Newspaper Page Text
Published by The Georgian Company,
20 East Alabama Street,
Atlanta. Ga
fentered at Atlanta postoffice as second
class matter.
Subscriptions Payable in Advance.
One year. mail, postage prepaid. $5.00
Fix months. mail, postage prepaid. 2.50
Three months, mail, postage prepaid, 125
One month. mail, postage prepaid.
Subscriptions Payable in
Delivered by carrier, one year $5.20;
Delivered by carrier, six months 2.60 |
Delivered by carrier, three months 1.30
Delivered by carrier, one month . 45
Delivered by carrier in Atlanta and
other cities, one week 10 c
Want Ad Rates and Rules
in The Atlanta Georgian
One cent a word each Insertion
No ad taken for less than the price
of ten words Ads in larger type.
12c a line (4 words to the line).
Out-of-town ail vert 1 sements
f must be accompanied with cash.
Agencies discounts 10 and 6
The Georgian will not be respon
sible for more than one Incorrect
1 insertion of any ad ordered more
than one time
Closing Hours: To secure prop
er classification, ads must be in
The Georgian office before 1 o'clock
the'day of the issue
Ail ads must be ordeted out In
writing or at office No discon
tinuance notice taken over phone
Every word In the advertisement.
Including the name and address.
Is counted. Each Initial counts one
word; compound words are counted
as two words.
Telephone your Want Ads to The
Georgian (both phones 8000) when
ft is more convenient to do so, and
collection wIII be made at your
heme or at your office the follow
ing day This Is an accommoda
. tfon service rendered Georgian
Want Ad patrons and payment
should always be promptly made
j on presentation of bill. Always
ask that your telephone ad be re
peated back to you by the ad
taker to make sure that it has been
i taken correctly. The Georgian can
I not guarantee accuracy or assume
responsibility for errors of any kind
occurring In telephone advertise
ADVERTISERS should retain re
ceipts given In payment for Want
Ads over the office counter, as ints
> takes can not be rectified without
( them In answering advertlse
-1 merits addressed In care of The
I Georgian, if the advertiser requires
references, send a duplicate of
Help Wanted—Female.
LADIES, anywhere, $lO weekly copying,
collecting addresses; Inclose stamp.
Southern Information Bureau. Dept. 104,
Memphis. T< nn 94-21-9
WANTED An office girl Apply .'O2
Peck 81dg.9-21-56
WANTED Good servant for short Time.
401 East North avenue. 9-21-46
WANTED Trained nurse to care for
children who attend school Ivy 5166-J
. S_ * »« «
waNj’ed -office girl. Apply Mondaj
morning 7 o'clock. 19 Trinity avenue I
WANTED Cook ar North Bouh vard 1
WANtED- hirst-class lady stenographer
and office assistant tor legal depart
ment of large company, one having ex
perience in stenographic work of legal
character preferred Permanent position
gnd salary commensurate with ability
and experience Reply by letter, stating
experience. Address Box 38. .are Geor-
WANTED - Two white women for house
work. Prefer one settled wortian out of
town. Correspondence Invited Mrs M
R. Emmons. 794 Peachtree street. 9-21-20
WANTED Good laundress f 94 Peach
tree street. 9-21-22
WANTED Eorelady to" take "charge of
straw hat oirerators Also some ex
perienced trimmers Novelty Hat Manu
facturing Company, 116-117 Garnett
street " 9-21-4
TEN STENt HIRAPHERS "w United" at once. I
Salary SIOO per month Must be quick,
accurate and give brief details. No let
ters will be opened Write brief, with
references, on postcard only, giving ad
dress. Callahan Sales System. I' O. Box
1085, Atlanta 9-21-7
WANTED Good odtk Must be~learu
first class and honest Room on prem
ises $4 a week Call Bell phone East
Point 237 9-21-9
I.ADIES make shield? at home. $lO per
hundred Work sent prepaid to relia
ble women. Particulars for stamped ad
dressed envelope Eureka Compitnv,
Dept. 33. Kalamar.oo, Mich 44-21 9
f^Rot’EREADER To read proof on tabu
lar matter Apply Piedmont Printing
Company, 127 Central avenue, Atlanta,
Ga 9-21-11
Wanted —A cook for small family Ap
ply 289 Myrtle st 9-20-38
XVaNTEI> A cook, reliable, settled woim |
an Apply at once, 28 Washita ave..
Inman Pari, 9-20-24 I
WANTED White chambermaid Applv
to housekeeper Piedmont hotel. 9-20 19
WOMAN to cook, wash ami iron for t*WO
and live on the place; good wages. Ap
ply 36 Westminster Drive, Anslev Park
' 41-19-9
wanted Competent maid (ppiy 717
Peachtree street 9-19-11
34 OMAN to cook and do general House
work. must room on lot. also washer
woman 27 West Sixteenth street. 9-18-19
Help Wanted—Male.
WANTED Mat tint room Call at
once. Ivy 5H35-.1 619 West Peach
tree street 87-21-9
WANTED a halt gr w • . olored boj for
genera! house work. 49 Windsor street
J**ODT I>< *< 'T< >RS needed everywhere;
earn S6O weekly . profession taught by
mail, diplomas Write for free booklet,
tells how Prof. Frazier. LED. 101 West
42 street. New York 45-21-9
A N T E D —Thoroughly
competent stenographer.
Excellent opening and per
manent position for vonng
man of ability and good
character. Box 804. tart*
Georgian. 48-21 -9
WANT ED E x per ien< e< I i ■.. \7;. r house
electrician: house wireim n need not
apply. Stone X Webster. Engineering
Corporation. Cnluiubus, <la 9-21-27
WANTED 1.000 men" ambitious. to
make a (lean-up before Xmas Don't
give boss half y«»ur earnings, cinch all
for yourself, working under our winning
plan, experience unnecessary I‘avis T« i
let C<>„ Oqk Pav - Bl<ig fhicago 74 21 -!'
iIOO WEEKLY I ’R< tFIT: start in busi
ness for yourself; don’t w»rr\ about
capital; no experience. Boyd K Brown.
< >maha. Nebi 77-21-'
START a home business that will tiring
you SIOO inonthfy I made $.8,500 first
year with same business, spare thru. no
I will show \ou how In
structive book free Voorhies. Desk •’l*.
J2 n J a • Nebr x;; ■<
- . . ■
many waiting positions at big pa'
stamp for particular- National Detect
Agem \ ,Dept Chicago 93-21
anted Men to learn the barber tra«hn
’ A ' ■ >t ‘ learning You .an mm i
W 111 sue. \\ .
e. \ f r- I ’l.
Help Wanted—Male.
WANTED—Colored men to prepare as
sleeping car porters and train porters.
If you wish position near Atlanta, write
immediately. No experience necessary,
inclose stamp Inter Rallwav, care Geor
gian. 48-14-9
WANTED For U. S. armv. able-bodied
unmarried men between ages of 18 and
.35; citizens of I'niied .States, of good
character and temperate habits, who can
speak, read and write the English lan
guage. For information, apply to Re
cruiting officer, corner Peachtree and
Forsyth, streets, Atlanta, or 411 Cherry
St., .Macon, Ga. 9-4-27
*2OO monthly: spare time; no matter
where you live; no canvassing; guarantee
free booklet will show you how H E.
Rogers, Dept AS. Boston, .Mass, 9-14-17
I WII.L START YOU earning $4 daily at
home In spare time, silvering mirrors;
no capital; free Instructive booklet, giv
ing plans of operation, G. F Redmond,
Dipt Ba. Boston, .Mass. 9-14-19
BE A DETECTIVE Many opportunities
locally or traveling; earn SIOO to S3OO
monthly; profitable, fascinating and ex
citing; experience unnecessary; free book
let gives valuable information. lairaine
Sysn tn. Di pt. 63, Boston, Mass. 9-14-8
MAN WANTED The undersigned wants ■
an honest, ambitious man tn each city
and town where not already sufficiently
represented. Previous experience unnec
essary. We will teach you the business
thoroughly by mall and assist you to start
in business for yourself as our local rep ,
resentative. Splendid opportunity for a
man without capital to get into big pay
ing business for himself and become In
dependent for life. The National Co-Op
erative Realty Company, C-949 Marden
building, Washington, D. C. 3X-!i-7 ■
more than 360,000 protected positions in '
United States service. More than 40,000 .
vacancies every year. There is a big
chance here for you; sure and generous
pay. lifetime employment. Easy to get.
Just ask for booklet €’-412. No obligation. '
Earl iL’pluds. Washington, 1> C 37-9-7
has automatic adjustable nozzle and 1
other features entirely original. Sold with
three years' guarantee. Retails for $3.50.
Big profits and exclusive territory for
live agents who act quickly. A. S. Cahn, .
president, Desk 10, 366 West Fiftieth
street. New York. 95-8-31 ,
WANTED Special delivery boys aft er
school and on Saturdays. Apply ship
ping department M Rich & Bros. Co.
WANTED- In law office, at S3O a month,
boy as stenographer Call at 515 Pe
ters building between 2 and 4.47-20-9
ALA. 9-20-22
WANTED Young man. from eighteen to
twenty years of age, who can take
shorthand and is willing to do general
office work, for position with good op
portunity for advancement. Apply in
own handwriting to I'.' O. Box 115'8
______________ ♦ t L 2O J!
WANTED Short knife cutter on chil
dren's drosses. Enterprise Manufactur
ing Company. 36 West Alabama. 9-20-10
WANTED A man that lias experience as
a collector in the installment business,
none other but a first-class man need
apply; reference necessary. Apply at 68
IW. Mitchell st. 9-19-16 ,
WANTED tiffice boy. white; not more i
than fifteen years of age. Apply office I
Mleorglil School of Technology ' 9-19-25 i
WANTED fiairyman and truck farmery
Address Robinson. 26 Capitol avenue.
1 Atlanta 25 19-9
STI 1 A MFITTERS wanted Apply A. C
' 'cle. Southern ITiight D< pcl 9-17-86
WANTED for oollege barracks,
num cook. Salary S3O per
month and keep. Apply to .1. C.
Barnes, Dahlonega, (la. 9-17-1
• WANTED Ideas. Inventors write for fist
of inventions wanted and prizes offered
I by manuldcturers. Also, bow (<» get your
■ patent Sent free to an> address. Ran j
do) ph & Briscoe, patent attorneys. Wash-
1 hi. 1 •<' 7-11-23
WANTED Young men to learn pharma
cy (his fall Demand for our graduates
exceeds supply. Next session begins Oc
tober 1 Southern College of Pharmacy.
SI Luckb> • c \tlanta Ca 8-I’l
ST'JP at Hilburn hotel, heart of city, I0 l 2
Walton street, if you want & (‘lean, quiet
room; transient 50c open ail night
•: • • Brann in g 11 tei 1
you the barber trade (it’s easy). We
’each in one-half time of other colleges.
Course and position in our shops only
*3O Why pay more* 1 Thousands of our
graduates running shops or making good
wages Atlanta Barber College, 10 East
Mitchell street 5-11-17
riiLi. MASSAGE, hair cuts, shaves,
shampoos All barber work free, chan
linen Atlanta Barber College. 10 East
Ml trhe 11. 5-27-. 6
M\ i' ■<' 'i. ’■lr R S. j vant
ed, SBO month. Atlanta examinations
• November 6 free reaching. Franklin in
stitute, Dept. 49-S, Rochester. N Y
I 52-9-9
W A \ TEI )—Bright, st rung
hoys to deliver routes in
[afternoons. Good wages
iand chance for promotion.
(’all at circulation depart
ment The Atlanta Georgian,
[2O East Alabama street.
JAMES \ Bl <1! WAX.
lating. voicing and repairing Hell
phone Main 2254-1. East Atlanta Drop
a postal I will call. 8-19-24
Agents Wanted.
11 NTS W LNI ED Men, boys and girls
i to sell household specialties Rig wages.
I Write for particulars The B. O. Crivh
low Novelty Company. St Augustine. Fla.
91 21-9
AGENTS B< •« \cs | \ (r\ where.
Make $7 dally handling our quick-sell
ing. 100 per cent profit; repeat order spe
cialties *1 merchandise given free Write,
local Sales 134 Fast Twenty-fifth. New
' 90-21-9
LOCAL representative wanted in each
I town to sell underwear, sweaters and
j neckties direct from our factors to wear
<■; : permanent business; liberal terms; big
1 profits, every article guaranteed. Stead-
Mi 1 I I ! \ > 92 21 - 9
;■ AGENTS Big monej selling metallic I<~L
ters for office windows, store fronts and
.[glass sign, anj one can put on: samples
fr< • Metallic Sign Co 437 N Clark. Chi-
I oigo_ 96-21-9
KG ENTS lust h monej ng NEW
I IMPROVED HOSIERY direct from mill
wit r. YOU CAN
, ! Cfedit Samples in leatherett* case free
. Nev. Improved Knitting Mills. Chicago
I t \I I S . .1 ■ 1 I g’ •' I .
( I ‘peelers lawn Edge Trimmer. Exchi-
- ; >iv< territorx to bvr wires Something
' i ’:m:sua’’\ ‘:g Trimble Aver\. I•» pt
tI 11 sh bling, Mi< h * 79-21-9
to '. evf r\ we< k Weaver, of Oregon,
( I sold forty ir. one da> protit >2 i Low i .
•teports. ••Why. I actually believe 1 erndd
so|| th.n article blit df< Ided and with a
Kag it m\ mouth Exp» jicnc4‘ unnvc* s
s.irj soiling the self-w t ingirg mop 150
9 [pet <•> r’t i-r<-tv Satnpk fref with first
1 order \\ rit» toda\ I’ s .MOP CoM
j RANK 1588 Seias building. Toledo, Ohio.
- ... ... 76-21-!'
( | AGEN’I S 'ubj’itors < few manage.s You
i i can make SSO per w» k selling • ir hmr-
■ piece ahiminr, , t ? i Write for
j eatalogu* Aluminum Ware Companv.
9 Alaywuud, Hi. 75-21-v
Agents Wanted.
AGENTS getting rich selling Wonderful ■
numinous Crucifix: gives out mysterious !
light ail night in darkest room, big profits; ;
free particulars Catholic Importing Co.,
K 4, Chicago. 82-21-9 I
AGENTS - Get particulars of one of the;
best paying propositions ever put on the 1
market ; something no one else sells; make I
$4,000 yearly. E. M. Feltman. Sales Man
ager, 6444 Sycamore st., Cincinnati, Ohio. ,
WANTED Reliable agents for something!
new in railroad excursion work; tree;
trips and good commission; experience I
not necessary, but must be able to fur- i
nish first-class reference. Address I’. P., I
Box 1624, Atlanta, Ga. 9-21-23 I
DON'T CANVASS or peddle The parcels j
post has become a law and the mail
order business is going to boom. Let us |
tell you how to get started in it. A
postal card will bring full particulars, j
Murphy Manufacturing Company, South |
Norwalk, Conn.s-11 -5 j
BE YOUR <> WN BOSS; ow n your own '
business. We will show you how to be '
independent. Write today. Tidewater |
Merchandising Company, Box 965, Nor
folk, Va. 3.3-21-9
AGENTS ,Carnet sweeper type vacuum
cleaner. Selfs for $6. Liberal commis
sion. We manufacture. Buy direct.
Money-back proposition. The Doty Man
ufacturing Company. Dayton. Ohio.
GERS—You can make. SSO per week
selling our four-piece aluminum set at
$1.98. Write for catalogue. Aluminum
Ware Company. Maywood, 111. 37-21-9
AGENTS Make hundred per cent sell
ing new’ double-edge safety razor for 50
cents. Equal in appearance, construc
tion and efficiency to any $5 razor. Ex
clusive territory. Sample postpaid, 35
cents in stamps. Foyer & Co., Dickey
building. Chicago. 41-21-9
AGENTS- Everywhere, $5 to sl6 day
easy; selling Bibles, subscription books,
campaign book. Biggest commission.
Best line. Permanent. Credit given.
Equitable Company, Falls building, Mem
phis, Tenn. 42-21-9
AGENTS WA'.'TED to Introduce, article
which helps reduce household expenses, i
Write today for free particulars. Ben
jamin Ray & Co., Box 464, Lumpkin, Ga.
GENERAL AGENT for local territory to
sell our accident insurance policies, $1
to $lO yearly. Easy sellers. Everybody
needs one. Liberal commissions. Also
manage sub-agents and renewal business.
Permanent income assured. Insurance,
Newark, N. .1. 40-9-7
MANI T'ACTI'RER of popular brand linen
heel and toe guaranteed hosiery wants
agents to sell direct to consumers. Peach
man earned $136.20 in five days. Exclu
sive territory. Credit Send for particu
lars. Parker Mills, 7.35 Chestnut street,
Philadelphia, I’a. 9-7-11
about to spend SIOO,OOO on a tremomlons
advertising campaign, requires the serv
ices of a bright man or woman in each
town and city. The work is easy, pleas
ant and highly respectable, and no previ
ous experience is necessary. We will pay
a good salary and offer an unusual oppor
tunity for advancement to the person who
can furnish good references. In addition
to this salary we offer a Maxwell Auto
mobile, a Ford Automobile and over $3.-
000 in prizes to the representatives doing
the best work up to December 31. In
your letter give age and references. Ad
dress IR \ it RDBINSoN, Advertising
Manager. 2163 Beverlv St., Boston. Mass
MEN AND WOMEN make money as
agents for the Waks handy case. Slip
in the dress, waist, suit or overcoat; keeps
them fresh and clean, easy to get in, easy
to get out. All purposes. Ideal room
saver. Can be laid or hung anywhere.
Low prices. Three sizes. 40c, 50c and 75c.
Send anywhere: not sold in stores. Any
body can sell Waks cases. They all want
it. Sells itself. Sell 10, 20, .30, 40, 50 a
; day Goulding sold 2,000. Gridley 560. Mrs.
i Webster .30 in three hours. Quick sales;
j large profits; no experience. Free sample
'offer. Send postal today for full descrip
tion agents' selling plan. Waks Manu-
facturing Company, 10 Miller building.
Cincinnati, Ohio. 8-17-25
Salesmen Wanted.
SIDE LINE, pocket samples; ton min
utes. $lO commission; high-grade men
only; no other need apply. Advertising ■
Noveltx (’ompany. Newton, lowa 80-21-!'
SALIISMF.N Advertising novelty sales
men for profitable pocket side line of j
advertising pencils; standard line. Pen
cil l<xi'i;.; i< ! -c\ City, N. .1. 72 - 9
ii \t s i. i ;s\i i Large, exclusive im
porting Mexican and Harvest hat house
desires ambitious, reliable men with retail 1
store experience to represent Uiem; also i
men possessing horse and buggy or mo- |
torcyde to work small towns. Liberal :
commissions and prompt advancement, 1
Send photo, references and details. Alex
lean American Hat Company. St. Louis.
Mo. 78-21-9
WANTED Ten high grade piano sales
; nun with experience. The \V. W. Kim
| hall Co.. Chicago, will open a branch store
'here October 1. Splendid opportunity for
promotion. Apply H. R. Calef. Georgian
’rt‘rrace Hotel. 9-21-5
RELIABLE S \ i.Ks.M an to <over <teorgia
with sample line. High commissions.
SIOO.OO monthly advance and permanent
position to right man. Jess H. Smith 'Co ,
Detroit, Mich 25-21-!'
WANTED s\li:smi:n Earn $250 per
month; sell dealers highly advertised
article. Samples not necessary. Elato
Station L, N’ \\ Ycik, N Y. 89-21-9
SALESMEN Do you want $lO a day
side line or main line deal? Five com
bined propositions; snappiest ever sprung.
American Pottery Co.. St. Louis, Mo.
('().. OCALA, ELA. 9
SALITSATeN and collectors wanted to
work in city; experience not necessary.
Singer Sewing Machine Company. 79
Whitehall street. 9-11-4
Teachers Wanted.
er for sixth grade Kirkwood school.
Application and references must be in
hands of board of education by Friday.
September 27 P. S. Dunlop, secretary.
Kirkwood, Ga. 9-21-42
Situations Wanted—Female.
I FIRST-CLASS lady stenographer, eight
\» ars experience, wants to change her
position. Prefer place with some office
work. Address A Z . care Georgian.
WANTED Position bj experienced, ca
pable stenographer (.'all Ivy 4357-J.
\\ \ \ ED Positloi as maternlts nurse;
charges reasonable Can give best of
references as to ability. Address Nurse.
* •'i ;■ .ia or 1 ■!.<nit- 121 1 -1 9-
I FIRST \SS ladj stenographer, expe
rienced in general office work.‘desires a
position Clerical, care Georgian 59-19-9
Needle Work.
LESSONS in needlework to children Tues
daj ami Saturday afternoons; $1 per
month. Orders taken for all kinds of
handiwork. Samples shown. Mrs. Ole
sen. 30 Angier avenue Ivy 1820-J.
EMBR()IDERY, designing, fine sewing
and darning 13 Baltimore place, ivy
5968. 8-28-8
WANTED Sowing of all kinds, fitst
clnss tt ■ rk d« sired, experienced in faslt
tonnble <li ssntaklng !;■ Cherokee avo
-19 52
'\\ \NTI!I> Setting of all kinds 4.3 West
Peachtree street 9-IS-l
Window Cltttning.
National Window Cleaners
I Dwellings or Store Fronts. Carpets Vacu
ai ('lean. I .I ; Oiled or Waxed
All Work Guaranteed
1 17 E Hunter tit. Main 1175, Atlanta
> I'nuhe 1051. 7-5-24
Situations Wanted—Male.
POSITION as salesman; eleven years' ex
perience in cigar business. Box 477,
care Georgian. 99-21-9
POSITION as bookkeeper by young man; I
eight years' experience. Box 466, care 1
Georgian. 100-21-9 1
EXPERIENCED farmer, trucker, stock,
poultry and dairyman, would work
shares, or rent. Ten live wire workers.
A. J. Williams. Thomasville. Ga. 32-21-9
COMPETENT young colored man wants
work. 220-A East Merritts avenue.
POSITION WANTED by steady and re
liable soda dispenser of five years ex
perience. Call Main 3817-J and ask for !
Campbell. 37-20-9 |
EXPERIENCED colored chauffeur wants
position at once in private family;
with three years' experience, and willing
to do all repair work. 317 N. Butler st.
WANTED—By colored man, position as
cook; fifteen years experience Address
Cook, rear 90 Houston street, Atlanta.
VIOLINIST; all-round, experienced pro
fessional. desires position; thoroughly
reliable. Phipps, 92 Simpson street.
WANTED- By a Swede, position as jani
tor or work in private place; expe
rienced gardener. Address Benson, 23 i
Orme street. References. 27-20-9;
ptiSITRiN WANTED as assistant in re
tail drug house. Soda and front store
work. Can give any reference. Address
Box 44. Madison. Fla. 55-19-9
WANTED—Position as stationary fire
man; ten years experience. Apply 372
Auburn avenue. A. .1 ..Singleton. 30-19-9
WANTED-By an expert machinist, of
thirty years experience, position in any
kind of machine shop. Address J. T.
Gresham, Avenue B, Augusta. Ga.
WANTED Position by young man iGer
man) to work around house; willing to
do any kind of honest work. Address
Box 7 44, care Georgian. 46-17-9
WANTED—Position as chauffeur; have
three years experience; can furnish best
of references. Address Allen McLeod, 151
Spring street.3l-16-9 •
MAN with many years experience in Irade i
journal work is open for proposition.
Satisfactory references. Address Box 613,
care Georgian. 79-14-9
Situations Wanted—Male and
srKxoGßAinFbißs We
will supply you. Rem
ington Typewriter Co.. 56
X. Bit >ad‘ st. 9-21-37
FRKE TO ALL—Our prac
tice department. Reming
ton Typewriter Co., 56 N.
Broad st. 9-21-36
PfiSITION WANTED as manager and
housekeeper of small hotel by man and !
wife; fifteen years experience. Go any i
place on earth. Address Hotel Manager, i
1019 West Washington street. Greenville,
S. C.-61-21-9 :
REFINED young couple, no children,'
wishes home and care of elderly couple.
Box 516, care Georgian. 32-20-9 ,
Job Work.
WE <’.\X SAVE \on inoiKV on repair
work, shelving, tables and counters. \Ve
make them to order. Roof repairing, brick ,
work, wall tinting, painting and plaster
ing. 62' 2 South Forsyth street. Bell 1187,
Atlanta 6087-M.
Contractors and Home Builders.
. IT WILL PAY YOU to get our estimates
on steam heating and plumbing before
| letting your work; 35 years' experience
in city puts us in position to give you
; best work at minimum cost. Bashlor
; Heating and Plumbing Company, 4.3 Car
negie Place. M. 455. 7-20-48
Boarder* Wanted.
ROOMS and first-class board; reasonable
rates; private home. 256 Capitol ave
nue. Mam 2ii.'l-1,. 9-21-39
.69 LUCKIE STREET Good board, steam
I heat; reasonable; for business women.
I 64-2 l-!l
I WANTED Nice congenial roommate;
| business woman preferred. Private
! home. All conveniences. 35 Currier
| s, j eetlvy_ 5335-L. 9-19-30
UNEXCELLED IKuiMS. tabie board;
good location and surroundings; run
ning water in rooms; reasonable; fur-
I nace heat 32 East North avenue. Ivv
I 5551.
Jewish Board.
] FIRST-CLASS JEWISH board at reason
able tires 110 Capital avenue. 9-6-11
176 WEST i‘i: V’llTßlM-: Xiee rooms ami
board; private family; all conveniences.
Phone Ivy 1727. 9-20-20
LARGE ROOMS, up or downstairs, with
board ll!' Washington street 9-20-21
EITHER couple or young men at first
class boarding house; all conveniences;
references exchanged. M. 3758-J.
I 1 \RI•i <I :s \\ \.\TI-.I» for nice, large,
steam heated room. 18 West North ave
nue. Hell phone 1v y 6576 -J. 9-19-45
FIRST CLASS TABLE board at 16 Por
ter place, .lust off Peachtree. Ivv 6705.
. \ i'LEMEN only to board in handsome,
I modern, private home; reasonable rates.
Phone Ivj 2893 SIHzSZ
ONE COUPLE wanted for nicely fur
nished front room and board in refined,
private home; select neighborhood. Phone
I_y> 4254. " 1; ‘ ’ 1 ‘
TRY BOARD at 308 South Pryor street.
Ib irrem-cs Mam 2456 L 9-49 10
ROOMS and first-class board; also table
board. 29 4’. Harris. Ivv 3741-L.
TWO lovely connecting rooms and L->ai.j
in home with refined couple; no other
i boarders; north side. Phone Ivv 1762-L.
245 S Fh PRYOR can accotnmodate a
few boarders and roomers; with con
veniences. 9-18-16
Just Off Peachtree
121 EAST CAIN STREET; clean, newly
furnished rooms, with good board. A.
I M. Fuller. 9-17-32
[HOME cogKING; private home; a few
boarders. Main 3615-.1. 9-16-25
; ROOM and board for couple or gentle
man; also roommate for young gentle
man. 442 Peachtree st. Ivy 4562
I 9-16-34
Board Wanted.
/ HOW MANY desirable boarders know
that you have a vacancy at your table?
; There are hundreds this very day looking
! for nice, homelike boarding places
Reach them with an ad in the "Boarders
, Wanted" column of The Georgian.
| REFINED COUPLE wants room and
board in private home: north side;
! walking distance. Will pay SSO. .1. M..
j care Georgian. 38-19-9
October 1 in Atlanta is the tall moving
,|h> There are hundreds and hundreds of
people and families this very day that are
looking for desirable places io rent fort Ste
' coming season on the first of October.
I 'esirahle houses, rooms and apartments
, (either furnished or unfurnished i will rent
quickly and eas.lj if they are seen in tile
paper tint is the hading "Rent" medium
iof the city "The Georgian Rent Bulletin"
' has the stamp of being the foremost
"Rent" medium. By no other w;ean
; year vacancies be rented easilx than
through Tlie Georgian. The number •
I "Rent" ads in The Georgian speak for
themselves. You know for yourself that
! if ton desired to rent, you would look in
I the paper that bad the largest list to
choose from. The public feels the same
ttay Begin your ad immediate!) and
have your vacancies filled before the first
of next month. Either phone it or send
it in.
“The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin”
Do Your Renting Through This Bulletin.
It contains a complete list each issue of every desirable place that is For Rent in the city and
ter where it is or whether it is furnished or unfurnished. They are all here below ’uourbs; no rnat-
For the benefit and convenience of its patrons The Georgian employs a special man to search .
roundings each day for desirable places. * lne clt y and sur-
This bulletin will save you time, money and worry. It is for your convenience, so take advantage nf
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
TWO very desirable large front rooms;
one furnished, one unfurnished; splen
did location; north side private home;
adults; steam heat; all conveniences. Ivy
3570-J. 103-21-9
FOR RENT -Two or three elegantly fur
nished front rooms, complete for house
keeping; private entrance; sink in kitch
en; hot bath; Bell phone; best location
to parties, without children. 290 Wash-'
ington street. 9-21-59
FOR RENT —On Washington street, three
connecting second-floor rooms, fur
nished for housekeeping. Call Ivy 249.
FOR RENT—Furnished rooms, neat and
clean. 28 West Peachtree place. 9-21-53
FOR RENT —Three nicely furnished
rooms for light housekeeping: all con
veniences. Close in. 23 East Harris
street. 9-21-49
FOR RENT —Newly furnished front room,
dressing room connecting; conven
iences;; private family; references. Ivy
FoR KENT—Two nicely furnished rooms
for gentlemen in home of couple; one
block Georgian Terrace. $lO month. Ivy
5145. 86-21-9
FOR RENT—Furnished room for two
ladies, with satisfactory reference, in
my home. 9 Orange street. Bell phone
FOUR connecting rooms; ' private en
trance, bath, sink; conveniently located.
Ivy 3654-.L9-21-54
FOR RENT—Two newly furnished con
necting rooms for two or three gentle
men; steam heat and every convenience.
Apartment 5 and 6, 61 East Cain street.
Ivy 3137. 9-21-47
FOR RENT—Large front room in new
steam-heated apartment; electricity,
gas. white tiled bath; all conveniences;
furnished suitable for one or two gentle
men. Very near in on north side. Phone
Ivy 4281.9-21-44
FOR RENT Furnished rooms, suitable
for housekeeping. Atlanta 5892-M. 42
Auburn avenue. 9-21-46
Two Very Desirable
LARGE front rooms; one furnished, one
unfurnished; splendid location; north
side private home; adults; steam heat;
all conveniences. Ivy 3570-.D62-21-9
Ft>R RENT —A pretty front room, fur
nished, on Park avenue, to a business
woman; in private family; no children.
1 l>h one M. 3866-L.9-21-32
FCRNISHED ROOM for one or two gen
tlemen. Private family. North side.
References. Ivy 6389-.1.56-21-9
FI'RNISHED tront room. $2.50, for two
gents or ladies; walking distance. 65
Crew. 9-21-17
FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms for
housekeeping, in private home. Phone
Main 3453-.1.9-21-21
TO business couple, nicely furnished front
room. 2SO' = Houston street.
I WANTED—Two fttdies to rent furnished
' room, with or without board. Private
family. North' side. 39 East Thirteenth
■ COI’PLE only, two first floor rooms; clos
ets, private bath: furnished for light
housekeeping; owner's home; close in on
north side, ivy 2078 -1 49-20- 9
VERY desirable rooms for business
ladies; all conveniences; with or with
j out meals. M. 4020. _9-20-36
FOR RENT -Two elegant second-story
rooms for two, three or four gentle
! men; four windows to each room, adjoin
ing bath; great location; near in. Also
one nice room for light housekeeping.
371 Whitehall street. Main 3462-J.
ONE upstairs front room; all conven
iences at 117 W. Baker st. Atlanta 4555.
, 9-20-23
I'TIINISII ED rooms for light housekeep
ing; no children; close in. 210 Spring.
NICE rooms and home-like board at 130
Ivy. Ivy 4138-J, 9-20-26
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms; hot
and cold baths. 46 Houston street.
FOR RENT- Large, well-furnished front
room, steam heated; eight minutes
walk from i>ost<iffjce; private lavatory;
hot and cold water connecting; electric
light. Phone Ivy 3769-.1.25-20-9
TWO furnished rooms; private bath, elec
tric lights; steam heat; private home;
permanent; young men preferred; would
1 board wife and husband; kitchenette
could be used. 139 East Tenth street.
Ivy 6164. 9-19-47
BEAVTIFUL furnished rooms for gentle
men only, at 20 West Harris street, op
posite Capital City club. 9-19-49
PI'LUAM STREET— 1 have three beau
tiful rooms, front and back porch, hot
and cold bath, telephone and cabinet man
tels; furnished complete for housekeep
ing; vacant September 17; no children.
17_Pulliam _street. 9G.9-51
WANTED -Two gentlemen to occupy
large, nicely furnished room in apart
ment No. 3 148 Forrest avenue. Steam
heat and all conveniences.sß-19-9
FOR RENT —Neat, cozy room, with all
conveniences. Walking distance. At
lanta 4735. 9-19-44
FOR RENT Neat rooms and best home
like cooking at 184 Capitol avenue Good
neighborhood.4B-19 9
FOR RENT - Nice, large front bed room,
in private family; furnace heat, electric
lights Good neighborhood. Spring street,
near North avenue. Phone 6622 Ivy.
FOR RENT -Two front rooms, furnished
for housekeeping. Private family. Ref
erences requited. 240 Capitol avenue.
ONE furnished room with bath. 178 For
rest avenue. 9-19-17
FoR RENT- Two furnished rooms for
housekeeping 106 Auburn avenue
FOR RENT—One nicely furnished room
to lady music teacher. Will take rent
in music lessons. Bell phone 4162 Ivy.
FOR RENT Two rooms, furnished for
light housekeeping 371 Glenn street.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished cool rooms;
hot bath; very close in. 104 Ivy street.
FOR RENT—Three nice rooms for light
housekeeping. Phone Main 435. 27-19-9
For RENT Two nice bed rooms, with
kitchen if desired, for housekeeping, to
parties without children. References ex
changed 72 East Fair. Main 3833-.1.
11 \ N I'S' M ELY furn'shed rooms to gen
tlemen only; every modern convenience;
adjoining bath; walking distance. Ivy
SEE my clean, well furnished
rooms at 19 West Cain street;
hot and cold water; meals next
door, and rates reasonable. Call
lv\ 6778-J 9-18-11
i FURNISHED rooms for rent at 52 West
FOR RENT- Nice. newly furnished
rooms; aiSo light housekeeping apart
ment Close in 151 Spring street.
[Mils. D 11. WHITE. Tate of "Hotel Plaza,
I has taken 11 Cone street; steam-heated
; r "" llIS ‘ * lot baths al any time. 50-17-9
Fl iINISHEit ROOM for rent, with or
without board, for two young busi
ness men or married couple with no chil
dren. Inman Park section. Apply to Mr.
Tat Im . 61 North Forsyth streel. 9-17-26
Ft HI RENT Two coner.cting front rooms
for light housekeeping; close in; rea
son&ble. 18 Woodward avenue. 9-16-37
FoR RENT Thret connecting rooms,
complete for housekeeping; second floor.
i £O2 South I 1- ■ 1 ’ !■-16-40
INMAN PARK Nicely furnished front
room, suitable for couple or two gents:
private family; home comforts. 96 Sin
■ clair_ave 1•.-1 i
' FOR RENT -Two or three rooms, fur
I nished complete tor housekeeping, no
children; refernces. Phone Ivv 3681-.).
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room to
gentlemen or couple; conveniences. 210
Spring street. Ivy 3205-J.94-14-9
FOR RENT—Room with board at 24 West
Baker, for couple or gentlemen. Ivy
1788. 9-14-87
FURNACE-HEATED room for rent at 485
Peachtree street. Cal! after 5 o'clock,
■upstairs. 9-14-70
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished front roorm
all conveniences. 45 Williams street;
third floor. 9-14-8
PRETTY' front room, two and one-half
blocks from Aragon hotel; private fam
ily; all conveniences; gentlemen only.
Bell phone Ivy 3841-J.B-13-32
nished rooms and excellent table board.
121 Capitol square. Main 4839-L. 9-12-32
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
FOR RENT—Two connecting front rooms,
first floor, for light housekeeping, with
use of bath; partly furnished or unfur
nished. Must be seen to be appreciated.
No children. 226 North Boulevard.
FOR RENT—Rooms, furnished or unfur
nished; all conveniences. 49 Terry
street. / 44-20-9
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
TWO large connecting rooms with kitch
enette and private bath; Inman Park.
Call Ivy 2124-J.9-21-25
FOR RENT—To couple without children,
three or four unfurnished rooms, with
all conveniences. 133 Oglethorpe avenue.
West 1136-J.9-21 -19
FOR RENT—Room and kitchenette, with
sink. Phone Ivy 5945-L.26-21-9
FOR RENT—Four rooms, with bath; fuel
provided; S2B a month. Phone Ivy
961-L. 9-20-6
FOR RENT—Two or three large unfur
nished rooms, with dressing room and
den. suitable for business ladies or gen
tlemen. All conveniences. Meals in
neighborhood. 74 East Merritts avenue.
80 EAST PINE —Seven-room cottage: two
baths. 443 Courtland street, corner
Pine. 9-19-26
TWO rooms for rent, $6 a month. 129
Kelly street. 9-19-21
THREE rooms for light house
keeping. Unusually attractive.
Gas connection. Good location.
Extra bargain at $15.00. 208
Rawson street. 28-19-9
FOR RENT—Two connecting rooms and
bath, $7.50. 5 Oglethorpe Court; en-
irance 44 East Cain. 37-19-9
FOR RENT—Four or five unfurnished
rooms; private bath and separate gas;
sink in kitchen; use of Bell phone. 220
Capitol avenue. 36-19-9
FOR RENT—HaIf house for housekeep
ing. Five rooms and bath. 319 North
Jackson street. 33-19-9
FOR RENT- Entire second floor of
dwelling consisting of five rooms with
kitchen and private bath. Electric
lights and furnace heat. Apply 140 Cres
cent avenue or telephone Ivy 5398-L after
3:30 p. m. 9-19-6
FOR RENT—Two unfurnished rooms - at
42 Rosalia street, one block from car
line. 28-17-9
FOR RENT—Three large rooms; water
and electric lights: large back yard and
garden. 12 Trotti street. Kirkwood, Ga.
Housekeeping Rooms For Rent.
LARGE front connecting rooms, fur
nished or unfurnished; private home;
conveniences; private porches. 66 High
land ave Ivy 4809-.1. 9-20-32
THREE connecting first floor rooms: sink
in kitchen. 225 N. Boulevard. 9-20-25
TWO UNFURNISHED rooms for light
housekeeping, with private family, for
rent; all modern conveniences; ten-min
utes' walk from center of city. Call 117
Pulliam street. 30-20-9
FOR RENT—Three unfurnished rooms
for housekeeping; walking distance 40
Alice street, just off Central avenue.
FOR RENT Neat rooms, furnished or
unfurnished, for housekeeping; all con
veniences. 229 Central avenue. 9-10-43
Bachelor Rooms For Rent.
TWO unfurnished rooms; very close In;
at 7 Carnegie "Way; suitable for two
gentlemen. Ivy 902. 46-18.9
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
FOR RENT—Modern north side apart
ment; first and second floors; each seven
large rooms; suitable for couples or
boarders; walking distance. 88 Williams
street, near West Baker. 88-21-9
FOR RENT—In best residence sectiorTof
West End; six-room apartment: large
storage basement. Windows and doors
and rear porch screened. Unfurnished
$35 per month; furnished. S4O per month’
128 Peeples street. Apply to Ralph oi
Cochran & Co. 9-21-40
FOR RE N T—Five - room apartment in the
Corinthian. 136 West Peachtree street.
Apply to Mr. Kelly, Walton street
FOR RENT Beautiful. small, steam
heated kitchenette apartment in the
Saint Bride. Inquire apartment 9, 52 East
Cain, or phone Ivy 428. 9-17-24
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
SEVEN-ROOM bungalow. two apart
ments, one living room, two bed rooms
two dining rooms, two kitchens, two
baths, two front entrances, electricity and
gas, separate gas. two Vulcan heaters, at
tached to hot water tanks, screened doors
and back porch, grand veranda, two
coal houses, two chicken houses and
yards; one block from Decatur car; fine
location; October 1; S4O per month; on
lease t;b September next. 95 Alta ave
Inman Park. 9-19-16
CL' iSE-IN. modern."elghT'room residence"
corner Hunnicutt street. Rent reduced
from S4O to $37.50. Take West Peach-
! r . ee J™ 1 ; V 0 Hu nn’cutt street. Bell phone
>V A <»oo4-.L 9”21 16
NEAR I 1,1 H St HOOL and Luckie street
car line; 203 Plum street; five-room cot
tage, .‘H i. 50. 214 Plum street; two stories
six rooms. $lB per month. Places have
an conveniences Apply 610-611 Peters
building. 9-20 41
’ F()lf RKNT.
‘‘‘l’ H-Six-room cottage; porcelain bath:
lot .10 by 200; tine neighborhood and
pretty location. 420 East Georgia avenue;
A. J. & IL E. WEST.
Phone 1754.
center of town; four rooms; netvlv pa
pered. large hall and front porch on
second floor of a two-familv house. \ll
conveniences. $12.60. Apply Fitzhugh
lel3_< andler building. 9-20-5
37 LARKIN I'ottagt : fi"ve"roomsT's"is7"22
Lust Alexander; apartment: first floor
LLL 47-19-9
D H-ROOM COTTAGE for rent! near
in. Ila Ormond street. 9-19-12
PHONE or write ns f.>r our rent bulletin"?
excellent houses all over the citv at
moderate rates. Turman. Black * Cal
hottn. -03 Empire building 6-29-66
FOR RENT, HOUSES Calk write or
phone for our rent bulletin. Ralph O.
t ochran. ,9 Smith Broad street. 4-1-21
I HE HOI SE you build, buy or
rent will not be n modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
Furnished Houses For Rent
Furnished house or
on north side, by young CaHr nt "anted
Pie; no children: accustomed tn "' a c '’"'
nome M ant modern convlnien ° Wn
sonable rent. Address R R ni o n » es Rea
O. Box 1035. Atlanta E ' Call ®han, p
AIOST attractive—
completely furnished, north rta ngal °’'
of everything; only flrst-class ,®’ de: '"'st
sired; no children. Phone ivy TA™! d «
■ q -18-26
Furnished or Unfurnished Houses
For Rent.
house, near Grant park niann ° nn ’
Bern e en ß t yard garden: o r nO siß.
jj galow. ( Vak S -& B : a
tile bath, garage; shads Im ’ •ETV 9 '
Park,” care Geongian. A nsl *>
J * -16 -!>
Ofifi f. e^P ace For Rent.
I HAVE a room at 71U 7
) St < r - eet «J W J" rent for or bSd r r ° a ' l
A. G. Wood. 71% South Broad stree,""
— —. 50-21-1
Stores For Rent.
An ur ' ,o ' ,la ’e 'merehani'';'
lease the most central and nrndeAn <■
ner store tn Cedartown. Ga asrb a p
pavements and great white wa\ as . r ’ ba , l '
to Dr. E. H. Richardson. Cedartown'‘oa
1 s?n R M NT The best storeroom in Madi
son. Morgan county, Georgia aYa
best location in this hustling rttv- moM
bales of cotton grown in this han±
county last year; and Madison .Amu
the bulk of this business; oveAw^mn 8
M P AtkinsAm renovate<] ' Paul
- . '-lb-31
Stables For Rent.
NICE, large brick
Pnmr 36 M nd 27 C s a i:L agf °' garag '’
Furnished Rooms Wanted.
October 1 in Atlanta is the fall
day. There are hundreds and hundred*. .*
people and families this very day that am
looking for desirable places to rent for ihe
coming season on the first of October
Destrable houses, rooms and apartment*
'either furnished or unfurnished) will rent
quickly and easily If they are seen in the
paper that is the leading "Rent" medium
of the city. "The Georgian Rent Bulletin
has the stamp of being the foremost
Rent medium. By no other wav .-.7
your vacancies be rented easily' than
through The Georgian. The number < ■
. u ent a< ' s * n T be Georgian speak for
themselves. You know for yourself that
if you desired to rent, you would look Ir.
the paper that had the largest list to
choose from. The public feels the same
way. Begin your ad. immediately and
have your vacancies filled before the ilrst
of next month. Either phone it or send
It in.
WANTED Steam-heated furnished
room close to Candler building Please
advise price, location and telephone num
ber. Would want rooms five or six
months if suited. Address M C . P o.
Box 562. Atlanta. 9-21-10
WANTED—By congenial couple, without
children, October 1. one large furnished
room with kitchenette, or two small
rooms. Prefer private family Close in.
Must be reasonable. Address Box 154.
care Georgian. 52-21-10
WANTED—Four furnished rooms for
housekeeping; two bed rooms. Atlanta
phone 316. Main 2069.35-?) 7
WANTED—Large, airy room, with pri
vate .bath: private family preferred
Must be close in. State price. Address
P. O. Box 485. Atlanta. 28-20-9
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
GENTLEMAN wants furnished or un
furnished room and private bath
,North, side. Not a boarding house State
location and terms. B. E. W., <are Geor
gian. 9-19-27
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
MIDDLE-AGED couple, no children, want
three or four unfurnished, rooms, con
veniences. not far out. reasonable rent,
with owner preferred. Ivy 3773. 2!' John
son avenue. '27-21-9
October 1 in Atlanta is the fall moving
day. There are hundreds and hundreds "f
people and families this very day that are
looking for desirable places to rent for the
coming season on the first of October
Desirable houses, rooms and apartments
(either furnished or unfurnished) will rent
quickly and easily if they are seen in the
paper that is Hie leading “Rent" medium
of the city. “The Georgian Rent Bulletin
has the stamp of being the foremost
“Rent” medium. By no other way can
your vacancies be ' rented easily than
through The Georgian. The number ■
“Rent" ads In The Georgian speak f"! -
themselves. You know for yourself 'hat
if you desired to rent, you would look in
the paper that had the largest Ils'
choose from. The public feels the same
way. Begin your ad. immediately and
have your vacancies filled before tb p n rs ;
of next month. Either phone it or -end
it in.
Unfurnished Apartments Wanted.
WANTED—Three or four nice room’
and bath; steam heat and electric lights:
north side preferred. Address E B-.
care Georgian. JE..
(teteber 1 In Atlanta is 'lie '■
day. There are hundreds and hundreds ■
people and families this very da) that art
looking for desirable places to rent f" l '
coming season on the first of 1 'ctoner
Desirable houses, rooms and apartntem
(either furnished or unfurnished) will rem
quickly and easily if they are seen h’ •
paper that Is the leading "Rent" "tedi"" l ,
of the city. "The Georgian Rent B"ll p n n
has the stamp of being the f" ie,l '77
“Rent" medium. By no other wai
your vacancies be rented easily
through The Georgian. The nuntbe' ;
"Rent" ads in The Georgian speak,,
themselves. You know for yourselt 'a
if you desired to rent, you would m" l ' .
the paper that had the largest im a
choose from. The public feels the mH ,
way. Begin your ad. Immediate!.' >
have your vacancies filled before i p R
of next month. Either phone it or ”
it in.
Furnished Houses Wanted
October 1 In Atlanta is the fall m ’‘7. ,, 1 ’ g
day. There are hundreds and '’ un .s7, 7 .-e
people and families this very da) i •
looking for desirable places to reti 77.iier
coming season on the first of 1 ..J
Desirable houses, rooms and apat (
'either furnished or unfurnished' " . p
quickly and easily if they are seen .
paper that 1« the leading "Rent
of the city. “The Georgian Rent B i-w■
has the stamp of being the *'7 'i
"Rent” medium. By no other na.
your vacancies be rented ea.-n.'
through The Georgian. The nun" 1 f r
"Rent" ads In Tlie Georgia" ’l'. n
if you desired to rent, you W"'t ' ■ r
if yon desired to rent, you weald i' ’
the paper that bad the larges
choose from. The public feel- I"'
way. Begin your ad. in" len' t'c'
have your vacancies filled befoi ' 1,1
of next month. Either phone It or
it in.