Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, September 26, 1912, EXTRA 2, Page 9, Image 9

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MSTM. BILIOUS. HEADACHY, ffIIORPID’-METSME Turn the rascals out-the headache, biliousness, constipation the sick < ,-j stomach and foul gases—turn then, out tonight with Cascarets ’ Don't put in another dax of distress. Let Cascarets sweeten and Regulate ret ove the sour, undigested and fermenting food and that . sery- '.atng gas, take th. excess bile from your liver and carry off the de rorn... s>. d waste matter and constipation poison from the bowels. Then von n il i eftt. A casearet tonight will straighten you out by morning—a 10-cent box fro • V drug store will keep your head clear, stomach sweet, liver and bow f 'e tegular and make you feel bully and cheerful for months. Don't forget the cliilg- ' n. X J I 50 Cents. Never gripa or sicken. “CASCARETS WORK WHILE YOU SLEEP.” Every Depositor Is Requested To Read This In many instances—but in only one or two ways—you may have made pood use of our ex emplary service and convenient facilities. But there are hundreds of business men who could not get along without some of the important features you’ve NEVER, profited by. For instance, we have a special window for making up Pay Rolls, private Coupon Clipping Booths, the finest Safe Deposit Vault in the South, and, within a few feet, a Directors’ s Room for the use of our friends who have stored in our vault business papers which they desire to examine. Let us SHOW you these features. We want you to enjoy the full benefit of our up-to-date service. THIRD National Bank Capita! and Surplus $1,700,000.00 FRANK HAWKlNSPresident JOHN W. GRANT ...Vice President JOS. A. M’CORD. Vice President THOMAS C. ERWIN Cashier R. W. BYERS . Assistant Cashier W. B. SYMMERS .... Asst. Cashier A. M. BERGSTROM Asst. Cashier A. J. HANSELLAsst. Cashier ■mim. • - . > —-v M«mna ■■ ■■ »ariiiiujsMHaM . f—aauwm— TODAY ANO THURSDAY | SHOE SPECIALS LADIES’ ' 4 4| i ; Width 4 16 3 I A J >airs !?!!! I nr Width! 20 75 23 ’0.95 I _ P a ’ rs J* I "" | Width 10 42 13 i G Pairs Fairs Pairs / f I I / __________ ! TWO DAYS ONLY We have two hundred and thirty-one pairs, Patent , Leather, Gun Metal, Vici Kid and Tan. in Button and Blu cher. These Shoes are worth $5.00, $4.00 and $3.50. They are on special sale Wednesday di E£. :■ and Thursday, at 25 WHITEHALL ST. M b FRED S. STEWART CO. a F["-'gy^ B|rr _. rLj _ ÜB.g...._ l |Rl| lll» II il IB 11 L M tW—IB 'O. IIB<T~IhHI I ISHT Will H—WiC DINNER AT FOLSOM’S t SERVED FROM 11:30 TO 3 P. M. ’ prod to am part of < itv within one mile of restaurant for 60 cents. >I’P Puree of Naw Bean an Crouton Aunt fannies Corn Muffins Choice Any Two of the Following: Hint Fish Saute. Lemon Butter Beef Loaf. Mushroom Sauce neappie Fritters. Wine Sauve Boast Pork Barbecue Sauce Boast Prime Ribs of Beef, au Jus ed Potatoes Turnip Salad Canrlicd Yams Steamed Carolina Rice Stuffed Bell Pepper '' I''l of Green*- Roll Hard and Brandy Sauve. Chocolate Ice Cheatn Pie* with i'h< ■ s Sweet Potato. Lemon. Apple and Peach CHOICE oF Coffee Sweet Milk Buttermilk Tea SERVF.It T<> ONE PERSON ONLY TELEPHONE 530 mu »«. uwmwae—■— THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS.THURBDAY. SEPTEMBER 26. 1912 I IVLRICH & BROS. CO? | 1 1— ( THE REAL DEPARTMENT STORE J || | "RICH’S FAMOUS CENTER AISLE]! g THE HOME OF EXTREME AND EXCLUSIVE NOVELTIES g » The favored fads and fancies in jeweled gauds and trinkets--the arabesque in art noveau; the newest whims in adorable adornments /" ' —— JJj I The Best and Brightest Conceits of Foreign and Domestic Originality! 2 ?£ J g 3* Never in the history of the Big Store has such extensive buying been done for the Center Aisle, as the campaign recently con- Sr eluded by our foreign buyer, Mr. Walter Rich: whose extended European travels during the past several months put him in touch with the source of supply of the thousand and one novelties he has gathered together, to make the Center Aisle a fairv- Sr land maze of miscellany in gerns of artistry, and a bewilderment of variety seen only in the shops ami stores of the largest metropolitan centers. Germany, France and the Orient have contributed in the ultimate of this extensive and representative 2 ' collection, exceeding in many multiples any previous importation of art ware and novelty miscellany, coming through the TJJ Atlanta Custom House. German silver and sterling silver novelties, Parisian coiffure conceits, Barrettes and the latest" Paris- ian fad, “Coiffure Casque.” Exquisite ornamental novelties including the latest foreign fad. the Luck Pig! in a score of orna- Jr *=s mental useful devices, on each of which the cunning statue of the little Pig appears in varying poses. ' --J* Beautiful Parisian Art ( locks, in enamel, brass and polished wood cases. Elaborately fitted work baskets. The new Ivorv Ware in Jewel Boxes. Puff Boxes, and a score of other devices, including exquisite Manicure Sets. The latest London craze pj in art ware effects in toilet and manicure articles—“ Coronation Violet.” Gold plated over German silver Novelties, Vanitv 5* Jj* Sets. Card and Coin Cases, some with extremely miniature watches embedded in the case. The most superb and varied line 2c of Women’s Shopping Bags, in all the niode-of-the-moment leathers in all fashionable colors —ivory, gilt ami silver frames— *- Mesh Bags, Gorgeous Beaded Bags, including the Aery fashionable bright and dull jet, metal, gilt and silver frames, art wares 5? Sij from the Orient and a thousand other novelties for personal adornment and household ornamentation, besides the wealth of sta- S pie needs always procurable in the vast stock of the Center Aisle. m: ' H r Stupendous One-Pay Sale Only of Imported and Domestic Novelties and Needfuls is* ~~ ’ * ' PRICES THAT WILL MAKE YOU A PROMPT AND WILLING PARTICIPANT IN TOMORROW’S S’ - ; 5 VALUE-GIVING CARNIVAL IN THE CENTER AISLE f S ’ 5 Art Goods Section J t . aple J Not ,J? n I s a \ Redu^ ed Pric ,T s for Glove S <2 stamped Austrian Scarfs and 1 tlUrsday Only—ltems YOU Need Every Our move department includes 5 Sjj Stamped Austrian Drawn Work. Day—Bring this List with You gSt hemstitched with two. three and 25c Scalloped Wash Braids, with dot. Warren Collar Foundations; white or names that stand out in the ra- I *=s four rows of drawn work, White and all colors; 6 yard pieces, block; net or chiffon; worth q diance of an international renu- ® ■ stamped in dainty floral designs - 10c rcgll,ar oc and 10c, for, each JC tation; Fownes. for embroidery. Reg- Dempster & Place, Fisk, Clark Sr* ular 50c values, forCwv ‘ ioc Llnttcrie Braid for7c a,lf l Flagg and Ireland Bros. ES 10c Gold Plated Safety Pins for ... 5c 5 C 400 Count English Pins for .... 2c f>nr Glove department ig pre- Stamped Laundry B&gS. B,s ßuck dy P,n BheetS ' Whlte Or « 10c Kirby Beard Pins, all sizes, for. 7c sided over by experienced sales- *> ? v , ,A am n. 16c Kirby Beard Pins, all sizes, for.. 12c women, and you can be fitted ■8" Mercerized Cotton Repp Laundry 10c Silk Pins - points for ... 6c 4 Hair Pins straight or ciimnip.i > r nerfe.-tlv ii * ~ , HnrrQ «ith -tamneri iLio-rxs h r Stewart’s Duplex Safety Pins for.. 5c Hal ' "" R - Btr «W“ »t citmpled.. 2c pulei tly at the counter. Fol- Bags is itli stamp, d designs lot 5c Safety Pins; all sizes, 2 f0r.... 5c tOc Hair Pin Cabinets tor7c lowing is a partial list of the embroidering. Regular -.oc 5c K. B. Hair Pins for. package ... 3c 5c Kirby Heard Invisible Hair Pins. 2c new modish Gloves necessarv t<> values. 1 Qra 10c Pearl Head Pins for, card 5c 10c Weight Tape, white or black, yd. 5c effectuate the r ol . j tSC loc Cube Pins, all colors, for . 8c <nt<iu.iT( i.iie niceties of your fIT — s Pic and span fall outfit. 5c Blue Steel Hair Pins; assorted Two-Clasp Tamnas 118 Stamped Austrian Doylies. 25c Eton or Kimono style Dress 1 Q sizes to a box: plain 1 Landiskin I>lq,»L- •>,. 1 V.i ' an p y Shields; ail sizes, for pair lOC or crlmpled, box IC b» n black and colors, one J- Stamped Drawn Work Austrian ,ow stitching, 'fel Dovlies. hemstitched, sizes 7x7 " 2-< lasp I ■ inches and 9x9 inches square; English Tape, for, pee.. 5c Fownes ’ Cape Kid. 1 > <zs i Ampined riooiv hdu es for. .. Gc .tp LTooLr nixi Flvar fnr Or- 1; i < i rs _ worth regular 10c and 5c Slip Out Collar Supporters ... 3c l(k . ... Sll \ P st .' | ish. tan only. 3 rows 15c. each for OC 10c Green’s Collar Supporters .... 7c . a ? ~ ’ .’ 'bPor eis 6c white stitching, pique seams. Sy" 10c Placket Fasteners 5c ' ,c ®P lra ' Collar Supporters 3c j?or street Jfeß . am-* j « x ■ 5c Einen Corset Laces 2c Flat H»>- Wire for. piece 5c an a wnlkinc xB I Stamped and Tinted Centerpieces 5c Dutch Linen Tape, blocked, pee. 3c 10c Jet Head Pins Sheets for... 7c Trlfo,. o ; o m T B xu W u nrl Tinted ('onto,. 10c Placket. Snaps for. doz 5c 5c Wooden Stocking Darners for .. 2c neiotisse Z-blasp, Dorothy. « ’SB Stamped and I nted (.enter- 25c Skirt Marker for 17c I hree rows stitching, black, tan. pieces. Scarfs, and Pillow Tops . ' [ gray and all lead- 4 ■» on heavv Union Linen, natural West s Electric Hair Curlers, oon j shades vK | 50 3? ~.i„«. onJ card I 25c regular; for •» r* 6i»c Nickeled Alarm Clocks, , s , ' ' 10 color crash; new and elaboiate Thursday, per card lOC good timepieces, for Ot/'C Ireland Bros.’ Mochas. “IW designs for colored embroidery; One clasp, gray and tan: ideal gC exceptional T street wear values nt eDC 10c Mercerized Corset Laces7c 5c Pearl Buttons. 2 doz. for 5c Na I 2 values ’ Jsc MercerUwJ Corset Lacea 9c 5c Ironlng VVax fol . 1c Gloves IXU 25c Mercerized Corset Laces 15c 10c Heavy Aluminum Thimbles ... 5c Also in tan and 4 g® ***# Imported Clocks. 25c Silk Shields, pair 15c loc Dress Shields for 9c gray, at 15c Sanitary Belts for 8c 10c Children’s Hose Supporters.... 5c Fownes’ Fnrrenio *1"-. ‘ Over 100 real imported Clocks. Isc Sanitary Pads for 8c 10c Shirt Waist Belts 5c .» 1 r ownes iugema. *’’’ of German manufacture: bought --'Tasp. styles white, J 4 from a New York importer at 50c Extra Quality Embroidery Band. 6- 35c Placket Snaps, on tape by the Fownes' Darrmor " loss than cost of importing. The yard pieces: white and sa yard; white or black. waginer. *1- lot consists of small and medium all colors for, piece 1 «JC at, per yard lt?C a *P’ lie;,v . v - * point stitch- 'S highly finished polished brass u ’" b i "’ k il,ld r*f Est Ist with perfect works: worth reg- .tt. ’’ *" ° r ' S ‘m / 4* ■ ■vU ’ ular $2.00 and $15(1 For SpeCiak frOHl the Toilet Goods 3„|. lsp Trtdbuss USS h avv I> *? tomorrow £4 OO r _ . » . P • I^ ,OUS V hea V Pans only Tooth Brushes p?' nt atlt< ‘ h ’ real gjs kid, all colors ,-ag,.- Regular 10c and 16c Sellers. Some are slightly soiled; many have r* Fownes’ Phvlis Suede and Velvet Bags. real bristles: as long as they last, each oC 1.1. 1 89 Ladies’ shopping Bags, a Close- OC Fancy Perfumed Soap, at, cake.. 3c 75c White Ivory Handle Mirrors, an( | ( , olors —and sl.oo bags; lot consists of 10c Peque Nail Preparation 5c j 8 oss 15c size p erox jd e f Or 8c One-c Ia s p I refousse, pique ■ ?, uede in « c , ut - ont des 'K n , w‘ : Manir^ 6 q!,% 25c‘ size. Peroxide for'.‘i s c stitching, pearl clasp, beautiful h ack and colors, and velvet Ms \ n, s? r ~ o-.,. qu,, Pn«, n£ >r on light S i bags uitii goic bi ai ling, all -q c Rubber Combs 25c 25c Eversweet 20c weignt , . have long silk cord handles; pos- imported Soap of Roger & Gallet, 50c Pond's Extract 40c Sixteen-Button Trefousse, $3.50. 8® itivelv Jft.Ott and Pinaud. Violet and Piver’s, highly per- Hardwood polished Tooth Picks; re" Twenty-Button Trefousse $4 *0 '•g ».50'B Sg ». for doc 19c 5c si y«• •>"! ; 1 white and black, C > Stationery Sale. Hair Brushes green Handkerchief' Hi t?' I Fifty sheets of linen finished pa- Imported real bristle Hair Brushes of English manufacture; odds and OO II ><■> ■ . . i .. . i ° - 2? per with envelopes to match; ends of our stock; 60c, 75c and $1 Brushes; to close out, Special at. .. «Ji7C 'c ai <• real, rar? underpricings 3! each piece of the paper copper < J v \ V ' l '' < -U engraved ” ATLANTA. GA..” keK-hiefs. \on should proiuptly ® in <»ld English letters. This is Hand-Embroidered Armenians. Positively tomorrow only. bargahts ' ° ' '' * a regular 50c package. I-or Hand-embroidered corners on Women's pure linen, hemstitched Artistic Armenians Wednesday at, verv fine quality linen. Hand- Handkerchiefs, embroidered cor-- \rtisiic \n . u box OOG kerchief values thoroughly rn-rs and initials: regular 25c Xfs remdat OC (Center aisle.) known to the public. va, “ es ; tomorrow 4 A ~ ;;,- x . values t Regular 50c values .... Cavv only i “ww '■"'lnr '■ ■■■ ■- ■ - - - - ■■ ' y f-' L ' ’ 9