Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, October 03, 1912, HOME, Page 17, Image 17
ATLANTA O.EUKGIAJN AND NEWS. Auction Sales. —Ttauction. A large CONSIGN MENT OF FINE FUR VTTFRE, including elegant QUARTER ED 0 U< AND MAHOG- I\Y BED ROOM FUR xiture, BRA S S beds. MIRROR DOOR w XRI )ROBES, SOLID MIiIOGANY PARLOR gflT. BEAUTIFUL HATRACK, GEN U IXE LEATHER LIBRA RY SUIT. ELECTRIC CHANDELIERS, CAR PETS. LINOLEUM, STAIR CARPET, MAT TING, ART SQUARES, RUGS, CURTAINS, CHINA, cl assay are, TABLE LINEN, ETC., FRIDAY. OCTOBER 4, AT 12 E. MITCHELL STREET. COMMENCING at 10 a. m.. Friday, we ■' will offer to the highest bidder a very fine lot of household goods; lot in cludes in part several very large quar tered oak dressers, washstands and chiffoniers, elegant hatrack, eost $45; double and single mirror, door ward robes, six-piece genuine leather li brary suit, several mahogany dressers and chiffoniers, three very fine brass beds National springs, felt mat tresses pillows, wool blankets, quar tered oak pedestal dining table and leather seat chairs to match, refriger ator. lounge, porcelain bathtub, a lot of tine electric chandeliers, lot of Vienna bent wood chaJrs, elegant ll brarv and parlor rockers in oak. mis sion and mahogany, toilet sets, three piece mahogany parlor suit, cost $165: parlor and library tables, Vernis Mar tin beds. Circassian walnut bed room suit, linoleum, stair and hall carpet, lace curtains, rugs, art squares, shades, bed linen, quilts and other things too numerous to mention. Sale at 10 a. m.. Friday, October 4. CENTRAL AUCTION CO. 12 East Mitchell St. CENTRAL AUCTION CO.. 12 E. Mitchell st., buys and sells everything; regular auction Tuesday and Friday. Bell phone Main 2424.10-3-41 PAWN BRi IKERSAUCTION HOUSE, 51 Decatur street We buy and sell any and everything Atlanta phone 2285; Bell phone Main 1434 Main 187,7-29-20 PEMBROKE Sales Company under new management: will accept your surplus stock of any kind on consignment; cash advanced; settlement on date of sale. 143 South Pryor street. Bell phone Main 1434. Mam 187, Atlanta' phone 2285. 8-6-30 SPRINGER’S Auction House, at 25 South Pryor street, will buy or sell your household goods, pianos and office furni ture. Main 1526. 10-3-6 Automobiles. AUTOMOBU-EsToR SALE. Full SALE—Buick, model 17. five-passen ger touring car, fully equipped, newly painted, overhauled, three new tires; will exchange for real estate; also Elmore five passenger car; first-class condition; will exchange for real estate; one Packard, one Matheson and others at bargain prices Auto Realty Exchange. Bell WS3-M. 31 Inman Bldg 10-2-30 ONE second-hand three-fourths ton Buick truck. Will sell this week at a bargain. Adams Price Auto Company, 1 Washington street. Phone Main 652. -24-1 WILL SELT,, or exchange for vacant lot. five-passenger automobile: 60 horsepow er: In fine condition; rides like a sleeping car. It's a bargain. Price S6OO. Main “405-. T. Charles R. Cook, 180 South Boule vard 9-24-9 AUTOMObTCes FOFr'EXCHANGE? NEW BRUSH; never tjsed; to exchange for lot; and 25-horsepower Maxwell, fine condition, for cash, cheap. Owner. Box 300. care Georgian 9-16-36 automobiles Wanted? MANTED- -Small automobile; late model;. , ri ?. ter Preferred. Must be in good , ® °r tier - Wants to buy direct from ?„„ e ' r 0 brokers. Give lowest price " 1,1 take; also name and model. Address P. n , Box 203. care Georgian. 64-2-10 ' CPT - 9 ne touring car. win '. 2 e ’’heap; first-class condition. ' e ?' hange t iklahoma Citv or Denver iroper.' _A P| , ly 807 Empire Bldg. 10-1-45 AT' I’' 1 ’' F! '.adsters, runabouts and for 1 ar , s " e are having daily calls hL- „ e ', iour car might be the one H»L drp l,,r,kin R for. List It with us. X.r e „ t 'J" pe / ty in all Parts of the city to enino't Be v for automobiles. If you are hv AA’,: " ly a car - Protect your interests itMH, dn n n '? K our ,ist °f bargains. Auto pt?" s Exct ‘ange. Bell 2053-M. 31 Inman tninTJiP '“’-•an handle three Hudson standard rars : also two roadsters of and ,na . k ® ; , must be in good order chanel h «n g nLP rlce - Auto Realty Ex -8 Bell 2053-M. 31 Inman Bldg. ■ 10-2-32 Motorcycles. cWnYA Excelsior 6-horsepower twin gage ' J" h R-Hpae clutch and lug- >• « I h n Pe u eC x' running order and forsv h -.ln? ,V, N . Cooledge, 12 North '* Atlanta. 10-3-10 Stove and Range Repairing. ST DAN. THE~FIXEr7 We st .p ANr ’pAIRIN I G. ERATOR RE " We ?T' r ? r | rl, ’ an ' i gas stoves. ■chimneys. Atlant? STREET 1 hone 2235. Bell Phone Main 2639 -4-7 Real Estate For Sale. "s'sOxifin 0 bp autlful leveF'east front •HI sell r neo-n h .’u on EMt Lake drive; ! trnis c c<- r ,.b ot b at a bargain on easy care Georgian. 10-3-48 i:burb Pa tvn ne Tr eS ! denCjes - ln hi « h you a .. ..,7 ' ’ v ■ Don t answer unless glan the cash Box 807, care Geor rOft'sTTr — 53-2-10 iSf Hive; A2Hr‘ ro °m house, lot 50 by John f'arev ■, ar TiPi e; 31.000; $lO a month. - 2 - Whitehall street. 9-16-17 H AVE TIIP pv b R-KESiI>E.X’CE“ galt, Wa - u P-to-date six-room bun s t'eultv. p rovements. on paved “Cg. . t Ah s ' electric ; ft ■ <at and c c 0,9 wa,er connections, f‘ r . ir,Ti a payment; bal- •>'«rr. aver-m App,y John Hagan, 218 Au fT-T-t 9-20-18 Ev.-pL , ,alp - list your property with ?’ on buy or Ur ; p n °t be a modern home ss—-J J __ ls wired for electricity. Farms Wanted. ♦f 'ri'W’-W r *—" e h ave direct buy w' pron£??v eomm ” lon - Write de- V.„ ~ Property, naming lowest price, 'merlcln 1 ? Pate . dei,lrable propt ’ r,y ” r »’a e bulim„2 w? tmen ' Association, funding, Minneapolis, Minn. POU LT W* muild r.j. marshall. Cocks, Cockerels, Hens, Pullets Judge F. J. Marshall: h.-A* v ± at a9e ? r atage do cockerels become cocks and pullets become nensf Please give answer in Georgian. Yours truly, na . J. W. HAMILTON. Dacula, Ga. The btandard of 'Perfection defines these terms very clearly as follows: "Cock,” a male fowl one year old and over. “Cockerel.” a male fowl less than one year old. Hen, a female fowl one year old and over. Pullet, ’a female fowl under one year old. You see, the time of year that a spec imen is hatched has nothing whatever to do with the matter, although the premium lists of many of our fairs and shows have made this matter very con fusing. especially to the novice whe has failed to go to the bottom of things. These show catalogues have been copy ing from one another for years until many were under the impression that they were right. Their rules read like this: “Cock, a male fowl hatched prior to January 1, 1912. Cockerel, a male fowl hatched since January 1, 1912. Judge Marshall will be glad to answer in this department questions on all points of rearing utility and fancy poultry. He can not undertake, however, to reply personally to such let ters of inquiry. Address Judge F. J. Marshall, College Park, Ga. Leghorns. 200 S. C WHITE LEGHORN cockerels and pullets, early hatched from win ners and heavy layers, at $1 each. These are good ones. Joseph B. Wood. Brooks. Ga. 9-17-22 Plymouth Rocks. 500 BARRED ROCK cockerels and pullets, ‘early hatched from fancy stock, a| $1 each. Don’t miss this bargain, .lames B. Wood, Brooks. Ga. 9-17-23 Eggs, • ■riToROUGHBRED Buff Orpington eggs. $1 per fifteen. 126 Windsor street. Main 3588. ±.27-25 BLACK SPANISH EGGS for fail setting reduced to $3; two settings, $5; a few trios my breeders at $7.50. Headquarters for Guinea pigs and white rats. George Austin, 428 East Georgia avenue, City. 48-1-10 Rabbits. FOfTsALE, CHEAP—Rufus Red Belgian hares, 149 South avenue. 31-3-10 Dogs. FOR SALE—FuII blood hound puppies, dog and bitch; seven months old: tine stock; prices right. James B. William son, Jefferson, Ga. 10-3-53 Horsey and Carriages FOR SALE—Saddle pony, beautiful bay; good gait, gentle; suitable for boy or girl. A. B. Kellogg. Temple Court Bldg. 1V” it “ v Business Opportunities. A RARE OPPORTUNITY for a live man with $2,000 and services to join hands with one of Atlanta’s most sub stantial business men in a guaranteed safe mail order proposition. If you are look ing for a safe investment and a prosperous future, write at once. This opening is for one man only. Address H. K., Box 480, care Georgian.lo-3-34 FOR SALE—Drv goods business, clearing SIOO per month: connecting residence tn this city; stock amounts to about SBOO. Box 423? care Georgian. FOR SALE—Saloon doing good business. Cheap rent. Box 802. care Georgian. 40-Z-I V FOR SALE—One well established tin business or tin and plumbing together. For further particulars write W. H. K. Schroeder, P. O. Box 54, Americus, Money To Loan. THOUSANDS of dollars to loan J’ljst mortgage city property in Atlanta 5, 5t 2 and 6%. We loan money direct to own ers of property. J. C. BOONE, 821 Candler Bldg. Ivy 0069 HOME FUNDS and insurance money at prevailing rates of interest on real es tate. Can place your application and get the money at once. Ralph O. Cochran Company. 19 South Broad. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE AND OTHERS, upon their own names; cheap rates, easy payments. Confiden tial. D. H. Tolman, 524 Austell building. MONEY ON HAND for immediate loans on property in or near Atlanta. J. E- Van Valkenburg. 501 Equitable building b-b-ZL WEYMAN & CONNORS. ESTABLISHED 1890. Mortgages on Real Estate. ±5. SPECIAL HOMFI FUNDS TO LEND, any amount; 6 per cent. Write or call. S. W. Carson, 24 South Broad street. 4-J__£ 7 FARM’ LOANS placed in any amount on improved farm lands in Georgia. The Southern Mortgage Company, Gould build ing. 7 - 13 ' 1 MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST MORTGAGE real estate applications at 6,7 and 8 per cent interest. Can give you the money right away. Ralph O. Cochran Co. L. H. ZURLINE. Mgr. Loan Dept. 19 Si Broad Street. Real Estate For Sale Real Estate For Sale IDG EYV ODD AVE NU E WE ARE in position to offer the biggest bargain on Edgewood Ave Will sell for S7O per foot less than market value, and the market value is sure to advance SIOO this fall. Now here is a chance to make $l7O per foot. WILSON BROS. 701 EMPIRE BLDG REAL ESTATE . BELT. 4411-. T MAIN Read for Profit. Use for Results GEORGIAN WANT ADS HEAD FOR PROFIT-GLDKGjAN WANT ADS—USE FOR RESULTS Hen, a female fowl hatched prior to January 1. 1912. Pullet, a female fowl hatched since January 1. 1912”—0f course, the dates being corrected to suit the year in which It was used. You see how contradictory it is and really no foundation or excuse for it. It made a whole lot of difference, too, in the awarding of prizes, especially at the early fall fairs and shows. Take, for example, a. cockerel hatched Decem ber 31 and shown at a show the first of the following October. He would be but nine months old and yet under the catalogue’s ruling,must show as a cock, and so on till through the line. It is all wrong and should be adjusted. If a show is to run under Standard rules. The Standard should be consulted in regard to the rules and not some other catalogue that perhaps no one knows the origin of. We hope show managers will look after and clean up this im portant matter. Cows. FOR SALE—Two Jersey cows: fine con dition. Venable Bros., Temple Court Bldg. FOR SALE —fine large, tine, red Dur ham cow. Call 304 Oakland aventie or Bell phone Main 5110-J. 35-1-10 Miscellaneous Poultry. 11. G. HASTINGS & CO.. Seedsmen for the South, 16 West Mitehell street. Four City De liveries Daily. North and South Side 9 a. m., Inman Park and West End 2 p. m. Bell Phone M. 2568, Atlanta 2568. GET A BOX of Cofikey’s Chicken Pox Remedy just as soon as you find that your fowls have the sorehead. It is a sure cure. Price. 50c. BULBSTbULBS—Write for a copy of our Bulb Catalogue. It gives prices and de scription of bulbs that are to be planted at this season of the year. LEE’S GERMOZONE—The poultry medi cine. Both liquid and tablet form, 50c. Tablets can be sent by mall. IT IS TIME TO BEGIN working on your lawns. We can supply you with the best grade of fancy recleaned Kentucky Blue Grass, Evergreen Lawn Mixture and lawn fertilizers. CONKEY’S ROUP REMEDY will cure those fowls that are w'alking around running ac the nose and eyes. Price, 25c, 50c and SI.OO. A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE you that either of the following are good: Lee’s Egg Maker, Conkey’s Laying Tonic or Rust's Egg Producer; 25c and 50c pack ages of each. Money To Loan. THE PRU DENTiTIY IN SURANCE CO. of Ameri ca can make you a loan on Atlanta improved property, through their loan corre spondents, Turman. Black A Calhoun, 203-8 Empire Building. 6-7-12-1 WE HAVE plenty of money to lend at lowest rates on Atlanta and nearby property, either for straight or monthly payment plan. Also for purchasing pur chase money notes. Foster & Robson, 11 Edgewood Ave. jewelers and brokers - 301 mo tT ' STRICTLY PRIVATE Without Indorsement Without Collateral Security Without Rea] Estate Securities Monev loaned at LAWFUL RATES. . NATIONAL DIS COUNT CO., 301-2 Fourth Nation al Bank Building. Real Estate For Sale. W. A. Foster & Raymond Robson REAL ESTATE. RENTING AND LOANS. Bell Phones 1031-1032. 11 EDGEWOD AVE. Atlanta Phone 1881. ’’IF YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD., IT’S SO.” FOR SALE 336 GORDON STREET is a beautiful ten room house with two baths, furnace am servant’s room; the place is one of the most desirable in the city; the lot is 90x 150. on the corner of Lawton, the verj best part of West End; the lot Is worth almost the price of the whole proposition The price has been reduced from to $10,500. and ought to sell very quicklj at this figure; $5,000 can be carried at V per cent and terms on the balance. Sec Mr. Eve. LOOK at No. 286 Oak street, at the cor ner of West End Place (Bunker street! 1 his is a nice five-room cottage, with eight-foot hall through it. Everything it in splendid shape; lot 51x150, on a goon corner, and to an allev. Price $3 500 Terms. See .Mr.. White. ON PONCE; DE LEON near St. Charles avenue, a nearly new two-storx eight-room residence, with all city con venlencca; hardwood floors downstairs slightly elevated level lot 50x150 to an alley. Bargain for $5,250. Attractive terms. See Mr. Bradshaw. ON -WEST PEACHTREE. , h>;~in m have a splendid homo of nine rooms; beautiful lot; everything in perfect condi tion. Price SII,OOO. See Mr. Radford If You Have .Money to Lend, We Cun Place it Safelv. FOR RENT. I. I’’ 1 ’’ Joo'Y Baker sts4o.oo 7-r. h., 297 Crew 5t525.00 8-i. h.. 388 Spring st 27.50 G-r. h., 1.36 E. Georgia a\ r e 22.50 ST A?a 7 zP ooper at 35 01 6 “ r h -, 11 Johnson avo 21.00 ”~ r ‘ “•» Cooper .st,s- 35.00 6-r. 11, 442 Pulliam .st 25.00 WE PUBLISH A WEEKLY KENT BULLETIN, giving a good description of everything we have for rent. Get a copy JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT. 12 AUBURN AVENUE. PHONE MAIN 618. FOR RENT BY E. RIVERS REALTY COMPANY • 8 West Alabama Street. NO. IL> EAST A\ ENI. E—Tins is an eight-room house equipped with gas and electricity; hot and cold water and on a large level lot. Verv desirable for two small families. Splendid location and in an excellent neighborhood; s3o per inonth. FOR RENT 459 LUCKIE STREET, near Tech School, an eight- room house in good condition. This is just the place for a small fam ily, as you Can rent enough rooms to pay the rent. At pres ent the rooms rented are bringing in $50.00 per month. This place can be had for only $4->.OO per month, and present occu pant will vacate on a few days’ notice. Empire Trust and Safe Deposit Co. EMPIRE BUILDING. Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. Two West End Bungalows—Easy Terms ON DARGAN STREET, near Lucile avenue, we have for sale a five-room bun galow, very attractive, and having all ipodern improvements; elevated, east front dot, fronting a. beautiful park. The Pi/ice is .$8.::50, on terms of about $260 CASH and $25 per MONTH. Pick this in i> eai iit i L WESTI END PARK, ab ui one block froin car line, we hßve a brand-new six-room bungalow, well built, well arranged and a little beautv. Good, level lot. Price $3,500. Terms about 5356 cash; balance like rent. Let ns show you this place because we know you will like it if vou want to locate any where in that splendid residence section. THOMSON & LYNES 18 and 20 Walton St. Both Phones 458. EXCHANGE, EXCHANGE. • , BEAUTIFUL 8-room house in 14 or 15 minutes walk of cltv Lot 118x20(1 on one ot the best streets in city, for* farm near’eity from 80 to 150 acres’ ATLANTA SUBURBAN REALTY COMPANY. 31 INMAN BLDG. __ WE HAVE a four-room house facing ear line on the east side of town that wo will sell for SBSO and allow a carpenter, painter, mason or plasterer to work $350 out and assume a loan of SSOO. We will pay such bu ver a part wage while he is work ing this balance out. Address 11. W. I)., 60!) Atlanta National Bank Bldg., or call 4234. Beautiful Highland View THIS LOCATION is so well known and its advantages for homes so highly appreciated that no word of praise is necessary. CALL AT ONCE and get prices and terms. ■ Atlanta Development Co. 609-13 Third National Bank Building. Bungalows, Bungalows, Bungalows IN ORMFAYOOI) PARK. I WILL BUILD you a home arranged to suit your own ideas on a lot as large as you like, tnd you can arrange terms to suit yourself, with a small rash payment. See the Beautiful Bungalows just finished, with every convenience. Phone Main 4245-J. Atlanta Phone 6027-M. | ’ J. R. McADAMS ORMEWOOl) PARK. ■ , , SMALL FARM FOR RENT. $12.50 PER MONTH; 30-acre farm, in Buckhead district; good'for truck and dairy business; small house and barn, fruit, spring A. S. HARRIS, Real Esatet I MAIN 1387. 805 Empire Building. THE HOUSE you will build, buy or rent will not be a i modern home unless it is wired for Electricity. Houses For Rent. FOR RENT. 151 NORTH JACKSON STREET. ON THE RIGHT going out Jackson.street, between Caln and Highland avenue, slt ( uated on a very large, elevated lot, wi have a good two-story ten-room resl defice. with cabinet mantels, gas. bath and sink in the kitchen. This house is located in a good neighborhood, on ear line, Convenient to schools and churches, and within walking distance of the busl ness portion of the city. Price SSO. 58 WILLIAMS STREET. ON THE I.EFT going out Williams street, between Harris and Baker, w have a second-floor five-room flat, with cabinet mantels, gas. bath and sink in kitchen. This flat Is In nice condition, convenient to schools, churches and cat lines, ami within close walking distance of the business portion of the city. In ' eluding city water. $25.60. : AND A LONG LIST of all kinds and sizes of other houses, and at all prices. Come to see us. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1912. Real Estate For Sale. HOW ATLANTA GROWS Go around on the edges where you haven’t been in some time, ami notice how the bungalows are springing up every where. - - See how the long line of residences is reaching far out into the fields, new streets being opened up everywhere, and the building zone constantly pushed further out.' Soon it will be a serious matter to find a desirable building lot in four or five miles of center. Prudent people who can see a little ahead should, provide a home site now. A vacant lot bought now will keep all right until the time comes when it is needed for actual building. We have nice lots at all prices and can make easy terms. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR BUY A HOME AT SACRIFICE S3,SOO—WEST END'BUNGALOW; six rooms; modern and pretty, up to date; No. 30 North Dargan. On terms to suit you. The house has large reception hall all the way across front; panel room; largo porch; on elevated lot. S4,OOO—AUGUSTA AVE.; pretty home; six rooms; modern; good as new'; double floored; storm sheeted; on east front lot. 50x175. Can arrange good terms. $4,250 —E. GEORGIA AVE.; block from the park, we are offering, the prettiest, best built small home on the street. Take a look at ft. Terms. No loan. $4,500- BUNGALOW, between Inman Park and Druid Hills; something classy; six rooms, on pretty lot Can arrange terms. One-half block of car line. Don’t wait; it will be gone, •su’re. Martin-Ozburn Realty Co. Third National Bank Building. Phone Ivy 1276; Atlanta 208. WILLIAMS-HARTSOCK CO. REAL ESTATE AND BUILDERS. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDINCk Phon* 3 106 Main. HERE IS A BEAUTY —It is cheap, too. Sex'en-room house In Druid Hills section. This house is equipped with fine brick, tile and cabinet mantels, hardwood floors, birch doors, splendid basement; is situated on an elegant corjter lot, with frontage of 65 feet. Elegant gas and electric fixtures. It won't keep $4,500; SSOO cash, balance S3O per month; no loan to assume. All you have to do is to get busy. This is the place you have been looking for. CORNJER ON PONCE de i.e<>.\' AVENUE—It is well located and we are quot ing it below the market value; 65 feet frontage; you can have it for $4,000. It is just a case of where the owner needs the money. Terms. .11 ST OFF OF PEACHTREE STREET, on Noirtli avenue, we have a bargain In a house that we can either sell or exchange. See us about this. LET US DO your building. Will make easy terms and the right price North Side Residence DO YOU WANT A SWELL HOME within three blocks of Georgian Ter race'.' We have exclusive sale of a high-class veneered brick, with every modern convenience, including excellent heating plant. The price. $10,500, is reasonable and terms will be made to suit. J. H. EWING 116 “LOBBY” CANDLER BLDG. Salesmen: L. S. Brown. R. E. Riley. EDWIN P. ANSLEY REAL ESTATE. REALTY" TRUST BUILDING. $125 PER FRONT FOOT will buy a small piece of central property, where val ues are increasing every day. You will have to hurry if you want this. —— - ——■—- —■— 44,500- AN ATTRACTIVE bungalow just off of North Boulevard, on very at tractive terms. Six rooms; all modern improvements. ifivSo RUYS beautiful building lot on t lie north side This is a corner lot in a I. aeption where prices are advancing every day. See us about this at once. YOi’lt PROPERTY w’ith us exclusively, and we will co-bperate with other agents. EDWIN P. ANSLEY. Ivy 1600-1-2. Atlanta. 363. 14th St., SSO Cash, sls Monthly THE CROWLEY REALTY COMPA N Y have secured a contract on eighteen lots on Fourteenth sfreet. 1,200 feet from West Peachtree, at a price that insures a good profit at once. These lots have a high elevation, with water, sewerage, etc. They will be sold from S2O to S3O per front foot less than neighborhood prices. Terms, SSO cash, sls monthly. Call us up at once and let us drive you out and show this property, THE CROWLEY REALTY CO. 307 PETERS BUILDING. PHONE MAIN 5226. LOOK! VACANT LOTS IN INMAN PARK we offer you three lots, belonging to an out-of-town party, on one of the principal residence streets. We have a price of $1,250. $1,200 and $1,150. These prices are right and are a pickup for a builder at 5 this figure. ' .... HARPER REALTY COMPANY 717 THIRD NATION AL BANK BLDG., HELI. PHONE IVY 4286. ATLANTA PHONE 672. THE L. C. GREEN CO. REAL ESTATE. 305 THIRD NATIONAL BANK BLDG. TEL. IVY 2943. DON'T THESE LOOK GOOD? IN a few feet of Guthman’s Laundry, cornering on Whitehall, Formwait and Fair streets, 126x161x99 7-10. Also on Brotherton street east of Guthman’s Laundry, facing north, lot 60x146x104. running through to Fair street, and facing on Fair 71 feet. For warehouse or building purposes of any kind, ran you find anything better? We think not. We want your offer. THE L. C. GREEN COMPANY. W. M SCOTT &R. S. MORRIS BELL PHONE 5095; ATLANTA 835. 210-212 GOULD BUILDING. $9,000. A GOOD brick store; new and up to date, paying 13 1-2 per cent. Terms. $3,750. A DANDY up-to-date cottage home near Grant Park. Not a cheaply put .up home, but something good. SSOO cash. SUBI RBAN. HOME. MARIETTA CAR LINE. 4 1-2 to 10 ACRES, 6-room cottage, accommodation for 1,000 hens: spring water on place. Will exchange for city propertv or sell on terms. E. G. BLACK 719 FOURTH NATIONAL BANK. MAIN 1514. LIST YOI’R imOPERTY WITH US FO H QUICK RESULTS. Real Estate For Sale. 17