Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, September 27, 1912, FINAL 2, Page 18, Image 18
18 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. For Sale—Miscellaneous. FOR SALE-—Gas range; perfect condition, almost good as new. Phone 3245. 9 Brown Place. 31 -27-9 . FOR SALE—Handsome sideboard one i hall rack, large heating stove, table. ehairs and other furniture; also bicycle. I 311 West Peachtree Ivy 18339-27-31 FOR SALE —Complete sets Harvard Olas- j sics. 50 volumes, brand nett , and Brit- I tannica EncvcJopedia. .'>o volumes, same as new. $75 for both sets, or S4O for earn. I Book Bargain, care Georgian 9-27-34 i NATIONAL CASH REGISTER for sale cheap; good as new N., Box 444. care i Georgian. 9-27-7 I lTee-time FURNITURE, RUGS AND DRAPERIES. Uhiffomhes $25.00 Brass Beds 10.00 Mission Clocks 2.98 Di nine Tablas 12.50 I Dining Chairs 1.98 $35.00 Dressers 24.75 Pullman Davenports 35.00 If it’s Furniture we have it at the right price. GOLDSMITH-ACTON- WTTHERSPOON CO. 62 Peachtree. 61 North Broad. DTTNTLEY PNEUMATIC CLEANERS move dirt and germa from rugs, carpets floors, etc.: vacuum Cleaners from SB2 50 up; vacuum sweepers, $9.75. C. J. Daniel A Co., 416 Fourth Nat. Bk. Bldg. 13-2-H FOR BALE Cheap, nice willow go-cart. Hi one Main 2713 -J. 60-26 -9 MAJESTIC rauige, perfect condition; for less than half price. 184 Spring Fo% SALE—GIr1 k » bicycle and baby's go cart Call 334-B Whitehall. 9-S6-10 SECOND HAND BRICK for sale. Call S. M Truitt & Son 9-25-40 SPECIALS for SATURDAY. Leg of Lamb (whole). lbl2l-2c Leg of Lamb (cut), lb., ,15c Lamb (Thops. lblsc Lamb Stew, lbloc Prime Rib Roast, lb., 12 1-2 and 15c Chuck Steak, lbloc Round Steak, lblsc Pot Stew, lb 71 2c Fish and Oysters. CAMPBELL’S PLACE, 89 Decatur Street and 150 Marietta Street. Fori SlT»S—Cotton scales for - Eale cot ton and wagon scales for cotton seed; all new Will sell for 25 par cent dis count for cash. Cotton Merchant, care Georgian. 9-25-12 IT WILL BE EASY selling if you place your miscellaneous things on the mar ket through the "For Sale- Miscella neous'' column of The Georgian. People find this classification a column of many tempting buys and are willing to take you up on anything that you have for sale S 3FES. files, cabinets, new 2nd hd Gockin Bank & Office Equipment Co. 9-t O-31 I I'OR SALE Lot of besi quality tiling, I any style and size desired This is an ; unusual bargain at prices far below reg ular. See or write W. M Brlcken, 20 East Alabama st.. City 9-18 22 BUSINESS college scholarships; big dis count on regular price In all of the best institutions in Atlanta See or write W. ,\1 Brlcken 20 East Alabama st., At lama. ‘la9-18-25 National ('ash Registers. $35-450 S6O-$75 and up Terms easy. Lib eral exchange allowance Both phones. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO . 60 North Broad Street. 7-20-52 NEW. beautiful rugs woven from your old carpet, superior to any in service; plain or designed; any size Catalogue free Oriental Rug Company. Baltimore -16-31 "It registers everything cviin i ii ull Latest Improvements I'ngl. Old registers exchanged. ' 11 til sizes, easy terms I .’jurist Atlanta Cash Register Co it' H l, '' 1 34 East Alabama street NEW RUBBER TIRES PUT ON YOI R BABY S CARRIAGE PHONE IVY 3076 ROBERT MITCHELL, 299 EDGE WOOD £-18-15 Have a good upright Steinway piano, in fine condition; cost new $750; will sacrifice for SIOO. now in storage Ad dress Steinway Plano. F. O Box 596. At lanta 85-21-9 FLOWERS~FOR SALS? ffiß' Fa le -F inc ferns antTVegonfaß 95 Aha avenue. Inman Park FLOWRRS See or write me before plac- i Ing orders I can save you half your i mono in buying potted plants and cut ; flowers W M Brlcken, 20 Eaat Alabama «t , City 9-18-28 Auction Sales. PAWN BROKERS AUCTION HOTISE, 51 Decatur street We buy and sell any ■ and everything Atlanta phone 2286; Bell phone Mam 1434. Main 187 7-29-20 PEMBRokE Sales Company under new management; will accept your surplus ■ stock of any kind on consignments; cash > a*-anoed; settlement on date of sale 143 S Pryor st Bell phone Main 1434. Main 187; Atlanta phone 2286 8 6-30 Bankrupt Sale BANKRUPT SALE Stock of Durham Rubhet Company, at 102 North Pryor street, consisting of metal polish, tire forms, air pump, vulcanizing plant, tools, office furniture, typewriter, etc., will be sold at 10 o'clock a m. October 2, 1912. at 513 Grant building, to the highest bid der Goods ■an be Inspected at anv time waiter C Hendrix, receiver. 922 Atlanta National Bank building 9-27-87 Monuments and Stone Work. A Tl, AN TA GRAN! T E C O MPA NY. ™ AJ-L KINDS stone work "Y-19 l-raser street Phone Main 3540 October i n Atlanta Is the fall moving (ia> I her» are hundreds and hundreds of people an<: families this very da\ that are !•" king for .arable places to rent for the ' 'Hning season <»n the first of October. ‘ sirabh- Imuses, rooms and apartments •‘ itner furnished or unfurnished) will rent ’■ • ’kly and easily if thex are seen in the naprr t‘ at is th? Lading "Rent medium ■ tie cit\ "'fhe Georgian Rent Bulletin' -be stamp of being the foremost j.err medium. By no other way can •'‘ ur vacancies be rented easily than .g’n The Georgian The number o’ hi Tlif Georgian sp< ak for s '"U know for yourself that M .. r oeslrerj to rent, you would look in '1 Im nubile feels the same '•'Ein \om ad mimediateh and i an< ies tilh <1 before the flr st month Either phone it or send Automobiles. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Four-passenger Maxwell at ''4oo. Five-passenger touring car. good condition. $450. Want roadster in ex- Ichange for five-room house. .31 Inman 1 building. Bell 20539-25-43 | ONE second-hand three-fourths ton I Buick truck. Will sell this week at a . bargain. Adams Price Auto Company, 1 I Washington street. Phone Main 652 i FOR SA LE SO horsepower 1911 model au , tomobile, foredoor; flve-passenger; fullv equipped Price reasonable Call Ivy’ 4268 | 9-25-24 [WILL SELL, or exchange for vacant~lot’. five-passenger automobile; 60 horsepow - er; in fine condition; rides like a sleeping car. It’s a bargain. Price S6OO Main 2405-J. Charles R. Cook, 480 South Boule vard 9-24-9 40 H. P. 5-PASSENGER AUTOMOBILE Jl ST pmt in fine condition will j be feold at a bargain. New top an<l seat covers. Splendid appearance. Pulls Howell Mill road bill or any other on “the high.’’ Two extra 36-inch tires, tubes and rims. Address or in quire for Auto. Box 300. eare Georgian. 9-21-26 FOR SALE—Four-cylinder five-passenger car, In good condition: for quick sale. $295. Atlanta phone 1887. 9-20-39 AUTOMOBILES WANTED. IF you have a 1912 model T Ford Tour ing car, fully equipped, that is about as good as new for safe at a bargain, write me lowest cash price. Address Auto, Box 21, care Georgian 9-26-18 AUTOMOBILES FOR EXCHANGE. NEW BRUSH; never used; to exchange for lot: and 25-horsepower Maxwell, fine condition, for cash, cheap Owner, Box 850, care Georgian 9-16-36 Money To Loan. HOME FI’NDS and Insurance money at prevailing rates of interest on real es tate Can place your application and get the money at once. Ralph O. Cochran Company. 19 South Broad. 9-25-36 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE AND OTHERS, upon their own names; cheap rates, easy payments. Confiden tlal. D, H. Tolman, 534 Austell building. MONEY ON HAND for immediate loans on property in or near Atlanta .1. E. van \alkenburg. 501 Equitable building -6-22 WSYMAN & CONNORS. ESTABLISHED 1890. Mortgages on Real Estate. 4-1-3 SPECIAL. HOME FUNDS TO LEND, any amount, 6 per cent. Write or call. S W. Carson, 24 South Broad street. 4-1-17 FA RM LOAN S placed In anv amount on Improved farm lands in Georgia. The Southern Mortgage Company, Gould build in?7-13-1 THE PRUDENTIAL IN- SUP ANCE CO. of Ameri ca ran make you a loan on Atlanta improved property, through their loan corre spondents, Turman. Black & Calhoun, 203-8 Empire Building, 6-7-12-1 WE HAVE plenty of money to lend at lowest rates on Atlanta and nearby property, either for straight or monthly payment plan. Also for purchasing pur chase money notes. Foster & Robson. 11 Edgewood Ave. jewelers and brokirs iOl p «™» LOAN (V SHONt MAIN n« CO STRICTLY PRIVATE Without Indorsement Without Collateral Security Without Real Estate Securities Money loaned at LAWFUL RATES. NATIONAL DIS COUNT CO., 301-2 Fourth Nation al Bank Building. Real Estate For Sale. ARTISTIC bungalow, screened, furnace, ttle bath, garage "Ansley Park.” care Georgian. 30-27-9 SIX-ROOM on corner, in Grant park section; 50 feet front and good depth; has gas, water, sewer. It is in good neighborhood, near car line Owner | anxious to sell Make ati offer Rented ; now for $25. Price. $3,000 A S. Harris. : Empire Bldg. 9-26-32 NORTH SIDE* HOME? FOR next few days will offer my former home at a bargain: two-story brick. 7-rootn, corner lot; servants' house in ihe rear, $4,400. assuming SI,BOO loan at 55;.; easy terms. Joseph E. Boston, care Geor gia Savings bank 9-25-19 N iTw 6 fit U'M ’Bl NG ALOW - “ NICE LOT, over 400 feet deep; stone from; has all conveniences and in one I of the best suburbs around Atlanta; small leash payment, balance easy. ON YUCA ROAD, 8 1-3 acres; new 7- room bouse; at a sacrifice sale 307 Teters Bldg Phone M 5226 FOR SAI.E Four-room house, lot si»xTso“ River car line; $1,000; $lO a month John i lire? . 2 Whiti iiall st 9-16-17 VACANT LOT for sale. West End ns feet trout; room tor three houses: good renting, white section Xpplj to owner and save commission. Bell phone | sv 2684 9-27-1 FOR SALE RESIDENCE.’ ' 11.\\ I-. IHRl',l'. up-to-date six-room bun galows. all improvements, on pawed street, sidewalks, gas. sewerage, electric lights, hot and cold water connections furnace heat. Small cash payment; bal ance to suit Apply John Hagan, 218 Au burn avenue 9-20-18 FOR quick sale, list your property with Everett * Everett, 224 Brown-Randolph B-lg . Maru-’-a and Porsytb. 7-IS-27 1 1 IE HOU SE you buik£ buj oi? rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for electricity. Real Estate Wanted. 11-ANTED—To EXCHANGE 1912 model Stearns with NEW KNIGHT MOTOR for desirable piece of real estate I'ar In perfect condition ami prat tlcallx new Address H f M< 809 Fourth Na tional Rank building. Atlanta 47-27-9 Farms for Rent v FOR RENT Twelve acre truck and dalrv facn adjoining Federal prison, fine ijs’-hocl facilities good residence t'ali a' 10 Auburn avenue 38 36-9 -GEORGIAN WANT ADS— USE FOR RESULTS FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER •>- POU LTBY* EDITED JUDJE T.J.MARSHALL. A Chance for the Farmers There has not been a time in years when the outlook for making good money out of poultry has been as bright as it is at the present time. The market is not only ripe for good poultry products, but. as •John Billiugs would say, it is ready to be thrust upon the raiser of good, healthy poultry. Added to the already growing market demands, the high price of other meats has caused the consumer to cast about for a suitable substitute. And there is nothing that seems so admirably adapted to take the place, and, in our estimation, to take it to stay, as poultry and eggs. 'Prue, they have been con sumed in great quantities before, but the demand now and from this on will very naturally double and quadruple. Those who would reap the benefits arising from the other fellow’s misfortune in this case should be up and doing. Raise all the chickens you can. keep the incubators and brooders run ning the season through. You may not be able to raise quite as good a per cent in some months as in others, but it will pay nevertheless. You who are not supplied with machines had better get them as soon as you can. In the mean time, however, keep the old hens at -work for all they are worth. Block out a systematic campaign. Hatching at all seasons will give you pullets that will furnish you eggs continuously during the different seasons. Market the surplus cockerels as soon as old enough. Make it your aim . to have select broilers for select customers at select prices. Choice, uniform in size, clean, fresh eggs at an advanced price over that obtained in the open market. To be sure these things will require a little extra work and trouble, but what good business has been established without work and thought? The great trouble with those who have had most to do with poultry and egg products in times past is that, they have Judge Marshall will be glad to answer in this department questions on all points of- rearing utility and fancy poultry. He can not undertake, however, to reply personally to such let ters of inquiry. Address Judge F. J. Marshall, College Park, Ga. Orpingtons. S. C. CRYSTAL WHITE Orpingtons? Pure Kellerstrass strain. A'ery fine cock erels and pullets, January and February hatched for sale. Floridette Farm, HHI - Fla. 30-21-9 Leghorns. BARGAlN—Exceptionally large, vigorous S. C. White Leghorn hens; $1 each; $lO per dozen. Make excellent breeders. WILLIAM N. MICH AEL KNOLL CREST FARM, ABERDEEN, MU. 40-27-9 Ducks. FOR SALE —Fawn and White Indian Runner ducks, or will exchange for White Leghorn pullets. Mrs. R. H Wil liamson, 455 Gordon street Bell phone West 959 9-24-7 Pigeons. 400 SQUAB-BREEDING Carneau? w'lWe homers and runts; good chance to start tn squab business Bargain if sold at once T. A. Brown. 125 Sycamore street. Decatur. Ga. 38-25-9 Eggs. THOROUGHBRED Buff Orpington eggs. $1 per fifteen. 126 Windsor street. Main 3588. 4-27-25 Cows. WANTED—Good milch cow. fresh, giv ing not less than 3'j to 4 gallons Call Bell phone 291 Decatur or write J. B. Bowen, 90 Howard street. Kirkwood. 9-26-5 FOR SALE Cheap; $25: two beautiful heifer calves from splendid grade Jer sey cow. one giving 4 and the other 5 gallons of milk per day. These calves will pay to raise where party can pasture and handle them. E. S Gai. 74& Equitable building 9-26-6 Secure the most competent help in all lines through the "Help Wanted and 'Situations Wanted” columns of The Georgian. The best help obtainable In tills city and surroundings can be had by using and consulting The Georgian’s Want Ad pages Real Estate For Sale. DILLIN-MORRIS CO. • 609-10 Atlanta National Bank Bldg. Both Phones 4234 A GOOD semi-central corner with a good future. 50x150: faces two good streets. Can sell it on terms Would take a good lot in exchange WE HAVE some close-in Auburn avenue frontage at a low rate. Better let us show you this You name the terms TWO beautiful modern bungalows. $3,750 and $4,000 on payments that you can meet They have furnaces, gas and electric lights: large light rooms, porce lain plumbing ami everything jam-up. Salesmen: C. R Collins, F. C. Woodall. 189 E. NORTH AVE. FOl R-ROO.M bungalow, with all modern improvements: gas. electricity, hot and cold water: tile bath; iron roof Price low; terms $225 cash and assume loan of $1,400 without interest, balance like rent This is a pick-up and a good little home for some one. C.SHELVER TON. Owner. 35 North Forsyth St. Bell Phone 1392 Main. Atlanta 848 G. R. MOORE & COMPANY REAL ESTATE. BUILDING AND LOANS. 1409 CANDLER BUILDING. $.’’,500 -JUST oEU PEACHTREE R GAD. this side of Buckhead; nine room house on lot 100x330 and corner, fronting on three streets. It's a gem; has fruit trees and beautiful shade. This is a gem and you can get this on terms. $6.250 —DRUID section. A beautiful home of eight rooms; east front, on terms. Let us talk it over with you. PHONE IVY 497$ i THE HOI SE you will build, buy or rent, will not be a modern home unless it is wired for Electricity. KJ MA2E'SHAJ>I- been content with methods in use for generations of the happy-go-easy plan. It i s time now’ to discard the old meth ods and put on new, and as in other matters, try to keep up with the pro cession. Those who are within 100 or 200 miles of the larger cities or towns can command advanced prices hj shipping a few sample crates of poultry- or eggs to the best hotels and restaurants. They appreciate a good thing to eat when they see it put up tn an attractive manner. I have block ed out the idea for you. and now it stands in your hand to carry it to a successful finish. Doga. BOSTON TERRIERS—FYavTT7itter~of puns coming on by Champion Kenil worth-Yankee Doodle. Write now for reservations. Females, sls up; males, S2O up. J. H. Bogman, Route 1, Smyrna, Ga. DOGS—At close prices. Variety of point ers, setters and hounds to select from. Young and mature. Trained and partly trained. Correspondence solicited. Mont vfew Kennels, Kernersville. N. C. 38-14-9 Horses and Carriages FOR SALE—Horse, buggy and harness for $125. Any lady or child can drive. Bargain Call Ivy 4456-J or Ivy 4586. 9-24-28 Miscellaneous Poultry. H. 7T Seedsmen for the South, 16 West Mitchell street. Four City De liveries Daily. North and South Side 9 a. m., Inman Park and West End 2 p. m. Bell Phone M. 2568, Atlanta 2568. IT DON’T PAT TO LOSE fowls that have the limber neck. Just get a 50c box of Conkey’s Limber Neck Remedy and cure them. MEDICATED and porcelain nest eggs, lice powders, liquid lice killers, disin fectants. etc. BULBS—Paper White Narcissus, 25c a dozen, postpaid 40c. White Homan Hy acinths, 40c a dozen, postpaid 50c. Sin gle Dutch Hyacinths, six colors. 50c a dozen, postpaid 60c. Double Dutch Hy acinths, 60c a dozen, postpaid 70c Free sias, 20c a dozen, postpaid 25c. Jonquils, 15c a dozen, postpaid 20c. LEE'S 50c GERMOZONE EITHER OF THESE will jive tlon: Lee’s Egg Maker. Conkev’s Lav ing Tonic. Rust’s Egg Producer or ths Southern Poultry Remedy, 25c and 50c sizes of each. PHONE US YOUR bran, alfalfa meal, beef scraps, wheat, corn, charcoal, etc. Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. W. A. Foster & Raymond Robson REAL ESTATE. RENTING AND LOANS. Bell Phones 1031-1032. 11 EDGEWOD AVE. Atlanta Phone 1881 ' IF YOV SEE IT IN OUR AD., IT'S SO.” „ FOR SALE. "HT_PAY RENT when you can buy a lot 07'4x415 feet, with a o-room house, on vaughn street, just off the Decatur car line, near Whitefoord avenue? A bar gain for $2,350. on terms of SIOO .to S2OO cash, and sl6 per month. See Mr. White. 441 FRASER STREET, just north of Or street, nice 6-room house on lot oox2oo to a wide alley. Hot and cold wa ter. gas, etc. Price $2,800, on easy terms, i or will exchange for good vacant lot. Loan of $1.250 to assume. See Mr. Radford. ON ST. CHARLES AVENUE a 9-room ' house, somewhat out of repair, on lot aox2oo. This place can be bought at the ‘ very low price of $4,200. It would not cost very much to put it in god shape. 1- I^' a w *re done, it would sell readily for $6,000. See Mr. Bradshaw. ON ALICE STREET, between Pryor and ' Central avenue, a double apartment house renting for $42.50 per month. This ] can be bought for $4,150 <>n terms. This is better than 12 per cent. See Mr. Winn ON M’DONOUGH STREET, in Decatur ’ and convenient to public school and Ag- 1 nes Scott college, a delightful 6-room bungalow with all the conveniences. On i a great big lot. Can be bought, worth < the money and on attractive terms. See . Mr. Eve. If You Have Money to Lend. We Can Place it Safelv. FOR RENT. 6-r. flat 32-B Garfield place ... $28.10 f 7-r. h„ 175 Ashby street $37.50 6-r. flat 79 Orme street 21.00 6-r. h., 136 East Georgia avenue .. 22.50 5-r. flat 123-A East Pine street .... 25.00 6-r. h., 11 Johnson avenue 22.50 8-r. h., 388 Spring street 30.00 6-r. h., 338 East Georgia avenue .. 25.00 WE PUBLISH A WEEKLY RENT BULLETIN, giving a good 'description of everything we have for rent. Get a copy. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT. 13 AUBURN AVENUE. PHONE MAIN 618. FOR RENT STORE ROOM at 34 North Forsyth street. Price $125.00 per mouth. HOLMES & LUCKIE REALTY CO. 34 North Forsyth Street. FOR RENT • BY E. RIVERS REALTY COMPANY 8 West Alabama Street. NO. 115 EAST AVENUE —This is an eight-room house equipped with gas and electricity; hot and cold water and on a large level lot. Very desirable for two small families. Splendid location and in an excellent neighborhood: $35 per month. 7 East Mitchell Street IN the Hawkes Bldg., we have a splendid brick store. 23x70 feet, with base ment, within half block of Whitehall street; fine location for retail busi ness. This is the only vacant store in this building. You can get the ben efit of Whitehall street traffic at a low rental, SIOO month. EDWIN P. ANSLEY RENT DEPARTMENT REALTY TRUST BUILDING. PHONE IVY 1600. HERE IS A BARGAIi? ON BUTLER ST., between Decatur and Gilmer Sts., we have a lot 70x200, with several negro houses on it. for $10,500; there is an alley on the side of this lot and plenty of room to build one more house. The present improvements rent for S6O per month. Look how close it is to the center and how much land you are getting. It is a good buy. Reasonable terms. Ralph O. Cochran Co. HARRIS G. WHITE, Sales Manager. 19 South Broad Street. FOR SALE APARTMENTS ORME ST. (Close in.) IVJrI 1 \ I HAS two apartments. 5 rooms each; * baths, hot and cold water; always <Y T T - N ry T T - \ T - ' rented - Desirable terms. Price, $4,750. W 1 -Lxl-L THOS. R. FINNEY, Sales Mgr. M. L. PETTY & E. L. HARLING REAL ESTATE. 32 EAST ALABAMA ST. ON PONCE PE LEON AVENUE we offer a magnificent eight-room two-storv house, lot 50x220, for $11,500. We will take SSOO cash; SIOO a month for the balance, with no loan. At the above price we will put in all the furnishings in this elegant home, which includes an extra fine upright piano. Remember, this house is new and has all modem conveniences ON CHEROKEE AVENUE, near Grant park, we have a corner lot 85x175 with one of the most substantial ten-room two-storv houses in the city We offer this magnificent property for $7,500; $2,000 cash; SSO a month for the balance This is one of the cheapest home propositions considering the location and neighborhood, to be found in the city of Atlanta. ON PICKERT STREET we offer a five-room cottage, lot 49x10(h for $2 500 SIOO i-asli and S2O a month. 6N GLENN STREET, between Washington and Pulliam we offer an eight-room two-storj house, lot 50x100. for $4,500. We will give terms on this property which will enable you to buy it. See us at once, as our terms will SI Two West End Bungalows—Easy Terms ON DARGAN STREET, near Lucile ave nue, we have for sale a five-room bun galow, very attractive, and having all modern improvements; elevated east thZ h Sp prlce * 2 ™ brand-m-w 1 six-room J,, mgab.u .L'ldi bunt? wefi ’’iSranged’ b«iu e t * Good, level lot. Price $3,»00 Terms about $350 cash; balance like rent Let show you his place because we know you will like it if you want to locate anv. where in that splendid residence section. locate anj* THOMSON & LYNES 18 and 20 Walton St. Bo(h Phon(?s 45g GOOD AS GOLD SPRING AND ALEXANDER STREETS. 50x80 feet on the northwest corner. $7,500 on terms, J. H. EWING REAL ESTATE. 116 LOBBY CANDLER BUILDING Houses For Rent. FOR RENT. 369 CHEROKEE AVENUE. OUT in the Stockton apartments, on the lower floor, we have a nice 6-room apartment, equipped with all the modern conveniences, such as cabinet mantels, tile hearths, electric lights, gas, bath and sink in the kitchen; gas stove, janitor service, water furnished, also steam heat, just across the street from Grant park. Nice neighborhood, on car line; conveni ent to schools and churches. Price $35. 144 HIGHLAND AVENUE. .. OUT in the Boulevard apartment at the above number on Highland avenue we have a nice 6-room apartment equipped with all the modern conveniences, such as cabinet mantels, tile hearths, electric lights, gas, bath and sink in the kitchen; with steam heat; on car line. In good neighborhood; convenient to schools and churches. Price S4O. AND a long list of other houses of all kinds and prices. Come to see ,us. Real Estate For Sale. " gIIARP & gOYLSTON os Cottar. residence section w'e h«vl he ver ' h Mt 'oom cottage on lot 7olli. o dv f L, a , we can sell \ ' ’’and $»..00, but worth $6,000 ir , ' ing for a home in this ■ k. your opportunity to secure ! , r ? Is loan to ; ; x’ Form wait Street NEAR CRUMLEY a si , / ' with all conveniences nn T’ ’age to alley This cottage fs condition and only ten minut 1 ias ’ center of city. p rj( ' n W", 1 , ■ walk , )t terms. This is a tine home r, ' " n you will have no car fare tu ■!'« 41 Ormewood Park bath an<l b w d re d d n f!r e’lectrfrij l ''’ h ?’ a ' er ’ Sha i d ?,A Price ’ 53.850’ Te and $_Q per month j u?t Tke rem ' as!l Big Bargain. South Boulevard Heiim ON SOUTH BOULEVWD , ’ " IIP ' wood avenue, we offer a ’ iam' room cottage for lust a liftiL dm ’ up ' the house actually cost lo lted"T'‘ l T an lot running back to an allev , J 7 rge three years old and built from A.'", insterial; plenty of large clLetJ isfl bath; walls nicely papered he, G i water connections. Thl S | s a T w bargain at the price and a very easy terms; house woui. l ' U" ff " build today at least $2 650 ? r i Z 0 would sell from $1,600 to $1 son w e ,ot Lot. WE HAVE the cheapest lot in rirn.ew j street; is one-half'acre • a n ba?£aitff<£ someb^T'' ' eVe ' and ftne; A LITTLE BARGAIN ON CREW ST., CLOSE |\. A GOOD house, 6 large rooms and hall; servant’s house and large 2-story barn; lot 55x210 feet Price $4,200. Terms can he had on this, E. G. BLACK, 719 Fourth National Bank Bldg. Phone Main 1514 Railroad Schedule. SOUTHERN RAILWAY "PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH” ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF PASSENGER TRAINS, ATLANTA The following schedule figures are pub lished only as information, and are not guaranteed; No. Arrive From— No. Depart To— -35 N. Y0rk..5:00 am 36 N. York. 12:15 am 13 Jaxville. 5:20 am 30 Col’bus... S 43 Was'ton. 5:25 am 13 Cinci 5-30 am 12 Sh'port.. 6:30 am 32 Ft. Vai.. s:3oam 23 Jaxville. 6:50 am 35 B’ham ... 6 15am •17 Toccoa... 8:10 am 7 Chat ga «-4ila m 26 Heflin.... 8:20 am 13 R’mond.. 6:55 am 29 N. York. 10:30 am 23 K. City.. 7;ooam 3 Chat'ga 10:35 am 16 Bruns'k.. 7;45am 7 Macon.. 10:40 am 29 B’ham... 10 45am 27 Ft. Vai..10:45 am 38 N. York. 1101 am 21 Col’bus .10:50 am 40 Ch’lotte. 12.00 n’a 6 Cinci... 11:10 am 6 Macon... 12:20 nm 29 C'llbus .1:40 pni 30 C'bus.. 12:30 pm 80 B’ham... 2:30 pm 30 N, York . 2 45 nnt 40 B’ham. 12:40 pm 15 Chatt'ga. 3:00 pm 39 Ch’lotte. 3:55 pm 39 B’ham.... 4.10 pm 5 Macon.. 4:00 pm ’lB Toccoa... 4:30 pm 37 N. York. 5:00 pm 22 Col’bus 5:10 pm 15 Bruns'k. 7:50 pm 5 Cinci... 6:lopm 11 R’mond.. 8:30 pm 28 F. Valley 5:20 pm 24 K. City. 9;20 pm 25 Heflin . . 5:45 pm 16 Chatt'ga 9:35 pm 10 Macon... s:3opm 29 Col’bus. 10:20 pm 44 Wash’n . 8:45 pm $1 Ft. Vai. 10:25 pm 24 Jaxville.. 0:30 pm 36 B’ham.. 12:00ngt 11 Sh’port. 11:10 pm 14 Cinci... 11:00 pm 14 Jaxville 11:10 pm Trains marked thus (•) run daily, ex* cept Sunday. Other trains run daily. Central time. City Ticket Office. No. 1 Peachtree St. —— i .. _B Legal Notices. EXECUTRIN’S SAl.l< GEORGIA—FuIton County By virtue of the power contained : will of H. M. Adams, deceased. I. MrSj Alice Adams, executrix of tin "ih n ‘ said H. M. Adams, will sell before ':e court house door of Fulton county. Get gla, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in October, 1912. an un divided one-half interest in the follow :’k described property: All that tract or parcel of land '”8 and being in the city of Atlanta, in land lot 81 of the Fourteenth district of Ful ton county, Georgia, described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of Ma- : rietta and Wallace streets, riimung southeast along the east side "f Marie’ street one hundred and titty-eight feet, tn a point five hundred thirteen and nine tenths feet from North avenue: then™ northeastwardly one hundred and forty one and one-tenth feet; thence north westwardly one hundred twem' one and four-tenths feet to Wallace street, at » point five hundred and twenn-two ana three-tenths feet from State ’treet. thence southwest along the side of Wallace street one hundren ana ninety-eight and one-tenth feet etta street, at the point of begin: Said property will be sold t the s l '- est bidder upon terms of one-third ca.". balance In one and two years. . P«r 1 interest. ' MRS. ALICE ADAMS- Executrix of the Will of >1 M •' danis ’ Deceased. J. Caleb Clarke. H. L. Luttrell. Alter neys for Executrix. 22- ADMTNISTRATOR’S SALE. GEORGIA—FuIton County . By virtue of an order of the c< t ,r ■ ordinary of said county, grant’d ” , September term, 1912. will be s" 'l ’ nfi : the court house door o, sam <■ the first Tuesday in October t - ' f the legal hours of sale, 'J' property of the estate of n t!i"'"’ | Henry, deceased, to-wit. ' >r.r I house and lot. lying and being ' , u . I state and county, and in th’ 1 ' , VP . lanta, and known as No 1.0 . , ie nue. said lot fronting on tlic ■ of said Auburn avenue, thirt ■ ... or less, and running back ■ and fifty feet, the rear end : fi being sixty-eight feel, moi’ said lot adjoining on the c.c ~,e property of Big Bethel char a. .. ... corner of Auburn avenue street, said house and 1"’ " : - ()pn ry. home place of the said W illimu Terms, cash. N i.-n'iV JACKSON M• >. Administrator of William ' ' ceased. GEORGIAN Want Ads BRING RESULTS