Newspaper Page Text
\ “NEWPORT” Model /
) QTYLISH “Swing-toe” _ (,
J S Shoe.
i High Arch, and up-"=
I curved Toe. 6
I Lower Cuban Heel than ’ I
I on “Spanish” model. J
I Fancy perforation 1
| around top of vamp. etc.
I A decidedly “Smart” /
1 shoe, with considerable sag- t
I gpstion of that high-toe-
i i'dfthiw which has lately /
f ruled in advanced foot- i
I wear for men. - j
I But. for all this, a ■
| dainty womanly type, >
I with individuality. /
/ |HV " *• '
I —Russet Calf No. 3 —3/4 j |
I Fa.>■ e<i Hutton " A ‘. >i . -F
1 f
—Soles 8 Sq.—Heels ? " './'£££” \ ?
I 17/8 inch Cuban '■'■■'■■•>. JgJF /
J r
e carry this
I stylein button i ;
an< * l ace —* n
all leathers. |
■ Regal Shoe Store
) L. J. WING, Proprietor 6 WHITEHALL ST. I I
BREADTH of Service
In addition to providing- customers with abso
lute safety and painstaking-, individual service,
the Management will b e pleased, at any time, to
ender to those seeking- advice on financial mat
such assistance as is within their power.
L interest in the welfare of our depositors has
ys been so closely allied with our regular'
oitine work, as to be easily classed as a very
"ortant and influential branch of our service.
Such intelligent advice combined with our
bility to financially assist our customers in the
promotion and development of their business en
terprises, recommends this bank to those who
need or desire HELP in their business.
THIRD National Bank
Capital and Surplus $1,700,000.00
PRANK HAWKlNSPresident JOHN W. GRANT Vice President |
JOS. A. M’CORD. . Vice President THOMAS C. ERWIN Casfiior
R. W. BYERS . Assistant Cashier W. B. SYMMERS .. . . Asst. Cashier
A. M. BERGSTROM ..Asst. Cash’er A. J. HANSELLAsst. Cashier
Your Twenty-Year Policy
Can you change it into a fourteen-year, without in
creasing your premiums and without their being any
lien or indebtedness against the policy itself? You can
do this with a Twenty Payment Life, Guaranteed Div
idend Policy, issued by The Southern States Life Ins.
Co. This policy also contains the liberal disability
clause written only by this Company, under which you
receive in cash one-fourth of the amount insured, in
case of total disability, and your policy is kept in force
for the remainder, without further payments on your
part, so long as you continue disabled.
Any agent of The Southern States Life will be
pleased to explain to you the attractive policies as is
sued by this Company, without your assuming any
General Agents u'anted for unfilled territory.
Local Agents wanted in all territories.
Co-operation of the Company, with their agents, together
with their unmatched policies, make agents’ contracts with
The Southern States Life profitable.
The Southern States Lite Insurance Co.
GA. ’•
w - S- McLEOD,
c — - J Supervisor of Agents
WILMER L. MOORE Pres. 1 , ®
for State of Georgia
Kead for Profit. Use for Results
@The Greatest Pure Food Distribu-
tors in the Country Offer iwW|||
Friday-" Saturday Specials
Buy For Cash Rogers’ Superior Fresh Roasted Coffee Pure Food Guarantee
TT» , O , We select and import the very finest I Another great advantage to the buy- On Every Article
ouy at Kogers giades of best varieties of coffee, er is that Rogers' Coffee can be had
- fresh from the roaster daily at all our Every article sold by the Rog-
j.i you are not aneady a cus- perts in our modern coffee-roasting stores. This is an important point, as ers Stores is guaranteed under
tomer oi the Rogers Stores, try plant, one of the most completely coffee soon loses it flavor and aroma National and State Pure Food
it a and count your sav- equipped in the South. when roasted, and even the finest cos- Laws, and if not entirely satis-
mgs at the end of the month. The blending and roasting is done fee must be fresh roasted to be at its factory may be returned.
Buying in immense quantities s 0 that the flavor and aroma of each best- Take our Canned Foods, for
for cash and selling for cash variety of coffee is brought out to best wi ? instance: The very finest quali-
these stOies invariably undersell advantage and connoisseurs pronounce degree of fineness 'or pulverize as es Obtainable, full pack Cans —
tne small credit stores. our blends perfect. sired. better even than the food laws
And qualities here are always require
highest. Comparison will prove lc^ va 9S C ( R ! ,m , ax Q Ac^ ers 'Q fie There’s never a complaint of
thlS faCt t 0 yOU - Rogers- Pure Foods.
Georgia Yellow Yams Juice of Lemons Extra Fancy 1912 New Crop
Finest Irish Potatoes ® etter ai,(i ore onon, ’ cal Than the Fresh Fruit California Evaporated
W "H “Juice of Lemons" is LjD Just now the advan- Peaches
r 1 IjP” pure, filtered lemon juice ■jj tages of this “Juice of | YW TTX
M pressed from sound, ripe ITK Lemons" are particularly | Os ||
lemons, and free from apparent. Besides con- X X Y
v „ ~ pulp or rind. It has the /L® venience, note the econ-
xra ancy Qua ity perfect, natural flavor omy in the prices below. ; H-ll Cfilitoriliil Evfiporfitcd PcfidlCS, 7 l-2c lb.
• MsPXV CfOD bTPaH RICA stren ff t h. llTl® '^ llC u ’ ce °f lemons ;
H Think of the conven fL w, for 10c: t^le i uice 20 Special in Johnson’s Fine
Q 1 ience of having pure lem- lemons for 22c; the juice I e
OC 130 i<l OUtOCI on j uice ready for any of 45 iem ° ns f ° r 43c - r*iit*p t"*i*itit r
IT* purpose desired without JUjee Packed in sealed, steril- i > 111 V * 1 Uli 11 VVw
5 pounds 38c, 10 pounds 75c 'pother of squeezing ized bottles; ready for • 5 pOHN[) STONE CROCK, 55c
American Beauty Brand . . Blackberry, Peach, Damson, Cherry or Raspberry
Small Bottle Containing the g
A Imr Juice of about 7 Lemons IvL Celebrated Regal Brand
VCz a XOOll.Ojy Medium Bottle Containing the ri A 1 Yll
1n -j r J'«ee of about 20 lemons ZZL PuFC Apple Jelly
10c cans at Z tor. . . I Large Bottles Containing the A v J
X cJF'Lz Juice of about 45 lemons, loc Glass; 3 for 25c
La Rosa Flour T r T s 7 E n tr <? SP A Ciais Granulated Sugar
This flour sold by us flfteen years with unvarying s c p n p! ' ?4C Tlle Rogers' Stores are leaders in the sales of
satisfaction Better now than ever. Used by thous- ■ Granulated Sugar-and buying in such quantities are
s 0 ® OO ' ' Per oz ®" < ' ans 52.85 always able to quote lowest prices. Following quo-
Bag aoC|Bag /vC| 3 ag <M.9o| Bbl white Asparagus Tips; pq tations are for Friday and Saturday only.
We X U n“nVe d p!^ed fl ° Ur ZZ $3.10 18 PO " n,IS °‘ O '
Large Pkg Horsford's Bread Preparation, 12 i-2c Both These Brands New Pack ? t , Po '” 1 “ s stlc|f (1 ’'° u " is 2.xiSJ 0 "” 11 SUIIb^ 16 ... $5.35
New Pack Cereals Some Delicious Pure Honey Kitchen Cleansers, Etc.
Quaker Oats, per package 9c jq cw Q om b Pure Strained Sapolio. per cake , 7c
3 packages for 25c Honey in Quart QA* Honey in 14-ounce AF* Armour's Cleanser 5c
Toy Oats, per package 8c j . <ij (* j J Bon Ami. per cake 9c
Puffed Rice,,lsc size, per package 12c JarS ’ P 6l J Ar —' jar LUV regu(ar 5c 3 f<>r
Grape Nuts. 15c size, per package 12c Sweet Majden Toj|et Soap> regu|ar 5c cakes at 3 fQ| . IQc
Ralston Wheat Fooo. New Size Package 10c ,ir U -. n u r, . ~, L. W. R. Brand Crepe Toilet Paper, regular 10c rolls at
Holland Rusk, per package 10c Fancy White Comb Pure strained Honey 4 for 25c
Shredded wheat Biscuit, per package 12 1-2 c Honey in Sections; Ort-k in 8-OUnce 1 fir* Re9al regular 10c roll' at
Pettijohn's Breakfast Food, per package 14c per section Glasses IUC i Scott's L ‘ L 25c
There’s a Rogers’ Store Right Near Your Door. Order from the Nearest
~ 72 Whitehall street. 133 Gordon street. West End. Decatur, Ga. 380 Marietta street. 812 Peachtree street.
Telephone 439 Whitehall Street. 464 South Pryor street. M = r> ff= 109 Peachtree street. 347 Peachtree street Ouick Deliv-
Connections ■;?? p”L S p re ® t End ’ 7n- F ° U , r y °' st,ee ’ -I 309 Ponce DeLeon avenue. 361 Euclid Ave. Inman P'k. er y Service
462 East Fair street. 195 East Georgia avenue. East Point, Ga. ~c c .„. ... , 402 Luckie street ° VLe
At All Our 369 South Boulevard. 114 Capitol avenue. Newnan Ga 1 u- P T 12 ' Edgewood avenue. Anywhere in
427 Grant street. 236 Capitol avenue. Newnan, Ga. 32 Williams street. 132 Forrest avenue Anywiierem
ob otOrCS. 183 West Mitchell street. Stewart avenue. North Broad street. 122 West Peachtree street. 248 Houston street. City.
Rogers’ 36 Stores
Aside from the pleasure derived from wearing diamonds,
there are few investments as profitable ami at the same time
as stiie.
I‘riees have advanced continuously until they are more
than twice as great as a few years ago. The factors affect
ing their value are becoming more complex from year to
year, and there is no doubt but that they will continue to
rise in value.
Since our present stock was purchased there has been a
definite advance in their price of 25 per cent. Al this time,
therefore, we are in position to offer exceptional values. How
ever, when we have to go into the market to replace those
stones tiiat we now have, we will be obliged to charge in ac
cordance with the eost to iis. It is to your advantage to make
an early selection.
Call or write us respecting our partial payment plan,
whereby this splendid property can be owned ami paid for
with absolutely no inconvenience to the purchaser.
ueme.le.H) - 07 st.
I Snowdrift
Salmon ft n
Large, tall can, reg
uiar 20c value, 3 for
25c; 6,48 c; doz., 95c
118 120 Whitehall St.
I c »ian Wants for best result#
| r pilK professional or business man who keeps a Savings
Account separate from his regular business account, and
deposits Five or Ten Dollars each week or month, will be
surprised to see how quickly he will accumulate’ a good
sized Reserve Fund. Ihe clerk who saves systematically
will soon have a fund that will start him in a’ business of
his own.
Start a Reserve Fund with this
Bank today. 4 per cent Interest
paid on all deposits.
Georgia Savings Bank & Trust Co