Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, September 24, 1912, HOME, Page 14, Image 14
14 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. Wanted—Miscelaneous. WANTED—Second-hand elevated gas stove in good condition; quick. Call Main 4467.9-24-18 WANTED —One stone crusher, one ce ment mixer. Address Mill Dam. Cham blee, Ga. 9-13-8 I BUY MEN'S old clothes and shoes Drop a card. I. Bock, 32 Bell street. -16-29 FURNITURE and household goods, office fixtures and merchandise of any kird accepted on consignment. Cash advanced Pembroke Sales Co., 143 South Pryor St. Bell phones Main 1434 Main 187, Atlanta 2385.8-15-12 DROP A CARD—WiII bring cash for old clothes and shoes. The Vestlare, 166 Decatur street. 6-27-42 ■WANTED—We pay highest cash prices on household goods, pianos and office furniture. Cash advanced on consign ments. Springer’s Auction House, 25 South Pryor street. Bell phone Main 1526 -JOJO WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices for house hold goods, pianos and office furniture. Cash advanced on consignments. Central Auction Company. 12 East Mitchell street. Bell phone Main 2424 8-26-26 Automobiles. - FOR SALE—Overland ”42." five-pas senger automobile Cheap for cash, or will take good notes for part 406 For syth 81dg.9-24-20 FOR EXCHANGE Automobile for va cant lot. farm land or diamond valued at $450 Address F. L . care Georgian. ONE second-hand three-fourths ton Buick truck. Will sell this week at a bargain Adams Price Auto Company, I Washington street. Phone Main 652. -24-1 WILL SELL, or exchange for vacant lot. five passenger automobile; 60 horsepow er: in fine condition rides like sleeping car. It s a bargain. Price S6OO. Main 2405-. T. Charles R. Cook. 480 South Boule vard. 9-24-9 GUARANTEED tires at cut prices, to close out surplus stock. 28x3, $7.40; 30x3, $7.85. 30x3’4, $10.20; $17.25; all other sizes; order now while they last. Central Mfg. Co., Dayton. <>hio. I-5-58 Large FRESH LOT AUTO TIRES AND TUBES JUST RECEIVED 28 bv 3 $7 90 30 bv 3 $8.90. 32 bv 3 88 50 30 bv 3*4 $11.90. 32 bv 3V; $12.1'0. 34 hv 3*A $13.90, 32 by I $17.90. 33 h 4 'lB 90. 34 bv 4 sl9 90. 35 by 4 it 19 90, 36 by Fsl9 90, .37 by 4*2 827.90. All makes, red and gray, stand ard tubes, at bargain prices. Brand new. McPherson Auto Tire Company. Atlanta. ■ 40 IL P. 5-PASSENGER AUTOMOBILE JUST put, in tine condition will be sold at a bargain. New top and seat covers. Splendid appearance. Pulls Howell Mill road hill or any other on “the high ’’ Two extra 36-inch tires, tubes and rims. Address or in quire for Auto, Box 300. care Georgian. 9-21-26 Ft tR s'l.H Four-cylinder five-passenger car. in good condition, for quick sale. $295. Atlanta phone 1887. 9-20-39 WILL EXCHANGE Atlanta real estate for late model automobile, prefer Hud son. Oakland or Overland. Call Main 318-J 9-20-4 NEW BRUSH; never used; to exchange for lot; and 25-horsepower Maxwell, fine condition, for cash, cheap. Owner. Box 350, cgre Georgian 9-16 36 Money To Loan. WANTED To bu> three or four lots purchase money monthly notes. Second mortgage. Ivy 3339 46 Auburn avenue M"NEY FOR SALARIED PEOFIE AND OTHERS, upon their own names; cheap rates, easy payments. Confiden tial. D. H. Tolman, 524 Austell building. Money ON HAND for immediate loans on property in or near Atlanta. .1. E. N an Xalkenbmg, 501 Equitable building -6-22 WEYMAN A- CONNORS ESTABLISHED 1890. Mortgages <m Real Estate 4-1-3 SPECIAL HOME FENDS To EEND. any amount; 6 per cent Write or call S. W Carson. 24 South Hroad street. 4 1 17 FARM LOANS placed in any amount on improved farm lands in Georgia The Southern Mortgage Company, Gould build ing. 7 13-1 THI PRUDENTIAL DSL S( RANCE CO. of Ameri ca can make yon a loan on Atlanta improved propertv. through their loan corre spondents, Turman, Black Calhoun. 21'3-8 Empire Building. 6-7-12-1 ME II AN E plenty of money to lend at lowest rates on Atlanta ami nearliN property, either for straight or monthly payment plan. Also for purchasing pur chase money notes. Foster & Rob t n 11 Edgewood Axe. f> z '-. IEWEL ERS AND BROKERS 301 F,TI * S / r-. BLDC MO i N o loan -r cv . shone >U "'---w- strictly private M iihout Indorsement \\ ithout < <dial era 1 Security Without Real Estate Securities Monev loaned at LAWFUL RATES. NATIONAL DIS COUNT CO.. 301-2 Fourth Nation al Bank Building. Business Opportunities. FOR SALE—Bakery; well established trade, splendid stand, is making <ood money, with a little life and push this business will easily net you $3,000 per year; sickness cause of selling Write "• H. Goodum, Eufaula. Ala. 59-24-3 OR >ALE l-<»r cash, stock groceries a . n / 1 J ea j se or ‘ slure - < cminunicate with r. < Smith, 493 \V Simpson st Atlanta phone 852. 9-24-41 A BARGAIN -Well established general merchandise business in good town owner wants to retire Address P O Box 73, Glennville, Ga <♦ 20-34 Legal Notices. Having been appointed and qualified as > administratrix of the estate of Henrx D I Boyd, deceased, notice Is lierehv gix-en to all persons having claims against the said estate to present same properh qualified within the time prescribed by law DELICE BOl'D, Administratrix 38-24-9 Real Estate For Sale. FOR SALE—Six-room east front cottage, at 419 South Boulevard, by owner, on account of leaving city. $1,500 cash will buy my equity at once. J. C. Glore. NEAR Grant park 1 have a 5-room and hall cottage with all conveniences; it faces car line and cherted street; will sell on easy terns. Owner, Box 646. care Georgian. 9-24-11 BY OWNER. 4-room house. 3 acres land, two minutes walk from car line: must sell; $1,475. Address Owner, Box 602. care Georgian.4o-24-9 CROWLEY REALTY CO..| 307 Peters Bldg. Phone M. 5226. 160-ACRE FARM. 3 miles this side of, Roswell, facing 2.500 feet on public road ; and railroad. Good farm house, orchard. • water and pasture. On good terms, or | will exchange for city property. FIVE-RO<>M house, good condition, on Glennwood avenue. All improvements, for $2,000 <'n good terms. FOR SALE Four-room house, lot 50x150, River ear line; $1,000; $lO a month John Carey, 2 Whitehall - f | FOR SALE Nice. well finished house Ini good town: large lot and others well lo- I cated. a bargain Address P. ft. Box 73. I Glennville. Ga. 9-20-35 Fi iR SALE RESIDENCE HAVE THREE up-to-date six-room bun galows. all improvements, on paved street, sidewalks, gas, sewerage, electric lights, hot ami cold water connections, furnace heat. Small cash payment: bal ance to suit Apply John liagan. 218 Au burn avenue 9-20-18 GRANT STREET HOME $3,000 buys a dandy 5-room dwelling. 173 Grant st.; new and modern throughout; splendid neighborhood. It will please you if you want a home. Easy terms Ed R. Hays. City Hall. ll 77 ! 3 :’ FOR quick sale, list your property with Everett & Everett, 224 Brown-Randolph Hidg., Marietta and Forsyth7-15-27 THE HOUSE you build, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for electricity. Farms For Sale. FOR SALE Eighty acres, between Dal las and Douglasville, on public road; im proved; sls per acre. XV. .1 Williams, Dallas. Ga. 53-24-9 PECAN GROVE for sale Considered by experts the finest in the world. Regis tered in Washington. D. C. Near railroad tow n Lock Box 8, Haralson. Ga 55 21-9 For SALE—One hundred acres land near Villa Rica. Ga. Fur particulars, ad dress Clark Watkins, Villa Rica, Ga. 33-23-9 F< >R SaLIC—3OO acres of river land, 12 miles north of Eufaula. Ala Lies well, and in good neighborhood. In fact, the best farmers in Barbour county adjoin this place Has school, and within four miles of a church Has no improvements. Write XV. H. Godwin, Eufaula, Ala. 9-20 29 Timber For Sale. FOR SALE Turpentine, saw mill tim ber on 3,000 acres, beginning in two and a half miles of railroad and having desirable rates to leading consuming points, one thousand acres Is large, long, sound, round long leaf yellow pine that will cut 8,000 feet per acre; the balance was cut over 25 years ago, but it is good timber; no short leaf; open, level piney woods; no swamps; no underbrush; will cut 12,000,000 feet of lumber and eighteen crops of boxes: price $42,000; good lease; good terms. Write W. E. Craigmlles. Thomasville. Ga.' 9-21-33 FOR SALE- 3.100 acres '. . ge, long, sound long-leaf yellow pine timber In Thomas county, Georgia. This is the best body of timber in Georgia today. Begins in half-mile of railroad, having desirable rates to leading lumber consuming points. Been estimated to cut 8,000 feet per aver age acre (25,000,000 feet); 15 to 25 million feet can be had adjoining with the same tram road; timber now ready to start sawing; a long lease on good terms to he had; price, $45,000 Write W. E. Craig miles, Thomasville. Ga. 9-21-34 Legal Notices. A PROCLAMATION. Submitting a proposed amendment to the eonatitution of Hie stale of Georgia, to be voted on at the general state elec tion to be held on Tuesday, November 5, 1912, said amendment relating to the power of the general assembly to exempt from taxation public property, so that the general assembly may exempt from taxation certain farm products. By His Excellency, Joseph M. Brown, Governor, State of Georgia. Executive Department, August 24, 1912 Whereas, the general assembly at its i session In 1912 proposed an amendment to the constitution of this state as set forth in an act approved August 6, 1912, to-w it: An act to amend article 7. section 2, paragraph 2 of the constitution of this state, which relates to the power of the general assembly to exempt from taxation public property. so that the general as sembly may exempt from taxation cer tain farm products, and for other pur poses. Section 1 Be it enacted by the gen eral assembly of Georgia and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, That article 7. section 2. paragraph 2 of the constitution of this state be and the same is hereby amended by adding to and at the end of said paragraph the follow ing words: "Tile general assembly shall further have power to exempt from tax ation farm products, Including baled cot ton. grown in tills state and remaining in the hands of the producer, but not longer than for the year next after their production." Section 2 Be It further enacted. That if tliis constitutional amendment shall be agreed to by two-thirds of the members of the general assembly of eaeli house. | the same shall be entered on their jour- | nals. with the ayes and nays taken there on. and the governor shall cause the amendment to be published in one or more i <>f the newspapers in each congressional I district (or two months Immediately pre ceding the next general election, and the I same shall be submitted to the people at ! I lie next general election and the voters thereat shall have written or printed on | their ticket "For ratification of amend ment of article 7. section 2. paragraph 2 of the constitution of this state" (for au thorizing the general assembly to exempt from taxation farm products!, or "Against ratification of amendment of article 7. see ! (I'm 2. paragraph 2 of the constitution of this state" (against authorizing the gen eral assemhlx lo exempt taxation farm products! as they may choose, and if a majority of the electors qualified to vote for members of the next general assem bly voting shall vote tn favor of ratifica tion, then said amendment shall become a part of article 7. section 2. paragraph 2 of the constitution of this state, and tlw governor shall make proclamation thereof. Be ft further enacted that all laws and parts of laws m conflict with this act be. and the same are repealed Now, therefore, I. Joseph M. Brown, governor of said state, do issue this my ! proclamation hereby declaring that the foregoing proposed amendment to the constitution is submitted for ratification or rejection to the voters of the state qualified to vote for members of the gen eral assembly at the general election to be held on Tuesday. November 5. 1912. JOSEPH M. BROWN, Governor. By the Governor; PHILIP COOK, Secretary of State -3-8 TcLWhom It May Concern; Notice is hereby given of our intention to organize a trust company, the names of the proposed corporators being Keats I Speed. Francis E. Mackie. George J. Yundt. H. C Bagley and P. C McDuffie The name of the proposed trust companv Is to b, Hie Citizens Savings Hank and Trust Company, and the location of the same Xtlanta. Fulton county. Georgia A declaration in writing, signed bi each •>f the proposed corporators, will be tiled in the office of the secretary of state on the 16th day of October. 1912. 9-17-39 Notice To DEBTORS AND < 'RS All creditors of the estate of F. D. i Bearse. late of Fulton county, deceased, are herby notified to render in their de > nuinds to the undersigned, according to law. and all pers- ris indebted to said es tate are required to make immediate pay ment. ASA BEAHSE, Administrator R F. D. No. 4, Atlanta, Aug 20, 1912 8-20-38 READ FOR PROFIT-GEOKGIAN WAIN I LTSE FOR RESULTS E-DITLD J- JUD® T.J.MARSHALL. Proper Raising Essential Fine stock alone will not always insure success in the show J room. There are many accessories that go far toward making a successful exhibit. In the first place, a bird must be raised properly or there will be no possible chance for it to win. Hatched from an egg produced by strong, vigorous, carefully bred stock—such a chick being never allowed to want for any-: thing in the way of feed, either dry or green stuff, with good range to give exercise, should mature into a fine, healthy specimen. So much, so good. The other side of the question is: Stock of the very best exhibition quality mated by an experienced breeder. One who knows or is reasonably sure that when he puts certain kinds of jpeeimens together he will get just about the best results that can be produced in the breed. Such stock should be hatched at a time to just come to maturity (or bloom, as we sometimes call it'i at the time we will want to exhibit it. In such a specimen everything will be in its prime or finished state. In the very strongest of competition it is" no use to show a bird that is not fully finished, nor yet one that has begun to fade, by being past the best pe- riod. One who has not made such things a study perhaps has not thought of this important point. Having produced the healthy prime show specimen the only thing left for you to do is to get him into the show room looking his best. Should it be a white bird it is necessary to give him a thorough washing and rinsing long enough before the show to allow it to become thoroughly drx and well plumed so that it will not show the ef fects of the washing process ex cept in its pure white plumage. In a previous number 1 gave the meth od of washing After washing the specimens should be kept in nice, clean quarters, that their feathers may not become soiled. Keep males and females separate. Try to keep every feather in place, if possible, as a broken wing feather in some breeds means a loss of Judge Marshall will be glad to answer in this department questions on all points of rearing utility and fancy poultry. He can not undertake, however, to reply personally to such let ters of inquiry. Address Judge F. J. Marshall, College Park, Ga. Orpingtons. S. C CRYSTAL XXHIITE Orpingtons. Pure Kellerstrass strain. Very fine cock erels and pullets, January and February hatched for sale. Floridette Farm. Hill- Hard, Fla. 30-21-9 Leghorns. 200 S. C WHITE LEGHORN cockerels and pullets, early hatched from win ners and heavy layers, at $1 each. These are good ones. Joseph B. XVood, Brooks. Ga. 9-17-22 Plymouth Rocks. 500 BARRED ROCK cockerels and pullets, early hatched from fancy stock, at $1 each. Don’t miss this bargain. .lames H. Wood, Brooks, Ga. 9-17-23 Ducks. FOR SALE Indian Runners; beauties; white egg strain; $3.50 trio. L. W.. care Georgian. 57-24-9 FOR sYIfT Fawn and XVhite Indian Runner ducks, or will exchange for White Leghorn pullets. Mrs R. H. XX’il lianison. 455 Gordon street Bell phone West 959. 9-24-7 Eggs- THOROUGHBRED Buff Orpington eggs, i $1 per fifteen. 126 XVfndsor street. Main 3588 4-27-25 Dogs. BIRD DOG for sale Well trained point er. oak street, Kirkwood, Atlanta. Ga. Phone Decatur 56535-20-9 DOGS At close prices. Variety of point ers. setters and hounds to select from. Young and mature. Trained and partly trained Correspondence solicited. Mont vfew Kennels. Kernersville, N C 38 14-9 Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. EAST LAKE LOTS OX THE ('AH LINE, near East Lake, within two blocks of the golf course, we offer a few lots 50x200 feet, having city wa ter anil electric light privileges, for only $500.00 each. Terms, $25.00 cash and $5.00 per month, with 7 per cent interest. Empire Trust and Safe Deposit Co. EMPIRE BUILDING. DIEEIN-MORRIS CO. 609 10 Atlanta National Bank Bldg. Both Phones 4234 A GOOD semi-cantral corner with a good future, 50x150. faces two good streets. Can sell it on terms. Would take a good lot in exchange. WE HAVE some close-in Auburn avenue frontage at a low rate. Better let us show you this. Y’ou name the terms. TWO beautiful modern bungalows. $3,750 and $4,000 on payments that you can meet They have furnaces, gas and electric lights; large light rooms, porce lain plumbing and everything jam-up. Salesmen: C. R. Collins, F. C. Woodall. . - ' - FOR SALE BY HOME WORTH THE MONEY G R E E N E (Good Condition) \ T X r l '°° CHESTNUT ST . right at Kennedy H Zjk 1. I \ street ear line. nice, comfortable, good I ■*"— looking five-room house, on nice lot. new- - r ~~ * -w - -r ly painted, for only $2,250, on easv terms, i U ) J Y See us promptly. 511 EMPIRE BUILDING. Phones 1599. REAL ESTATE. RENTING, LOANS. SMALL FARM FOR RENT. <l2 50 PER MONTH. 30-arre farm, in Buckhead district, good for truck and dairy business; small house and barn, fruit, spring A. S. HARRIS, Real Esatet ' MAIN 1387. 805 Empire Building. F.J.KAE<3}IAL-L the prize to you. Try to get your fowls to the show promptly. If possible, at tend the exhibition in person and look after the wants of your own birds. There are certain little fixipgs and ex tras that you can do for your show bird When I was in the show business I went into it for all there was in sight, and they used to call me an “old gran ny” for the way I looked after my stock; but when the smoke had cleared away they usually found my stock in the front as winners. Nothing has such a handsome reward as care In the show room. The extras. When I found I was up against a tough proposition and my competitor had something better than 1 had, I bought him out on the spot, unless I knew where I could do better elsewhere. Miscellaneous Poultry. 'T?~oIiASTiNGTTcar Seedsmen for the South, 16 AVest , Mitchell street. Four City De liveries Daily. North and South Side 9 a. m., Inman Park and West. End 2 p. m. Bell Phone M. 2568, Atlanta 2568. i NOW IS THE TIME TO PLANT BULBS Indoors for early blossoms. We can ’■ supply you with the following, all large, ; strong, sure bloomers: Paper XVhite Nar cissus. 25c a dozen, postpaid 40c. White Roman Hyacinths, 40c a dozen, postpaid . 50c. Freesias, 20c a dozen, postpaid 25c. Double Dutch Hyacinths in the follow ing colors, white, pink, light blue, dark . blue, red and yellow. 60c a dozen, post . paid 70c Single Dutch Hyacinths, colors . same as the double, 50c a dozen, postpaid 60c. Chinese Sacred Lilies. 10c each, or three for 25c: postpaid, add 3c each. Write for a copy of our bulb catalogue. : XVE HAVE ON HAND a beautifuFaZ 1 sortment of flowering plants. The ' prices are right. Call in and make your ; selections. ALL WHO HAVE TRIED the "Red , Comb” Poultry Feeds say that they I are the feeds to feed their fowls. If you . have not tried them, a trial order will convince you that this is true LEE'S, Conkey's and Rust's Poultry and - Stock Remedies. DON’T FORGET that we have four citv > deliveries daily at the time mentioned = in heading. Orders given before thst time will be delivered the day they are given. Horses and Carriages ) WANTED—To buy good mule and sec ond-hand wagon, cheap. D. L. Mayfield. S 3 Stewart avenue, Atlantas4-24-9 FOR SALE Horse, buggy and harness .■ for $125. Any lady or child can drive. Bargain Call Ivy 4456-J or Ivv 4586. ’ ' 9-24-28 Real Estate Foi' Sale. W. A. Foster & Raymond Robson REAL ESTATE. RENTING AND LOANS. 11 EDGEWOOOD AVE. Bell Phones 1031-1032. Atlanta Phone 1881. "If you see it in our ad it’s so.” FOR SALE. WHY PAY RENT when you can buy a lot 5754x415 feet, with a 5-room house, on Vaughn street. Just off the Decatur car line, near Whitefoord avenue? A bar gain for $2,250. on terms of SIOO to S2OO cash, and sls per month See Mr. XVhite. 441 FRASER STREET, just north of Or mond street, nice 6-room house on lot 50x200 to a wide alley. Hot and cold wa ter. gas. etc. Price $2,800. on easy terms, or will exchange for good vacant lot. Loan of $1,250 to assume. See Mr. Radford. ON ST. CHARLES AVENUE a 9~room house, somewhat out of repair, on lot 50x200. This place can be bought at the very low price of $4,200. It would not cost very much to put it in god shape. If this were* done, it would sell readily for $6.000, See Mr. Bradshaw. ON ALICE STREET, between Pryor and Central avenue, a double apartment house renting for $42.50 per month. This can be bought for $4,150 on terms. This is belter than 12 per cent. See Mr. XX inn ON M’DONOUGH STREET, in Decatur and convenient to public school ahd Ag nes Scott college, a delightful 6-room bungalow with all the conveniences. On a great big lot. Can be bought, worth the money and on attractive terms. See Mr. Eve. If You Have Money to Lend, We Can Place it Safely. FOR RENT. 8 r h., 388 Spring street $30.00 i 7-r. h.. 46 Brotherton street $25.00 8-r. h., 576 South Pryor street .. 30.00 I 7-r. h.. 442 Pulliam street 25.00 8-r. h.. 307 Pulliam street 32.50 I 7-r. h.. 28 XVest Fifth street 40.00 8-r. h., 17 Hunnicutt street 35.00 i 6-r. h., 136 East Georgia avenue . 22.50 WE PUBLISH A WEEKLY RENT BULLETIN, giving a good description of everything we have for rent. Get a copy. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT. 12 AUBURN AVENUE. PHONE MAIN 618. FOR RENT STORE ROOM at 34 North Forsyth street.. Price $125.00 per month. HOLMES & LUCKIE REALTY CO. 34 North Forsyth Street. . Houses For Rent. Houses For Rent. FOR RENT BY E. RIVERS REALTY COMPANY 8 XV. ALABAMA ST. 605 WASHINGTON ST.—This is a 16-room house on an ele vated lot 50x200; has gas. electric lights, two baths with hot and cold water. This house has recently been painted and put in first-class condition. Splendid location for a nice board ing house. Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. WILLIAMS-HARTSOCK CCh REAL ESTATE AND BUILDERS. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. Phone 2106 Main. HERE IS A BEAUTY —It is cheap, too. Seven-room house in Druid Hills sec Hon. This house is equipped with fine brick, tile and cabinet mantels, hardwood floors, birch doors, splendid basement; is situated on an elegant corner lot. with frontage of 65 feet. Elegant gas and electric fixtures. It won't keep. $4,500; SSOO cash, balance S3O per month; no loan to assume. All you have to do is to get busy. This Is the place you have been looking for. CORNER ON PONCE DE LEON AVENUE —It is well located and we are quot ing it below the market value; 65 feet frontage; you can have it for $4,000. It is just a case of where the owner needs the money. Terms. JUST OFF OF PEACHTREE STREET, on North avenue, we have a bargairTin a house that we can either sell or exchange. See us about this. LET US DO your building. Will make easy terms and the right price. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR REAL ESTATE. ONE seven-passenger four-cylinder T Model automobile This machine has run about eight months, and is in perfect condition. Will sell or trade on equita ble basis. TWO EXCELLENT LOTS on Moreland avenue; 51% by 180. These lots are * level Near Albemarle. XX’lll sell at $2,750 each. BEAUTIFUL MORELAND AVENUE HOME; seven rooms: modern; lot 55 by 180. This is an ideal location. EAST ELLIS STREET LOT-Here’s a good lot to improve. Suitable for bache lor apartments or store. This is the coming business section. SOUTHLAND ESTATES CORPORATION. 603 Third National aßnk Building. Bell Phone Ivv 3422. 4. W. PEACOCK. WM. HARDWICK DAVIS. Bungalow On Large Lot WITHIN one short block of car line in beautiful Ormewood we offer this six-room bungalow on lot 100x190 to alley. Only built about a year, has electric lights throughout, and bath. Fruit trees and in a delightful home section. Owner will leave city January 1. Price $3,500. on terms of SI,OOO cash, balance easy. Believe us, it’s a bargain. THOMSON & LYNES 18 and 20 Walton St. Both Phones 458. A Little Farm at a Big Bargain SEVEN MILES from Five Points we have 27 acres of the best land in Ful ton county. It is a dark mulatto soil and lies well, witfi about 1,000 feet of paved road frontage. This place would make one of the best truck farms in the state. About one-fourth mile from the railroad station. Price $3,300. Terms easy. HARPER REALTY COMPANY 717 THIRD NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. BELL PHONE IVY 4286. ATLANTA PHONE 672. HOM E SEEKERS. ARE YOU in the market for a home? If so, it will be to your interest to confer with us at once. LISTEN! Do you own a lot anywhere In the citv or sub urbs paid for or half paid for? If so, let us build a house on it to suit vour ideas and arrange terms like rent or easier Houses we build range second to none in point of workmanship, material and beauty. Aak our customers. Plans ana specifications will cost you nothing. ‘ ° Gate City Home Builders REAL ESTATE AND BUILDERS. % 809 Third National Bank Building. Phone Ivy 3047. ~ ~ !J-L2l»S"gL«g THE HOUSE you will build, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for Electricity. Houses For Rent. FOR RENT. 58 PETERS STREET. OUT on Peters street, at the above number on the corner of Madison avenue and the Viaduct, . xve have three good store rooms 1 that we are now remodeling and are going to put in real good, nice shape. They are in a fine location for almost any respecta i hie business. For full particu i lars, call’ and see us. WE have a lonsr list of other business houses, and a nice lot of all kinds of residences. Come to see us. Foster & Rob -1 son. TUEiSDA Y. SEPTEMBER 24, 1912. gHARP & gOYLSTON Inman Park Cottage. oj £aJm2. heani ?i ave an<l the ve,- y b*® l residence section we have a seven «^v CO ,i a f e ° n 10t 70x190 feet ' level and we can se " > ou for only *5..50. but worth $6,000. If you are look -1 a , m . e in ,hls section, here is ? °“ r t op P ortun l‘y to secure a bargain. No loan to assume. Terms easy. Formwait Street. MLEY. a six-room cottage w >th all conveniences, on lot 50x160 feet T V is ? otta s« Is in first-class condition and only ten minutes' walk of center of city. Price. $3,200, on easy terms. This is a fine home proposition, as 3ou will have no car fare to pay. Ormewood Park. a brand new cottage with water, bath and wired for electricity, in half a two h,ocka school. u ot 60x160 feet; level and beautifui sha , d ?„,< Price - $-'BSO. Terms. S2OO cash and S2O per month. Just like rent. Big Bargain. South Boulevard Home. ON SOUTH BOULEX r ARD. near Glenn wood avenue, we offer a jam-up six room cottage for just a little more than the house actually cost; located on a large lot running back to an alley; house about i three years old and built from first-class material; plenty of large closets; splendid bath: walls nicely papered; hot and cold water connections. This is absolutelj- a bargain at the price and we can offer very easy terms; house would cost to build today at least $2,650. and the lot would sell from $1,600 to SI,BOO. We can deliver the goods for $3,250; terms 10 per cent cash, balance to suit. Lot. WE HAVE the cheapest lot In Ormewood street; is nne-half acre in size, on car line and good chert street; level and fine; a bargain for somebody. Railroad Schedule. SOUTHERN“"RAILWAY; "PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH” ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF PASSENGER TRAINS, ATLANTA. The following schedule figures are pub lished only as information, and are not guaranteed: No. Arrive From— No. Depart To 35 N. Y0rk..5:00 am 36 N. York. 1215 am 13 Jaxvllle. 5:20 am 30 Col’bus... 5-20 am 43 Was’ton. 5:25 am 13 Clncl 5;30 am 12 Sh’port.. 6:30 am 32 Ft. Vai.. 5 30 am 23 Jaxvllle. 6;soam 35 B’ham.... 5 45 am •17 Toccoa... 8:10 am 7 Chat’ga,. 6:40 am 26 Heflin.... 8:20 am 13 R’mond.. 6:55 am 29 N. York.lo:3oam 23 K. City.. 7:00 am 8 Chat ga 10.35 am 16 Bruns k.. 7;45 am 7 Macon.. 10:40 am 29 B’ham... 10-45 am 27 Ft. Vai .10:45 am 38 N. York. 11:01 am 21 Col’bus .10:50 am 40 Ch’lotte. 12:00 n'n « Clncl... 11:10 am 6 Macon... 12:20 nm 29 C’llbus .1:40 pm 30 C’bus.. 12:30 nm 80 B’ham... 2:30 pm 30 N. York.. 2’45 pm 40 B’ham. 12:40 pm 15 Chatt’ga. 3:00 pm 39 Ch’lotte. 8:55 pm 39 B’ham.... 4:10 pm 5 Macon.. 4:00 pm *lB Toccoa... 4 30 pm 87 N. York. 5:00 pm 22 Col’bus... 5:10 pm 15 Bruns’k. 7:50 pm 5 C1nc1.... 6:10 pm 11 R’mond.. 8:30 pm 28 F. Valley 5:20 nm 24 K. City. 9:20 pm 25 Heflin.... 5:45 pm 16 Chatt’ga 9:35 pm 10 Macon... 5:30 pm 29 Col’bus. 10:20 pm 44 XVash’n.. 8:45 pm 21 Ft. Vai. 10:25 pm 24 Jaxvllle.. 9:30 pm 36 B’ham.. 12:00ngt 11 Sh’port.. 11:10 pm 14C!nc1... 11:00 pm 14 Jaxvllle 11:10 pm Trains marked thus (•) run daily, ex cept Sunday. Other trains run dally. Central time. City Ticket Office. No. 1 Peachtree St. Legal Notices. ~~ Submitting a proposed amendment to the constitution of the state of Georgia, to be voted on at the general state elec tion to be held on Wednesday, October 2, 1912, said amendment relating to the bor rowing power of the governor. By His Excellency, JOSEPH M. BROWN, Governor. STATE OF GEORGIA- —Executive De partment. Atlanta, July 29, 1912. whereas, the general assembly at its session in 1911 proposed an amendment to the constitution of this state as set forth in an act approved August 19, 1911, to-wit: .An act proposing an amendment to the third section of the seventh article of the constitution by striking therefrom the words "casual deficiencies of revenue" and substituting therefor the words “such temporary deficit as may exist in the treasury In any year from necessary de lay in collecting the taxes of the year;” and by striking the words "two uundred thousand dollars" and substituting in lieu thereof "five hundred thousand dollars, and any loan made for this purpose shall be repaid out of the taxes levied for the year in which the loan Is made.” Section 1 Be it enacted by the general assembly, that it shall be and is hereby proposed to amend the constitution of Georgia in the third section of tlie sev enth article so as tc strike from para graph one the words "casual deficiencies of revenue" and substituting In lieu there of the words, “such temporary deficit as may exist in the treasury in any year from necessary delay in collecting the taxes of that year." and by further strik ing from said section the words "two hundred thousand dollars" and substitut ing In lieu thereof, "five hundred thou sand dollars, and any loan made for this purpose shall be repaid out of the taxes levied for the year in which the loan is made," so that the first paragraph of said section when amended shall read as follows: "No debt shall be contracted by or on behalf of the state, except to sup ply such temporary deficit as may exist in the treasury in any year from neces sary delay in collecting the taxes of that year, to repel invasion, suppress insurrec tion. and defend the state in time of war, or to nay tfie existing public debt; but the debt cr I ted to supply deficiencies in revenue shall not exceed, in the aggre gate. five hundred thousand dollars. ar..j any loan made for this purpose shall be repaid out of the taxes levied for the year in which the loan Is made.” Section 2. Be It further enacted, That whenever the above proposed amendment to the constitution shall be agreed to by two-thirds of the members elected to eacn of the two houses of the general assembly and the same has been entered upon their journals with the ayes and nays taken thereon, the governor shall cause said amendment to be published in at least two newspapers In each congression al district in this state for the period of two months next preceding the time of holding the next general election. Section 3. Be it further enacted, That the above proposed amendment shall be submitted for ratification or rejection to the electors of this state at the next gen eral election to be held after publication, as provided in the second section of this act in the several election districts of this state, at which election every person shall be qualified to vote who is entitled to vote for members of the general assembly. All persons voting at said election in favor of adopting tne proposed amendment to the constitution shall have written or printed on their ballots the words, "for amendment to constitution authorizing temporary loans." and all persons opposed to the adoption of said amendment shall have written or printed on their ballots the words, "against amendment to con stitution authorizing temporary loans." Section 4 Be It further enacted. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act be, and the same are, hereby re pealed. Now. therefore. I. Joseph M. Brown, governor of said state, do issue this my proclamation hereby declaring that the foregoing proposed amendment to the constitution is submitted for ratification or rejection to the voters of the state qualified to vote for members of the gen eral assembly at the general election to ba held on XX’erinesdav, October 2. 1912 JOSEPH M. BROWN. Governor. By the Governor. PHILIP COOK, Secretary of State 7-30-16 Real Estate For Sale.