANTED Men to learn Karber trade
An army of our graduates running shops
depending upon us for barbers. Many
jotis waiting Can’t be had elsewhere,
bew weeks completes. Call or write.
Moler Barber College. 38 Luckie street
M'M postoffice clerks wanl
- 80 month; Atlanta examinations
-November ♦». free coaching Franklin In
stitute, Dept 49-S, Rochester. N Y
AN'I ED—Bright, strong
boys to deliver routes in
afternoons. Good wages
and chanee for promotion.'
Call at circulation depart
ment Ihe Atlanta Georgian,
20 East Alabama street.
Help Wanted—Male and Female.
FIRST-CEASS cook: also butler who un
derstands wafting on dining table. 241
West Peachtree 52-19-9
Dental Work.
LET THE FULTON Dental Company,
48*2 Whitehall street, do your dental
work. Small cash payment, balance
weekly New sanitary equipment Ster
ile instruments For ten days, teeth
cleaned free. Only white patients.
TameT aTbpotana n.~
lating, voicing and repairing Bell
phone Main 2254-L. East Atlanta. Drop
a postal. I will call 8-19-24
Salesmen Wanted.
WA experien
CO OCALA, FLA. 9 . 19 . 32
SAL2ESMAN, traveling Georgia railroad,
can secure good fruit and produce ac
count as side line. Georgia Railroad, care
Georgian. 8-9-41
SALEHMEN and collectors wanted to
work In city; experience not necessary.
Singer Sewing Machine Company. 79
Whitehall street 9-11-4
Teachers Wanted.
WANTED—A few more teachers for
rural, winter and spring schools, five,
six and seven months: good salaries
Register Teachers’ Agency, Register. Ga.
Situations Wanted—Female.
FIRST-CLASS lady stenographer, expe
rienced In general office work, desires a
position. Clerical, < aye Georgian.s9-19-9
WANTED--A Job by colored girl; office
work, good references. 77 Haynes st.
WANTED Position as assistant book
keeper or to take charge of small of
fice, by woman or Intelligence and abil
ity; graduate of Draughon’s college
Some experience. Can begin work at
once. Best of references. Call Miss C.
Main 1091. 5649-9
YOUNG LADY stenographer and office
assistant wants position October 1. Now
employed, and will be well recommended
by present employer. Will begin for $12.50
per week Address Miss L . 216 Auburn
avenue. Atlanta.2B-18-9
WANTED—Position as bookkeeper or
clerical work. Gave had six years in
insurance and banking office. Live with
parents und can give best of references.
Address G. H L . Box 300, care Geor
gian. 9-17-38
REFINED WIDOW wants position. Can
do sick nursing, housekeeping, or can
act as companion. Can give references.
!' N . . . . care Georgian 33-17-9
WANTED —Position as general house
keeper by white woman; experienced;
city or country References Address 160
Courtland street 30-17-9
EXPERIENCED lady desires position as
assistant manager or housekeeper in
some good hotel. Only good paying posi
tion will be considered. References fur
nished and can take position in thirty
days. Address Mrs. 8. M , Box 12. care
Georgian 54-9-12
Needle Work.
EMBROIDERY, designing. fine sewing
and darning 13 Baltimore place Ivy
5968. 8-28-8
WANTED—Sewing of all kinds, first
class work desired; experienced In fash
ionable dressmaking 19 Cherokee ave.
WaTTtED - Sewing of all kinds 43 West
Peachtree street. 9-18-1
Situations Wanted—Male.
f’liSlTlON WANTED :is assistant In re
tail drug house. Soda and front store
work Can give any reference. Address
Box 44, Madison, Fla. 55-19-9
WANTED —Position as stationary fire
man; ten years experience. Apply 372
Auburn avenue. A .1. Singleton. 30-19-H
WANTED—By an expert machinist, of
thlrt) >ears experience, position In any
kind of machine shop. Address J. T.
Gresham. Avenue B. Augusta. Ga
EX PERI ENCEI> shipping clerk wants po
sition In or near Atlanta Atlanta phone
3167-B, or write Mr. Couch, Box 17, tare
Georgian 44-18-9
Cv \ JI Position in furniture or hard*
ware store. Can furnish very best ref
erences and not afraid of work W. H.
.1 . care Georgian. 32-18-9
\V N'j'l: I' I'ositlon bt young t’lar. 'Ger
man) I" work around house, willing to
do any kind of honest work Address
Boy " 44. t■a I e Georgian. 46-17-9
WANTED Position as principal of school
by college graduate, who has had two
yea rs successful experience No object ion
to countrv State salary your school
pays References Box 142-A. Route 3.
Decatur/Ga. 27-17-9
YOUSg MAN. seventeen years of age,
desires position. Can operate switch
board or multigraph and use typewriter
Address N S T , Box 50. care
WANTED—Position as chauffeur; have
three 'ears experience; can furnish best
of references Address Allen McLeod. 151
Spring street.3l-16-9
MAN thoroughly experienced in office
work and business correspondence
wants position with good business firm
nr manufaci uring company, good type
writer operator and hard worker Satls
fai tor> references. Address Box 73". t are
Georgian. • 43-13-9
Situations Wanted—Male. ' j
i MAN with many years experience in trade
journal work is ’open for proposition. ;
. Satisfactory reference-. Address Box <ll3.
■ ara Georgian. 79-' 4-9
Situations Wanted—Male and
will supply you. Reining-:
ton 'l'ypewriter Co.. 56 N.I
Broad street. 9-19-351
GERMAN COUPLE wants position man
to work around house and garden, will
also make good janitor, and woman pre
fers to take care of children: is also a’
good cook. Address German, Box 5, care •
Georgian. 45-17-9 |
Window Cleaning.
National Window Cleaners
Dwellings or Store Fronts: Carpets Vacu
um Cleaned; Floors Oiled or Waxed
All Work Guaranteed
47 E. Hunter St. Main 1175, Atlanta
Phone 1051. 7-5-24
Job Work.
WE CAN SAVE you money on repair
work, shelving tables and counters We
make them to order. Roof repairing, brick
work, wall tinting, painting and plaster
ing. 63’.. South Forsyth street. Bell 1187,
, Atlanta 6087-M.
Boarders Wanted.
EITHER couple or young men at first
class boarding house; all conveniences;
references exchanged. M. 3758-J.
1 9 -48
BOARDERS WANTED for nice, large,
steam-heated room. 1.8 West North ave
nue. Bell phone Ivy 6576-. I 9-19-45
FIRST-CLASS TABLE board at 16 For
ter place. Just off Peachtree Ivy 6705.
GENTLEMEN only to board In handsome,
modern, private home; reasonable rates.
Phone Ivy 2893. !'-17-37
ONE COUPLE wanted for nicely fur
nished front room and board in refined,
private home, select neighborhood Phone
Ivy 4254 26-19-9
TRY BOARD at 308 South Pryor street.
References. Main 2456-L. 9-19-10
EXCELLENT table; prompt sei vice, $5
per week 406 Peachtree street. Ivy
HAVE large room with board at 315
Peachtree. 58-18-9
ROOMS and first-class board; also table
board. 29 E. Harris Ivy 3741-L.
. 9-18-31
TWO lovely connecting rooms and board
in home with refined couple; no other
boajders; north side. Phone Ivy 1762-L.
245 SOUTH PRYOR can accommodate a
few boarders and roomers; with con
veniences 9-18-16
J Last Off Peachtree
'2l EAST CAIN STREET; clean, newly
furnished rooms, with good board. A.
M. Fuller. 9-17-32
BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room
with board; strictly private, north side
home, to two young men; beet references
required. Ivy 11'03. 9-17-25
TWO YOUNG MEN can get nice room
and board In private family North
side. Reasonable rates Phone Ivy’ 3182-J.
."'tICELY furnished front room with board
and all conveniences, close In, at 102
Washington street. Main 840-J. 9-17-4
HOME COOKING; private home; a few!
boarders. Main 36L8-.1,9-16-25 j
ROOM and board for couple or gentle- I
man; also roommate for young gentle
man. 442 Peachtree st. Ivy 4562
■ .;9-16-34
SELECT BOARDING: everything bome
' Hke k®? South Pryor street. 26-13-9
Xli'E ROOM ami bourd; references ex
changed 102 Ivy street 9-12-14
NICE, large room and board; also table
board. Ivy 2423-J. 9-11-15
Board Wanted.
i BOARD AND RtM'.M Wanted .for myself
and wife in strictly private home, with
no other boarders State prices and
full particulars. Address Box 212. care
Georgian 32-19-9
REFINED COUPLE wants room and
board in private home; north side;
walking distance. Will pay 450. .1. M.,
care Georgian. 38-19-9
BOARD WANTED for wife and three
children, ages four, seven and eleven
I will-he in about six to twelve days In
month Want either in Marietta, Deca
fur or Inman Park Two connecting
rooms. October I. Address R E. Cooper,
Bituplngham.-Ala 43-17-9
Lost and Found.
FOUND—(Jrtfwn Scotch" Collie dog. Own
er can get same by paying charges.
Apply at 38 South Hryor street. 62-19-9
IjjST On September 8. one child's gold
bracelet, one-half engraved; either in
Grant building or between Walton build
ing and Equitable building, on way to
Decatur car Valued only for associa
tion. Call Ivy 430 Liberal reward.
LOST' - Package containing nine pairs of
gentlemen's hose, Thursday morning,
in either High’s or Rich's stores. Re
turn to 486 Spring, or call Ivy 2318.
LOST —A bunch of keys on North Jack
son street or Summit avenue. Return
to W L Dorsey, 176 East Cain street
LOST —At Alcazar moving picture show
Monday’ afternoon black silk umbrella,
pbarl and silver handle; reward. 479
Washington street,9-18-4
LOST -Pearl brooch on Inman Park, car
or Whitehall street to Chamberlin-John
son-Dußose Company. Return to J. W.
Bryant, 34’/j West Alabama street, and
get reward.6l-17-9
M»HT—On West Fair and Lee street car.
Pjirt of blue and white silk waist pat
tern Os no value except to owner. Find
er will phone Ivy’ 6149-J. 37-17-9
LADIES Ask your druggist for Chlcties
ters Pilis, the Diamond brand; for 25
years known as best, safest, always relia
ble, buy of your druggist. -r alte no other
Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold
by <1 r' iggis£s_everywhere. 5-2-1
AUTHORS. WRITERS: Let us secure
your copyrights, print and place your
books on the market. Morton Publishing
Company, Dept. ATG. Alorton building.
New York.7 11-26
PHOTOGRAPHS and photographic work;
let me direct you to the best and at
the same time save half on the price.
W M Bricken, 20 East Alabama st., i'il'.
■ 8-24
SCREENS -Wood fly screens, metal tty
screens, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds,
metal weather strips furnished anywhere
in the South. Write or phone W. R Cal
laway. manager. 1403 Fourth National
Bank building. Atlanta. Ga Main 5310.
8 15-5
SERIOI S lIE.SI'LTS come from trusses
improperly fined John B Daniel, at 34
Wall street, has an expert titter and It
will cost you no more to have him fit
you, and it means insurance 6-24 - lit
M"ATi:i<NTi Y " S \NITARIUM ’“PrlvateT
refined, homelike; limited number of pa
tients cared for; home provided for in
fants; infants for adoption Mrs M. T.
Mllehell. 26 W£ndsjor_street ',-22 12
DEA F PEOPLE We help 99 per '-ent
worst cases to hear without tedious de
lays Your only permanent aid Write G.
A. Company. P O. Box 644. Atlanta
MISSES’ special ■ hool suits, chic long
coat, costume work Arnone, 345 b,
Peachtree street Ivy 5891. 9-10-37
MISS BROU N has opened school at
200 Washington street. Pupils coached
with great care and attention ’terms
1 reasonable, 33-14-9
“The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin”
Do Your Renting Through This Bulletin.
It contains a complete list each issue of every desirable place that is For Rent in the city and suburbs: no mat
ter where it is or whether it is furnished unfurnished They are all here beiow.
For the benefit and' convenience of its patrons The Georgian employs a special man to search the city and sur
roundings each day for desdrabie places.
This bulletin will save you time, money anil worry It is for your convenience, so lake advantage of it.
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
WANTED Rooms; part of cottage Ot
cottage: prefer furnished or partly fur
nished; adults. Call M. 4646-J. 68-19-9
i \\ < > furnished rooms, (irlvate bath, elec
tric lights, steain heat, private home;
permanent; young men preefrred; would
board married couple; kitchenette could
be used. 139 East Tenth street. Ivy
TWO furnished rooms; private bath; elec
tric lights; steam heat: private home,
permanent, young men preferred; would
board wife and husbano: kitchenette
could lie used. 139 East Tenth street.
BEA I "IT hi’L furnished rooms lor gentle
men only, at 20 West Harris street, op
posite Capital City club. 9-19-49
PULLIAM STREET- I have three beau
tiful rooms, front and back porch, hot
and cold bath, telephone and cabinet man
tels; furnished complete for housekeep
ing; vacant September 17; no children
‘tdham street. 9-19-51
WANTED—Two gentlemen to occupy
large, nicely furnished room in apart
ment No. 3. 148 Forrest avenue. Steam
heat and all conveniences. s_B-19d>
Ft>R RENT Neat, cozy room, with all
conveniences. Walking distance. At
lanta 4785 0-19-44
Felt RENT Neat rooms and best home
like cooking at 184 Capitol avenue. Good
FOR RENT—Nice, large front bed room,
in private family, furnace beat, electric
lights. Good neighborhood. Spring street,
near North avenue. Phone 6622 Ivy.
FOR RENT —-Two front rooms, furnished
for housekeeping. Private family. Ref
erences required. 240 Capitol avenue.
F< >R RENT -Tw o nicely furnished rooms,
steam heat, electric lights. Men only.
Call at 44 East Harris, apartment No. 1,
or tele phone Ivy 4412.9-19-24
WANTED Nice congenial roommate.
business woman preferred. Private
home All conveniences. 35 Currier
street. Ivy’ 5335-L. 9-19-30
ONE furnished room with bath. i7B For
rest avenue. 9-19-17
FOR RENT -Two furnished rooms for
housekeeping 106 Auburn avenue.
FoR RENT tine nicely furnished room
to lady music teacher Will lake rent
In music lessons Bell phone 4162 Ivy.
FOR RENT- Three nice little furnished
rooms for light housekeeping, cheap to
refined couple, by owner. Call Ivy 2490-J.
FOR RENT Two rooms, furnished for
light housekeeping. 371 Glenn street.
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished cool rooms;
hot bath; very’ close in. 104 Ivy street.
hint itEN’i’ Three nice rooms for light
housekeel,lng Phone Main 435. 27-19-9
FOR RENT--Two nice bed rooms, with
kitchen if desired, for housekeeping, to
parties without children References ex
changed 72 East Fair. Main 3833-J.
HANDSOMELY’ furnished rooms to gen
tlemen only; every modern convenience;
adjoining bath; walking distance. Ivy
4972. M.B-86
SEE my clean, well furnished
rooms at 19 West Cain street;
i hot and cold water; meals next
i door, and rates reasonable. Call
Ivy 6778-J, 9-18-11
ROOMS; steain heated apartment; pri
vate family; close in. Ivy 5818-J.
TWO nicely furnished rooms for house
keeping. also one lovely room for sleep
ing; cheap; close in. Atlanta phone 3558-
TWO newly furnished connecting rooms
for two or three gentlemen; steam heat
and every convenience. Apartment 5 and
6, 61 East Cain street. Ivy 3137. 9-18-18
i’lill RENT Two furnished rooms; light
housekeplng; to couple; all conven
iences. 240 Central -18-14
GENTLEMEN or couple without children
can secure lovely front room with board;
every convenience, in private home, best
part Inman Park. Call Ivy 4231-J.
FI'ENISIIED rooms for rent at 52 West
Peachtree street. 50-13-9
LARGE front room, private bath; private
entrance. Ivy 4014-J,9-18-2
FOR RENT—Three nicely furnished
rooms. Call Ivy 3398-J. 9-18-9
NEWLY furnished front room, dressing
room, connecting, conveniences; private
family; references. Ivy 2506-J. 26-18-9
TWO large connecting upstairs rooms,
furnished or unfurnished. 317 Grant
street. 27-18-9
FOR RENT -Nicely furnished front
rooms in West End. All conveniences.
Call West 647 9-17-30
IF YOU WANT one or two nice, large,
comfortable rooms, large closet, steam
beat, in refined north side home, adults,
call Ivy 3570-.1. 53-17-9
FOR RENT—Three connecting rooms,
furnished complete for housekeeping.
388 Peachtree street. 54-17-9
FOR RENT -Furnished front room; steam
heat; all conveniences. Apply 7, Well
ington Apts.s7-17-9
FOR RENT Nice, newly furnished
rooms; also light housekeeping apart
ment Close in. 151 Spring street.
MRS. D. H. WHITE, la’c of Hotel Plaza,
has taken 11 Cone street; steam-heated
rooms, hut tai ths at any time. 50-17-9
FOR RENT Two first-floor rooms, clos
ets. private bath; furnished for light
housekeeping in owner's home. 144
Spring stn-el. Ajdults__only. 52-17-9
FURNISHED ROOM for rent, with or
without board, for two young busi
ness men or married couple with no chil
dren Inman Park section. Apply to Mr
Taylor, 61 North Forsyth street. 9-17-26
FOR RENT One furnished room, hot
water, electric lights; twenty minutes'
ride into city. Gentleman preferred.
Phone Deca.tur 4589-17-7
FOR RENT Large. nicely furnished
room, steam heat, electric lights, hot
and cold water; private family. North
side One or two gentlemen. Ivy 1294-L.
74 Walton St
Office Hours, 9 a in.. 9 p. m.
Sunday, 10 to 4. Ladles Maid
in attendance.
REVEALS PAST, present and future
('an be consulted <»n all affairs of life.
Readings 25c, 50c. 17 East Mitchell street
(in tei>i»_
IS XoVV LOCATED in tent, corner For
;-yih and Luckie; can be consulted on
.ill affairs of life (’barges moderate
Satisfaction guaranteed. 6-25-13
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
FOR RENT -One furnished front room,
close in; steam heat; hot and cold wa
ter. electric lights; all modern conven
iences. Phono Main 1823-L.
FOR ItE.NT ■ i i■, .-oom. adjoining
bath; close In. Rent reasonable. 64
Form" di Street. FJ.7,13
ONH nicely furnished room, up
stairs; private porch, to couple of young
men. 193 Washington. Phone Main 3237.
FOR RENT Three nicely furnished con
necting rooms, with bath, for house
keeping No children References. Own 1
er, 250 Woodward avenue Main 2590.
FOR KENT Two conem-ting front rooms
for light housekeeping; close in, rea
sonable. 18 Woodward avenue. 9-16-37
Foil rent Three connectii g rooms,
complete for housekeeping; second floor.
202 South Forsyth. 9-16-40
INMAN PARK—Nicely furnished front
room, suitable for couple or two gents,
private family, home comforts. 96 Sin
clair dyG 9-16-14
FOR RENT Two <>r three rooms, fur
nished complete for housekeeping; no
children; refernces Phone Ivj’ 3681-J.
F< 'lt RENT - Ni.-eiy furnished room to
gentlemen or couple; conveniences. 210
Spring street. Ivy 8205 J. 94-14-9
FoR RENT Room with board at 24 West
Baker, for couple or gentlemen. Ivy
1788. 9-14-87
FURNACE-HEATED room for rent at
Peachtree street. Call after 5 o'clock,
upstairs. ' 9-14-70
!'■ ut RENT Three nicely furnished
rooms, 58 East Harris. Ivy 3775-J.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room,
all conveniences. ’ 45 Williams street;
tbird f100r.9 -14-8
PRETTY front room, two and one-half
blocks from Aragon hotel; private fam
ily; all conveniences; gentlemen only.
Bell phone Ivy 3841-J 8-13-32
nished rooms and excellent table board.
121 Capitol square Main 4839-L. 9-12-33
FOR RENT- With private family, coupte
of nice front rooms, convenient to bath.
With or without board For further par
ticulars. Apply 134 Forrest avenue.
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
TWO FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms
for rent reasonable Apply 20 Haynes
street 36-17-9
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
FOR RENT—Three unfurnished rooms
for housekeeping, walking distance 40
Alice street, just off Central avenue
80 EAST PlNE—Seven-room cottage; two
baths 443 Courtland street, oorner
Pine. 9-19 26
TWO rooms for rent, $6 a month] 150
Kelly street. 9-19-21
THREE rooms fLr light house
keeping. Unusually attractive.
Gas connection. Good location.
Extra bargain at $15.00. 208
Rawson street. 28-19-9
FOR RENT—Two connecting rooms and
bath, $7.50. 5 Oglethorpe Court; en-
trance 44 East Cain. 37-19-9
FOR. RENT —Four or five unfurnished
rooms; private bath and separate gas;
sink in kitchen; use of Bell phone. 220
Capitol avenue 36-19-9
FOR RENT—HaIf house for housekeep
ing Five rooms and bath. 319 North
Jackson street. 33-19-9
FOR RENT Entire second floor of
dwelling consisting of five rooms with
kitchen und private
lights and furnaoe »heat_! Apply 140 Cres
cent avenue or telephone Ivy 5398-1, after
3:30 p m 9-19-6
TWO connecting unfurnished rooms for
light housekeeping. 168 Central ave
nue _ 51-18-9
FOR RENT—Three or fouFunfurnisheS
rooms on first floor; all conveniences.
Also furnished bed room. Phone 6231. 18
Boulevard place. 34-18 9
FOR RENT - To couple without children,
three or four unfurnished rooms, with
all conveniences 133 Oglethorpe avenue.
West 1136-.1. 9-11-13
FOR RENT—Two unfurhlshed rooms at
42 Rosalia street, one block from car
line_ 28 17-9
FOR REN*T—Three large rooms; water
and electric lights; large back yard and
garden 13 Trotti street, Kirkwood, Ga.
Housekeeping Rooms For Rent.
FOR RENT —Neat rooms, furnished or
unfurnished, for housekeeping; all con
veniences. 229 Central avenue 9-10-43
Bachelor Rooms For Rent.
TWO unfurnished rooms; very close In;
at 7 Carnegie Way; suitable for two
gentlemen Ivy 902. 46-18-9
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
FOR RENT--One beautiful five-room up
stairs apartment, steam heat; janitor;
modern, price low Phone Ivy 3695-J.
37-18 9
FOR RENT—Five-room apartment In the
Corinthian. 136 West Peachtree street.
Apply to Mr. Kelly, Walton street.
FOR RENT Five-room first-floor apart
ment; modern conveniences; desirable
location; excellent car service; conven
lent to school and churches Apply 838
street. 51-17-9
FOR RENT—Four rooms, kitchenette and
bath, on second floor; close In 85 East
Fair street Apply 7 Pulliam street.
FOR RENT —Four connecting flrst-floor
rooms, with all conveniences 85 East
Fair. Apply at 7 Pulliam 9-17-21
DROPSY CURED Relieves shortness of
breath In 86 to 48 hours Reduces swell
ing in fifteen to twenty days. Write for
particulars. Collom Dropsy Remedy Com
pany. 512 Austell building, Atlanta
5 25-11
DR EDMONDSON'S Tansy, Pennyroyal
and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re
liable treatment for painful and sup
pressed menstruation, irregularities and
similar obstructions. Trial box by mail,
50c. Frank Edmondson & Bro , manufac
turing chemists, 11 North Broad street.
Atlanta 2-17-14
Hotels for Sale.
HOTEL FOR SALE—One of the best
hotels In the state of Georgia; clean,
commercial business; 42 rooms; three
stories; up to date; situated In the most
'’.riving town In middle eastern Georgia.
Address Charles E Thompson, 201 Equi
table Building, Atlanta, Ga. 64-19-9
Sewing Machines.
WE RENT new machines with complete
et of attachments for $2 per month;
also machines repaired; prompt delivery.
Both phones 1893 Singer Sewing Ma
< hlne Company, 79 Whitehall. 9-14-44
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
RUNT—-Beautiftil, small, steam
heated kitchenette apartment In the
saint Bride Inquire apartment 9, 52 East
yi - .Phone Ivy 428. 9 17-24
FOR RENT Furnished three-room apart
ment, in new modem apartment In In
man Park. Will rent for a few months
or longer period. Phone Iw 4584-. T
Furnished Houses For Rent.
MOST attractive six-room bungalow,
completely furnished, north side; best
of everything; only first-class tenants de
sired; no children Phone Ivv 1762-L.
Unfurnished Houses For Rent,
37 LARKlN—Cottage, five rooms; sl6. 22
East Alexander: apartment: first floor;
US 47-19-9
FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE for rent: near
In. 145 Ormond street. 9-19-12
WANTEfi—Couple or nlce flmlly to*take
the lower floor of lovely north side
house, one block of Peachtree Address
Box 214, care Georgian. 44-17-9
FOR RENT—Six-room cottage. 447 Court -
land street; In nice repair, one block
from Peachtree street. 824 Atlanta Na
tional Bank Building. M 2683 42-17-9
LEASE Oft Ba"UE -Beautiful new bun
galow. oak floors, screened, furnace,
tile bath, garage: shadv lot "Ansley
Park," care Georgian. 27-16-9
FOR RENT—My residence, twelve rooms,
two bathe, gas; house in splendid con
dition. Apply 108 West Harris street or
phone Ivy 80 58-16-9
PHONE or write us for our rent bulletin;
excellent houses all over the city at
moderate rates. Turman Black & Cal
houn. 208 Empire building 6-29-66
#OR RENS, rfOUSES—CaTIT write or I
phone for our rent bulletin. Ralph O.
Cochran, 19 South Broad street. 4-1-21
THE HOUSE you build, buy or
rent will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
FOR RENT -Good nine-room home, on
large, elevated, well shaded, corner lot.
Has chicken runs and all necessary out
houses Two blocks of Grant park. Will
rent or lease cheap to good tenant. Ad
dress W. T H., Box 1746, Atlanta 8-14-24
Office Space For Rent.
OFFICE SPACE for rent to approved ten
ant Apply to 1527 Candler Bldg 54-18-9
Stores For Rent.
having bank vault with box office fix
tures, suitable for insurance office, bank
or store Address T. A. Plodlng, Atlanta,
Ga. 9-13-18
FOR RENT -The beat storeroom in Madi -
son, Morgan county, Georgia, and the
best location In this hustling city; 40,000
bales of cotton grown In this banner
county last year, and Madison catches
the bulk of this business; over two mil
lion dollars worth of cotton sold annually;
size of storeroom 25x130 feet, all newlv
repaired and renovated Address Paul
M Atkinson 9-16-81
Basement For Rent.
FOR RENT -Basement, four rooms and
bath. Apply 163 Courtland street.
Stable* For Rent.
NICE, large brink btable, suitable for
horse and carriage or garage 104 8
Pryor. M 2751-L. S-IS-SO*
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
BUSINESS WOMAN wants one or two
Unfurnished rooms; gite price. Box
787, care Georgian. 57-19-9
WANTED- couple two or three rooms
with board convenient, In Weat End
Phone West 1001-L. 9-19-19
W^ANTED—Four unfurnished rooms with
bath; good location; first floor preferred;
state price. P. O. pox 783, City. 9-18-20
Want Eb --Four unfurnished rooms;
steam heated preferred Adults. W. I.
P , 21 East Cdn. 38-17-9
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
GENTLEMAN wants furnished or un
furnished room and private bath.
North side. Not a State
location and terms’ B E. W., care Geor
gian 9-19-27
Furnished Apartments Wanted.
WANTED -Three or four-room apart
ment; north side. State location and
price. Address Box 1412, City, 42-19-9
WANTED- -By October 1 for a term of
four or flve months, modern 5 or 6-room
house or apartment: north side, state lo
cation and price. Addrese Modern, care
Southern Bell Telephone Company. 9-18-3
Furnished Houses Wanted.
WANTED -Up-todate furnished bunga-
low or apartment by young couple: re
fined; references exchanged G . Box 87,
care Georgian 41-18-9
WANTED—Second-hand lathes, shaper,
drill press, emery stand. Must be bar
galn. T. IL H.. care Georgian. 9-19 29
M'ANTEb "To buy small Hat top des tT
G. Black, 718 Fourth National. 9-18-34
WANTED Home spoiled cEease for flah
balt. Address J. W. Nance, Route 1,
Dun woody, Ga. 9-17-16
WANTIID -One stone crusher]
merit mixer. Address Mill Darn. Cham
blee, Ga. 9-13-6
I BUY MtfeN'B old clothes and shoes.
Drop a card. I. Bock, 32 Bell street.
FURNITURE and household goods, office
fixtures and merchandise ot any kind
accepted on consignment. Cash advanced
Pembroke Sales Co . 143 South Pryor St.
Holl phones Main 1434 Main 187, Atlanta
2285 8-15 13
UroF A CARD -Wfirtrlnfcash for old
clothes and shoes. The Vest fare, 146
Decatur street 6-37-42
Wanted We pay highest eash prices
on household goods, pianos and office
furniture Cash advanced on consign
ments Springer's Auction House, 25
South Pry ir street. Bell phone Main 1526
WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices for house
hold goods, pianoa and office furniture.
Cash advanced on consignments. Central
Auction Company. 12 Fast Mitchel!
street. Bell phone Main 2424. 1-26-26
For Sale Miscellaneous.
ANY ONE wishing to take a rooming
house will find this a bargain; furnish
ings of a nine-room house: full of room
ers; close in; owner leaving city; wishes
to dispose of everything just as it stands.
Call Atlanta phone 6495. 9-19-53
FOR SALE—Square piano, in good con
dition. 11 Boulevard place. 46-19-9
CARPETS, RUGS, nearly new matting,
rocikng chairs, sideboard, cabinet, fold
ing bed. cheap if taken at once 321.
Pulliam street. 44-19-9
FOR SALE—One Baton A Glover jS&eh
er's engraving machine, with rype—
complete outfit. Box 164, Blue Ridge, Ga.
CLEAN cotton quilt scraps, 25 cents a
bundle, sent by express or freight on re
ceipt of money order Enterprise Manu
facturing Company, Atlanta, Ga. 9-17-34
and large home safes, 315; Hall's bank
and flreproof safes, vault doors, etc. C.
J. Daniel. 416 Fourth National Bank build
ing: 9-7-38
One Price. No Commission
LET us make you an estimate on
your work. Old pianos made
new again at moderate prices.
The only complete piano shop in
the city.
Cleveland-Manning Piano
Company, 4
80 N. Pryor Street.
Bell Phone Ivy 2240.
I*ADl¥fS—The Titus darner will keep
your children's stockings new all tha
time. Instructions free. Get one thia
week 49 Whitehall. 29-19-9
EoR SALE—-109 shares Coca-Cola bot
tllng stock, Chicago Make offer. Ad
dress Dope, 529 Candler building
ONE FYench plate glass barber mirror, 6
feet 9 by 3 feet; one hot and cold water
lavatory. Can be bought at a bargain. C.
E. W, Wallace, 34 Peachtree. 9-13-40
t’OR fiALfc—Lot ut beet quality tiling,
any style and size desired. This is an
unusual bargain at prices far below reg
ular Bee or write W M. Bricken, 20
gast Alabama st,, City. 9-18-22
fSJR SALE--One solid oak hat rack;
Colonial style; mirror; $5 cash. Phone
lyy 9-18-7
BbSYNIjHB oollege eohoiarshlpe; big dis
count on regular price In all of the best
Institutions In Atlanta. Bee or write
W. M Bricken, 20 East Alabama st., At
lanta. Ga. 9-18-25
FoR SaLe!—Furniture and fine rugs ot
house of seven rooms. All fine and new.
Cost more than $1,200. Will eel! for SSOO,
cash, on account of going away. Address
Box 433, care Georgian. 33-18-9
I’’OR kAIJ2--Bed room suite, dining room
table and chain), steel davenport, ice
box, gas stove. 51 Sells avenue. 32-17-9
National Cash Registers.
SBS-360; S6O-375 and up. Terms easy. Lib
eral exchange allowance. Both phones.
60 North Brood Street. 7-20-62
REW, beautiful rugs woven from your
old carpet, superior to any in service:
plain or designed; any size. Catalogue
free. Oriental Rug Company. Baltimore
Amnvicnn " It ”‘k l * ters everything.”
zllllel It dll retest Improvements.
registers exchanged.
VjttniJ An Bizfts; easy terms.
Atlanta Cash Register Co.
tvegisrers 34 East Alabama street
WOOn. 7-18-15
FOR SALE- -One steam cylinder (half
price) for eotton gin press. G. D. Col
lins. Flint, Ga. 9-4-19
FLOWERS—See or write me before plac
ing orders I can save you half your
money in buying potted plants and cut
flowers W M Bricken. 20 East Alabama
st., City. 9-18-23
GUARANTEED tires at cut prices; to
close out surplus stock, 38x3, 37.40; 30x8,
87 85; 30x3H, $10.80; 32x3>$, 312.10; 34x4.
317.25: all other sizes; order now while
they last. Central Mfg. Co , Dayton,
FOR BALE -Ono flve-passenger auto. In
running order, at your own price
Phone 3418-L Main.9l9-3
RELIABLE man would buy four or five
passenger automobile In fireUclass con
dition on easy monthly payments Ad
dressi A R., care ';eo£gian.49-18-9
NEW BRUSH; never used; to exchange
for lot; and 33-horsepower Maxwell,
fine condition, for cash, cheap. Owner,
Box 850. cere Georgian. 9-16-36
FOR SALE —Seven-horsepower 1913 mod
el Indian motorcycle Good as new
Bargain for quick sale. L. E. Hamper,
319 Peachtree street. 9-19-36
Fire-Proof Storage.
pianos. Office and warehouse, 239-241
Edgewood avenue Ivy 2037. John J.
Woodside Storage Company.
Monuments and Stone Work.
ALL KINDS stone work
17-19 Fraser street Phone Main 3540
Stove and Range Repairing.
We sell secondhand gas stoves
We sweep chimneys.
Atlanta Phone 2335. BeU Phene Main 369’