Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, October 03, 1912, HOME, Page 16, Image 16
16 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. Published by The Georgian Company, 20 least Alabama Street, Atlanta, tea fentered at Atlanta postoffice as second- I class matter. Subscriptions Payable in Advance ; One year mail, postage prepaid. $5 00 Rix months, marl, postage prepaid. 250 Three months, mail, postage prepaid, 125 Tr.e month. mail, postageijrepajdj <5 Subscriptions Payable in Advance Delivered bv carrier, one year ....$5.2411 Delivered by carrier, six months 2.60 I Delivered by carrier, three months . 1 30 t Delivered by carrier, one month . .45 Delivered bv carrier in Atlanta and other cities, one week 10c Maul Ad Rates and Rules in The Atlanta Georgian One cent a word each Insertion I No ad taken for less than the price if ten werds Ads in larger type. 12c a line (4 words to the line). Out-of-town advert! semen’s m.'js’ be accompanied with cash. Agencies’ discounts 10 and 6 per cent. The Georgian will not be respon sible for more than one incorrect insertion of any ad ordered more than one time Ciosing Hours: To secure prop er classification ads must ba in The Georgian office before 1 o’clock the day of the issue. All ad* must be ordered out In writing or st office so discon tinuance notice taken over phone Every word in the advertisement, Including the name and address. Is counted, Each initial counts one •word: compound words are counted I as two words Telephone vour Want Ads to The Georgian (both phones 80001 when it la more convenient to do so, and collection will be made at yo ir home or at vour office the follow- I ing day. This Is an accommoda tion service rendered Georgian Want Ad pa trona and payment should alwavs be promptly made on presentation of bill. Always ask that your telephone ad be re peated bark to you by the ad taker 10 make sure that it has been taken correctly. The Georgian can no guarantee accuracy or assume responsible y for errors of any kind occurring in telephone advertise ments ADVERTISBRF should retain re ceipts given In payment for Want Ads over the office counter, as mis takes can not be reclined without them In answering advertise- | menis addressed In cere of The Georgian, if the advertiser requires references, send a duplicate of same Help Wanted- Female. "’WTKB Lady to travel and canvass with another, salary and expanses; iriuA. ha\» had experience in canvassing. ►iMd. and pleasant work; state age. .Mr. M I. \ errill. Newnan. Ga , General ’ • * : • IU W -\.\ I f’l» Youog lids St <•!)«.g’.l pher until l.itn.nrx 1. (Jive age. salary expected !'■ ■ 696, I 'i-uxiiiM. <1 W with Good, strong womtn willing io work, for all around housework 619 - i l’eachtree street 46-3-10 V \?<'l El> Party for t'pewriting. in pri vate home; few hours each da' Rte ru.grapl.e ,iu»t necestarx Must have goon education Phone 4258-1. lv\ -I 3-25 W.XNTKJ) Good cook Xpplx Y, &a.Bt Fifth street ... m ‘V\XTEI> Colored nurse girl 51 Surn Thret good ladj solicitors for • oncost work Apply to Mr. Malcolm. U South r»>rsyth street. Atlanta 10-2-5 i \XTRI>- \ good cook; must live on lot 1 1$ North Morels th! a\ e ;0. . t AN A PEI» Thoroughly exper er..» d vo.t’Sl and skirt finishers; none oil rr> iv*ed ' Rpph Room 302 4:* 1 2 Whitehall strrn. ; ___ THE CLINIC of ili<’ At lillltii Denial I i’or- iipt ol I’.dgewimil a\u. and Ivy st., is now open daily, except on Snnda \>. A ppi\ 9 a. in. io | p. hi, 10-2-7 WANTED UcUored girl to assist in gen oral housework, family of three. 95 Higi'laiio'i . IQ. - |. WANTED a good maid Apple’ 717 Pea, iiii-ri- street. 10-3-16 WANTED- I.any canvassers; good salary ' and permanent position to those with some experience rail 102 Temple Court Building. 37-2-10 tS'UEWr.ITUIi to take phonograph dic tation Hour.* Bto 6; wages 410 per week. Dr. Wn M Baird. Suus No. 200. Brow n-Ranoolplt Hl.ig 56 Marietta st . vt lanta, Ga 25-2-16 - '.i’l.ass COOK at once. Paris ■ < .< \en .<• ’ WANT'.'i(> Settled lady for light house keeping: good home to right party. Must come recommended. Apply Mrs. y M arbtngton. "3D W est Mitchell street. y i lanta 44-1-10 IWkNTED At once, good, reliable, settles woman for general housework: none other reed apply Small family and good wages 1 East Fourth street Phone Ivy >O-1 15 WANTED t’uok. small famil' . no chil dren apartment 139 Capitol avenue W ANTED Nurse 2 West Port McPher son Phone .Main 2062; llollidav WANTED -t’ook: must lie Willing to live at East Ijike home, on car line serv ant s room in house, with family, pro tected heated and lighted References -equired Four in fem"' Phone 152 De catur 10 -to WANTED Young lady with experience as saleslady, also In alterations; state experience and salary expected Address 7->i;3 Whitehall street. 9-30-7 YOU are looking for a position, aren't you? Would you spend 20c to get one mat would pay you sll6 a month? That ■ s what one y oung lady got by inserting a Situation Wanted" ad in The Georgian Many others are getting splendid posi tions this wav You can do the same WANTED Experienced lady contest manager Appt' Box 990. Jacksonville Fla 51-23-9 Help Wanted—Male. \ \’i ri» a du. . Mi ■ p". good all round ga»» fitters. To sobei. competent ■nen vie* offer steady work at S 75 per da\ c 1 alkiix transportation to Augusta r Gas vornpam hm no c onnection will pbor trouble.* The Gmm Ligh’ Compam • * if - c Ga 10-3 55 • R. HITECTi RAI, DKAI’GPTS.yfTN ■ X"t ED ’’ontpetent architect oral dra igiitsman with thorough knowledge f brit i- ard traine construction, able to cake complete working draw ings and de ans trotn sketches and data Apply at once to J D Newcomer. Architect. 1 hsrlestup s c W aNT’&D i arpenters and floor scrap era. Phone Ivy *ls. 10-3-13 'TTntED ft ret-class presser. none other r.eed apply 185 East Pine street MJMO BOA’S t<> (Jo packing and ■sanding. Those experi enced preferred. Steady work. Capital City Chair Co.. 172 Maris "e Si. 'A \ntet»— At oT'tf . x oung colored box o w< rk arouiu the hou*e and ’ai i a pp-' v East Fourteept ; fitj pei. 0-3-19 ■VW’rnr; v ' ■r : »• ex pc <•> *■ '1 < ’ 1 , *h. • Help Wanted—Male. ' lAANTEI) White boys over 15 for mes sengers Apply Postal Telegraph Cable I Company, corner Broad and Alabama ate I 10JJ-11 I WANTED—Colored men to prepare as sleeping <ar porters and train porters If you w sh position near Atlanta, write immediately. No experience necessary. Inclose stamp Inter Railway, care Geor gian. 46-14-9 (WANTED Middle aged, experienced, | combination male stenographer and all I round office man Good salary. No other need apply Address Position. Box 804 care Georgian 10-2-50 H’A.A'TKI* Bright boy for office work 616 Rhcxles Bldg 10-2-44 THE CLINIC of the At lanta Dental College, cor ner of Edge wood ave. and Ivy st., is now open daily, except on Sundays. Apply 9 a. in. to 1 p. in. 10-2-6 WA NTKD —Licensed and experienced pharmacist; must furnish good refer ences as to character, ability, etc.; to work in small town in south Georgia Answer Quick, care Georgian 47-1-10 WANTED- First-class cylinder press"- man; one capable of handling half-tone and color work. The Record Company, St. AugttHtine, Fla 51-1-10 WANTED- Experienced installment coL lector: one who is thoroughly acquainted with city; references required. 73',i Whitehall street 10-2-9 WANTED —High-class furnace setter. Elsenburg Furnace Company, 445 Mari etta street 10-2-8 WANTED First-class shoo repairer Cleghorn Bros., Villa Rica. Ga 10-1-12 \V ANTED—Y(X M A.X. 16 OR 17 YEARS OF AGE. FOR POSITION AS OFFICE BOY. GOOD OPPORTUNITY KOH ADVANCEMENT IF ENERGY PROPERLY APPLIED. AD DRESS IX OWN HANDWRIT ING. GIVING AGE. RESI DENCE. ADDRESS AND PHONE K <'.. Box 100. care Georprian. 10-1-25 Vol' art looking for a position, are nt you ’ Would you spend 20c to get one that would pay you Slls a month? That is what one young lady got by inserting a Situation Wanted'' ad in The Georgian. Many others are getting splendid posi tiorui this wav You can do the game. WANTED Men to learn barber trade. No dull seasons. No strikes. Thousands have become successful shop owners by our system. Tools given Wages while learnuig Call or write Moier Barber Col lege, 36 Duckie si'o ' 49>28-9 W ant El' Ideas Inventor* write for fist of inventions wanted and offered by manufacturers Also, how to get your patent. Sent free to any address. Ran dolph A Briscoe, patent attorneys, Wash ijigioti, D. C 7-11-23 ST**)‘ut Hilburn hotel, heart <.f city, 78% Walton street, if vou want a clean, quiet loom; transient 50c Often all night -21-19 YES I’rofessor G O Branning will teach vou the barber trade (it's easy ! We teach in one-haif time of other colleges Course and position ir our shops only S3O Why pay more’’ Thousands of our graduates running sl ops ot making good wages. Atlanta Barber College, 1(1 East Mn• neii street 5-11-17 FREE .MAKSAGh:, hair 'ills. shaves. shampoos All barber work free Clean linen Atlanta Barber t'oilege. 10 East Mitel.ell 27- « MAID <’A(;r:IERK, post office clerks wan’ ed; SBO month; Atlanta examinations November 6; free coaching. Franklin In stitute. Dept. 49-8, Rochester. N. Y. WANTKD- Bright. strong boys to deliver routes in afternoons. Good wages and chance for promotion, (’all ai circulation depart ment The Atlanta Georgian. 20 East Alabama streel. Help Wanted—Male and Female, FREE to all. our Practice I )epartment. Remington Typewriter Co.. 56 North Broad St 10-3-21 WANTED Two families io cultivate farm on three-fourth? also small fatn ilx to work on farm. G W. Hutchison. iCbony, Texas. 51-30-9 Agents Wanted. AGENTS WANTED |6O per week No investment or experience neceHsar.v. Write for my big tailoring proposition P. W Goodman, president, 428 South PH th avenue. Chicago 37-3-10 AGENTS WANTED S6O pei week No investment ni experience necessary Write for mv big tailoring proposition. P. W. Goodman, president. 426 South Fifth u\ ci <,•». « - i leak" J 6 3 10 WANTED Reliable agents for something new in railroad excursion work; free trips and good commission; experience not necessary, but must be able to fur nish first-class reference. Address P P . Box 1624. Atlanta, Ga 9-21-28 Salesmen Wanted WANTED 4 stock FOOD SALESMEN. REQUIRE REE ERENCES AND BOND. WILL ONLY CONSIDER APPLI CANTS OF EXPERIENCED SPECIALTY MEN SALARY AND EXPENSE CALL C. A VAM. SATERDAY A. M.. TER MLN A|. HOT Kl. I’ R A V ELI N G SALESMEN WK REQI IRE AT ONCE THF. SERVICES OF THREE GOOD LIVE. M-nVE. HIGH GRADE TRAVELING SALESMEN TO TRAVEL SOITHERN STATES APPLICANTS MIST BE OVER 25 YEARS OF AGE. GOOD PER SONALITY. AND HAX E Sit’ CESSFI’L RECORD AS SALES MEN TO SITU AVE CAN OF FER A POSITION THAI" WILL PAY 8200 and I P PER MONTH ABOVE EXPENSES EX<"l.t SIVE TERRITORY AND TRAV I J.ING EXPENSES ADVANCED REFERENCES REQUIRED E. E WHITE B.'<i FORSYTH BLDG . ATLANTA 43-2-10 WANTED Sslesnteri wanted t<? conduct xpeciAl sales Must be live wires, strict b 'emperate and ready for work; give all details when, where, who was former em ployer Callahan System, P O Box 1086 10-1-46 Teachers Wanted. sent >oL TEACHERS—I have the ques tions and answers of the last seven state I schopl examinations in print Will mail them all for one Jolla" Des< ripttve circu lar free B S Holden. Box 40, Ellijay, Gaß7-21-9 SPECIAL fall enrollnt*r*t. good openings vet. Foster’s Teachers Agenc'. Atlanta. Ga • 9-28-:’’ 'f what vou have for sale • not worth rite tv * i-f a M ato A’ 1 ;n t l.e Georg an I' "■ a fen times hen talk business in the READ FOR PROFI-r-GEORGIAN WANT ADS-USE FOR RESULTS Situations Wanted—Female. WANTED—A position by * young lady; office work preferred Apply Miss 11. M P„ care Georgian 41-3-10 WANTED— Position by manicurist: have had two years experience. Call Atlanta phone ,7071-A.' 4Z-3-1O YOI'NG LADY, nineteen years old, wants position doing office work Phone Ivy 24&3-J. 38-8-10 ! YOI’NG LApY with several years expe rience as stenographer and assistant In office work desires position at once. Can | give the best of references Phone Ivy 0226 10-2-54 LADY desires position in family as house keeper; care of children, help sew Ad dress A. N. K., Terrill, Ky. 60-2-10 CNDERGRADI’AT E NURSE with six years experience in nursing general diseases; also insanity and contagious dis eases. wants cases in city or country. Nurse. Ivy 2760-.l._t>2-2-10 TYPIST wants some extra work to do out of hours, copying, etc.; satisfaction guaranteed. Cali after 7 p. m., la'v 825-.1 A YOUNG LADY, seven years' expeii ence, desires employment as temporary stenographer: experienced in business and legal v.otrk. Phone Ivy 2559-1.. 55-1-10 YOUNG LADY with some experience de sires position as stenographer. Willing to start low in right office Phone Main 3639-J. 33-1 -10 YOUNG LADY desires position in office Have had experience and can use type writer. Address X. Y. Z., Box 400. care Georgian 26-1-10 Dressmaking. WANTED—PIain sewing. 201 Woodward avenue. Phone Main 544-L. 10-3-27 Situations Wanted—Male. WANTED—By young man of neat ap pearance, position as traveling salesman with reliable house: best references; sal ary no object. Address Hustler, Box 205, care Georgian Hg. 3.10 ’ XOTk’E. -- YOUNG MAN, twenty, good character, wants permanent position; uses type 1 writer; knowledge of office work Give me | a chance to prove. Address Willing. Box 60, rare Georgian 02-3-10 I EXPERIENCED junior drug clerk wishes position at once; good reference. Ad dress D,, Box 204, care Georgian. 55-3-10 WANTElr—Position by hardware man? with long experience In the wholesale business Address C. X Z.. care Geor gia n._ ; 29-3-10 YOUNG MAN wants work in drug store mornings, afternoons. Sundays. Best I references. Experienced. Phono ivv 759 I Address G. B. N., 195 Ivy street 32-3-10 . EXPERIENCED double-entry bookkeeper and office man desires position at once I Can give A-1 references and bond If nec- ' essary 11. H . care Georgian. 33-3-10 WANT Eli—Position by experienced maili, as foreman of construction work; em-I ployed at present, but have good reasons for desiring to change Address E. L. T . 374 Glenn stteet, Atlanta 49-2-10 POSITION WANTED by high-class office man; fully experienced in up-to-date methods, business correspondence, etc. Satisfactory references. Address Box 711. care Ceorg'an c, 2-10 WANTED By young man a position as stenographer or assistant bookkeeper Address 440 Woodward avenue. 38-2-10 EXPERIENCED cotton buyer and ship per'is opep for immediate engagement with reputable people as buyer, shipper or classer. Satisfactory references. Ad dress "Cotton Expert," care Georgian. WANTED—A position in law office; work in mornings until 3 o'clock in the after noons Address Box 801. care Georgian. WANTED Ry a while man. position as night watchman; any other work will be considered. Address Box 417. care Georgia n. 42-1 -10 POSITION WANTED by nrst-class jew eler and salesman. Only first-class houses need apply. Good references. Last firm five years. Address Jewelers. Box 800. care Georgian. 31-1-10 Situations Wanted—Male and Female. WANTED —At once, two good stenogra phers, male or female Employment Department Royal Typewriter Company. 10-3-20 EXAMINE THE ROYAL ST AXI>ARI> T YI ‘E W KIT E R Model 5 Before Yon Buv 9-27-13 Job Work. WE CAN SAVE you money on repair work, shelving tables and counters We make them to order. Roof repairing, brick work, wall tinting, painting and plaster ing 62V? South Forsyth street. Bell 1187, Atlanta 6087-M. Removal Notice. DR J. G. HEARD, dentist. Is now located at 1108 Empire Life building (formerly English-American building* Phone .Main 2724 10-1-4 Boarders Wanted. SEE “Rooms and Board” Under Georgian Rent Bulletin. * Lost and Found. LOST Gold frame double vision spec tacles in case Reward if returned to Mrs. Alex C Smith, 95 Alta ave.. Inman -.c ■ : 0 LOST String of gold beads, either be tween North avenue and Linden, on street ear. or near Candler building. Phone Mrs Elliott at Ivy 6133-. I Re ward 10-::-52 i.y>ST Bunch of keys between 5 and to o'clock Wednesday evening Finder will please return to 456 A.. B. X- A Building or notify P. O, Box 169251-3-10 LOST Bunch of keys C M. Hall en graved on keys Liberal reward if re turned to Swift & Co. 5.1-2-10 LOST—A latge gold Shrlner's pin with moonstone in it Has name on hack. Reward if returned to A B C . care Geor | gian. _ 102-it i.ytsT a Boston bull terrier, brindle; white spot on head Lost on Wall st Liberal reward if returned to 26 Wall st. la IST- Spectacles Bring to 35 South Pryor street and get reward 10-1 5 .Personal. I.ADIES Ask your druggist for Chlches ters Pills, the Diamond brand, for 25 years known as best, safest, always relia ble; bay of your druggist. Take >lO y'hiehesters Diamond Biand .’’llls ate sold druggists 'vei \ w : .ere 5 3-1 AI’THORS. WRITERS: last us secure your copyrights, print and place year books 011 the market. Morton Publishing Company. Dept ATG. Morton building New York 7-11-26 FLY SCREENS. FLY SCREENS. FLY SCREENS Wood fly screens, metal fly screens, hardwood floors. Venetian blinds, metal weather strips furnished anywhere in the South. Write or phone W R Cal laway. manager 1403 Fourth National Bank building Atlanta. Ga. Main 5310. 8 15-5 SERIOUS RESULTS come from trusses improperly fitted. John B Daniel, at 34 Wall street, has an expert fitter and it will cost you no more to have him fit you, and it means insurance 6-24-19 MATERNITY SANITARIUM Private, refined, homelike: limited number of pa tients cared for; home provided for in fant*: infants for adoption. Mrs M T. Mitchell, "6 Windsor street. 6-22-12 Educational. i WaNTEI' -To comm unicut r with private busirejs > t»l!r<»' one * th small < lass jbieferir. K 1. Butler. < \V«ymtn • nue Atlanta 52-8-10 Palmistry. -MISS BECK, WORLD-FAMED INDIAN PALMIST A GIFTED WOMAN. LO CATED ’.6 EAST HUNTER STREET. 9-30-19 ‘ GYPSY CAMP. CLAIRVOYANT AND PALMIST; RE VEALS PAST. PRESENT AND FU TURE CONSULTON’ ALL AFFAIRS |OF LIFE. 138 WHITEHALL STREET. '9-16-13 PROF. LAVOUX, SPIRITUA L MEDIUM i A ND CLAIRVOYANT, . 74 Walton St. Office Hours, 9 a tn.. 9 p m. Sunday, 10 to 4. Ladies’ Maid in attendance. ■“PALM ist~Tnl)TTfe~~ READER. REVEAI-S PAST, present and future. Can be consulted on all affairs of life. Readings 25c, 50c. 17 East Mitchell street ; (in tent*. “GYPSY -OCEEN. IS NOW IXiCATED in tent, comer For* syth and Luckte; con he consulted on all affairs of life. C’ arges moderate Satisfactifjn guaranteed. 6-25-13 Dropsy. DROPSY CURED—Relieves shortness of breath in 36 to 48 hours. Reduces swell ing in fifteen to twenty davs. Write for particulars. Collom Dropsy Remedy Com pany, 512 Austell’building, Atlanta -25-11 Medical. DR. VIOLET M MILLAN, Disease of Women. 200-202 Hlllyer Trust building. -28-58 DR. EDMONDSON’S Tansy, Pennyroyal and Cotton Root Pills, a. safe and re liable treatment for painful and sup pressed menstruation, irregularities and similar obstructions. Trial box bv mail, oOc. Frank Edmondson Bro., manufac turing chemists, 11 North Broad street, Atlanta 2-17-14 Wanted—Miscelaneous. F( RNITURE and household goods, office fixtures and merchandise of any kind accepted on consignment. Cash advanced Pembroke Sales Co.. 143 South Prvor St. l’ hon es Main 1434. Main 187. Atlanta 3 28 '’. 8-15-12 DROP A CARD- Will bring cash for - old clothes and shoes. The Vestiare 166 Decatur street. ..-27-42 WANTED—We pay highest cash prices on household goods, pianos and office furniture. Cash advanced on consign ments. Springer’s Auction House 25 South Pryor street. Bell phone Main 1526 -10-16 " J' ••••'••EST cash prices for house hold goods, pianos and office furniture. Lash advanced on consignments. Central Auction Company, 12 East Mitchell street. Bell phone Main 2424. 8-26-26 \\ ANTED—A good shotgun. Address M? _\Y._D-.,_80x 201.. care Georgian. 45-1-10 W ANTED You to know W. M.. Cox cleans all kinds carpets: rugs* a spe cialty. Ivy 3135-J. Atlanta 1818. 145 Au ! burn avenue. 10-2-12 I " f ANTED —One pair floor scales; T. 17 I Simpson, 149 Decatur street 53-1-10 1 V ANTED—Second-hand bath tubs. Must be in good condition. Address Tubs, fare Georgian. 29-1-10 I I BUY’ MEN’S old clothes and shoes Drop a card. 1. Bock, 32 Bell street. I 8-16-29 For Sale—Miscellaneous. | DESK—RoII top, solid walnut, fair con- I ditlon.Bs9 Piedmont avenue 50-3-10 I STOVE—Radiant Home; hard "coal burn i er: good condition; cheap. 859 Piedmont iTHi'AG* * I ’lmp y , . i;. , ; ailra!ll f O r c() f. l- n »!F e 4’ '* Ivv s * r eet. Atlanta phone ff’B-1' * »Den Sat urday. October 5. 44-3-10 FOR SALE—OId brick; Jones avenue and Marietta street. Morrow Transfer Com- P?nx 10-3-5 SECOND-HAND SAFES- Small, medium and large home safes. 515; Hall’s bank and fireproof safes, vault doors, etc (' .1. Daniel. 416 Fourth National Bank build mg 9-7-33 FREE MESIC FREE Eive Pieces of Any Music Eree. TO any one sending us the NAMES of 5 responsible people, the heads of faniilies. tiiat have not an upright pi ano in their home. ’we will send five pieces of any music you may select — CLASSIC or POPULAR—as soon as we have verified the list, in sending in names, it is absolutely important to give tlte correct address, street num ber. town and state, if in the country, give RURAL ROUTE, postoffiee and county. The music will be mailed, postpaid, to party sending the names. Not more than one in a family consid ered.’ Write your name and address plainly. Address P. O. Box No. 1623. Atlanta, Ga iiANpStiMK birch bedroom suite, tables, carpets and stove. 21 West Peachtree place. 46-2-10 GOOD mule and wagon; also Shannen meat box for sale cheap. Atlanta phone 1039. 40-1-10 I’oll SALE —Good safe typewriter desk and chair, cheap. Call or address 377 Ormond sirm Atlanta. 37-1-10 SAFES, tiles, cabinets, new & 2nd hd. Gookin Bank & Office Equipment Co. 9-20-31 National Cash Registers. SBS-350; S6O-875 and up Terms easy. Lib eral exchange allowance Both phones. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO . 60 North Broad Street 7-20-52 NEYA beautiful rugs woven from your •'id carpet, superior to any in service: plain or designed any size Catalogue free Oriental Rug Company. Baltimore. 8-16-31 \merit-an J' 'Tgieters everything xiiiK t <iit Latest improvements. Ctittli registers exchanged ' d’H Ml sizes easy terms k’»voi<l < Atlanta Cash Register Co. l4tp»l>H It* 14 East Alabama street NEW Rt BBER TIRES PUT ON YOUR RABY’S CARRIAGE PHONE IVY 3076. ROBERT MITCHELL, 299 EDGE WOOD. 7-18-15 Trunks, Bags and Suitcases. RETAOLEIY AND repaired' ROVNTREE’S 77w JV^et l,j PHONES: Bell Main 1576. Atlanta 1654 Sewing Machines. WE RENT new machines with complete set of attachments for $2 per month; also machines repaired; prompt delivery i Both phones 1893 Singer Sewing Ma chine Compal • . 1 Whitehall. 9-14-44 Blue Prints. St AUSTELL BUILDING M AIN 384(1 Qi AIJTY. LOAA "RICES. PROMPT SERVICE 9-30 65 “The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin” Do Your Renting and Searching Through This Bulletin. Are you looking for the best Rooms. Houses. Apartments. Rooms for Housel eeping, Offices Busin Locations. Garages. Storage Houses, Boarding and Rooming places, etc.’.’ This bulletin contains a complete list of every’ desirable and suitable place that is For Rent in the cit • and suburbs in each issue. cuy For the benefit and convenience of our patrons The Georgian employs special pien to cover the citv and suburbs each day in search of all the desirable places. Save time, useless steps, money and worry by consulting this bulletin. It is for your convenience, so take advantage of it. Rooms and Board. ROOM and board for couple of men, in nice, quiet home; steam heat and el! conveniences. Call Ivy 5792.65-3*lo i FURNISHED rooms and board; ail con veniences. 202 South Forsyth. 10-3-35 TRY BOARD at 308 South Pryor: refer ences. Main 2456-L.lO-3-33 EXCELLENT rooms and board; close in; reasonable. 173 Whitehall st. _lO-3-2’J SE LECT ROOMS AND BOA K1). BEST table in Atlanta. Rooms hand somely furnished; hot and cold baths; fine veranda and lawn; select neighborhood; delightful for winter; 86 per week in ad vance. Mrs. F. E. Wright, 354 Capitol avenue, corner Georgia. 48-3-10 BOARDERS WANTED—MiddIe-aged cou ple or two young men to board. Rates S2O month. 68 Currier street.4s-3-10 NICE ROOM with board on north side; close in; steam heat, hot and cold water; rates reasonable. Phone Ivy 1928. 10-2-47 ROOM and board; also table board; garage for rent on lot. 74 Forrest ave. Phone Ivy 4345.10-2-43 DELIGHTFUL room: good board; private family; no other boarders; for two con genial ladies or cobple. Main 1592-J. 10-2-27 LARGE, delightful front room; also sin gle room; steam heat: electric lights: excellent table. 241 AVest Peachtree. Ivj 1959-L.48-2-10 NICE room, good board, reasonable for couple or gentlemen. 365 Capitol ave nue Main 2519-]., 27-2-10 BEAUTIFULLY furnished front rooms. with board; strictly private north side home, for tjvo young men. Best refer ences required, ivy 1903. 10-1-39 NFIYY’LY’ furnished rooms; table board; conveniences. 406 Peachtree. Ivy 1746 10-1-40 WANTED —A refined couple or young men to occupy large steamheated front Toom, with board. Apply 301 Peachtree. 10-1-41 17 E. NORTH AV?;., boarders; rooms with bath: also table board.4l-1-10 ROOM and first-class board for two busi ness ladies or gentlemen; private home; all conveniences: walking distance: ref erences exchanged. Main 1020. FIRST-CLASS TABLE - board at 16~Por ter place, off Peachtree. Convenient to eight or nine ear lines. Ivy 6705. 10-1-30 JUST OPENED! The most attractive borne on the north side. Eight rooms, with best borne cooking. 33 West Har ris. corner Spring.lo-1-32 BOARD AND ROOM in delightful borne: north side. No other boarders. Ref erences. Ivy 1762-L.lO -L- 46 ROOM AND BOARD. 30 East Cain. Terms reasonable. Phone Ivy 2903. AVANTED—Two jouttg men to occupy pleasant room Reasonable. 376 Capi tol avenue. Phone Main 2890-J. 10-1-3 NICE, cool room with board m private family; all conveniences. 54 York ave. 9-24-10 80/ARDERS AA ANTED—An ideal winter home; all modern conveniences, on car line: furnace heat; own milk and butter with best table board. Phone Decatur 270.9-30-1 ROOMMATE for young man; one up stairs room, near bath, for couple or three young men. Two young men or la dies for downstairs. 139 west Peach tree. Ivy 1050-1,. 9-27-57 BOARDERS AA’ANTED—Southern style.' Roast beef, vegetables, chicken pie, ap ple sauce, cakes and good desserts. Bell phone Main 3618-J. 9-27-12 Board Wanted. (’OUPLE. with four-year-old boy. wishes board on north side; private family pre ferred I' J 991 --I. 10-2-1 > i 10W MA N Y desira bie boar<iers know that you have a vacancy at your tabic? There are hundreds this very day looking for nice, home-like boarding places. Reach them with an ad in the “Boarders Wanted” column of The Georgian. Furnished Rooms For Rent. NICELY’ furnished front rooms: in walk ing distance. Call at 73 Central Place before 8 or after. 64-3-10 NEAT, large front room for single gentle man in private house; furnace, bath i room, electric light; breakfast if desired. 33 E. Fourth 5t.63-3-10 CHOICE ROOM for gentlemen in a part - ment No. 5. Marlborough, 436 Peach tree_st. Ivy 10-3-56 J 6 EAST ELLIS- l.argefi front room - for two young men or business ladies. Iva 2403-L.lO 3-49 TWO nicely furnished front rooms to gen tlemen; close in; private family. 219 South Forsyth. 10-3-34 LARGE, sunny, newly furnished ronin; dressing room connecting; suitable for iwo gentlemen; with quiet, refined fam ily; references. 19 E. Baker st. Phone Ivy 2923.60-3-10 SECOND FLOOR front rooms; bath: pri vate family; meals across street. Ivv 3707-J.lO-3-37 FOR RENT- Furnished rooms in strictly private home. 19 East Harris street. 10-3-38 THREE nicely furnished rooms for house keeping; all conveniences; close in: sls per month._ 138 Pulliam st. 10-3-40 'l’o TRAINED NURSE—Nicely furnished room, with private bath; meals fur nislted. I'ltone Main 1467. 10-3-42 NICE front room: private family; <-l.,sZ in 70 W. Baker st ivy 3266-.1. 10-3-43 NICELY’ furnished rooms; convenient es7 single or for housekeeping. Main 3568-1.,10-;',-44 ONE furnished room: close in. 221 South Forsyth Main 4482-J.lO-3-45 NICELY’ furnished rooms: * onveniences: elose in. 189 Richardson st, 10-3-16 BRIGHT, elean, nicely furnish e<j well heated four rooms and bath apartment, with all modern conveniences: location perfect; price moderate. Apply 231 West Peachtree.lo-3-47 O.XF. large front bed room. elose~in and cheap; fine location 303 Rawson st Atlanta phone 3335. 57 - 3 -10 NICELY furnished counts, all ■■otivem iences. close in. 305 South Prvor TWO rooms, furnished for light house keeping: $3 per week. 340 Whitehall st. F’I’RNISHFID steam heated room, electric lights: next to bath; use of phone: gen tletnen only. _lv.' 3333-1.. 10-3-31 WANTED Young man to slut re Toom ~in northside apartment; close in; ail con veniences. very reasonable. i'ltone lw MB3. 47-3-10 NICELY furnished room with young cou ple in private home witli all conven iences. ivy 5802. 52 West Pine street 10-3-14 FOR RENT Large. nicely furnished front room; close to bath; suitable for one or two \oung nten or business women, in private family of two adults. Terms reasonable. Phone Main 3015-L. 10d>-15 FOR RENT Two or three rooms, fur nished for housekeeping references. Apply 250 Springlo-3-28 FOR RENT Steam-heated room, adjoin ing bath, hot and cold water, electric lights: gentlemen only. 136 AVest Peach tree. apartment 208 10-3-23 FOR RENT- Two nicely furnished up stairs rooms for light housekeeping; near Georgia avenue. 317 Grant street. 10-3-22 FOR RENT ore nicely furnisehd room at 476 Spring street Call Ivv 6845-.1 10-3-18 THREE nice large connecting first floor rooms, water, lights and use of phone: targe ball, front and back porch: SI.V 63 Ridiardson street, Atlanta phone 3571 Furnished Rooms For Rent. 103 WEST PEACHTREE STREET—Fur nished front room. Gentlemen. Ivy 297j-J.40-3-10 FOR RENT -Two completely furnished rooms for light housekeeping, with all conveniences. 106 Auburn avenue. Atlan ta phone 5740-A. I®! 3- ! FOR RENT—Furnished room, with bath. for gentlemen or couple. 178 Forrest avenue. 35-3-10 CAN ACCOMMODATE three young men with pleasant rooms and board at 245 South Pryor. 34-3 10 FURNISHED ROOMS for rent. YVill furnish breakfast. 74 Richardson street. 30-3-10 AY’ILL SHARE part of nice large room in refined private home, cheap; $2 per week. Address Private Home, Box 806. care_Georgian. 28-3-10 FOR RENT —One or two furnished rooms; bath connecting 99 East Merritts ave -27-3-10 FOR RENT—For couple, furnished room; references. Call afternoons, 124 Wil liams. Ivy 6216. 10-3-3 FOR RENT—Two rooms and kitchen for housekeeping; also furnished bed room; private family; close in. 155 Pul- Ijam.lo-3-2 FOR RENT —Two or three elegantly fur nished front rooms, complete for house keeping: sink in kitchen. Hot running water all winter. Bell phone. Best loca tion, 21*0 AA’ashington street. 10-2-59 ONE large room, completely furnished for light housekeeping. Call Main 1420-J. ■J IO-2-41 TWO nicely furnished rooms for house keeping; close tn. 242 Central ave. At lanta phone 3058-J. 10-2-45 THREE furnished housekeeping rooms; no children taken. 2763-. I Main. 10-2-29 AVANTED -Two refined young men in a private home: nice, large room, heated, and meals if desired: two blocks from Georgian Terrace. Call Ivy 2513. 10-2-36 ONE room, nioely furnished; close in. Phone ivy 358:1.60 West Harris. 10-2M3 FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room; all conveniences Stafford Apartment No. 3. Ivy 1639, Vl’A’ 3 NICELY’ furnished front rooms; steam heat; all conveniences. 45 Williams street. Apartment 3. Ivy 2! lt>.lo-1 -35 ONE very latge beautifully furnished front room; modern convenience; ideal surroundings. North side. Ivv 1744-1. 10-1-37 ELEGANTLY’ furnished room with use of bath and parlor, in select private home on north side: everything tlte best; board if wanted across street. I*2 E. Linden ave. FQR RENT—Three connecting furnished rooms for light housekeeping: all con veniences; to couple without children. Main 5239-.). 423 Central avenue. 10-1-50 FOR RENT Exclusive bachelor rooms; steam beat; conveniences; apartment 5 and 6, Tlte A’ernon. 61 East Cain Ivy 3137. 10-1-28 FOR RENT Entire upper floor of three rooms and bath; nicely furnished for light housekeeping. 15 West Linden. 10-1-29 i-'Oli RENT Furnished rooms, with or without board. 36 AVest Baker. Ivv FOR RENT’ Large, comfortable room in home: young men preferred. Phone Ivv 1576-1..10-1-13 l«OR RENT To nice young man or busi ness woman, newly furnished front loom: all conveniences. Owner. Ivv 2211.-1,. 10-1-9 FOR RENT -One large, steam-heated. furnished room: all modern conven- 'y>l_3274-.J. 10-1-6 FOR RICNT' Beautiful steam-heated rooms. 87 AA’ashington; apartment 10. Call e\ citings.- 32-1-10 FOR RENT—In owner's new residence, three beautiful, large, furnace-heated bed rooms: all modern conveniences; in walking distance: one block from two car lines. North side. Business men pre ferred. References exchanged. Call own er.lvy 6718. 9GIB-60 FOR RENT—Nicely furnished front room, steam heat. 45 Williams. Apartment 3. Beil phone Ivy 2116, 9-28-28 ROOMS for light housekeeping: conven iences. 210 Spring street, ivy 3205-J. -28-22 FI’RNTSHED rooms and board; conven iences. 62 AV. Baker. Ivy 5025-J. 9-28-24 FOR RENT Two rooms; private family; conveniences. 58 East Harris. Ivy 3775-J.9-38-3 FOR RENT- Nice rooms, one block Can dler building, with or without meals. 402 Ivy street. 9-27-53 NICE, large front room, suitable for two young men. Ivy 5063-J. 16 W. North ave. 9-27-47 FOR RENT —Bright room: steam heated: close in; gentlemen only, ivv 5580-J. 9-27-39 NICE, newly furnished rooms: also light housekeeping apartment; close in. 151 Spring street. 9-27-20 OPPOSITE THE CAPITOL-Nicely fur nished rooms and excellent table board 121 Capitol square. Main 4839-L. 9-27-4 Unfurnished Rooms For Rent. THREE large, comfortable connecting rooms for housekeeping, with family of adults; sink in kitchen; conveniences, near ear lines. Call at 27 Beecher st. Bell phone AVest 725.56-3-10 FOR RENT Four large upstairs rooms with wide hall; gas, bath and phone ivy 4353-J: rent reasonable. 193 Highland avenue, near Boulevard. 10-3-24 FOR RENT -Three rooms, hot and cold water, sink, phone, lights; convenient to two cars; to couple. Main 1063-.1. 488 Central avenue, 10-3-17 THREE nice connecting unfurnished rooms, sink and bath separate; gas: with couple, to party without children. Main 3863-J. 10-3-9 FOR RENT’- Three nice connecting first floor rooms: all conveniences. I’hone Ivy 6231. IS Boulevard place. 38-3-10 FOR RENT- Three connecting rooms and every convenience. 77 Elbert street. 10-3-1 FOR RENT- Three nice unfurnished con necting rooms, stationary washstand. Rent vet' reasonable to a small family. Atlanta phone 4776. 174 Pulliam street. 35-3-10 THREE first - floor connecting roms: sink in kitchen. 220 Capitol avenue. Phone Main 2884-J 10-2-4 12 SHELTON AVE., three rooms, be tween Murphy and Stewart axes.: SB. l'ltone_\Ves; 443. 44-2-10 FOR RENT—Two or three large and desirable unfurnished rooms, with use of bath. Meals in neighborhood. 74 East Merritts avenue. 10-2-35 TWO newly papered rooms with kitchen ette: modern conveniences. private home. 217 East Fair street. References. TWO exceptionally nice rooms and kitch enette; all conveniences; one block from junction of Deachtrees. I* East Alexander street, corner AVest Peachtree. 10-2-10 THREE connecting first floor rooms: sink in kitchen. 235 N. Boul ev a rd. 10-1-52 FOR RENT Three connecting rooms, on Grant street; near Georgia avenue. Sink in kitehen. Phone Main 1933-1,. 10 1 -14 FoR RENT*—Unfurnished rooms, down stairs; all modern conveniences: close in; cheap. 270 Houston street. 9-30-4 Bachelor Rooms For Rent. TWO unfurnished rooms; very close in: at 7 Carnegie Way; suitable for two gentlemen. Ivy 902. 46-18-9 Is your business worth advertising? Then if not try a For >alc or Business Opportunity ad in The Georgian. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3. 1912. Furnished or Unfurnished Foom, For Rent. FOR RENT—l.’nfurnisheTTooms 895-L niShed slngle roo ms; north side ivy I O - a couple, two rooms and kiteiiun’77~ 1 unfurnished or partly furnished ah’ 1 tte ’ vemences. 88 Culberson stree Wes v?’ Call West 647. ' jn o 1 J" OR RENT—Three rooms, furnished ~ unfurnished: all conveniences hm ” cold water, bath. Give five 'nieau , 6 owner a day. Can furnish refe?e r r Without children. C. h Kniehi enc ?, s - Confederate avenue. tn ‘ FOR RENT—HaIf cottage unfitrniCii partly furnished, on Yark avermi- n' children. Phone Main 3866-L. ! .? I'OR RENT—Two very nice first front rooms with use of bath narm furnished or unfurnished for light' h,nLl' keeping. Must be seen to be apprec a »a" 226 North Boulevard. Pl y??. K1 HNi.SHED or unfurnished roo"rnTTp77- close m: gas am; electric light hm ana cold water; bath and toilet adjoins moderate price. Call Atlanta Housekeeping’ Rooms For Rent. TWO ROOMS, furnished complete f.,' r housekeeping; sink in kitchen a ,' sleeping room for gentlemen. 67 '\Vo t j ward avenue. 10-l-’i i,i* ;ht h*h’sekeepers and r, a >\r IV ER| WANTED. MSSPRIN G . S t®£ th. ,\tlanta 2559. FOR R ENT—Three ~upstairs, also ~177 downstairs, connecting, furnished room' tor houseltepmg; walking distance ii- South Forsyth street. 9-27-44 Furnished Apartments For Rent FOR RENT—Six rooms, first floor" J.> — ble bouse, nicely furnished: all convcn. 'cin-es: street car at door: garage extra I rice s4o. Apply 179 Lucile avenue Phone muck. 198 West. 10-::-:|(i AA ANTED—One or two ladies Io -sli - 7 nicely furnished apartment with re spectable working girl: must be able 'o exchange first-class references: reason able rent: walking distance. Box 715 care Georgian. ,51-2-id THREE rooms, furnished complete for light housekeeping; every convenience ideal surroundings; north shit i H44-L, 1Q..-18 Unfurnished Apartments For Rem For RENT—Three or four-room brick apartments, near in; north side heat lights, baths. $25. Ivy 4676. 10 ONE beautilul livt-r-mtn st.-.m apartment; price cheap. Phone lv "698-J. '2-2-10 F< di RENT Fuiir-i ooni a |.ari m< n: and modern. 279 East Pine street. - Pl FOR RENT—Five-room apartmen: Corinthian. 136 West Peachtree street Apply to Mr. Kelly, 2 1 ,j Walton stree: FOR RENT -Beautiful, small, steam heated kitchenette apartment in the Saint Bride. Inquire apartment 9, 52 East Cain, or phone Ivy 428. 9-28-14 FOR RENT—Apartments, new. modern and fireproof; select neighborhood: .lose in. A. IV. Farlinger, 304 North Roitle vard. 9-27-18 Furnished Houses For Rent. ATTRACTIVE, well furnished, seven rooms; best neighborhood; north ide reasonable. Ivy’ 662-J. 10-2-28 FOR rent By couplel either three rooms of a six-room bungalow, completely furnished for housekeeping; separate back porches and sinks Joint use of reception hall and telephone. Pre fer couple without children. Phone Main 5035-J. ___2 S ’ k' 0 FOR RENT—Cozy bungalow; beautifully furnished; north side. No children References. Ivy' 1762-1,. 10-1-K Furnished or Unfurnished Houses For Rent. ARTISTIC bungalow, screened, furnace, tile bath, garage. “Ansley Park, care Georgian. 30-27-9 FOR RENT—Furnished or unfurnished house: six rooms and reception hall: reasonable. 219 Crew st. 9-39-3" Unfurnished Houses For Rent FOR RENT—Charming 6-room home 38' East Georgia avenue. Must see it to appreciate it.34-2-J) FOR RENT—Seven-room house, corner Glennwood and Ormewood avenues. East Atlanta. $lB a month. Apply to T. A. Findle. Call Bell phone Ivy 1471 At lanta phone 1558. No. 6 Engine House FOR RENT. HOUSES—CaII, write or phone for our rent bulletin. Ralph 0. Cochran. 19 South Broad street. 4- ! -21 THE HOUSE you build, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for electricity. Stores For Rent. FOR, RENT -Nice store room, located at 288 Whitehall. Apply next door. Storage Room For Rent. ONE ROOM for storage: close ir ,n Clew st.. No. 168. Main 1805-1- 10-3-’** Furnished Rooms Wanted. MIDDLE-AGED gentleman wants w#.’ furnished room in private family . >•<*/ price and location. Address H 8;’.8 Equitable building. AA’ANTED—By couple, two children. or three furnished rooms for house keeping. Phone Monroe. Ivy 4057 61-- ■' Unfurnished Rooms Wanted WANTEI*- To tent, by 17th, with or small family, two large, unfurn connecting rooms for houseke--; "t *•’ ' " one: prefer with owner; walking, tance. Answer, giving nrice an. ~. tion. Mrs. M.. 46 Formwait. Furnished Houses Wanted ElGhTroOM'"house desired on e ? side: all conveniences; good I"’ a stable preferred; south of Eleventh f ,re ._ Wlll rent for three months or season, if with furnace. Phone Ivy u -• Unfurnished Houses Wanted WANTED—A rooming house M. W.. care Georgian. Fire-Proof Storage AVF '"sf< good" Mj 1 * pianos, tifffee and warehouse. j Edgewood avenue Ivy 2037. Woodside Storage Company.