Newspaper Page Text
Published bv The Georgian Company.
PuD "a East Alabama Street,
Atlanta. Ga.
rzr^iTt - vianta postoft'ice as second
hntere class matter
ke^intl<ms Pavable in Advance
nn. S v»ar P "'*»• prepaid. $5.00
Ctv months, mail, postage prepaid 2.»0
T. ree months, mail, postage prepaid. 1.35
* month. mail.jmstage_prepa id. Ao
—i Payable in Advance.
Delivered bv carrier, one year ......$5-0
vered bv carrier, six months ... 2.60
vered by carrier, three months.. l.»0
Delivered bv carrier, one month . . ,4»
De vered bv carrier In At.anta and
other cities, one week 1»<-
I Want Ad Rales and Rules
in The Atlanta Georgian
pne '-ent a word each Insertion.
Ko ad taken for less than the price
nf ten wcrds. Ads In larger type,
•■.’c a line <4 words to the line).
Our-of-town advert! semenP
~ be accompanied with cash
tgenc'es' discounts 10 and .• per
he Georgian will not be respon
sible for more than one incorrect
insertion of any ad ordered more
man one time
Closing Hours: To secure, prop
er classification. ads must be in
-ri.- Georgian office before 1 o’clock
the day of the issue
All ads must be ordered out tn
wr' ing or at office. No discon
tinuance notice taken over phone
livery word In the advertisement,
including the name and address,
counted. Each initial counts one
word: compound wcrds are counted
as two words.
Telephone your Want Ads to The
Georgian (both phones 8000) when
It Is more convenient to do so, and
collection will be made at your
heme or at your office the follow
ing day This is an accommoda
tion service rendered Georgian
Pant Ail patrons and payment
should always be promptly made
cn presentation of bill. Always
a«i< that your telephone ad be re
peated back to you by the ad
laker to make sure that it has been
taken correctly. The Georgian can
no. guaran ee accuracy or assume
"sibility for errors of any kind
occurring tn telephone advertise
ADVERTISERS should retain re
cernis given in payment for Want
Ads over the office counter, as mis
takes can not be rectified without
'hem In answering advertise
irents addressed in care of The
Geoigian. if the advertiser requires
eferences, send a duplicate of
Help Wanted—Female.
_' <tif. 24 Trinity avenue. lU-1-3H
\\’ANTED First-vias* helper, alteration
department. Apply at once. 8 and 10 N.
Pt 10-1 -IS
WANTED Settled lady for light house
keeping: good home to right party.
Must '< ine recommended. Apply Mrs. J.
A Warbington. 2.8 U West Mitchell street.
-M junta 44-LI 0
W \NTED At once. good, reliable, settled
* nan For general housework: none
■ Hem apply. Small family and good
’>•■;*£?< ' East Fourth street. Phone Ivy
• • ' 1 10-1 15
W \NTED Cook: small family: no chil
dren. apartment. 139 Capitol avenue.
W 'NTED .Nurse, 2 West Fort McPher-
<n. Phone Main 2062; Hollidav.
WANTED C< ok. must be willing to Ih e
<' l/4-t Lake home, on ear line; serv
;:| - loom in house, with family, pro
-1 • lieaied and lighted. References
I- our in family. I *hone 152 I >e-
- !P_l i-7
Ni’CH Experienced housemaid. Ap
•' Wa«’iingt..n street. 40-30*9
v UNTED \ white woman to do wash'
I"’ 510 North Jackson st.
-- 32
" ' *’CI» A colored g.ii ;.i once, who
- how to press clothe.-. • < 1 wages
’<• ione. Vine City Pressing Club.
2’’ l \ ne st., corner Magnolia and Vine.
Experienced waist helpers
' ' girls at <>n< e. Mrs. Barnhart,
t ■•He ven th street. 55-80-9
" \NIED- (Jiri fop light housework.
>,ay - 41 Bass street. 9-30-39
'- 1 ' Good cook and chambermaid
'ii’all family. Call Atlanta phone
• 19-30-25
\' 1 Li’ Cook for country . place.
I,r ii g references ami call on Dr. William
Baird, suite 200 Brown - Randolph
1 - g. • Marietta street. Wages S2O
! ' Colo *ed hous maid. (lood
naid, and room on lot, if de
i’l'L at 252 Juniper street.
'Ll* Good cook and clean-up
. ' >airs; room on lot. 777 Ponce
■ 030-1* 9 30 6
■ Li' 5 oung lady w it! experience
r . ' ' a 'ps|a.|\, also in alterations; state
1/ , s; dar\ expected. Address
sx - care Georgian. 9 -30-7
' d ar.- looking for a position, aren’t
Would you spend 20c to get one
V '’ ”I<l pay y<m .slls a month? That
h’ one young lady got hy inserting a
. i.h i<>n Wanted” ad in The Georgian.
Zu n I ' H,s are . splendid posi-
- - ls u You <an do the sam»-.
1 ' -Middle-aged white woman to
w . , f l J 1< k ee P house for couple. Phone
I ;‘S 29-28-9
v ‘- SCHOOL Private hall and
- '’’/‘Gons. Single lessons sl. Course
• h accept and teach a few appli-
Ph<>no__lvy_ 6067-. J. 29-25-9
•’ Experienced' lady ’ contest
l ; 3 anu #er. Apply Box 996, Jacksonville.
Help Wanted—Male.
1 • 1 > Licensed and expt rienced
'•'■’‘rrnacist: must furnish good refer
w. r s as ‘diaractor, ability, etc.: to
<.- . n s, . na jj town in south Georgia.
' ?>• i• care »Georgian. 17-:-;0
'■ ’ ’ i l ' j" 1 ' and ad man on
• < ’v newspaper. Phone or wire
Social Circle., Ga. 10-1-43
■'•ll.l» First-class cylinder
’’ "no capable of handling half-tone
1 ■ The ii’-'-oj-d i ?ompany,
-iLLFdstme. Fla. 51-1-in
M 1 ’*l* ( ’olored men to prepare as
nmg ar porters ard train peters.
w I * n ‘ ?ar Atlanta, write
h ’ • ■ A’» experience necessary.
L . . ‘ ' e s Inter Railway, care Geor
Help Wanted—Male.
' ! ''.xi:i:s A.\|> EAMILIES OE MILL
\,H<> \\ AX’f ■[•(> f; () I (\\ [ jj.'ui:
~7, r:s ;. x "' v ls OPPORTCNIT
"■ lA 2.1 more «piimeni, 10 doffers, fi sp
non wanted o fill present reipjlr
" ■rk 48 hours per week. 8 a. in
... ,l X running two shifts, our sohedu
' n-' r shift c. am. to ll : ,",0 a , n 12
. shif G 2 p. m. to « p. tn. fi;3o
n . .. ' ''beroate weeklx. ami get same
. ‘ Sr»inn«Ts from 25 cents p
' r- it rents pep hank Spook
•l\ IX'. IMXltinttSt. i'LIM
' a •' i'- 4 ••nr < n n railroad
I- ’ ' * ’’’■••! »; term* for rrpax no rt
' o /WPI? a mi- e.
t '-" » editiJn n't uus"paper'-' '''''' * X ° U
Help Wanted—Male.
W ANTED—First-class tinner The Eich
berg Heating Company. 445 Marietta
ANTEl>—Young man: good assistant
bookkeeper; quirk and accurate at tig
’l 44 Ea st Alt tba ma street .30-1-10
\\ AN IED Two experienced rodmen for
surveying work. Appl.v 216 Empire.
AA 1 ld)--First-class shoe repairer.
Rica. Ga. 10-1-12
AWhite boy. sixteen years old.
1 roy Laundry. 210 Houston street.
WAX TED Y<)( \t; MAX. 16
DEXt’E. AI)1)R ES S AX 1)
PHOXE. I\. Box 1(H). care
Georgian. 10-1-25
W ANTED— A young boy. age thirteen to
fifteen years old. Apply Greater At
lanta Confectionery Co.. 207 and 209
Peachtree. 9-30-28
Vol' are looking for a positloi~ aren’t
you’. Would you fcp p nd 20c to get one
that would pay you slls a month’? That
is,what"ne voting la<l> got by inserting a
“Situation Wanted’’ ad in The Georgian.
Many others arc getting splendid posi
tions this > way.You can do the same.
W ANTED Men to learn barber trade.
No dull seasons. No strikes. Thousands
have become successful shop owners by
our system. Tools given. Wages while
learning. Call or write Moler Barber Col
loge. .38 Luckle_ street_ 49-28-9
YOI’NG man with some ex
perience in draughting.
Must have good education
and references as to ehar
j acter. Line opportunity for
i right man. Apply at once
|to lhe Kennesaw Marble
I Co.. Marietta. Ga. 9-25-3
DANCING SCHOOL Private ball and
instructions. Coaching with music.
Pa--ticular.s. Phone Ivy 6067-J. 30-25-9
WANTED —Two good metal roofers, one
good helper. Expenses paid. R. L.
Moncrief. P. (>. Box 175, Newnan. Ga.
WANTED Ideas Inventors write for list
of inventions wanted end prizes offered
by manufacturers. Also, how to get your
patent. Sent free to any address. Ran
dolph x- Briscoe, patent attorneys. Wash
j ington, D. I". 7 11-23
I STOP at Hilburn hotel, heart of city. 10L
I Walton street, if you want a clean, quiet
I room; transient 50c Open all night.
YES. Professor G. O. Bratmlng will teach
you the barber trade (it's easy) We
• teach in one-half time of other colleges,
i Course and position in our shops only
■ S3O. Why pay more? Thousands of our
■ graduates running shops or making good
i wages. Atlanta Barber College. 10 East
| Mit< hell street. 5-11-17
I'REE MA>SSA< lE. Lull i-uts. shaves,
shampoos. All barber work free. Clean
linen. Atlanta Barber College. 10 East
Mitchell. 5-27--.6
MAIL <’AI :t: I EKS. postoffice clerks want
ed; SBO month; Atlanta examinations
November t>. free coaching. Franklin In
stitute, Dept. 49-S, Rochester, N. Y.
WAN TED—Bright, strong
boys to deliver routes in
afternoons. Good wages
and chance for promotion.
Call at circulation depart
ment The Atlanta Georgian,
20 East Alabama street.
Help Wanted—Male and Female.
will supply you. Reming
ton Typewriter Co.. 56 N.
Broad street. 10-1-21
WANTED Two families to cultivate
farm on three-fourths: also small fam
ily to work on farm. G. w. Hutchison*
Ebony. Texas. 51-30-9
WAXTI’b Man and wife, the woman to
do cooking and general housework; the
man to fare for the garden and yard and
do work generally about the place. This
offers a go<xl home as well as profitable
to a worthy white couple.
Applicants will please state their age and
give references. Call or address Chester
Forrest. 314 Rhodes Building. Atlanta. Ga.
W.\ NTE! > —Gentleman or lady, artistically
inclined, io learn commercial drawing:
must have $.35: will take sls cash: balance
will let student work out; steady employ
ment guaranteed when competent; no
trificr need applx Inquire M Shearer,
138 Simpson street. 9-26-20
Salesmen Wanted.
WANTED - Salesmen wanted to ••<»ndu< t
special sales. Must be live wires, strict
; ly temperate ami ready for work; give all
details, when, where, who was former em
ployer. Callahan System, P. O. Box 10.35.
WANTED '* -1 <*it.v salesman for whole
sale grocery, tobacco house. Must be
experience 1 and have good references.
Good opportunity for right party. Ad
dress Box 532. Atlanta.39-.30-9
WANTED--Salesman for high grade line
ciders and vinegars. Exclusive or side
line. Liberal commissions, with weekly
settlements. Fine opening for good man.
References requited. Burr Mfg Co,. Rich
mond. Va. 51-28-9
“ - 1 - i-' —•
Agents Wanted.
WANTED Agents! Mei ai I women to
sell the best insurance contract on
earth. <>ne agent sold $200,000 last month.
District managers wanted. Territory
' Georgia. Alabama and Mississippi. Write
or call on S. W Joyner. Southern man
-1 ager. 61 * Temple Court. Atlanta. 9-25-39
WA VTED lb liable agents for something
new in railroad excursion work: free
: trips and good commission, experience
not necessary, but must he able to fur
nish tirst-Hass reference Address P. P..
Box 1624. Atlanta. Ga. 9-21-23
Removal Notice.
DR. J. G. HEART', dentist, is now located
at IKiB rrmpire I.ifi* :>ullding (formerly
EiiKiisli-American bpiliiingi Phone .Main
27::i 10-1-4
Help Wanted—Female.
NLA and earn big wages in short
•oolers. 10 speeder hands and h few weav
••rnent -
to 5 p. ni . one hour off for lunch.
lie is;
noon to 2p. m 'Total 7*2 hours
p. m. to 10 i' m. Total 7W hours
* pay as for 8 horns.
»»‘i side up Doffers 75 cents p<i da?
•rs average $2.00 per day *
faros, wo advance transportation and
This is an opnortun*t> «»f a lifetime, and
. - roduc« <: fa i< > « h-t (1 |»or H». nn<l
» c where io app'\ will ui pear h:
READ FOR AN WANT ADS-use for results
Teachers Wanted.
SCHOOL TEACHERS—I have the ques
tions and answers of the last seven state
school examinations in print Will mail
them all for one dollar. Descriptive circu
lar free B. S. Holden. Box 40. Ellijav.
<;a 87-28-3
SPECIAL fall enrollment, good openings
yet. Foster’s Teachers. Atlanta. Ga.
Situations Wanted—Female.
A YOI’NG LADY, seven years' experi
ence, desires employment as temporary
stenographer: experienced in business and
legal work. Rhone Ivy 2559-L. 55-1-10
YOUNG lady with some experience de
sires position as stenographer. Willing
to start low in right office Phone Main
3639-J. 33-1-10
YOl NG LADY desires position in office.
Have bad experience and can use type
writer. Address X. Y. Z . Box 100. "care
Georgian. 26-1-10
tol’NG LADY stenographer desires po
sition at once. Can give references.
■Miss C.. 336 Central avenue 32-1-10
WA NTED —Position by experienced, ca
pable stenographer. Ivy 6706-.1. 46_30-9
ERNESS. in home; where con
WANTFID Position to launder on lot;
cleaning by day or week. Write L. M.,
17 Newman street. 33-30-9
A COMPETENT millinery preparer
wishes work in or out of town. Box 352.
care Georgian. 86-28-:*
WANTED Position in office writing cir
cular letters, addressing envelopes or
doing any kind of copying work: can alsv
take dictation. Address N . 19 W. Baker
st.. City. 77-28-9
WANTED—Position by young white
woman; graduate of dental association.
Can furnish references. Address Box 464,
care Georgian. 33-26-9
YOI’NG LADY wants position in office;
write good hand. Annie, care Geor
gian. 39-27-9
Needle Work.
EMBROIDERY, designing, fine sewing
and darning. 13 Baltimore place. Ivy
5968. 8-28-8
FoR lady tailoring and fancy dressmak
ing. best prices, work guaranteed, call
Ivy 4898-.1. 10-1-20
Situations Wanted—Male.
IT.X PERIENCED farmer wants position
near Atlanta; good references. L. M.
King, Norcross. 11a.49-1-10
WANTED—Hy a white man, position as
night watchman; any other work will
be considered. Address Box 417, care
G^l'gi 3 ?- 42-1-10
WA NTED—Position bt young man as
clerk in grocery store. Can give A-l
references. lam unexperienced, though
will not expect full wages until 1 learn.
Address G. W.. Box 200. care Georgian.
WANTED—Position by white man as
camp or restaurant cook. 26 Capitol
avenue. Atlanta phone 5623 M. 28-1-10
POSITION WANTED by first-class jew
eler and salesman. Only first-class
houses need apply. Good references. Last
firm five years. Address Jewelers. Box
800, care Georgian. 81-1-10
WANTED Clerical position bj young
man. now employed: can furnish good
reference. Address H. E. T., Box 41S.
care Georgian. 69-30-9
WAN I'ED -Position as meat cutter; long
experience in the best of markets. Ad
dress T. .1. G.. 127 FYaser st., Atlanta. Ga
WANTED By young colored man. place
to work while going to school: in pri
vate family or In place of business. Ad
dress R. S.. 203 E. Harris st. 70-28-9
YOL’NG married man desires position in
bank, either city or country; one year's
experience: references furnished: strictly
sober. Address Box 26. Grayson, Ga.
WANTED Position as billing or shipping
clerk At present am employed, but can
give satisfactory reason for change. Ad
dress Box 632, care Georgian. 47-25-9
Situations Wanted—Male and
Model 5 Before You Bhv
Contractors and Home Builders.
IT WILL PAY YOU to get our estimates
on steam heating and plumbing before
letting your work; 35 years' experience
in city puts us in position to give you
best work at minimum cost. Bashlor
Heating and Plumbing Company, 43 Car
regie Place. M. 455. 7-20-48
Lost and Found.
: LOST- l.adies' gold buckle and locket,
engraved 1 H Call Ivy 2483-.1. Lib
j era! reward-10-1-26
I STRaYeD or STOLEN from L. A. lliv-
I ers. 199 Metropolitan avenue, one light
I colored Jersey cow. with horns: giving
I milg. If found. < all Atlanta, phone 30728.
| 10-1-31
LOST Spectacles. Bring to 35 South
Pryor street and get reward.l.o-1 5
LOST K. of P. watch charm; engraved
t'. P. L. from his friends. Return to
('arlos l.xnes. 20 Walton. 9-30-54
L< 'ST - Silver mesh hag Sunday afternoon
on Highland, between St. Charles and
Ponce DeLeon, or on Ponce DeLeon, be
tween Highland and Springdale. Liberal
reward if returned to Virginia Farr. 182
st. Charles. Phone ivy 6319-J. 32-80-9
f< IST • Automobile casing. rim. inner
tube Ml ready to use. Diamond
make Size 36 bv 41~. Reward. Phone
Ivy 6309.9 28-59
Lf)ST- Oval shaped amethyst brooch on
Decatur or .Marietta ear line. Finder
return to Guy Webb, care George Muse
Clothing Co. Reward. 9-28-7
I.ADIES Ask your druggist for Chiches
ters Pills, the Diamond brand; for 25
years known as best, safest, alwavs relia
ble. buy of your druggist. r alce no other.
Ciiiehesters Diamond Brand .’ills are sold
by druggists everywhere.s-2-1
AUTHORS. WRITERS: Let us secure
vour copyrights, print and place your
books on (he market. Morton Publishing
Company. Dept. ATG. Morton building.
New York. 7-11-26
( iItDLItS TAKEN for Land emiiroiuerc .
monograming linens, doll dresses and
Irish crochet. .Main 4568-J.9-30-5
SCREENS Wood fly screens, metal fly
screens, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds,
metal weather strips furnished anywhere
in the South Write or phone W R. Cal
laway. manager. 1403 Fourth National
Bank building, Atlanta, Ga. Main 5310.
SEIU'il S ItESULTS come from tuissts
improperly fitted. John B. Daniel, at 31
Wall street, lias an expert fitter and it
will cost you no more to have him ill
you. and ft means insurance 6-24-19
MATEHS«ITY 'sanitarium Private,
retin d, homelike: limited number of pa
tients eared for; he,me provided for in
fants infants for adoption Mrs M T
.Mitehell. 26 Windsor street 6-22 12
Disease of Women.
200-20- Hillyer Trost building
. V-28-58
DR I DM<»xDS‘ ».x s Tans>. Pennyro\ai
and Cotton Root Pills a safe and re
i Habk treatment for painful and sup
: pressed menstruation. Irregularities and
1 -imilar obstructions Trial box b> mail,
i 50<- Frank F-imond'-'n A Br.\. inanufar
.t»rn £■ ' beiin.tS, 11 .Xorth Broad street.
1 Atlanta 2-17-14
Boarders Wanted.
SEE "Room, and Board” Under Georgian
Rent Bulletin.
3-30-19 I
74 Walton St.
Office Honrs, 9 a. m.. 9 p. n>
Sunday, 10 to 4. Ladies' Maid
in attendance.
8 -6-7 ,
REVEALS PAST, present and future i
Can be consulted on all affairs of life. |
Readings 25c, 50c. 17 East Mitchell street I
iin tent).
IS NCrtV LOCATED in tent, corner For- I
syth and Luckie; can be consulted on i
all affairs of life. Charges moderate.
Satisfaction guaranteed. 6-25-13 .
DROPSY CURED -Relieves shortness of i
breath in 36 to 48 hours. Reduces swell
ing in fifteen to twenty days Write for
particulars. Collom Dropsy Remedy Com
pany, 512 Austell building, Atlanta
For Sale—Miscellaneous.
WANTED To buy a mule and second
_.ha£f’ Pr Yor. _ 10-1-44 I
FOR SALE—Very reasonable; handsome I
asparagus sprengeri. Also few ferns
9.. Stonewall street. 54 1-10
GOOD mule and wagon, also Shannen
meat box for sale cheap Atlanta phono
1039. 40-1-10
‘'■^LE —Latonla bicycle; good con
dition. Address 901, care Georgian
F’OR SALE—Good safe typewriter desk
and chair, cheap. Call or address 377
Ormond street. Atlanta 37-1.-10
and large home safes. sls; Hall's bank
and fireproof safes, vault doors, etc. C.
I. Daniel, 416 Fourth National Bank build
ing. 9-7-33
Five Pieces of Any Music
TO any one sending us the NAMES
of 5 responsible people, the heads of
families, that have not an upright pi
ano in their’home,, we will send five
pieces of any music you may select—
CLASSIC or POPULAR—as soon as
we have verified the list. In sending
i in names, it is absolutely important to
give the correct address, street num
ber, town and state. If in the country,
give RURAL ROUTE, postoffice and
county. The music will be mailed,
postpaid, to party sending the names.
Not more than one in a family eonsid-
I cred. Write your name and address
plainly. Address P. O. Box No. 1623,
Atlanta. Ga.
F’OR "SALE or ! ti-i.NT
AT $5 per month, seven-piece oak bed
room set. iron bed. sideboard, dining
table, refrigerator, good gas stove, good
New Home sewing machine. 95 Alta ave..
Inman Park. 50-30-9
REFRIGERATOR for sale, cheap Appl.v
18 East Pine street, between West
Peachtree and Peachtree streets. Must
be sold before Thursday. 47-30-9
F< >R SALE—Dining table, six leather
bottom chairs and buffet cheap. Call
Ivy 2898-J. 1 : 9-30-20
F()lt SALE Diamond ring: cost S6O: lake |
SSO cash. Address G. M., care Geor- i
gian. 35-30-9
GIRL'S second-hand wheel for sale
cheap; in good condition. Apply 331
Courtland street. 9-28-48
F( iR SALE Feathers; all kinds of domes
tic feathers; live geese feathers a spe
cialty. Write <>r phone for samples and
prices. It. S. Eubanks, 73’/ 2 South Broad
st.. Atlanta. Ga. 68-28-9
cheap; good as new. N., Box 444. care
Georgian. 9-27-7
FOR SALE- Cotton scales for bale cot
ton and wagon scales for cotton seed;
all new Will sell for 25 per cent dis
count for cash. Cotton Merchant, care
Georgian. 9-25-12
SAFES. Illes, cabinets, new & 2nd hd.
Gookin Bank & Office Equipment Co.
National Cash Registers.
$35-SSO; S6O-$75 and up. Terms easy. Lib
eral exchange allowance Both phones.
60 North Broad Street. 7-20-52
NEW beautiful rugs woven from your
old carpet, superior to any in service;
plain or designed; any size. Catalogue
free. Oriental Rug Company, Baltimore.
\ mnriwi t > registers everything ”
ziun i i' an Latest improvements.
(' ,1. Old registers exchanged.
' All sizes; easy terms.
I <.(•< Atlanta Cash Register Co.
Itt glblt IS 34 East Alabama street
6 13-47
WOOU. 7-18-15
Wanted —Miscelaneous.
WAN'rED- A g<»o<l shotgun. Address AL
\\ .D . Box 201. carp Georgian. 45-DlO
\\ ANTKD- one pair floor scales. T. L.
Sin h >sun, 141) Decatur street. 53-1-10 (
\V A X r 17!» Second-hand bath tubs. Must .
be in good condition. Address Tubs, :
<•;< te ( '■: 2?- 1 -10 j
w a NTF.i • r ■ .ist . model <sa!n j
drive Indian or Excelsior twin or sin- I
gle motorcycle. Address ('ash, care!
< Georgian M 10 9
WA.xnjf Small select llbrax . standard
works: must be cheap. Address Ü
brar\. llux 12 1. care Georgian. 9-30-23 I
\\A.\”ri7l» (»ne billiard and one poo! ta- ;
ble Alust be in good condition and i
i < heap. Small size. Address B A- I’ . 1
Box 145» care <leoigian 9 xo-22 •
|1 Bl’Y .MEN’S old clothes and shoes.
Drop a card 1 Bock, 32 801 l street.
i I’I’RNHTRE and household goods, office
fixtures and merchandise of any kind 1
;<< ’-opted on consignment. Cash advanced}
Pembroke Sales Co . 142 South Pryor St.
Bdl phones Main 1434 Main 187. /Atlanta
I)R‘jP A CARD Will bring cash for old !
clothes and shoes, 'the Vestiare, 168 •
Decatur street. 6-27-42 1
WANTED We pay highest cash prices'
on household goods, pianos and office ,
f rniturc Cash advanced on consign
ments. Springer’s Auction House. 25 1
South Pryor street. Bell phone .Main 1526 '
-10 10
WE PAY HIGHEST uasn prices so house '
hold gnorls pianos and off) e furniture
Cash a< r»nred on consignments Centra!
tud’on <’ompanv. 12 Fast Mitchel!
street Bell phone Main 24-4. 8 26-26
“The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin”
Do Your Renting and Searching Through This Bulletin.
Arc you looking for the best Rooms. Houses. Apartments, Rooms for House eeping. offices, Business
Locutions. Garages, Storage Houses, Boarding and Rooming places, etc.’.’
This bulletin contains a complete list of ever) <U>s-irabh and suitable place that is For Rent in the city
and suburbs in each issue.
For the benefit and convenience of our patrons Tile Georgian employs special men to cover tile city and
suburbs each day in search of all the desirable places.
Save time, useless steps, money and worry by consulting this bulletin. It is for your convenience, so. take
advantage of it.
Rooms and Board.
BIIA UTIFI’LLY furnished front rooms,
with board; strictly private north side
home, for two young men. Best refer
ence* te<|uired. Ivy 1908 10-l-;l!»
NEWLY furnished rooms; table board;
conveniences. 406 Peachtree. Ivy 1746
\\ \N’!’ED A refined couple or young men
to occupy large steamheated front room,
with board. Apply .T'l Peachtree. 10-l-H
17 E. NORTfi AVE., boarders: rooms
with bath; also table board. 11 -1 -10
ROOM and ihst-elass board for two busi
ness ladies or gentlemen: private home;
all conveniences; walking distance; ref
erences exchanged. Main 4020. 10-1-22
TWO DESIRABLE Rooms, near bath;
excellent table 241 West Peachtree.
Ivy 195'.'-L. 43-1-10
IriRST-CLASS TABLE board - at 16 Por
ter place, off Peachtree. Convenient to
eight orninecar Hn6s. Ivj 6705. 10-1-30
JUST 11 pen I ID' The most attractive
home on the north side. Eight rooms,
with best home cooking 33 West Har
ris. corner spring. io-i-;:2
BOARD AND room in delightful home;
north side. No other boarders Ref
erences. Ivy 1762-1,. 10-1-16
ROOM AND BOARD. 30 East Cain.
Terms reasonable. Phone Iv.v 2903.
WANTED Two young men to occupy
pleasant room. Reasonable. 376 Capi
tol avenue. Phone Main 2890-J. 10-1-3
Jewish Board.
FIRST-CLASS JEWISH board at reason
able rates. 110 Capitol avenue. 9-6-11
NICE, cool room with board in private
family: all conveniences. 54 York ave.
Fl RNISHED Rtx'MS and board: also ta
ble board. 29 East Harris. 9-30-50
Ft'R TWO GENTLEMEN, large steam
heated room: good meals: close in: pri
vate home. Apply 9 Wellington apart
ments 9-30-41.
12 WEST PINE STREET -Large and
small room for two or three gentle
men, with board. 34-30-9
ONE block of Tech school, nicely furn
ished rooms, with or without meals. 445
Luckie street. 31-30-9
BOARDERS WANTED An ideal winter
home; all modern conveniences, on car
line; furnace heat; own milk and butter
with best table board. Phone Decatur
NICELY furnished front room with board
and all conveniences, including heat:
also young man for roommate. 102 Wash
ington st. Bell phone Main 840-.1.
WANTED Two gentlemen to board; pri
vate family; furnace heat. Ivy 433-L.
73 West Peachtree street. 9-28-57
LARGE, bright, sunny room; private
bath: steam heat, hot water, electric
light; excellent table; garage on lot. West
Peachtree. Ivy 1959-L. 71-28-9
WEST END ime room for iniiple, or two
young men. Table board for limited
number. Reasonable rates. Appl.v No
156 Gordon street. 54-28-9
BEST TABLE BOARD; home cooking;
conveniences; close in, 130 Ivy. 9-27-a6
ROOMMATE for young man; one up
stairs room, near bath, for couple or
three young men. Two young men or la
dies for downstairs. 139 West Peach
tree. Ivy 1050-L. 9-27-57
BOARDERS WANTED—Southern style:
Roast beef, vegetables, chicken pie, ap
ple sauce, cakes and good desserts. Bell
phone Main ;eis-j 9-27-12
LARGE RooSi and board, north side;
also table boarders. Ivy 2423.1. 9-25-55
Board Wanted.
WANTED- Room and board in north
side, modern, private home of first
class people, by refined business young
man; one who wants permanent loca
tion in real home atmosphere. The best
reference given. Give phone numbeir and
full particulars in reply. Address J. .M .
care Georgian. 58-30-9
HOW MANY desirable boarders know
that you have a vacancy at your table?
There are hundreds this very day looking
for nice, home-like boarding places.
Reach them with an ad in the "Boarders
Wanted” column of The Georgian.
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
THREE rooms, elegantly furnished for
housekeeping; elose in; best location in
the city; will rent cheap. 239 Capitol
avenue Main
NICELY furnished front rooms; steam
heat; all conveniences. 45 Williams
street. Apartment 3 Ivy 2116. 10-1-35
ONE very large beautiful!) furnished
front room: ever) modern convenience;
ideal surroundings. North side. ivv
ELEGANTLY furnished room w ith use of
hath and parlor, in select private home
on north side; everything the best: board
if wanted across street. 92 E. Linden ave.
FOR RENT Three nonnesting furnished
rooms for light housekeeping; all con
veniences. to couple without children.
Main 5239-.1. 123 Central avenue 10-1-50
FOR RENT -Furnisheil room: private
bath; beau'lful residence section. Main
FOR RENT- Nicely furnished front
room; close in Ivy 3266-J. 70 West
Baker. 10-1-24
FOR HKN’T Exclusive bachelor rooms:
steam heat: conveniences; apartment 5
and 6, The Vernon, 61 East Cain. Ivv
I'Olt RENT Entire upper floor of three
rooms and bath; nicely furnished sos
light housekeeping 15 West Linden.
KOH RENT Furnished rooms, with or
without board 36 West Baker. Ivv
1 475-J. _IOJ-33
FOR RENT Large, comfortable room in
home, young men preferred. Phone Ivy
F< >lt RENT To nice young man or busi
ness woman, newly furnished frotat
room: all conveniences Owner Ivv
FOR RENT One large, stMjrn-heated,
furnished room; all modern conven
iences IVJ 2271 -.I. _ 10-1 6
1-111: rent Beautiful steam-heated
rooms. 87 Washington; apartment 10.
' 'all ex enings. 1-10
TWO neat rooms; connecting hath; close
in. 64 F’orinwait. 9-30-60
er I: de R/dfc APA RflteNta; ~one very
large front room in private, to gentle*
men only: rent very reasonable. Main
!•’(»!{ KENT Three rooms, furnished or
unfurnished; gas stove and phone. 367
Whitehall: also stable. 9-30-57
i ' »it itiKX i’ Nicely furnished front
room, electric lights, steam heal, hot
and cold water. 385 Vi Peachtree, apart
ment 9 I’liMtw Ivy 2633*J 9 J'i-u-
Foil IILXT An elegantly furnished room
near in. all (.•onvenien< , es; reasonable
rates <’all at 374 Peachtree street.
F< »K KENT (Hie furnished steam-heated
room, next to bath; electric and gas
lights use of telephone; gentleman onlv
I’ • 88 :::-l 30 37
!■'< >!: RENT o neatly fuiniehed
rooms; close in; private home. 33 West
I >ac • h t r e <•. 9 - 30-4 2
FOK KENT Furnished rooms.’just off
<'aln street; conveniences. 18’.* ivv Ivy
••|!*6-J. ■ . i .
FOR RENT Furnisheel room, steam heat,
all convenienefs. north side apartment.
Close in. Gentlemen only Bell Ivv
3274- L. 3-30-45
FOR RENT Nu r* .-irani-heatcd furnished
moms, cjcctrii lights, phone, hot anil
■ '•hi bath adjoining. I ••rrest averue car
line, rhunt Ivy 11V7. 9-30-46
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
FOR RENT One nicely furnished room,
close in; hot and cold water. Apart
ment C, l.'H ivy, 4-185 '.'-30-48
FOR rent Two connecting room*, com
pletely furnished for light housekeeping,
to couple without children. All conven
iences. 7'J XYesi Baker 9 30-26
F’OR RENT Two nicely furnished sec
ond-floor rooms for young men; con
venient to liatli 21 East Pine. Call Ivy
5217-L 9-30 18
FOR RENT—Two large. SrigEt t- cnis.
furnished complete for light house
keeping; all conveniences: phone; three
blocks of Grant park; $lB per month.
Phone Main 3170 .1. 9-30-11
FOR RENI' Handsomely furnished
steam-heated front room; one block from
Candler building. Apply at apartment 1,
The_Wellingt_om Ivy 4273-J. 9-30-10
F’oß RENT- Nicely furnished front
room; all conveniences; private family;
close in. Call ivy 2134-. I or 42 West
Peachtree place. 9-30-6
FOR RENT Front room; newly fur
nished; hot and cold water, electricity
and gas; Inman Park. Call lv) 4161, At
lanta_7o6. 9-30-9
FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep
ing. Apply 18 East Pine street, between
Peachtree and W. Peachtree :'.o tioio
FURNISHED front room, with or with
out board; private home. 280‘s Hous
ton street. 9-30-3
NEWLY furnished, bright rooms, dress
ing rooms connected; all conveniences:
with quiet, refined family. References. 19
East Baker. Phone Ivy 2923. 25-30-9
FOR RENT—In owner's new residence,
three beautiful, large, furnace-heated
bed rooms; all modern conveniences: in
tvalking distance; one block from two ear
lines. North side. Business men pre
ferred. References exchanged. Call own
er.ivy 6718.
F"R RENT —Nicely furnished room": hot
and eold water; reasonable Call Main
FOR RENT —Two or three cleganHx fur
nished front rooms, complete for house
keeping. two for sl6 and up: four or five
apartments to select from. No objections
to small baby, private entrance; sink in
kitchen; itot bath. Bell phone Best lo-
cation. 290 Washington. 9-28-49
TW'i nicely furnished rooms; all conven
iences; private home; rent very reason
able. 188 Capitol ave. 9-28-52
FURNISHED room at 18 East Harris st.
Ivy 6589-L. _9_- 28-53
COMFORTABLE room; running water;
all conveniences. Call Ivy 1190. 9-28-35
BY OWNER, four or five rooms, furnished
for housekeeping; reasonable to adults;
references.lvy 2825-L. 9-28-36
FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room;
steam heat. 45 Williams. Apartment 3
Bell phone Ivy 2116 9-28-28
F’OR RENT -One nicely furnished room;
all conveniences; reasonable. North
side. Close in. ivy 3915-J 9-28-45
FOR REXT—,\ice room in two
blocks of Candler Bldg. Meals
across street. Ivj 6049-J. 9-28-37
furnished room; ste&ffiri heftt, electric
lights; private family, ivv 3671-I*.
ROOMS for light hotiMekeeping. conven
iences. 210 Spring street. Ivy 3205-J
NICELY furnished rooms for light house
keeplng. Atlanta phone 5496. 9-28-23
FURNISHED rooms ants board: conven
iences. 62 W Baker. Ivv 5025-J.
ONE handsomely Furnished room,
steam heat, all lhe latest con
veniences; within three blocks of
the Candler building; for gentle
man only. For information call
Ivy 759. 9-28-19
FOR HEXT ()ne furnished siearn-healed
room; gentlemen only. 28 East Alex
ander. 9-28-16
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, with
dressing room; adjoining private hath.
Atlanta 2203.9-28-15
FoR RENT (me furnished room; all con
veniences. Main 4497-J. 255 Crumley
."tfH't 60-28-9
FOR RENT—One furnished room, steam
heat, electric lights, with private fam
ily. (’all Ivy 3671-I*.
FOR RENT - Two rooms; private family;
conveniences. 58 East Harris. Ivv
3775-J. 9-28-3
FOR RENT—Nice rooms, one block Can
dler building, with or without meals.
102 Ivy street. 9-27 53
NICE, large front room, suitable for two
young men Ivy 5063-J 16 \\ . North
ave. 9-27 - 4 7
FOR RENT Bright room: steam heated;
close in. gentlemen only. Ivv 5580.1.
NI(’E, newly furnished rooms; also light
housekeeping apartment, close in. 151
Spring slre»»t 9-27-20
<>PP< >sTte TH r: • ■ \PIT( ’I. Nici
nlshed rooms ami excellent table board
121 Uapitol square. Main 4839 L. 9-27-1
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, ad
joining bath, to young mon or business
women. $lO to sl2 per month, walking
<listance. 345>/ 2 Peachtree. 9-26-12
FOR RENT Furnished roomii in itrictlj
private home. 19 East Harris street
ROOMS, with or without board: close in
Ivy 2903. 32 East Cain. 9-25• 41
NICELY furnished front room ami board.
79 West Peachtree st. iv.v 1449 J
WANT El» H O I’ S i: l< E E P ERS AM)
!!< M »MERS 115 Spiing » t 1 9- :I pl
Ha \i »s< > \i i:i. y furnished rooms to gen
tlemen onl.v; steam heat; hot water.
electric lights; close in. Ivy 4972. 9-24-50
ONE Targe front furnished room; all con
veniences. 109 West Harris street.
- IS
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, con
venient to hath. Ivy 2168-L. 205 Spring
• i eel 9 21 36
1- < 'i; R]JNT Two or thrS fui < i hed
rooms, with private family. 33 orange
street. 9-24-6
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent
THREE connecting first floor rooms: sink
i 1 i i'■ ' "ii j. \ iotuleyard i <»-1 -52
F< >R RENT Th! cting ro
(Irani street; near < Georgia avenue. Sink
in ki’-'iiGn pho- ’. Main 1033-1.. 10 1-14
FOR RENT Two verj deslr&tHe unfur
nished rooms, connecting with bath;
hot and cold water, use of lights and tel
- one 62 Wfst i*each<r< •
THREE large and one small second storj
connecting rooms; large iiall and private
2X v 2 4 1 1 • 51 ■ 3O ■ ?
FOR RENT Two unfurnished room* for
light housekeeping, with private family,
all modern conveniences; ten minutes’
walk from renter of city. 117 Pulliam
strei oi call ®Jth®£ P one 5446. 9-80-1 7
FOR RENT Unfurnished iroomih down
stairs; all modern conveniences; close
n cheap 270 Hou ton street I iO-4
FOR 111 sN n T- rei rooms i uriui <•• hea t
all conveniences; best north side sec
tion Phone W»*st 751-I*. 9-28-46
THREE nice rooms for light liousekeep-
tng with sink and private bath; private
entrance; references exchanged. 826 De
i< alb ave 9-28-29
FOR RENT One large unfurnished front
room: north side; close in. Ivy 3915-J.
F( >R RENT Three nice connecting rooms
for light housekeeping; water ami lights,
near car line, in good section (’all West
1 166 !n riio- >n - | |
FOR RENT Three connecting rooms,
s* paiatp entrance, gas and sink; va
cant October 15. ('an he seen in after
noons or nights. 279 Glenn street.
Unfurnished Rooms For Ren:
FOB Two or three nice, com-
sortable rooms. 63 Broyles Htr(;et,
VSoodwani avenue car: Grant park s->c
tlon * 57-28-9
Fl\ I'. ROOMS for light housekeeping,
suitable for two families; close In. at
220 E. Kail 9-24-29
TWO large -onneeting rooms; ail co>
niences. 52 Kelly street Phone Main
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
Fi RNISHED or unfurnished rooms very
close in: gas and electric light, hot anil
cold water: hath and toilet adjoins rooms;
"2nn e !; ate " rice < ' all Atlanta phone
0600-B. 10-1-42
">8 WEST PEACHTREE-One front
room; furnished or unfurnished. 9-30-53
FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms or
two furnished and one unfurnished.
Furnace heat and all conveniences. Rent
yer.v reasonable. 62 Ponce DeLeon place.
I ’hone Iv.v 4694-J. 9-28-12
b(*R RENT—Two large rooms, one fur
nished. one unfurnished; all conven
iences: one-half block of car line
street. 28-28-9
Housekeeping Rooms For Rent.
I'M O ROOMS, furnished complete for
housekeeping: sink In kitchen: also -
sleeping room for gentlemen. 67 Wood
ward avenue. 10-1-51
1) ) 2»04 L. 10-1-27
For ill-. nt l-’our eompletelv furnished
rooms for housekeeping 205 South F'or
syih. Atlanta 2559. 9-30-59
FT > R RENT T h ree upstairs, also tw o
downstairs, connecting, furnished rooms
for liousekeping: walking distance. 202
South Forsyth street. 9-27-44
TWO desirable connecting looms for
light housekeeping. 206 South Prvor.
THREE unfurnished "rooms, connecting
bath, witli all conveniences. 48 Mills
street. 9-24-46
Bachelor Rooms For Rent.
TWO unfurnished rooms; very close in;
at 7 Carnegie Way; suitable for two
gentlemen, ivy 902. 46-18-3
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
THREE rooms, furnished complete for
light housekeeping: every convenience;
ideal surroundings; north side. Ivv
1744-I*. 10-1-18
FOR RENT*—October and November, to
responsible couple, without children,
completely furnished, beautiful and cozy
north side four-room and bath apart
ment; screened front and back porches:
every comfort and. convenience: nothing
nicer in Atlanta. Phone Iv.v 5021. 10-1.-19
FOR RENT—Six rooms, first floor, dou
ble house, nicely furnished; all con
veniences: street rar at door; garage ex
tra. Price $45. Apply 179 Lucile avenue.
Phone quick. 108 West. ’ 9-30-43
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
F’OR RENT Eivc-room apartment in the
Corinthian. 136 West Peachtree street.
Appl.v to .Mr. Kell)'. 2’a Walton street
-- in
Foil itEN’l Beautiful, small, steam
heated kitchenette apartment in the
Saint Bride. Inquire apartment 9. 52 East.-
<’ain. 111- phone Ivy 4389-28-14
Foil RENT Apartments, new. modern
and fireproof; select neighborhood: rinse
in. A. W. Farlinger. 304 North Boule
vard- 9-27-18
F'OI It connecting rooms, newly papered;
private bath; very elevated: near Jack
son. 275 E. Pine st. l'-24-4t
Ft iR RENT- Five-room apartment in the"
Corinthian. 1.36 West Peachtree street.
Apply to Mr. Kelly, 2’-. Walton street.
Furnished Houses For Rent.
FOR RE NT B • nr
three rooms of n six room bungalow,
' oinpleielv furnislied for housekeeping:
separate nack porches and sinks. Joint
use of reception hall and telephone. Pre
fer couple without children Phone Main
5F‘-5-J, 38-1 -’ 0
FOR RENT Pozy bungalow: beautifully
lurnished; north side. No cliildren.
References. Iv.v 1762-L.|Q-| -1 7
b(’R RENT burnished five-room cot
tage. Inman Park. References given
and required.. Phone Ivy 3901 -J. James
l: i’'i'idt 37 Spruce street 9-30*12
ATTRACTIVE, compfetSij fm mshed. 1:"’.
Juniper street: largo shady lot: seven
rooms; reasonable. Ivy 662-J. . 9-28-1 Y
Furnished or Unfurnished Houses
For Rent.
ARI IS'I l(* bungalow, screened, furnace,
tile Lath, garage. “Ansley Park.’’ care
Georgian 30-27-9
FOR RENT- Furnished or unfurnished
house: six rooms and reception hall;
reasonable. 219 Crew st. 9-30-33
Unfurnished Houses For Rent
I (*R RENT- Seven-room house, corner
Glenn wood and Ormew’ood avenues,
Last \tlanta. Appl\ to 'r. A. Sindle*.
(’all Bell phone Ivy 1471. Atlanta i»hont
1558. No, 6 Engine House to-i-47
FOR RENT Three three-room apart
ments. near in. off West Peachtree;
heal, lights and bath; $25. [w 4676.
center of town: four rooms; newly pa
pered. large hall and front porch, on
second floor of a two-family house. All
conveniences. $12.60 \ppb Fitzhugh
Knox. 1613 (’andler building. 9-20-5
FOR RENT, HOI SES (’all. write >r
phone lor our tent bulletin. Ralph O.
Cochran. 19 South Broad street. 4-1-21
'I HE 11(11 SE you build, buy or
i’eut.will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for electrieitv.
Stores For Rent.
FOR REN'l’ - Nice store room, located at
388 Whitehall. Applt next door, 9-27-43
FOR RENT We have a very desirable
store in the (’andler Bldg., fronting on
North Pryor street and offer the same on
attractive terms for a period of three to
five years. This store is 14 feet wide and
38 feet long with fa balcony in the rear.
Applj at 222 (’andler Bldg. 9-24-14
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
WANTED one unfurnished room, with
the privilege of preparing light break
fast ami supper. Miss .M , rare Geor
gian. 34-1-10
Fire-Proof Storage.
pianos. Office and warehouse, 239-211
Edgewood avenue. Ivy 2037. John .J.
Woodside Storage Company.
What have you lost” Tr> a th rec-time
ad in the “Lost and Found columns of
The Georgian and recover your articles