Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, September 25, 1912, FINAL 1, Page 5, Image 5
WILSON VICTORY IN NEW JERSEY Home State Defeats “Boss” Smith for Senator, Whom Governor Opposed. TRENTON, N. J„ Sept. 25.—Today's rerirns from the state-wide primaries In New Jersey show an overwhelming dr-feat of James Smith, Jr., in the Dem o ratio primary contest for United St.-.'es senator and a victory for Gov ernor Wilson’s choice, ex-Congressman Hughes. The forces behind Wilson •...led up to about 23,000 plurality for Hughes. The governor’s friends are j ibilant, as the Democratic prestden ■ ,1 candidate has frequently denounced Smith aa a boas of the old Democratic regime and unfit for the United States senate. Es-ex county supported Smith by sb it three to one. but the remaining twenty counties went for Hughes. Hughes ran about seven to one aginst Smith in Monmouth; five to one in Mercer, and about three to one in Hud. son. Smith received about 23,000 votes and Hughes about 46,000. I'nited States Senator Frank O. p,r,.:gs. who seeks re-election on the f.f; il-lican ticket, was unopposed. Trio following congressmen ive be*:: renominated: ! .emocrats—Thomas J. Scully, \\ E. Tu'tle, Jr., and E. F. Kinkead. Republican—John J. Gardner. Foss Nominated In Massachusetts BOSTON. Sept. 25.—Eugene N. Foss, f r the third time, is the Democratic i.ndidate for governor of Massachu setts. In yesterday's primaries, where Dem •• ratio voters came out in stronger numbers than ever before, he defeated hi- riit Attorney Joseph R. Pelletier, f Boston, for the nomination by a ma jority of almost 25.000. I'o n. r Speaker of the House of Rep. r. w ntalives Thomas Walker, of Brook- > - the nominee of the Republicans for governor. His majority in the pri s over Colonel Everett C. Benton is about 10,000. The vote: Foss, 58.326; Pelletier, 33,- ■l7a, Foss' majority. 24,537, Walker Benton, 38,432; Walker's ma ferity, 9,791. . DAWSONVILLE TO BUILD SCHOOL. I>A\\St >N VILLE, GA., x_Sept. 25. — Mu Trial for the erection of a new con crete school building in Dawsonville, Dawson county, has been purchased and active work will begin in a few' w< ■ks It will be built for an agricul tural college. A vast amount of ill health is due tc impaired digestion. When tne stomach mi’s to perform its functions properly i whole .system becomes deranged. A coses of chamberlain's Tablets is i med. They will strengthen you- A', stion, invigorate your liver, and •dilate vour bowels, entirely doing vi.av with that miserable feeling due '" fau.ij* digestion. Try it. Many 1 r- l.avt been permanently cured y not you'.’ For sale bv all dealers. (Advt.) Millions or housekeepers and expert use SAUER'S PURE FLAVOR • EXTRACTS. Vanilla. Lemon. <•'? Innorsed bv Pure Food Chemists. (Advt.) ANNOUNCEMENT L. Moore & Sons are just in • • • ipt of their large import order of 1 and opera Glasses. You should th’in. Prices that will astonish ' ’’all and let. them .-how you. 42 h Broad street. (Advt.) FOR SALE Buy a Good Farm or a Timber Tract in South Georgia. A rite today for my booklet of “One •lundred Farms and Timber Tracts for p '< • m the banner counties of Thom- Brooks, Grady, Decatur and Mitch- Large tracts, small tracts, im '• d or unimproved, fine level sandy and red pebbly land with red clay J soil, labor abundant, best roads in rgia, best cotton lands in the South, neighborhoods, schools anti ’ircres, pure freestone and artesian “ plenty hog and hominy, saw timber, turpentine locations, cut ■’nds, colonization lands, fine stock -mg section, city property paying 10 ’ ‘ " cent and over. " rite me what you want and I will ’■••ver by early mail, describing the i "P< rty which you want. Yours to serve. W. E. CRAIGMILES. Thomasville, Ga. BIRMINGHAM AND RETURN x ’.50, Thursday, Sept. 26th, 1912. 00 a. m., return limit Sept 29th, 1912. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. CHATTANOOGA AND RETURN $2.50, Thursday, Sept. 26th, 1912. 1 40 a. m, return limit, Sept 29th, 1912. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. s' REAL / JELLICO COAL \ i THE PROCTER COAL \ COMPANY Both Phones 1672 / \ 359 DECATUR / \ STREET / MEXICAN WOMEN IN STILETTO DUEL TO WIN BULL FIGHTER MEXICO CIT Y. Sept. 25.—Admitting ! that she was stabbed by another worn- I an who was her rival for the affections I of Carlos Garcia, a bull fighter. Caro- | lina Kutze Arellano is in the city hos- ; pital here in a serious condition. The I other woman is said to have been Ma- * ria C. Gondalez. The story told by the Arellano wom an is that she and the Gondalez w oman were apearing in a local theater when Garcia visited the place and was taken behind the scenes. The women Immediately began show, ering attentions on him, and their ri- I valry for his favor, extending through a period of several weeks, developed into bitter hatred between them. Gar- i cla, the Arellano woman said, finally I began showing a preference for her, I whereupon “La Aluneca,” in despera tion, challenged her to a duel They | met at a lonely place and at a signal agreed on between them, proceeded to fight with their stilettos until the Arellano woman fell to the ground, slashed In a dozen places. Several hours afterward the wounded actress managed to make her way’ back to the city by crawling over rough roads. How Will Koo Stand The Summer? D r a. KING’S Royal . Gcrmctuer purges the body of poisons se creted by inactive or over-worked organs. It destroys disease germs before they weak en the vital parts. It fortifies the whole sys tem against sickness. , GERMETUER Is recommended for fevers, rheumatism, bowel troubles, blood, skin and nervous diseases, etc. Its effect is lasting and beneficial. Germetuer will help you. SI.OO per bottle. For sale by all drug gists, or Ellis-Lillybeck Drug Co. MEMPHIS, TENN. OPTICAL WOHK Os THE HIGHEST CLASS Is what Dr. Hines, the Opto metrist. gives in every case. He examines the eyes and fits glasses in. such away that they relieve the trouble, remove all strain from the nerves and muscles, give perfect sight and make life worth living He does all this without para lyzing the eyes with poisonous (drops and drugs. Have y'our eyes examined by scientific meth ods and get pleasure, comfort and re'ief out of your glasses at once. Examination Free. The “Dixie” finger top eye glasses, the invention of Dr. Hines, will stay on any nose; can not slip or fall off. HINES OPTICALGOMPANY 91 Peachtree St. Eel ween Monlf’O’nery and Alcazar Theaters Men and Women I CURE YOU TO STAY CURED, of all chronic, nervous, private. blood and /fljHr*' I skin diseases. I use ksHR' A the very la,est meth ods, therefore getting ' \ desired results. I give Tr,,. 606, the celebrated German preparation. P ~ J for blood poison, with yav ivFT out cutting or deten- J Sy \ tion from business. I v- cure you or make no wtwss charge. Everything confidential Cime to me without de lay, and let me demonstrate how I give you results where other physicians have failed. I cure Vari cocele. Stricture. Piles, Nervous De bility, Kidney. Bladder and prostatio troubles Acute discharges and in flammation and all contracted dis eases FREE consultation and exam ination Hours, Ba. m. to 7 p. rn. Sundays, 9 to 1. Dr. J. D. HUGHES, Specialist Opposite Third National Bank. 16‘/ ? North Broad St., Atlanta, Ga. I 1 J I Opium, Whitkey and Drug Habit* treated | A fl Hat Home or at Sanitarium. Book on subject I ■ Frc <’- DR dm - WOOLLEY. 24-N, Victor ■■■■■l Sanitarium, Atlanta, Georgia. CHICHESTER S PILLS THE lIIAMOM* HRAXit. A l.adU.! A.k r««r Uracrlat f„ r /A * bl-ebm-ter’e 1M.ia0.4 Ilrw.rfZAk I’llUln Had and Gold mrtailk\M»J .naled with Blue Ribbon. \V pH w. 1 Take n. other Hur .f your - I / ~ ffr Brntal.t. A-.k<rr< ItI.CTH-S-TFR'S I <- BIAMOIW IIIIAMI r„ ga A’O* IV years knonn as Best. Safest, Aloavs Reliable SOLD BY DRLGGISTS EVERYWHERE SANTAL-MIDY Q Relieves in 24 Hours Catarrh of the Bladder AU Druggists Brtvare oj Counterfeits SANTAL-MIDY THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NTWS.WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 25. 1912. I i \J/ jTHEREAL DEPARTMENT STORE ; j RICH’S FAMOUS CENTER AISLE]! THE HOME OF EXTREME AND EXCLUSIVE NOVELTIES '-jjj The favored fads and fancies in jeweled gauds and trinkets--the arabesque in art noveau: the newest whims in adorable adornments C The Best and Brightest Conceits of Foreign and Domestic Originality! Never in the history of the Big Store has such extensive buying been done for the Center Aisle, as the campaign recently con eluded by our foreign buyer. Mr. Walter Rich: whose extended European travels during the past several months put him in touch with the source of supply of the thousand and one novelties he has gathered together, to make the Center Aisle a fairy- Sc land maze of miscellany in gems of artistry, and a bewilderment of variety seen only in the shops and stores of the largest 2® metropolitan centers. Germany, France and the Orient have contributed in the ultimate of this extensive and representative collection, exceeding in many multiples any previous importation of art ware and novelty miscellany, coming through the Atlanta Custom House. German silver and sterling silver novelties, Parisian coiffure conceits, Barrettes and the latest Paris ian fad, “Coiffure Casque.” Exquisite ornamental novelties including the latest foreign fad,, the Luck Pig! in a score of orna mental useful devices, on each of which the cunning statue of the little Pig appears in varving poses. Beautiful Parisian Art Clocks, in enamel, brass and polished wood cases. Elaborately fitted work baskets. The new Tvorv Ware in Jewel Boxes, Puff Boxes, and a score of other devices, including exquisite Manicure Sets. The latest London craze in art ware effects in toilet and manicure articles —“Coronation Violet?*’ Gold plated over German silver Novelties, X’anitv 5* Sets. Card and Coin Cases, some with extremely miniature watches embedded in the case. The most superb and varied line Sc of Women’s Shopping Bags, in all the niode-of-the-moment leathers in all fashionable colors —ivory, gilt and silver frames Mesh Bags. Gorgeous Beaded Bags, including the very fashionable bright and dull jet. metal, gilt and silver frames, art wares from the Orient and a thousand other novelties for personal adornment and household ornamentation, besides the wealth of sta- 2r7 pie needs always procurable in the vast stock of the Center Aisle. , J Stupendous One-Day Sale Only of Imported and Domestic Novelties and Needfuls ! ><— J t jS PRICES THAT WILL MAKE YOU A PROMPT AND WILLING PARTICIPANT IN TOMORROW'S 5; Sg VALUE-GIVING CARNIVAL IN THE CENTER AISLE "I T* Sc g x —— —. g Art Goods Section. Staple Notions at Reduced Prices for (i|oye S; JS Stamped Austrian Scarfs and 1 hUTSday Only —ltems YOU Need Every Our Glove’ department include jF Squares. DaV---Brino’ this 1 Ist With You , ' ll> ’ H>s * n,,m ber from the best Stamped Austrian Drawn Work. Y » makers- and only those—Glove hemstitched with two, three and 25c Scalloped Wash Braids, with dot. Warren Collar Foundations; white or names that stand out in the ra- » four rows of drawn work White and all colors; 6 yard pieces, black; net or chiffon; worth q diance of an international repu- Sb* . j j• x a i j • ’ Regular 25c sellers, 1A regular 5c and 10c, for, each «sC tut ion Trofonoca • V , ... “W stamped in dainty floral designs at _ jece lUC luiou —irerousse; r own es, for embroidery. Reg- OQa Dempster & Place, Fisk. Clark JIB ular 50c values, for fcvv 10c Lingerie Braid for 7c an( l Flagg and Ireland Bros. LBB, 10c Gold Plated Safety Pins lor ... 5c 5 C jop Count English Pins for .... 2c Our (dove department is pre- ■ * Stamned Laundrv Bairs 5C o, Ha , ndy Pin Shee * B ’ whi,e or , 10c Kirby Beard Pins, all sizes, for. 7c over by experienced sales- ej* 3 8 Black c 15c Kirby Beard Pins, all sizeA, f0r..12c women, and you can be fitted ■JJ Mercerized Cotton R«VP Laundry Klex s"r«, K»° r r OT :: £<e Hair n„». etrelght or er lmp l.a.. 2c pede.-Hy a, ll,a counter. Eo|. J'l bags with stamped designs loi 5c Safetv pj ns; a n s i ze s, 2 f0r.... 5c loc Hal ’ 1111 Cabinets for 7c lowing is a partial list of the embroidering. Regular 35e 5c K. B. Hair Pins for. package ... 3c 5c Kirby Beard Invisible Hair Pins. 2c new modish Gloves necessary to values. 4 10c Pearl Head Pins for, card 5c 10c Weight Tape, white or black, yd. 5c effectuate the niceties ..f '=2 I JJC 15c Cube Pins, all colors, for 8c * , P J r •' our tSQ JSg tor ■ vv spic and span fall outfit. ifZ - sc Blue Steel Hair Pins; assorted Two-Clasp Tampas 3; Stamped Austrian Doylies. 25c Eton or Kimono style Dress I « sizes to a box; plain 1 Lambskin, black and colors one fisc Shields; all, for pair..... lOL or crimpled. box ±C , , <»is. oik Stamped Drawn Work Austrian i o°'i\ S ' Dovlies. hemstitched, sizes 7x7 ~ 1 • aww inches and 9x9 inches souare Lead Dress Weighis; all sizes; dz. 5c 10c 10-yard English Tape, for. pee.. 5c Fownes’ Cape Kid. indies and ..v inches squaic, ioc Ampined Hook and Eyes for... 6c 5c Hooks and Eyes for2c Verv stvlish tan onlv 1 rows worth regular 10c and 5 C Slip Out Collar Supporters .... 3c Ift .. ....,•: . ' . • ' ’ ' s •C 15c each for VV l° c Green's Collar Supporters .... 7c . ' . 'i hll < • stitching, pupie seams. -!£■ ’ 10c Placket Fasteners 5c ec Spn al Collar Supporters 3c hor street A tJU 5c Linen Corset Laces 2c ,Oc Flat Hat Wire for, piece 5c an( ] wa ]kj nt , I •jll g* * Stamped and Tinted Centerpieces 5c Dutch Linen Tape, blocked, pee. 3c 10c Jet Head Pins Sheets for 7c Trefnncc2 O ni QH « tT, 36 c , J , z, . 10c Placket Snaps for. doz. : 5c 5c Wooden Stocking Darners for . 2c .... llelousse viasp, DOrottiy, Stamped and Tinted Center- 2 5c Skirt Marker for 17 C I hree rows stitching, black, tan. pieces. Scarfs, and Pillow Tops gray and all lead- on heavy Union Linen, natural We J ts o - Elect F ic Eair c 'irlers, .on v - lii ai ci i ''ig shades ... we ««)U S' , ' , j , , , card; 2oc regular; lor 65c Nickeled Alarm Clocks, qo t i j jU color crash; new and elaborate Thursday, per card lOC good time pieces, for Oi/C Ireland Bros. Mochas. designs for colored embroidery; One clasp, gray and tan; ideal UMw exceptional street wear ■■ Tfcl „„ t3C 10c Mercerized Corset Laces7c 5c Pearl Buttons, 2 doz. forsc Clm oc T 4 B »» 25c Mercerized Corset Laces 15c 10c Heavy Aluminum Thimbles .... 5c Also in tan and tf* ® . Imported Clocks. 25c Silk Shields, pair 15c 15c Dress Shields for 9c gray, at B a Qy 15c Sanitary Belts for 8c 10c Children's Hose Supporters.... 5c Fownes’ Eugenia - Over 100 real imported Clocks, 15c Sanitary Pads for 8c 10c Shirt Waist Beltssc 91 t 1 . 1. " T*. K 5 of German manufacture; bought blS P aml from a New j ork importer at 50c Extra Quality Embroidery Band. 6 35c Placket Snaps, on tape by the Fownes’ Dahmer less than cost of importing. The vard pieces; white and i yard, white or black, ■» ->l.-1 i> 0 • =5 10l consists of small ~nd medium al! color, m,. piece 19C at. per y.rt 19c --.Ja«|. hep,y. I ar„ ~™n smelu highly finished pniished bras. «« .. $1.50 £ g Specials from the Toilet Goods ’"I."" 0 " 51.29 Tooth Brushes $2.50 S ; Regular 10c and 15c Sellers. Some are slightly soiled; many have Fownes’ Phylis. ‘ Suede and Velvet Bags. real bristles; as long as they lasj, each OC 2-<-lasp black ® Ladies- Shopping Bags, a close- 6c Fancy Perfumed Soap, at, cake .3c , 75c White Ivory Handle Mirrors and' colors SC.UU 0 x 1 A u 1 rm Ibe Large size Glycerine Soap, at assorted styles 50c 5* out lot of some regular TH cake 7c 4 „ z .. I 0(; siz( , Pei . nKide for 5c One-clasp Trefousse, and sl.oo bags; lot consists of 10c Peque Nail Preparation 5c . s , )Z i.- )C sizf . Peroxide for 8c <»n <•-<•! asp I retousse, pique Suede in a cut-out design in 10c Nail Brushes 5c ]6 oz ’., 2 5*c size, Peroxide for'.lsc stitching, pearl clasp, beautiful 'JtU black and colors, and velvet 10c Manicure bets 8c 2 5c Skin Powaer 20c ftA ' 3B bags with gold braiding; all 50 e Rubber Combs 25c 25c Eversweet 20c " Pl f” „ •• • have long silk cord handles; pos- imported Soap of Roger & Gaiiet, 50c Pond s Extract 40c Sixteen-Button Trefousse, $3.50. yH' kivelv $1 00 and Pinaud, Violet and Piver’s, highlv per- Hardwood polished Tooth Picks; reg- Twenty-Button Trefousse, $4.50. $1.50‘ Bags, for CUC fumed; regular 25c and ia ular 5c kind; r Sixteen-button Trefousse. suede, *l'- <csg white and black, CA Stationery Sale. Hair Brushes ”’ Tppn and fan Mw.OU J nair Drusne, Handkerchief Hints! rifty sheets of linen finished pa- Imported real bristle Hair Brushes of English manufacture; odds and nn ii..,. p r „ n | ~nßp rri, .;Pl'n„o; Pl ' n „ o per with envelopes to match: ends of our stock; 50c. 75c and »1 Brushes; Io close out. Special at . on genuinely each piece of the paper copper kerchiefs. You should promptly t engraxed ATLANTA. avail yourself of these uncommou in old English letters. I his is Hand-Embroidered Armenians. Positively tomorrow only. bargains •K- a regular 50c package. For Hand-embroidered corners on Women’s pure linen, hemstitched Artistic Armenians Wednesday al. verv Huen. Hand- Handkerchiefs, embroidered cor- Artistic Armenian Handker- box WWW kerchief values thoroughly ners and initials; regular 25c chiefs regular OE Sr (Center aisle.) known to the public. values; tomorrow 4 i 35,. va | ne s 2 - y Regular 50c values .... Eww only I •y 5