Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, September 27, 1912, FINAL 2, Page 17, Image 17

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published by The Georgian Company.
20 East Alabama Street,
Atlanta. Ga.
Entered at Atlanta postoffice as second
class matter
subscriptions Payable in Advance
ri p year. mall, postage prepaid. $5.00
c-x months, mail, postage prepaid, 2.50
• ree months, mail, postage prepaid. 125
?>.» month. mail, postage prepaid.4s
subscriptions Payable in Advance
p ■■•ered by carrier, one yearss.2o
p- vered by carrier, six months ... 2.60
p e ivered by carrier, three months.. 1.30
p P vered by carrier, one month . .. .45
Pelivered by carrier in Atlanta and
other cities, one week 10c
Want Ad Rates and Rules
iq The Atlanta Georgian
One cent a word each Insertion.
No ad taken for less than the price
of ten words. Ads in larger type.
12c a line t 4 words to the line).
Out-of-town advert! sements
must be accompanied with cash.
Agencies' discounts 10 and 5 per
The Georgian will not be respon
sible for more than one. incorrect
Insertion of any ad ordered more
than one time
Closing Hours: To secure prop
er classification, ads must be In
The Georgian office before 1 o’clock
the day of the issue.
All ads must be ordered out In*
writing or at office. No discon
tinuance notice taken over phone
Every word in the advertisement,
Including the name and address.
Is counted. Each initial counts one
word; compound words are counted
as two words.
Telephone your Want Ads to The
Georgian (both phones 80001 when
It Is more convenient to do so, and
collection will be made at vour
home or at your office the follow
ing day. This is an accommoda
tion service rendered Georgian
Want Ad patrons and payment
should always be promptly made
on presentation of bill. Always
ask that your telephone ad be re
peated back to you by the ad
taker to make sure that it has been
taken correctly. The Georgian can
not guarantee accuracy or assume
responsibility for errors of any kind
occurring in telephone advertise
ADVERTISERS should retain re
ceipts given In payment for Want
Ads over the office counter, as mis
takes can not be rectified without
them. In answering advertise
ments addressed in care of The
Georgian, if the advertiser requires
references, send a duplicate of
Help Wanted—Female.
WANTED—Experienced bindery forelady.
Apply at once the Blosser Company, 38-
40 Walton street. 9-27-63
it ANTED—Refined and educated lady as
■o-worker in dormitory. Pleasant work;
rn drudgery. 60 Carnegie place after 7
p. m. References 54-27-9
WANTED--Experienced cook “for small
family; furnished house on lot See Mr
Grossman. 96 Whitehall or 670 Washing
ton street. 9-27-50
WANTED—At once; good hotel palitry
woman, white; one who is not afraid to
work; understands making salads, han
riling help and store room. Good position
to capable party. State wages expected
and references. Hotel Myon, Tifton, Ga.
. _ ■ „ . _
WANTED—Experienced colored woman
to cook; room on place. 781 Ponce De-
Leon. 52-27-9
LADY demonstrator want
ed. (’all between 4 and 6
]i. in. Folsom’s Hotel par
lor. 36-27-9
WANTED— -Good cook. Must live on
premises. Ivy 2748-J. .38 Colquitt ave
nue, Inman Park 9-27-46
W'ANTED—An experienced cook who will
also do general housework for small
family. References required. Cal! at 178
Myrtle street. 9-27-24
A FIRST-CLASS MAID—Room orT _ iot‘
Phone Ivy 5156-J 9-27-26
WANTED—At once a good cook 91 East
Linden street 9-27-25
WANTED—A young girl to address cir
culars and answer telephone Applv 34
"'all street. 9-27-19
WANTED—White woman: good cook;
small family; good home. Mobile Mar
ket, Marietta. Ga 35-26-9
WANTED—First-class cook Apply at
311 West Peachtree after 6 o’clock.
WANTED—An experienced bookkeeper
and stenographer Applv 10 and 20 Nel
son street. 9-27-6
ANTED—-Two first-class suit
salesladies; must have suit de
partment experience; no others
need apply. Grossman’s. At
lanta. ' 9-26-38’
WOMAN—Not younger than 35. as com
panion and to do general housekeeper’s
work; only two in family; good salary to
Ught party. Apply 140 Trinity avenue.
Apartment 2. 70-26-9
ANTED Experienced
mattress tick makers.
Steady work. Apply Hirsch
v s.j>itz Mfg. Co. 9-26-13
X NTED-- Nurse. 2 West Fort McPher
son. HollbJay. Main 2062.9-26-3
’ ANTED—Saleslady hat trimmer in dry
Roods store. Experienced only need
• ?~2 Decatur street. 9-26-4
ANTED---A cook and laundress. No.
.20 -25-60
El • Ffi st-class w ok to
milk and* live on lot. 3 Delta Place, In
njan Park. Call 1v>_3509 4 - 9-25 -32
" ANTED—First-class cook and house
servant for couple. Apply apartment 3.
: ‘niper apartments. 35-25-9
PANCING SCHOOL-Private hall and
’nstructions. Single lessons $1 Course
Will accept and teach a few appli
a $5 - 6Q67-.J 29-25-9
ni’ET) —Experienced adj contest
manager. Applv Box 996. Jacksonville.
"dhOFREADER—To read proof on tabu
matter. Apply Piedmont Printing
•mpany, 127 Central avenue. Atlanta.
' 9-21-11
Help Wanted—Male.
A ANTED—News agents to run on pas-
trains Good promotion Give
“t;*- when writing Union News Company.
' HSt Hunter street 60-27 9
'N’I’ED- Young man s*«er< grapher. ex
perienced in general office work, for
'road office. Salary $73 to stai? Ad
' “Box 421. care Georgia n. 55-27-9
'•\’TED—Thoroughly competent office
about fifteen years of age A ppi}
" "nee. 616 Rhodes building Manager.
_ 9<2 4»9
\NTED Yom g’box- about thirteen or
f Hteen years old. Apply Greater Atlan
; ''onfectionery Company. 207-299 Peach
reel ''-27-58
ANTED—Two smart colored boys.
Lout eighteen years old Must write
k ,nr hand and be willing to work. Ap
-7 - to Capitol City Laundr} 9-27-41
A^’TED —Georgia licensed drug clerk.
' hen applying, please state experience
'erpnop and salary expected Xddress
Knight, P O Box ’47. Savannah. '
* 41-27-9 I
'•NT ED—Good, reliable colored man |
Apply Piedmont Sanitarium. 627 ,
avenue 9-27- '
'NTEE> Paperhanger to paper three]
wT' °V 18; material furnished. Pin n** h- i
V 17-30 I
Help Wanted—Male.
s V^’ I L\N7C\v7G T 7 ;ii s are
wrltk’' <?/, 5 ’ rhe - can read "hat they
wrel vv.u SeV ? n . le ? suns Learned in a
''Titers right in Atlanta. Bvmall
name ' address and time to be
seen, representative will call and explain.
i as o-. motlt . hs ' earn 'ng an old. com-
Pl'taled Pttmanic system'.’ Reply Box
’-“•L. ( d lr . e ..9e'Ugian. 53-26-9
V\ AN’l IT -Iteliuble nliarmaeisi ~o~matD
m? Bslore 8slore in suburbs; good chance
LLLo man; K'md salary .and easv
work. Mitts be a hustler and come well
recommendec Phenolpthalfen. Box 532,
Macon, Ga. 9-27-35
nanv 'Ol U-Fil s rowne Decorating Com-
P_ ai 2LD_North_l’ry<.r street. 9-27-11
OFFICE BOY. from I t
d,y. Apph 1710 Third National Bank
£2£ 9-27-3
B T.?. X ? M , As .y xs ' 50c FEB Hour. ~aF
w P n- to <- J ’ T ' M,,, S' superintendent for
L" F veI > n Place. River car
line, Atlanta, Ga. 56-26-9
more magazine premium
W 8 ff?o P r QSltlOn ’ APPJ>
and ,ile Com
bined. Salary $25 per month. Applica
tion will not be considered Unless ac
companied by good references Address
H ° x 9-26-7
WAN 4 ED— White boy about sixteen for
grpeery store . Apply 2 to 6 p. tn. .271
Pleamont avenue 9-25-50
WANTED--A first-class white barber tv
take charge of a first-class three-chair
shop w.ili hot and cold baths. I want a
man as well as a barber; rent $3 per
week, rßox 7b. Unadilla. Ga 9-25-42
WANTED—Colored elevator boy. ~Teriv
pie Court Bldg. Report to engineer.
\ Ol NG man with some ex
perience in draughting.
Must have good education
and references as to char
acter. Fine opportunity for
right man. Apply at once
io the Kennesaw Mai-ble
Co.. Marietta. Ga. 9-25-3
WAN TED -Ma p ,•« binetTeifcht drawers;
floor scales Dixie Culvert and Metal
Company. 43-25-9
DANCING SCHOOL—Private hall and
instructions. Coaching with music.
•' ■ 6067-J 20-25 9
WANTED—Two good metal roofers, one
good helper Expenses pa hl. R. L.
Moncrief. P O. Box 175. Newnan. Ga
. . ?7-25-9
TWO young men to press shirts.
Robinson Shirt Company. 195
1-'-* ■ Marietta street, 9-23-9
WANT ED—Six first-class locomotive
boilermakers; must be steady and sober;
state when can report for duty. Boiler
maker. Box iio. care Georgian 9-23-29
WANTED Men to ifearn the barber traded
Few weeks completes. Tools given
Wages while learning You can join us
with assurance you will succeed. We
I:sve received praise from thousands for
our beneficial course. Investigate now.
Moler Barber College. 38 Luckie Street
WANTED—Ideas. Inventors write for list
of inventions wanted and prizes offered
by manufacturers. Also, how to get your
patent. Sent free to any address Ran
dolph A- Briscoe, patent attornexs. Wash
ington. D. C., 7-11-33
WANT ED Voting men to lean, pharma
cj this fall Demand for our graduates
exceeds supply. Next session begins Oc
tober 1. Southern College of Pharmacy,
81 Luckie street. Atlanta, Ga. 8-1 1
STOP at Hilburn liotel. heart of city. 10'4
Walton street, if you want a clean, quiet
room: transient 50c Open all night.
YES. Professor G. O. Branning will teach
you the barber trade til's easy).- We
teach in one-half time of other colleges.
Course and position in our shops only
S3O. Why pay more? " Thousands of our
graduates running shops or making good
wages. AJlanfa Barber College, 10 East
Mitchell streM... 5-11-17
FREE M.ASSagp;, hah cuts, shatves,
shampoos. All barber work free Clean
linen. Atlanta Barber College. 10 East
Mitchell. fi-2?- 6
MAIL CAFttcIERS, postoffice clerks want
ed; SBO month; Atlanta examinations
November 6; free coaching. Franklin in
stitute. Dept. 49-S, Rochester, N Y.
M ANTED —Bright, strong
boys to deliver routes in
afternoons. Good wages
and chance for promotion,
(’all at circulation depart
ment The Atlanta Georgian,
20 East Alabama street.
Help Wanted—Male and Female.
FREE to all. Our practice
Dept. Remington Type
writer Co.. 56 N. Broad St.
WANTED—Gentleman or lady, artistically
inclined, to learn commercial drawing;
must have $35; will take sls cash; balance
will let student work out; stead} employ
ment guaranteed when competent; no
trifler need apply. Inquire M. Shearer,
138 Simpson street. 9-26-20
Agents, Wanted.
LADY house-to-bouse canvassers. Good
proposition. . Salary and commission
paid to those with some experience, (’all
dally, 302 Temple Court building. 26-26-!'
WANTED —Agents! Men ami women to
sell the best Insurance contract on
I earth. One agent sold $200,000 last month.
' District managers wanted. Territory
| Georgia. Alabama and Mississippi. Write
j or call on S. W. Joyner, Southern man-
I ager, 61.6 Temple Court. Atlanta. 9-26-39
WANTED -Reliable agents for something
new in railroad excursion work: free
trips and good commission; experience
not necessary, but must be able to fur
nish first-class reference. Address P. P ,
Box 1624, Atlanta, Ga 9-21-23
Salesmen Wanted.
\V A N T E D - High-grade
salesman to cover splendid
territory. Machinery and
kindred lines. Splendid
proposition for A-1 man.
Experience in this line not
necessary. Address C. 8.,
care < Georgian. 9 26-26
(SALESMEN and collectors wanted to
j work in city: experience not necessary
Singer Sewing Machine Company, 79
l Whitehall street. 9-11-4
I Y"ung men and women that are look
ling for positions and business openings
I will do themselves a great justice bj > on
suiting the "Help Warted" ard "Business
I opportunity' mlumna of The Georgian.
Situations Wanted—Female.
NEGRO WOMAN desires place as maid
in office: doctor's office preferred. Ad
dress C, X, P,, care Georgian. 58-27-9
TYPEWRITER operator desires position
as general office assistant. Experience
and references. Address M.. Box 3. care
Georgian 59-27-9
YOl NG LADY wants position in office;
write good hand. Annie, care Geor
gia,n. 39-27-9
COLORED WOMAN, with child nine
years old, wants place as cook. Good
worker. Apply rear 215 Lawton. 38-27-9
A-l STENOGRAPHER and office asalet
ant; six years experience; desires posi
tion October 1. Address “Laydye,” care
Georgian. 68-26-9
COLORED GIRL wants to do sewing by
the day. 436 Auguran avenue 37-27-9
DORCI’S ROYAL, the curtain woman has
moved from 182 Houston street to 201
East Ellis street, lust send Card and 1
will come for curtains 61-26-9
WANTED Position by young lady - "as
Stenographer, with good and reliable
firm or corporation; Salary reasonable.
Call Miss Pearl Kirk. Main 2126. 54-25-9
REMNED LADY wishes position as
housekeeper in small family. Salary
expected, $5 a week. Must have employ
ment at once. Box 50, care Georgian
fbu NG LADY wishes position as bill
ing clerk Can furnish references.
Have had experience Phone Ivy 6359-L.
Mil IDLE-AGtjD lady wants work in a
small family doing light housework
Call at 58 Jett street. Miss N. L. 40-25-9
YOUNG GIRL wishes position as copy
ist or stenographer: has had expe
rience in both. Call Atlanta phone 4301.
Needle Work.
EMBROIDERY, designing, fine sewing
and darning 13 Baltimore place. Ivy
5968. 8-28-8
Situations Wanted--Male.
AN INSPECTOR or superintendent of
building construction is open to an en
gagement on any class of building con
struction. Address ,1. W . Box 301. care
Georgian. 46-27-9
YOUNG MAN wants position in office;
two years experience bookkeeping, type
writing Can do any clerical work. Ad
dress Box 497, care Georgian. 42-27-9
LICENSED DRUGGIST, medical student,
wants work afternoons and Sundays
Medical, care Georgian. 32-27-9
i 'i >f 11 it>.x WANTED by man thoroughly
familiar with up-to-date office meth
ods. business correspondence, etc. Type
writer operator. Capable, reliable, en
ergetic. Satisfactory references. Ad
dret-s Hex 691, care Georgian 32-23-9
YOUNG’ MAN would like a position in
paint slop as sign painter. Address A.
11. Simmons. 174 Butler street. 27-27-9
A I T<.'MOBILE MECHANIC desires posi
tion as chauffeur with some private
family, i.’all or write Herman M., 63 Mar
tin. Phone Atlanta._sßol_F. 36-26 9
MAN. 26. wants job as city salesman or
job in wholesale house. Will begin at
bottom. Best of references. Address Hard
Worker, care Georgian.6l-25-9
EXPERIENCED double-entry bookkeeper
and office man desires position at once.
Can give best of references and bond if
necessary 811
WA NT El >- Position by man tvith a num
ber of years experience in bookkeeping
and office work; can furnish first-class
references. Address W.. Box 22. care
Georgian.j 65-25-9
WANTED—Position as billing or shipping
clerk. At present am employed, bur can
give satisfactory reason for change. Ad-
Box 632. care Georgian. 47-25-9
WASTED —Position by young man with
clerical and typewriter experience. R.,
care Georgian. 48-25-9
MAN with many years experience in of
fice work, business correspondence, etc.,
desires position with good manufacturing
corporation or business firm, requiting
energy, ability and loyalty to employer's
interests. Satisfactory references. Ad
dress Box 209, care Georgian 31-23-9
Situations Wanted—Male and
Model 5 Before You Buv
Job Work.
WE CAN SAVE you money on repair
work, shelving, tables and counters We
make them to order. Roof repairing, brick
work, wall tinting, painting and plaster
ing. 62*i South borsyth street. Bell 1187,
Atlanta CHB7-M.
Boarders Wanted.
BEST TABLE BOARD; home cooking:
conveniences, close In. 139 Ivy. 9-27-56
WANTED—One or two boarders Private
family 13 Baltimore place Ivv 5968
ROOMMATE for young man; one up
stairs room, near bath, for couple or
three young men. Two young men or la
dies for downstairs. 139 West Peach
tree. Ivy IQSD-L. 9 27-57
76 WEST PEACHTREE —Desirable board
in private, family; clean rooms; electric
.lights; hot water, to refined parties with
out children. Phone Ivy 1727. 9-27-28
BOARD with large rooms. Homelike
place: conveniences. 119 Washington
street. 9-27-22
BOARDERS WANTED—Southern style.
Roast beef, vegetables, chicken pie, ap
ple sauce, cakes and good desserts. Bell
phone Main 3flß-.l 9-27-12
FOR RENT -One room furnished for two
business ladles; no children: breakfast
and supper, in private family. Main
3866-L. 9-27-10
,1. CURRIER Wanted: Couple or .three
young men for freshly papered, newly
furnisehd upstairs front room. Modern
c< nvuniences. Kates reasonable 9-26-39
WAN I ED—A few boarders In private
family; north side. 11 West Pine st.
Ivy 5259-L. 61L26-9
LARGE front room and dressing room
with hoard 148 West Peachtree, hv
571 5-.1.9-23-35
CAN accommodate couple or young men
in well furnished front room in first
class boarding house; all conveniences;
» Hiking distance Main 3758-.1. 9-26-34
LARGE ROOM and board, north siTie;
also tabje boarders. Ivy 2423-J. 9-25-55
WANTED —Two gentlemen to board; pri
vate family; furnace heat Ivy 433-L
73 West Peachtree stree' 9-25-35
191 E 1 AIR. nice rooms with board; rea
sonable rates. Main 3722-.1 9-25-30
ROOMS and first-class board; reasonable
rates; private home 256 Capitol ave
tme__ Main 2031-L. ■ '.l 31
69 LUCKIE STREET Good board, gleam
heat; reasonable; for business women
Board Wanted.
ROOM AND BOARD With private family
desired by young couple Husband trav
els; in city only few days each month.
Inpian Park or Druid Hills sections pre
ferred. P-efefences. Telephone Mrs
Smith. Ivy 3623-1.. 3 28-9
HOW MANY desirable boarders know
that you have a vacancy at your table?
There are hundreds this very day looking
for nice. home.-llke boarding places
Beach them with an ad in the Boarders
Wanted" column of The Georgian
Trunks, Bags and Suitcasei.
PHONES: Bell Main 1576. Atlanta 1654.
Sewing Machines.
WE RENT new machines with complete
set of attachments for $2 per month;
als > machines repaired; prompt dcllve-y.
Both phones 1893 Singer Sew.rg Ms
ch.he Company. 79 Whitehall. 2-14-44
“The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin”
Do Y our Renting and Searching Through This Bulletin.
Ate you looking for the best Rooms, Houses. Apartments. Rooms for Housekeeping, Offices. Business
) Locations. Garages, Storage Houses, Boarding and Rooming places, etc. ?
This bulletin contains a complete list of every desirable and suitable place that is For Rent in the city
> and suburbs in each issue.
For the benefit and convenience of our patrons The Georgian employ s special men to cover the city' and
5 suburbs each day in search of all the desirable places.
Save time, useless steps, money and worry by consulting this bulletin, it is for your convenience, so take
? advantage of it.
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
FOR RENT—l.arge front room for two
gentlemen; $6 per month. 128 Estorla
street. 56-27-9
FOR RENT—Two nice!.' furnished rooms,
modern: gentlemen only . 215 Ivy street;
apartment L 9-27-51
FOR RENT—New and well furnished
front room; tinted walls; conveniences
78 East Ellis. 9-27-52
FOR RENT—Nice rooms, one block Can
dler building, with or without meals.
FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms; hot
and cold water. 46 Houston street.
FOR RENT—One large front room, well
ventilated: all conveniences. 202 Court
land. 9-27-55
FOR RENT—Two nicely furnished rooms.
close in. 52 West Peachtree street.
FOR RENT—Two desirable rooms in pri
vate home to young men: breakfast and
dinner if desired Ivy 825-.). 50-27-9
FOR RENT —Nicely furnished rooms-, with
or without light housekeeping; sls per
month.3Bß Peachtree. 49-21-9
FOR RENT—Delightful second floor front
room in refined home: all conveniences.
39 West Peachtree place Ivv 4739.
FOR RENT— Three connecting rooms in
Grant park section. Address L. E. S.,
162 Park avenue. 9-27-60
LARGE, light, furnished
front room for gentlemen.
Also light housekeeping
rooms at 76 Walton St.
-NICE, large front room, suitable for two
young men. Ivy 5063-.). 16 W. North
ave. 9-27-47
REFINED woman wishes to share desira
ble room;, fine locality. Ivy 5968.
IN PRIVATE HOME. 17 Pulliam street,
two or three connecting rooms; all con
veniences; nice residence street; no car
rare;_po children. _____ 9-27-43
FOR RENT-Two furnished rooms for
housekeeping. 45 Vedado wav Ivy
88 i11.9-2’.-38
FOR RENT—Bright room; steam heated;
close in; gentlemen only. Ivy 5580.1.
ONE largn front room fur a couple or two
ladies; clean and all conveniences. Main
1592-J. 9-27-27
RErINED. private family have nice, large
room in steam-heated, cJosq in apart
ment for couple or two gentlemen. Ref
erences exchanged Phone, Ivy '2687-J
'■ 9-27-29
LARGE, nicely furnished rooms, steam
heat, electric'lights: private family;
north side. Ivy 1294-L, 9-27-21
NICE? newly furnished rooms; also light
housekeeping apartment; close in. 1.51
Spring street. 9-27-20
FOR RENT—Two nicely furnislieil front
rooms, private bath and porch; steam
heat and every convenience. 139 East
Tenth street. Ivy 6164.9-27-17
DAL large furnished room; all con
veniences. 178 Furrest ave. 26-27-9
nished rooms and excellent table board.
121 Capitol square. Main 4839-L. 9-27-4
FOR RENT —Two newly furnished con
necting rooms for two or three gentle
men: steani beat and every convenience.
Apartments 5-and 6, 61 East Cain street.
| ivy 3137. - -L-L?
NICELY furnished room, north side,
steam heat; hot and cold water; all
conveniences; gentlemen preferred. 14-A
West Baker street Phone Ivv 5039.
__ _ 69-26-_9
TWO or three furnished rooms, complete
for light housekeeping; close in. 205
South Forsyth street.7l 16 8
LARGE, front room to business lady, in
private family. 294 Central avenue.
CALL ivy 3570 .1 regarding two very
large front rooms, upstairs: steam
heated: north side; private home. One
splendid location; alt conveniences.
EXTREMELY large front room with
board, two or three gentlemen; furnace
heat. 15 West Peachtree. Ivy 1040.
TWO nicely furnished, conveniently lo
cated housekeeping rooms; near in:
north side. Atlanta phone 3575.9-26-37
FOR RENT -Obe single front room foi
gentleman. 58 West Peachtree street.
' 9-26-17
ONE FLR.XISHF.I» room for rent at 352
Peachtree Bell phone Ivy 2163-J
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room
steam heated: hot bath connecting; use
of dining room and kitchen if desired.
237-A I'ulton. one door of Capitol ave
nue. Main 2077. 50-26-9
EOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, ad
joining bath, to young men nr business
women; $lO to sl2 per month: walking
distance. Peachtree. 9-20-lz
FOR RENT Two or three comfortably
furnished housekeeping rooms; $3.60 or
$5; nn children: walking distance; pri
vate family. 65 Crew 43-26-9
FoR RENT—Two well furnished rooms
to couple; light housekeeping. Best ref
erences given and required Ivy 6216.
FOR -REN’I’- Nicely furnished room to
gentleman. 221 Sontli Pryor. j4_D26-!i
l-oR RENT Lively furnished rooms at
149 Waltonjitreet. 34 26-'.'
Fi 'it RENT Tw o eofinecting ft on t
rooms for four young men or couples.
276 Whitehall2B-26-9
bolt RENT .Xewly furnished, bright
rooms, dressing rooms connected; all
conveniences; with quiet, refined family.
References. 19 East Baker Phone Ivy
2923. 30-26-9
FoR RENT -Two bed rooms, neatly fur
nished, with all conveniences: close in
References required. 72 East Fair street.
.Vlaili_3B33-.l 9_25-_52
FOR RENT—Two or three elegantly fur
nished rooms, complete for housekeep
ing. cheap to parties without children;
sink in kitchen; hot bath. Bell phone.
Best location 290 Washington street.
BY OWNER four or five rooms, fur
nished for housekeeping; reasonable to
adults, references Ivy 2825-1,. 9-25-61
ill HENT Furnished rooms In strictly
private home I!) East Harris street.
- 25 - 47
ROOMS, with or without hoard; close in.
L' 5 1_“ W3 ' 9-26 - 41
PltlV.’>fl’. lloME; close In; neatly fur
nlshed rooms for gentlemen or business
lady._ lv> 3540-L :' 25- .
NR'EI.Y Itin nish - ; ti'.n: roon. iiim board.
79 West Peachtree st Ivy 1449-J.
TO nice young man or business woman.
newly furnished front room; all con
veniences. Owner, ivy 2211-1. 92S Z 5
FOR RENT Rooms for light housekeep
ing; conveniences 216 Spring street.
Ivy 3205-J. 9-25-6
WANT E1 “ ?KTfE "p-EKS ANI >
ROOMERS. 145 Sf'i lr.g street. ■
H ' NDS< iMEI.Y furnished rooms to gen
tiemen only; steam heat. hot. water,
ele Hie lights, dose in Ivy 4972 9-24-60
ONE large front furnished room; afl con-
veniences. 109 Wes’ Harris street
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, con
venient to bath Ivy 2168-L 205 Spring
street 9-24 36
FOR RENT 't w o i r u ri’e furnished
rooms, with private family. 33 Oral.go
Street. • _ 9-24-6
NIUE front room, with or without meals.
10? Ivy street. '* 23 3
Ft >R RENT Furnished rooms, lira* aod
clean 28 West Peachtree place 9-21-53
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
ONE upstairs front room: all conven
iences at 117 W. Baker si. Atlanta 4555.
nished rooms and excellent table board.
121 Capitol square. Main 4839-L 9-12-32
Secure the most competent help In all
lines through the "Help Wanted" and
'Situations Wanted" columns of The
Georgian. The best help obtainable in
this city and surroundings can be had by
using and consulting The Georgian’s Want
Ad pages
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
FOR RENT—One large front loom, fur
nished or unfurnished; prefer to rent
furnished: in easy winking distance. Ap
ply owner. 15 West Alexander street.
: 9
FOR RENT- Two unfurnished front
rooms and one furnished, to adults;
have gut age also. 9-27-45
LARGE front room with private bath.
furnished or unfurnished; electric lights,
hot water and furnace heat; close in on
'W'St_P<'achtree. Call Ivy 2160. 9-25-44
TWO furnished or unfurnished rooms:
reasonable; one block off Pryor. 118
Formwait st , corner Eugenia. 9-25-33
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
FOR RENT -Three unfurnished rooms by
October I. 226 Pulliam street. 9-27-62
FOR RENT—Two or three, connecting
rooms with owner, north side Ivy
2477, 29-27-9
for RENtf—Two unfurnished rooms.
with all modern conveniences, for light
housekeeping. 156 Lawton street. West
End; between two car llne-t. 63-26-9
A)R RENT—To couple, without children,
three or four unfurnished rooms, with
ail conveniences. 133 Oglethorpe avenue.
West 1 i:t«-.t
TWi? or three large, bright, unfurnished
connecting rooms for light housekeep
ing: private bath, gas stove, sink; on
north side: private residence 61 Currier
st. Ivy 6603. 9-26-33
Tt ' couple without children, thro rooms.
private bath, references. 443 Courtland
street, corner Pine, 9-26-19
FOR RENT- Two unfurnished rooms for
light housekeeping with conveniences;
no children. 114 East Fair street 9-26-27
FOR RENT—Three nice, unfurnished?
connecting rooms, stationary wash
stand; ten minutes walk to the business
part of city. Rent reasonable 174 Pul
iiam. Atlanta phone 4776 27-26-9
FIVE ROOMS for light housekeeping,
suitable for two families; close in, at
220_E. Fair. 9-25-29
THREE large and one amsll room up
stairs. bath, furnace beat, electric
lights, phone and use of cook stove; con
venient to car. in Kirkwood Address C.,
Phone Decatui_s2l. 9-25-13
FOR RENT—Two delightful, unfurnished,
connecting rooms, adjoining bath.
Suitable for light housekeeping. Sepa
rate entrance. On car line. Private fam
ily. 189 Highland avenue 28-25-9
TWO large connecting rooms: all~conve'?
niences. 52 Kelly' street. Phone Main
5342-jJ. 9-25-14
FoR RENT Seven-room house, 5 lai-
France street; large, shady lot, chick
en houses and pasture for cow Inquire
next door or phone Ivy 4321-J. 39-25-9
Housekeeping Rooms For Rent.
FoR RENT Three upstairs, also two
downstairs, connecting, furnished rooms
for housekeping; walking distance. 202
South Forsyth street. 9-27-44
TWO very large, light, connecting seconil
fioor unfurnished rooms and kitchenette
to parties without children Atlanta 2973.
49 Pulliam. 9-26-45
TWO furnished front rooms, light house
keeping. to couples, close in, reasonable.
24£ Central avenue. Atlanta 8584. 9-26-44
two nic.iy furnished rooms for light
housekeeping 138 Pulliam also two
nicely furnished rooms at 242 Central
avenue. ytlantu phone 3058-B 9-26-43
TIVO desirable connecting rooms for
light housekeeping 206 South Pryor.
THREE connecting firsl-floor rooms, with
sink in kitchen; bath and gas. 258 Pul
liam street Atlanta phone 5346. $lO per
month. 9-26-41
FOR RENT Two or thFee connecting.
unfurnished rooms for house-keeping. 59
R i chards on. 9-26-2
FOR RENT—Two front rooms, furnished
or unfurnished, for housekeeping: every
convenience; close in. Main 3174-L. 69
East Fail' street. 32-26-9
THREE unfurnished rooms, connecting
bath, with all conveniences. 48 Mills
street. 9-24 -46
LARGE front connecting rooms, fur
nished or unfurnished; private home;
conveniences; private porches. 66 High
'amt ave. Ivy 4809-.1, 9-20-32
i Hiti'.i'; connecting first floor rooms: sink
In kitchen. 225 N. Boulevard. 9-20-25
Bachelor Rooms For Rent.
TWO unfurnished rooms: very close in;
at 7 Carnegie Way; suitable for two
gentlemen. Ivy 902. 46 18-9
Room and Board.
ROOM AND BOARD also table 17oard?
Garage for rent on lot. 74 Forrest ave,
Phone Ivy -27-9
MICE cool room with t»oard in private
Tamil} ; all conveniences. 54 York ave.
9 _' 24 li°
is your business worth advertising?
Then if not try a For Sale or Business
Opportunity ad in Jhe Georgian.
Furnished Apartments For Rent
SIX ROOMS, first-floor, double house,
nicely furnished; all conveniences, street
<ar at door; garage extra. Apply 179 Lu
cile avenue. Phone quick 108 West.
FOR RENI West End Apartment of
rooms: bed room, living room and
kitchen, completely furnished; exceptional
home i" right party Electric lights and
bath Reasonable Phone West 1G44-.J.
WANTEL Several women in employ
ment to share attractive furnished
bachelor girls’ apartment, references ex
<l anged 9or particulars, address P. ()
Box 805. Atlanta, Ga 51-25-9
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
F<>R RENT Apartments, new, modern
and fireproof; select neighborhood; close
it, 1 W Farllnger. 304 North Boule
vard 9-27-18
FOR KeNt Most nttraitiv,- five < >orn
apartment: electric lights; large front
and back porches. Phone Main 4471 -.1,
FOR RENT Modern apartments; se.en
rooms each; first ami second floors; win
dows all around, porches, walking dis
tance Owner, 88 Williams street.
ONE beautiful five-room steam-heated
apartment at 333 N. Boulevard; janitor
service. Phone ivy 3698-. I 52-25->9
FOUR connecting rooms newly papered
private bath: very elevated, near .Jack
son 275 L Pine st, 9-24-41
FOR RENT Five-room apartment in the
Corinthian 136 West Peachtree street.
Apply to Mr Kelly, 2*4 Walton street
Furnished Houses For Rent.
FOR RENT—Nine-room house, furnished
or unfurnished; two blocks of Candler
Bldg. Call Ivy 6778-J.9-26-47
ATTRACTIVE d-room bungalow; furnish
ed; north side: best of everything; only
first-class tenants desired; no children.
Phone Ivy 1 762-L 9-26-46
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
AN ELEGANT Peachtree home for rent.
Owner, Ivy 825-J. 48-27-9
FOR REXT— E1 gb t- room house? with all
conveniences. 85 East Fair Apply at
7 Pulliam 9-26-48
ONE ROOM in rear of lot for colored
woman or couple without children. Ap
ply 595 North Boulevard 9-27-14
FOR RENT—Two acres, eight-room
house; Highland avenue and near end
of car line. House has water and sewer.
$22.50 per month. 10 Auburn avenue
center of town; four rooms; newly pa
pered: large hall and front porch, on
second floor of a two-family house All
conveniences $12.60. Apply Fitzhugh
Knox, 1613 Candler building. 9-20-6
FOR RENT? HOITBES—CaiI? write or
phone for our rent bulletin. Ralph O.
Cochran. 19 South Broad street. 4-1-21
THE HOUSE you build, buy or
root will not be a modern home
unless it. is wired for electricity.
Furnished or Unfurnished Houses
For Rent.
FURNISHED or unfurnished. Spring and
Fourth streets. Ivy 2498-L. 9-26-21
Stores For Rent.
FoR KENT—Nice store room, located at
288 Whitehall. Apply next door. 9-27-43
FC>l< RENT We have a very desirable
store In the Candler Bldg., fronting on
North Pryor street and offer the sama on
attractive terms for a period of three to
five years This store is 14 feet wide and
38 feet long with a balcony in the rear
Apply at 222 Candler B]dg. 9-24-44
Is your business worth advertising'.’
Then If not try a For Sale or Business
Opportunity ad in The Georgian.
Garages For Rent.
GARAGE for rent. Apply 505 Spring st.
Furnished Rooms Wanted.
TW<> or three rooms for light housekeep-
ing near Georgian Terrace Quote
prices. Address Box 710. care Georgian
it ANTED—A furnisher! room In private
home, within walking distance of Grant
Bldg would prefer south side and with
owner. State price and location; refer
ences given Address R. H., rare Geor-
Kian. 25-27-9
WANTED- Three nicely furnished rooms
in good neighborhood for light house
keeping in answering please state the
amount of rent wanted and toll particu
lars. Address .1 O. C., care Georgian.
9; 26-80
WANTED -Furnished rooms In the vicin-
ity of 499 Washington street. Answer
B. G.. care Georgian 9-25-10
October I in Atlanta Is the fall moving
day. There are hundreds and hundreds of
people and families this very day that are
looking for desirable places to rent for the
coming season on the first of October
Desirable houses, rooms and apartments
(either furnished or unfurnished) will rent
quickly ami easily if they are seen in the
paper that is the leading "Rent" medium
of the city. "The Georgian Rent Bulletin"
has the stamp of being the foremost
"Rent" medium. By no other way can
your vacancies be rented easily than
through The Georgian. The number c*
"Rent" ads in The Georgian speak for
themselves. You know for vourself that
if you desired to rent, you would look in
the paper that had tlie largest list to
choose from. The public feels the same
way Begin your a<l. immediately and
have your vacancies filled before the first
of next month. Either phone it or send
It in.
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
WANTED Two unfurnished rooms, suit
able for light housekeeping, close In.
Address Beulah, (are Georgian, 32-25-9
October 1 In Atlanta Is the fall moving
day. There are hundreds and hundreds of
people and families this very day that are
looking for desirable places to rent for tlie
coming season on the first r,f October.
Desirable houses, rooms and apartments
(either furnished or unfurnished) will rent
quickly and easily If they are seen in the
paper that is tiie leading "Rent" medium
of the city "The Georgian Rent Bulletin'’
has tlie stamp of being the foremost
"Rent" medium. By no other way can
vour vacancies be rented easily than
through The Georgian The number o'
"Rent ’ ads in The Georgian speak for
l hemselves You know for vourself that
If you desired to rent, you would look in
the paper that had the largest list to
choose from The public feels the same
way Begin your ad. immediately and
have your vacancies filled before the first
of next month. Either phone It or send
ft In.
Unfurnished Houses Wanted
! NFURNISHSb five or six-rooffl apart*
inent cottage, bungalow, wanted im
mediately by refined reliable, middle-aged
couple: no children, reasonable rent; state
price: good location; close in. Address J.
J Hardenbrook. General Delivery, At
lanta- _52-26-»
October 1 in Atlanta is the fall moving
day. There are hundreds and hundreds of
people and families this very day that are
looking for desirable places to rent for the
coming season on the first of October.
Desirable houses, rooms and apartments
(either furnished or unfurnished) will rent
quickly and easily if they are seen In the
paper that Is the leading "Rent medium
paper that is the leading "Rent" medium
has the. stamp of being the foremost
"Rent" medium. By no other way can
your vacancies be rented easily than
through The Georgian. The number of
"Rent ’ ads in The Georgian speak for
themselves. You know for vourself that
If you desired to rent, you would look in
the paper that had the largest list to
< lioose from. The public feels the same
way. Begin your ad Immediately and
have your vacancies filled before the first
of next month. Either phone it or send
!< in
Office Space Wanted.
M ANT HTUDIO; roof on office building
preferred Must be light. Reasonable,
care Georgian. 57-26-9
Fire-P’’oof Storage.
nianoa. Office and warehouse, 239-241
Edgewood avenue ivy 2037. John J.
Woodside Storage Company.
Are you in need of anything today?
Then a VI ant Ad In The Georgian wi)>
ge< It for you Phone your ad to ■ne
Georgian Every phone is a sub-slatlon
for Georgian Want Ads ’’otnpetent and
poljte men to serve you.
Lost and Found.
STRAYED or stolen, two mules, one red
and one black. Return to 270 N. Boule
vard. Reward. 9-27-48
LOST Gold bracelet, with diamonds and
pearls, engraved inside E. D. I t’o F.
C L.: April 24, 1907 Return to 301 At
lanta National Bank building, for reward.
LOST—Pocketbook containing mortgage
receipt and money. Liberal reward if
returned to Mr. Dutton, carp Piedmont
LOST —Locket, engraved with monogram,
"T. C. M."; liberal reward if returned
to 28 Orange street or 83 Mangum street
LOST—Brown handbag, between Elite
theater and Edgewood and Pryor sta.
Name and address Inclosed in handbag
Reward for return to 1196 DeKalb ave
nue , 9-35-18
■ expert operator. Address Box 686, care
PHOTOGRAPHS and photographic work;
let me direct you to the best and at
the same time save half on the price.
W. M. Bricken, 20 East Alabama st.. City.
SCREENS--Wood fly screens, metal fly
screens, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds,
metal weather strips furnished anywhere
In the South. Write or phone W. R. Cal
laway. manager. 1403 Fourth National
Bank building. Atlanta, Ga. Main 5310.
SERIOUS come from trusses
improperly fitted. John B. Daniel, at 34
Wall sticet. has an expert fitter and tt
will CCS® you no more to have him fit
you, ar,2 |r means insurance 6-24-19
refined, IMwelike; limited number of pa
tients cared for; home provided for in
fanta; infai’tt for adoption. Mrs M. T.
Mitchell, 26 Wtodsor street 6-2213
WANTED —Pupils of the sixth and aev
enth grades. Address Experienced
Teacher, 149 Lee street. 51-37-j
WANTED- By graduate of French school
small class of beginners In French; 82
for ten lessons. Phone Ivy 6218-L.
Dancing Lessons.
special rates. Atlanta phone 2788.
=B ; , i,i,i
DR. EDMONDSON’S Taney. Pennyroyal
and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re
liable treatment for painful and sup
pressed menstruation, Irregularities and
similar obstructions. Trial box by mail,
50c. Frank Edmondson & Bro., manufac
turing chemists. 11 North Broad street,
Atlanta. 2-17-14
Dr'opsy^CUßED— R^Heves*
breath in 86 to 48 hours. Reduces swell
ing in fifteen to twenty days. Write for
particulars. Collom Dropey Remedy Com
pany. 512 Austell building, Atlanta.
74 Walton St.
Office Hours. 9 a tn., 9 p m.
Sunday, 10 to 4 Ladies’ Maid
in attendance.
REVEALS PAST, present and future.
Can be consulted on all affairs of fife.
Readings 25c, 50c. 17 East Mitchell street
<in tent).
IS NOW IXJCATED In tent, corner For
syth and Luckie; can he consulted on
all affairs of life. Charges moderate
Satisfaction guaranteed. 6-35-18
Stove and Range Repairing.
We sell secondhand gas stoves.
We sweep chimneys,
Atlanta Phone 3235. Bell Phone Main 3693
Business Opportunities.
A Real Opportunity.
OFFICE MAN with $2,000 to $5,000, com-
petent to manage office and Install card
system. Investment guaranteed, with 13
per cent yearly on same. Moderate sal
ary Exceptional future for right man.
Box 300, care Georgian. 44-27-9
DRU< l" store; FOR’’^ALE—Well-paying
drug business In fast-growing section
for sale; fine place for young man; rea
son for sellings own4r can not give proper
attention. Price $3,000 Can arrange sat
isfactory terms. Phenolpttialefn, Box 582.
Macon. Ga. 9-37-86
SM ALL MARKET- Will sell. See me. 75
Houston street 6 p. m. 28-27-2
LET us lay before you facts and figures
regarding the Montana Pulp and Paper
Manufacturing Company: the govern
ment’s figures show that the manufacture
of paper Is one of the greatest Industries
of America. Write .1. N. Sechrest & Co .
Investment Bankers, Buffalo, N. Y.. for
circular 302. 55-25-9
FOR SALE— Bakery; well established
trade; splendid stand; is making good
money; with a little life and push this
business will easily net you $3,000 per
year; sickness cause of selling Write
W. H. Goodwin, Eufaula. Ala. 59-34-9
WANTED—Two second-hand porcelain
bail, tubs, in good condition; state price.
Bell phone Main 5322 242 Washington st
WANTED—Secondhand sewing machine
in good order. Apply Apartment 3.
Juniper Apts. 41-25-9
WANTED—One stone crusher, one ce
ment mixer Address Mill Dam, Cham
blee. Ga. 9-13-6
1 BUY MEN’S old clothes ’ and shoes.
Drop a card. I. Bock, 32 Bell street.
FURNITURE and household goods, office
fixtures and merchandise of any kind
accented on consignment. Cash advanced
Pembroke Sales Co., 143 South Prvor St
Bell phones Main 1434 Main 187. Atlanta
DROP A CARD—WiII bring cash for old
clothes and shoes, 'rhe Vestiare, 166
Decatur street 6-27-42
WANTED We pay highest cash prices
on household goods, pianos and office
furniture Cash advanced on consign
ments. Springer’s Auction House, 25
South Pryor street. Bell phone Main 1526.
WE PAY HIGHEST casn prices for house
hold goods, pianos and office furniture
Cash advanced on consignments. Central
Auction Company, 12 East Mitchell
street Bell phone Main 2424. 8-26-26
Rooming House For Sale.
PARTIES leaving town will sell furnish
Ings of eight-room rooming house,
rooms all full. Answer quick. ttlanta
phone 5435. 2-25-28