Newspaper Page Text
News of
SOCIETY has been enlivened this
week by the many delightful little
parties for a charming visitor. Miss
Marjorie Bobb, of New Orleans, who Is
the guest of Miss Jennie I). Harris, one
of the most popular members of the de
butante set of the coming season An
affair of this evening, complimenting
Miss Bobb, will be Mr. James Ragan's
dinner party at his residence on Peach
tree street.
In addition to the series of affairs for
this week In honor of Miss Bobb, sev
eral have been arranged for next week
and later. Mr. James Harris -will give
a dinner party of sixteen covers at the
Piedmont Driving club on next Wed
nesday evening. Miss Sarah Coates Is
planning a pretty luncheon for Miss
Bobb, the honors to be shared by Miss
Evelyn Rose, of Nashville, who ar
rives on October 5 to visit Miss Helen
Hawkins. The affair will be an event
of Wednesday. October 9.
Obtain New Life. Howells’
I Restores the lost nerve force and ex
hausted vitality by replacing the dead
* nerve and brain tiaaues. A remedy for
Nervous Prostration, Neurasthenia,
Paralysis and ail vitiated or weakened
conditions of the system in men or
women. A positive remedy for Dys-
< pepsla and indigestion. Guaranteed
free from narootio drugs. Every Inch
of improvement comes to stay Write
1 for our new book. Each package con
taining FULL 80 DAYS' TREAT
t MENT. by mail |L C. H. HOWELLS
A CO.. 50 Church St.. New York, City.
, For sale at ail Jaoobe' Pharmacy
• Co.'s nine stores in Allanta; Brown i
5 Allen, ft 4 Whitehall At. Atlanta and
$ leading druggists
child will soon be ci
Comp fluid baJmwort. 1 oz ; tincture cu
bebe. 1 dram; tincture rhusaromatic, 2
"La Rue" writes: "For many years I
have suffered with stomach and bowel
trouble which has been caused by a se
vere case of catarrh. My blood Is also in
poor condition. What can be done for
Anewert If you follow the directions
given below you will soon be well and
strong again. Obtain the following from
any well-stocked drug store and mix by
shaking well, then take a teaspoonful four
times dally; Syrup sarsaparilla comp. 4
ois.. comp, fluid balmwort, 1 oz , fluid ext
Buchti, 1 oz. Use in connection with this
ths fouowlng local treatment: Get a 2-nz
package of antiseptic vilane powder and
make a oatarrh balm by mixing one ounce
of lard or vaseline with a level teaspoon
ful of the powder and use in the nostrils
dally Also make a wash of one pint of
warm water and one-halt teaspoonful of
vilane powder and use two or throe times
a day until the nostrils are thoroughly
cleansed and your trouble will soon be
• • •
"Elsie M." writes i "I have such short,
stringy, straggling hatr end my scalp is
full of dandruff. Please advise what to
Answer: The best advice I oan offer is
simple. Get at a well stocked drug store
a 4 oa Jar of plain yellow mlnyol, direc
tions accompanying, and use it regularly.
It promotes a healthy, vigorous growth
of kair and cures dandruff, itching scalp,
lustreless haJr and stops falling hair If
the hair is harsh and straggling it re
stores a soft, fluffy appearance, and
brings back the Intense natural color
• • •
"Hazelie'’ says; "I would certainly ap
yrectate something that would Increase
ay weight, and take away that languid
feeling which I an: subject to most of the
time. My blood is weak and watery and
my appetite Is poor."
Answer: Your condition is verv easllv
overcome if you will follow the dii t « tions
given below. Ask your druggist for
three-grain hypo-nuolane tablets and take
according to the directions and vour
weight will Increase. These tablets pro
mote assimilation, absorption and aid <ll
gestlon, transform the complexion and
figure. They are prescribed b\ phvalclans
and are perfectly harmless They should
be taken regularly for several months and
you ran depend upon gaining flesh and
that languid feeling will vanish com
"D E. G." writes: "My rheumatism is
getting worse all the time lam getting
so stiff that it makes It verv hard for me
to get around "
Answer Do not worr\ about tour
rheumatism as ti n! can bo v<u t easrit
cured by using the following Get a: the
drug store the ingredients named and
mix thoroughly and take a teaspoonful at
meal time anti again at bed time ami von
will soon be entirely cured of that <lts-
'■ iw ultviition 1<» I’RESI RII’TIONS
-rfp TaiVzWk i ! rtf 1 l "’'' •■‘•■'•urat-.v and tideliD to
' ‘ U "' 'lireetions.
li Til tiition. nor deviation in <
K/yT ■NS)' K \ Hies <>r proportions
; V,1,M1 vour Pi'eseription is
s tilo tl m one of our stores, it
** \ :s eorreetly tilled.
nrpT »^ s j) R j( K stor es
SOTH PHONES- &45 V 64ATLANTA 2477 . J VY Ififc ATLANTA <ia
We E Anywhere
The Doctor's Answers On
Health and Beauty Questions
The questions answered below are general In charac- (
L ter; the symptoms or dlaea-ses are given and the an-
I swers will apply to any case of similar nature >
I Those wishing further advice, free, mav address Dr
t Lewis Baker. College building, College-Ellwood streets, <
Dayton, Ohio, inclosing self-addressed, stamped envelope )
I for reply. Full name and address must be given but onlv )
I Initials or fictitious name will be used in my answers. <
I The prescriptions can be filled at any well-stocked drug )
| store Any druggist can order of wholesaler.
'Anxious Wife"
I —Give 10 to 15
I drops of the fol-
I lowing In water an
I hour before each
J meal and your
Mired of bed-watting:
Miss Annie Laurie Floyd and Mr.
Henry Grady.Almand were married last
evening at the residence of the bride’s
parents. Mr and Mrs Andrew Jackson
Floyd, 105 Lawton street, West End.
The ceremony was quietly performed
at 8:30 o’clock There were no attend
ants. The bride wore her traveling
costume of dark blue cloth, with a
smart hat of blue velvet and wings.
Her bouquet was of valley lilies in
shower effect, with maidenhair fern.
An informal reception followed the
marriage. Mrs Floyd being assisted In
entertaining by Mrs. bon Livingston,
who presided at the punch bowl. The
decorations were In goldenrod and
palms. The bride’s table In the dining
room had as a centerpiece a large vase
of goldenrod on a lace cover. Stream
ers of yellow tulle entwined with smi
ler stretched from the central chande
lier to the corners of the table. Yellow
shades on the candelabra and yellow
and green mints further emphasized
the color motif.
Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs.
Alexander James Almand, the bride
groom's parents, anad Mr. and Mrs.
Henry J. Tucker, of Lithonia.
Mr. Almand and hls bride will take
a trip to Philadelphia via Savannah,
thence to New' York. They will reside
In West End Park.
Mr. and Mrs. William B Perrin have
Issued cards announcing the marriage
of their daughter, Ethel Winters, and
Mr. Tollle Kirby Moore, of this city.
The wedding wen a quiet affair of
last evening at 8 o’clock, taking place
at the home of the bride's parents in
West End. Dr. S. R. performed
the ceremony In the presence of rela
tives and friends
Miss Lee Belk played the wedding
An Informal reception followed the
Mr. and Mrs Moore have taken an
apartment 1n the Hayden, and after
October 1 they will be at home to their
agreeable disease, rheumatism: Purchase
2 drams of lodide of potassium; one-half
ounce of wine of colchlcum; 4 drams of
sodium salicylate; 1 oz. comp, fluid balni
wort; 1 oz. comp, essence cardlol; and 5
ozs of syrup sarsaparilla This has cured
thousands and I am sure it will cure you.
• • •
"Musician" asks: "Can you tell me
how to overcome a bronchial trouble
which manifests Itself after singing, bv a
tickling In the throat, hoarseness anA a
slight oough?”
Answer: Obtain a bottle of essence
mentho-laxene and use it pure, or make
into a cough syrup by mixing with ordi
nary granulated sugar syrup or honey.
Directions for use ami how to make ac
company the package It makes a full
pint of effective pleasant cough syrup ami
cures all throat and bronchial trouble
"Mrs. G B." writes: "1 suffer a great
deal with stomach disorders Heavv feel
Ing after eating, heart palpitation,' wind
and gas on stomach, etc. Am restless ami
irritable Afraid to eat a hearty meal.
Sometimes great pain 1 fear appendi
Answer: The neglect of constipation
and indigestion is the most frequent cause
of appendicitis It Is better to prevent
than to cure by un operation I advise
that you obtain tablets trlopeptine and
take according to directions accompany
ing sealed carton They are pink, white
and blue, to be taken morning, noon and
night, respectively. I think many cases
of appendicitis could be prevented bv
using trlopeptine intelligently
"Mrs. C. C." writes: “Can you pre
scribe a tonic for one who Is sleepless,
nervous, hysterical, thin and getting thin
ner. Have little appetite and am restless
day and night "
Answer: The following if used for sev
eral weeks will gradually restore and
strengthen your nervous system Com
pound syrup of hypophosphites. 5 or.s :
tincture cadomene. 1 oz tnol cardamon).
Mix. shake well and take a teaspoonful
before each meal
• • •
"Miss C. K " writes "I am burdened
with too much fat ami would like a safe
treatment prescribed "
Answer: I would not recommend the
ordinary tablets and pills for obesity, but
here Is a quick acting formula that ac
complishes big fat reductions and never
causes HI feeling Aromatic elixir 5 ozs.,
glycol arbolene 1 oz Shake well In a
bottle ami take a teaspoonful after each
meal for three days. Double the dose
thereafter. Continue several weeks or
months as the ease may require.
‘Toor H.” writes: "My health is very
podr on account of a long standing consti
pation. I have to use pills or something
all the time Can you prescribe some
thing to take that will cure chronic con
Answer: Constipation Is probably the
cause of more illness than any other
thing Most renusltes only relieve the
trouble and never cure I always pre
scribe three-grain sulpherb tablets > not
sulphur tablets), and have found them
most reliable and gradually curative.
They act pleasantly and tone up the bow
els and liver, while purifying the blood.
( A<lvt )
Miss Fielder and
Mr. Ewing
A pretty event of last evening was
the marriage of Miss Dorothy Fielder
and Mr. Morris Miles Ewing, which was
solemnized at the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fielder, on
West Peachtree street.
The ceremony was performed in the
drawing room, the bridal party being
grouped before the tall mantel which
was banked with ferns, flanked on
either side by white tapers, and starred,
in the center with Easter lilies. Stnf
lax formed a mural decoration through
out the house, and palms and Easter
lilies carried out a color scheme of
white and green.
The bride's sister, Miss Marion Fiel
der. was maid of honor and Mr. Ernest
Trottl was best man. Misses Leble Ew
ing. Mary Jeter and Aline Fielder were
bridesmaids and Messrs. George Curry,
William Candler and Elwyn Tomlinson
were groomsmen.
The young bride wore white char
meuse satin, the corsage trimmed in
princess lace and an embroidery of
pearls. The bridal bouquet was of
bride roses, showered wdth valley lilies,
and the long tulle veil was adjusted
with orange blossoms. The bridesmaids
were gowned In white crepe meteor
and carried pink roses showered with
valley lilies. Mrs. Fielder wore white
lace over white satin and Mrs. Ewing,
the bridegroom's mother, wonp white
crepe de chine.
A reception followed the ceremony,
200 guests being entertained. The
punch table was placed on the piazza
and presided over by Misses Margaret
Doonan, Ethel Hudson, Margaret Wing
field and Winnie Wilson.
Mr. Ewing and his bride left during
the evening to spend their honeymoon
East, and on their return they will
make their home with the bride’s par
Parties For Bride-Eelect.
Miss Ruth Chamberlain, a pretty
bride,elect of early October, will be the
honoree at several pre-nuptial parties,
the first of which was an event of yes
terday afternoon when Mrs. E. M. Fre
llgh gave a bridge party at her home
in Ansley Park. The decorations for
the party were'of goldenrod, with palms
and ferns. The first prize, a silver fili
gree perfume bottle, was won by Mrs.
Charles Dennis. A piece of hand-em
broidered lingerie was presented the
guest of honor.
Miss chamberlain wore a gown of
lavender crepe for the afternoon and
Mrs. Frellgh wore white lingerie.
The guests were Mrs. C. U. Chamber
lain, Mrs. Walter Strong. Mrs. Alfred
Raspberry, Mrs. James Zachry, Mrs.
Joe Holland, Mrs. May Freeman, Mrs.
Charles Dennis, Mrs. J. H. Watson. Mrs.
W. H. Lewis, Mrs. Minnie Ring, Mrs.
Burdine, Mrs. Arthur Coffee and Mrs.
Robert Ypung.
Tomorrow Mrs. Charles Dennis and
Mrs. J. H. Watson entertain at an aft
ernoon bridge party of five tables in
honor of Miss Chamberlain at the home
of Mrs. Watson on Jackson street.
Saturday afternoon Mrs. C. C. Cham
berlain will have a theater party of two
boxes at the Grand, complimenting the
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Frellgh will en
| tertain at a buffet supper for the
Chamberlain-Brown bridal party after
rehearsal the evening before the wed
Mrs. Hasson Honor Guest.
Mrs. Barry Cothran entertained at
a luncheon today at the Capital City
club for Mrs. Harry Hasson, of Jack
sonville. Fla., the guest of Mrs. Valde
mar Gude.
This afternoon Mrs. Louis Moeckle
was hostess at a small tea party for
Mrs. Hasson.
Yesterday Mrs. Gude gave the sec
ond of two morning parties for her sis
ter, when she had eight friends to play
bridge at her East Lake cottage. The
prize for top score, silver slipper buc
kles, was won by Mrs John Arthur
Hynds. Miss Alice Vandiver cut the
consolation, a fancy opera bag. The
honor guest was presented with a pret
ty work bag.
Mrs. Green Entertains.
Miss Pauline Weiss, of Chicago, the
guest of Mrs. T. C. Butler, Jr., was ten
dered an Informal luncheon yesterday
by Mrs. Bert Green. Covers were laid
for five at a prettily appointed table,
the guests including Miss Weiss, Mrs.
Butler. Mrs. Dick Jemison, Mrs. W. S.
Farnsworth and Miss May Butler,
For Mrs. VanLandingham.
Mrs. Ralph VanLandingham. of
Charlotte. N. C., who Is spending sev
eral days tn Atlanta, her former home.
Is being entertained at a number of in
formal parties.
This afternoon Mrs. Oscar Pappca
heimer entertained the members of the
Wednesday Whist club, of which Mrs
VanLandingham was a member during
her residence In Atlanta. The game
was followed by refreshments, served
at the card tables. The decorations
were of garden flowers,
The guests included the club mem
bers, who are Mis Hugh McKee. Mrs.
John Mome. Mrs George M Brown.
Mrs Nash Broyles, Mrs Harvey John
son and Miss Annie Nutting
t'OKDELE. GA, Sept. 26. Oorde'.e
may now boast of a mounted police
service, the first in the history of the
city department, which numbers alto,
gather eight men.
T N Turk, who for several years hag
been in the service, has the distinction
of being the first mounted officer
The first work of the mounted officer
will be in the interest of a "clean-up”
campaign u’w being agitated in the
city at the Instigation of the Cordele
Woman's club, which has designated a
day during the second w ees of October
, to be obs eved as "< lean-up" day.
Mrs. L. T. Stallings Is visiting in
Macon, her former home.
Mrs. Stephen Bolles’ little son is con
valescent after a serious Illness,
Mrs. Campbell Walace is visiting Mrs.
Frank Hazlehurst in Macon.
Mrs. E. C. Palmour, of Gainesville, is
visiting Mrs. B. B. Braswell on Ninth
Mrs. May Peele Futrelie has a splen
did story in the current issue of Ains
lie's magazine.
Miss Lillian Viola Moseley returns
next week from New York, where she
has spent the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Jordan Massee, of
Macon, announce the birth of a daugh
ter, who has been named Martha Law
Mr. and Mrs Lee Worsham will leave
Sunday for Indianapolis, where they
will attend the National Conservation
Miss Elizabeth Hughlett, who has
been pleasantly entertained during her
visit to Mrs. Lee Worsham, returns
home Saturday.
Cards have been received in Atlanta
from Dr. and Mrs. Richard Holmes
Mason, of Macon, announcing the birth
of their daughter. Emily Estelle Mason.
Miss Alma Stanley, Miss Nancy
Prince and Miss Nell Prince, of At
lanta. have arrived from Europe and
are spending a few days at the Hotel
Wolcott, New York.
Mrs. Inman Sanders and little daugh
ter. Catherine Gay Sanders, who have
been the guests of Mrs. Sanders’ par
ents, Captain and Mrs. E. S. Gay, after
spending the summer on the New Eng
land coast, have returned to their home
in Memphis.
— ,
The Georgia Libby club of King's
Daughters and Sons will meet with
Mrs. Costner at 403 Gordon street to
morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Mrs. Robert Zahner and Mrs. J. R.
Watts will be in charge Friday at the
Capital City case, assisted by others.
A bevy of pretty girls will serve.
LA GRANGE, GA., Sept. 26.—Going
to his father-in-law's home In the
Mountville district. Luther Rutledge, a
negro, shot down and killed James
Hood, while the latter was in the act
of opening his door in response to a
knock. Rutledge lives on the George
Boddie plantation, while his father-in
law, Hood, lived some distance away
on another farm. Local officials were
notified and Special Bailiffs E. B. Ed
mundson and Gus Retd went to the
Boddie farm, where Rutledge was being
held, and arrested the negro, bringing
him to this city and lodging him in the
county Jail.
GADSDEN. ALA.. Sept. 26.—The
withdrawal of Tom Lambert, the regu
lar Republican nominee for congress in
the Seventh Alabama district, has cre
ated something of a sensation here. It
is rumored that Lambert will support
Amos E. Goodhue. the Bull Moose nom
inee. A situation is developing such as
has not been known tn the ranks of the
Republicans of the Seventh district In
Instant Relief
for Sore Feet
Sore Feet, Tender Feet, Swollen
Feet Cured Every Time by TIZ.
Send for Free Trial Package Today,
Policemen all over the world use TIZ.
Policemen stand on their feet all day
«nd know what sore, tender, sweatv,
swollen feet really mean They use TI z
because T I Z cures. It keeps their feet
In perfect condition
lou never tried anything like T 1 Z be
fore for your feet. It Is different from
anything ever before sold
T I z draws out all poisonous exuda
tions which bring . n soreness of the feet,
and Is the only remedy that does T I Z
cleans out every pore and glorifies the
feet .vour feet. You'll never limp again
j or draw up >our face In pain and you'll
I forget about vour corns, bunions ami cal
louses You'll feel like a new person. But
be sure to use only T 1 Z
T I Z, 25 cams a box. sold at all dt
stores, department and general store*
Write today to Walter Luther Dodge *
Co, 1223 South Wabash avenue. Chicago
111., for free trial package of TIZ and en
joy real foot relief.
First Class Finishing and En
larging. A complete stock films,
plates, papers, chemicals, etc.
Special Mail Order Department for
out-of-town customers
Send for Catalog and Price List.
I A NAWAfS CO -Modafc Depjrfm.n
■4 Whitehall S’.. ATLANTA. GA.
years. While there does not appear to
be.any chance for either the Bull Moose
or the regular Republican nominee to
win. a hard fight for supremacy will be
The Jacobs’ Pharmacy Company
states that much appendicitis in Atlan
ta is caused by constipation, gas on the
stomach or sour stomach. These trou
bles are almost INSTANTLY relieved
and appendicitis guarded against by
taking a SINGLE DOSE of simple
buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as com
pounded in Adler-l-kS. the new' German
appendicitis remedy.
Fashion and Refinement in
Women's Shoes
$3.50, $4, $5 and $6 —MllSe’s
f Today, more than ever before, the question
of becomingness applies to shoes. The shape of
the foot has everything to do with the style of shoe
you’ll wear, just as much as your face decides the
style of hat you’ll wear.
Besides this, the right shoe insures the proper
finishing touch to the gown. So it seems the selec
tion of shoes is a very important question of the
At MUSE’S it is our professional privilege to
fit you with the becoming shoe, the comfortable
shoe, the right shoe.
It is our commercial advantage to have the
shoes that make this possible and that answer every
good, clear call of Fashion.
' We show you the correct shoe styles. We have the sizes and the widths that
insure the certain fit.
Women’s Shoe Section—Second Floor.
Geo. Muse Clothing Co.
g J.M.High Comiwny. Gamore |
Sale Begins at 8 o’clock B
| |
Yard wide Percales, new zgSfeN p
|| Fall Patterns, light, med- 8
» ium and dark colors, while y
they last tomorrow, Friday, jpg gif *
&.I only D $
o ■- &
? lx9n S r mle r S | Sh i' ,ts '- ; Vi | de Long Cloth, yard wide. M
hem. good qualitv. Special tor
& . J 50c i bolt . e . .. .95c <|
1 ..' _T |
White hemmed Crochet Spreads. , v . g tt i ™ IHfl
.. i, . i . - i \r 1 ii W hite Huck Towels, size 18x3b.
lull double bed size, Marseilles ’
KJ patterns: 125 for Oft- red borders, for f)f)r »
Friday only. each... OVC Fnday only, dozen ... WV
I silk remnants!
|| Values to SI.OO Y’ard
USjU Do you need a pretty new Silk Dress, a Petti-
jcoat, a Waist, a Kimono? If so. come bright S
and early to this store tomorrow and you'll find if
•JK a c h°’ ee < , "lle< , tion of all kinds of Silks in most B S |||
TC/I k‘ l 'ilths. Regular prices, 59c, 75c and T?
SI.OO card H
«S' ©
Want GOOD Dry
g OME Dry Cleaners do better work than others
STODDARD’S Dry Cleaning is the BEST in the S
South—it's perfect. Try The STODDARD Way !
A Wagon for a Phone Cali.
We pay Express (one way) on out-of-town orders of $2 or over
S toddard n D1^ e 8
vc-K-H-r K,- Atlanta Phon, 43 Dry Cleaner and Dyer