Newspaper Page Text
Published b> The Georgian Company,
• 20 East Alaba na Street,
fentered at Atlanta po.-'of e as second
class matter
Subscriptions Payable in Advance
One year. mall. nos tape p;eja! : . UOO
Six months. ma:', postage pr«-j a 250
Three months, mail, postage prepaid, 125
Ore montl 4
Bubscrlptk ns ; •ab e in ■ • ••
Delivered bv carrier, ik ?■ 20
Delivered by carrier, six months . 2.00
Delivered by carrier, three months.. 1.30
Delivered bv one month. . . 45
Deliverr : ’>• carrier in \Uanta and
other cities, one week 10c
Want Ad Rales and Rules
in The Atlanta Georgian
Ore emt a worrt each Insertinn.
No art taken for less than the price
of ten v.crde Ads in larger type.
j2c a line < I words to the line).
Out-of-town advert! sements
must be accompanied with cash.
Agencies' discounts 10 and 5 per
The Georgian will not be respon
sible for more then one incorrect
insertion of any ad ordered more
than one time
Closing Hours: To secure prop
er classification, ads must he in
The Georgian office before 1 o'clock
the day of the issue.
All ads must be ordered out In
writing or at office No discon
tinuance notice taken over phone
Every word in the advertisement,
including the name and address,
Is counted. Each jnltial counts on,
word, compound words are counted
as two words.
Telephone your Want Ads to The
Georgian (both phones 8000) when
it is more convenient to do so, and
collection will be made at your
home or at your office the follow
ing day This Is an aocommalt
tion service rendered Georgian
Want Ad patrons and payment
should always be promptly made
on presentation of bill Always
ask that your telephone ad be re
peated back to you by the art
taker to make sure that It has been
taken correctly. The Georgian can
not guarantee accuracy or assume
responsibility for errors of any kind
occurring in telephone advertise
AItVERTISERS should retain re
ceipts given In payment for Want
Ads over the office counter, as mis
takes can not be rectified without
them In answering advertise
ments addressed In care of The
Georgian. If the advertiser requires
references, send a duplicate of
Help Wanted—Female.
WANTED—Colored woman to clean new
houee Can also use right one one or
two days each week. Good pay. Call at
389 Ponce DeLeon avenue after’s:3o p. tn.
•i", 25 9
W’ANTFD- -Conk; small family 139 <’ap-
Itol avenue 9-2 f- 53
Wanted-a cook and laundress No I
20 Fort McPherson 9-25-60
wantit> a lady helper to assist bush
elman on men's clothes Apply G. B.
Allen & Co., 26 Walton st 9-25 45
TWO waitresses for dining room in large!
house; good pay 241 West Peachtree
WANTED At once, good, experienced]
maid for boarding house: no other need
apply 121 Capitol Square Main 4839-L.
!' 25-45
WANTED Neat colored girl for plain
cooking and ti< isework. Call apart- I
went 208, 136 W est !’• aohtroo 53 25 9
WANTED First-class woman cook to
milk and live on lot 3 I>elta Place. In
man Park < 'all I\ } 8509 l. 925 32
WOMAN to wash on lot Thursday at 218
\ ■ giei :•' enue 9-25-15
WAN'S ED Good cook for small family;
furnished room on place. Phone Ivv
4472-J .12' West Twelfth Street. 33-25-9
W ANTED Flri ■ lass cook and house
servant for couple Apply apartment 3.
Juniper apartments 35-25-9
I'AN' I.m, SCHOOE Private haU and
instructions Single lessons $1 Course
$lO. Will accept and teach u few appll
ennts at $5. Phone Ivy 6067-J 29-25-9
WA Nd El) Lad) clerk In grc'Cerv store
with references. Apply 66 Richardson
gtree-. between 3 and 8 p in 9-15-1
xt anteT"- immediately, family washer
woman Apply 306 avenue, Inman i
Par* _ 9-24-38
WANTED— A nurse Apply *IOB6 Pled- |
mont avenue. 9-24-17
WANTETV-Colored housemaid. Must be I
experienced. Apply 30 West North are- 1
nq * -- „ »24 -25 ]
p' If desired Apply 118 Copenhill
avenue ft 34-9 I
—Good cook at once, room on i
lot. Good wages. 72 Hprjng 29-24-6 I
WANTED—GIrf for light housework; goo.*
pay. _4l_ Bassjttreet. 9-23-82 |
WANTED Experienced lady contest
manager. Apply Box 996. Jacksonville
P*- 51 JM
WANTED -a good and reliable eoolT
rood wages _US_S. Pryor st 47 23 g
wanted A wash woman to do work on
the lot Apply 600 Piedmont avenue
WANTED -Washerwoman for children’s
clothes Phone Ivy 5156 J :-23 4
—Good servant to stay with
three children. h> widower Good pav
tn right party (’all at 6k Connallv
P 3& •• fa T • r , © read proof on tabu*
lar matter Applj Piedmont Printing
Company, 127 Central avenue, Atlanta,
< »a 9-21-1]
WOJJXn to oook and do general I
work; must room on lot. ate* washer
woman 27 West Sixteenth street. ? 18-19
Help Wanted—Male.
WANTED Suita!.' porters to grade
drtvew ■ '■ 4258-L Ivy. 9-25-57 |
WANTEI . pre
f«r resident .it or near East Point. Vtr-
■' '* •' " ' tnpanv. l ust i
AAANFEI' \viiit. . a about sixteen for
i edmont ny t. ie 9-25 50
»AANn 1 ::tr. tost lass. .. ( t makers
, Aj’Pb' Muse Clothing Co.. Tai-
45 AN I !■.!> ' erst ~.. u n, barber to
shop with I, .t and ( ..M Is'ths'''l ' want'u
n a>. a., well as ..
vee M HOX i *». ' t. ,i i;;. i, ■ '; i ■ < ** * «I
WANTIib Neat colored ..fffc, boj M ist
be acquainted with city and come well
Hl'ro-.'t ' 10,0'/ V.ii’ s'r'.-et
; .5 '\ ; i •. /. . , . ~ .
'!»;•!> ’!) <»U ’ ■:.'«! • .» , . ,
a• 5 f\Eli • I • ,
t at
w p 1 i:i- <’ h.i ; i K,.'. !- > v .
pie ‘ irt Kbit.’ Ket>< rt • t "itu •
\ < H N( i niun \\ iih >oiiie x
} K'i'i(‘i)rf* in draiiulit
Mu-1 yooii (<liicaiioii
ami icl<■Fl aa os ;is io ••li,ur
at'tor. b inc opportunity for
man. Appiv at oner
1° die Kennesaw Marble
< ■ Mai iefta. < la.
lui tivuiars. Phont lv> 606 T-J, '
Help Wanted—Male.
' WANTED—A young man to solicit orders
ovc’ the phone. Would prefer a young
man with some experience in the grocery
■'. : i I ■ ■ ‘25-17
mg an seven en to
i :teen \» «irs of age. to <:• press feed
ing and assist in various ways in print
ing and supply department of large con
i corn Experience in press feeding not
iTei\ n» eessary Wc wan’ steady,
industrious young follow of good habits.
Position is permanent, with good salary
and goo<i hours Reply, stating ag> .
business experien<e and last salary Ad
dress Box !>-.7, care Georgian. 9-25-22
1 WANTED Two good metal roofers, one
good helper Expense.; paid. R. L.
j Moncrief, I’ <>. Box .73. Newnan. Ga
I WANTEI > Bright office boy. about fif
teen y«*ar- -hi Apply H L. Singer
t'-’Tujmiiy. t.i Madis n avenue. 9-27> 7
' Mai : Is < xperienc ed In
the ’ tail grocery business with good
ref*’- '°s Appl> East Alabama street
■• 1 ■
get My free booklet. Y-412, tells how.
; Write today now Earl Hopkins, Wash- ;
' in*’ ■ 2'.l.l! __L '_ 57 -:• j
’WANTED For i; S army, able-bodied,
unmarr men between ages of 18 and i
j 35; citizens of I’nited States, of good I
i character and temperate habits, who can!
■ i< and write the English lan
I guage For information, apply to Re- |
crulting Officer, corner Peachtree and
I Forsyth streets, Atlanta, or 411 t’herrv I
' -lL a J2 or l\J ;a 9-4 -27
(WANTED Five good cabinet makers at
<»n(e Whit ter & Gay Manufacturing
Company, rear 116 West Mitchell street.
Atlanta ♦ Main 2164. 67-24-9
FIRST-CLASS washerman with experi
ence. Permanent job. Address E. H.
I ca i e < teoi gtan 9-24-21
WANTED An experienced cabinet man
Apply Willingham Lumber Company
TWO young men to press shirts.
Robinson Shirt Company, 195
1-2 Marietta street. 9-23-9
WANTED - Temporarily, experienced
stove repair man. 62 Peachtree
WANTED AT ON(’E Mattress finish* rs
If you can come, wire us; best of wages;
steady work; no labor troubles of any
sort Oates Mattress Company, Little
Rock, Ark 9-23-28
WA N 'l' I*7l > Six fl rst - class loron ] ofj ye
boilermakers; must be steady and sober:
state when can report for duty. Boiler
niaker. Box 490, care Georgian. 9 23 19
'‘'.'Ti.i' Ftv< Hege feilowa who ha e
knowledge of botany and some chem- [
istry fnr out of door work The applicants!
must apply In person bringing with them ' as to character, etc. No blntY- j
ars need apply. 817 Austell Bldg., Atlanta, ;
<Ja. 9-23-10
WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. |
Few weeks completes. Tools given
Wages while learning You <an join us
with assurance you will succeed. We
have received praise from thousands for
our beneficial course. Investigate now
Moler Harber College, 38 Luckle street.
AS’ TED ldeas Inventors write foi fist
of inventions wanted and prizes offered
by manufacturers Also, how to get your j
patent Sent free to any address. Ran
dolph & Briscoe, patent attorneys. Wash
ington, D. C. 7 11-23
(WANTED Young men to learn pharma
cy this fall Demand for our graduates i
exceeds supply. Next session begins Oc- ’
tober 1 Southern College of Pharmacj.
SI LuckiM Htreet. Atlanta. Gu 8-1-11
STOP Ht Hilburn hotel, heart of foXJ !
Walton street, If you want a clean, quiet
room; transient 50c Open all night
YES, Professor G. O. Branning will teach
you the barber trade (it’s easy) We
teach in one-half time of other colleges.
Course and position in our shops only
1 S3O. Why pay more? Thousands of our
: graduates running shops or making good
. wnprs Atlanta Barter College, 10 East
mi' ■■•.•‘ll street 5-1: 17
I’.i’i: MASSAGE, hair cuts. sb.nves.
shampoos. All barber work free. Clean
linen Atlanta Barber College, 10 East
5 : .6
\i a L < a iiTdERS, postoffice clerks want
,ed; SBO month; Atlanta examinations
November 6, free coaching Franklin In
stitute, Dept. 49-S, Rochester, N. Y.
WANTEI) Bright, strong
hoys to deliver routes in
afternoons. Good wages
and chanee for promotion.
Call at cireulation depart
ment The Atlanta Georgian,
2d ]<;ist Alabama street.
Agents Wanted.
\\ ANTED —Agents! Men and women to
Hell the best Insurance contract on
I earth One agent sold $200,000 last month.
: District managers wanted. Territory
phorgla, Alabama and Mississippi. Write
or call on S. \V. Joyner. Southern man
ager, 616 Ti iuplc < ourt X’lui'ta ?25 39
a xntv'l' Reliable agents for something
new In railroad excursion work; free
! trips and gotxi commission; experience
I not necessary, but must be able to fur
■ nlsh first-class reference. Address P. P .
< Box 1624. Atlanta, Ga 9-21-23
Salesmen Wanted.
Wl< WANT a craekerjttek salesman to
make contracts with dealers tor 1,200-
pound capaclt) car. medium price, to cov
er the state of Georgia. Address 1 lit'.
SER\ li'ES < >6' THREE Gt >OI >.
S S A LES MEN T< > Sit -11
KIRST-( I.Ass salesman,
<me acquainted with Ga.
trade preferred. Good op
portunity for right man.
Begin at once. '“Acpo,"
t-are Georgian. 9-24-32
\\ A\'lT’.l) Ton high-grade
piano salesmen with ex
perience. Ihe\\. \\ . Kim
ball < '<)., Chicago, w ill open
a branch store here ()ctoher
1. Sph nditl opportimity
for promotion. Apply 11.
IL < alel. Gt tirgian I'crrace
H fob 9-21-5
■«1 SMEN .lie .all,, as’ vant.M~(o
’ . ■ ' ity. »• \ pern ti< • tot necessary.
« .<• wing M.. him Company. 79
Situations Wanted—Female.
• N/" . \
D' I NG GIRL >i;• s j • isit ion a * ■ < .px •
i u *<'» nog'iipl has had ‘ \pe
i ■ ■ ■ ■ ’ 1 'al! Olanta phone i
uicstf Mrs 6h- it, BuX 16, u<*.rc Gvtg an
i. 3-24-9
Situations Wanted—Female.
« WANTED Position as stenographer;
have had four years experunce. will I
i <msider moderate -alary. Address ' |
' ■ - i' ■ ' '■ • ■ ’ • 24-9
• HOUSEKEEPER foi with ' ■ “ ,
or f.wo children <»r aged couple. Ad
dress M Box 47, care Georgian.
COMPETENT stenographer, with seven;
years’ experience, desires position. Ivx |
| 255!'-L.58-24-!' j
A R ESI’IG 'TA BLE >*<>lor< d woman wants .
position as cook in small family; good |
; reference. Address G. W. Williams, 383 •
Richardson st.. City.s2-23-9 I
Yc'd’NG WOMAN nf refinement and*
discretion desires position as conipan- '
i ion for elderly lady Have business abil- ‘
ity and could he useful as amanuensis.
Address Efficient. Box 48, care Georgian
35-23 9 ,
—— ——.^r- - j
Needle Work.
| EMBROIDERY, designing, fine sewing:
i and darning 13 Baltimore place. Ivv
5968. 8-28-8!
j .. (
SEE ING -Alterations a specialty. Ad-I
dross Dressmaker, Box 453, care Geor- j
glan. 25-25-9 .
I ■ .. . =
Situations Wanted—Male.
MAN, 26. wants job as% city salesman or
job in wholesale house Will begin at
bottom. Best of references. Address Hard
Workv: . < ,iri' G. t.i gjan. 61-2.'. -'j (
EXPERIENCED do >l< en • >ookkeeper I
end office man desires position at once.
Can give best of references and bond if
necessan. 811 \ustell building. 64-25-9
WANTED Position bj man with a num
ber of tears experience in bookkeeping
and office work; can furnish first-class
references Address W.. Box 22, care
1 o', n gian 65-25-9
WA I D i tion as bil Ing or shipx Ing
clerk At present am employed, but can
giv»* satisfactory reason for change. Ad
dress Box 632 care Georgian. 17-25-9
W'ANTED- Position by young man with
clerical and typewriter experience. R..
rare Georgian. 48-25-9
WAXTEb Position by young man, aged
nineteen: stenographer or assistant
bookkeeper. Address Granath, 440 Wood
wanl avenue. 47-24-9
\\ ANTED Experienced timekeeper wants
position; can do tracing, construction
work preferred i\ 3736 J 37-24 9
EXPERIENCED farmer, 88 years old, j
wants position as superintendent or
foreman. Good references. Address Box
| 'H. Resaca,_Ga. 25-24-9
WANTED Position as bookkeeper and
stenographer by young man, ten years
experience. Address Ambition, care
! (Jeorgian. 44-23-9
WANTED By * ored man, position as
porter for store or as janitor, elevator
man or driver fnr either delivery, pri
vate family Can furnish references.
Address C H . care Ge< rgian 39-23 j-S
CAPABLE MAN with more than twenty
years experience in trade Journal work
desires to form connection with progress
live publication. Satisfactory references.
MAN with many years experience in of
fice work, business correspondence, etc.,
desires position with good manufacturing
j corp!*rntion or business firm, requiring
g ability and loyalty to employer's
'iniei sts. Satisfactory references. Ad
dn Box 209, cart Georgian. 31-23-9
jP( SITK )N W A N'l El> as assistant In re
tail drug house. Soda and front store
work C’an give any reference. Address
B< x 44, Madison, Fla. 55-19-9
Job Work.
VVE CAN SAVE you money ,)n repair
work, shelving, tables a-nd counters. We
make them to order. Roof repairing, brick
work, wall tinting, painting and plaster
ing. 62U South Forsyth street. Bell 1187,
Atlanta 6087-M.
Boarders Wanted.
LARGE ROOM and board, north side;
also table boarders. Ivy 2423 J. 9-25-55
WANTED 'Two gentlemen to board: pri
vate family; furnace heat. Ivy 433-L.
191 E FAIR, nice rooms with board, rea
sonnble rates. Main 3722-.1. 9-25-30
Jewish Board.
FIRST-CLASS JEWISH board at reason
able rates 110 Capitol avenue g 6-11
NEATLY furnished rooms and meals a
specialty at 406 Peachtree street.” Ivy
1746 9-24-49
BEAUTIFUL room and first-claws table
board can be had. Phone Ivy 3694-J
9 24-4
TWO young men can get nice room and
board in private family; north side;
reasonable K y 3182 J 9 23-38
1 NICELY furnished front room with board
and all conveniences, close in. al 102
l!?l! f tL rret Main S4O-L 9-23-31
ROOM and board for a couple or two
business ladies, references exchanged.
i Main 4_020 -J.50-23-9
; E.X< ’ELLENT ROOM and board in mod
! ern home. Best part Inman Park Gen
, tiemen or couples No children Ivy
4231-J. 3 L1 3-9
, ROOMS and first-class board; reasonable
i rates; private home. 256 Capitol ave-
OUe Main 2031 L '« '! I 3!»
69 LUCKIE STREET Good board, steam
heat, reasonable; for business women.
• G J ’>
FIRST-CLASS TABLE board at 16 Por*
I ter place. Just off Peachtree Ivy 6705.
j TRY BOAR]' at 308 South Pryor street
I lefen nces Main 2456- L. 9-19-10
ROOMS and first class board: also table
board 29 E Harris. Ivv 3741-L.
TWO lovely connecting rooms and board
in home with relined couple; no other
boarders; north side Phone Ivv 1762-L.
SOI TH PRYOR can accomn odate a
few boarders and roomers; with con
veniences 9-18-16 1
Board Wanted.
TRAVEIaING man s wife desires board
In modern home with young people; pri
vate family or boarding house. Give price
and particulars Box 424, care Georgian, i
♦SB - 25 - 9
ROOM \ND BOARD with private family
, desired by young couple Husband tray
els; in city onlv few days each month
, Inman Park or Druid Hills sections pre i
ferred References Telephone Mrs.
■ Smith lv\ 3623-L 26 9
Ho\\ MAN> desirable boarders know
• that \ou have a vacancy at your table ‘ 1
’ 'i’here are hundreds this very day looking I
for nice. home like boarding places.
► Reach them with an ad in the “Boarders |
- Want'd ’ column of The Georgian.
October 1 in Atlanta .s the fall moving
day There an hundreds and hundreds of '
people and families this very day that are |
looking for desirable places to rent for the '
coming season on the first of October, i
Desirable houses, rooms and apartments
I 'cither furnished or unfurnished) will rent
I quickly and easily if they are seen In the j
, papc! that is the hading “Rent'' medium
of the city “The Georgian Rent Bulletin”
has the stamp of being the foremost |
“Rent meuimn. By no other way can I
j y our vacancies be rented easily than i
• j through 'The Georgian The number oi !
' “Rent” ads n ’The Georgian speak for '
‘ themselves You know for yourself that;
iif you desired ’ rent, you would 10-'k in ‘
' I the paper that had tl • largest list to
; ' ehoosc iron The public feels the same i
■way Begin your ad immediately and
j | 1. jve y our ' , < an. ’. s filled before the first j
I ' «»f next month. Either phone it or send 1
| |
Fire-Pv Oc f Storage.
1 \5 STORE HOI SEH< >l.l > go< dx and :
. I }’’an c' I MYa and warelieilse, 239--H i
; Edgewood avenm Ivy 2037. John J.
j Wood side Storagt Company.
Saving Machines.
I \VE RENT i• -a niai-hinea with m et<
O >■ "f al tjehnunif. for >2 per 'nontl'.i
also ma- l'iri* ; n paired; prompt h livery
Roth phones gg Singer Sewirg Ma
.''chino Uvnu'any, Whitehall. 9-14-44
“The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin”
Do Your Renting Through This Bulletin.
It contains a complete list each Issue of every desirable place that is For Rent in the citv and suburbs- no mat- >
I) ter where it is or whether it is furnished or unfurnished They are all here below. urns, no mat >
! For the benefit and convenience of its patrons The Georgian employs a special man to search the city and sur- !
1 < roundings each day for desirable places. J )
! This bulletin will save you time, money and worry. It is for your convenience, so take advantage of it >
;' r —l.
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
I ....
I FOR REN T Two bed rooms, neatly fur-
I nisheo, with all conveniences; close in. 1
i References required. 7 2 East Fair street.
! Main :>33 - J - 9-25-52
FOR RENT Two or three elegantly fur-
I nished rooms, complete for housekeep
i ing. cheap to parties without children; (
sink in kitchen; hot bath. Bell phone.
Best location. 290 Washington street.
’ 9-25-54
BT <>\\ NER, four or five rooms, fur-
I nisheu for housekeeping; reasonable to
' adults, references. Ivy 2825 7L. 9-25-61
Ii« »R RENT burnished rooms in strictly;
j private home. 19 East Harris street.
9-25-4• i
R'h'MS, .villi or without board: close in. i
I Ivy :;DO3.
j I'RIVATE HOME’; close In: neatly fur- [
nished rooms for gentlemen or business
lady._Lvy 3540-U3-25-7
NICELY furnished front room and board.
79 West Peachtree st. Ivy 1449-J.
i TO nice young men or business women,
I newly furnished front room; all con
veniences. Owner, Ivy 2211-L. 9-25-25
FOR RENT—One furnished room with
private bath and three connecting fur
nished rooms in private home; beautiful
residence section. Phone Main 1467.
FOR RENT—Furnished rooms in the
vicinity of 499 Washington street. An
swerß. G , care Georgian. 9-25-10
FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room.
close in. 108 West Peachtree street.
FOR RENT Roon>s for light housekeep
ing; conveniences. 210 Spring street.
Ivy 3205-.1.9-25-6
NEATLY furnished front room; close in;
modern conveniences. Ivy 5663-.1.
NEATLY furnished front room to gentle
men; all conveniences. 52 Mills st.
Ri 11 'MERE. 145 Spring street. 9-24-51
HANDSOMELY furnished rooms to gen
tlemen only; steam heat; hot water;
electric lights; close in. Ivy 4972. 9-24-50
ONE large front furnished room; all con
veniences. 109 West Harris street.
« 9-24-48
FI’RNISHED room; couple of full beds;
gentlemen onlv. 26 West Peachtt’ee st.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, con
venient to bath. Ivy 2165-L. 205 Spring
FOR RENT Two or three rooms or en
tire second floor of four rooms, fur
nished for light housekeeping; private
bath and hot water; to adults. 251 Crew
street. 9-24-87
NICELY’ furnished front room adjoining
bath, in the Marlborough. Meals next
door._ Phone Ivy 8720. 9-24-16
FOR RENT -One front room furnished.
201 Woodward avenue. 49-24-9
FOR RENT —Nicely furnished rooms,
with or without board; close in. 72
Spring street,3o-24-9
REFINED young man wishes room
niate. Call 5719-F Atlanta. 33-24-9
FOR RENT - Two or three furnished
rooms, with private family. 33 Orange
FbR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, all
conveniences; $2 per,week. 286% White
hall. apartment C. 9-24-8
In PRIVATE HOME, 17 Pulliam street,
two or three connecting rooms; all con
veniences; nice residence street; no _car
fare; no children. 9-27-27
C( >MPLETELY furnished housekeeping
rooms, $2.75 up weekly. 31 Hood street,
near Whitehall. Main 2758-J.9-23-19
I'olt RENT -Three or more rooms, com
plete for housekeeping Address Box 413,
care Georgian. 49-23-9
i'NE very large furnished room; large
closet, two windows; hot and cold
water, gas and electric lights; in com
fortable home on north side; also one
single room. Ivy 1744-L. 9£23 -23
NICE front room, furnished or unfur-
nished Main 1228-.1.9-23-30
ELEGANT furnished front room with
large porch, in modern apartment, for
one or two gentlemen or ladies; three
blocks of Candler Building 45 Williams
street, first lloor. 53-23-9
58 EAST ELLIS STREET -one large and
one small furnished room Ivy 2403-J.
NICE - fronFroom, with or without meals.
102 Ivy street. 9,23-13
FOR RENT -Two nicely furnished rooms
for housekepirig: close in. 242 Central
avenue. Also two rooms at 138 Pul
liam street. 9-23-6
FOR RENT Newly furnished steam
heated room; private family; third floor.
14-B West Baker street Ivy 5895. 9-23-7
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room for
gentleman, convenient to bath; on
north side. In private family. Phone Ivy
5109. 37-23-9
FriTNISHED large comfortable room for
two young men. Ivy 1576-1,. 30-23-9
FOR RENT One ’large and one small
room, suitable for light housekeeping, in
private home in Hapeville, or will take
desirable couple to board. Call East
Point 378-3, or write P- O. Box 754, Hape
ville. Ga. 27-23-9
FOR’RENT Furnished rooms, neat and
clean. 28 West Peachtree place. 9-21-53
ONE upstairs front room, all conven
iences at 117 W. Baker st. Atlanta 4i>55.
BEAUTIFI'L furnished rooms for gentle
men only, at 20 West Harris street, op
posite Capital City club, 9-19-49
FOR REN~D—Two front rooms, furnished
for housekeeping. Private family. Ref
er* nces required. 240 Capitol avenue.
1 l'i 'R RENT Two rooms, furnished for
light housekeeping. 371 Glenn street.
-1 Tl 4
H Cn l ot' 'M Ef.Y furnished rooms to gen
tlemen only; every modern convenience;
adjoining bath, walking distance. Ivy
4972. 18-36
| SEE my clean, well furnished
rooms at 19 West Cain street;
hot and eold water; meals next
! door, and rates reasonable. Call
Ivy 6778-J. 9-18-11
< iPP< 'SITE — TH E (TA PIT! 'L- Nicely fur-
I nished rooms and ex client table board.
131 Capitol square. Main 4839-L. 9-12-33
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
' FIVE ROOMS for light housekeeping,
suitable for two families; close in. at
; 220 E. Fair.
THREE large and one small room un
| stairs, bath. furnace heat, electric
lights, phone ana use "f cook stove, eon
i wnient to car. in Kirkwood. Address !'.. |
Phone Decatur 521. 9-25-13 i
—t —
PHOTOGRAPHS and photographic work;
let m< direct ton to the best and at
ila suit . lime kiu half on the price
\\ M Hrt. hen. 20 Hast Alabama st.. Pity.
SCREENS Wood fly screens metal t’.y
(Screens. hardwood ttoors. Venetian blinds.
| metal weather strips furnished anywhere
i m the South Write or pnom W. It. Cal
lawai mr.miger. 1IO;> r’ourth National
'Ban:; builoing. Vlanta. Ga .Main Mt'.u.
S -1- 5
SE.Kiors ItESI’I.TS come from trusses
Improperly titled John B I'aniei. at .14
Wall Street, has an expert titter and it
will cost yon no more to have him tit
I you, and it means insurance. 8-24-19
r< tin d. homelike; limited number of pa
tents .ared for. home provided for In
infant: for adoption Mrs M T.
Mitchell, 20 Windsor street. 0-22 12
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent,
j >
i TWO large connecting rooms; all conve
nlences 52 Kelly street. Phone Main
FOR RENT Seven-room house. 5 La-
France street; large.<«hady lot. chlck
,en bouses and pasture “or cow. Inquire
j nextdoor or phone Ivy 4321-J. 39-25-9
1-oR RENT Two delightful, unfurnished,
connecting rooms, adjoining bath.
Suitable for light housekeeping. Sepa
rate entrance. <in car line. Private fam
ily. 189 Highland avenue. 28-25-9
! TWO rooms and kitchenette: all conve
niences: sls. 64 West Harris street.
I 24 -_ 47
THREE unfurnished connecting rooms;
first floor; for housekeeping: all conven
iences. Phone Ivy 6231. 18 Boulevard
I Place, 61-24-9
i‘OR RENT I’nfurnlshed. three or four
large, connecting, upstairs rooms; gas
connections; hot and cold water; light
housekeping: vacant October 1. Call 140
Windsor street or Slain 394-. I 45-24-9
THREE connecting upstairs rooms; every
convenience for light housekeeping. 396
Capitol avenue. Slain 4694-L.9-24-30
TWO large connecting rooms, $8 per
month. 334 Fraser street. References.
FOR RENT—Three-room; separate gas,
bath. Apply 181 Luckle st. 48-23-9
I I OR RENT—HaIf house for housekeep
ing Five rooms and bath. 319 North
Jackson street. 33-19-9
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
LARGE front room with private bath;
furnished or unfurnished; electric lights,
hot water and furnace heat; close in on
West Peachtree. Call Ivy 2160. 9-25-44
TWO furnished or unfurnished rooms"
reasonable; one block off Pryor. 118
Formwait st., corner Eugenia. 9-25-33
FI’RNISHED or unfurnished, clean and
home-like rooms; all conveniences. 82
Spring. 64-24-9
Housekeeping Rooms For Rent.
LARGE furnished room with sink in
kitchen; $lB a month. 388 Peachtree.
THREE unfurnished rooms, connecting
bath, with all conveniences. 48 Mills
street. -46
TWO UNFURNISHED rooms for light
housekeeping, with private family, for
rent; all modern conveniences; ten min
utes' walk from center of city. Call 117
Pulliam street. 9-21-27
LARGE front connecting rooms, fur
nished or unfurnished; private home;
conveniences; private porches. 66 High
land ave. Ivy 4809-J, 9-20-32
THREE connecting first floor rooms; sink
In kitchen. 225 N, Boulevard. 9-20-25
FOR RENT—Neat rooms, furnished or
unfurnished, for housekeeping; all con
veniences. 229 Central avenue. 9-10-43
Bachelor Rooms For Rent.
TWO unfurnished rooms; very close in;
at 7 Carnegie Way; suitable for two
gentlemen. Ivy 902. 46-18-9
Room and Board.
NICE, cool room with board in private
family; all conveniences. 54 York ave
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
WANTED—Several women in employ-
ment to share attractive furnished
bachelor girls’ apartment; references ex
changed. For particulars, address P. O.
Box 805, Atlanta. Ga. 51-25-9
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
ONE beautiful five-room steam-heated
apartment at 333 N Boulevard; janitor
service. Phone Ivy 3698-J. 52-25-9
FOUR connecting rooms, newly papered;
private bath; very elevated; near Jack
son. 275 E. Pine st. 9-24-41
FOR RENT Five-room apartment In the
Corinthian. 136 West Peachtree street.
Apply to Mr. Kelly, 2% Walton street.
FOR RENT- Beautiful, small, steam
heated kitchenette apartment in the
Saint Bride Inquire apartment 9, 52 East
Cain, or phone Ivy 428, 9-17-24
Furnished Houses For Rent.
MOST attractive six-room bungalow,
completely furnished, north side; best
of everything; only first-class tenants de
sired; no children. Phone Ivy 1762-L.
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
FOR RENT—Six-room house, four acres.
on Fair street in Kirkwood; good place
for chickens and ducks Apply on prem
ises, Mrs. M. ('. Thomas, South Kirkwood.
- .1-9
WANTED Couple without children to
take part of cottage on south side.
Close in By November 1. J. E. R. S.,
care Georgian. 33-24-9
FOR RENT—S3O, 6-room cottage, 447
Courtland street; in splendid repair;
north side. 824 Atlanta National Bank
Bblg. Alain 268346-23-9
CLOSE-IN, modern, eight-room resi
dence, corner lot, 303 Spring st., corner
Hunnicutt street; rent reducer! from S4O
to $37.50; take West Peachtree car to
Hunnicutt street. Bell phone Ivv 3834-.1.
center of town; four rooms; newly pa
pered: large hall and front porch, on
second floor of a two-family house. All
conveniences. $12.60. Apply Fitzhugh
Knox, 1613 Candler building. 9-20-5
FIVE-ROOM C''TTAGE for rent; near
in. 145 Ormond street. 9-19-12
phone for our rent bulletin. Ralph O.
Cochran. 1!' South Broad street 4-1-21
THE HOUSE you build, buy or
rent will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
Stores For Rent.
FOR RENT W< : ive a v, ry desirable
store in the Candler Bldg., fronting on
North Pryor street and offer the same on
attractive terms for a period of three to
i five years. This store is 14 feet wide and
I 38 feet long with a balcony in the rear
I Apply at 222 Candler Bldg 9-24-44
-\t ! D B> graduate fl ei
small t lass of beginners in French; $2
for ten lessons. Phone Ivy 6218-L.
* 9-24-19
Dancing Lessons.
PAWING I.ESSu.XS Adults and ladies
special rates. Atlanta phone 2738
I'll hPM 'Xflso.VS Tansy Pennyroyal
and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and "re
liable ireaiment for painful and s.p-
I tossed menstruation, irregularities ami
similar obstructions. Trial box by mail,
50e Erank Edmondson Bro , manufac
turing chemists, 11 North Broad -treet.
Atlanta. 3-17-14
Office Space For Rent.
r ? nt approved
ant. Apply to 1027 Candler Bldg. 54-18-9
Stables For Rent.
NICE, large brick stable.'^7 l mablL "fiir
horse and carriage or garage. 104 S.
iryor. M. 2751-L, 9-18-50
Furnished Rooms Wanted.
MAN desires room with private
lamily. North side. Close in. In re
plying, state location and price. J R D ,
care Georgian. 34-25-9
October 1 in is the fall moving
nay There are hundreds and hundreds of
people and families this very day that are
looking for desirable places to rent for the
coming season on the first of October.
7*?l ra kl** houses, rooms and apartments
(either furnished or unfurnished) will rent
quickly anckeasily if they are seen in the
paper that is the leading “Rent” medium
of the city. “The Georgian Rent Bulletin”
• „ e stam P °f being the foremost
Rent medium. By no other way can
your vacancies be rented easily than
through The Georgian. The number c*
Rent ads in The Georgian speak for
themselves. You know for yourself that
if you desired to rtmt, you would look in
the paper that had the largest list to
choose from. The public feels the s'ame
way Begin your ad immediately and
have your vacancies filled before the first
of next month. Either phone it or send
It in.
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
GENTLEMAN wants furnished or un
furnished room and private bath.
North side. Not a boarding house. State
location and terms. B. E. W., care Geor
gian. 9-19-27
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
WANTED—By couple with infant three
unfurnished connecting rooms, suitable
for light housekeeping in close in private
home. Call Main 2907-J. 9-25-21
WANTED—Three unfurnished rooms for
light housekeeping with kitchen pre
ferred; state price. A. L. W„ care Geor
WANTED—Two unfurnished rooms, suit
able for light housekeeping; close in.
Address Beulah, care Georgian. 32-25-9
WANTED—By couple with two children
three or four rooms on ground floor;
state price and location. Call Ivv 1279-L.
October 1 in Atlanta is the fall moving
day There are hundreds and hundreds of
people and families this very dav that are
looking for desirable places to rent for the
coming season on the first of October.
Desirable houses, rooms and apartments
(either furnished or unfurnished) will rent
quick!}’ and easily if they are seen in the
paper that is the leading "Rent" medium
of the city. "The Georgian Rent Bulletin”
has the stamp of being the foremost
"Rent" medium. By no other way can
your vacancies be rented easily' than
through The Georgian. The number o'
"Rent” ads in The Georgian speak for
themselves. You know for yourself that
if you desired to rent, you would look in
the paper that had the largest list to
choose from. The public feels the same
way Begin your ad. immediately and
have your vacancies filled before the first
of next month. Either phone It or send
It In.
Unfurnished Apartments Wanted.
WANTED^-Three or four nice rooms
and bath; steam heat and electric lights*
north side preferred. Address E. B
care Georgian. 9-20-9
October 1 in Atlanta is’the fall moving
day. There are hundreds and hundreds of
people and families this very dav that are
looking for desirable places to rent for the
coming season on the first of October
Desirable houses, rooms and apartments
(either furnished or unfurnished) will rent
quickly and easily if they are seen in the
paper that is the leading "Rent" medium
of the city. "The Georgian Rent Bulletin”
,<?> s ~e stamp of being the foremost
Rent medium. By no other way can
your vacancies be rented easily than
through The Georgian. The number of
Rent ads in The Georgian speak for
themselves. You know for yourself that
If you desired to rent, you would look In
the paper that had the largest list to
choose from. The public feels the same
way Begin your ad. immediately and
have your vacancies filled before the first
of next month. Either phone it or send
It in.
Furnished Houses Wanted.
FURNISHED house or apartment wanted
on north side, by young California cou
ple; no children; accustomed so own own
home. Want modern conveniences Rea
sonable reht. Address R. E. Callahan P.
O. Box 1035, Atlanta. 9-21-8
Unfurnished Houses Wanted.
WANTED—Four or five rooms or cot
tage on south side. Phone 3332 Atlanta.
October 1 in Atlanta is the fall moving
day. There are hundreds and hundreds of
people and families this very day that are
looking for desirable places to rent for the
coming season on the first of October
Desirable houses, rooms and apartments
'either furnished or unfurnished) will rent
quickly and easily if thev are seen in the
paper that is the leading "Rent” medium
paper that Is the leading "Rent" medium
has the stamp of being the foremost
"Rent" medium. By no other wav can
your vacancies be rented easily than
through The Georgian. The number of
"Rent ' ads in The Georgian speak for
themselves. Aou know for yourself that
if you desired to rent, you would look tn
the paper that had the largest list to
choose from. The public feels the same
way. Begin your ad. immediately and
have your vacancies filled before the first
of next month. Either phone it or send
It in.
Office Space Wanted.
M ANT STUDIO; roof on office building
preferred. Must be light. Reasonable
care Georgian. 57-25-9
til.'il sy i | R!cl> -Relieves shortness of
ing' Tn'fifteen® 1° t 8 ho " rs Reduces swell
ing n fifteen to twenty days Write f,, r
particulars. < ollom Hropsv Remedy Com
pany. ~12 Austell building. Atlanta
Stove and Range Repairing.
We sell secondhand gas stoves
W e sweep chimneys.
Atlanta Phone 2235. Bell Phone Main 2fi.v>
= ? I
MonnineuG, an j g tone Wr . rk
uT'TAT? ,' :r<AX ' T , E company.
-'J-i* mm»> stone work
17-19 Eraser street. Phone Mam 3540. ,
i Palmistry.
PALMIST. A GIFT ■[> ;?" ’’ 'Nl'I v
I CATKD 76 EAST HVXtv\\"\ | AN !?.
<; YPSY ( \\j |>
I VEALS PAST, PRFsfv't' M Sr l!F
' tube CONSULT on ‘J , ax ! •
; OF LIFE. 138 WHITEILYLI. <Urv' :s
spiritual medium ’
, 74 Walton St
Office Hours, 9am i ,
SUn(la N^^da^-
can be tonsulted on all
Readings 25c, 50c. 17 East M •'
(In tent), Sl -'Htchei; s: reet
IS NOW LOCATED in tent '
syth and Luckle; can be ’ ' ”
al! affairs of life. Ch ar U ' ’ n
Satisfaction guaranteed. ” b
WANTED—Two second-h-n
bath tubs tn good conditio? ‘M"’ r 'n
Bell phone Main 5322. 242 Washir'j.n'
WANTED—Secondhand - ;'
in good order. Apply tnan! 114 hlne
Juniper Apts. y A » a rtment 3 .
W iA^n ED— good piano
4 «ove in good condition; quick cln
M ANTED—One stone crus! er
ble m e en Ga miXer ' Addr ' SS MiU
Drop a card. 1. Bock, 32 Bell s t ree ? M
FURNITURE and household "gioj« —TST"
fixtures and merchandise o f «
accepted on consignment. Cash a Xn s
Pembroke Sales Co.. 143 South Pr, "S? 4
Ben phones Main 1434
clothes and shoes. The VesUafe IK
Decatur street. 6-2"«
Wanted _we pay highest TSirjricS
on household goods, pianos and
* ure c ? aßh • a d vanc< ’d on eonslr
ments. Springer’s Auction House ”,
South Pryor street. Bell phone Main 1521
-... 4-10-1(1
W h E nm\ Y HIGHEST cash r
hold goods, pianos and office furniture
Cash advanced on consignments. Central
Auction Company, 12 East Mite).
street. Bell phone Mair
For Sale—Miscellaneous.
FOR SALE—Lathe in fine shape shaner
in good condition. These machines w"
be sold at a great bargain Madbcr
Auto and Machine Companj. Madison
SECOND-HAND BRICK fttr’sale’“’CallX
M. Truitt & Son. 9
ONE 34x4 casing; never been used *'7n
East Point 309-L. Price '2O. SQ.U;
ONE three-horse Olds gas.jfn?. engine"'
perfect condition and almost new; jioo’
a bargain. Phone East Point 309-1'
C. M. Llphani. 49-25-8
Chifforobes $25.00
Brass Reds 10.00
Mission Clocks 2.98
Dining Tables 12,50
Dining (’hairs 1.98
$35.00 Dressers 24.75
Pullman Davenports 35.00
If it's Furniture we have it at
the right price.
62 Peachtree. 61 North Broad.
FOR SALE—Cotton scales for hale cot
ton and wagon scales for cotton seed;
all new. Will sell for 25 per cent dis
count for cash. Cotton Merchant, rars
Georgian 9-25-1!
FOR SALE—One good dairy wagon and
harness; been used eight months M
3988-J. 9254
id NTLEY I'NITT'm” 7 " 'T. 7 C-U5
move dirt and germs from rugs, carpets,
floors, etc.; vacuum cleaners from ’32tl
up: vacuum sweepers. $9.75. (’ J
& Co., 416 Fourth Nat_
FOR SALE Iron bed, springs and tea''
er. Cheap.6B Walton rtiiiil-
MOVING, and must sell out tine stoc»
Brown Leghorn chickens and . Indian
Runner ducks. Make me an "ff* r
Colquitt avenue. Ivy 1070-J
RADIANT BA.SE-B’’rTt’NEi< in g’ .i ’'
dition; two Zudor shades: only 'ism a
short time; two ferns. Phone lv) -41" .
9-24-. I
VENI'S dress form, ad.iim' ■
to 46: cost sls: will sell for M"
feet condition. Call Ivy
FOR SALE—HnuselioT.l and !><n E
ishlngs. Apply 24 West Hav-
IT WILL BE EASY~sciiing " p’;’
your miscellaneous tilings . ri p’,'
ket through the "For Sale M
neons" column of The G.-orgian '.’'pr
find this classification a '-. imm. G
tempting buys and .ire » ! !0 .
you up on anything Him
HiR sale, FEATHERS '
domestic feathers. Live g-• '\ . ... J
a specialty Write or phone f, ;r ■
and prices. R. S. Eubanks, '
Broad street, AllanUt H
SAI IdS, tiles, eabineis. r.>-« A ■
Gookin Bank A office Eon': ■
FOR SALE- Lot of b**- ’ 7 ■
any style and size desire. :
unusual bargain at prices ■ ‘ jl■
ular. See or write W M , ;
East Alabama st.. I'il? ■
bT’SI NESS e,dirge s' '"! H
count on regular price n■ a.i . ..■
institutions in Atlanta ■
W. M Brlcken. 20 East \ o '
Ia 11 .i. ': a ■
National <’asli B
$35-SSO; s6(l-875 and tip. ’>’• r ■ ' -,et.H
eral exchange allowam"' ■
60 North Urea" ’
NEW, beautiful rugs " ' . .
old carpet, superior jtl
plain or designed: an.' M
free, oriental Rug ''or: '
American "i'Lwm 1 " ■
' asll ,\)| sizes ■
nejiisters :o pm-i B
new~nr'hb' 1 .r "i':cs
BABY’S MlltlA'E.
3076 ROBERT Ml'l' H 1
WO< >l'.
HAVE a good uprigl t gfe
In tine condition; cost ' • c
sacrifice for *10": now m , x A•-M
dress Steinway l’i:"'.". " - -_2
la nta. ...
FLOWERS top ' '
I' 1.1 >W lilt. See "I "I ■ ' '.tin
Ing orders I < a:i . ,i--
tnsnrr in buying i
tl overs W. JI. Brick'■
fct_ Citv-