Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, September 23, 1912, HOME, Page 15, Image 15

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. —■ ~ ' »c —.....r- THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN, r bii'hed by The Georgian Company. 20 East Alabama Street, Atlanta. Ga Entered at Atlanta postoffice as second elass matter, subscriptions Payable in Advance r , , . rear. mail, postage prepaid. $5.00 s months, mail, postage prepaid. 2.50 ce months, mail, postage prepaid. 1.25 .. p month, mail, postage prepaid. .45 —Subscriptions Payable In Advance <•, erod bv carrier, qne year $5.20 r vered by carrier, six months ... 260 r .ci cd by carrier, three months.. 1.30 r, ? yPr ed by carrier, one month . .. .45 r,,-cored bv carrier in Atlanta and other cities, one week 10c Want Ad Rates and Rules in The Atlanta Georgian One cent a word each Insertion. \'o ad taken tor less than the price of ten words. Ads in larger type. 12c a line <4 words to the Jir.e). Out-of-town advert! sements must be accompanied with cash, tgencies' discounts 10 and 5 per cent. "h; Georgian will not be respon sible for more than -one Incorrect Insertion of any ad ordered more than One time Closing Hours: To secure prop er classification, ads must be m The Georgian office before 1 o’clock the day of the issue. All ads must be ordered out In writing or at office No discon tinuance notice taken ovor phone. 6 Every word in the advertisement. Including tho name and address, is counted. Each initial counts one word: compound words are counted as two words. Telenhone. your Want Ads to The Georgian (both phones 80001 when it 1.-, more convenient to do so, and collection will be made at your borne or at your office the follow ing day This Is an accommoda tion service rendered Georgian Want Ad patrons and payment should always be promptly made , nroscntatlon of bill. Always ask that your telephone ad be re peated hack to you by the ad taker to mak“ sure that ft has been taken correctly. The Georgian can no: guarantee accuracy or assume responsibility for errors of any kind occurring In telephone advertise ments ADVERTISERS should retain re ccipts given in payment for Want Ads over the office counter, a‘s mis takes can not be rectified without. >hem in answering advertise ments addressed in bare of The Georgian, if the advertiser requires eferences, send a duplicate of same. Help Wanted—Female. WANTED—Good cook; room on lot. 123 Pulliam street.' 58-23-9 " A.Vl'El)—Girl for light housework: good 'i Hast* street. 9-23-32 WAN TED Colored dining room - '"girl: mttsi also assist with housework tn a bearding house. City references required, i:.' East North avenue. 9-23-17 HIIS T-(’I, A SS < ’6ofc~sei ' WesT'Reach - !<.■ si rec I, 9-23-18 " I CD A nice. refined, educated to take full charge of home of vi.wh,' lamily. Apply at once at office of 1 '■ V 9-23-20 wANiI !■ i n o ivl ,: r. contest n ; logt-r. Apply box 996. Jacksonville, - . 51-23-9 V. \NTIili A good and reliable eook; ig< < 1 15 s. Pryijrst. £7-23-8 " '.N i iili a wash woman lo do work on die lot. Apply 000 Piedmont avenue. -23-14 '> I ill' -Washerwoman for children's ■■l-■’i:- s.Phone Ivy 5156-. J. 9-23-4 " l.'.’iED Good servant to stay with iiikc childt en, by widower. Good pay i" : g.u party. Call at 69 Connallv. 34-23-9 1 Irst.-class lady stenographer -ii'i office assistant for legal depart -1,1 i large company: one having ex " .. c in stenographic work of legal preferred. Permanent position ar. -.dart commensurate with ability aiv experience. Reply by letter, stating ' me. Address Box'3B. care Geor ’9-21-18 • ' ST ENOGRA PH EltS wanted at once, -aiar.i SIOO per month. Must be quick. S'. :rai. and give brief details. No let ters wni be opened. Write brief, with F 'r< i:o--. ' n postcard only, giving ad- Callahan Sales System. P. O. Box , Atlanta. 9-21-7 ' El' Good cook. Must he clean. . erst ,-iass and honest. Room on prem “ week. Call 801 l phone East "'l7. p-21 -9 'I'HE.'. I'Eli- To read proof on tabu matter. Apply Piedmont Printing '•t.). 127 Centra! gvenue, Atlanta. v 'i J ' A I'iok for small funiilt. Ap . ’ V Ab Myrth- st, 9-20-38 '' 1 El' A cook, reliable, settled worn- , Apply a; cnee. 28 Washita ave.. an Park. 9-20-24 ‘ '.'l \N •" cook and do general house -1 mjist room on lot, also washer 1121J : West -Sixteenth street. 9-18-19 Kelp Wanted—Male. I< i young- men to press shirts. Kobinson Shirt Company. 195 E2 Marietta street. 9-23-9 "-LY I |-.D—Energetic white man; must i. ’ «<"•<! hand. Troy Laundry. 210 ji street 43-23-9 1 I’—\ male stenographer experi in legal work. John A. Bo\kin, Atlanta National Bank Bldg. -23-21 ’••LSS FINISHERS—SeveraI good out of town job. Steady work cricns. (’all at K Walton street ’ H S Willi ngha ni ' '22 I* Temporarily? experienced repair man. 62 Peachtree. -- --.... 9-23-25 1 !• AT ONCE Mattress finishers. ■i’i come, wire us; best.of wages; '"’•k. no labor troubles of any 'R’les Mattress Company, Little rt- ■ -I -'--3-28 I’ Six first-class locomotive v ''' r ’ takers; must be steady and sober* ’ cn C an report for duty. B«»iler -r Hox 490, care Georgian. 9-23-29 ' Five college fellows who have Istr. ir, lge of botany and some chem "ui of door work. The applicants ■I.- in person bringing w<th them a* to character, etc No bluff ! ‘l'pl.v. 817 Austell BLIg.. Atlanta, vs-, 9.-.23-1.2 I' Office boy, 15 years old. Ap- Lee street. 9-23-11 ■ I’ Buller who understands S on dining table 241 West T- H Z__ 41-23-9 T K 1) 'l'horoughly ' ’inpetent stenographer. ■ ' llent op(ning and per position for young of ability and good ;il ■l'-ioi’. Box SOI. (’an* byigian. 48-21-9 1 Men to learn the barber trade, weeka completes. Tools given i n lijJe learning. You can join us 'durance you will succeed. We •'cived praise from thousands for ■ ■ ‘oum Im esUga■ e now. arber ’’ollegp. 38 Luckie street 34-21-9 I' ideas Inventors write for list f nti<>n<? n anted and prizes- offered - J f®< *urers Also, how to get vour //m* frpF to anv address Kar- ■ br roe. patent attorneys, L C. 7-11-23 Help Wanted—Male. "ANTED—For U. S. armv. able-bodied 3k” n .?t^ r ed n l p 7, bTlwcen ages of 18 and nhk “ it ’ zens oT 1 nited States, of good 3Deak Ct rL a i nd l ® m P e r at « habits. wh« B can v d ant ! wrl,e ,he English lan- Forsvth S?d s v rs & h c„nT’ Atian,a - ° r 411 c 9 he 4 rr 2 ? WANTED -AT (INCH R ET A I L CLOTHING AX D FUR X IS HI X G GOODS SA LES MAX. WRITE. GIVING RE FER ENC ES. FO RMEIG EX PE RIEXCE. ETC.; ALSO SALARY EXPECTED. R M. GREENE, OPELIKA. , ALA. • 9-20-22 I wanted Appiv A. C Cole, Southern Freight Depot. 9-17-36 rn . en to ’earn - phamuT cy this fall. Demand for our graduates exceeds supply. Next session begins Oc tober 1. Southern College of Pharmacy, 81 Luckie streeE Atlanta. Ga 8-11 ST OP at Hilburn hotel, heart of city. 104 A alton street, if you want a clean, quiet room; transient 50c Open all night ’ 3-21-19 YES. Professor G. O. Branning will teach you the barber trade (it’s easv) We teach in one-half time of other colleges. »on urs ?e..? nd P ositi on in our shops only P a y more7 Thousands of out graduates running shops or making good wages Atlanta Barber College, 10 East Mitehell street. 5-11-17 FREI-. MASSAGE, hail cuts, shaves, shampoos. Al! barber work free Clean linen. Atlanta Barber College, 10 East Mitchell. 5-27- 6 MAIL CAItHIERS, postoffice clerks wanD ed: SBO month; Atlanta examinations November 6; free coaching Franklin In stitute, Dept. 49-S, Rochester, N. Y. 52-9-9 V\ AN'I ED—Bright, strong boys to deliver routes in afternoons. Good wages and chance for promotion, tall at circulation depart ment Tlie Atlanta Georgian, 20 East Alabama street.’ Agents Wanted. AGENTS WANTED—Men. boys and girls to sell household specialties. Big wages. M rile for particulars. The B. O. Crich low Novelty Company, St. Augustine, Fla. WANTED—Reliable agents for something new in railroad excursion work; free trips and good commission: experience not necessary, but must be able to fur nish first-class reference. Address P. I’., Box 1624, Atlanta. Ga. 9-21-23 Salesmen Wanted? \\ ANTED—Ten high-grade piano salesmen with ex perience. The W. W. Kim i>ail Go., Chicago, will open | a branch store here October 1. Splendid opportunity i for promotion. Apply H. R. Oalef, Georgian Terrace i Hotel. 9-21-a SALESMEN and collectors wanted to work in city ; experience not necessary. Singer Sewing Machine Company, 79 Whitehall street. 9-11-4 Teachers Wanted. NOTICE, TEACHERS! Wanted- Teach er for sixth grade Kirkwood school. Application and references must be in hands of boa-rd of education by Friday. September 27. P. S. Dunlop, secretary. Kirkwood. Ga 9-21-42 Situations Wanted—Female. WA NTED--—Table linen, window curtains and blankets to do at home. Phone Ivy 1787. 45-23-9 A RESPECTABLE colored woman wants position as cook in small family; good reference. Address G. W. Williams, 383 Ri<:hards<>n st., City. 52-23-9 YOI.’NG WOMAN of refinement and discretion desires position as compan ion for elderly lady. Have business abil ity and could he useful as amanuensis. I Address Efficient, Box 48, care Georgian. | 35-23 9. i\\ ANTED F'osition by experienced, ca pable stenographer. Call Ivy 6706-. I I 58-21-9 Needle Work. LESSONS in needlework to children Tues dav and Saturday afternoons; $1 per moilth. Orders taken for all kinds of handiwork. Samples shown. Mrs. Ole sen. 39 Angier avenue. Ivy 1820-.1. 31-20-9 EMBROiDERY”, designing. fine sewing and darning. 13 Baltimore place. Ivy 5968. 8-28-8 Situations Wanted—Male. WANTED -Position as bookkeeper and stenographer by young man. ten years experience. Address Ambition, care Georgian.• 44-23r9 WANTED By colored man. position as porter for store or as janitor, elevator ruan or driver for either delivery, pri vate family. Can furnish references. Address <’. H . care Georgian. 39-23-9 CAPABLE MAN with more than twenty years experience in trade journal work ! desires to form connection with progress ive publication. Satisfactory references. Address Box "91. care Georgian. 32-23-9 MAN with many years experience in of fice work, business correspondence, etc., desires position with good manufacturing corporation or business firm, requiring energy, ability and. loyalty to employer’s i Interests. Satisfactory references. Ad dress Box !:09. care Georgian.3l-23 9 ARCHITECT!’ RAIL DRAWINGS neatly traced. ' <’ Brown, 1425 Iverson st., city,26-23-9 WANTED Position as foreman on form building; twelve years experience: good references if desired. Address Box 931. care WANTED POSITION Bt Y'OfJNG MAN. EIGHTEEN YEARS OLD WILLING TO DO ANY HONORABLE WORK CLERICAL POSITION PRE FERRED ADDRESS O . BOX 500. CARE GEORGIAN. 105-21-9 EXPERIENCED farmer, trucker, stock, poultry and dairyman, would work shares, or rent Ten live wire workers. A .1. Williams'. Thomasville, Ga. 32-21-9 i'OMPiiTEN r young colored man wants work 220-A East Merritts avenue. 9-21-12 POSITION WANTED S> steady and re liable soda dispenser of five years ex perience. '’all Main 3817-J and ask for ('.i inpbell 37-20-9 EXPERIENCED colored chMineur wants position at once in private family; with three years’ experience, and willing to do all repair work 317 N. Butter si 51-20-9 WANTED By colored man. position as cook; fifteen years experience Address Cook, rear 90 Houston street. Atlanta. 39-20-9 VP >l.l NIST; all-round, experienced pr<>- essional. desires position; thoroughly reliable. Phipps. 92 Simpson street. 34-20-9 I WANTED Ry a Swede, position as jani- I tor or work in private place; expe- I riSm e l gardenet '.ddress Benson. 23 i < >nne street Referents 27-20-9 I P' iSITIC'N"WANTED as assistant in re tail drug house Soda ami front store | work Can give any reference- Address j Box 14. Madison, Ela. , 55-19-9 READ FOR profit-GEORGIAN WANT ADS-use FOR results Situations Wanted—Male. " ANTED—Position by young man (Ger man! to work, around house; willing to do any kind of honest work. Address Box -44, care Georgian. 46-17-9 " ANTED—-Position as chauffeur; base three years experience; c»n furnish bWt of references Address Alien McLeod. 151 opring street. 31-16-9 Situations Wanted—Maie and Female. REFINED young couple, no children, wishes home and care of elderly couple. Box nl6, care Georgian. 32-20 9 • * Job Work. WE CAN SAVE you money' on repair work, shelving, tables and counters We make them to ordeg. Roof repairing, brick work, wall tinting, painting and plaster ing. 6214 South.Forsyth street. Bell 1187, Atlanta. 6087-M. Boarders Wanted. T" O young men can get pice room and board in private family; north side; tvy 3182-J. #-23-33; NICELY' furnished front room with - board ' and all conveniences, close in, at 102 Washington street Main 840-J 9-23-31 ROOM and board for a couple nr two business ladies; references exchanged Main 4044-.! 50-23-9 EXCELLENT ROOM and board In mod ern home. Best part Inman Park. Gen tiemen or couples. No children. Ivv ROOMS and first-class board; reasonable rates; private home 256 Capitol ave nue. Main 2031-L. 9-21-39 69 LI CKII-; STREET—Good board, steam heat; reasonable; for business women. UNEXCELLED ROOMS. table board; good location and surroundings; run ning water in room's; reasonable; fur nace heat. 32 East North avenue. Ivv 055 - J)-213 ■Jewish Board. FIRST-CL<ASS JEWISH board at reason able rates. 110 Capitol avenue 9-6-11 76 WEST PEACHTREE—Nice rooms and board; private family; all conveniences: Phone 1vy_1727 9-20-20 LARGE ROOMS, up or downstairs, with board. 119 Washington street. 9-20-21 FIRST-CLASS' TA'BLE boa7d - at~l6 - PoK ter place. Just off Peachtree. Ivv 6705. -19-39 TRY BOARD at 308 South Pryor street References. Main 2456-L. 9-19-10 ROOMS and first-class board: also - taMe board. 29 E Harris, ivy 3741-L 4 9-18-31 TWtt-lovely connecting rooms and board in home with refined couple; no other boarders; north side. Phone Ivy 1762-L. 9-18-28 245 SOUTH PRYOR can accommodate a few boarders and roomers; with con- -18-15 Jost Off Peachtree 21 EAST CAIN STREET; clean, riewlv furnished rooms, with good board. A. M. Filter. 9-17-32 HOMi; COOKING: private home; a~few’ boarders. Main -16-25 ROOM and board for eOuple or gentle man; also roommate for young gentle tUjn. 442 Peachtree st. Ivy 4562 -16-34 Board Wanted. COUPLE "f quiet young men desire close in board or room near where can get good meals. State terms and loca tion fully in rel>ly. E. D J., care Geor gian.- , , 42-23-9 HOW MANY desirable boarders know that ynu have a vacancy/at your table? There are hundreds this very day looking for nice, home-like boarding places. Reach them with an ad in the "Boarders \Vanted" column of The Georgian. October 1 in Atlanta .c the fall "moving day. There are hifttdreds and hundreds of people and families this very day that are looking for desirable places to rent for the coming season on the first of October. Desirable houses, rooms and apartments ieither furnished or unfurnished, will rent quickly and easily if they are seen in the paper that is the leadnig “Rent" medium of the city. "The Georgian Reijt Bulletin” has the stamp of being the foremost "Rent" medium. By no other way can your vacancies be rented easily than through The Georgian. The number c. ’’Rent" ads in The Georgian Speak for themselves. Y'ou know for yourself that If you desired to rent, you would look In the paper that had tjte largest list to choose from. The public feels the same way. Begin your ad. immediately and have your vacancies filled before the first of next month. Either phone it or send it in Lost and Found. L< 1ST —Sunday night, in horse cab No. 118, ladies' black leather handbag: re turn to 1233 Candler Bldg ; $5 reward. 9-23-24 LOST Liberal reward for information about or return of canary and cage, taken from 75 East Merritts, Sunday evening. No questions asked. Phone Ivy 2089.9-23-3 LOST—One solid white female bulldog, two years old; ears and tail dipped Cab Main_2467-J. 28-21-9 LOST—Male collie dog. Answers to name of Dan. Sable and white. Tips of feet and tip of tail white. Strayed from 30 Ashby street. Return and get reward. W M. Stephenson 41-20-9 LOST —Scotch collie dog; red and white markings. Notify F. B. Knapp, 125 Mil ledge avenue. Atlanta phone 4473. Re ward. ,' 33-20-9 Personal. PHOTOGRAPHS and photographic work; let me direct you to the best and at the same time save half on the price. W. M Bricken. 20 East Alabama st , Citv. .9-18-24 FLY’ SCREENS. FLY SCREENS. FLY SCREENS- Wood fly screens, metal fly screens, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds, metal weather strips furnished anywhere in the South. Write or phone W. R. Cal laway. manager. 1403 Fourth National Bank building. Atlanta. Ga. Main 5310. SERIOUS RESULTS come from trusses improperly fitted John B. Daniel, at 34 Wall street, has an expert fitter and it will cost; you no more to have him fit you. and it means insurance. 6-24-19 MATERNITY SANITARIUM Private' refined, homelike; limited number of pa tients cared for; home provided for in fants: infants for adoption. Mrs. M T Mitehell, 26 Windsor street 6-22-12 MISSES’ special school suits chic long coat; costume work Arnone. 34544 Peachtree street Ivy 5891 9-10-37 Palmistry. MISS BECK, WORLD-FAMED INDIAN PALMIST. A GIFTED Wo.M ' N LO- V Vi’lT’ 76 I'IAST HUNTER ST 9-23-15 GYPSY CAMP. CLAIRVOYANT AND PALMIST; RE VEALS PAST, PRESENT AND FU TURE CONSULT ON ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE 138 WHITEHALL STREET. 9-16-13 PROF. LAVOUX, SPIRITUAL MEDIUM AND CLAIRVOYANT, 74 Walton St. Office Hours, 9 a m . 9 p. m Sunday, 10 to 4. Ladles Maid in attendance 8-6-7 PALM IST A N1) LL F E READER. REVEALS PAST, present and future. Can be consulted on all affairs of life. Readings ?sc, 50c 17 East Mitchell street (in tpr.ti GYPSY QUEEN. •IS NOW bOCATED in tent, corner For ?yth and Luckie; bp *or suit on a’l affair c of Hfr r harg\_3 moderate .Satisfaction guaranteed. 6-2£-13 i Dancing Lessons. DANCING LESSONS - Adults and ladies special rates. Atlanta phone 2738. , 9-20-27 -T- —— Dropsy. DROPSY CURED—Relieves shortness of breath in 36 to 48 hours. Reduces swell ing in fifteen to twenty* days. Write for particulars. Collom Dropsy Remedy Com- i pany, 512 Austell building, Atlanta 6-25-11 Medical. DR. EDMONDSON’S Tansy. Pennyroyal and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re liable treatment for painful and sup pressed menstruation, irregularities and similar obstructions. Trial box by mail, 50c Frank Edmondson Bro . manufac turing chemists, 11 North Brpad street, Atlanta. . 2-17-14 Fire-Proof Storage. WE STORE HOUSEHOLD goods and pianos. Office and warehouse. 239-241 Edgewood avenue. Ivy 2037. John J. AVood-side Storage Company. = r— ■■■„. Stove > and Range Repairing. DAX. FIXER™ STOVES AND REFRIGERATOR RE PAIRING. We sell secondhand gas stoves. We sweep chimneys. 121 WHITEHALL STREET. Atlanta PJtone 2235. Bell Phone Main<639 -1-7 Monuments and Stone Work. ATLANTA GRANITE COMPANY. ALL KINDS stone work. 17-19 Fraser street. Phone A lain 3540. Sewing Machines. WE RENT new machines with complete set of attachments for $2 per month; also machines repaired; prompt delivery Both phones 1893 Singer Sewing Ma chine Company, 79 Whitehall. 9-14-44 Trunks, Bags and Suitcases. RETAILED AND REPAIRED ROUNTREE’S " PHONES: Bell Main 1576. Atlanta 1654. Automobiles. LARGE FRESH LOT AUTO TIRES AND TUBES JUST RECEIVED—2B bv 3 $7.90. 30 by 3 $8.90. 32 bv .’1 $8.50. 30 bv 314 $11.90, 32 by 3% $12.90, 34 bv 3>.» $13.90, 32 by 4 $17.90. 33 bv 4 $lB 90. 34 bv 4 519.90._35 by 4 $19.90. 36 hy F 519.90. 37 by $27,90. Al! makes, red.and gray, stand ard tubes, at bargain prices Brand new McPherson Auto Tire Companv, Atlanta. 40 H. P. UPASSENGER AUTOMOBILE JI ST put in tine condition will be sold at a bargain. Xew top and seat covers. Splendid appearance. Pulls Howell Mill road hill or any other on "the high ’’ Two extra 36-inch tires, tubes and rims. Address or in quire for ,Auto. Box 300. care Georgian. ■ • 9-21-26 FOR SALE Four-cylinder five-pasSenge|- car, in good condition; for quick sale, $295. Atlanta phone 1887. 9-20-39 WILL EXCHANGE Atlanta real estate for late model automobile; prefer Hud son, Oakland or Overland. Call Main 318-. I 9-20-4 NEW BRUSH; never used; to exchange ! for lot: and 25-horsepower Maxwell, fine condition, for cash, cheap. Owner. Box 350. ' are Georgian. 9-16-36 Business Opportunities. FOR SALE—Fruit and cold drink stand, doing good business: well lecated; cheap rent, with living apartments. Inguire at 356 Marieita street. 5 29-23-9 A b\r<;ain Well established general merchandise business in good town; owner wants to retire. Address P O. Box 73, GleonvHle, Ga. 9-20-34 Money To Loan. WANTED—To buy three or four lots purchase money monthly notes. Second mortgage. Ivy’ 3339. 46 Auburn avenue. LOANS made on real estate. Purchase money notes bought and sold. F. M Loveless. 1321 Candler building. S-17-10 MiJNkV FOR SALARfED PEOPLE AND OTHERS, upon their own names*, cheap rates, easy payments. . Confiden tial. D H Tolman. 524 Austell building MONEY ON HAND for immediate loans on property in or near Atlanta J, E. Van valkenburg. 501 Equitable building 6-6-22 IVEYMAN & CONNORS. ESTABLISHED 1890. Mortgages on Real Estate 4-1-3 SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO* LEND, anv amount: 6 per cent. Write or call. S. W. Carson, 24 South Broad street. 4-1-17 FARM LOANS placed in any amount on improved farm lands in Georgia. The Southern Mortgage Company, Gould build ifig 7-13-1 THE PRUDENTIAL LN SURANCE CO. of Ameri ca can make you a loan on Atlanta improved property, through their loan corre spondents, Turman. Black & Calhoun, 203-8 Empire Building. 6-7-12-1 WE Have plenty of money, to lend at lowest rates on Atlanta and nearby property, either for straight or monthly payment plan. Also for purchasing pur chase money notes. Foster & Robson. 11 Edgewood Ave. JEWELERS AND BROKERS riTtas / r-T »ldc. MONEY -UC lo t 2n - SHONE MAIN lit Y STRICTLY PRIVATE VVit limit I mhii’semi’iil Without Collateral Security Without Real Estate Securities Monev loaned at LAWFUL RATES. NATIONAL DIS COUNT CO.. 301-2 Fourth Nation al Bank Building. “The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin” Do Your Renting Through This Bulletin. « It contains a complete list each issue of every desirable place that is For Rent In the city and suburbs no mat ter yvhere it is or whether it is furnished or unfurnished They are all here below. For the benefit and convenience of its patrons The Georgian employs a special man to search the city and sur roundings each day for desirable places This bulletin will save you time, money and worry It is for your convenience, so take advantage of it Furnished Rooms For Rent. COMPLETELY' furnished housekeeping rooms. $2.75 up weekly 31 Hood street, near Whitehall. Main 2758-.1.9-23-19 FOR RENT Three or more rooms, com plete for housekeeping. Address Box 413, care yJeorgian. 49-23-9 ONE very large furnished room; large closet, two windows; hot and cold water, gas and electric lights; in com fortable hone on north side, also one single room 9-23-23 NICE front room, furnished or unfur __nished. Main 1228-.J.9-23-39 ELEGANT furnished front room with large porch, in modern apartment, for one or two gentlemen or ladies; three blocks of Candler Building 45 Williams street, firsi floor 53-23-9 58 EAST ELLIS STREET—one large and one small furnished room Ivy 2403-J. • 9-23-12 NICE front room, with or without meals. _lo2_ly y_s t reet. 9-23-13 FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms for housekeping: close In. 242 Central avenue Also two rooms at 138 Pul liam street.>9 23-6 FOR R ENT —Newly furnished steam heated room; private family: third floor. 1-t-B West Baker street. Ivy 5895. 9-23-7 FOR llEN'l’ Nicely furnished room for gentleman, convenient to bath; on north side, in private family Phone Ivy 51(19. 37-23-9 FURNISHED large comfortable room for two young men Ivy 1576-L. 30-23-9 TWO nice roms for light housekeeping; close in; party with children need not apply. 117 horniwalt street. Main 4752-J 9-23-2 FOR ’ENT—One large and one small room, suitable for light housekeeping, tn private home in Hapeville, or will take desirable couple to board. Call East Point 378-.1, or write P. O. Box 754, Hape vllle ,_G sl. 27-23-9 NICELY furnished front room, reason able. private family. 127 West Cain j 28-23j_9 FOR RENT Two or three elegantly fur nished front rooufe, complete for house keeping; private entrance; sink in kitch en; hot bath; Bell phone; Attest location to parties, without children 290 VVash ington street. 9-21-59 FOR RENTFurnished rooms, neat and clean 28 West Peachtree place. 9-21-63 FOR RENT - Newly furnished front room, dressing room connecting; conven iences;; private family; references Ivy 2506-J. 9,-21-ffl Ft >R RENT Two nicely furnished rooms tor gentlemen Wn home of coupla, one block Georgian Terrace. $lO month. Ivy 5145._ 86-21-9 FOR RENT Two newly furnished con necting rooms for two or three gentle men; steam heat and every convenience. Apartment 5 and 6, 61 East Cain street. lvy_ 3137.9-21-47 FOR RENT Furnished rooms, suitable for housekeeping Atlanta 5892-M. 42 Auburn avenue. 9-21-46 FOR RENT A pretty front room, fur nished, on Park avenue, to a business woman; in private family; no children FOR RENT -Two furnished rooms for housekeeping, in private home. Phone Main 3453-J.9-21-21 TO business couple, nicely furnished front room 280‘,2 Houston street 9-21-12 i’oi ple only; two first floor rooms; clos- I ets. private bath; furnished for light housekeeping; owner's home; close in on north_sfde. Ivy 2078-L. 49-20-9 ' V.ERY desirable rooms for business I ladies; all conveniences; with or with out ineals. M. 4020.9-20-36 ONE upstairs front room; all conven iences at 117 W. Baker st. Atlanta 4555. -20-23 FURNISH El > l ooms for light housekeep ing: no children, close in. 210 Spring 1vy_3205- : ). 46-20-9 NK'l.: rooms and home-like board at 130 Ivy. Ivy 4138-. L #?-:?> ■?« FOR RENT- Nicely furnished rooms; hot and cold baths. 46 Houston street. 9-20^ 2 FOR RENT—Large, well-furnished front room, steam heated; eight minutes walk from postoffice; private lavatory; hot and cold water connecting; electric llgln. Phone Ivy 3769-J.25-20-9 BEA I ’l l I- I I. furnished rooms lor gentle men only, at 20 West Harris street, op posite Capital City club. 9-19-49 FOR RENT—Two front rooms, furnished for housekeeping Private family.’ Ref erences required. 240 Capitol avenue 9-19-38 FOR RENT —Two rooms, furnished for light housekeeping 371 Glenn street. -19 14 FOR RENT -Nicely furnished cool rooms; hot bath; very close in. 104 ivy street. 9-14-91 HANL’SOM ELY furnished rooms to gen tlemen only: every modern convenience; adjoining bath; walking distance Ivy 4972 9-18-36 SEE rny clean, well furnished rooms at 19 West Cain street; hot and cold water; meals next door, and rates reasonable. Call Ivy 6778-J.9-18-11 FOR RENT—-Nice, newly furnished rooms; also light housekeeping apart ment. Close in. 151 Spring street. -17-28 MRS. D. H. WHITE, late of Hotel Plaza, has taken 11 Cone street; steam-heated rooms, hot baths at any time 50-17-9 FURNISHED ROOM for rent, with or without board, for two young busi ness men or married couple with no chil dren. Ininan Park section. Apply to Mr. Taylor. 61 North Forsyth street 9-17-26 FOR RENT Two conencting front rooms for light housekeeping, close in. rea sonable. 18 Woodward avenue. 9-16-37 FOR RENT Three' connecting rooms, complete foi* housekeeping; second floor. 202 South -16-40 INMAN PARK Nicely furnished front room, suitable for couple or two gents; private family; home comforts. 96 Sin clair ave FOR RENT Two or three •‘rooms, fur nlshed complete for housekeeping; no children; refernces Phone Ivy 3681 -J. -16-15 PRETTY front room, two and one-half blocks from Aragon hotel; private fam ily; all conveniences; gentlemen only. Bell phone hy 3841-J 8 13-32 OPPOSITE THE CAPITOL Nicely fur“ nlshed rooms and excellent table board 121 Capitol square Main 4839-L. 9-12-32 Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms For Rent. FOR KENT RtKirnH, furnished oj unfur nished, all conveniences Terry o 20 Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms Wanted. GENTLEMAN wants furnished <ll un furnished room and private bath. North side. Not a boarding house Slate location and terms B K. AV., care Geor gian. 9-19-27 Unfurnished Rooms For Rent TWO large connecting rooms. per month 334 Fraser street. References. ■ ’ 55 ■ J 3 ■ FoR RENT- Three-room; gas ' I*l Luckie st 4S-23-!’ [N PRI \ ATE HO5l E. "l 7 iwo or three connecting room? all con venience? nice residence street; no car . no children. $-27-27 F<»l|; mnne< ting rc-wts; prhate ~en~- Pr.n. , bath, sink, conveniently located. Ivj 5634 .1. ✓ 9-21-54 Unfurnished Rooms For Rent. FOR RENT To couple without children, three or four unfurnished rooms, with all conveniences 133 Oglethorpe avenue. West 1136-J.9-21 -19 Fviß RENT—Room and kitchenette, with sink. Phone Ivy 5945-L.26-21-9 F*OR RENT—Four rooms, with bath; fuel provided; S2B a month. Phone Ivy 961-L9-20-6 FOR RENT—Two or three large unfur nished rooms, with dressing room and den. suitable for business ladies or gen tlemen. All conveniences Meals in neighborhood. 74 East Merritts avenue. 3-20U FOR RENT Haif house for housekeep ing. Five rooms and bath. 319 North Jykson street. 33 19-9 FOR RENT -Two unfurnished rooms at 42 Rosalia street, one block from car line. 28 17-9 Housekeeping Rooms For Rent. LARGE front connecting rooms,, fur nished or unfurnished; private home; conveniences; private porches. 66*Hlgh lajul ave. Ivy 4809-.L9-20-31* THREE connecting first floor rooms; sink in kitchen. 225 N Boulevard. 9-20-25 TWO UNFURNISHED rooms for light ■ housekeeping, with private family, for rent; all modern conveniences; ten min utes’ walk from center of city Call 117 Pulliam street.3o-20-9 FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms for housekeeping; walking distance. 40 Alice street, just off Central avenue. ■49-19-9 FOR RENT—Neat rooms, furnished or unfurnished, f housekeeping; all con veniences. 229 Centra! avenue. 9-10-43 Bachelor Rooms For Rent. TWO unfurnished rooms; very close in; at 7 Carnegie Way; suitable for two gentlemen. Ivy 902. 46-18-9 Furnished or Unfurnished Apart mer.ts For Rent. FOR RENT —ln best residence section of West End; six-room apartment; large storage basement. Windows and doors and rear porch screened. UnWrnished, $35 per month; furnished. S4O per month. 128 Peeples street. Apply* to Ralph O Cochran & Co. 9-21-40 Unfurnished Apartments For Rent FOR RENT-Five-room apartment in the Corinthian. 136 West Peachtree street. Apply to Mr. Kelly, 2% Walton street -18-6 FOR RENT—Beautiful, smalf steam- heated kitchenette apartment in the Saint Bride. Inquire apartment 9, 52 East Caln, or phone Ivy 428. 9-17-24 Unfurnished Houses For Rent. FOR RENT- S3O, 6-room cottage. 447 Courtland street; In splendid repair; north side. 824 Atlanta National Bank Bldg. Main 2683. 46-23-9 CL( >SE-IN, m odern, eight-room resD dence, corner lot. 303 Spring st . corner Hunnicdtt street; rent reduced from S4O to $37.50; take West Peachtree car to Hunnicutt street. Bell phone Ivy 3834-. I "Tor-rent? ~ NICE six-room cottage; porcelain bath; lot 50 by 200; fine neighborhood and location. 420 East Georgia avenue; A. J. & H. F. WEST. Phone 1754. -20-11 118 WEST ALEXANDER STREET, near center of town; four rooms; newlv pa pered: largo hall and front porch, on second floor of a two-family house. All conveniences $12.60. Apply Fitzhugh I S*U? X " <’andler building 9-20-5 F'iVE-I’JXiM ('CTTAGE for rent;' 'neaF in. 145 Ormond street. 9-19-12 FOR RENT, HOUSES—CaII, write phone for our rent bulletin Ralph O. Cochran, 19 South Broad :,treet. 4-1-21 THE HOUSE you build, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for electricity. Furnished Houses For Rent. MOST attractive six-room bungalow, completely furnished, north side; best of everything; only first-class tenants de sired; no children Phone Ivy 1762-L. 9-18-26 Furnished or Unfurnished Houses For Rent. FURNISHED or unfurnished six-room house, near Grant park; piano, large chicken yard and garden; slo or $lB. 167 Berne st.4B-20-9 LEASE OR SALE—Beautiful new bun galow, oak floors, screened, furnace, tile bath, garage; shady lot. “Ansley Park.” care Georgian. 27-16-9 Furnished Rooms Wanted. WANTED One. two or three rooms, fur nished for light housekeeping, in quiet locality gas, electric lights, bath, clos ets and heat desired Full particulars or no attention paid. Address Box 857. care Georgian. 38-23-9 October 1 in Atlanta is the fall moving day There are hundreds and hundreds of people and families this very day that are looking for desirable places to rent for the coming season on the first of October. Desirable houses, rooms and apartments (either furnished or unfurnished> will rent quickly and easily if they are seen in tlig paper that is the leading "Rent" medium of the city "The Georgian Rent Bulletin” has the stamp of being the foremost “Rent" medium. By no other way can your vacancies be rented easily than through The Georgian. The number “Rent" ads in The Georgian speak for themselves. You knotv for yourself that if you desired to rent, you would look in the paper that had the largest list to choose from. The public feels the same way Begin your ad. immediately and have your vacancies filled before the first of next month. Either phone it or Send h to. WANTED •s .ant-heated furnished room, close to Candler building. Please advise price, location and telephone num bet Would want rooms five or six inol’tf s it suited Address M ('.!*.(» B"\ 662. Atlanta WANTED By >ongenial couple, without children, October 1, one large furnished room with kitchenette, or two small rooms. Prefer private family, ('lose in. Must i>e .reasonable Address Box 154. (are Georgian. 52-21-10 WANTED Four furnished rooms for housekeeping; two Ited rooms. Atlanta piipne ' HIC. Main 206:'.38-20 7 WAN'TED Large, airy room, with pri vate bath: private family preferred. Must be close in. State price Address P. O. Box 485. Atlanta. 28-20-9 Office Space Foi Rent. «>FI- !< ’ l< Sl’A< |< ft), i p j'i to approved ten ans. Apply to 1527 # Candler Bldg 54-18-9 Stables For Rent. NICE, large brick stable. suitable for horse and ''arrlage or garage 1.04 F Prior M 2751-L 9 18-50 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1912. Unfurnished Rooms Wanted. three or four rooms on ground floor state price and location. Call Ivy 1279-L. -23-1 October 1 in Atlanta is the fall moving day There are hundreds and hundreds of people and families this very day that are looking for desirable places to rent for the coming season on tho first of October Desirable houses, rooms and apartments (either furnished or unfurnished) will rent quickly and easily if they are seen in the paper that is the leading “Rent” medium of the city. “The Georgian Rent Bulletin” has the stamp of being the foremost Rent medium. By no other way can your vacancies be rented easily than through The Georgian .The number o* “Rent ads in The Georgian speak for themselves. You know for yourself that if y*ou desired to rent, you would look in the paper that had the largest list to choose from. The public feels the same way Begin your ad immediately and have your vacancies filled before the first of next month. Either phone it or send it in. Unfurnished Apartments Wanted. WANTED—Three or four nice rooms and bath; steam heat and electric lights north side preferred. Address E. B . care Georgian. 9-20-9 October 1 In Atlanta is the fall moving day There are hundreds and hundreds of people and families this very’ dav that are looking for desirable places to rent for the coming season on the first of October. Desirable houses, rooms and apartments (either furnished or unfurnished) will rent quickly and easily If they are seen in the paper that is the leading "Rent" medium of the city. "The Georgian Rent Bulletin” has the stamp of being the foremost "Rent” medium. By no other wav can your vacancies be rented easily than through The Georgian. The number of “Rent” ads in The Georgian speak for themselves You know for yourself that if you desired to rent, you would look in the jlaper that had the largest list tn choose from. The public feels the same way. Begin your ad Immediately and. have your vacancies filled before the first of next month. Either phone It or send it to. Furnished Houses Wanted. FURNISHED house or apartment wanted on north side, by young California cou ple; no children; accustomed to own own home. Want modern conveniences Rea sonable rent. Address R. E. Callahan. P. <>. Box 1035, Atlanta 9-21-8 October 1 In Atlanta Is the fall moving day. There are hundreds and hundreds of people and families this very day* that are looking for desirable places to rent for the coming season on the first of October. Desirable houses, rooms and apartments (either furnished or unfurnished) will rent quickly and easily If they are seen in the paper that is the leading "Rent" medium, of the city. “The Georgian Rent Bulletin” lias the stamp the foremost "Rent" medium. no other wav can your vacancies hr rented easily than through The Georgian The number ( "Rent” ads in The Georgian speak for If you desired to rent, you would look in If you desired to rent, you would look in the paper that had the largest list to choose from. The public feels the same way. Begin your ad immediately and have your vacancies filled before the first of next month. Either phone it or send It in. Unfurnished Houses Wanted. October 1 in Atlanta is the fall moving day. There are hundreds and hundreds of people and families this very day that are looking for desirable places to rent for the coming season on the first of October Desirable houses, rooms and apartments (either furnished or unfurnished) will rent quickly and easily if they are seen in the paper that is the. leading "Rent" medium paper that is the leading “Rent" medium has the stamp of being the foremost “Rent” medium. By no other way can your vacancies he rented easily than through The Georgian. The number of “Rent’’ ads in The Georgian speak for themselves. You know for yourself that if you desired to rent, you would look in the paper that had the largest list to choose from. The public feels the same wa.v. Begin your ad immediately and have your vacancies tilled before the first of next month. Either phone it or send it in. Wanted—Miscelaneous. I BUY FEATHERS. Atlanta phone 1476, Bell Main 4840. 52-20-9 WANTED—One stone crusher, one ce ment mixer. Address Mill Dam, Cham blee . Ga. 9-13-6 I BUY MEN’S old clothes and shoes. Drop a card. I. Bock, 32 Bell street. -16-28 FURNITURE and household goods, office fixtures and merchandise of any kind accepted on consignment. Cash advanced Pembroke Sales Co.. 143 South Pryor St. Bel! phones Main 1434 Main 187, Atlanta 2285.8-16-12 DROP A CARD—WiII bring cash for old clothes and shoes. The Vestlare. 166 Decatur street. 6-27-42 WANTED—We pay highest cash prices on household goods, pianos and office furniture Cash advanced on consign ments. Springer’s Auction House, 25 South Pryor street. Bell phone Main 1526. 4-10-10 WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices for house hold goods, pianos and office furniture Cash advanced on consignments. Central Auction Company. 12 East Mitchell street. Bell phone Main 2424. 8-26-26 Flowers. FLOWERS See or write me before plac ing orders. I can save you half your money in buying potted plants and cut flowers. W. M. Bricken, 20 East Alabama st , City. 9-18-23 Railroad Schedule. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. ’PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH" ARRIY’AL AND DEPARTURE OF PASSENGER TRAIN’S. ATLANTA The following schedule figures are pub lished only as information, and are not guaranteed; No. Arrive From— No. Depart To 35 N. York. 5:00 am 36 N. York. 12:15 am 13 Jaxville. 5:20 am 30 Col'bus... 5:20 am 43 Was'ton. 5,:25 am 13 Cincl 5:30 am 12 Sh’port.. 6:3oatn 32 Ft. Vai.. s:3oam 23 Jaxville. 6;50 am 35 B'ham. .. 5:45 am •17 Toccoa... 8:10 am 7 Chat’ga.. 6.40 am 26 Heflin.... B:2oam 12 R'mond.. 6:55am 29 N. York 10:30 am 23 K. City., 7:00 am 3 Chat’ga 10:35 am 16 Bruns’k.. 7:45 am 7 Macon.. 10:40 am 29 B'ham... 10.45 am 27 Ft Vai..10:45 am 38 N. York. 11:01 am 21 Col'bus .10:50ain 40 Ch'lotte. 12:00 n'n 6 Cincl... 11:10 am 6 Macon... 12 20 pm 2“ C’llbus .1:40 pm 30 (“bus.. 12:30 pin 30 B'ham... 2:30 pm 30 N. York.. 2:45 n m 40 B'ham. 12:40 pm 15 Chatt’ga. 3:00 pm 39 Ch’lotte. 3:55 pm 39 B'ham.... 4 10 pm 5 Macon.. 4:00 pm *lB Toccoa... 4:30 pm 37 N. York. 5;00 pm 22 Col’bus... 5:10 pm 15 Bruns’k. 7:50 pm 5 Cincl... 5:10 pm 11 R’mond.. 8:30 nm 38 F. Valiev 5 20 pm 24 K City. 9:20 pm 25 Heflin...'. 5:45 pm 16 Chatt’ga 9:35 pm 10 Macon... 5 30 nm 29 Col'bus 10:20pm 44Wash'n.. 8 45 pm $1 Ft. Vai 10:25 pm 24 Jaxville. 930 pm 36 B'ham . 12:00ngt 11 Sh’port ll;10pm 14 Cincl 11:00 pm 14 Jaxville ll:10pn» Trains marked thus <•> run dally, ex cept Sunday. other trails run daily Centra! time City Ticket office, No. 1 Peachtree St. 15