Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, September 26, 1912, FINAL, Page 15, Image 15

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THEJTLANTA GEOROIAX AND NEWS.READ FOR PROFIT— GEORGIAN WANT ADS— USE FOR RESULTS THURSDAY. SEPT. 26. 1912. For Sale —Miscellaneous. FOR SALE —Cheap, nice willow go-cart. Ph one Main 2"13-J.60-26-9 iHjESTIC range: perfect condition: for Lus than half price. 184 Spring. POR SALE—Girl’s bicycle and baby’s go- I cart. Call 224-B Whitehall. 9-26-10 SECOND-HAND SAFES—SmaII, medium and large home safes. sls: Hall’s bank «nd fireproof safes, vault doors, etc. C. r Daniel, 416 Fourth National Bank buikl .-f9-7-32 One Price. No Commission tuning, repairing PIANOS AND PLAYERS. LET us make you an estimate on vour work. Old pianos made i.ew again at moderate prices. The only complete piano shop in the city. Cleveland-Manning Piano Company, 80 N. Pryor. Street. Bell Phone Ivy 2240. SECOND-HAND BRICK for sale. Call S* Truitt & Son. 9-25- 40 ONE three-horse Olds gasoline engine, in perfect condition and almost new; $100; a bargain. Phone East Point 30S-L. C M. Lipham. 49-25-9 FOR SALE —Cotton scales for bale-Cot ton and wagon scales for cotton seed; all new. Will sell for 25 per cent dis count for cash. Cotton Merchant, care Georgian. 9-25-12 FOR SALE —One good dairj' wagon and harness; been used eight months. Ivy 3988-J. 9-25 - 8 FOR SALE—Iron bed. springs and heat er. Cheap. 68 Walton street. 50-24-9 MOVING. and must sell out tine stock Brown I.eghorn chickens and Indian Runner ducks. Make me an offer. 41 Colquitt avenue. Ivy 4070-J. 9-24-35 RADIANT BASE-BURNER in“goixTcorT (iltion; two Zudor shades; only used a short time; two ferns. Phone Ivy 2416. -24-14 M S dress form, adjustable to sizes ."'8 to 46; cost sls: will sell for $lO. In per fect condition. Call Ivy 5078 9-24-12 IT WILL BE EASY selling if you place .vour miscellaneous things on the mar ket through the "For Sale—Miscella neous " column of The Georgian. People find this classification' a column of many empting buys and ate willing to take jon up on anything that you have for sale SAFES, files, cabinets, new & 2nd hd. cookin Bank & Office Equipment Co. 9-20-31 FOR SALE —Lot of best quality tiling" any style and size desired This is an unusual bargain at prices far below' reg alar See or write W. M. Bricken, 20 '' '* yl Alabama. st.. City. 9-18 22 BUSINESS college scholarships; big dis count on regular price in all of the best institutions in Atlanta. See or write IV. M. Bricken, 20 East Alabama st., Al ia nta. Gjv 9-18-25 National Cash Registers. J35-SSO; S6O-$75 and up. Terms easy. Lib eral exchange allowance. Both phones. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO . 60 North Broad Street. 7-20-52 NEW, beautiful rugs woven from your old carpet, superior to any in service; plain or designed: any size. Catalogue free Oriental Rug Company, Baltimore. 8-16-31 \ mnrir-u r> “ u registers everything ’’ .luii.JiHiL Latest improvements < 'll all Old registers exchanged dbll All sizes: easy terms. I?ari-io4-zj>.o Atlanta Cash Register Co. lirL,lb..rlb 34 East Alabama street. 643-47 NEW RUBBER TIRES put ON" YOUR BABY’S CARRIAGE. PHONE IVY O7C. ROBERT MITCHELL. 299 EDGE -7-18-15 HAVE a good upright Steinway piano. In fine condition: cost new $750; will sacrifice for $100: now in storage. Ad dress Steinway Plano, P. O. Box 596, Af ar ta. 85-21.-9 FLOWERS’FOR SALE. FOR SALE—Fine ferns and begonias 95 Alta avenue. Inman Park. FLOWERS—See or write me before plac ng orders. I can save you half jour money in buying potted plants and cut sowers. W. M. Bricken, 20 East. Alabama St.. City. 9-18-23 Automobiles. GUARANTEED tires at cut prices; to close out surplus stock. 28x3, $7.40; 30x3, VBS. 30x3'/i. $10.20; 32x314, $12.10; 34x4, U 7.25: all other sizes; order now while 'hey 'ast. Central Mfg. Co,. Dayton, Ohio 9-5-58 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. HAVE two cats that f must dispose of ai once; will trade one for real estate; ■ threc-passenger Overland coupe, 1912 model; condition perfect, 30-horsepower; ne four-passenger Maxwell; good condi- Ton; equipped; cheap if sold at once. In quire 31 Inman Bldg. Telephone M. 2053 9-25-43 FOR SALE—3O-horsepower 1911 model au- ’omobile. foredoom, five-passenger; fully equipped. Price reasonable. Call Ivy 4268 9-25-24 FOR SALE—Overland "42." five-pas senger automobile. Cheap for cash, or w.H take good notes for part. 406 For- Llh Bldg 9-24-20 () NE second-hand three-fourths ton Buick truck. Will sell this week at a Jjwrgatn, Adams Price Auto Company, 1 "ashington street. Phone Main 652. 9-24-1 W P-‘I J SELL, or exchange for vacant lot, five passenger automobile; 60 horsepow fc': m fine condition; rides like a sleeping H'a a bargain. Price S6OO. Main ■"’•J. Charles R Cook. 480 South Boule vard ’ 9-24-9 40 H. P. 5-PASSENGER AUTOMOBILE ■II ST put in fine condition will l»e sold ala bargain. New !n P and seat covers. Splendid •ppearaijee. Pulls Howell Mill oad hill or any other on “the high. - ’ Two extra 36-inch tires. r ubes and rims. Address or in quire for Auto. Box 300. care 1 ' p orgian, 9-21-26 'R SALE—Four-cylinder five-passenger ar, m good condition: for quick sale. I Atlanta phone 1887. 9-19-39 AUTOMOBILES WANTED. you have a 1912 model T Ford tour- n K car, fullj- equipped, that is about as ‘ ss new for sale at a bargain, write west cash price Address Auro. Box rare, Georgian 9-26-18 automobiles for exchange ’■ EXCHANGE—Automobile for va . ' ot ' farm land or diamond valued »4»o. Address F. L., care Georgian. "■*' BRUSH; never used; to exchange . !or lot; and 25-horsepower Maxwell, »L e c _2 n< iitlon, for cash, cheap Offre'. ncx »50, care Georgian. 9-1646 Auction Sales. AT AUCTION. THE ENTIRE FURNISH INGS OF 170 CLEBURNE AVE.. INCLUDING MA HOGANY AND OAK BED-1 ROOM FURNITURE. UP RIGHT PIANO. GAS STOVE. RANGE. BRASS BEDS. SHADES. PARLOR FURNITURE, LI BR ARY SUIT. AXMINSTER. WIL TON AND BRUSSELS ART SQUARES. HALL RUNNERS. RUGS. CUR- T A I N S. PORTIERES. COUCH COVERS. ETC.. FRIDAY. SEPT. 27. AT 12 E. MITCHELL ST. COMMENCING AT IQ A M.. Friday, we will offer to the highest bidder the entire furnishings of 170 Cleburne ave nu?' of mahogany dressers and chiffoniers, brass beds, quartered oak dressers, library table, pedestal dining table, china cabinet, hat rack, center tables, elegant brass and iron beds with springs and felt mattresses, blankets, kitchen furniture, fine. Full man davenport, mahogany parlor suit”, oak sideboard, fine lot of library, re ception and bed room rockers, sewing machine. Turkish leather library rock er, lace curtains. linoleum. art squares, shades, hall runners, por tieres. and. in fact, everything neces sary to furnish an up-to-date house complete. These goods will be open for inspection Thursday. Sale starts at 10 a. m. Friday, Septem- CENTRAL AUCTION CO.. 12 E. MITCHELL ST. PAWN BROKERS"YUCTION HOUSE, 61 Decatur street. We buv and sell any and everything Atlanta phone 2285; Bel! phone Main 1434, Main 187 7-29-20 PEMBROKE Sales Company under new management; will accept your surplus stock of any kind on consignments; cash advanced; settlement on date of sale. 143 S. Pryor st. Bell phone Main 1434. Main. 187; Atlanta phone 2285 8-6-30 Business Opportunities FOR SALE—Near-beer saloon, doing good business. Good location. Long lease. Good reason for selling. Address Box 394. care Georgian. 37-26-9 LET us laj’ before you fact- and figures regarding the Montana Pulp and Paper Manufacturing Company, the govern ment’s figures show that the manufacture of paper is one of the greatest industries of America. Write J. N. Sechrest & Co., Investment Bankers, Buffalo, N. Y.. for circular 309. _55-2c-9 FOR SALE Bakery; well established trade; splendid stand; is making good money; with a. little life and push this business will easily net you $3,006 per year; sickness cause of selling. Write W. H. Goodwin, Eufaula, Ala. SS-24-9 A BARGAIN--Well established general merchandise business in good town: owner wants to retire. Address P. O. Box 73, Glennville, Ga 9-20-34 Rooming House For Sale. PARTIES leaving town will sell furnish ings of eight-room rooming house: rooms all full. Answer quick. Atianta phone 5495. 9-25-28 Money To Loan. HOME . FUNDS ajid insurance money at prevailing rates of interest on real es tate. Can place your application and get the money at once. Ralph O. Cochran Company, 19 South Broad. 9-25-36 MONEY' FOR ’SALARIED PEOPLE ’ AND OTHERS, upon their own names; cheap rates, easy payments Confiden tial. D H.JTolman, 524 Austell building MONEY ON HAND for immediate loans on property in or near Atlanta • J. E. Van Valkejibm-g. 501 Equitable building. 6-6-22 WEYMAN & CONNORS." ESTABLISHED 1890. Mortgages on Real Vstate. 4-t-3 SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO I.END, any amount; 6 per cent. Write or call. S FARM LOANS placed in anj’ amount on Improved farm lands in Georgia. The ' Southern Mortgage Company, Gould build ing _ _ _ _ _ ziHi 1 THE PRUDENTIAL IN- SURANCE CO. of Ameri ca ran make you a loan on Atlanta improved property, through their loan corre spondents, Turman, Black & Calhoun, 203-8 Empire Building. 6-7-12-1 WE HAVE plenty of money to lend at lowest rates on Atlanta and nearby property, either for straight or monthly payment plan. Also for purchasing pur chase money notes. Foster & Robson. 11 Edgewood Ave. jewelers and brokers J BLDG. loan '■■< cy SHONE MAIN 299 J STRICTLY PRIVATE Without Indorsement Without Collateral Security Without Real Estate Securities Money loaned at LAWFUL RATES. NATIONAL DIS COUNT CO.. 301-2 Fourth Nation al Bank Building. Farms For Sale. acres land at $7.75 an acre; miles of county seat. >s’lll take part payment in other propertv Box 296, Gainesville. Ga. . 60-25j-9 FOR SALE —300 acres of river land. 12 miles north of Eufaula. Ala. Lies well, and in good neighborhood. In fact, the best farmers ih Barbour county adjoin this place. Has school, and within four miles of a church Has no improvements. V rite W H Godwin, Eufaula, Ala 9-20-29 Farms for Rent. FOB RENT—Twelve-acre truck and dairy farm adjoining Federal prison: fine «. pop! facilities: good residence Call at to Auburn avenue 38 26-J POU LT>¥* JUD® IJ.MARSHAU. Hints on Preparing Fowls for Exhibition I hose intended for the show room should be separated from the general flock, and receive a little extra care. They should be fed three or four times a day all they will eat up clean. They should receive a good variety of grains fed in straw or litter of some kind to give exercise and at the same time polish their feet and legs. A good supply of meat in some form should be furnished. If fresh ground bone is* not conveniently obtain able. get a good quannty of ground beef scraps. Ihis may be made more attractive by scalding lightly with hot water, just what they will eat up at a meal. Good green stuff of some kind is essential. It is best to keep the cockerels and pullets in a separate inclosure that they may not mar each other’s plumage. Have them so you can get hold of them every day or two. as so much depends upon the behavior of a specimen in the hands of the judge. Have them tame and easily managed. A wild and unruly bird does not stand half a chance in the show room. This may seem like nonsense to the novice, but it is true nevertheless. White birds may be washed to advantage, especially when kept in cities or villages, when they become covered with coal dirt. This is easily accomplished in a warm room, with a tub of soapsuds, giving them a thor ough rubbing, being careful not to ru'b the feathers the wrong way. Having washed them thoroughly with the soapy water, pass them through at least three different rinse waters free from soap, but the last one should ■contain a little blueing, thoroughly dissolved. Each time they are dipped the water should be a little cooler, and after re covering from the lasi one, they should be thoroughly wiped with good linen cloths to remove all the water possible, that they may dry more quickly. Always work the way the feathers lie. When the washing process is finished, they should be put in coops and placed near a good heat that they may dry quickly. It is very Judge Marshall will fre glad to answer in this department questions on all points of rearing utility and fancy poultry. He can not undertake, however, to reply personally to such let ters of inquiry. Address Judge F. J. Marshall, College Park, Ga. Orpingtons. 8. C. CRYSTAL WHITE Orpingtons. Pure Kellerstrass strain. Very fine cock erels and pullets. Januarj’ and Februarj' hatched for sale. Florldette Farm, Hill- Hard, Fla. 30-21-9 Plymouth Rocks. 500 BARRED ROCK cockerels and pullets, early hatched from fancy stock, at $t each. Don’t miss this bargain. James B. Wood, Brooks, Ga. 9-17-23 Leghorns. WHITE LEGHORNS; eight 1912 March hatched pullets, four May pullets, three 1911 hens and one cock, for $lO 95 Alta avenue. Inman Park. 47-26-9 300 S. C "WHITE LEGHORN’ cockerels ami pullets, early hatched from win ners and heavy layers, at $1 each- These are good ones. Joseph B. Wood, Brooks. Ga. 9-17-22 Minorcas. FOR SALE—A trio of thoroughbred Black Minorcas: twelve young chickens. $5. Ivy 2807-L. 46 Euclid avenue. 9-26-22 Ducks. FOR SALE—Fawn and White Indian Runner ducks, or will exchange for White Leghorn pullets. Mrs. R. H. Wil liamson. 455 Gordon street. Bell phone West 959. 9-24-7 EggS THOROUGHBRED Buff Orpington eggs, $1 per fifteen. 126 Windsor street. Main .3588. 4-27-25 Incubators. FOr'sALE —Four Prairie State hovers, with regulators, in good condition; slightly used, at $4 each, cost SB. One Cyphers 150-egg incubator, cost $22.50 a short time age, onlj' $7.50. One Jewell in cubator, 100-egg capacity, cost $lB. for $6 Both machines in good condition. Good reason for selling. James B. Wood, Brooks, Ga 9-24-26 Dogs. BOSTON TERRIERS—I have a litter of pups coming on bj' Champion Kenil wortn-Yankee Doodle. Write now for reservations. Females, sls up; males. S2O up J H. Bogman, Route 1, Smyrna. Ga. DOGS—At close prices. Variety of point ers. setters and hounds to select from. Young and mature Trained and partlj’ trained. Correspondence solicited. Mont view Kennels. Kernersville. N. C. 3814-9 Real Estate For Sale. ’ BIG PIECE of land in the Terminal dis trict, with two railroad fronts Will double your money in twelve months. Please see me right away. Charles E. Thompson, 201 Equitable building, Atlan (a, Ga 66-26-9 SIX-ROOM HOUSE, on corner, in Grant park section; 50 feet front and good depth: has gas, water, sewer It is In good neighborhood, near car line. Owner anxious to sell. Make an offer Rented now for $25. Price, $3,000 A 8. Harris, 805 Empire mdg.9-26-33 NORTH SIDE HOME.” FOR next few days will offer my former home at a bargain; two-story brick, 7-room, corner lot; servants' house In the rear. $4,400, assuming SI,BOO loan at 5%; easy terms. Joseph E Boston, care Geor gia Savings_bank. 9-35-19 “ NEW 6-ROOM BUNGALOW* ‘ NICE I.iiT, over 400 feet deep, stone front. has ail conveniences and in one of the best suburbs around Atlanta; srdall cash payment, balance easy. ON YUCA ROAD, 8 1-3 acres, new 7- room house; at a sacrifice sale. 307 Peters Bldg. Phone M. 6226. FOR SALE 81x-rcom east front cottage. at 419 South Boulevard, by owner, on account of leaving city. $1,500 cash will buy my equitj at once. J. C. Gltfle. 52-24-9 Ff(IEsALE Four-room house. Tot 50x150; River car line. $1,000; $lO a month John <’arey, 2 Whitehall st. 9-16-17 "Hi F.J.J£AJE(SHAJ>T. important that all the soapy water should be rinsed out, as the soap will cause the feathers to stick together and look stringy. After the washing, they must be kept in a clean place, and where they can not dust themselves to fill their damp feathers full of dirt. The washing should be done at least three days before the show to insure their not taking cold on the way. Have the coops they are shipped to the show in well protected on all sides by muslin or canvas for two reasons—that they may be well protected from draughts and that they may not fight with strange fowls thej' may be placed near on express cars and in railroad sta tions. It is the proper attention to the little details that helps to make an attractive exhibit of poultry. Pigeons. 400 SQUAB-BREEDING Carneau. white homers and runts; good chance to start in squab business. Bargain if sold at once. T. A Brown. 125 Sycamore street, Decatur, Ga. 38-25-9 Cows FOR SALE—Good milch cow, fresh, giv ing not less than 314 to 4 gallons Call Bell phone 291 Decatur or write .1 B. Bowen. 90 Howard street, Kirkwood FOR SALE—-Cheap; $25; two beautiful heifer calves from splendid grade Jer sey cow, one giving 1 and the other 5 gallons of milk per day. These calves will pay (o raise where Pd.ity can pasture and handle them E. S. Gay. *45 Equitable building. 9-26-6 Horses and Carriages ONE HOftSE and buggy for sale cheap. Apply 49 West Mitchell street. 46-26 9 FOR SALE -Horse, buggj- and harness for $125. Any lady or child can drive. Bargain. Call Ivy 4456-. Tor Ivy 4586. 9-24-28 Miscellaneous Poultry. ~~ Seedsmen for the South, 16 West Mitehell street. Four City De liveries Daily. North and South Side 9 a. m., Inman Park and West End 2 1 p. m. Bell Phone M. 2568, Atlanta 2568. IT DON’T PAY TO LOSE fowls that have the limber neck. Just get a 50c box of Conkey’s Limber Neck Remedy and cure them. MEDICATED and porcelain nest eggs, lice powders, liquid lice killers, disin fectants, etc. BULBS—-Paper White Narcissus, 25f a dozen, postpaid 40c. White Roman Hy acinths. 40c a dozen, postpaid 50c. Sin gle Dutch Hyacinths, six colors. 50c a dozen, postpaid 60c. Double Dutch Hy acinths. 60c a dozen, postpaid 70c. Free sias, 20c a dozen, postpaid 25c Jonquils, 15c a dozen, postpaid 20c. LEE’S 50c GERMiiZoNE EITHER OF THESE will give satisfac tion; Lee’s Egg Maker, Conkey’s Lay ing Tonic, Rust's Egg Producer or the Southern Poultry Remedy, 25c and 50C sizes of each. PHONE US TOUR ORDERS for wi.eot bran, alfalfa meal, beef scraps, wheat, corn, charcoal, etc. Real Estate For Sale. BY OWNER. 4-room house. 3 acres land, two mfnbtes walk frotn car line; must sell; $1,475 Address Own&r, Box 602. care Georgian. jQ-34-9 FOR HALE—Nice, well finished house In good town; large lot and others well lo cated; a bargain Address P. O. Box 73, Glennville. -30-35 ' For sale restdence" '~ HAVE THREE up-to-date six-room bun galows. all Improvements, on paved street, sidewalks, gas. sewerage, electric lights, hot and cold water connections, furnace heat. Small cash payment; bal ance to suit Apply John Hagan, 218 Au burn avenue 9-20-18 FOP. quick sale, fist your property with Everett & Evpretf, 224 Brown'-Randolph Bldg.. 'Marietta and Forsj-th. 7-15-27 THE HOUSE you build, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for electricity. r T"" ~~ 1 ■ Secure the most competent help In all lines through the "Help Wanted" and ‘Situations Wanted" columns of The Georgian The best help obtainable tn this city and surroundings can be had by using and consulting The Georgian’s Want Ad pagei Legal Notices. GEORGIA—FuIton County. To the Superior Court of Said County, The petition of EXCHANGE AUTOMOBILE COMPANY respectfullj- shows: 1. That at the May term. 1912, of said court your petitioner was granted a charter empowering said corporation ‘to engage in the general business of buy ing. selling and repairing automobiles, and that since said time said Exchange Automobile Companj' has been operating under said charter. 2. On September 7, 1912, at the meeting of the stockholders of said corporation, called for the purpose of considering the advisability of going out of business and surrendering said charter, a resolution was passed by a unanimous vote of all the stockholders authorizing the dissolu tion and liquidation of said corporation, together with the surrender of Its char ter; and providing for the settlement in full of all its indebtedness and thereafter a division of its assets among the stock holders. 3. Petitioner shows that at the present time it lias assets of the approximate value of $5,000 and owes approximately SSOO. 4. Petitioner shows that the interests of creditors and stockholders will be best conserved by a dissolution of the corpora tion and the acceptance by the state of Georgia of its charter. Wherefore, Petitioner prays for an or der of this honorable court fixing the time for the hearing of this petition, and for such other and further orders as may bo necessary for a legal dissolution of said corporation as provided for in the acts of 1910. page 106. of the state of Georgia. DORSEY, SHELTON * DORSEY. Petitioner's Attorneys GEORGIA—FuIton County. Personallj' appeared before the under signed, a notarj- public in and lor Fulton county, Georgia, came W. S. Witham, Jr., who on oath says he is secretary and treasurer of the Exchange Automobile Company, and that the facts in the forel - petition are true to the best of bis knowledge and belief W. S. WITHAM. JR- Sworn to and subscribed before me this 12th day of September. 1912. JOS. D. GREENE. Notary Public. Fulton County, Georgia GEORGIA—FuIton County. The above and foregoing petition read' and considered. It is ordered and de creed that a hearing of this petition shall take place at the court house in said county on the 14th day of October. 1912. It Is further ordered that the petition be filed in the office of the clerk of this court, and that a copy of the petition and order be published once a week sos four weeks in the newspaper where the sher iff’s sales in and for said county are pub lished. This the 12th day of September. 1912. GEORGE L. BELL. Judge Superior Court, Fulton County. . Filed in office this the 12th day of Sep tember, 1912. ARNOLD BROYLES. Clerk. 9-12-39 GEORGIA —Fulton County Ordinary's Office, Sept. 12. 1912 Edgar Garrison Ballenger has applied for letters of administration on the estate of Nora Clark Ballenger, deceased. This is. therefore, to notify all Concerned that the same will be heard on the first Mon day In October next. ■IQH N R WILK IN SON ._Ordlna ry. _ GEORGIA—FuIton County. Ordinary’s Office, Sept. 12, 1912. Harriet W. Campbell. J. B. Campbell and Minter Wimberly have applied for let ters of administration on the estate of R. O. Campbell, deceased. This is, there fore, to notify all concerned that the same will be heard on the flfst Monday in Oc tober next. JOHN R, WILKINSON. Ordinary GEORGIA—FuIton County. Ordinary's Office. Sept. 12. 1912 Thomas A. Martin has applied for let ters of administration on the estate of Thomas M. Martin, deceased. This is, therefore, to notify all concerned that the same will be heard on the first Monday in October next JOHN R, WILKINSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA—FuIton County. Ordinary's Office, Sept 12, 1912. Notice is hereby given to all concerned that Lula Jones, late of said county, died intestate, and no person has applied for administration on the estate of said de ceased. and that administration will be vested in the countj' administrator, or some other fit and proper person, on the first Monday In October next, unless valid objection Is made thereto. JOHN R. WILKINSON. Ordinary GEORGIA—FuIton County. Ordinary's Office. Sept. 12, 1912. Mis Eieta Mills Crepap has applied for letters of guardianship of the person and property of Eieta Padgett, minor, under the age of fourteen years This is, therefore, to notify all con cerned that the same will be heard on the first Monday in October next. JOHN R WILKINSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA—FuIton County- Ordinary's Office, Sept. 12, 1912 Mrs. Grace 1. Murphy has applied for letters of guardianship of the person and property of Alfred Norman Adams, minor, under the age of fourteen years This is, therefore, to notify all con cerned that the same will be heard on the first Monday in October next. J OHN R. WILKINSON, Ordin a ry. GEORGIA—FuIton County. ~ Ordinary’s Office. Sept. 12. 1912 D. M. Dickert has applied for letters of guardianship of the person and property of Florence B, Bruce, minor, under the age of fourteen years. This is, therefore, to notify all con cerned that the same will be heard on the first Monday in October next JOHN R. WILKINSON. Ordinary. GEORGIA—FuIton <bounty. Court of Ordinary, Chambers, Sept 12, 1912. To the heirs-at;law of Mrs Alice Fick ett, deceased: Marcellus M Anderson, having applied for an order requiring Peter F. Clarke, Boyd Perry and Reese Perry, the executors of the will of said deceased, to execute title under a bond for title; you are hereby cited to be and ap pear at the next October term of said court to be held on the first Monday in October next, then and there to show cause, if any you can, why said order should not be granted. JOH N_K. WII .KI N SON. Ordinary. <; E( >R< JIA Fult on County. Court of Ordinary, at Chambers. Sept. 12. 1912 The appraisers on the application of Fannie Hudson, widow of David F. Hud son, deceased, for a twelve months' sup port for herself and minor children, hav ing duly filed their return, all persons are hereby cited to show cause, if any they have, at the next October term of this court, why said application should not be granted. JOHN R. WILKINSON, Ordinary GE()RGIA—FuIton County. Court of Ordinary, at Chambers, Sept. 12, 1912. The appraisers on the application of Mrs. Elinor Perry, widow of Henry Ward Perry, deceased, for a twelve months’ support for herself, having duly filed her return, all persons are hereby cited to show cause, if any they have, at the next October term of this court, why said ap plication should not be granted. JOHN R. WILKINSON. Ordinary GEORGIA - Fulton County. Court of Ordinary, Chambers, September 12. 1912. To the Helrs-at-Law of Julia E. Wat- F.op. Deceased. Who Reside Out of said Slate: 1 >a’VT<T W. Appler having as execu tor applied for probate In solemn form of the last will of said deceased, you are hereby cited to be and appear at the next October term of said court, on the first Mondaj’ in October next, as saifl will of said deceased will then be offered for pro bate in solemn form GEORGIA Fulton Countj' Court of Ordinary, Chambers. September 12. 1912. To the Helrs-at-Law of Mary Evalt, De ceased, Who Reside Out of Said State: Mattie Rinehart having as executor ap plied for probate in solemn form of the last will of said deceased, you are hereby cited to he and appear at the next Octo ber term of said court, on the first Mon day in October next, as said will of said deceased will then be offered for probate in solemn form. JOHN R WILKINSON, Ordinary GE< (RGlA—Fulton County. Ordinary’s Office, September 12. 1912 J C. Miller has applied for letters of administration on the estate of James Mil ler. deceased. This is, therefore, to no tify all concerned that the same will be heard on the first Monday in October, next. JOHN I! WILKINSON. Ordinary GEORGIA-Fulton County. Ordinary's Office, September 12, 1912. A. J. West, as administrator of the estate of A S Dj'ar. deceased, repre sents that he lias fully discharged the duties of bis said trust, and prays for Legal Notices. letters of dismission. This is, therefore, to notifj’ all persons concerned to show cause, if any tljey can. on or before the first Monday In October next, why said administrator should not be discharged. JOHN R. WILKINSON. (Irdinary. GEORGIA—FuIton County Ordinary’s Office. September 12. 1912. JVillie T. McNinch, administrator of es tate of J. T. McNinch. deceased, has ap plied for leave to sei} the land of said de ceased. This is, therefore, to notifj' all concerned to file their objections, if anj’ they have, on or before the first Monday in October next, else leave will then be granted said applicant, as applied for. JOHN R WILKINSON. Ordinary GEORGIA—FuIton County. Ordinary’s Office. September 12. 1912. William S. Carroll, as administrator of estate of Julia A. Carroll, deceased, has applied for leave to sell the land of said deceased. This is, therefore, to notifj’ all concerned to file their objections, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in October next, else leave will then be granted said applicant, as applied for. __J O11N R WILKINSON. Ordinary GE< (RGlA—Fulton County. Ordinary's Office, September 12. 1912. T. K. Moore, as administrator of the es tate of Nancy C. Moore, deceased, has ap plied for leave to sell the land of said de ceased. This is. therefore, to notify all concerned to file their objections, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in October next, else leave will then be granted said applicant, as applied for. JOHN R. WILKINSON. Ordinary. GEORGIA —Fulton County. Ordinary’s Office, September 12. 1912. E. D. ThQtnas, as administrator of es tate of John M. Connally, deceased, has applied for leave to sell the land of said deceased. This Is. therefore, to notify all concerned to file their objections, if any thev have, on or before the first Monday, In October next, else leave wiH then be granted said applicant, as, applied for. JOHN R WILKINSON, Ordinary GEORGIA—FuIton County. Ordinary’s Office, September 12, 1912. Courtland S. Winn, as administrator of estate of J. C. George, deceased, has ap plied for leave to sell the land of said de ceased. This is. therefore, to notify all concerned to file their objections, if anj’ they have, on or before the first Monday In October next, else leave will then be granted said applicant, as applied for JOHN R. WILKINSON, Ordinary GI'iORGIA' F-oltnn'Ommty . ’ ’ ’ Court of Ordinary, At Chambers. September 12 1912. The appraisers on the application of Maymle King, widow of Robert K. King, deceased, for a twelve months support fur herself, having duly filed their return, all persons are hereby cited to show cause. If any they have, at the next October term of this court, whj' said application should not be granted. JOHN R_ WILKINSON. Ordinary. GEORGIA —Fulton County. Ordinary’s Office. September 12. 1912. Levi M. Ector has applied for letters of administration on the estate of B. B. Ector, deceased. This is, therefore, to notifj' all concerned that the same will be heard on the first Mondaj' in October next. JOHbL R. WILKINSON. Ordinary. GEORGIA —Fulton County. Ordinary's Office. September 12. 1912. Charles G. Hopkins has applied for let ters of administration on the estate of George Doane, deceased This is. there fore, to notify all concerned that the same will be heard on the first Monday in October next. Jom£ R. W ILK INSON. Ordinary. GEORGIA - lYilton County. Ordinary's Office. September 12. 1912 John C. Warwick hSs applied for let ters of administration on the estate of George W. Warwick, deceased. This is, therefore, to all concerned that the same will be heard on the first Mon day in October next JOHN_R. WITjKINSON, Ordinary <;e<i in;iA - Fulton County. Ordinary’s Office, September J. 2, 1912 Lula Neal Harris has applied fdr let ters of administration on the estate of Carl Chappell Harris, deceased. This is, therefore, to notifj’ all concerned that the same will be heard on the first Monday In October next JOHN R WILKINSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA —Fulton County. Ordinary's Office, September 12. 1912. Lewis Tanks has applied for letters of administration on the estate of James Tanks, deceased. This is, therefore, to notifj - all concerned that the same will be heard on the first Monday in October next. JOHN R WILKINSON. Ordinary. < ;.H< 'HGlA—Fulton County. Ordinary's Office, September 12, 1912. R. M. Callaway has applied for letters of administration with will annexed on the estate of Henrietta D. Seixas, de ceased. This is, therefore, to notify all concerned that the same will be heard on the first Mondav in October, next. JOHN K WILKINSON, Ordinary GE< >RGlA—Fulton < iounty Ordinary's office, September 12, 1912 Marj' Connell, as administratrix of the estate of Nettie V. Sterling, deceased, has applied for leave to sell the land of said deceased. This is. therefore, to notify all concerned to file their objections, If any thej' have, on or befoje the first Monday in October next, else leave will then be granted said applicant, as applied for. JOHN n. WILKINSON. Ordinary GE< (RGlA—Fulton County. Ordinary’s Office, September 12, 1912. I. N. Ragsdale, as administrator of the estate of O. I>, Booth, deceased, has ap plied for leave to sell the land of said deceased. This is, therefore, to notifj' all concerned to file their objections, if any they have, on or before the first Monday ip Optoper next, else leave' will then be granted said applicant, as applied for. JOHN R. WILKINSON. Ordinary. GEORGIA —Fulton County. Ordfnarj'’s Office, September 12, 1912 Emma C. Connally, as administratrix of the estate of Silas N. Connally, de ceased. represents that she has ful.’v dis charged the duties of her said trust, and prays for letters of dismission This is, therefore, to notify all persons concerned to show cause. If anj- they can, on or be fore the first Mondaj' in October next, why said administratrix should not be dis charged. JOHN U WILKINSON, ordinary. GEORGIA-—Fulton County. Ordinary’s Office. September 12. 1912 G. W. Arnold, as executor of the will of W. A. Spiva, deceased, represents that he has fully discharged the duties of his said trust, and prays for letters of dis mission. This is, therefore, to notify all persons concerned to show cause. If any they can, on or before the first Monday In October next, why said executor should not be discharged JOHN R. WILKINSON. Ordinary. GEORGIA- Fulton County. Ordinary’s Office, September 12, 1912. Emily Jekyll, as executrix of the will of George Jekyll, deceased, represents that she has fully discharged the duties of her said trust, and prays for letters of dis mission. This is. therefore, to notify all ixsrsons concerned to show cause, if any thej' can, on or before the first Mondaj’ 11 October next, why said executrix (hould not be discharged JOHN It WU.K INSON. < >r.lin;<rv GEORGIA- Fulton (' )untjt Ordinary's Office, September 12, 1912 J. T. Corley, as guardian of propel ty of Pauline Corley, represents that he has fullj’ discharged the duties of his said ttiutl. and prays for letters of <li«mU?ion This is. therefore, to notify all persons concerned to show cause, if any thej' can. on or before the first Monday In October next, why said guardian should not be discharged. JOI IN R. WILKIN 8 ON. ordinary GEORGIA- Fulton County. Ordinary's Office, September 12. 1912. Joe Moses, as administrator of the es tate of Charity Moses, deceased, repre sents that'he lias fully discharged the duties of his said trust, and prays for letters of dismission. This is. therefore, to notify all persons concerned to show cause, if anj' thej' <-an. on or before the first Mondaj' in October next, whj' said administrator should not be discharged JOHN R. WILKINSON. Ordtnary GEORGIA Rultan County. Ordinary's Office, September 12, 1912. Minnie W Anthony, adminstratrix of the estate of Cora Nutting Wynn, de ceased, represents that she has fullj' dis charged the duties of her said trust, and prays for letters of dismission. This is. therefore, to notify all persona concerned to show cause, if any thej can. on or before the first Mondaj’ in October next, why -aid administratrix should not be discharged. JOHN R WILKINSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA —Fulton County. Ordinary's Office, September 12. 1912. ilrs. Lizzie G. Gordon, as administra trix of rhe estate Os Louts Gordon, de ceased. represents that she has fully dis charged tne duties of her said trust, and prays for letters of eismigsien. This is. •therefore, to notify all persons concerned Legal Notices. to show cause, if anj- they can, on or be fore the first Monday In October nexi. why said administratrix should not be discharged. JOHN. R. WILKINSON. Ordinary. GE(>RGlA—Fulton Countj'?” “ Ordinary's Offide, September 12. 1912. Bessie H Robertson, as guardian of Marion Berkeley Chatham, represents that she has fullj’ discharged the duties of her said trust, and prays for letters of dismission. This is. therefore, to notlfv all persons concerned to show cause, if any they can, on or before the first Mon day in October next, why said guardfan should not be discharged. JOHN R. WILKINSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA—FuIton County. ' ' • Ordinary's Office, September 12, 1912. J. M. Jewell, as administrator of the es tate of J. W. Coursey, deceased, has ap plied for leave to sell the land of said de ceased. This is, therefore, to notify all concerned to file their objections, if an* they have, on or before the first Mondav in October next, else leave will then be granted said applicant, as applied for. JOHN R. WILKINSON, Ordinary, GEORGIA—FuIton County. Ordinary’s Office, September 12. 1912. Courtland S. Winn, as administrator of the estates.of Theo M. Elyea. Mrs. Lennie Condon Hendrick, John C. Speer. Seaborn Cochran. Ella Akers, J. S. Hughes, Mrs James F. Lester, Anna G. Little, Mrs Mattie A Payne and Adolphus IteLamat ta. deceased, and also as guardian of prop erty of Alexander Dougherty and Harrv Kennebrew, represents that he has fullv discharged the duties of his said trusts and prays for letters of dismission. This Is, therefore, to notify all persons con cerned to show cause, it any they can, on or before the first Monday In October next 1 why said Courtland S. Winn should not be discharged JOHN WILKINSON. Ordinary, GEORGIA-xPulton County. ■c" ' , A Ordinary's Office; September 12, 1912. W. M. McWilliams, as administrator of the estate of David McWilliams, deceased, has applied for leave to sell the land of said deceased. This is. therefore, to noti fy all concerned to file their objections, if any they have, on or before tfae first Mon day in October next, else leave will then be granted said applicant, as applied for JOHN R. WILKINSON, Ordinary GEORGIA—FuIton County. Ordinary's Office, September 12. 1912. J. D. Bradwell, as administrator of es tate of Ermie Pope, deceased, has applied for leave to sell the land of said deceased. This is. therefore, to notify all concerned to file their objections, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in October next, else leave will then be granted said applicant, as applied for. . JOHN It. WILKINSON. Ordinary GEORGIA—FuIton County. Oftlinary’s Office, September 12, 1912. W. V. Fuller, a* administrator of estate of Maniie A. Fuller, deceased, has applied for leave to sell the land of said deceased This is, therefore, to notify all concerned to file their objections, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in October next, else leave will then be granted said applicant, as applied for. .IQHN R L WTLiyNSON, Ordinary. GE< >RGI A—Ful ton County. Ordinary's Office, September 13, 1912. Mrs William Wallace Dunlap has ap plied for letters of administration on the’ estate of William Wallace Dunlap, de ceased. This is. therefore, to notify all 1 ’ concerned that the same will be beard on the first Monday in October next. JOHN R WILKINSON, Ordinary -13-21 GEORGIA—FuIton County. Ordinary's Office. September 13, 1912. N. W. Roberts, administrator of the es tate of Mack S. Roberts, has applied for leave to sell the land .of said deceased This is, therefore, to notify ail concerned to file their objections, if anj' they have, on or before the first Mondaj' in October next, else leave will then be granted said applicant, as applied for. JOHN R. WILKINSON, Ordinary. GEORGlA—t’ulton County. Court of Ordinary, Chambers, September 13, 1912 To the Helrs-at-Law of Caroline Wer ber. Deceased. Who Reside Out of Said State: Alexander C. Werber and Carl A. Werber having as executors applied for probate in solemn form of the last will of said deceased, you are herebj ; cited to bo and appear at the next October term of said court, on the first Monday in Octo ber next, as said will of said deceased U’ill then be offered for probate in solemn form. JOHN R. WILKINSON. Ordinary. GEORGIA —Fulton County. ” Court of Ordinary, at Chambers, Sept. 13, 1912. To the heirs-at-law of Callie C. Hull, deceased, who reside out of said state: Marion McH. Hull and Harry Hull, hav ing as executors applied for probate in solemn form of the last will of said de ceased. j-ou are hereby cited to be and appear at the next October term of said conrt, on the first Monday in Qctober next, as said will of said deceased wilt then be offered for probate in solemn form JOHN R. WILKINSON, Ordinary 9-13-37 NOTICE OF TRANSFER OF STOCK. GEORGIA -Fulton County. Know All Men by These Presents; That Vivian Slaughter, Esquire, of the town of orange, county of Orange, state of Virginia, administrator of the estate of Mercer Slaughter, deceased, has applied to this bank for transfer to himself, per sonally. of stock certificates 189 and 190 of the Fourth National Bank, represent ing eight (8) shares of Stock belonging to the estate of Mercer Slaughter, de ceased; this fact will be dulj' advertised by the undersigned bank in accordance with section 4105 of volume 1 of tbe code of the state of Georgia, In such cases made and provided, after which adver tisement this bank will proceed as shall be right and proper in the premises This notice is given as required bj' law and that all persons interested may notifj' this bank of any reason, if any there be. why such transfer should not be made. This September 17, 1912. THE FOURTH NATIONAL BANK OF ATLANTA By WM T PERKERSON, Assistant Cashier * ROSSER & BRANDON, Attorneys. -19-28 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE NORTH ERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA—In the matter of Moise DeLeon, Alleged Bank rupt—No. 3326—1 n Bankruptcy: It ap pearing to the court that on the 23d oaj' of September, A. D. 1912, that a petition was filed in this court for adjudication in bankruptcy against Moise DeLeon, and that a subpena directed to the alleged bankrupt was duly issued out of this court, and that the said alleged bank rupt is believed to be without the juris diction of this court; Now. on motion of Messrs. Slaton & Phillips, attorneys for petitioning cred itors, it is ordered by the court that this order, together with the subpena as is sued to Moise DeLeon, alleged bank rupt, be published In The Atlanta Consti tution and The Georgian, newspapers pub lished at Atlanta. Georgia. In safa district, once a week for two weeks consecutively, the last of said publications to be made on the third day of October. A. D. 1912; and that a copy of the petition in bank ruptcy, with subpena thereon and copy of this order, be mailed to the said alleged bankrupt at his last known address, on or before the date of the first publication Witness the Honorable William T. Newman, judge of said court, and the seal thereof, at Atlanta, Georgia this the 23d daj' qf September, A D. 1912 (Seal) O C FULLER. Clerk, By F. L BEERS. Deputy Clerk United Slates District Court, Northern Dis trict of Georgia. 9-36-t SUBTeNA TOTaLLEGED BANKRUPT— United States of America. Northern Division, Northern District of Georgia—To Moise DeLeon, in Said District. Greeting Atlanta. Ga. —For certain causes offered before the district court of the United States of America within and for the northern district of Georgia, as a court of bankruptcy we command and strictly enjoin you, laying all other matters aside, and notwithstanding anj’ excuse, that you personally appear before our said district court, to be bolden at Atlanta, Georgia. In said district, on the T6th day of Oc tober. A. D. 1912. at 10 rJclock a. m.. to answer to a petition filed bj’ H. H Schaul. et al., 1n our said court, praying that you may be adjudged a bankrupt, and to do further and receive that which our said district court shall consider in this behalf. And this you are in no wise to omit, under the pains and penalties of what maj- befall thereon Witness the Honorable William T. New man. judge of said court, and the seal thereof, at Atlanta, Georgia, this 23d da.v of September, 1912. (Seal) O. C FULLER, Clerk. By F 1,. BEERS. Deputy Clerk Note: Pleadings should be filed in the office at the clerk, at Atlanta. Georgia, room 401 Postoffice building 9-26-1 15