Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, October 03, 1912, HOME, Page 18, Image 18
18 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN V XJ) MW BREAD Fj3R PROFIT— WANT ADS— USE FOR RESULTS Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE JOHN J. WOODS I DE HOMES AM) INVESTMENTS. PHONE MAIN 2059. 901 EMPIRE BLDG. ATLANTA. GA. SPECIAL $4.950—N0. 43 Greenwood St., one hundred feel from N. Bou levard. a splendid 8-room, 2-story home, 4 bed rooms on second floor. 2 toilets, one bath. Folding doors between par lor. reception hall and dining room. Double floored, storm sheathed ami the prettiest lot on the street. 75 feet wide and l.»0 feet deep. Elegant homes all around. If yon are inter ested. see us at once. RAMSEY, GREEN & ANDERSON 214-15 EMPIRE BUILDING. MAIN 66, ATLANTA 344 $350 HI IS elevated, level lot on ear line, cherted street, water, sewer, gas, curb, tile and beautiful oak shade. Non-resident owner. $1,900 El.evateii. level lot near Ponce DeLeon Ave., corner of 20 feet and a bargain. ' BEAUTI i'i. ot on St. Charles Ave.. 70-foot street. Ideal and level. *'• 150 BUYS cottage, Druid Hills section, all conveniences. Buy this and make s'ttn next spring. FOR SALE RY GOOD PROPERTY PRICED LOW. I V I v I v (Fronting Two Streets.) ■* r 230x222, RUNNING to a point on which e I < \ I 11 several small busim ss< s pay rental 1 * • • * ’of $22.50 per month Opportunity here , ■s. z X \ 1 rx * X ’ X ’ 10 make nice profit Sec us right away. I\l 1 7-X | ''an he had now for only $3,000. 511 EMPIRE BUILDING. Phones 1599 REAL ESTATE. RENTING. IXJANS. Legal Notices. i.• • A Fulton C< nt> To the Superior Court of Sahl County: The petition of EX CH AX <; E AI ■ TOM OB! LE COM PA N Y respectfully shows 1 That at the .Via;, term, 1912, of said court jour petitioner was granted a chnrtcr empowering said corporation to engage in the general business of buy ing, selling and repairing automobiles, an<l that since said time said Exchange Automobile Company has been operating under said charter 2. ( >n September 7, 1912, at the meeting of the stockholders of .said corporation, railed for the purpose of considering the advisability of going out of business and surrendering said charter, a resolution was passed by a unanimous vote of all the stockholders authorising the dissolu tion and liquidation of said corporation, together with the surrender of its char ter; and providing for the settlement In full of all its indebtedness and thereafter a division of Its assets among the stock holders 3 Petitioner si ows that at the present time it has asst s of the approximate value of $5,000 ami owe* approximately SSOO. 4. Petitioner shows that the interests of | creditors and stockholders will be bent conserved by a dissolution of the corpora tion and the acceptance by the state of I Georgia of Its charter Wherefore, Petitioner prays for an or der of this honorable court fixing the time i for the hearing of this petition, and for ■ such other and further orders as may he ! neoencarv for a legal dissolution of said 1 corporation as provided for in the acts nf 1910. page 106, of the state of Georgia I DORSEY, SHELTON & DORSEY. Petitioner’s Attorneys GEORGIA- -Fulton County Personally appeared before the under signed. a notary public in and for Fulton | county, Georgia, came W S Witham. Jr . who on oath says he Is secretary and treasurer of the Exchange Automobile Company, and that the facts In the fore going petition axe true to the best of his knowledge and belief VV S. WITHAM. JR Sworn to and subscribed before me? this 12th day of September, 1912. JOS D GREENE. Notary Public, Fulton County. Georgia GFoRGTA Fulton Count} The above and foregoing petition read and considered. It Is ordered and de creed that a hearing of this petition shall take place at the court house in said count} on the 14th day of October. 1912. It is further ordered that the petition be died In the office of the clerk of this court, and that a copy of the petition ami order be published once a week for four weeks in the newspaper where the sher iff f sales In and for said count} are pub lished This the 12th day of September. 1912. GEORGE L BELL Judge Superior Court, Fulton County Filed in office this the 12th dav of Sep tember. 1912 ARNOLD BROYLES, Clerk 9-12-39 GEORGIA Fulton Count} Ordinary's < ifficc, Sept 12. 1912 Edgar Garrison Ballenger has applied for letter** of administration on the estate of Nora (.'lark Ballenger, deceased This is. therefore, to notify all concerned that the same will be heard on the first Mon day in October next J< >ii x i< w ilk ixh »x, < naiy GEORGIA Fulton County. Ordinary’s Office, Sept 12. 1912. Harriet W. (.'ampbell. J. B Campbell and Minter Wimberly have applied for let - ters of administration on the (‘state of R O (’-ampbell, deceased This is. there fore, to notify all concerned that the same will be heard on the fust Monday in Oc tober next JOHN R WILKINSON, ordinary GEORGIA Fulton County Ordinary’s office. Sept. 12. 1912 Thomas A. Martin has applied for let tors of administration on the estate of Thomas M Martin, deceased. This is. therefore, to notify all concerned that the same will be heard on the first Monday In October next. JOHN Rv. ii.kixs. ord narj <; e< ;iy .! \ ’ . >: c Ordinary’s Office, Sept. 12. 1912 Notice is hereby given to all concerned that Lula Jones, late of said count' died Intestate, and no person has applied for administration on the estate of said de ceased, and that administration will be vested in the county adnrnlst rator. or some other fit and proper person, on the first Monday In October m-xt unless valid objection Is made thereto JollN R Wil KIXS<»'- ordinary GEORGIA Fulton County Ordinary's office, Sept. 12. 1912 Mrs Eleta Mills Cresap has applied for letters of guardianship of the person and property of Eleta Padgett, minor, under th*» age of fourteen years. This is. therefore, !• notify all con cerned that the same will be heard on the first Mor.oay in < *ctobcr next. fOHN n WILKINSON, On Ina ry GEORGIA Fulton County Ordinary 's office. Sep?. 12. 1912 Mrs Grace I Murph} has applied for letters of guard anship of the person and property of Alfred Norman Adams, minor, under the age of fourteen years This is. therefore, to notify all con cerned that the same will be heard on the first Monday In October next e JO OX R WILKINSON, ord nary GEORGIA Fulton County Ordinary’s Office, Sept 12. 1912. !• M Im o*rt has applied for letters of guardianship of the person and property of Horen- • B Bruce, minor, under the at'* ..f fourteen years This therefore, to notify al! con cerned ’’ at c , <ame will be heard on tht fit • Mondax in October next. JOHN R. WILKINSON, ordinary. COR. VINE AND MAGNOLIA. (NO. 238 VINE.) LARGE LOT. about 100 by 100 feet. Fair improvements. Good store proposition. Make money here. Price asked. $2,750. Make offer. THOMAS R FINNEY. Sales Manager 12 AUBURN AVENUE D. C. SMITH Legal Notices. GEORGIA !• ulion County. Court i»f Ordinary, < Tiambors, Sept. 12, 1912. To the heirs-at-law of Mrs. Alice Fick- , ett, deceased. Marcellus M. Anderson, having avplh.l for an order requiring F*eter F. Clarke. Boy<l Perry and Reese Pern, the executors of the will of said deceased, to execute title under a bond for title; you are hereby cited to he and ap pear at the next October term of said' < <»urt to be held on the first Monday in | October next, then nml there to show ; cause, if any you ran, why said order ! should-not he granted JOHN i: \\ 11 j< Ixs< •v. Ordinary ’• l j |R< ;i A • ulton < unty Court of Ordinary, at Chambers. Kept. 12 I 1912. ; The appraisers on the application of • Fannie Hudson, widow of David F. Hud son. deceased, for a twelve months’ sup- i port for herself and minor children, hav ing duly filed their return, nil persons are '• hereby cited to show cause, if any they * have, at the next October term of this. ; court, why said application should not bp ' granted JOHN R '>'■ 11. lx i x >■’ • 1 . <t< I, nary, •; i ? ‘id ;i \ i’ ulton (’ountj. j t'ourt of Ordinary, at Chambers, Sept. 12, I The appraisers on the application of Mrs Elinor Perry’, widow of Henry Ward I’erry, deceased, for a twelve months’ I support for herself, having duly filed her return, all persons are hereb\ cited to show cause, if any they have, at the next i (tetober term of this court, why said ap- 1 plication should not be granted I GEORGIA Fulton County. Court of Ordinary, Chambers. September 12. 1912. To the Hoirs-at-Law of Julia E. Wat- 1 son. pecoased. Who Reside Out of Said < State David W. Appier having as execu- | tor applied for probate in solemn form of; the last will of said deceased, you are i hereby cited to he and appear at the next October term of said court, on the first' Mondax in October next, as said will of J said deceased will then be offered for pro bate in solemn form .hdl.X It \V 11 *!\ I \’S< »X. ordinary. GE( >R< 11 \ i 'uHon < ’ount \ Court of Ordinary, Chambers. September 12, 1912. To the l aw of Mary Evait. De ceased. Who Reside Out of Said State: Mattle Rinehart having as executor ap plied for probate in solemn form of the last will of said deceased, you are hereby cited to la* and apocar at the next Octo- ; her term of said court, on the first Mon da> in October next, as said will of said deceased will then be offered for probate, in solemn form < .'< •Il X I; WII K IX'SQX. Ordinary. <IE< >RGI A Fulton County, } Ordinarx’s Office, September 12. 1912. J C Miller las applied for letters of I administration on the estate of .lames Mil- ’ let. deceased. This is. therefore, to no i tify all concerned that the same will be I ' beard on the first Monda> in October.] next [OHN R \\ ii dxixs<'X, Ordinary <; i-j >RGI \ Shilton ('ounty r Ordinary’s Office. September 12. 1912 i A. I W est, as administrator of the estate of A S Dyar. deceased, repre 1 sents that he lias fully discharged the . duties of his said trust, and prays for I letters of dismission. This is. therefore, ' • to notii\ all persons concerned to show | cause, if any they can. on or before the . first Mon<iay In October next, why said 1 adndn’strator should not he discharged I r JOHN R WILKINSON. Ordinar> ) <;Eoß<;i \ Fulton County. . ordinary’s office, September 12. 1912. Willie T. McNineh. administrator of es tate of I T McNlnch, deceased, lias ap plied for leave to sell the land of said de ceased. This i*. therefore, to notify all ! concerned to file their objections, if any i they have, on or before the first Monday ; r In October next, else leave will then be I granted s.i d appl’cnnl. as applied for .i< »iin R wii.k i\>< -N < Jdinan ( GEORGIA Fulton County ' •rdinary s office. September 12. 1912. | William S Carroll, as administrator oft estate of Julia \ Carroll, deceased, has applied for leave to sell the land of said , i deceased This is. therefore, to notify all . concerned to the their objections, if anx they have. <>n or before the first Monday !n October next else leave wifi then lie granted said applicant, as applied for WH KIXS-'X ''u i na-v ■ GEORGIA Fulton County ordinary’s Office September 12. 1912 T K Moore, as administrator of the es tate of Nancy C. Moore, deceased, has ap- I plied for leave to sell the land of said de ceased This is. therefore, to notify all ■ concerned to file their obtections. !f any i ' they have, on or before the first Monday ■ in October next, else leave will then be i granted -aid apnl’eant. as applied for x : \\ 11 ,’x 1 \ ; r ,i GEORGIA Fulton County or.itr.arx s (Office, September 12. 1912. E D Thomas, as administrator of es tate of John M Connally deceased, ha? applied for leave to sell the land of said deceased This is. therefore, to notify all ' . .incerned to file their objections, if any . 1 thex ave on <»r before the first Mondav iin October next else leave will then be granted said applicant, mm applied for > ___ ’"HV R WII.KIXsoV. < >r<i'nnrv__ ■ GEOR'dA Fulton Count' Ordinary s office. September 12. 1912. Coi.rtland s Winn, as administrator of f estate of J C George deceased, has ap plied for leave to soil the land of said fie- • cea.-cd Th »» is. therefore to notify all concerned to file their objections, if any the.' hav» on nr before the first Monday i m Or-'.hor next »Use leave will then be granted t aojil < anr. as applied for JOHN R WILKINSON, ordinary. Real Estate For Sale Real Estate For Sale. gHARP & CAPITOL AVE. I THIS IS a nine-room two-story house in 1 beautiful Capitol Heights; four large | bed rooms upstairs and one on first floor j Ix>t is 50 by 200 feet, with a fine orchard and garden If you are looking for a home in this section it will certainly pay_ you to see this one. Price only $5,250, on very easy terms. NORTH SIDE BUNGALOW. THIS is a little beauty, just off High land avenue and right at Druid Hills; stone front; six rooms, with large steep ing porch; electric lights, gas, water, sew ler and hardwood floors; lot 50 bv 150 feet; new and up to date. Price $5,000. ■>n good terms. Jxiok at it and make us an offer. GRANT PARK COTTAGE. THIS IS a six-room cottage, near the cor ner of Georgia avenue and Grant street. Has alf the city conveniences and in first class condition Lot 55 by 150 feet. In one block of school. Car service best in I city. Price $2,750. Terms SSOO cash. $25 'per month; just like rent. ORM EWOOD PARK. JUST OFF CAR LINE and in th* best residence section, we have a new six room cottage, with city water and bath; in lot 60 by 160 fret, level and shady; ' 1200 cash and S2O per month. LOTS. IN ORME WOOD PARK, fronting car | line and charted street, we can sell you a bargain for S6OO You can make some money here. Railroad Schedule. SOUTIIERN "RAILWAY? "PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH” ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF PASSENGER TRAINS. ATLANTA. The following schedule figures are pub lished only as information, and are not guaranteed; INo Arrive From— No. Depart To— -35 N. Y0rk..5:00 am 36 N. York. 12; 15 am 13 Jaxville 6:20 am 20 Col’bus 5:20 am 43 Was'ton. 5:25 am 13 Clnci s;3oam 12 Sh’port.. B:3oam 32 Ft. Vat.. 5:30 am 23 Jaxville 6:50 am 35 B’ham ... 5:45 am •17 Toccoa... 8:10 am, 7 Chat ga . 640 am 26 Heflin 8:20 ami 12 R'rnond .. 6:55 am 29 N. York.lo:3o ami 23 K. City. 700 am 8 Chat'ga 10:35am| 16 Bruns'k . 7 45 am 7 Macon. 10:40 ain| 29 B'ham . 10 45 am 27 Ft. Vai . 10:46 am 38 N. York 11:01am 21 Col’bus 10:50 am 40 Ch’lotte 12 00 n'n 6 Clnci... ll:10am| 6 Macon . 12:20 pm 29 C’llbns .1:40 pm 30 C’biis.. 12:30 t>m I 80 B’ham 2:3opm SON. York. 2 45pm | 40 B’ham. 12:40 pm 15 Chatt’ga. 3:00 pm • 89 Ch’lotte. 8:55 pm 39 B'ham 410 pm j 5 Macon.. 4:00 pm *lB Toccoa 4:30 pm I 37 N. York 5:00 pm 22 Col’bus 6:10 pm 15 Bruns'k. 7:50 pm 5 Clnci... 5:10 pm i 11 R'rnond.. 8:30 pm 28 F Valley 5 20 cm 24 K. City. 9;20 pm 25 Heflin ... 5:45 pm 16 Chatt’ga 9:35 pm 10 Macon... 5:30 pm 19 Col’bus 10:20 pm: 44Wash’n.. 8:45 pm 81 Ft. Vai. 10:25 pml 24 Jaxville. 9;30 pm 36 B'ham . 12;00ngt! 11 Sh’port.. 11:10 pm 14 Clnci.. ILOOpmi 14 Jaxville 11:10 pm Trains marked thus (•> run dally, ex cept Sunday. Other trains run dally. Central time. City Ticket Office. No. 1 Peachtree St. Legal Notices. GEORGIA Fulton County. Court of Ordinary. At Chambers. September 12, 1912. i The appraisers on the application of I King, widow of Robert K. King. ■ deceased, for a twelve months support for ' herself, having duly filed their return, all i persons are hereby cited to show cause, ilf any they have, at the next October term of this court, why said application 1 should not be granted. JOI I N R JVI 1 K INSON, Ordinary. 1 GEORGIA—FuIton County. I Ordinary's Office. September 12, 1912 Levi M. Ector has applied for letters of administra'tion on the estate of B. B Ector, deceased. This Is, therefore, to notify all concerned 1 lint the same will be heard on the first Monday in October next. JOHN R. WiI.KINSOX’. Ordinary. GEORGIA Fulton County. Ordinary's office. September 12, 1912. Charles <>. Hopkins has applied for let ters of administration on the estate of George Doane, deceased. This is. there fore. to notify all concerned that the same will be heard on the first Monday In October next John R WiI,KINSON. Ordinary. GEORGIA Fulton County. Ordinary's Office, September 12, 1912 , John C Warwick has applied for Ist- ■ ters of administration on the estate of I George W Warwick, deceased. This is. therefore, to notify all concerned that I the same will be heard on the first Mon- I da' in October next. JOHN R. WILKINSON, ordinary. GEORGIA Fulton County Ordinary's Office. September 12, 1912. Lula Neal Harris tins applied for let ters of administration on the estate of l Carl Chappell Harris, deceased. This is. I therefore, to notify all concerned that the . same will be heard on the first Monday In | October next. | JOHN R WILKINSON. Ordinary. I Georgia Fulton County. Ordinary's Office. September 12. 1912. Lewie Tanks has applied for letters of I administration on the estate of James I Tanks, deceased. Tills Is, therefore, to notify all concerned that the same will be heard on the first Monday in October next. JOHN R WILKINSON, ordinary ._ GEORGIA Fulton County. ordinary's Office. September 12. 1912 R M Callaway has applied for letters iof administration with will annexed on I the estate of Henrietta D. Selxas. de- I ceased This is. therefore to notify all concerned that the same will be heard on I the first Monday in October, next j JOHN R W1 I.KINSON. tirdinary. I GEORGIA Fulton County. I ordinary s Office. September 12. 1912 Mary Connell, as administratrix of the estate of Nettie V Sterling, deceased, has applied for leave to sell the land of said deceased This is. therefore, to notify all concerned to tile 'heir objections, If any they have on or before the first Monday in October next, else leave will then be granted said applicant, ns applied for. IOHX It WILKINSON. Ordinary. '■K<' KG I A Fulton <’ounty. Ordinary's Office. September 12. 1912 I N Ragsdale, as administrator of the estate of o I*. Booth, deceased, has ap plied for leave to sell the land of said deceased. Tliis is. therefore, to notify all concerned to tile their objections, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in October next, else leave will then be I granted said applicant, as applied for JOHN R. WlLt<lxst)N. <lrdinary. GEORGIA Fulton County Ordinary's office. September 12, 1912 Emma C Connally, as administratrix of the estate of Silas N Connally, de ceased. represents that she lias fully die charged the duties of her said trust, and prays for letters of dismission Thia is. therefore, to notify alt persons concerned to show cause. If any they can. on or be fore the first Monday in October next, why said administratrix should not be dis charged IOHX it WILKINSON, Ordinary GEORGIA - Fulton County Ordinary s> Office. September 12. 1912. G W Arnold, as executor of the wtll of W A Spiva. deceased, represents that he has fully discharged the duties of his said trust, and prays for letters of dls misston This Is herefore, to notify all persons cor. erned to show cause. If any they <an, on or before the first Monday Legal Notices. In October next, why said executor should not be discharged. JOHN R WILKINSON. Ordinary. GE< )RGlA—Fulton ' lounty Ordinary's office. September 12. 1912. Emily Jekyll, as executrix of the wtll of George Jekyll, deceased, represents that she has fully discharged the duties of her said trust, and prays for letters of dis mission. This is. therefore, to notify all persons concerned to show cause, if any they can, on or before the first Monday i t October next, why said executrix thould not l>e discharged. JOHN R. Ml LKI NSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA—FuIton County Ordinary's Office. September 12. 1912. J. T. Corley, as guardian of property of Pauline Corley, represents that he has fully discharged the duties of his said trust, and prays for letters of dismission. This is, therefore, to notify all persons concerned to show cause, if any they can, on or before the first Monday in October next, why said guardian should not be discharged. JOHN R. WILKINSON. Ordinary. GEORGIA—FuIton County. Ordinary's Office, September 12, 1912. Joe Moses, as administrator of the es tate of Charity Moses, deceased, repre sents that he has fully discharged Hie duties of his said trust, and prays for letters of dismission. This is. therefore, to notify ail persons concerned to show cause, if any they can. or. or before the first Monday in October next, why said administrator should not be discharged JoiiN R. WILKINSON’, Ordinary. GEORtllA—Fulton <,’ounty. Ordinary's Office, September 12. 1912. Minnie W. Anthony, adminslratrix of the estate of Cora Nutting Wynn, de ceased, represents that she has fully dis charged the duties of her said trust, and prays for letters of dismission. This is, therefore, to notify all persons concerned to show cause, if any they can. on or before the first Monday in October next, why said administratrix should not be discharged. JOHN R. WILKINSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA— Fulton County. Ordinary's Office, September 12. 1912. Mrs. Lizzie G. Gordon, as administra trix of the estate of Louis Gordon, de ceased, represents that she has fully dis charged the duties of her said trust, and prays for letters of dismission. This is. therefore, to notify all persons concerned to show cause, if any they can. on or be fore the first Monday in October next, why said administratrix should not be discharged, JOHN R. WILKINS/)N, Ordinary GEORGIA—FuIton County. Ordinary's Office. September 12, 1912. Bessie H. Robertson, as guardian of Marion Berkeley Chatham, represents that she has fully discharged the duties of her said trust, and prays for letters of dismission. This is. therefore, to notify all persons concerned to show cause, if any they can. on or before the first Mon day In October next, why said guardian should not be discharged. JOHN R. WILKINSON. Ordinary. GEORGIA—FuIton Countv. Ordinary’s Office, September 12, 1912. J. M. Jewell, as administrator of the es tate of J. W. Coursey, deceased, has ap plied for leave to sell the land of said de ceased. This is. therefore, to notify all concerned to file their objections, if" anv they have, on or before the first Monday in October next, else leave will then be granted said applicant, as applied for. JOHN R._WH,KINSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA Fulton County. Ordinary's Office. September 12, 1912. Courtland S. Winn, as administrator ot the estates of Theo M. Elyea, Mrs. I-ennle Condon Hendrick, John Speer, Seaborn Cochran. Ella Akers. J. S. Hughes, Mrs. Janies F. I,ester, Anna G. Little. Mrs. Mattie A Payne and Adolphus DeLamat ta. deceased, and also as guardian of prop erty of Alexander Dougherty and Harrv Kennebrew, represents that he has fully discharged the duties of his said trusts, and prays for letters of dismission. This Is, therefore, to notify all persons con cerned to show cause, if any they can, on or before the first Monday in October next why said Courtland S. Winn should not be discharged JOHN R. WILKINSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA - Fulton County. Ordinary's Office, September 12, 1912. W. M. McWilliams, as administrator of the estate of David McWilliams, deceased, has applied for leave to sell the land of said deceased. This is. therefore, to noti fy all concerned to tile their objections. If any tliey have, on or before the first Mon day in October next, else leave will then be granted said applicant, as applied for JOHN R. WII.KINSON, Ordinary. Georgia Fulton County. Ordinary's Office, September 12. 1912. J. D. Bradwell, as administrator of es tate of Ermie Pope, deceased, has applied for leave to sell the land of said deceased. This is. therefore, to notify all concerned to file their objections, if anv thev have, on or before the first Monday in October next, else leave will then be granted said applicant, as applied for GEORGIA Fulton Comity. Ordinary's Office, September 12, 1912. W. H. Fuller, as administrator of estate of Mamie A. Fuller, deceased, has applied for leave to sell the land of said deceased. This is. therefore, to notify all concerned to file their objections, if any thev have, on or before the first Monday in October next, else leave will then be granted said applicant, as applied for JOHN R. WILKI.X'SON. Ordinary. GEORGIA—FuIton Conn t y. ’ Ordinary's Office. September 13. 1912. Mrs. William Wallace Dunlap has ap plied for letters of administration on the estate ot William Wallace Dunlap, de ceased This is. therefore, to notify all concerned that the same will be heard on the first Monday in October next JOHN R WILKINSON, Ordinary -13-21 GEORGIA Fulton County. Ordinary's Office. September 13. 1912. N. W. Roberts, administrator of the es tate of Mack S. Roberts, lias applied for leave to sell the land of said deceased. This is. therefore, to notify all concerned to tile their objections, if any thev have, on or before the first Monday in October next, else leave will then be granted said applicant, as applied for. JOHN R. Wil,Ki xSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA Fulton County. Court of Ordinary. Chambers. September 13. 1912. To the of Caroline Wer ber. Deceased, Who Reside Out of Said State: Alexander C. Werber and Carl A ; Werber having as executors applied for probate in solemn form of the last will of said deceased, you are hereby cited to be and appear at the next October term of said court, on the first Monday in Octo ber next, as said will of said deceased will then be offered for probate In solemn I form JOIIN R. Wl LK!N’St)N. iirdinary. GEORtilA—Fulton Countv. ———— Court of Ordinary at Chambers, Sept. 13, 1912. To the heirs-at-law of Callie C. Hull, deceased, who reside out of said state. Marion Nlcii Hull and Harry Hull, hav ing as executors applied for probate in solemn form of the last will of said de ceased. you are hereby cited to be and appear at the next October term of said court, on the first Monday tn October next, as said will of said deceased will then be offered for probate in solemn form JOHN R WILKINSON. Ordinary. -13-37 NOTICE OF TRANSFER OF STOCK GEORGIA- Fulton Count) Know All Men by These Presents: That Vivian Slaughter, Esquire, of the town of orange, county of Orange, state of Virginia, administrator of the estate of Mercer Slaughter, deceased, lias applied to this bank for transfer to himself, per sonally. of stock certificates 189 and 190 of the Fourth National Bank, represent ing eight <Bl shares of stock belonging to the estate of Mercer Slaughter, de ceased; this fact vtill be <luly advertised by the undersigned bank in accordance * ith section 4105 of volume 1 of the code of the state of Georgia, in such cases made and provided, after which adver tisement this bank wtll proceed as shall |be right and proper in the premises. This | notice is given as required by law and that all persons interested may notify this bank of any reason. If any there bei why such transfer should not be made. This September 17. 1912 THE FOURTH NATIONAL BANK OF ATLANTA Ry WM T PERKERSON, Assistant Cashier. RoSSER A BRANDON. Attorneys -19-28 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE NORTH ERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA- In the matter of Moise Del-eon. Alleged Bank rupt No 3326 In Bankruptcy It ap- I pearing to the court H at on the 23d 'lb) |of September. A I>. 1912, that a petition was filed in this court for adjudication in bankruptcy against Moise DeLeon, and MORGAN ADMITS GIVINGSISO.OOO TOHHTT.B. Banker, on Witness Stand, De clares He Contributed Only $20,000 to Aid Taft. Continued From Page One. tion of $50,000 on November 1, 1904. made?’’ "I do not recall.” Harriman Did Not Solicit Donation. "Did Mr. Harriman solicit any con tribution from you?” "No; I knew nothing of his cam paign fund, except what I have haerd since.” "He never solicited of you?” “I don’t think Mr. Harriman ever solicited any money from me.” Q. Do you recall any circumstances attending your second contribution of $50,000? A. There were a number of men in this. I think Mr. Bliss came over on one occasion and Mr. O'Dell on an other. Q. Do you recall whether the con tribution was paid to Mr. O'Dell? A. My impression is that it was paid through the national committee, and most of it went into New York state This was the day before election. Q. Do you know of any other con tributions to the 1904 campaign fund made to the congressional committee? A. No. Q. Do you know of any other cam paign contributions in 1904 to the Re publican campaign by any of your, as sociates? A. I do not, Q. Did you make any contributions in 1904 to the congressional campaign committee? A. No; I don’t remember any. Q. In 1908 did you make any contri bution to the national campaign com mittee? A. The only one I made was one of $20,000 to Mr. Sheldon. I think that is all. It was paid in cash and not by check. Q. Do you recall having made any contribution to the congressional cam paign in 1908? A. Mr. Sherman, the chairman, called on me once, but I don’t remember what for. I have no record of any payment, and if I did make any it was nothing of any magnitude. No Contributions to Present Campaigns. Q. You may state whether you made any contribution to any of the three Legal Notices. that a subpena directed to the alleged bankrupt was duly issued out of this court, and that the said alleged bank rupt is believed to be without the juris diction of this court; • Now, on motion of Messrs. Slaton & Phillips, attorneys for petitioning cred itors, it is ordered by the court that this order, together with the subpena as is sued to Moise DeLeon, alleged bank rupt, be published in The Atlanta Consti tution and The Georgian, newspapers pub lished at Atlanta, Georgia, in said district. I once a week for two weeks consecutively, i the last of said publications to be made on the third day of October, A. D. 1912; and that a copy of the petition in bank ruptcy, with subpena thereon and copv of this order, be mailed to the said alleged bankrupt at his last known address, on or before the date of the first publication. Witness the Honorable William T Newman, judge of said court, and the seal thereof, at Atlanta. Georgia, this the 23d day of September, A D 1912 (Seal) O. C. FULLER. Clerk. By F. L. BEERS. Deputy Clerk United States District Court. Northern Dfs trict of Georgia. 9-26-1 SUBPENA TO ALLEGED BANKRUPT— United States of America. Northern Division, Northern District of Georgia—To .Moise DeLeon, in Said District. Greeting: Atlanta, Ga. For certain causes offered before the district court of the United States of America within and fdr the northern district of Georgia, as a court of bankruptcy, we command and strictly enjoin you. laying all other matters aside’. an<l notwithstanding any excuse, that vou personally appear before our said district court, to be holden at Atlanta. Georgia, in said district, on the 16th day of Oc tober. A. D. 1912, at 10 o'clock a. m.. to answer to a petition tiled by H. H. Schaul. et al., in our said court, praying that you may be adjudged a bankrupt, and to do further and receive that which our said district court shall consider in this behalf. And this you are in no wise to omit, under the pains and penalties of what may befall thereon Witness the Honorable William T. New man. judge of said court, and the seal thereof, at Atlanta, Georgia, this 23d day of September. 1912. (Seal) O. C. FULLER. Clerk, By F. L. BEERS. Deputy Clerk. Note: Pleadings should be filed in the office of the clerk, at Atlanta Georgia, room x Ol Postoffice building. 9-26-1 GEORGIA —Fulton County William Enix vs. Estle Enix Superior Court. To Estle Enix: By order of court, vou are notified that on August 26. 1912, Wil liam Enix filed suit against you for divorce, returnable to November term of court. You are required to be at No vetnber term of court, to be held on the first Monday in November, to answer the plaintiff's complaint. Witness George L Bell, judge, August 28. 1912. ARNOLD BROYLES. Clerk *9-3-15 ST ATE OF Fulton Countv. Tom Gantt vs. Lula Gantt. Superior Court —November Term, 1912. To Lula Gantt, Greeting: Bv order of court you are hereby notified that on the 3d day of September 4912. Tom Gantt tiled suit against you for divorce, return able to the November term. 1912, of said court. You are hereby required to be and appear nt the November term. 1912. of said court, to be helil on the first Monday in Novem ber. 1912. then and there to answer the plaintiff's complaint. Witness the Hon. W. D. Ellis, judge of said court, this 3d September. 1912 ARNOLD BROYLES. Clerk -3-24 STATE OF GEORGIA—-Fulton Countv. Mrs Ida Sweatmon vs. Horace Sweatnion. Superior Court -November Term. 1912. No. 26318. To Horace Sweatmon. Greeting. Bv or der of court you are hereby notified that on the 3d day of September. 1912. Mrs. Ida Sweatmon filed suit against vou for a total divorce, returnable to the Novem ber term. 1912. of said court You are hereby required to be and ap pear at the November term. 1912. of said court, to be held on the first Monday in November. 1912. then ami there to answer the plaintiff's complaint. Witness the Hon George I, Hell, judge of said court, this September 3. 1912 ARNOLD BROYLES. Clerk FRED SCHRIMPEH, Attorney 9-3-30 campaign committees of 1912? A. I did not. I was out of the coun- I try. Q. Or by any of your assistants? A. None that I know of. By none of my firm, anyway. Q. Do you recall any one in New 'York in the fall of 1904 calling you up by telephone?" A. I do not. Q. You know "bf no basis for this tel ephone story, then? A. Absolutely none. Senator Paynter then . took up the examination, going back over the wit ness’ previous testimony concerning his contributions. Q. Did the $10(1,000 you gave come as a personal gift? A. No, it came from the firm. Q. Was E H. Harriman present at the time you turned the money over to Bliss? A. He; was not. Q. Was your SIOO,OOO contribution a part of Harriman’s $250,000 fund? A. I have no doubt of it in my own mind, but I have no proof of it. Morgan added that Bliss was a warm personal friend of his and because of that he (Bliss) was always selected to importune the money king for money. Mr. Moigan said in reply to questions that he did not know that George W. Perkins contributed to the Republican fund of 1904. He was sure Perkins did not. By Senator Pomerene: Q. Did your firm contribute to the campaigns of any of the other political parties of 1904? A. I have no knowledge of anything being done in that way. Q. Did your firm contribute to the campaigns of any other political par ties of 1904 ? A. I have no knowledge of anything being done in that way. Talked With Cortelyou On Financial Situation. Q. Did you have any conversation with Mr. Cortelyou after the 1904 cam paign? A. I did in 1907. p. With reference to the campaign funds? A. No, with reference to the general financial situation. • Q. During the campaign of 1904. did you have any conversation with any financier? A. I have no doubt I did. I do not remember. Q. Did you have any talk with E. H Harriman ? A. Very likely. Q. Did you talk with President Mel len. of the New York, New Haven and Hartford railroad, concerning the polit ical situation? A. It is very likely I did. Q. Did you discuss it with any of the heads of the big life insurance compa nies? A. I really can’t say; it’s too fa' back for me to remember. Q. Did you discuss which candidate to support? A. Not that I recollect. Q. Did you talk with*Mr. Bliss about other contributors? A. I probably gave him some advice. Q- —W ere you especially interested in the result of 1904? A.—l was. Q- —Also your firm? A.—l am my firm. Q. Do you know of any others par ticularly interested in the result of the election? Big Financial Men Interested In T. R. A-—All the other big financial men were interested. Q. —Was George W. Perkins very much interested? A.—As a big insurance man he prob ably was. Q.—What were the facts Mr. Perkins' ) gave you touching the insurance com- I panies? A.—l don’t remember. At that time Perkins was a trustee of the New York Life, and when he would come for a meeting I would say, "Perkins, how do they feel down there today?” Q.—Did you have information during the campaign at any time that there was to be a large fund raised for the Roosevelt campaign? » A.—l never heard of it; I don’t be lieve it. Q.—Did you have any talk with Mr. Harriman on the railroad situation and the political effect on the railroads? A.—l doubt it. Q.—Did Harriman report to you at any time that he had a talk with Roose velt on railroads? A.—l don't remember any. but I have no doubt he did. Q- Did you talk to Harriman and then decide to support the Republican campaign ? A. I did not. There was never any large combination of interests to sup port or oppose any candidate. Q- —you and Mr. Mellen or Mr. Harriman call on any financiers in 1904 to urge them to support the Republi can nominee? A.—We did not. Held No Conferences On Democratic Ticket. Q. Was there at any time a confer ence between the financial interests re lating to the nomination of any man on the Democratic ticket who would be acceptable? A.—Not that 1 know of. Q. —Did you make any contributions to the Democratic national fund in 1904? A.—No. Q.-r Did you know of any? A.—No. Q. How often did you talk to Har riman about the political situation? A.—Not very often. Q. —How often? A.—l don't remember. Q. —Did vou discuss the disposition of the incoming administration toward any of your interests? A.—Yes; but not specifically. Q. —Did you talk to Cortelyou during the campaign .’ A.— Yes. Q.—What ’did he want'.’ A. —More money, principally. Q. —Was that before your SIOO,OOO contribution'.' A.—Yes. Q. Was anything said about the THURSDAY. OCTOBER 3. ioi 2 amount they wanted to raise at th., time? ’ tnat A. I don’t think there was anvth‘» said “.'in.n s Q. What was the purpose of thi limited fund? u,l ‘ A- I don’t know. It was to go to th. national committee for the aid of t ‘h' Republican party. tne Q. Do you know of any other o.h scriptions to the Republican fund” A. No. By Senator Pomerene: Q. Did you have any conference t„ 1908 with business men touching political situation? 8 A. No. Q- Os the party with which h would ally themselves '■ h th ’ A. No. By Senator Paynter: Q. Did you remonstrate with Meo Bliss, O’Dell and others wl en ” asked for the $50,000 additional ■ /' you had contributed SIOO 000" “ ' h ’ a Three Insurance Firms Gave $50,000 Each. Q. Did they seem grateful f., r contributions? A. No, gratitude is a virtue t h ev seemed to lack. ne> Morgan said he had no knowledge ol the fund which George R. Sheldon L jesterday was given by Gould, A teh bold and Frick, amounting to $3oo, 0 „„ Senator Paynter: Q. Do you realize that your interesu and those of the country may not always the same? A. Yes, I realize that. M they su Sgest the amount ot the $50,000 gift? 01 A. They did not. TJiey wanted mor. Morgan then sai d that "emergency" which necessitated his gift a lo ™ I l ''’ aCtiV ‘ ty ,n New York s ‘ate «.s ,ta * A. I did when I made It Judge Charles S. Duell,l New York banker who served as assistant treas. urer of the Republican national cam. paign tn 1904, the next witness was asked by Senator Clapp; . D ° yOU know anything of a on tribution made by John D. Archbold" A. No, certainly not under that name. Q. Do you know of any specific large conti ibution to the fund of 1904" A; No, but I remember that three large insurance companies of y ew York gave $50,000 each They were asked for SIOO,OOO contributions Q- Do you know anything of the de. struction of the Bliss records? A. I do not. Duell recalled a conversation with Bliss during the insurance inviMigj. tion of 1905, when Bftss said: "i n is 9S every bank and trust company but and most of the insurance compa- t contributed to the Republican national campaign. In 1900 very few did and in the 1904 still fewer did.” By Senator Oliver; Q- Do you remember who gave the four or five SIOO,OOO gifts? A. I thought H. H. Rogers gave one of them. I don’t remember anv other names. Rogers was not among thos<. men tioned by Sheldon yesterday in his list ot financitrs who contti'outeci $100,00(1. Duell pleaded ignorance of most of the gifts because they were credited to “cash.” By Senator Paynter: Lump Sums Sent To Committee. Q. Who kept the records of the sub scriptions? A. Mr. Dixon, now dead. Judge Dueil said that through the country there were hundreds of con tributions sent in lump sums to head quarters. "Mr. E. T. Stolesbery, of Philadel phia.” said Dueli, "collected in Penn sylvania; Charles.G. Dawes, in Chi cago; Secretary of the Navy Meyer, in New England, and Andrew Mills col lected around the Union League club in New York. "In this way David Jayne' Hill sent about $2,000; Whitelaw Reid, about SIO,OOO. and the United States Steel Corporation, I believe, about SIO,OOO. Smaller contributions were received from E. R. Hazzard and Henry Hold en. of Syracuse, N. Y. These contri butions were made in 1904." Under questions by Senator Pome rene, Duell said he never heard of any refund of SIOO,OOO to H. H. Rogers. At Mantel '"’ll Real Estate The Best [investment For both the man with a few hundred dollart and the man with large capital. Look back ten years and see the immense increase in value of all classes of Atlanta Real Etsate. Ihe increase in the next ten years will be even greater. Why not profit from Atlanta’s growth as oth ers have done? The Georgian gives you the Widest choice