Newspaper Page Text
Published by The Georgian Company,
20 East Alabama Street,
Atlanta. Ga
Entered at .Atlanta p<«N?offi?e as second
class matter
Subscriptions Payable in Advance
One year mail, postage prepaid. |5.00
Six months, mail, postage prepaid. 2.50
Three months, mail, postage prepaid. 125
One month. maiL_p • I <5
Subscript! • able in Advance.
Delivered bv carrier, one year $5 20
Delivered by carrier, six months . 2 60
pei!v< r< ion ths.. 1 30
T ■*> I in n Atlanta and
other cities, one week 10c
Want Ad Rales and Rules
in The Atlanta Georgian
One cent a word each Insertion.
No ad taken for less than the price
of ten words Ads in larger type.
12c a line (4 words to the line).
Out-of-town advert! sements
must be accompanied with cash.
Agencies' discounts 10 and 5 per
The Georgian will not be respon
sible for more than one Incorrect
insertion of any ad ordered more
than one time
Closing Hours: To secure prop
er classification, ads must be i".
The Georgian office before 1 o'cloc.t
4he day of the issue
,AJI ads must be ordered out In
writing or at office No discon
tinuance notice taken over phone
Every word In the advertisement.
Including the name and address,
1s counted. Each Initial counts one
word, compound words are counted
as two words
Telephone your Want Ade to The
Georgian (both phones 8000) when
it Is more convenient to do so. and
collection will be made at your
home or atyour office the follow
ing day. This Is an accommoda
tion service rendered Georgian
Want Ad patrons and payment
should always be promptly made
on presentation of bill. Always
ask that your telephone ad be re
peated back to you by the ad
taker to make sure that It has been
taken correctly. The Georgian can
not guarantee accuracy or assume
responsibility for errors of any kind
occurring In telephone advertise
ADVERTISERS should retain re
ceipts given In payment for Want
Ads over the office counter, as mis
takes can not be rectified without
them In answering advertise
ments addressed in care of The
Georgian, if the advertiser requires
references, send a duplicate of
Help Wanted—Female.
WANTED Colored woman to clean new
house (’an also use right one one or
two days each week Good pay Call at
389 Ponce De Loon avenue after 5.30 p in
WANTEI I t • , ■: < •iid il j |§s( g I
ito! avenue 9-25-53
WANTED A cook and laundress No
WANTED .a lady helper to assist bush
elman on men’s clothes. Apply G R
Allen & Co., 26 WaJton st 9-25-48
TWO waitresses foi dining room in Targt
house, good pay 241 West Peachtree.
w \NTED At once, experiences
maid for boarding house, no other need
apply 121 Capitol Square Main 4839-L
9 'JS-45
WANTED Neat colored girt foi plain
cooking and housework Call apart
nwnt S \\ , .• •. .. , < j; .
\\ KNTED First class woman oook to
milk and live on lot 3 Delta Place, In
man i‘ark <\tH l\ \ 3509 L 9 25 32
WOMAN t< wash on lot Thursday at 218
\ngi< i a venue * 9-25-15
\\ XNTED Good cook for small tumilv;
furnished room on place. Phone Ivy
ii ■ eet 33-25 ■
First class cook and house
servant for couple Apply apartment 3.
.1 uni per apart ments 35-25-9
BANGING SCHOOL I’i h ate Kali an 3
instructions. Single lessons $1 Course
DO Will accept and teach a few appll
rants at $6 Phone Ivy 6067-J. 29-25-9
UANTE!) Lady clerk In grocerx store,
with references Apply 65 Richardson
street, between 8 and H p. m 9-25-1
'Nri.r* immediately, family washer
woman Apply 806 lx he avenue. Inman
L h<i ? 24*88
WANTED- A nurse. Apply 1086' Pled
jnoDt avenue. 9-24-17
WANTED (Colored 'housemaid. Must be
experienced Apply 30 West North ave-
J . 9-24 25
WANTED- Woman for coofc: room on
place 1f desired kpply 118 Copenhill
avenue 48-24-9
WAN’tffD at once, room - on
lot wagea. fl Bp s . JJ
<;!ti for light housework: good
p«> 41 Bass street q -28 32
WAnTBB i xjeju , contest
manager Apply Box 996, Jacksonville
Fla 51-23-i
WANTED- a ati<T reliable" cook;
i’ryer at 47 28 8
WANTED a TMh woman to do work on
tho lot Apply 800 Piedmont avenue
'WANTED -Washerwoman for children's
clothes Phone lyv .1 »-28-4
WaSiTED Good servn nt to stay with
three children, by widower Good pav
to right party Call at 69 Connajjv
PHI >< -rtIEADET. To read proof on tabu"
lax matter. Apply Piedmont Printing
'.'omtuiny. 127 Central avenue, Atlanta
''"IDS . n . | p, g, ovral house-
work, must room on lot. also washer
woman 27 West Sixteenth strwet 9-18-19
Help Wanted—Male.
WANTED- Suitable porters to grade
driveway Pm>n«’_ 4258-1. Ivy. SLM6-57
WA NT El 1 Competent office boy; pre
fer resident at or near Past Point Vir
ginia Rridgi and Iron Cotnpanv, East
Point, Ga 9-25-56
HANTED \Vhlte boy ab. nt sixteen for
groeery store Apply 2to B p n , 271
Piedmont avenue a-25-50
11 IN I 1.1 1 I’l.tee find-class eoat makers
Apply George Muse Clothing Tai-
lormg Department third door 9-25-5 S
11 1N I I I • 1 first-class while barber to
take charge of a first -class three-chair
shop wit’ hot and cold baths I want a
mar a- well as a barber rent $3 per
"< ’ I•'l’■ ’■ 1 i .. i. <la J. 25.42
' V . A N. at col red fl ct i-o . ’ u, lst
be acquainted with elty ami well
I. . . mmerul.Apple '3O a m The
Hlo-sei i-ompany. ;-,x Halton street
«- GO I. ,x .. C. ... ..
\"pi> m "v n handwriting and state <al
hi \ exp» 'let, R 1 |, , are t
I? ; ‘b. |
A> TK. • < , ;.. v (1 ... bl|X
Pie (v-urt Rh.g R< p"H . ngim .'i ’ '
YOl NG man with some ex
perit'Dce in draught im;.
Aliisi liavp a<>otl ethical ion
and icj ere)ice- ns to ch;ir
b'ine opptii'tunity lor
riyht man. Apply at once
i" tlie Kpiiikmi w Marhk
( 0.. Mariella. Ga. 9-2g-3
’ x J' ' ' Map < ibiiui. eight drp\\,.rs7
' ' ’ ah . v Dixit* <’uiv»*rt and M« tat
larti<_ulaic. Phone ivy BUbV-J 11V-25-2
Help Wanted—Male.
WANTED—A young man tn solicit orders
over the phone. Would prefer a young
• man with some experience in the grocery
! business _Cal] Ivy 1828
WANTED—Young man. seventeen to
nineteen years of age. to do press feed
ing and assist in various ways in print-
I Ing and supply department of large con
cern Experience in press feeding not
j absolutely necessary. We want steady.
* industrious young fellow of good habits.
Position is permanent, with good salary
and good hours. Reply, stating age.
business experience and last salar> Ad
dress Box '.'l7, care Georgian. 9-25-22
WANTED Two good metal roofers, one
I good helper Expenses paid. R L.
Moncrief, P <>. Box 175. Newnan, Ga
| 27-25-9
I WANTED— Bright < ffice boy, about fif
teen years old. Apply H L. Singer
' romj>an.\ L _J4l_.Ma<lison avenue. 9-25-7
i WAITED Man who Is experienced In
the retail grocery business, with good
references. Apply 55 East Alabama street
' between 5 ano 6 |>. m. 9-25-2
, 1 1( i VER N.M ENT POSITIONS are easy to
vet Mj free booklet. Y-412. tells how
Write today now Earl Hopkins, Wash
ington . I ’ <' 5 7-9-4
WANTED Eor !' S army, able-bodied
unmarried men between ages of 18 and
35, citizens of United States, of good
character and temperate habits, who can
speak, read and write the English lan
guage Eor Information, apply io Re
cruiting Officer, corner Peachtree and
Forsyth streets. Atlanta, or 111 Cherry
st Macon. Ga. 9-4-27 |
WANTED Five good cabinet makers al ;
once Whitter & Gay Manufacturing
Company, rear lift West .Mitchell street,
Atlanta Phone Main 21G4. 67-24-9
EIRST-t 'I. ass washerman wiTh experi
ence. Permanent job Address E. H.
I. , care <Georgian 9-24-21
Vi ANTED An experienced cabinet man
Apply Willingham Dumber Company
TWO young men to press shirts.
Robinson Shirt Company, 195
1-2 Marietta street. 9-23-9
WANTED Temporarily, experienced
stove repair man. 62 Peachtree
AT ONCE .Mattress finishers.
If you can come, wire us; best of wages;
steady work: no labor troubles of any
sort Oates Mattress Company, Little
Rock, Ark. 9-23-28
\V ANTEI • six first-class locomotive
boilermakers, must be steady and sober;
state when can report for duty. Boiler
maker. Box 490, care Georgian. 9-23-29
WANTEI ’ Five college fellows who have I
knowledge of botany and some chem
istry for out of door work The applicants
must apply In person bringing with them
references as to character, etc. No bluff
ers need apply 817 Austell Bldg , Atlanta,
Ga. 9-23-10
WANTED Men to learn the barber trade?
Pew weeks completes. Tools given
Wages while learning You can join us
with assurance you will succeed We
have received praise from thousands for
our beneficial course Investigate now
Moler Barber College, 38 Luckle street
WANT El l Ideas Inventors write for list
of Inventions wanted and prizes offered
by manufacturers. Also, bow to get vour
patent Sent free to any address Ran
dolph & Briscoe, patent attorneys, Wash
ington; D C7 11-83
W A NTfit > Young men to learn pharma
cy this fall Demand for our graduates
exceeds supply Next session begins Oc
tober 1 Southern College of Pharmacy,
81 Luck la street, Atlanta. Ga 8-11
STOP at Hilburn hotel, heart of city, lOVi
Walton street If yon want a clean, quiet
room: transient 50c Open all night.
) ES, Professor G o. Planning will teach
you the barber trade fit’s easy). We
teach in one-half time of other colleges.
Course and position in our shops only
530 Why pay more? Thousands of our
graduates running shops or making good
wages. Atlanta Barber College, 10 East
Mii'-bell street 6-11-17
i'HI.I. MASS)*;!-'. ball cuts, shaves,
shampoos. All barber work free, ('lean
linen Atlanta Barber College, 10 East
Mitchell. 5-27-.6
MAIL CA I: t: I Eits. port office clerks wa n * -
ed: SBO month: Atlanta examinations
November 6. free coaching Franklin In
stitute. Dept 49-S, Rochester, N. Y
ANTED—Bright, strong
boys to deliver routes in
afternoons. Good wages
and chance for promotion.
Cal! at circulation depart
ment The Atlanta. Georgian,
20 East Alabama street.
Agents Wanted.
WANTED Agents! Men and women to
sell the best insurance contract on
earth one agent sold $200,000 last month
District managers wanted. Territory
Georgia. Alabama and Mississippi. Write
or call on S W Joyner, Southern man
niter ■ t‘l-6 Temple Court, Atlanta. 9-25-39
WANTED Reliable agents for something
new In railroad excursion work, free
trips and good commission, experience
not necessary, but must be able to fur
nish first-class reference. Address 1' r.
Box 1624, Atlanta, Ga 9-21-23
Salesmen Wanted.
H E WANT a crackerjack salesman to
make contracts with dealers for 1.200-
pound capacity car. medium price, to cov
er the state of Georgia. .Address 1 11 c .
care Georgian 9-25-23
II'LA NT A 46-25-9
FI RS’l'-I 1 .ASS salesman,
one acquainted with Ga.
trade preferred. Good op
portunity for right man.
Begin al on<-e. ‘’Aceo,”
cart* I leorgian. 9-24-32
WANTED Ten high-grade
piano salesmen with e.x
]leriei’ce. The W. 'A . Kim
ball < 'o.. < 'hicago, will open
a branch store here October
1. S] i|i nd id opport unity
im promotion. Applv 11.
I*. < ali'l. (ieorgum Terrace
lioiel. 9-21-5
SALESM EN and < ollecfots wanted to
w-’-k tn • t. x. < xporience not rucessary.
s * - S» u i g Machine ( 79
Situations Wanted—Female.
i-dli'Dl i: \ ;i:D iad> wants work in a
H fanjly doing hg l t housework
J ’al’ at .at, n str. < t N 1.. 4 Cd-?
‘ N‘ '■ Al. w rd" as cttpvT
r ’gra, • • »as I•.«.! oxpe-
i 1 ? ' t "' 1 »’all \tlanta ph"tu i 4301
I M'no ’' r - jll j i , j :r j . H h of t nfinc
t ’ " ■ * ' ’n. r hng . • i o| P t.» ma ke
'. ' ' - I ’l "• l‘ -
j*U€ss All' JShuri, Eva P.i, edit Gtvrgn'"
33 24-9
Situations Wanted—Female.
'WANTED Position as stenographer;
have had four years experience; will
consider moderate salary. Address “D.,”
19 West Baker street. 43-24-9
HOUSEKEEPER tor widower, with one
or two children or aged couple? Ad
dress M. C., Box 47, care Georgian.
COMPETENT stenographer, with seven
years' experience, desires position. Ivv
. A RESPECTABLE colored woman wants
position as cook in small family; good
inference. Address G. W. Williams, 383
Richardson st.. City 52-23-9
YOUNG WOMAN of refinement and
discretion desires position as compan
ion for elderly lady. Have business abil
ity and could be useful as amanuensis.
Address Efficient. Box 48, care Georgian.
Needle Work.
EMBROIDERY, designing, fine sewing
and darning 13 Baltimore place. Ivv
5968 8-28-8
SEWING Alterations a specialty. Ad
dress Dressmaker, Box 453, care Geor
gian. 25-25-9
Situations Wanted—Male.
MAN, 26, wants job as efty salesman or
job in wholesale house. Will begin at
bottom Best of references. Address Hard
Worker, caif Georgian 61-25-9
EXPERIENCE!» double-entry bookkeeper
and office man desires position at once.
Can give best of references and bond if
n< ■es iarj 811 AuStell building 64 25-9
WANTED Position bj man with a num-
ber of years experience in bookkeeping
and office work, can furnish first-class
n ferences. Address W.. Box 22, care
Georgian. 65-25-9
WANTED Position as lulling or shipping
clerk. At present am employed, but can
give satisfactory reason for change. Ad
dress Box 682, car* 1 Georgian. 47-25-9
WANTED Position by young man with
clerical and typewriter experience. »R..
can; Georgian. 48-25-9
WANTED Position by young man, aged
nineteen; stenographer or assistant
bookkeeper Address Granath. 440 Wood
ward a venue 47-24-9
WANTED Experienced timekeeper wants
position; can do tracing, construction
work preferred Ivj 37-24-9
wants position as superintendent or
foreman. Good references. Address Box
5 1 ia 25-24-9
WANTED Position as bookkeeper and
stenographer by young man. ten years
experience. Address Ambition, care
Georgian. 44-23-9
WANTED By colored man, position as
porter for store or as janitor, elevator
man dr driver for either delivery, pri
vate family (’an furnish references
Address C h car® Georgian 39 23-9
CAPABLE MAN with more than twenty
years experience in trade journal work
desires to form connection with progress
ive publication. Satisfactory references.
Address Box 691, care Georgian. 32-23-9
maST with many years experience in of-
fice work, business correspondence, etc.,
desires position with good manufacturing
corporation or business firm, requiring
energy, ability and loyalty to employer’s
interests. Satisfactory references. Ad
♦iress Box 209. cate Georgian. 31-23-9
POSITION WANTED as assistant in re
tail drug house. Soda and front store
work Can give any reference. Address
Box 14, Madison, Fla. 55-19-9
Job Work.
WE CAN SAVE you money on repair
work, shelving, tables and counters. We
make them to order. Roof repairing, brick
work, wall tinting, painting and plaster
ing G2‘/ c South Forfiyth street. Bell 1187,
Atlanta, 6087-M.
Boarders Wanted.
LARGE ROOM and board, north side;
also table boarders Ivy 212:: .1 9*25-55
\\ ANTED Two gentlemen to board*; pri~
vate family; furnace heat. Ivy 433-L.
191 Ii i'AIR. nice r""Uts with board tea-
BonnbI»• rates. Main 3722-J 9-25-30
Jewish Board.
b IRST’-(’LASS JEWISH hoard at reason
ably ratea. 110 Capitol avenue 9 6-11
NEATLY furnished rooms and meals a
specialty at 406 Peachtree street. Ivv
1746 9-24-49
BEAUTIFUL room and flrst-olass tabic
board can be had. Phone Ivy 3G94-J
9 24 4
TWO young men can get nice room and
board In private family; north side;
rea enable ivy 8182-J 923 13
NICELY furnished front room with board
and nil conveniences, close In, at 102
Washington Main 840-J. 9-23-31
ROOM and board for a couple or two
business ladies; references exchanged.
Main 4026-J. 50-23-9
EXCELLENT ROOM and board In mod
ern home Rest jmrt Inman Park Gen
tiemen or couples No children. Ivv
ROOMS and first-class board; reasonable
rates; private home 256 Capitol ave
nue M;tui 2031 -L. 9-21 39
b' l LUCKIE STREET Good board, steam
heat; reasonable, for business women
: IRST’(’LASS TAHI.I'. board al 1 •’> Por
ter place. Just off Peachtree. Ivv 6705.
TRY BOARD at 308 South Pryor street.
I"■ 'bi. »b es Mam 2156-L 9 19 10
ROOMS and ffrsF-class board; also table
board 29 E. Harris. Ivy 3741 -L.
TWO lovely connecting rooms and board
in home with refined couple; no other
boarders, north side. Phone Ivv 1762-L.
245 SOUTH PRYOR can accommodate a
few boarders and roomers; with con
veniences. 9-18-16
Board Wanted.
\ ELING M \ X S wif< desires I
in modern home with young people; pri
vate family or boarding house. Give price
and particulars Box 424. care Georgian.
- 9
ROt'M AND BOARD with private family
desired by young < ouple. Husband trav
els. in city only few days each month.
Inman Park or Druid Hills sections pre
ferred References. Telephone Mrs
Smith Ivj 3623 L
HOW MANY desirable boarders know
that you have a vacancy at your table?
There are hundreds this very day looking
for nice, home-like boarding places.
Reach them with an ad in the ‘ Boarders
Wa’itd column of The Georgian
Octobei i >it Atlanta is the fall moving
day There are hundreds and hundreds of
people and families this very day that are
looking for desirable places to rent for the
coming season on the first of October.
Desirable houses, rooms and apartments
i either furnished or unfurnished' will rent
quickly and easily if they are seen in the
paper that is Ihe hading “Rent” medium
of the city “The Georgian Rent Bulletin"
has the stamp of being the foremost
Rent medium By no other way can
your vacancies be rented easily than
through The Georgian The number o»
• Rent" ads m The Georgian speak for
themselves You know for yourself that
if you desired to rent, you would look in
the paper that had the largest list to
choose frori The public feels the same
wax Begin your ad immediately and
have your va» (notes tilled before the first
of next month Either phone it or st ml
it t’
Fire Proof Storage.
p' im.'s (office and warehouse, 239-241
l’< g.'W.Dxt avenue Ivy 2037 John J
Woodside Stoiag- Company
Sewing Machines.
Hl ID NT r<w iiiacliines with coiiiplc te
’ "f aH.ivhnir.nt s f,. r p,. r n . iith
n>n■' -ir«.|. prompt delhcry
R 1 • '' > Smy-t Si w >rg M;i -
chine lonipam. 7'.' Whitehall. V-14-44
“The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin”
Do Your Renting Through This Bulletin.
It contains a complete list each issue of every desirable place that is For Rent in the city and suburbs’ no mat.
ter where it is or whether it is furnished or unfurnished. They are all here below. * sunurns, no mat.
lor the benefit and convenience of its patrons The Georgian employs a special man to search the citv and sur
roundings each day for desirable places. me city ana sur-
This bulletin will save you time, money and worry. It is for your convenience, so take advantage of It.
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
FOR RENT Two bed rooms, neatly fur
nished, with all conveniences; close in.
References required. 72 East Fair street.
M.titi 3833-J. 9-25-52
FOR RENT Two or three elegantly fur
nished rooms, complete for housekeep
ing. cheap to parties without children;
sink in kitchen; hot bath. Bell phone.
Best location. 290 Washington street.
BY OWNER, four or live rooms, fur
nished for housekeeping; reasonable to
adults; references. Ivy 2825-L. 9-25-61
FOR RENT Furnished rooms .in strictly
private home. 19 East Harris street.
ROOMS, with or without board; close in
Ivy 2903.9-25-41
PRIVATE HOME; close in: neatly fur
nished rooms for gentlemen or business
lady. Ivy 3540-L.9-25-7
NICELY' furnished front room ami board.
79 West Peachtree St. Ivy 1449-J.
z 9-25-27
TO nice young men or business women,
newly furnished front room; all con
veniences. Owner, Ivy 2211-J.. 25-25
F< »R RENT—One furnished room with
private bath and three connecting fur
nished rooms in private home; beautiful
residence section. Phone Main 1467.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms in the
vicinity of 499 Washington street. An
swer B. G., care Georgian.9-25G.0
FOR KENT Nicely furnished front room.
close in. 108 West Peachtree street
FOR RENT Roonys for light housekeep
ing; conveniences. 210 Spring street.
Ivy 3205-J,9-25-6
NEATLY furnished front room; close in;
modern conveniences. Ivy 5663-J.
NEATLY furnished front room to gentle
men; all conveniences. 52 Mills st.
i:' i< i.M I'iHS. 145 Spring street
HANDSOMELY furnished rooms to gen
tlemen only; steam heat; hot water;
electric lights; close in. Ivy 4972. 9-24-50
ONE large front furnished room; all con
veniences. 109 West Harris street.
FI'RNISHED morn, couple of full beds;
gentlemen only. 26 West Peachtree st.
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room, con
venient to bath. Ivy 2168-L. 205 Spring
street. 9-24-36
FOR RENT Two or three rooms or en
tire second floor of four rooms, fur
nished for light housekeeping: private
bath and hot water; to adults. 251 Crew
street. 9-24-37
NICELY furnished front room adjoining
bath, In the Marlborough. Meals next
door. Phone ivy 3720. 9-24-16
FOR RENT (me front room furnished.
201 Woodward avenue. 49-24-9
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms,
with or without board; close in. 72
Spring street. 30-24-9
REFINED young man wishes room
niate. Cail 5719-F Atlanta. 32-21-9
FOR RENT—Two or three furnished
rooms, with private family 33 Orange
street. 9-24-6
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, all
conveniences; $2 per week. 286% White
ha.ll; apartment C. 9-24-8
IN’ PRJVATE HOME, 17 Pulliam street,
two or three connecting rooms; all con
veniences; nice residence street; no car
fare; no children. 9-27-27
COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping
rooms, $2.75 up weekly. 31 Hood street.
near Wll ite h a 11. Ma in 2758-J. 9-23-19
FOR RENT Three or more rooms, com
plete for housekeeping. Address Box 413,
■ arc Georgian, 49-23-9
ONE very large furnished room; large
closet, two windows; hot and cold
water, gas and electric lights; in com
fortable home on north side; also one
single room. Ivy L744-L.9-23-23
NICE front room, furnished or unfur-
Main 1228-.L9-23-30
ELEGANT furnished front room with
large porch, in modern apartment, for
one or two gentlemen or ladies; three
blocks of Candler Building 45 Williams
street, first f100r.53-23-9
58 EAST ELLIS STREET -one large and
one small furnished room. Ivy 240.3-J.
NICE front room, with or without meals.
102 Ivy stree!. 9-23-13
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms
for housekeping; close in. 242 Central
avenue. Also two rooms at 138 Pul
11am street. 9 23-6
FOR RENT Newly furnished steam
heated room; private family; third floor.
I l-B West Baker street. Ivy 5895 9-23-7
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room for
gentleman, convenient to bath; on
not th side, in private family. Phone Ivy
5109. 37-23-9
FI'RNISHED large comfortable room for
two young men. Ivy 1576-L. 30-23-9
FOR RENT One large and one small
room, suitable for light housekeeping, in
private home in Hapeville, or will take
desirable couple to board. Call East
Point 378-.1, or write P. O. Box 754, Hape
ville. Ga.
FOR RENT - Furnished rooms, neat and
clean. -8 West Peachtree place. 9-21-53
ONE upstairs front room: all conven
iences at 117 W. Baker st. Atlanta 4555.
BEAI'TIFt'L furnished rooms for gentle
men only, at 20 West Harris street, op
posite Capital City club. 9-19-49
FOR RENT Two front rooms, furnished
for housekeeping Private family. Ref
erences required. 240 Capitol avenue.
I’tiß RENT Two rooms, furnished for
light housekeeping. 371 Glenn street.
II ANI >S> >M ELY furnished rooms to gen
tlemenonly; every modern convenience;
adjoining bath; walking distance. Ivy
4972. 9-18-36
SEE my elean, well furnished
rooms at 19 West Cain street;
hot and cold water; meals next
door, and rates reasonable. Call
Ivy r.77"-I 9-18-11
I nished rooms and excellent table board
! 121 Capitol square Main 4839-L. 9-12-32
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
FIVE ROOMS for light housekeeping,
suitable for two families, close in. at
220 I: Fair' - 29
THREE large and one small room up
stairs. bath, furnace heat, electric
lights, phone and use of cooK stove; con
venient to car. in Kirkwood. Addressee.,
Phone Decatur 521. • 9-25-13
PHOTOGRAPHS and photographic work,
let nie direct you to the best and at
Hie .-anie time save halt on the price.
H M Brleken, 20 East Alabama st.. City
:’_ 1 18-24
S 'REENS Wood fly screens, metal tit
set. ins. hardwood floors. Venetian blinds,
metal weather -trips furnished anywl ,re
m the South Write or phone W R Cal
laway. manager. 1403 Fourth National
Bank building. Atlanta. Ga Main 5310.
SERIOUS RESULTS come from trusses
improjterly fitted John B Daniel, at 34
Wall strict, lias an expert fitter and it
will cost you it" more to have him tit
■ ■.. and h means inaurance. 6-24-111
MATERNITY .- \ N ITU 111 M Private,
resin e lu'meUke: limited number of |>a
t’cr's , m sot . home provided for in
fer.’. rs: : • for adoption Mrs M T.
Mitchell, 26 Windsor street. 6-22 12
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
TWO large connecting rooms; all conve
niences. 52 Kelly street. Phone Main
5342-J, 9-25 -14
FOR RENT Seven-room house, 5 La-
France street; large, shady lot. chick
en houses and pasture for cow. Inquire
next door or phone Ivy 4321-J. 39-25-9
l‘<>R RENT Two delightful, unfurnished,
connecting rooms, adjoining bath.
Suitable for light housekeeping. Sepa-
rate entrance On car line. Private fam
ily. 189 Highland avenue.2B-25-9
TWO rooms and kitchenette: all conve
niences; sls. 64 West Harris street.
-24-4 7
THREE unfurnished connecting rooms;
first floor; for housekeeping: all conven
iences. Phone Ivy 6231. 18 Boulevard
Place. 61-24-9
!■ OR RENT—Unfurnished; three or four
large, connecting, upstairs rooms; gas
connections; hot and cold water; light
housekeping: vacant October I. Call 140
\\ indsor street or Main 394-. T 45-24-9
THREE connecting upstairs rooms; every
convenience for light housekeeping. 396
Capitol avenue. Main 4694-L. 9-24-30
TWO large connecting rooms, sß~per
month. 334 Fraser street. References.
FOR RENT —Three-room; separate gas?
bath. Apply 181 Luckie st. 48-23-9
FOR RENT—HaIf house for housekeep-
ing. Five rooms and bath. 319 North
Jackson street. 33-19-9
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
LARGE front room with private bath;
furnished or unfurnished; electric lights,
hot water and furnace heat; close in on
West Peachtree. Call Ivy 2160. 9-25-44
TWO furnished or unfurnished rooms;
reasonable; one block off Pryor. 118
rormwalt st., corner Eugenia. 9-25-33
FI'RNISHED or unfurnished, clean and
home-like rooms; all conveniences. 82
Spring. 64-24-9
Housekeeping Rooms For Rent.
LARGE furnished room with sink in
kitchen; $lB a month. 388 Peachtree.
THREE unfurnished rooms, connecting
bath, with all conveniences. 48 Mills
street. 9-24246
TWO UNFURNISHED rooms for light
housekeeping, with private family, for
rent; all modern conveniences: ten min
utes' walk from center of citv. Call 117
Pulliam street. 9-21-27
LARGE front connecting rooms, fur
nished or unfurnished; private home;
conveniences; private porches. 66 High
land ave. Ivy 4809-J, 9-20-32
THREE connecting first floor rooms: sink
In kitchen. 225 N. Boulevard. 9-20-25
FOR RENT—Neat rooms, furnished or
unfurnished, for housekeeping; all con
veniences. 229 Central avenue. 9-10-43
Bachelor Rooms For Rent.
TWO unfurnished rooms; very close In;
at 7 Carnegie Way; suitable for two
gentlemen. Ivy 902. 46-18-9
Room and Board.
NICE, cool room with board In private
family; all conveniences. 54 York ave
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
WANTED —Several women in employ-
ment to share attractive furnished
bachelor girls' apartment; references ex
changed. For particulars, address P. o.
Box 805, Atlanta, Ga. 51-25-9
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
ONE beautiful five-room steam-heated
apartment at 333 N. Boulevard; janitor
service. Phone Ivy 3698-.1. 52-25-9
FOI'R connecting rooms, newly papered;
private bath; very elevated; near Jaek
son. 275 E. Pine st. 9-24-41
FOR RENT Five-room apartment In the
Corinthian. 136 West Peachtree street.
Apply to Mr. Kelly, 2% Halton street.
FOR RENT- Beautiful, small, steam-
heated kitchenette apartment in the
Saint Bride. Inquire apartment 9, 52 East
Cain, or phone Ivy 428 9-17-24
Furnished Houses For Rent.
MOST attractive six-room bungalow,
completely furnished, north side; best
of everything; only first-class tenants de
sired; no children Phone Ivy 1762-L.
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
FOR RENT Six-room house, four acres,
on Fair street in Kirkwood; good place
for chickens and ducks. Apply on prem
ises. Mrs. M. C. Thomas, South Kirkwood.
WANTED Couple without children to
fake part of cottage on south side.
Close in By November 1. J. E. R. S..
care Georgian 33-24-9
FOR RENT— S3O. 6-room cottage. 447
Courtland street; in splendid repair;
north side 824 Atlanta National Bank
Bldg. Main 2683 46-23-9
CLOSE-IN, modern. eight-room resD
<lence. corner lot. 303 Spring st., corner
Hunnicutt street; rent reduced from S4O
to $37.50; take West Peachtree car to
Hunnicutt street. Bell phone Ivv 3834-. L
center of town, four rooms; newly pa
pered : large hall and front porch, on
second floor of a two-family house All
conveniences. $12.60. Apply Fitzhugh
Knox, 1613 Candler building 9-20-5
FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE for rent: near
in. 145 Ormond street. 9-19-12
phone for our rent bulletin. Ralph O.
Cochran. 19 South Broad street. 4-1-21
THE HOUSE you build, buy or
rent will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
Stores For Rent.
EOK RENT—We have a very desirable
store in the Candler Bldg., fronting on
North Pryor street and offor the same on
attractive terms for a period of three to
five years. This store is 14 feet wide and
38 feet long with a balcony in the rear
l Apply at 222 Candler Bldg 9*24*44
WANTED—By graduate of French school
small class of beginners in French; $2
for ten lessons Phone Ivv 6215-L.
Dancing Lessons.
DANCING LESSONS—AduIts and ladies
special rates. Atlanta phone 2738
DR EDM(»NDS(»N S Tansy. Pennyroyal
and Cotton Rom Pills, a safe and re
liable treatment for painful and sup
pressed menstruation, irregularities and
similar obstructions. Trial box by mail.
Frank Edmondson <v Bro., manufac
turing chemists, 11 North Broad street,
Atlanta. 2-17-14
Office Space For Rent.
OkFlt E SPACE for rent to approved ten
ant. Apply to 1527 Candler Bldg 54-18-9
Stables For Rent.
NICE. large brick st7lfle?^suitabie~T>r
Pis?V e or garage 104 S.
er; or. Ji. 2<ol-L. 9-18-50
Furnished Rooms Wanted.
95. MAN desires room with private
family. North side. Close in. In re
plying. state location and price J R D
care Georgian. ’34-25-9
a«? cto m^ r 1 in Atlanta is the fairfnovint?
there are hundreds and hundreds of
people and famines this very day that are
looking for desirable places to nent for the
coming season on the first of October.
r??l rab l e "Otises, rooms and apartments
(either furnished or unfurnished) will rent
quickly and easily if they are seen in the
paper that is the leading “Rent” medium
of the city. “The Georgian Rent Bulletin”
has the stamp of being the foremost
Kent medium. By no other way can
your vacancies be rented easily than
through The Georgian. The number <>*
•Rent ads in The Georgian speak for
themselves. You know for vourself that
if you desired to rent, you would look in
the paper that had the largest list to
choose from. The public feels the same
way. Begin your ad. immediately and
have your vacancies filled before the first
of next month. Either phone it or send
it m.
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
GENTLEMAN wants furnished or un
furnished room and private bath.
North side. Not a boarding house. State
location and terms. B. E W., care Geor
glan 9-19-27
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
WANTED—By couple with infant three
unfurnished connecting rooms, suitable
for light housekeeping in close in private
home. Call Main 2907-J. 9-25-21
WANTED—Three unfurnished rooms for
light housekeeping with kitchen pre
ferred. state price. A. L. W.. care Geor-
XY'ANTED —Two unfurnished rooms, suit
able for light housekeeping; close in.
Address Beulah, care Georgian. 32-25-9
WANTEIN—By couple with two children
three or four rooms on ground floor;
state price and location Call Ivy 1279-L.
October 1 in Atlanta is (he fall moving
day. There are hundreds and hundreds of
people and families this very dav that are
looking for desirable places to rent for the
coming season on the first of October.
Desirable houses, rooms and apartments
(either furnished or unfurnished) will rent
quickly and easily if they are seen in the
paper that is the leading "Rent" medium
of the city. "The Georgian Rent Bulletin"
has the stamp of being the foremost
Rent medium By no other way tan
your vacancies be rented easily than
through The Georgian. The number o'
“Rent” ads in The Georgian speak for
themselves You know for yourself that
if you desired to rent, you would look in
the paper that had the largest list to
choose from. The public feels the same
way. Begin your ad. immediately and
have your vacancies filled before the first
of next month. Either phone it or send
it in.
Unfurnished Apartments Wanted.
WANTED—Three or four nice rooms
and bath; steam heat and electric lights
north side preferred. Address E B ’
care Georgian. 9-20-9
October 1 in Atlanta is the fall moving
day. There are hundreds and hundreds of
people and families this very day that are
looking for desirable places to rent for the
coming season on the first of October
Desirable houses, rooms and apartments
(either furnished or unfurnished) will rent
quickly and easily if they are seen in the
paper that is the leading "Rent” medium
of the city. "The Georgian Rent Bulletin"
• r» s .» e stamp of being the foremost
Rent medium. By no other way can
your vacancies he rented easily than
through The Georgian. The number of,
Rent ads in The Georgian speak for
themselves. Inu know for vourself that
If you desired to rent, you would look in
the paper that had the largest list to
choose from. The public feels the same
way. Begin your ad. immediately and
have your vacancies filled before the first
of next month. Either phone it or send
it in.
Furnished Houses Wanted.
FURNISHED house or apartment wanted
on north side, by young California cou
ple, no children; accustomed to own own
home. \X ant modern conveniences Rea
sonabie rent. Address R. E Callahan. P.
O. Box 103a, Atlanta. 9-21-8
Unfurnished Houses Wanted
WANTED—Four or five rooms or coD
tage on south side. Phone 3332 Atlanta
October 1 in Atlanta is the fall moving
day lhere are hundreds and hundreds of
people and families this very day that are
looking tor desirable places to rent for tlte
coming season on the first <<f October
Desirable houses, rooms and apartments
(either furnished or unfurnished i will rent
quickly and easily if they are seen in thn
paper that is the leading "Rent" medium
paper that is the leading "Rent” medium
has the stamp of being the foremost
Rent medium. Ry no other wav can
your vacancies be rented easily than
through The Georgian. The number ot
l ar s '•? r, ; e <;eor s?‘nti speak for
themselves. sou know for vourself that
if you desired to rent, you would look in
the paper that had the largest list to
choose from., The public feels the same
way. Begin your ad. Immediately and
have your vacancies filled before the first
of next month. Either phone it or send
Office Space Wanted.
WANT STUDIO; roof on offleeAmHding
ca?^ f <!^nian MUa ' b<? ligh ''
_ a < - 4 5 - 9
D brS^3 ? rV'i7 <;
,„ f n3j *° 4,t llour ’ s Reduces swell
•ng n fifteen to twenty dais Write for
particulars t'ollom I >rop sv R,. n „. (i . e„ “ r
pany, 512 Austell building,'AUanta
Stove and Range Repairing.
DAK the fixer
« orator re.
. 1 1 1 STREET
Atlanta Phone 2235 Bell Phone Main 26.ri
: 4-4-7
Monuments and Stone Work.
1.-13 fcraser street r hone Main 3540.
PALMIST. A GI FT FL ' '\r ?v
CATEr. 7« EAST hAX’J?."'''.-
C Ve'a R SV a K. p'JR/AD’" k E
TITUS. COXSr t.T V.x , ,
‘ > H< HET
I'Koi'. i.A\'(,l \
r>rr i? 4 Walton St
Office Hours. 9 a m
palmTstaniT I III?'
REPEALS PAST, present .
Can be consulted on all afAir®
Readings ope, 50.. )7 East
caY??’. ?
all affairs of life. on
Satisfaction guaranteed ni,, ‘J'\rarp
antec^ —Miscelaneous.
AN I ED—Two secon<l-h iu
in good c..nditi.‘,n , '...‘t" ! ''
Bell phone Main 5322 212 . 'i,.' !i, ' e
Junipe? , A | l ) :s'. ,r, ' er Api
W s A 3o X Crew7Ye g er d
WANTED—Second-hand e;,
4457° Ve ”* gO ° d condlti °n; um.7 .9
\) ANTED—One stone 7
ble m e e Ga m,Xer ’ AddresS Mill
Drop a card. 1. Boek, 32 Iltll stree ? ei
FURNITUREVn'd household
fixtures and merchandise of am k „ C J
accepted on consignment. Cash 5
Pembroke Sales Co., 143 South
®285 Ph ° neS Maln 1434 Ma >n 187. M !an S „
A CAR D—WiII bring ..-1~f0r77l
clothes and shoes. The VpstL™
Decatur street, ‘ 6-27A
WANTED-- We pay highest~7~sh~?T~
on household goods, pian-s Ind K
furn ture Cash advanced on ccnsln
? en t K Sponger's Auction House 25
South Pryor street. Bell phone Main 1526
W hnM AY 44IGH . EST ~< : ash prices fn r
f OO(is ' P’ anos and office furniture
Cash advanced on consignments. ,'entnJ
Auction Company, 12 East vitcLi
street. Bell phone Main 2424 S .2fi 26
For Sale—Miscellaneous.
FOR SA LE- Lathe in fine shape, sha’wt ■
in good condition. These machines will ■
be sold at a great liargain Madisonß
Auto and Machine Company. .\la<ii.«>i;. •; a ■
;HAND BRICK for sale CarV B
M. Tru itt & Son. ? ■
ONE 34x 1 casing; never been used UaTi
East Point 309* L.Price s_’O. 50-25-9 ■
<‘NI-: three-h<»rse < »l<l~ga^'d ! p7 . M
perfect condition anil almost now
a bargain. Phone East 'Tr.-i ■
C. M. Upham.
Brass Beds boiH
Mission (’locks
Dining Tables 12.5118
Dining (’hairs 1.98®
$3.>.00 Dressers 24."58
Pullman Davenports
If it's Furniture we have it at■
the right price. ■
(>2 Peachtree. til Xorth Ih-oad.B
FOR SALE Cotton scales for bale
ton and w agon scales for eotmn
all new. Will sell for I's per cent ois
count for cash. Cotton M.-r< hant. ''are
< Georgia n_ • - C •
F(>R SALE one good dair?- wag >r and H
harness; been used eight months
3988-J. 9-25 j
bi ; N"fLiw~pN77rxfA'. '■
move dirt and germs from rugs, rarpe’?.
floors, etc.; vacuum cleaners from
up; vacuum sweepers, $'.‘.75 <’ J
A Co.. 416 Fourth Nat Bk Bbig_J>>J
F(>R SALE Iron bed. springs atC B
er. (’heap.6B Walton strcii
MOVING, and must sell uiH
Brown Leghorn chickens <io.>
Runner ducks. Make me ar. offer
Colquitt avenue. Ivy 4070-J
RADIANT a: u : ■ K
dition; two Zudor shades i>nl\ u^' :
short time; two ferns. Ph-mo ivy ril*
VENUS dress form, adjust B
to 46; cost sls; will sell Ur ‘in In !*;■
feet condition. Call Ivy 507*
Ft »R SALE Househt C
ishings. Apply 24 Wes' lUI-. ■
i r will bi-7“w\sy ’ m: .
your miscellaneous things t. ■* K
het through the "For
neons" column of The w ■ : K
find this classification tt - M
tempting buys and are " Inw “
you up on anything that '■ ■ M
IwTfi sale. I- e'a Tl C I:S ' ' '
domestic feathers. Live /
a specialty. Write <»r |<!
and prices R S Kubank'*
Broad street. Atlanta .'i>K
SAFES, files, cabinets, rew a- ■ M
Lookin Bank & Ossie. I • ■
K< .K SALE- Lot .f L ; ..- ■
any style and size desiled I• •• "
unusual bargain at prt<•• -
ttlar. See er write V M
East Alabama st , t'it>—
BUSINESS college set ..a ■
count on regular pre a
Institutions in Atlanta
W. M. hricken. 20 Ea.-T ,
LI" a 1 hi. -- —Hp
National Cash
$35-?50. s6o-$75 and up. '''• r '7K”
erai exchange allowai.'
60 North Broad ■■■--
NEW. beautiful rug-
old carpet, s.upertot .
plain or designed; an'
free < trlental Hug Cotr.; ,
;v t) icic ;il ih i< ' I
Cash I
Registers I
SFeVv KUBBEB '. ili ls
HAVf; a good upright s gl-w
In fine condition, cost
sacrifice for $100: now it
dress Steinway l’ ! ano. I' ;
I anta - MB
‘ "FLOWERS f '•“ '
H.< AV EltS See Ot w t ■■
Ing orders. I ran
money in buj tng I"'"''. _. .
flowers, w. M. Bricker
st., City.