Newspaper Page Text
Published by The Georgian Company,
20 East Alabama Street,
Atlanta. Ga
fcntered at Atlanta postoffice as second
class matter
Subscriptions Payable in Advance
One year. mail, postage prepaid. *5 00
Bix months, mall, postage prepaid. 2.50
Three months, mail, postage prepaid, 125
Ore month. mail, postage prepaid, 45
Subscriptions Payable In Advance
Delivered by carrier, one year *5.20
Delivered by carrier, six months 2 60
Delivered by carrier, three months 1.30
Delivered by carrier, one month . 45
Delivered by carrier in Atlanta and
other cities, ode week 10c
Want Ad Rates and Rules
in The Atlanta Georgian
One ’ ent a word each insertion.
No nd taken for less than the price
of ten words. Ads in larger type.
12c a line <4 words to the line).
Out-of-town advert! sements
must be accompatded with cash.
Agencies’ discounts 10 and 5 per
"he Georgian will not be respon
sible for more than one incorrect
insertion of any ad ordered more
than one time
Cinr.irc Hours: To secure prop
er classification, ads must be in
The Georgian office before 1 o’clock
the day of the issue.
AH ads must be ordered out in
writing or at office No discon
tinuance notice taken over phone.
Every word In the advertisement,
including the name and address.
Is counted. Each Initial counts one
word: compound words are counted
as two words.
Telephone your Want Ads to The
Georgian (both phones 8000) when
it is more convenient to do so. and
collection will be made at your
home or at your office the follow
ing day This Is an accommoda
tion service rendered Georgian
Want Ad patrons and payment
should always be promptly made
or. presentation of bill Always
ask that your telephone ad be re
peated back to you by the ad
taker to make sure that It lias been
taken correctly. The Georgian can
not guarantee accuracy or assume
responsibility for errors of any kind
occurring In telephone advertlso
ADVERTISERS should retain re
celpts given In payment for Want
Ads over the office counter, as mis
takes can not be rectified without
them In answering advertise
ments addressed In care of The
Georgian, if the advertiser requires
references, send a duplicate of
Help Wanted—Female
"anted Lad) Bteno<raphev Onlj ex
perlenced need apply. Uapitol <’it>
Chair (’onipany. 172 Marietta street
w’ANTED Immediately. famil> washer
woman Apply 306 Lake avenue. Inman
Darn Jt-24-38
w\.\TiJ' Good settled colored woman
by small family (’all at Boulevard '
W \ N’i •J • \ nurse \ppi> lOlfii Pled
mont av• nue h-24 17
WANTEI’ Young holy, good penman, to j
address cards, ntc Call 1109 Umpire I
Life building t»',.!
WANTED Woman to wash and iron on
the ; 1 I* • 155 I,• • s stieet 9- 14-24
Mii'-i be
experienced. \p;d.\ 30 W est North ave
Kae. 9-24-25 ;
WANTED Woman for cook; room <ri
plao if desired \ppl> 118 (’openhill
atm h 18-24-9
W XNTED -Good cook at once; room on
lot. Good wages. 72 Spring 29-24-6
$2.50 PI’R DAY paid one lad' in each
town ’o distribute free circulars for
concentrated flavoring in tubes Per
manent position !•’. E Barr •’<»nq>an',
t’hieago 31-24-9
W 'ANTED Colored girl for general
housework. Apply 412 Gordon street.
West End 9-20 10
WANTED Experienced salesladies for
suit and cloak departments. Appiv ‘.-3
' • ’ i•’ £7-24-9
WANTED Experienced millinery aalesla
•i.« 93 W hitehall street. 26 24-9
w x\ : Giri for light housework good
WANTED Experienced ladv contest
manager \pph Box 996 Jacksonville
JTa 51-23-‘»
w\ N tri' \ good and refiabie < • ■
fI " ages 115 S iTjor st 17-2
WANTED A wash woman to do work <-q
the lot. Apph 600 Piedmont avenue
ANTE!» Washerwoman for
clothes. Phone Ivy 5156-.1. 9-23-4
tv A NT' El > Good servant to sta\ with
three ehlldren, 1»\ widower Good pav
to right part' ('all at 69 Connally
W ANTED First-class lady stenographer
and offlc'e assistant for legal depart
ment of large com pan \ . one having ex
perience in stenographic work of legal
character preferred. Permanent posit ion
and salat' commensurate with a bilit'
and experience Kepi' by letter, stating
experience Xddress Box 38. care Geot-
K-.i | 2 ■ S
i ■» N STENI K3R '.l'liEHs wanted at once
Salar' SIOO per month Must be quick,
accurate and give brtef details No let
ters will be opened. W’rito brief, with
references, on postcard onlv. giving ad
dress Callahan Sales System P o Box
1035. \ tlanta 9-21-7
w ANTED Good cook Must be clean.
first class and honest Room on prem
ises $4 a week ('all Bell phone East
Point 237 9-21-9
PROOFREADER To read proof on tabu
!ar niattet Apply Piedmont Printing
Company 127 Central avenue. Xtlanta.
<s*; ? - _ l -11
\\ <» \i ' \ to c »ok and do general houae
wprk must room on lot, also washer
woman 27 West Sixteenth street. 9-18-19
Help Wanted—Male.
WANTED Bright colored lad in office;
*3 pci week 4pp!> 54 Auburn ave.
\\ SNTED Five good cabinet niukeis at
nnce IVliitter Guy Manufacturing
Company, rear 116 Went Mitchell street.
I’lioti.- Mam 3164. 67-34-9
WANTED Experienced “cfiiui fintaKer;
a!«o a bench hand Apply Spratt Chair
Co- !‘-24-42
y\ KNTED By an eastern manufacturing
" mipany an energetic, high grade sales
man. me now selling the manufacturers
preferred. i’rofitabb- Permanent. In
• ■ui’* vy i' Pratt Hotel Vragon 56-24 9
FIRST-'’I.ASS washerman with""'experL
ence Permanent Job vddress E 11
1. <are Georgian 9-14-21
WANTED An experienced cabinet man
Apply Willingham Lumber Company
1 24-.’,
WANTED Colored men to prepare as
sleeping iar porters and train porters
If you wish position near Atlanta, write
immediately N>. experience necesaary
Im’os. stamp Inter Railway . are Geor
»la" 4 ±2±±
'1 W() young men to press shirts.
Robinson Shirt Company. 195
1 2 Marietta street. 9-23-9
MA I J BESS FINISHERS Several g'>o<i
mm for out of town job Stead' work
at good prb es. Call at 6 Walton street
and ask for U S Will;ngham 9-23-22
WANTED Temporarily. experienced
stove repair man 62 Peachtree
A''- IED AT <»NCE Mattress finishers
If ' ■ i can come, wire us; best <>f wages.
" orj<; no labor troubles of anv
sor < tates Mattrese Com pan v, Little
: XNIITTTERS wanted Applj a <’
’ *. Southern Freight Depot. fc-17-36
Help Wanted—Male.
WANTED—Six first-class locomotive
boilermakers; must bp steady and sober;
state when can report for duty. Boiler
maker. Box 490, care Georgian. 9-23-29
WANTED—FI vp college fellows who have
knowledge of botany and some chem
istry for out of door work. The applicants
must apply In person bringing with them
references as to character, etc. No bluff
ers need apply. 817 Austell Bldg . Atlanta,
I Ga 9-23-10
\\ ANT E I) Thoroughly
competent stenographer.
{Excellent opening and per
manent position for young
(man of ability and good
(•haracter. Box 804, care
Georgian. 48-21-9
WANTED- Men to learn the barber trad*-.
Few weeks completes. Tools given.
Wages while learning. You can join us
with assurance you will succeed. We
have received praise from thousands for
our beneficial course. Investigate now.
Moler Barber College, 38 buckle street.
WANTED Ideas. Inventors write for list
of inventions wanted and prizes offered
by manufacturers. Also, how to got your
patent. Sent free io any address Ban
dolph A: Briscoe, patent attorneys. Wash
ington. Dc 7 11-23
WANTED Young men to learn pharma
cy this fall Demand for our graduates
exceeds supply Next session begins Oc
tober 1 Southern College or Pharmacy,
81 l yH’kie Street Atlanta. Ga 8-1 1
ST« »P at Hilburn hotel, heart of city, 10*4
Walton street, if you want a clean, quiet
room; transient 50c Open all night
YES. Professor G. o Branning will teach
you the barber trade (it’s easy). We
teach in one-half time, of other colleges.
Course and position in our shops only
S3O. Why pay more" Thousands of our
graduates running shops or making good
wages Atlanta Barber College, 10 East
Mitchell Btreel 5-11-17
I’liij: massa<;i:, hair cute, shaves,
shampoos. All barber work free, (’lean
linen Atlanta Barber College, 10 East
Mitchell 5-27- 6
MAID LAitTtijjjs, poatoffke cteFkfli w.tir
ed; SBO month; Atlanta examinations
November 6. free coaching. Franklin In
stitute, Dept 49-R, Rochester, N Y.
WANTED- Bright, strong
boys to deliuer routes in
afternoons. Good wages
and chance for promotion,
('all at circulation depart
ment The Atlanta Georgian,
20 East Alabama street.
Help Wanted- Male and Female.
FREE- To all our practice
Dept. Remington Type
writer (')(> N. Broad »St.
Agents Wanted
\\ ANT ED News agents to run on pas
senger trains. Good promotion (live
age when writing. Union News Compa
ny, 56 West Hunter street 28-24-6
v. ANT ED Reliable agents for something
new in railroad excursion work; free
trips and good commission; experience
not necessary, but must be able to fur
nish first-class reference Address P P .
Box 1624 Atlanta. Ga. 9-21-23
Salesmen Wanted.
FIRST-CLASS sidesman,
one ;i('(|ii;iinl ed with (la.
trade preferred. Good op
portunity for right man.
Begin at once. “Aceo.”
care Georgian. 9-24-32
WANTED Ten high-grade
piano salesmen with ex
perience. The W. W. Kim
ball ('o., Chicago, will open
a branch store here October
1. Sph ndid opportunity
fol - promotion. Apply IL
R. (’alef, Georgian T( i rrace
Hotel. 9-21-5
SALESMEN and collectors wanted to
work in citj ; experience not necessary.
Singer Sewing Machine Company. 79
Whitehall street 9-11-4
Teachers Wanted.
N<>TICE, TE V’IIERS! IVanted Teaclh
er for sixth grade Kirkwood school.
.Application and references must be in
hands of board of education by Frida.',
September 27 P S Dunlop, secretary.
Kirkwood, Ga 9-21-42
Situations Wanted—Female
COMPETENT stenographer, with seven
years’ experience, desires position Ivy
2559-L 58-24-9
WANTED -Position as stenographer;
have had four years experience; will
consider moderate salary. Address l>.
19 West I ‘aker street.
11( »l SEK El :i'ER for widower, with one
or two < hlldren or aged couple Ad
dress ,M (’. Box 47. care Georgian.
MOTHER s Hl'.! ,U! R i adj <-f refine
ment wishes mending or help to make
c hildren’s clothes. Plume Ivy 5192-.1, Ad
dress Mrs Short. Box 46, care Georgian
A REsiT’.( ’T able colored woman wants
position as cook in small family; good
reference Address G W Williams, 383
Richardson st.. (’it .' 52-23-9
YOUNG AA’OMaST” of refinement and
discretion desires position as compan- 1
ion for elderly lady. Have business abil
ity and could be useful hm amanuensis.
Address Efficient, Box 48. care Georgian.
WANTED Position by
pable stenographer Call Ivv 6706 .1
Needle Work.
EMBROIDERY, designing, fins cowing
and darning 13 Baltitnore place Ivv
5968 8-28-8
Situations Wanted--Male.
W ANTED Position by young man. axed
nineteen. stenographer or assistant
| bookkeeper \ddrcss Granath. 44« Wood
i ward avenue 47-24-9
1 NUI BA’!’((RS PKpg *wxl in
|l (iR SALE Four Prairie State hovers,
with regulators, in good condition;
slightly used, at *4 each, cost *8 Ont-
I’yphers 150-egg Incubator, cost $22.51) a
short time ago. only *7 50 One Jewell in
i . uliat.>r. IflO-egg rapacity, cost *lB. for *6
Both machines in good condition Good
reason for selling .lames H Wood.
i Brooks. Ga 9-24-26
\\ ANTED Experienced timekeeper wants
potion; can do tracing, construction
o i k o••• ■ red h ) 37t6-J 37-’!4-9
I WARTED Situation; any kinTi
by young man. 21 years of age. reference
Phone Main 1917. 36-24-9
.EXPERIENCED farmer. 38 years oi<L
warts position as superintendent or
f. reman (h od references Address Box
POSITION as uolfedor.
Collector, pare Georgian.
Situations Wanted—Male.
WANTED--Position as bookkeeper and
stenographer by young man. ten years
experience. Address Ambition. care
Georgian. 44-23-9
WANTED-By colored man, position as
porter for store or as janitor, elevator
man or driver for either delivery, pri
vate family. ("an furnish references
Address ('. II . care Georgian 39-23-9
CAPABLE MAN with more than twenty
years experience in trade journal work
desires to form connection with progress
ive publication. Satisfactory references.
Address Box 691. < are Georgian. 32-23-9
MAN with many years experience in of
fice work, business correspondence, etc.,
desires position with good manufacturing
corporation or business firm, requiring
energy, ability and loyalty to employer’s
Interests. Satisfactory references. Ad
dress Box !:09. care Georgian. 31-23-9
w anti Id POSITION by young
FEI’.REI >. ADDRESS ().. Bo.\ 500. CARE
(>E( 'RGIAN. 105-21-9
EXPERIENCED farmer, trucker, stock,
poultry and dairyman, would work
shares, or’rent. Ten live wire workers.
A. .1 Williams. Thomasville. Ga. 32-21-9
COMPETENT young colored man wants
work. 220-A East Merritts avenue.
_ 9- 21-12
liable soda dispenser of five years ex
perience ''an Main 3817-.1 and ask for
Campbel) 37-20-9
i’IiSITIoX WANTED as assistant in re
tail drug house Soda and front store
work, (’an give any reference. Address
Box 44, Madison. Fla 55-111-9
WANTEI>--Position by young man 'Gei
mani to work around house; willing to |
do any kind of honest work Address
Box 14 4. care Georgian 46-17-9
Job Work,
WE CAN SAVE you money on repair
work, shelving, tables and counters. We (
make them to order. Roof repairing, brick I
work, wall tinting, painting and plaster- i
Ing 62(/ ? South Forsyth street Bell 1187,
Atlanta 6087-M.
Window Cleaning,
National Window Cleaners
Dwellings or Store Fronts; Carpets Vacu
um Cleaned; Floors Oiled or Waxed.
All Work Guaranteed.
47 E. Hunter St. Main 1175, Atlanta
Phone 1051. 7-5-24
Contractors and Home Builders.
IT WILL PAY YOU to get our estimates
cm steam heating and plumbing before
letting your work; 35 years’ experience
in city puts us in position to give you
best work at minimum cost. Bashlor
I Dating and Plumbing Company, 43 Car
negie Place M. 455. 7-20-48
Boarders Wanted.
NEATLY furnished rooms and meals a
specialty at 406 Peachtree street. lv\
174 l» 9-24-4 '
BEAITIITL toom and first-class table
hoard can be had. Phon** Ivv 3694-. I
TWO young men can get nice room ami
board in privaß family; north side;
!ea lonable. Lvj :h 8 :-,i 9-28-33
Nh’EhV furnished front room with board
and all conveniences, close in. at 102
\\ .i■'i<in gt'i affect Main 9-23 31
RooM and bOard for a couple or two
business ladies; references exchanged.
Main 4020-1 50-23-9
ENCELLEN I’ ROOM and board Tn” 'mod
ern home. Best part Inman Park Gen
tlemen or couples. No children. Ivv
ROOMS and first-class hoard, reasonable
rates; private home. 256 Capitol ave
nue Mail, 20*1 -L. 9*21 -39
69 LVCKIE STREET Good board, steam
heat; reasonable; for business women
G 4-21
1 \ • liij.l'j • ROOMS. table board;
good location and surrounding-:; run
ning water In rooms; rens enable; fur
nace heat 32 East North avenue. Ivy
5561 9-21-3
1111 ST •' L.\ss TABLE board at 16 Por
ter place Just off Peachtree. Ivy 6705.
TRY BOARD at 308 South Pt vor street
Itofeier-Main 2458-L. 19 10
Id ” '.MS uhi board : also table
board :*9 E. Harris. Ivy 3741 -L.
TWO Joveb connecting rooms and board
in home with refined couple; no other
boarders; north side. Phone Ivv 1762-L.
246 SOUTH PRYOR can accommodate a
few boarders and roomers with con
veniences 9 18-16
J iui s t Off Peachtree
21 EAST CAIN STREET; clean, newly
furnished rooms, with good board A.
M Fuller, 9-17-32
Board Wanted.
w \ntei» Sthhll single room 4ii(i board,
close to Candler building, by \uung man
State rates. Bokkeepcr, 106 Candler
Annex 42- 24 - 9
HOW MANY desirable boarders know
that you have a vacancy at your table?
There are hundreds this very da> looking
for nice, homelike boarding places
Reach them with an ad in the Boarders
Wanted" column of The Georgian.
October I In Atlanta is the fall moving
da.' . There are hundreds and hundreds < f
people and families this ver.' da' that are
looking for desirable places t«» rt ni tor the
< oming season on the first of October.
Desirable houses, rooms and apartments
(either furnished or unfurnished) "ill rent
quickly and easily if they are seen in the
paper that Is the leading "iG-nt’’ medium
«»f the city. "The Geajgian Rent Bulletin’'
has the stamp of being the foremost
Rent" mediiiin. By no other way can
your vacancies be renter! easily than
throne'll The Georgian The number *•
’Rent" -ads in The Georgian speak for
themselves. You know for yourself that
if you desired to rent, you would look in
the paper that ha<l the largest list to
choose from The public feels the same
way. Begin your ad immediate!' and
have your vacancies filled before the first
of next month Either phone it or semi
It in
Fire-Proof Storage. »
w e STORE HO! si?lm>ld goods and
pianos. Office and warehouse, 239-241
IMgewood avenue. lv> 2037. John J
Woodside Storage Company
Lost and Found.
LOST Small black spanit*! dog; short
tall; collar on with name ami address
of owner. Return for reward to 618 Pied
mont a venue 9-2 ’ • 13
LOST I -irgc white pointei dog Lemon
spotted ears. Answers to name of Bob
Return to Logan Bleckley. 611 Piedmont
»venue Rew’ar< Ivj 1380
SPR\A it ' OR s i'i »Ll'N <m? dar c baj
hi rse mult* Weight about ! 00. Return
to Morris Nt Thomas, t'urrier ami Pied
mont ayenu< and reward ■ 34-33
ix IST < ‘ii i atur cai. grip witl
dren’s clothes and gold pin Call Main
2995-L. and get rewani. 9-24-29
LOST -In Edgewood one Jersey
heifer, brown with black mark
ings on face and legs. Howard.
I’hone Ivy 1291 4 9 24-3
STRAYEI' (Hl S’I’OLEN (>ne gtay tnare
Sunday nlxltt; switch craped Finder
tdease call Bell phone Decatur 472. S. R
Burien 41-24-9
L('ST Between Gem photograph parlors
on Whitehall and postofi’lee. book con
taining small piece of glass with palette of
artist’s colors on it Written ir book
"How to mix colors for artists ’ Reward
for return to 8 lllghlanti avertte. 9-.'4-3
LOST Sumia; night, in horse eab No.
118, ladles’ black leather handbag; re
turn to 1233 Candl«-r Bldg $5 reward
la'ST on, solid white female bulldog
two years old ears and tail clipped
fall Main 7467 J. ;s 21-9
“The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin”
Do Your Renting Through This Bulletin.
It contains a complete list each issue of every desirable place that is For Rent in the city and suburbs; no mat
ter where it is or whether it is furnishecr or unfurnished They are all here below.
For the benefit and convenience of its patrons The Georgian employs a special man to search the city and sur
roundings each day for desirable places.
This bulletin will save you time, money and worry. It is for your convenience, so take advantage of it.
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
NEATLY furnished front room; close in;
modern conveniences. Ivy 5663-. L
NEATLY furnished front room to gentle-
men; all conveniences. 52 Mills st.
ROOMERS. 145 Spring street. 9-24-51
HANDSOMELY furnished rooms to gen
tlemen only; steam heat; hot water;
electt i<■ llgl> ts’; cl ose in. IVy 4972. 9-24-50
ONE large front furnished room; all con-
veniences. !■):: West Harris street.
FURNTShITd room: cotiple of full beds;
gentlemen onlv. l 6 West Peachtree st.
TWo'desirabie ” front “"upstairs rooms for
light housekeeping; all conveniences.
75 Nelson, two blocks of Terminal Station.
FOR RENT— Nicely furnished room, con
venient to bath Ivy 3168-L. 205 Spring
street. 9-24 -36
rooms or en
tire second lioor of four rooms, fur
nished tor light housekeeping', private
hath and hot water; to adults. 251 Crew
st reel. Ty 24 J|7
NICELI furnished' front room adjoining
bath, in the Marlboio .;(>■ Meals next,
door. I’hone Ivy 3*20. 9-24-16
TWO large neat lied roo.ns or light house
keeping; north side; private family. Ivy
2410. 9-24-13
For’ RENT one'front room furnished.
-01 Woodward avenue.
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms.
with or without board; close in. 72
Spring street. 30-24-9
RI’.FINED youngs man wishes rooni
inate. Cal! 509-F Atlanta. 32-24-9
FOR RENT—Two or three furnished
rooms, with private family. 33 Orange
FOR - RENT—Nicely furnished rooms, ail
conveniences; *2 per week. 286% White
hall; apartment C 9-24-8
IN PRIVATE HOME, 17 Pulliam street,
two or three connecting rooms; all con
veniences; nice residence street; no car
fa re ;_no eh i 9-27-27
COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping
r.ooms, $2. <5 up weekly. 31 Hood street,
near Whitehall. Main 2758-J.9-23-19
I'OR RENT Three or more rooms, com-
plete for housekeeping. Address Box 413,
care Georgian. a 49-23-9
ONE very largo furnished room; large
closet, two windows; hot and cold
water, gas anti electric lights; in com
fortable home on north side; also one
single room. Ivy 1744-L._J4-23-23
NICE front room, furnished or unfur
nished. Main 1228-.1.
ELEGANT furnished front room with
large porch, in modern apartment, for
one or two gentlemen or ladies; three
blocks of Candler Building. 45 WHliamS
street, first floor. 53-33«9
58 - EAST 16LLIS STREET—one large and
one small furnished room. Ivy Z403-J.
NICE "front room, with or without meals.
102 Ivy street.
FOIt'RENT - Two nTcel) furnished room*
for housekeping; close in. 242 Central
avenue. Also two toonts at 138 Pul-
Jiani street.
FOR 11E N T New I y furnished steam
heated room; private family; third floor.
O-U West Raker street, ivy 5895. 9-23-7
For REn'l' Nicely furnished room for
gentleman, convenient to bath; on
north side, in private family. Phone Ivy
5109. 37-23-9
I f RNISHED large comfortable room for
two young men.l vy 1576-L. 30-23-9
FOR REN'I’ One large and one small
room, suitable for light housekeeping, tn
private home in Hapeville, or will take
desirable couple to board. (’all East
Point 378-.1, or write P. O. Box 754, Hape
ville. Ga. 27 : 23-9
FOR RENT Two ..r three elegantly fur
nished front rooms, complete for house
keeping; private entrance; sink in kitch
!en: hot bath; Bell flltone; best location
I'o parties, without children. 290 Wash
ling ton street. 9GB -59
| FOR RENT Furnished rooms, neat and
_clean._ 28 West Peachtree place. 9-21-1)3
I i‘"R RENi" furnished front room,
dressing room connecting; conven
iences;; private family; references. Ivy
I 2506-1. LJL'J*
I Ft (R RENT- -Two nicely furnished rooms
for gentlemen in home of couple; one
1 block Georgian Terrace. *lO month, ivy
5145. _ S6 - 21 J!
F<>i: RENT 'l'wo newlj furnished con
t necting rooms for two or three gentle
imen: steam lieai and every convenience.
Apartment 5 and 6, 61 East Cain street.
Ivj 3J3" 9-21-47
FOR REN’I' Furnished rooms, suitable
for Housekeeping. Atlanta 5892-M. 42
Auburn avenue. »9-21-46
| FOR RENT -A pretty front room, fur
. nished, on Park avenue, to a business
woman: in private family; no children.
I Phone m 3S'.ti-i. 9-21-32
1-'(U; RENT-Two furnished rooms for
housekeeping, in private heme. Phone
I Main 3453-t
I T(> business couple, nicely furnished front
| room. 2S(" : . Houston street. 9-21-12
it'NE upstairs front room; all conven
ances at 117 W. Baker st. Atlanta 4555.
1 \l TIFI’L furnished rooms for gentle
nen .nix. at u West Harris street, op
.p< site Cup.tai Cityj-lub. !»-l
•FOR RENT— Two front rooms, furnished
for housekeeping. Private family. Ref
erences required. 240 Capitol avenue.
FOR RENT—Two rooms, furnished for
light housekeeping 3il Glenn street.
1 HA N1 >S< >M ELI’ furnished rooms to gen-
I tiemen only; every modern convenience;
I adjoining bath: walking distance. Ivy
. 49,2 9-18-36
SEE my ele;in. well furnished
rooms fit 1!) West (Jain street;
h--t and cold water; meals next
door, and rates reasonable. Call
Ivt 6778-J. MIS 11
FOB RENT Nice, newly furnished
looms, also light housekeeping apart
ment. Close in. 151 Spring street.
MRS. I> H. WHITE, late of Hofei Plaza,
lias taken 11 Cone street: steam-heated
rooms, hot baths at any time 50-17-1*
oFFUSITE IIT:"cJUTfi>L~-Niceiy fur
nished rooms and excellent table board.
121 Capitol square Main 4839-L 9-12-32
Dancing Lessons.
DANCING LESSONS Adults' and ladles
special ratfs. Atlanta phene 2738
DROPSY CURED Relieves shortness of
breath in 36 to 48 hours. Reduces swell
ing in fifteen to twenty dn\s. Write for
particulars. Colloni Dropsy Remedy Com
pany, 512 Austell building. Atlanta
6 25-11
Monuments and Stone Work.
ALL KINDS store work
;7-l'.» Eraser street. Phone Main 3540.
Trunks, Bags and Suitcases.
PHONES; Hell Main 1576. Atlanta 1654
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
TWO rooms and kitchenette: all conve
niences; *ls. 64 West Harris street.
-2 4-47
THREE unfurnished connecting rooms:
first floor; for housekeeping; all conven
iences. I’hone Ivy 6231. 18 Boulevard
Place 61-24-9
FOR RENT—Unfurnished; three or four
large, connecting, upstairs rooms; gas
connections, hot and cold water: Hglit
housekeping: vacant October 1.. Cal! 14',
Windsor street < r Main 394-.1. 45-24-9
FOR RENT—Two large connecting rooms
with kitchenette and private bath; In
man Park. Call Ivy 2124-J. 44-24-9
THREE connecting upstairs rooms; every
convenience for light housekeeping. 396
Capitol avenue. Main 4694-1,. 9-24-30
TWO large connecting rooms, *8 per
month. 331 Fraser street. References.
FOR RENT—Three-room; separate gas.
hath. Apply 181 Luckie st. 48-23-9
FOUR connecting rooms; private eip
trance, bath, sink; conveniently located.
Ivy 3654-.1. 9-21-54
FOR RENT—To couple without children,
three or four unfurnished rooms, with
all conveniences. 133 Oglethorpe avenue.
West 1136-.1, 9-21-19
FOR RENT—Room and kitchenette, with
sink. Phone Ivy 5945-L. 26-21-9
FOR RENT—HaIf house for housekeep
ing. Five rooms and bath. 319 North
.lackson street. 33-19-9
FOR RENT—»Two unfurnished rooms at
42 Rosalia street, one block from car
line. 28-17-9
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
FURNISHED or unfurnished, clean and
home-like rooms; all conveniences. 82
Spring. 64-24-9
Housekeeping Rooms For Rent.
LARGE furnished room with sink in
kitchen; $lB a month. 388 Peachtree.
THREE unfurnished rooms, connecting
bath, with all conveniences. 48 Mills
street. 9-24-46
TWO IN !■ Uli NISH ED room’s for light
housekeeping, with private family, for
rent; all modern conveniences; min
utes’ walk from center of city. Call 117*
Pulliam street 9-21-27
LARGE front connecting rooms, fur
nished or unfurnished; private home;
conveniences; private porches. 66 High
land ave.lvy lSO’.'-.1. 9-20-32
THREE connecting first floor rooms; sink
in kitchen. 225 N. Boulevard. 9-20-25
FOR RENT—Neat rooms, furnished or
unfurnished, for housekeeping; all con
veniences. 229 Central avenue. 9-10-43
Bachelor Rooms For Rent.
TWO unfurnished rooms; very close in;
at 7 Carnegie Way; suitable for two
gentlemen. lv.V 902. 46-18-9
Room and Board.
NICE, cool room with board in private
family, all conveniences. 54 York ave.
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
FOUR connecting rooms, newly papered;
private bath; very elevated, near .Tack
son. 275 E. Pine st, 9-24-41
FOR RENT—-Five-room apartment in the
Corinthian. 136 West Peachtree street.
Apply to Mr. Kelly, Walton street.
FOR REN’I’ Beautiful, small, steam
heated kitchenette apartment in the
Saint Bride. Inquire apartment 9, 52 East
Cain, or phone Ivy 428. 9-17-24
Unfurnished Houses For Rent
WANTED—-Couple without children to
take part of cottage on south side.
Close in. By November 1. J. E. R. S..
care Georgian. 3.3-24-9
FOR RENT —$30, 6-room cottage. 447
Courtland street; in splendid repair:
north side. 824 Atlanta National Bank
BJd g. Mai n_2683. 46-23-9
CLOSE-IN. modern, eight-room resi
dence. corner lot. .303 Spring st., corner
Hunnicutt street; rent reduced from S4O
to *37.50: take West Peachtree car to
Hunnicutt street. Bell phone Ivy 3834-. L
center of town; four rooms; newly pa
pered: large hall and front porch, on
second floor of a two-family house. All
conveniences. *12.60. Apply Fitzhugh
Knox, 1613 Candler building. 9-20-5
FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE for rent; near
in. 145 Ortnond street. 9-19-12
FOR REN’I". HOUSES—CaII, write or
phone for our rent bulletin. Ralph O.
Cochran. "9 South Broad street. 4-1-21
THE 1101 SE you build, buy or
rent will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
Furnished Houses For Rent.
MOST attractive six-room bungalow,
completely furnished, north side; best
of everything: only first-cla«s tenants de
sired; no children Phone Ivy 1762-L.
Furnished or Unfurnished Houses
For Rent.
LEASH OR SALE- Beautiful new bun
galow. oak floors, screened, furnace,
tile bath, garage; shady lot. “Ansley
Park." care Georgian. 27-16-9
Office Space For Rent.
OFFICE SPACE for r#>nt to approver! ten
ant. Apply to 1527 Candler Bldg. 54-18-9
. . ... .JV
Stores For Rent.
FOR RENT—We have a very desirable
store in the Candler Bldg., fronting on
North Pryor street and offer the same on
attractive terms for a period of three to
five years. This store is 14 feet wide and
38 feet long with a balcony in the rear.
\pp!y at 222 Candler Bldg 9-24-44
DR EDMONDSON'S Tansy. Pennyroyal
and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re
liable treatment for painful and sup
press, d menstruation, irregularities and
similar obstructions. Trial box by mail.
50' . Frank Edmondson ,<■ Bro., manufac
turing chemists. 11 North Broad street.
Atlantg. 2- 17 -14
Stove and Range Repairing.
We sell secondhand gas stoves.
We sweep chfmnevs
Atlanta Phone 2235 Bell Phone Main 26.19
Sewing Machines.
WE RENT new machines with complete
set of attachments for *2 per month:
also machines repaired; prompt delivery.
Poth tdtones I*9;’ Singer Sewing Ma
chine Company, 79 Whitehall. 9-14-44
Stables For Rent.
NICE, large brick stable, suitable for
horse and carriage or garage. 104 S.
Pryor M. 2751-L. 9-18-50
Furnished Rooms Wanted.
COl PLE, no children, want one or two
rooms for housekeeping. State price.
-s*^^ resß Box 462. care Georgian. 68-24-9
October 1 in Atlanta fs 'the'Tall moving
day. There are hundreds and hundreds of
people and families this very day that are
looking for desirable places to rent for the
coming season on the first of October.
Desirable houses, rooms and apartments
(either furnished or unfurnished) will rent
quickly and easily if they are seen in the
paper that is the leading “Rent" medium
of the city. "The Georgian Rent Bulletin"
!’.?. s ~e s * am P of being the foremost
’’Rent' medium. By no other way- can
your vacancies be rented easily than
through The Georgian. The number c*
"Rent” ads in The Georgian speak for
themselves. You know for yourself that
if you desired to rent, you would look in
the paper that had the largest list to
choose from. The public feels the same
way. Bogin your ad. immediately and
have your vacancies filled before the first
of next month. Either phone it or send
it in.
WANTED Steam-heated furnished
room close to Candler building. Please
advise price, location and telephone num
ber. Would want rooms five or six
months if suited. Address M. C., P. O
Box 562. Atlanta. 9-21-10
\\ ANTED—By congenial couple, without
children. October 1, one large furnished
room with kitchenette, or two small
rooms. Prefer private family. Close in.
Must be reasonable. Address Box 154.
care Georgian. 52-21-10
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
GENTLEMAN wants furnished or un
furnished room and private bath.
North side. Not a boarding house. State
location and terms. B. E. W., care Geor
gian. 9-19-27
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
WANTED—By couple with two children
three or four rooms on ground floor;
state price and location. Call Ivv 1279-L
October 1 in Atlanta is the fall moving
day. There are hundreds and hundreds of
people and families this very day that are
looking for desirable places to rent for the
coming season on the first of October.
Desirable houses, rooms and apartments
(either furnished or unfurnished) will rent
quickly and easily if thev are seen in the
paper that is the leading "Rent" medium
of the city. "The’Georgian Rent Bulletin"
has the stamp of being the foremost
’’Re.nt" medium. Bv no other wav can
your vacancies be rented easily’ than
through The Georgian. The number o*
"Rent" ads in The Georgian speak for
themselves. You know for vourself that
if you desired to rent, you would look In
the paper that had the largest list to
choose from. The public feels the same
way. Begin your ad. immediately ’ and
have your vacancies filled before the first
of next month. Either phone it or send
it in.
Unfurnished Apartments Wanted.
WANTED—Three or four nice rooms
and bath; steam heat and electric lights;
north side preferred. Address E. B,
care Georgian 9-20-9
October 1 in Atlanta is the fall moving
day. There are hundreds and hundreds of
people and families this very day that are
looking for desirable places to rent for the
coming season on the first of October.
Desirable houses, rooms an<l apartments
(either furnished or unfurnished) will rent
quickly and easily if they are seen in the
paper that is the leading "Rent” medium
of the city. “The Georgian Rent Bulletin"
has the stamp of being the foremost
"Rent" medium. By no other wav can
your vacancies be rented easily' than
through The Georgian. The number of.
“Rent" ads in The Georgian speak for
themselves. You know for vourself that
if you desired to rent, you would look in
the paper that had the largest list to
choose from. The public feels the same
way. Begin your ad. immediately and
have your vacancies filled before the first
of next month. Either phone it or send
it in.
Furnished Houses Wanted.
FURNISHED house or apartment wanted
on north side, by young California cou
ple; no children; accustomed to own own
home. modern conveniences Rea
sonable rent. Address R. E. Callahan P.
<>. Box 10.35, Atlanta. 9-21-8
October 1 in~Atl’anta is the fall moving
day. There are hundreds and hundreds of
people and families this very day that are
looking for desirable places to rent for the
coming season on the first of October
Desirable houses, rooms and apartments
(either furnished or unfurnished) will rent
quickly and easily if thej- are seen in tile
paper that i‘- the leading "Rent" medium
of the city. "The Georgian Rent Bulletin"
bas the stamp of being the foremost
“Rent medium. By no other way can
your vacancies be rented easily’ than
through The Georgian. The number <
yßent” ads in The Georgian speak for
if you desired to rent, you would look in
if you desired to rent, you would look in
the paper that had the largest list to
Choose from. The public feels the same
way. Begin your ad immediately and
have your vacancies tilled before the first
of next month Either phone it or send
It in
Unfurnished Houses Wanted
October 1 in Atlanta is the fall moving
day. I here are hundreds and hundreds of
people and families this very day that are
looking for desirable places to rent for tire
coming season on the first of October
Desirable houses, rooms and apartments
'either furnished or unfurnished) will rent
quickly and easily if they are seen In the
paper that is the leading “Rent ” medium
paper that is the leading "Rent" medium
lias the stamp of being the foremost
Lent, medium. By no other way can
your vacancies be rented easily’ than
through The Georgian. The number of
"Rent ads In The Georgian speak for
themselves. >ou know for vourself that
if you desire,; to rent, you would look in
tlie paper that had the largest list to
choose from. The public feels the same
w;r. B-gfn yqur ad immediately and
have tour vacancies filled before the first
of next month Either phone it or send
"s’mstf'ji', B ' f s ',' a,ll . la|p <'f French school
small lass ..f beginners in French *:’
for ten lessons. I’hone Ivy 6218-L
NIUE, hands, me. soheUindtiTtriCus voting
man. wth means, would like to
spend with some nice young ladies- with
Add?ess ra | n? r ,, W '\v b it nia,rin ’"hy in’ view.
Atlant’ti " " e "’‘- general delivery.
Auction Sales.
P De«tu??SS® a 'U'u’ i"’ Y l '"
and everything Atlanta phone ”’’Bs Beu
phone Main 1434, Main 187 '“ t.’ 2 9- 20
1 I.MHRt'KI. Sales Company under new
sto?k n ora n m n kin'| i " aCCep l ourplus
riock oi an> kind on consignment*:• <*a«h
?l', va J’ ce ‘A 1; '■’(’>"emem on date of X
M"ln 187 R : H r ' b " n '
Mein 18 ( . Atlanta phone 2285. 8-6-30
LADIES—Ask your drugyiJ7~o~^~~—•
ters Pills, the Diamond brantP Jclies
years known as best, safest aiw ’ ,or 2«
ble; buy- of y our druggist T a k7V’’ relll ’
Chichesters Diamond Brand’ >m oth «
by druggists everywhere * ls are sold
your copyrights, print and nh>l/ ecur ’
books on the market. Morton r, a £(’ lou!"
Company, Dept. ATG Mortnn P ’i bllshln ß
New York. Morton building*
let me direct you to
the same time save half nn ,1 , ' n ' i a t
W. M. Bricken, 20 East Alabama
FLY SCREENS. Fl^~scßFFy-7A ! ' 7- 4
SCREENS-Wood fly screen. ' "Y
screens, hardwood floors. Yen^ianVo' fly
metal weather strips furnished bllnd s.
in the South. Write or phXV pb"’
laway, manager, 1403 Fourth" v R • Cal "
Bank building, Atlanta, Ga M a in TA'o 141
serious "Results come"777u—-Yju
improperly fitted. John B Dam.i russea
AA all street, has an exnert flcul e ’ a ! 34
will cost you no more to have J*
you, and it mfans insurance b « flt
refined, homelike; limited number?)’ 8 ”’
tients cared for; home provldia f / '? a ‘
fants; Infants for adoption Mrs « 'S.'
Mitchell. 26 Windsor street. ' . L
~~ L~"
9 -11?. 17
74 Walton St
Office Hours, 9 a. m . 9 n m
Sunday, i 0 to 4. Ladies' Maid
in attendance.
REVEALS PAST, present and future
Can be consulted on al! affairs of ItfJ
On a & 25C ’ 50C ’ 17 East »11 street
IS u?2 W ub°T CA ?'- ED ln tent ’ corner For
can be consulted on
all affairs of life. Charges moderate"
Satisfaction guaranteed. 6-25-13
For Sale—Miscellaneous.
SALE CHEAP—Gas stove, child’’
high chairs, sewing machine new
quilts. 336 Ormond street. 62-"i-1
FOR SALE—Iron bed, springs and h»7~
. er - Cheap, 68 Walton street. 50-24-9
WILL sell furnishings of Peachtree homT
linen, silver, blankets. Sacrifice care
Georgian. 60-24-:i
MOVING, and must sell ou’t~fine stuck
Brown Leghorn chickens and Indian
Runner ducks. Make me an offer 41
Colquitt avenue. Ivy 4070-J ''-’’4-35
RADIANT BA SE-BUrtN"ER in good'Jo’b
dition; two Zudor shades; onlv med .
short time; two ferns. Phone Ivy 2416
. S-24-14
VENUS dress form, adjustable to sizes ,"8
to 46; cost *ls: will sell for *lO In per
feet condition. Call Ivy 5078. 9-24-12
FOR SALE— Handsome *3O babv’s bow
for sl2; go-cart $12.50. Call Main 5262 L
-21 - 23
and large home safes. *ls; Hall’s bank
and fireproof safes, vault doors, etc C
J. Daniei. 416 Fourth National Bank build
ing. 9-7-53
One Price. No Commission
LET us make you an estimate on
your work. Old pianos made
new again at moderate prices.
The only complete piano shop in
the city.
Cleveland-Manning Piano
80 N. Pryor Street.
Bell Phone Ivy 2240.
FOR SALE—Household and kitchen furn
ishings. Apply 24 West Baker street
FOR SALE —One large base burner:
hard coal, self feeder, in first-class
condition. Good as new. Marvyn Con
way, 130 Park avenue. Bell phone Main
1918. 9-33-j
IT WILL BE EASY selling If you place
your miscellaneous things on the mar
ket through the “For Sale—Miscella
neous” column of The Georgian. People
find this classification a column of man)
tempting buys and are willing to take
you up on anything that you have for
I'/z-CARAT diamond less 1-32. perfect and
white; cash $200; cost S3OO /sq
can <;*orgian.
domestic feathers. Live geese feather
a specialty. Write or phone for sample’
and prices. R. S. Eubanks. 73’j ,
Broad street. Atlanta.
SAFESj files, cabinets, new & 2nd hd
Gookln Bank & Office Equipment^'
FOR SALE—Lot of best quallt) tlhn?
any style and size desired Tins is a
unusual' bargain at prices far be!';" re »’
ular. See or write W. M Bricken. -
East Alabama st.. City. .illL.-
BUSINESS college scholarships.'
count on regular price tn all of me o
institutions in Atlanta. See or "7
W. M. Bricken. 20 East Alabama st t .\.
1 anta. Ga. L
National (’ash Registers
$35-*SO; *6O-*75 and up. Terms eas\ b> B ,
oral exchange allowance B"’’;
60 North Broad Street.
NEW, beautiful rugs woven
old carpet, superior to any 1! \ i... i.j
plain or designed; any size. '‘.’’Y'-e
free. Oriental Rug Compam.
4 • "it registers everythin-
American l atest improver cm’ ,
01,1 o’m q,ers r '
* a>n ah
1 > • j , Atlanta (’ash Re£>‘
n(*g’lstcrS 34 i:ast Alaban.•*
-1076. ROBERT MITCHI.LL. - is-15
HAVE a good upright Stein".*. ■ ’“ v ji; :
In tine condition; cost new t"’_
sacrifice for *100; now in s! "r:lAt
dress Steinway Piano. I' 11 ' ",-,.;1-i
FLOWERS—See or write me be' l .'’ '....jr
Ing orders. I can save ,'‘ ,u ni i'ii>l i
money in buying potted plan '
flowers. W. M. Bricken. 20 East
st., City. -
•1’ -1 A (
The best Want Ad days
gian are Monday. Tuesda' ..ea
ihiirsdav. Friday, Saturday
ALL The results will surprise >«"■