Newspaper Page Text
Published by The Georgian Company,
!3 East Alabama Street,
Atlanta Ga
Entered at Atlanta postoffice as second
class matter
Subscriptions Payable In Advance
Ona year mall, postage prepaid. $5 00
Six months, mail, nostage prepaid. 2.50
Three months, mail, postage prepani. 125
One month. mail, postage pre pa'd .45
Subscriptions Payable In Advance
Delivered bv carrier, one year . $5.20
Delivered by carrier, six months 2.60
Delivered by carrier, three months 1.30
Delivered by carrier, one month . 45
Delivered bv carrier In Atlanta and
other cities, one week 10c
Want Ad Rates and Rules
in The Atlanta Georgian
One cent a word each Insertion
No ad taken for less than the price
o* ten words. Ads in larger type.
12c a line <4 words to the line).
Out-of-town advert! semen's* be accompanied with cash
Agencies' discounts 10 and 5 per
"he Georgian will not he respon
sible for more than one Incorrect
Insertion of any ad ordered more
than one time
Closing Hours: To secure prop
er classification ads must be in
The Georgian office before 1 o'clock
the day of the issue.
All ad« must he ordered out In
writing or at office No discon
tinuance notice taken over phone
Every word in the advertisement.
Including the name and address,
is counted. Each initial counts one
word: compound words are counted
as two words.
Telephone your Want Ads to The
Georgian (both phones 8000) when
It Is more convenient to do so. and
collection will he made at your
heme or ar your office the follow
ing day. This is an accommoda
tion service rendered Georgian
Want Ad patrons and payment
should always be promptly made
on presentation of bill. Always
ask that vour telephone ad be re
peated hack to you by the ad
taker to make sure that it has been
taken correctly. The Georgian can
not guarantee accuracy or assume
responsibility for errors of any kind
occurring in telephone advertise
ADVERTISERS should retain re
ceipts given In payment for Want
Ads over the office counter, as mis
takes can not be rectified without
them In answering advertise
ments addressed In care of The
Georgian, if the advertiser requires
eferences, send a duplicate of
Help Wanted— Female.
WANTED -Chambermaid who has noth
ing to do but work Apply 42'% Deca
tur street 55-4-10
WANTEI > Young lady; well experienced
in filing work 11. WilensßT A Sons
Company. 23-25-27 South Eorsvth street
M ANTED- Cook at 243 North Boulevard
at mice Phone 3(16n.1, Iv y 54-4-10
WANTED 25 more salesladies.
Apply, at tmcr. 49 Whitehall.
10-4 29
WANTED Middl**-iigr<i colored woman
as co<»k. Apply 37 Moreland avenue
_ _ 10 4-25
ax ANTED Colored woman to k Ln<j
do general housework. Must room on
1. West stxt eentii streej kO-4 15
RANTED Good stenographet and hili
clerk. Xpply 807 Third National Bank
building At ii
WANTEI ■ PoB tlon by an exp< t len< ed
colored maid. Address Fudir Slav
Jones. 185 Gilmore street 30-1-10
WANTED Bright girls between sixteen 1
and twenty-two years <»t a.n* \itraei-|
Ive occupation, with excellent opportuni
ties for rapid advancement. -’alary paid
while learning Xppl'eants must have a
common school education and be able to
furnish satisfactory refer*• . • •••< as to
character. Apply n person at Boom .303.
78 South Prim- street 10-4-12
WANTED A cook al oii< • kpply 131 i.
Georgia a\*-; 10-4-1
WANTED Young I ■ >hei
January 1 Give age. salary expected
Box 69tf. Douglas. Ga 9-3-54
WANTED G< strong woman, willing
to work, for all around housework 619
West P®a< 1 tree street »»■> 3-10
WAITED G x ppi\ 27 Fast
Fifth street 57-2-10
WANTED Colored nurse girl 51 Suuv
mil avenue. 66 2-10
WANTED Three good lady solicitors for
contest work Apply to Mr Malcolm,
street. X Ganta 10-2-iG
WANTED x good cook must live on lot
119 North .31 oreland a\ e 10-2-42
WANTED Thoroughly experienced waist
and skirt finishers, nemo others need
apply Koon ,302. 43*, Whitehall street.
_ _ 46-2-10
THE CLINIC of the At*
lanta Dental College, cor
ner of Edgewood ave. and
Ivy st., is now open daily,
except <»n Sundays. Apply
9 a. in. to 1 p. in. 10-2-7
WANTED A colored girl to assist in gen~
eral housework, family of three 95
Highland View 10-2-15
WANTED A good maid Apply- 717
Peachtree street 10-2-IB
WANTED I-a<ly canvassers; good salary
and permanent position to those with
some experience ' all 302 Temple Court
Building 37-2-10
WANTEI) 25 more salesladies
Apply, at once. 49 Whitehall,
in 4-29
WANTED Nurse 2 West Fort Mel’her
son f’hone Main 2062 Hollldav
TOC are looking fur a position, aren i
you? M ould you spend 20c to get one
that would pay von 1115 n month? Thai
Is what one voting lady got by Inserting a
"Situation AVanted" ad in The Georgian
Many others are getting splendid posi
tions this way You van do the same.
Help Wanted—Male.
WANTED Neat, intelligent white office
boy; must be acquainted with cit\ and
’•ome well recommended Apply 7 .30 a
m . Th*' Blosser Company. 38 Walton
street 9-4-49
17 years of age to wrap packages
George Muse Clothing Co. 10-434
WANTED <’o|ored boy to deliver drinks*
118 East Tine Piedmont Ice ’’ream
Company 10-4 31
THREE good insurance
agents can make good con
nection will) an old line life
company by calling at once
al 1117 Third Nat'l Bank
Bldg. Attractive agents’
contract. I’nitpie and ex
clusive premium paying
plan. < 'nine and see.
XX AN IED -2-’ more salesmen.
Apply, at once '*-* Whitehall.
V 10-4-28
V> VNTED Bright hrrf office nor'.
•16 Kaoues Bldg 10-2-44
Help Wanted—Male.
I ' ' z-Z-y- X" A* < z" X eswwe X - z
• WANTED First-class job printer No
other need apply. I nion office. Com
mercial Printing Company, Rome. Ga.
WANTED \ bookkeeper bj a represent
ative wholesale house, having about four
or five active accounts Must he equipped
with thorough knowledge of accounts and
moral character that will stand Uip ac d
test. Services must be readily available.
State salary and g.'ve references. No no
vices nee<l apply. Address Accounting De
pal tis.- ii' S . ctre < gia' " 1 -5
M 01 jveral good all
round gas fitters. To sober, competent
men we offer steady work at 12.75 per day
ard u ill allow transportation to Augusta.
Ga. Gas company has no connection with
labor troubles The Gas Eight Company
of Augusta. Ga 10-3-55
aiktTitTT rrn.\L draughtsman -
W x NTET> < ’ompetent architect ural
draughtsman, with thorough knowledge
<»f brick and frame construction, able to
make complete working drawings awl de
tails from sketches am) data Xpply at
once to J D. Newcomer. Architect.
' ’har i-.-i-.ri, S C _ 10-:: 89
WANTED Colored men to prepare as
sleeping car porters and train porters
If you wish position near Atlanta, write
immediateh No experience necessary.
Inclose stamp. Inter Railwax , care Oeor
eian_ 48-14-9
WANTED Middle aged, experienced,
combination male stenographer and all
round office man. Good salary. No other
need apply Address Position, Box 804.
care Georgian. 10-2-50
lanta Dental College, cor
ner (if Edgewood ave. and
Ivy st., is now open daily,
except on Sundays. Apply
9 a. in. to I p. m. 10-2-6
WANTED Licensed and experienced
pharmacist; must furnish good refer
ences as to character. ability, etc.; to
work in small town in south Georgia
Knawei Quick care Georgian 47-t-io
' \\”! i:d First class cylinder press*
man; one capable of handling half-tone
and color work. The Record Company,
> ill*-. Fla 51-1 10
U XNTED Experienced installment col
lector, one who is thoroughly acquainted
with city; rcferencett required. 73 U
Whitehall street 10-2-9
WANTED High-class furnace setter
Eisenburg Furnace Company, 445 Mari
etta afreet 10-2-3
WANTED First class shoe repairer.
Bros \ ilia Rica, Ga 10-1-12
TOI are looking sot a position, aren't
you? Would you spend 20c to get one
that would pay you slls a month? That
is what one, young lad* got by inserting a
“Situation Wanted” ad in The Georgian
Many others arc getting splendid posi
tions this way. You can do the same
WANTED Men to learn barber trade.
No dull seasons. No strikes. Thousands
have become successful shop owners by
our system Tools given. Wages while
learning Gall or write Moler Barber Col
lege, 88 Luckie street 49-28-9
WANTRD 25 more salesmen.
Apply, at once. 19 Whitehall.
W ANTED Ideas Inventors write for list
of inventions wanted and prizes offered
by manufacturers Also, how to get your
patent Sent free to any address Bar
dolph A Briscoe, patent attorneys, Wash
ington. D C. 7-11-23
&T<’)P at Hilburn hotel, heart of city, 10 Cj
Walton street, if you want a clean, quiet
room; transient 50c. Open all night
Yj’lS. Professor G. (> Branning will teach
you the barber trade (it’s easy) We
teach in one-half time of other colleges
Course and position in our shops only
130 Why pay more.’ Thousands of our
graduates tunning shops or making good
wages. Atlanta Barber College, Hi East
M.'' '.•■II si i or ■ 5-11-17
r I:i' 1. \i \ss \<.i; ■ uta shaves,
shampoos \n barber work free Clean
linen Atlanta Barber College, 10 East
Mitchell r.-2‘.- 6
Mxil C \ L»;i ; sr§ j ostoffke • lerka want
ed; 180 month. Atlanta examinations
November 6. fire coaching Franklin In
stitute, Dept. 49-S, Rochester, N. Y.
• 52-9-9
W ANTED—Bright, strong
hoys Io deliver routes in
afternoons. Good wages
and chance for promotion.,
Gall at circulation depart
ment The Atlanta Georgian.
20 East Alabama street.
Help Wanted—Male and Female.
WANTED German man and wife (no
children) to do general work at subur
ban place. C. E 8., Box 1737, Atlanta.
Ga 58-4-ia
WANTED- ’l’o see young men and young
ladles, ages averaging sixteen to twenty,
that are not receiving $55.00 per month
anti who are desirous of making this
amount, to do light and easy work Ref
erences required office hours Ba. m. to
i p m Cannon House, opposite Union
Station. L F Fulton 28-4-10
Agents Wanted
WANTED- Reliable agents for something
new in railroad excursion work; free
trips and good commission; experience
not necessary, but must be able to fur
nish first-class reference. Add!ess P P..
BOX 1624, Xtlanta, Ga 9-21-23
Salesmen Wanted.
V. •V. -'-Z\z-^-^\Z* w z x~.. ' Z\z>z'M
’. services or three good.
’traveling SALESMEN TO
tW.XNTHD Salesmen to conduct
siie< al sales Must be live wires, strict
h temperate ami readv for work, give all
details, w hen, v here, w ho was former em
ployei Callahan System, P O Box 1085
10-1 46
Teachers Wanted
Sl’l>’l\l. fall enrollment good openings
1 yet. Fosters 'I ea« hers Xgenc). Xtlanta.
Ga. 9-2 S-31
Situations Wanted—Male and
lAlodcl 5 Before Ymi Bu\
f-J7- 'l2
Situations Wanted—Female
WANTED Experienced stenographer
wishes permanent position. References
Piven Phone Ivy 1373-.1.• 56-4-10
i W AN I ED—Situation by young woman In
pholographer’s. physicain s or dentist's
I office Answer X . Hox 810. tare Geor
-1 plan 10_-l-2?
j POSiTIOX in-home of widower with chil
dren, able to pay good salary to cul
tured widow competent to manage every
detail of home: references exchanged
Box 811. i are Georgian.s2-4-10
BY WIDOW' who has had broad experi
ence in hotel work, wishes position <s
housekeeper or manager of apartment;
A-1 credentials furnished if desired. Box
811. tieorglan 51-4-10
WANTED—By young lady, steno-book
keeper graduate, position with good
firm Have experience and good refer
ences Box 800. < are Georgian •SCDI#
WANTED Position by young lady as
stenographer. Four years' experience in
law office. Literary and business educa
tion. Can furnish references. Address
P. it Box 27. Dahlonega, Ga. 27-4-10
W ANTED position by a young lady;
office work preferred. Apply Miss H
M P.. <are Georglan 41-3-10
WANTED Position by manicurist, have
had two years experience. Call Atlanta
phone 3071-A.42-3-10
YOf’.N'G I,AI)Y. nineteen years old, wants
position doing office work. Phone Ivy
2403- I 89-3-10
YOURg LADY with several years expe
rience as stenographer and assistant in
office work desires position at once. Can
give the best of references. Phone Ivy
I.AItY desires position in faintly as house
keeper; care of children, help sew. Ad
■ iress A. N K.. Terrill. Ky. 60-2-10
years experience in nursing general
diseases; also insanity and contagious dis
eases; wants cases in city or country.
Nurse, ivy 2760-.1. 62-2-10
TYPIST wants some extra work to do out
of hours, copying, etc.; satisfaction
guaranteed. < "all after 7 p. m., ivy 825-. t.
—, —
WANTED Plain sewing 201 Woodward
avenue. Phone Main 544-1,. 10-3-27
Situations Wanted—Male.
WANTED Position by an experienced
double entry bookkeeper: operate type
writer and good penman; A-1 references
furnished. Address P O. Box 1263. At
WANTED -Clerical position by young
man. 21. Can furnish A-1 references.
Bov 808. eare Georgian. 39-4-10
WANTED Position as companion or
mother’s helper Refined woman. Will
consider small salary, in good home, sat
isfaetory references. Box 421, care Geor
gian. 37-4-10
FIRST-CLASS cook (whitel desires posi
tion at once. Best of references. » Ad
dress Cook, Box 25, care Georgian 36-4-10
CH A I'FEE I It White Ito own repairs.
Wishes position with private family.
Clevp Allen, 66 Davis street. 32-4-10
WANTED B> >oung man of neat ap
pearance. position as traveling salesman
with reliable house; best references; sal
ary no object. Address Hustler, Box 205,
( are Georgian. 68-3-10
YOUNG MAN, twenty, good character,
wants permanent position; uses type
writer; knowledge of office work Give me
a chance to p(;ove. Address Willing. Box
50. eare Georgian. 62-3-10
WANTED—Position by hardware man,
with long experience in the wholesale
business. Address C. X. Z.. care Geor
gian. 29-3-10
Voi’A’t; MAN wants work in drug store
mornings, afternoons. Sundays. Best
references. F.xp’>rleneed. Phone Ivy 759
Address «: B N 195 Ivy street. 32-3-10
EXPERIENCED double-entry bookkeeper
and office man desires position at once
Can give A-1 references and bond if nee
essarx.H 11., eare Georgian 33-3-10
WANTED—Position by experienced man
as foreman of construction work; em
ployed at present, but have good reasons
for desiring to change. Address E. L. T..
374 Glenn streel. Atlanta 49-2 10
POSITION WANTED by high-class office
man; fully experienced in up-to-date
methods, business correspondence, etc.
Satisfactory references Address Box 711.
cart Georgian 47 2-10
WANTED By young ni..n a position as
stenographer or assistant bookkeeper.
Xddress 440 Woodward avenue.3B-2-10
EXPERIENCED cotton buyer and shi|>-
per is open for immediate engagement
with reputable people as buyer, shipper
or classer. Satisfactory references Ad
dress “Cotton Expert,’’ care Georgian.
WANTED A position in law office; work
in mornings until 3 o’clock In the after
noons Address Box 801. care Georgian
Job Work.
WE CAN SAVE you money on repair
work, shelving, tables and counters We
make them to order. Roof repairing, brick
work, wall tinting, painting and plaster
ing 62L. South Forsyth street Bell 1187,
Atlanta 6087-M
Removal Notice.
DR J. G. HEARD, dentist, is now located
at 1108 Empire Life building (formerly
English-American building! Phone Main
1 2724. 10-1-4
Boarders Wanted.
I ——-—*— —----
SEE “Rooms and Board’’ Under Georgian
Rent Bulletin.
Lost and Found.
LOST Either hi Savoy theater or be
tween there and Carnegie library, going
up Peachtree, ladies' Roman face gold
watch, set with small diamond. Kinder
return to box office Savoy theater 10-4-47
L<>ST Will the party who picket) up by
mistake a burnt ivory and silver
, handled umbrella pngraveti with the let
ters \ M M” at Chamberlin-Johnson-
Dußose company's lace counter on Fri
day morning, kindly return the same to
Mrs. James Ketnpton. 248 Capitol ave.. or
phone Mam 2864 «»r Main 1178? 53-4-10
LOST Large female bloodhound: dark
red; split in one ear. If you haven’t
found her perhaps your neighbor has.
$5 reward for return or information C.
R Robinson. 3UJ East North avenue Bell
825 Mam. \llatila 825 414 10
Cost I*iaTn gold bat pin initiafii V i:
H. Reward if returned to 45 Orme
street Phone Ivy 5070-J 10-4-16
TUESDAY M'HiT \ narrow gold
chain bracelet set with several colored
stones On West Peachtree between
Peachtree Place and Sixth, over Sixth to
Peachtree, or on car to Grand theater.
Liberal reward for return to 498 West
l« »st string of gold' beads, either be
tween North avenue and Linden, on
street ear. or near Candler building.
Phone Mrs Elliott at lv\ 6138-J Re
ward 10 3 is
L» 'ST Bunch of key! 8 H Hall en
graved <»n kejs Liberal reward if re
turne<l _t <> Swift ("tv 55-2-10
LOST \ large gold Shriner’s pin with
moonstone in it. Has name on back.
Reward if returned tn A R c . care Geor
LollT \ Boeton bull terFfiK\ brtndl<K
’white spot on head. Lost on Wall st.
Liberal reward if returned to 26 Wall st.
Stove and Range Repairing.
DAN. Till’. FIXER.
«> sell secorflihand gas stoves.
We sweet' < himneya
Atlanta Phone 2235. Bell Phone Main 26.19
I 4-4-7
Trunks, Bags and Suitcaser
PHoNEN B»ll Main 1576, Atlanta 1b54
“The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin”
Do Your Renting and Searching Through This Bulletin.
Are you looking for the best Rooms. Houses. Apartments. Rooms fo>- House eeping, Offices, Business
Locations. Garages. Storage Houses. Boarding and Rooming places, etc.?
This bulletin contains a complete list of every desirable and suitable place that is For Rent in the city
and suburbs in each issue.
For the benefit and convenience of our patrons The Georgian employs special men to cover the city and
suburbs each day in search of all the desirable places.
Save time, useless steps, money and worry by consulting this bulletin. It is for your convenience, so take
advantage of it.
Rooms and Board.
W A N’l’ED—Couple without children in
private family; all conveniences. 78
Stokes ave.. West End Park.lo-4-35
wanted- a couple or three young men
for nice, large room: private i family.
256 Capitol ave. M 2031-L.lO-4-40
477 PEACHTP.EE now open to guests;
rooms with private baths, furnace heat,
NICELY furnished rooms and excellent
table board. 121 Capitol Square. -Main
4539-L 10-4-41
NICELY furnished rooms, with or with
out board, i's West Baker. Ivy 549-J.
TWO large, clean front rooms and ex
cellent table AU conveniences. Nice
family. Close in. Reasonable. Call Ivy
2856-L. 34-4-10
ROOM and boarit for couple of men, in
nice, quiet home; steam heat and all
convenience.- Call 1vy_5792. 65-300
FCRNTSHEIi moms and board; all con
veniences. 202 South Forsyth. 10-3-35
TRY BOARD at 2 n ß South Pryor; refer
ences. Main 2456-L.lO-3-33
EXCELLENT rooms and board; close in;
reasonable.l73 Whitehall st. 10;3-29
BEST th hie in Atlanta. Rooms hand
somely furnished; hot and cold baths; fine
veranda and 46wn; select neighborhood;
delightful for winter; $6 per week in ad
vance. Mrs. F. E. Wright, 354 Capitol
avenue, corner Georgia.4B-3-10
ple or two young men to board. Rates
S2O month. 68 Currier street.4s-3-10
NICE ROOM with board on north side;
close in; steam heat, hot and cold
water; rates reasonable. Phone Ivy 1928.
ROOM and board; also table board;
garage for rent on lot. 74 Forrest ave
Phone rvy 4345. 10-2-13
DELIGHTFUL room; good board; private
family; no other boarders; for two con
genial ladies or couple. Main 1592-.1.
LARGE, delightful front room: also sin
gle, room: steam heat; electric lights;
excellent table. 241 West Peachtree. Ivy
NICE room, good board, reasonable for
couple or gentlemen. 365 Capitol ave
nue. Main 2519-L.27-2-10
BEA I i'J’IFVLLY furnished front rooms,
with board; strictly private north side
home, for two young men. Best refer
encesrequired. Ivy 1903. 10-1-39
17 E. NORTH AVE., boarders; rooms
with bath; also table board. 41-1-10
FIRST-CLASS TABLE board at 16 Por
ter place, off Peachtree. Convenient to
eight or nine car lines.
II ST OPENED! The most attractive
home on the north side. Eight rooms,
with best home cooking. 33 West Har
ris, corner Spring. . m2
BOARD AND ROOM in delightful home;
north side. No other boarders. Ref
e.renees Ivy 1762-L.lO-1 -16
ROOM AND BOARD. 30 East Cain.
Terms reasonable. Phone Ivy 2903.
BOARDERS WANTED -An ideal winter
home; all modern conveniences, on car
line; furnace heat; own milk and butter
with best table board. Phone Decatur
2 70.9-30-1
; ROOMMATE for young man; one up
stairs room, near bath, for couple or
three young men. Two yfiung men or la-
I dies for downstairs. 139 West Peacli
| tree. Iv>‘loso-L. 9-27-57
BOARDERS WANTED—Southern style.’
Roast beef, vegetables, chicken pie. ap
ple sauce, cakes and good desserts. Bell
phone Main 3618-.1. 9-27-12
Board Wanted.
WANTED- By business woman, single
room and board by 15th instant or No
vember 1. Easy walking distance. Rea
sonable rates State same when answer
ing. Address Miss S. N., care Georgian.
ONE UNFURNISHED room and board in
strictly private family by refined young
couple. Address A. M., Box 2, care Geor
giam_ , 45-4 -10
WANTED Board and rooms: couple with
two small children. State price. Box
249, care Georgian. 41 4-10
Furnished Rooms For Rent
FOR RENT —Two rooms: no two by four,
but large, clean connecting rooms; fur
nished; close in; to parties without chil
dren: nice neighborhood; reference ex
changed. 72 East Fair. Phone Main
BLOCK Georgian Terrace and Peachtree.
room and dressing room; private bath
and porch; couple's home to acceptable
“djl 1 !?’ $25-_lvy_sFls.
FX)R RFN'I To couple, furnished rooms.
references. Call afternoons. 124 Wil
liams street. Ivy 6216. 10-33
FOR RENT Nicely ftfrnished front room.
Call before 8 or after 2 p. m. 73 Cen
tral place. 64-3-10
SIDE I’HOXE IVY (281. 10-4-44
NICELY furnished front room tor two
young men Jvyj’?®iL‘'L 10-4-36
NICELY’ furnished rooms; all conven
ieliees; close in. 104 Ivy st. 10-4-37
NICE front room; close in: north side.
293 4'ourtland st. 10-4-39
LARGE, airy room; furnished oreunfur
nished; meals if desired. Call Main
1228-.1. 10-4-43
Fill: RENT 'Two nice clean rooms in
private home: hot and cold bath, tel
ephone. front and back porch Would
not object to small baby. Close in. 17
Pulliam street. Furnished complete.
Fi'i: REN'T Nicely furnislied room; all
conveniences, two gentlemen preferred;
with references, ill l Pulliam. 10-4-19
FOR RENT In private home, close in;
two nice rooms for light housekeeping:
gas stove: also small room for sleeping
Hom I’iione It’ 10-4-22
FOR RENT Three furnished rooms, with
light housekeeping, very cheap. 407
Fraser street.4o-4-1,0
bolt RENT Two connecting rooms, com
pletely furnished for housekeeping, sink
in kitchen; hot and cold water All con
veniences. To couple without children.
79 West Baker street 10-4-17
Nb'ELY furnished rooms. 50c night. $2.50
a week and up. 'Broadway Hotel. 7L
N Broad street. Hot and cold water.
ONE nicely furnished front room, close in
Call M.. 1224-J. Apply 266 East Fair
NF.AT. large front room for single gentle-
man in private house, furnace, bath
room, electric light: breakfast if desired.
33 E. Fourth st 63-3-10
CHOICE ROOM for gentlemen in aparo
men! No. 5. Marlborough. 436 Peach
tree st. Ivy 2047-J. 10-3-56
46 EAST ELLIS luirgefi front room for
two voung men or business ladies Ivy
2403-L. 10-3-49
TWO nicely furnished front rooms to gen-
tlemen; close in; private family 219
South Forsyth 10-3-34
LARGE sunny, newly furnished room;
dressing room connecting: suitable for
two gentlemen; with quiet, refined fam
ih ; references 19 E. Baker st. Phone
Ivy 2923.60-3-10
SECOND FLOOR from rooms: bath: pri
vate famil' meals across street Ivv
Ft >ll RENT Furnished founts in strictly
private home. 19 East Harris street.
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
THREE nicely furnished rooms for house
keeping: all conveniences; close in; Sls
per month. 138 Pulliam st.lo-3-40
TO TRAINED NURSE —Nicely furnished
room, with private bath; meals fur
nished. Phone Alain 1467.10-3-42
NICE front room; private familv; close in.
70 W. Baker st. Ivy 3266-J, ’ 10-3-43
NK'ELY furnished rooms conveniences;
single or for housekeeping. Main
3568-L. 10-3-44
ONE furnished room; close in. 221 South
FOTsyth. Main_44B2jJ. . 10-3-45
NICELY furnished rooms; conveniences:
close in,189 Richardson st. 10-3-46
ONE large front bed room; close in and
cheap; fine location. 303 Rawson st.
Atlanta phone 3335. 57-3-10
NICELY furnished rooms: all conven- I
iences; close in. 305 South Pryor
r 58-3-40
TWO rooms, furnished for light house
keeping; J 3 per week. 340 Whitehall st.
FURNISHED steam heated room; electric
lights; next to bath; use of phone; gen
tlemen only. Ivy 3333-L. 10-3-31
WANTED—i'oung man to share room in
northside apartment; close in: all con
veniences; very reasonable. Phone Ivv
5183 47-3-10
NlCELY'furnished room with voung cou
ple jn private home with ail conven
iences. Ivy 5802. 52 West Pine street.
FOR RENT—Large, nicely furnished
front room; close to bath; suitable for
one or two young men or business women,
In private family of two adults. Terms
reasonable. Phone Main 3015-L. 10-3-15
FOR RENT—Two or three rooms, fur
nished for housekeeping: references.
Apply 250 Spring.lo-3-28
FOR RENT—Steam-heated room, adjoin
ing bath, hot and cold water, electric
lights; gentleqpen only. 136 West Peach
tree; apartment 208. 10-3-23
FOR RENT- -Two nicely furnished up
stairs rooms for light housekeeping:
near Georgia avenue. 317 Grant street.
tO 3-22
FOR RENT—One nicely furnisehd room
at 476 Spring street. Call Ivv 6848-. I
THREE nice large connecting first floor
rooms, water, lights and use of phone;
large hall, front and back porch; sls. 63
Richardson street. Atlanta phone 3571.
. nisbed front room. Gentlemen. Ivy
2979-J. 40-3-10
FOR RENT Two completely furnished
rooms for light housekeeping, with all
conveniences. 106 Auburn avenue. Atlan
ta plmne 5710-A. 10-3-7
FOR RENT—Furnished room, with bath.
for gentlemen or couple. 178 Forrest
avenue. 35-3-10
CAN ACCOMMODATE three young men
with pleasant rooms and board at 245
South Pryor. 34-3-10
FOR RENT—One or two furnished rooms;
bath connecting. 99 East Merritts ave
nue. 2 7- 3 -10
FOR RENT—Two rooms ano kitchen
for housekeeping: also furnished bed
room; private family; close in. 155 Pul
liam. 10-3-2
FOR RENT—Two or three elegantly fur
nished front rooms, complete for house
keeping: sink in kitchen Hot running
water all winter. Bell phone Best loca
tion. 290 Washington street. 10-2-59
ONE large room, completely furnished for
light housekeeping. Call Main ,1420-J.
TWO nicely furnished rooms for house
keeping; close in. 202 Central ave. At
lanta phone 3058-8.10-2-45
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms;
no children taken. 2763-.1 Main.
WANTED —Two refined young men in a
private home; nice, large room, heated,
and meals if desired; two blocks from'
Georgian Terrace.Cail Ivy 2543. 10-2-36
ONE room, nicely furnished; close in,
Phone ivy 3583. 60 IVest Harris. 10-2-13
FOR RENT—-Nicely furnished room; all
conveniences Stafford Apartment No.
3.ivy 1639.10-2-5
NICELY furnished front rooms: st earn -
heat; all conveniences. 45 Williams
street. Apartment 3, Ivy 2116,[0- 1 -35
FOR RENT To nice young man or busi
ness woman, newly furnished front
room; all conveniences. Owner. Ivy
22U-L.lO 1-9
FOR RENT—In owner's new residence,
three beautiful, large, furnace-heated
bed rooms: all modern conveniences; in
walking distance: one block from two car
lines. North side. Business men pre
ferred. References exchanged. Cail own
er. Ivy 6718. 9-28-60
FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room;
steam heat. 45 Williams, Apartment 3.
Bell phone ivy 2116, 9-28-28
ROOMS for light housekeeping; conven
iences. 210 Spring street. Ivv 3205-.1.
FCKNISHED rooms and board; conven
iences. 62 W. Baker. Ivv 5025-.1.
FOR RENT Two rooms; private family;
conveniences. 58 East Harris. Ivy
FOR RENT Nice rooms, one block Can
dler building, with or without meals.
102 Ivy street. 9-27-53
NICE, large front room, suitable for two
young men. Ivy 5063-J. 16 W. North
ave. 9-27-47
F< >R RENT—Bright room, steam heated;
close in; gentlemen only. Ivy 5580-J.
NICE, new'ly furnished rooms; also light
housekeeping apartment; close in. 151
Spring street. 9-27-20
nished rooms and excellent table board
121 Capitol square. Main 4839-L. 9-27-4
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
Ijt >R RENT —Two unfurnished rooms for
light housekeeping, with private family;
all modern conveniences; ten minutes'
walk from center of city. 117 Pulliam
s'.rpet. or call either phone 5445. 10-4-48
COI’PLE with references can secure
three connecting unfurnished rooms in
M’ashington street home with owner. Call
Main 2857-. I for particulars. 10-4-33
TW(> unfurnished connecting rooms, with
sink, for light housekeeping. Price $6.50,
202 S, Pryor. n 10-4-11
BEAt'TIFIT. suite of rooms with all con
veniences for light housekeeping. Ap
ply to 373 Spring.3l-4-10
THREIf large, comfortable connecting
rooms for housekeeping, with family of
adults: sink in kitchen: conveniences,
near car lines. Call at 27 Beecher st
Bell phone West 725 56-3-10
FOR RENT Four large upstairs rooms
with wide hall: gas. bath ami phone Ivy
4353-.1; rent reasonable. 193 Highland
avenue, near Boulevard.lo-3-24
FOR RENT Three rooms, hot and cold
water, sink, phone, lights: convenient
to two ears; to couple Main 1663-.1. 488
Central avenue 10-3-17
THREE nice connecting unfurnished
Rooms., sink and bath: separate gas;
I with couple, to party without children
■Main 3883-.1. 10-3-9
FoR RENT Three nice connecting first
floor rooms, all conveniences. I’lione
lv> 6231. 18 Boulevardplace 38-3-10
FOR RENT- Three connecting rooms and
every convenience 77 Elbert street
10-3 1
FOR RENT —Three nice unfurnished con
necting rooms, stationary washstand
Rent very reasonable to a small fgtnily.
Atlanta phone 4776 174 Pulliam street.
THREE first-floor connecting roms. sink
in k>t. lien. 220 Capitol avenue. Phone
Main 2SS4-.1. t"-2-t
Ftiß RENT TWO OT three large and
desirable unfurnished rooms, with use
of bath Meals in neighborhood. 74 Ea«t
Merritts avenm* 10-2-35
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
12 SHELTON AVE., three rooms, be
tween Murphy and Stewart aves.; SB.
Phone West 443. 44-2-10
TWO newly papered rooms with kitchen
ette; modern conveniences; private
home. 217 East Fair street. References.
T WO excepfionafly nice rooms and kitch
enette; all conveniences: one block from
junction of Peachtrees. 9 East Alexander
street, corner West Peachtree. 10-2-10
THREE connecting first floor rooms; sink
in kitchen. 225 N. Boulevard.lo-1-52
FOR RENT—Three connecting rooms, on
Grant street; near Georgia avenue. Sink
in kitchen. Phone Main 1933-L. 10-1-14
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
’'OR RENT—Unfurnished rooms; also
furnished single rooms; north side. Ivv
TO a couple, two rooms and kitchenette,
unfurnished or partly furnished; all con
veniences. 88 Culberson street. West End.
Call M est 64 7. 10.3.12
FOR RENT—Three rooms, furnished or
unfurnished; all conveniences; hot and
cold water, bath. Give five meals for
a ( ' a ' f an furnish references.
Without children. C. H. Knight. 117
Confederate avenue. 10-3-4
IOR RENT—HaIf cottage, unfurnished or
partly furnished, on Park avenue; no
children. Phone Main 3866-L. 10-2-34
FOR RENT —Two very nice first floor
front rooms with use of bath, partly
furnished or unfurnished for light house
*s®?P' n S' Must be seen to be appreciated.
226 North Boulevard 10-2-14
Housekeeping Rooms For Rent.
THREE rooms; gas range, sink, electric
lights. 304 Raw'son street. Business
phone Main 4831. 10-4-42
TWO desirable connecting rooms for
light housekeeping. 206 South Pryor.
TWO desirable connecting rooms for light
housekeeping, with use of sitting room.
161 Grant street. 10-4-4
IVY 29Q4-L. 10-1-27
BOR RENT—Four completely furnished
rooms for housekeeping. 205 Soutli For
syth. Atlanta 2559. 9-30-59
JOR RENT—Three upstairs, also two
downstairs, connecting, furnished rooms
for housekeping; walking distance. 202
South Forsyth street. 9-27-44
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
ENTIRE first floor of six rooms; front
and back porch; north side; fine neigh
borhood. Phone Ivy 2478. 10-4-38
FOR RENT—Completely furnished four
room apartment, hot and cold water,
electricity, gas, heat; close in. Address
6 St, Francis apartments.3s-4-10
BRIGHT, clean, nicely furnished well
heated four rooms and bath apartment.-
W’ith all modern conveniences: location
perfect; price moderate. Apply 231 Vest
Peachtree. ' 10-fl-47
FOR RENT—Six rooms, first~floor. dou
ble house, nicely furnished; all conven
iences; street car at door: garage extra.
Price $45. Apply 179 Lucile avenue.
Phone quick. 198 West. 10-3-30
M ANTED—One or two ladies tn share
nicely furnished apartment with re
spectable working girl; must be able to
exchange first-class references; reason
able rent: walking distance. Box 716.
eare Georgian. 51-2-10
THR EE room s, furnished complete for
light housekeeping; every convenience:
ideal surroundings; north side. Ivv
1744-L. 10-1-18
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
FOR RENT—Three or four-room brick
apartments, near in: north side; heat.
ljghts z li_a_lhs. $25. Ivy 4676.10-3-50
ONE beautiful five-room steam heated
apartment; price cheap. Phone Ivv
3698-J. 42-2-10
FOR RENT—Four-room apartments; new
and modern. 279 East Pine street.
.___ ’ 50-2-10
FOR RENT—Five-room apartment in the
Corinthian. 136 West Peachtree street.
Apply to Mr. Kelly. 254 Walton street.
FOR RENT—Beautiful, small, steam
heated kitchenette apartment in the
Saint Bride. Inquire apartment 9, 52 East
Cain, or phone Ivy 428.9-28-14
FoR RENT Apartments, new. modern
and fireproof; select neighborhood: close
in. A. w. Farlinger, 304 North Boule
vard 9-27-18
Furnished Houses For Rent.
NICELY furnished ten-room home; block
of Georgian Terrace; $80: two baths,
sleeping porch; three rooms rented to
three gentlemen S3O, reducing rent to SSO.
If desired, Ivy 5145. 60-4-10
ATTRACTIVE, well furnished. seven
rooms: best neighborhood; north side:
reasonable. Ivy 662-.1. 10-2-28
For RENT—Coxy bungalow; beautifully
furnished; north side. No children
References. Ivy 1762-L. 10-1-17
Furnished or Unfurnished Houses
For Rent.
Alt Fib lIC bungalow*, screened, furnace
tile bath, garage. “Ansley Park,’’ care
Georgian. 30-27-9
FOR RENT—Furnished or unfurnished
house; six rooms and reception hall:
reasonable. 219 Crew st. 9-30-33
Unfurnished Houses For Rent
FOR RENT—SOO South Boulevard, eight
room two-story house, on large shady
lot facing Grant park: price S3O per
month. Call Main 4235, ask for Mr
M oodall ur Mr. (’oliins. 10-4-50
FOR RENT -Five-room house, 152 Logan
street. All conveniences. *20.00 per
month. Call Atlanta 2061. Bell M. 4687.
FoR RENT - i 'harming 6-rooni home. 387
East Georgia avenue Must see it to
appreciate it. 34-2-10
FOR RKN'f Seven-room house, corner
Glennwood and Ormewood avenues
East Atlanta. *lB a month. Apply to T.'
A. Kindle. Call Bell phone Ivv 1471, At
lanta phone 1558. No. 6 Engine House
IoR RENT. HOUSES—CaII, write or
phone for our rent bulletin. Ralph O
Cochran, 19 South Broad street. 4-1-21
THE HOI'SE you build, buy or
rent will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
Stores For Rent.
: FOR RENT- Nice store room. located at
288 Whitehall. Apply next door 9-27-43
Storage Room For Rent
ONE ROOM for storage; close in on
Crew st.. No. 168. Main 4805-L. '
Furnished Rooms Wanted.
WANTED Steam heated room within
walking distance of town "W. T.,' <are
Gem-gian 01
,14 XN'I'ED B> couple, two ihildrenTtwo
or three furnished rooms for bouse
keeping Phone Monrot ' -o.’.-
I r.l-110
(Continued in next column.)
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
WANTED—One conveniently large r™™'
bath; prefer north side: close in steJ™
or furnace heat, electric lights. Must h.
reasonable. Main 5449-L. 10-4.3 S
WANTED—To rent, by 17th, witir76u,
or small family, two large, unfurnishe f
connecting rooms for housekeeping t 2
one; prefer with owner: walking ,1
tance. Answer, giving price and '
tion. Mrs. M., 46 Formwait. 26-3-10
Unfurnished Houses Wanted.
W «*\T- ED—A house. ~ Addre'.«
M. W., care Georgian. 10-2-48
Fire-Proof Storage.
s TORE^IOU^H^dr"g o ,; d s'~ a ;,l
pianos. Office and warehouse 234 41
Edgewood avenue. Ivy 2037. ’ John" 1
Woodside Storage Company. J
BABY for adoption. A baby bov 677
weeks old. Apply to Mother. 163 m
AJ®*; 29-4-10
SCREENS—Wood fly screens, metal fiv
screens, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds
metal weather strips furnished anywhere
in the South. Write or phone W it Cai
laway, manager, 1403 Fourth Nationa’l
Bank building, Atlanta, Ga. Main 5310 d
SERIOUS RESULTS come from trussed
improperly fitted. John B. Daniel at 34
Wall street, has an expert fitter and it
will cost you no more to have him fit
you, and it means insurance. 6-24-19
refined, homelike; limited number of na-’
tients cared for; home provided for in
fants; infants for adoption. Mrs. M *r
Mitchell, 26 Windsor street. 6-22 1J
74 Walton St.
Office Hours, 9 a. m.. 9 p. m
Sunday, 10 to 4. Ladies’ Maid
in attendance.
REVEALS PAST, present and future.
Can be consulted on ail affairs of life
Readings 25c. 50c. 17 East Mitchell street
(in tent). •
IS NOW LOCATED in tent, corner For
syth and Luckie; can be consulted on
all affairs of life. Charges moderate
Satisfaction guaranteed. 6-25-13
DROPSY CURED—Relieves shortness 01
breath in 36 to 48 hours. Reduces swell
ing in fifteen to twenty days. Write for
particulars. Collom Dropsy Remedy Com
pany, 512 Austell building, Atlanta.
Disease of Women.
200-202 Hillyer Trust building
-28 - 58
DR. EDMONDSON'S Tansy. Pennyroyal
and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re
liable treatment for painful and sup
pressed menstruation, irregularities and
similar obstructions. Trial box by mail.
50c. Frank Edmondson * Bro., manufac
turing chemists, 11 North Broad street.
Atlanta. 2-17-14
WILL SELL cheap for cash one Buick
motor car; 45-horsepower motor; Model
5: or will trade for smaller car. Post
office Box 142, Cornelia. Ga.lo-4-23
FOR SALE —Buick, model 17, flve-passen
ger touring car, fully equipped, newl)
painted, overhauled, three new tires: will
exchange for real estate; also Elmore flve
| passenger car; first-class condition: will
exchange for real estate: one Packard,
one Matheson and others at bargain
prices. Auto Realty Exchange. Bell
2053-M. 31 Inman Bldg. 10-2-30
ONE second-hand three-fourths ton
Buick truck. Will sell this week at a
bargain Adams Price Auto Company. 1
Washington street. Phone Main 652
WILL SELL, or exchange for vacant lot,
five-passenger automobile; 60 horsepow
er; in fine condition: rides like a sleeping
car. It’s a bargain. Price S6OO. Main
2405-J. Charles R. Cook, 480 South Boule
vard. 9-24-9
NEW BRUSH; never used; to exchange
for lot; and 25-horsepower Maxwell,
fine condition, for cash, cheap. Owner.
Box 350. care Georgian. 9-16-36
WANTED—Automobile. Maxwell or Ford
roadster preferred; don’t want older
than 1911 model, and must be in good
condition. Address, giving best caslt
price. Stewart. 2L Walton street. 6iL4_lO
WANTED Either five-passenger or run
about; will trade north side lot. Answer
North Side, care Georgian. 18-4-10
WANTED—SmaII automobile; late model:
roadster preferred. Must be in good
running order. Wants to buy direct from
ow ner. . No brokers. Give lowest price
you will take; also name and model
Address P. H.. Box 203. care Georgian.
WANTED—One 5-passenger touring car
Must be cheap; first-class condition
Will exchange Oklahoma City or Denver
property. Apply 807 Empire Bldg. 10-1-4$
WANTED—Roadsters, runabouts and
touring ears. We are having daily calls
for these. Your car might be the one
they are looking for. List it with n-
Have property In all parts of the city m
exchange for automobiles. if you ate
going to buy a car. protect your interests
by examining our list of bargains. Mi
Realty Exchange. Bell 2053-M. 31 Inman
Bldg. -10-2-31
Full SALE—Excelsior 6-horsepower t" "•
cylinder witli Eclipse clutch and ins
gage carrier: perfect running order c
bargain at SIOO. H. N. Cooledge. 12 N-y
Forsyth street. Atlanta
WANTED—To buy large secontl
hand fiat top desk. Bell plioii' 1
Ivy 4fiS."i.
FURNITURE and household goods.
fixtures and merchandise of any k
accepted on consignment. Cash adva'
Pembroke Sales Co.. 143 South Pryot
Bell phones Main 1434. Main 187. Atlan'<
DROP A CARD—WiII bring cash for
- and shoes. The Vestiare.
Decatur street. v '
WANTED—We pay highest cash pr e“
on household goods, pianos and o ;! “
furniture. Cash advanced on consu
ments. Springer's Auction House.
South Pryor street. Bell phone Main y
VVE PAY HIGHEST cash priceiTfor Im • •
hold goods, pianos and office furnit y .
Cash advanced on consignments. 1 eni
Auction Company. 12 East M- ;
■street. Bell phone Main 2424.■1--' 1 '
WANTED—You to know W. M ' '
cleans all kinds carpets, t ugs a. ’
clalty. Ivy 3135-. I Atlanta 1818 14- *
burn avenue. lo'.'.’I o '.'.’
1”Bl Y MEN’S old clothes and I ■
Drop a card. I. Bock, 32 Bell B L re ]7 >,