Newspaper Page Text
Councilman Smith Tires of
Delay in Paving Repairs and
Advises Drastic Action.
f armed at the poor progress of a
number of important street improve
nl - Councilman Charles W. Smith
abvised that the people and their
representatives should “raise a rough
if no legal redress han be ob
fourteenth street has been torn up
since July 1. It still is impassable.
y, uh Boulevard has been in a simi
le-condition for almost an equal length
of time.
St. Charles avenue has been impassa
ble for two years. Money has been pro
vided to pave the street for two years
South Boulevard has been mutilated
for some weeks by the laying of a
sewer. The contractor failed to repair
ihe street when he finished his sewer
North Avenue Dissatisfied.
1 'l'li' wood blocks on North avenue,
jict laid, ate uneven, and. the citizens
who paid for the paving are much dis
The paving on Piedmont avenue was
taken up by the Georgia Railway and
Power Company to ’ repair its tracks
about July 1. The paving has never
been put back yet. and the street is
practically useless, except to the street
car company.
The thousands ’of persons who daih
have to pass along Peachtree street
have given up hope that that street I
ever will be restored to its normal con- -
ditian. It was torn up* at the junction ,
of West Peachtree street to lower the I
These matters were discussed at the I
meeting of the streets committee of;
council yesterday afternoon.
Hatche Still Unperturbed.
Councilman Harvey Hatcher, chair
man of the streets committee, has taken
the pqsition all along that things wet.
pursuing a normal <ourse. He has had I
more or less influence with the othet I
member- of the committee.
But Councilman Charles W. Smith i
declared yesterday that now the
time for some drastic action.
The committee called on Chief of ■
Construction Clayton to denta,nd bettei 1
work of the parties in < hargv of these ;
various improvements. Al the work i
but the lowering of the grade of Peach- I
io- sirce'. ;s supposed to 1> done by I
In fututi the committee declared.-
str- ' t impt ements must b- completed 1
b' i given date or the contractors made I
to pa a forfeit. - |
riirnbardt. in "Queen Eliza
beth, will appear before Atlanta mo
tion picture theatergoers on October It
and 1., at the Montgomery theater.
Desiring to give to other generations
the pleasure of seeing the "Divine Sa-'
rah in some of per most famous role-.
1 harles Frohman, the manager and
ihr - ight, organized Bernhatdt’s orig
inal company, so far as was possible
and had several of her historic plays
enacted and photographed in their
tniginal settings.
It v as at a cost of more than a quar
ter million dollars that the play "Queen
Elizabeth" was taken in the old pal
ates of London, and even the furniture
used by the real Queen Elizabeth was
used in the reproduction. The motion
pn tines of Bernhardt portraj her act
ing perfectly, and the entire play is
magnificent. The death scene at the
■‘■r. the place of beheaWings. is un
usually strong.
f *■ ' the first time Bernhardt has
'hown in motion pictures in the
s ith. bur the “Fainous Mo
n Picture Company” has established
s in Atlanta and will bring i num
ber heir.
' lt l'< iwx, GA., Oct. s.—The sev
division of Georgia Odd Fellows
O'-m.i here this week in annual ses
n-s division is composed of the
!| f Polk. Floyd, Chattooga. Pauld-
! f ' y-'i-'Cr and Dade. About 200 visit
bellows were here. Public ex
( ■ ' "ere held, at which Judge .1. I’.
Home, presided. The address
" ne was delivered by Dr. L. 8.
• representative-elect from Polk.
... ' response was made by Grand
~ -• Fran!-; Harwell, of LaGrange.
„ a " n *''lo Fellowship, in Georgia
ivered by Grand Master w. 8.
"i Cedartown, and a short talk
" Deputy Grand Master T. B.
'■ "f Lavonia.
. '"UK. Oct. s.—The sun’s rajs,
r,' f ' r ' irpss from a glass lamp
held in her hands, set fire
"thing ~f Mrs. Minnie Bulwlnkle,
She was burned badlv.
... _ ... ______ - ( Wedemeyers Band of 25 Pieces
Colonel Declares He Has An
swered Charges Completely,
and Is Through.
NEW YORK. Oct. 5. —"Mj swon
statement at Washington answers all
their charges. I have nothing else to
sa.v about it, either now or at anj fu
ture time."
in this manner ex-President Theo
dore Roosevelt today summed up all
that he had to say about his tcstjmonj
before the senatorial committee inves
tigating campaign funds today. He
was bombarded with questions as soon
is he arrived here from Washington, in
company with Dr. Lyman F. Abbott, of
The Outlook: the latter’s son. Ernest
Abbott, and Collector of the Port Wil
liam Loeb. Jr. He had nothing more
to say, except that he was in fine fet
The colonel had read all the newspa
pape'r- recounting his testimony before
the committee, and he seemed well
pleased at the absence of comment in
some of the publications opposed to him
"1 guess we've beaten them at the!
own game." said Collector Loeb to his
former chief. »
"Yes; 1 guess so." replied the colonel,
with a grin of satisfaction.
"Well. Doctor," said the colonel, turn. |
7 OWi
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mk’ ~ ■BKwk WHI
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Vwljfe. ’ r 7
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XT jSt ;
Little Marguerite Brandon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. M. '-'K \ /
Brandon. 192 Oak street, and her pickaninny dolly.
ing to Dr. Abbott, “I'm going to the
Harvard club for some breakfast. I
don't know whether you want to cat
with me or not after what some of the
newspapers have said about me."
“Used to It." Says Colonel.
"Oh. I guess we can stand it if you
can." was the replv.
"I'm used to it by this time," an
swered the ex-president.
This conversation took place in one
of the elevators in the Pennsylvania
station. In the same elevator was a
worn, tired looking woman with a baby
in her arms and four small children
at her knee. She had a quantity of
battered luggage with her. and was
plainly in pool circumstances. The colo
nel patted one of the youngsters on the
head and asked the porter, who was
caring for the mother’s luggage, who
she was. He learned that she was Mrs.
Ellen Butler, bound back to her native
Glasgow. Scotland, from a little town in
Tennessee. When Colonel Roosevelt
found she was going to an Anchor t+ne
steamship and that she intended to
walk, he drew a $lO bill from his pocket
and pressed it into the woman’s hand,
telling her she could take a taxicab.
Then he hurried over to his own au
tomobile and set out for the Harvard
Eloise Allen, t'a'ighter of Mr. and Mrs. J. I*. Allen. 65 Lu
cile avenue.
I 1 IMiik V 7 /
\\uMf J® I /
AWB -**
/WM S WfTf ||
BRUNSWICK. GA., Get. s.—Jerre
Wilcher, assistant chief of police of this
city, had a narrow escape from death
today when he was attacked by Will
Jones, a drunken negro.
Officer Wilcher was seafching for a
negro who had threatened to kill Sam
Meyers, a hackman, when he found
Jones hiding in the darkness of the
Grand opera house. He grabbed him
and Jones pulled a revolver, which he
stuck against the 'officer's stomach,
pulling the trigger. The g un failed to
explode and the negro ran. with the of
ficer after him.
Wilcher fired six times at the negro,
two of the bullets taking effect. He
was taken to the police station wjth
bullet holes In his head and wrist, but
it is thought he will recover.
NEW YORK, Oct. 5. —Senor Francis
co Fernandez, Spanish bull tighter, an
nounced upon his arrival here that he
would never fight bulls in Mexico again
because the spectators "kidded" him
too much.
WASHINGTON. Oct. s.—Army or
The following changes in stations of
officers of the quartermaster's corps or
dered :
Major James Canby. Portland. Oreg.,
to Vancouver Barracks. Washington.
Major Frank A. Giant, from San
Francisco to Presidio of Monterey. <'al.
Major John C. Waterman from San
Franc isco to Fort Des Moines.
Major J. W. Jones, from New Volk
city to the Plattsburg Barrat ks, New
Major William T. Wilder, from St.
Paul, Minn., to Fort D. A. Ruasell. Wyo
Major Francis P. Sargent, from San
Francisco to Fort Sheridan. Illinois.
Major Ellwood W. Evans. from
Washington. D. •'.. to Fort Ethan Al
len, Vermont.
Major Philip It. Ward, from St. Paul
to t'amp E. S. Otis, Panajna.
Major George A. Cole, from Omaha
to Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia.
Major Bertram T, Clayton, to United
States Military academy, West Point.
Major George G. Bailey, to Fort
Leavenworth. Kansas.
Major Joseph T. Davidson, to Fort
Riley, Kansas.
Major Robert H. Rolfe, to Fort Sain
Houston. Texas.
Major George H. Penrose, to Fort
Fight for Control of Markets Is
Victory for Great Ameri
can Trust.
STOCKHOLM. Oct. —The war for
the control of the oil market in the
Scandinavian countries has resulted in
practlcallj' a complete victory foi the
Standard Oil Company. The only con
cession obtained b.v the Scandinavian
association from the big American
company was that the price of oil in
Scandinavian territorj’ should not ex-
I ceed the price asked in any other Euro
pean country.
The Standard Oil Companj obtained
an entrance into the countty by an
agreement with existing interests to
take over the disttibution system for
oil in Scandina\ ia.
There was much opposition to the
scheme bj the Small Dealers associa
tion, which passed a resolution in favor
of government intervention to prevent
the establishment of a Standard Oil
monopoly in the Swedish market.
Tite Austrian minister mail.' everj’
; effort to secure the admission to Swe
: den of Austrian oil. which has been
I kept out by the Swedish safety regula
tions. as it does not meet tin- requlre
i ments for safe transport, being too
I fight.
jto l i hafa&kSg l ■ ■ ■ ♦... i. r r I
I I ®
g I J ' ' --fi. e’ ‘“V gffiSsL J;
$ -/ /
i Snelling. Minnesota.
Major Kenney J. Hampton, to Pre
sidio-pf Saii Francisco
Colonel Frank Baker, ordnance de
partment, detailed as member joint
army and navy board.
Lieutenant Colonel Edwin B. Babbitt,
ordnance department, assigned to corn
i mand Sandy Hook proving ground.-
First Lieutenant Edwin T. I’ itcliett.
i from First field to Fourth artillery.
Resignation of First l ieutenant John
<Di Icosta medical reserve, accepted.
FREEHOLD. MISS., Oct. s.—Miss
Beatrice Ely, 22 years old, daughter of
; a New York broker, who disappeared
from home, was found wandering near
i the railroad station here clad in rags.
She has been suffering from nervou
One of the things the next legislature
will devote its attention to is the mat
ter of disposing of local bills in a man
ner more satisfactory than the bungle
some and time-killing method now em
L ,-Jj
JAMI-3 E> NTvnr
Under the pres
ent arrangement,
the passage of lo
cal bills takes up
just about three
fourths of the leg
islature’s time
each session, and
there never is a
dispute over local
measures, so long
as local represen
tatives are agreed
upon their pas
tine member of
the last house,
who will also be a
member of the
next, believes that
the general as-
sepiblj might easily dispose of all
business before it and adjourn within
25 days if the matter of local hills were
removed from routine consideration.
Moreover, he points out the undoubt
ed fact that general measures could be
given much more intelligent attention
if even so much as half the time now
devoted necessarily to local bills were
available for their consideration.
A prospective legislative session of 25
Elizabeth Murphy, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Murphy, 404 Gor
don street, who thinks posing for
the camera man is tli<> “mostest
fun. ”
L.VG RANGE, GA., Oct. 5. Funeral of
the late Mrs. Leona Watson, aged 65
years, who died at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. R. P. Abraham, In Green
ville street, was conducted by Rev. Sam
uel Ledbetter, at the First Methodist
church. Interment followed in Hill View
cemetery. Mrs. Watson leaves three
daughters, Mrs. Abraham, of this city;
Mrs. William Lycett, of Atlanta, and
Mrs. ,L B. Harris, of Pensacola, Fla.
COULEY, LA., Oct. s.—Three pas
sengers were injured and a tramp who
was boating his way on the rods wai
killed in a passenger wreck on the
Southern Pacific near here early to
Four of the coaches were overturned.
Some of flic injured passengers are In
serious condition.
days will impress many people as being
nothing short of a “pipe dream,” of
course —no such good luck ever will
come to Georgia as a legislature ready
and willing to adjourn before the time
limit constitutionally imposed upon it!
Still, if local bills were removed from
legislative consideration merely that
more time might be devoted to the
important general measures proposed,
the change would be well worth while.
And at least one member of standing
and influence has announced his de
termination to undertake in the next
house a reform in the method of hand
ling local measures and general meas
ures with local application.
Ed Cole, who will represent Bartow
county in the next house of represen
tatives, will be one of the younger
members of the house sure to take a
leading and influencing part in legis
lation, from the very first.
Cole is one of the most thoroughly
and conservatively successful business
men in north Georgia.
He began hip business career some
eight or ten years ago, with nothing
whatever byway of capital but brains,
pluck and plenty of energy. He lived
for a time in Rome, where he still is
heavily interested. and afterward
moved to Cartersville, where he now
Cole is not the wealthiest man in
north Georgia, by a very great deal,
but, having started out with absolutely
nothing ten years ago, he has estab
lished himself firmly in the business
world, and is recognized ds a substan
tial man of affairs in his vicinity.
He, will be recognized In the new
bouse instantly as a safe, sane and
level-headed legislator.
The operation of the new military
laws passed by the last legislature have
been watched with great interest by
various citizens of late, and comment
upon them has been generally favor
j able.
The late legislature went thoroughly
into the matter of revising the bun
glesome laws under which the militia
had been handled for many years, and
in many ways effectively improved
As the laws now stand, the governor
is unhampered In his handling of the
troops, when. In his judgment, it be
comes necessary to call them out, and
his milltay representatives on the scene
of action are vested with authority to
preserve the peace, without recourse to
red tape or cumbersome methods of
The military authorities are much
gratified, even though some regrettable
circumstances attended the handling of
the riotous situation in Augusta, with
the account the militia has given of it
self under Are of late.
One thing is sure, wherever the state
troops, are placed in service the ma
chinery for regulating things Is ample
and easy to start In motion.
Oscar Straus, the Bull Moose nomi
nee for governor of New York, is s
former Georgian, remembered with
pleasure by many people in this state,
particularly in the vicinity of Savan
Arpund the hotel lobbies one hears
the name of Straus mentioned very fre
quently, and his nomination by the New
York Mooses—or is it Meese?—gener
ally is regarded as a flne one.
Representative J. O. Adams, of Hall
known affectionately to the press con
tingent as the world’s heavyweight
champion mover-of-the-previous-ques
tion. has notified his prospective col
leagues of the next house of the ar
rival In the Adams household of a
young Mr. Adams.
•’ongratulations being very much in
order, Adams has been overwhelmed
with them. He enjoyed a large meas
ure of genuine popularity in the last
house, and the career of young Mr.
Adams will be watched with interest by
his father’s former associates no less
than by those yet to make his ac
Mr. Adams, by the way—senior, not
junior—will be a. candidate for speaker
pro tern of the next house, and already
has a large number of votes pledged to
his cause.
Although several new counties are to
be proposed in the next Georgia legis
lature. there already is a manifest hos.
tility to their creation.
Barrow county, with Winder as the
county seat, of all the new counties
thus far suggested, alone seems likely
to win legislative approval.
Members-ele<?t of the new legislature
seem to feel, so far as those who have
expressed themselves around and
about political haunts in Atlanta are
concerned, that the time to call a halt
on the new county industry has arrived
-»-and it seems highly probable now
that the halt will be called.
HARRISON, N. J., Oct. s.—Mary
Stevens, general manager of the sales
department of the General Electric’s
factory here, has resigned her position
to enter a convent as a sister of charity
in Madison, Ind.