Newspaper Page Text
Here on Visit. Brooklyn G. 0. P. 1
Boss Declares Persident Will
Carry New York.
Colonel Michael J Dady. formei (and
perhaps present > Republican boss of
Brooklyn, millionaire contractor and
father of the man who is building the
local sewage disposal plants, was in
town for tic week-end from Cuba and I
declared that Taft w ould be, the n» xt
president of the United States.
This is believed to be the hist time
since the <anipaign opened that all At
lanta was not unanimous in the belief
that the next president of the United
States would not weigh over 250
Colonel Dady came to Atlanta iust
"on a visit." he said, but probably to
see how his son. Chester A, Dady. was
spending the o.d man’s rnonet If he
found anything to dispieaae him. he
didn’t show it. He was ail smiles until
somebody mentioned Theodore Roose
Outside of This, T. R. Is 0. K.
Mr. Dady remarked that outside of
the fact that the colonel should he
hung, quartered, electrocuted or some
thing as the biggest rascal in the world,
he was all right
Colonel Dady was very, very opti
mistic when he wasn t talking about
Roosevelt. He thinks Taft is going to
carry New York by a big majority. He
hoped—and was inclined to believe, he
■aid that Job Hedges would be the
next governor of New York, although
he admitted the strength of the Demo
cratic nominee. William Sulzer, and the
Bull Moose candidate, Oscar Straus
Dady relies on prejudice to defeat
.lust one admission the Brooklyn
contractor would make. He confessed
the Bull Moose were mighty strong in
Kings county, of which Brooklyn is the
county seat. Leaders in the Bull Moose
party this year include «ome of the
men who helped kt< k Colonel Dady’s
old machine in Kings to smithereens
some months back.
DALTON GA . < »Ct. 7 The result of
the recent general election here where T
R Glenn, chairman of the Whltf>!d
county Republican committee, running as
an independent, was elected sheriff, has
caused widespread comment which may
result In doing away with the Democratic
primary for county officials
Many counties in this vicinity* have
adopted this than, and are satisfied with
it; Murrav. Catoosa and Dade, three of
the six counties making up the Chero
kee judicial circuit, held no itimary this
yea r
JACKSON. GA. Oct 7. The Butts
County Roys Corn club contests will be
held in Jackson nn October U>. al which
time the members of the dub will dis
play their corn Prizes aggregating
more than S2OO have been offered by
tite business men of the county
Granted Insurance
After Consumption
There ’c so many cases of consump
tion reported where the details show the
• disease started with a cold or a cough
that it Is realli surprising that people air
not more anxious to Immediately stop
these apparently minor troubles dur ad
vice is "stop the tough or cold, if possi
ble. without delay tuberwise more se
rious. troubles are likely to follow If lbw
medicines you are now taking do not
bring relief, tty Eckman s Alterative, as
thin mao did
217 Dean Street Brooklyn N V
■Gentlemen I am giving you below a
brief hl»tory of my < ase. which I trust
you will use for the benefit of those suf
fering from any similar troubles
" Yboill a Trnr and a half ago I noticed
that my health was rapidly failing, until
st the end of six months my weight had
fallen to 129 pounds 1 was troubled with
night sweats, a severe cough and was verv
weak, having in fact absolutely no ambi
lion whatevei Ybout this time I consult
ed a physical!, who told me my lungs were
affected Not satisfied I went to another
doctor who. after examining me. said
that 1 was in the first stages of consump
tion At this point I started to take
Eckman's Alterative The night sweats
“topped almost immediately. my cough
became looser and gradually disappeared
My weight is now 42 pounds and my
physician has pronounced me perfectly
sound which, together with the fact that
I have been acc, pterl by two different
Insurance companies t r Insurance makes
me sure of my entire recovery by Eok
man's Alterative I should be vet y glad
to communicate with any one who would
be interested in my case
(Sworn iff-at it, XV E GEE
Eckman s Mterative is effective in bron
chitis, asthma, hay fever, thioat and
lung tt * hie- ami in upbuilding the
systep In es i: t i ..main poisons, opiates
or habit-form i i'u drugs l-'or sale by all
Jacobs' drug - ore* ami oilier leau-ng
druggists. \sk lei booklet telling of re
coveries and write to Eckinat Labora
tory Phil, ielpl ‘1 Pa sot additional evi
dence , (Advt.)
' ' • 'i'' i b -et (
g ■ • for old < Sold*
Watt Bi oken • ewelry
and Precious* Slones
Money Sent By Return Mali
Phila Smeltmq and Refining Co..
I ! .1 t- \ H '
863 Chestnut S* . Philadelphia. Pa
We will bu> on.’ Gold HI nx- Gold
. ■ es
■ l J lOplofa, Whiakey and Drug Habit* treated
|IA iioin* or nt Siniurium, Rook on tuhm t
{ feiJ H /,rrg - DR 14 M " OOLLF.Y, 14-N. Fluor
'-saMBfaMV banitanum. Atlanta. Georgia
*9%. 1 Hl« in K. <1 »n I 1..1.1 r ... O .
r soi ngy ori fiGisis fyi rywhi re
The presence in Atlanta of J. Max
! well Gordon, field representative of the
| Democratic national committee, here for
I the purpose of
arousing enthusi
I ting signatures to '*
a mammoth peti- Jr
, lion to congress.
t asking that lion- jp* ann
livable body to
provide some ♦- J/taE
(al met h o d .
whereby traveling
men away from
ho' l -" may vole it, E3 y
u.'i 11* n.i i fdect lons. Kai
recalls n )e f ;1 , Sk ***
that a movement rag
is on among the ':
tri.y ci ng men <d 9§|| a/wW
Georgia to gtt
from the state
legislature similar JA>*M ® srKvoj
legislation with respect to state elec
The traveling men of Georgia esti
mate that a heavy percentage of their
vole necessarily is omitted from every
ballot box opened in Georgia, because
of the fact that It Is impossible for them
to go to their homes to vote without
great expense and loss of time, not to
mention fnconveni' nee.
The traveling men feel that both
common sense and fairness should in
cline the legislature to furnish them a
legal method of registering their votes.
They think they should be permitted
to deposit their ballots wherever they
may be.
No men. as a class, are more deeply
interested in politics than tlie traveling
tnen, and they are unusually well in
formed. Their opportunities for hear
ing all sides of public questions dis
cussed, in widely separated localities,
enables them to put two and two to
gether with .accuracy and dispatch.
Moreover, they are directly affected by
much legislation enacted, and their de
sire to participate tn elections is, there
fore, particularly keen.
There is a plan being worked out now
among the traveling men of Georgia,
looking to Hie passing by the next leg
islature of a law enabling them to vote
in all state elections, no matter where
they may be at the moment
The manager of one of Rome's locker
clubs, recently operating under such
color of authority as the state tax on
baker clubs gave it. wishes the Georgia
legislature never had monkeyed with
the locker club situation at all. for it
has made him a defendant in two le
gal proceedings, each coming from a
different and directly opposite direc
Under the leadership of former Rep
resentative Seaborn Wright, the Law
and Order league of Rome has closed
every locker club in the town.
Tlie Hill City is lockerless and club
less, and consequently extremely Sa
ha raesque 1
The manager of one of the clubs,
viewing the Wright process with gen
uine alarm, quit business, and denied
all members access to their booze de
positories. He felt snug and safe in
that position, so far as the immediate
present and future were concerned,
Saturday however, a number of
members went into court and petitioned
that the manager be forced to open the
locker club, and let the members liqui
date, as the < lub is sanctioned under
the law. and. Spending the court's decis
ions in the Law and Order league mat
ter, tlie club, so the petition sets up.
has every right to keep open house.
The manager is now in the middle of
tlie worst fix he ever found himself
He does not know whether to choose
tile devil or the deep blue sea as his
Governor Joseph M. Brown has a
watch of which he is very proud, even
if It is not as accurate a timekeeper as
it used to be.
This watch is of solid gold, and was
manufactured in Atlanta away back
yonder in the good old days, when At
lanta boasted one of the few watch
factories ever operated in the South
When the governor bought this
watch, is was the fashion to wear
watches with heavy closed cases, elab
orately engraved. Upon tlie question of
A Log On the Track.
r of the fast express means serious trou
ble ahead if not removed, so does loss
. of appetite. It means lack of vitality,
loss of strength and nerve weakness.
If appetite fails, take Electric Bitters
quickly to overcome tlie cause by ton
ing up the stomach and curing the in
digestion Michael Hessheimer.
i coin. Nebr., had been sick over three
I years, but six bottles of Electric Bitters
I I put him light on his feel again They
’have helped thousands. They give pure
blood strong nerves, good digestion.
, only on < i tits at all druggists, t Advt.)
’ H' re is a woman who speaks from
personal knowledge and long expe
lience. viz. Mis I’ H Brogan. of Wil
son F’a who says "I know from e.x
perience that Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy Is far superior to any other.
Eor croup there is nothing tu.n excels
i* ' For sale by all dealers i Advt i
| I'heie Is no finer denial work done
I any where than at the Atlanta Dental
'! Bailors yel | ikes her, ate so low a>
i to astonish those who have been pay-
I mg the 'usual dentist s charges
This is taiily dm 1 to an immense
I practice and paitly to tlie very fine
modern * .r.lpment and partlv to the
I fa< t that lids establishment wishes to
.(make lasting friends of Its patients
Ask your friends about the work of
. ilie Atlanta Dental Parlors at the cor
j tier of Peachtree and Decatur streets
tAdvt •
Call Maan 11M
tAtJv ertls«ment >
engraving the governor s watch, he and
the manufacturers had quite a little ar
gument. the former contending that
nothing could be more ornamental to a
Georgia-made watch —or any other
watch, for that matter -than the coat
of-arms of tlie state, while tlie latter
was strong for birds and laurel
wreaths, and ornaments of that sort.
"I had no idea then, not the remot
est. that I should be governor of the
state some day/' said the chief mag
istrate today, discussing Ills watch,
"but I had been impressed by my father,
the'former governor, more than once
with the beautiful signflcance of that
coat-of-arms. He had explained to me
and all of his children the meaning of
every figure thereon, and nothing else
would suit me bul that.”
The governor and M'-s. Brown, cu
riously enough, too, were married on
"Georgia Day”—February 12 only it
wasn't "Georgia Day” at all, then—-and
they resided for years in the home of
an early governor of Georgia—Charles
McDonald, for whom one of the “war
governors ’ sons was named. Tlie pres
ent governor wrote his first latten of
acceptance from that house.
If the governor were a Presbyterian,
he would think all those things were
foreordained, and just naturally hap
pened that way—as he is a Baptist,
however, he regards them as interesting
coincidences merely .
R. Usher Thomason, of Madison, is
an Atlanta visitor, which is an unusual
thing nowadays, even if it was a regular
weekly occurenci some ten or twelve
years ago.
Mr. Thomason used to play the game
of politics with the best of them down
in Morgan, and represented his county
in the house several times—in fact,
whenever the spirit moved him. He en
joyed and still does—a large measure
of popularity, and at one time was
(hairman of the military committee of
the house.
The former membet from Morgan is
a retired colonel of the Georgia state
troops, having commanded for many
years the famous old Third Georgia. He
was a military enthusiast in the '9o's,
but of late years has given up his war
like ambitions and activities for the
more prosaic business of banking
"Atlanta always looks good to me,”
said Thomason today, “even if I do not
get here very often. I keep my’ eyes on
the legislature, too. and still have many
friends in public life, whose careers T
watch with interest, and frequently
with pride.”
Ruptured People-
Try This for Relief and Cure
Here la something you can try sixty
days without having to risk a single cent
of your money
Something which has cured in the last
twenty-four .sears thousands of ruptured
Something so strengthening to the rup
tured parts that you can work light along
while being cured
If you don’t find yourself gelling bet
ter after trying a t’luthe Truss or Cluthe
Automatic Massagei
If you don't think it s doing you a lot
of good- making a new man of you
Then we don’t want a pennx
Try It Sixty Days at Our Risk.
'This is more than a truss more than
merely a device to hold your rupture in
F'or your protection we guarantee, in
writing that a Cluthe Truss will keep your
rupture from coming out when you are
working, exercising, taking a bath (this
truss Is waterproof) every minute of tire
day If a sixty days’ trial doesn’t prove
it. the truss won’t cost you a cent.
You see this truss unlike all others
is self-adjusting, self-regulating
'Phe support it gives automatically in
creases when there is any sudden move
ment or strain as in working so no
strain < an force your rupture out
And. in addition, a Cluthe Truss pro
vides the only way ever discovered for
overcoming the weakness which Is the
real cause of rupture.
While relieving the weak ruptured parts
of all strain, this Truss is constantly
strengthening the ruptured parts.
Does that by automatically massaging
them this healing massage does for these
parts what exercise does for a weak arm
restores their lost strength in many
cases makes them so strong that a truss
is no longer needed
Curing Begins at Once.
This massage is so beneficial that near
ly all feel better and stronger get imme
diate relief after trying this truss
So beneficial that a Cluthe Truss has
cured some of the worst cases on record
Among them men and women 50 to 70
years old. who bad been ruptured from
twenty to fifty years
<'tired many of them after everything
rls*>. Including operation, had failed to do
any good whatever.
The Wisdom of
Saving Money
It is characteristic of the really prudent
and successful man that he believes in Saving.
I he wisest thing for every earner to do is
to save consistently and steadily.
I here is no hank where your Savings ac
count will he handled -with more care and
safety than the Fourth National.
Call or write if you desire any informa
mation on this subject.
Fourth National Bank
LONDON. Oct. 7.—ls you were in a
burning house in which were a help
's s baby and the most valuable picture
in the world. Raphael's "Dresden Ma
donna." which would you save - .’ This
is the question discussed in The Lon
don Daily Express, as the result of a
letter written to The London Times by
Sir George Birwood. on the subject of
th* sacrifice of the Temple of Philae
to make room for the Assouan Dam in
H* quotes Sir Henry Knolls as draw
ing, a comparison of the picture and
child and saying:
"I should certainly save the Madonna
first. She can get another baby, but
there is only one Dresden Madonna.”
The Express prints the opinions of
many prominent persons, all in absolute
disagreement of this view. H. De Ver*
Stacpoole says:
"If the fire wore in a criminal lunatic
asylum of which I was a patient, the
Madonna would stand a chance, other
wise the baby first.”
Arthur Bourchier, John Collier, Max
Pemberton and Sir Hiram Maxim all
declare that one live baby is worth
more than a million pictures. Elinor
Glyn says:
"It Is much too difficult a question
for my small brain to answer. It is
worse than th* lady or the tiger.”
Drives Sallowness
from the Skin
imperfect complexion is enused by
■ sluggish livet. A few days treatment with
will do more to clean up
the skin than all the beauty
cieams in creation.
Cures constipation, *
unclogs the liver, CRD
ends indigestion, WtVKO
biliousness and
d i z z t n e ss. \\
Purely vege- .
table —nevei fail.
Small Pill. Small Dote, Small Price.
The GENUINE must beai signature
Our Expense if It Fails.
'i ou are making the mistake of your life
if you lei any doubts or past disappoint
ments keep you from finding out what a
’ liithe Truss can do for you.
Remember that wt' ask you to take no
W e’ll make a truss especially for your
ease and send it to you and allow you
sixty days trial in prove tliat it wQI hold
your rupture that it will put an end to
the trouble you’ve heretofore had and
improve your condition. If tlie trial fails
to prove tliis, we ll lie the losers, not you.
Get the World's Greatest Rupture Book
Ko thal you can judge tor yourself, we
warn io send you a free book we have
written a cloth-bound book of advice.
Hven physicians who have read it say it’s
the best book ever written on Rupture.
li sums up all we have learned about
rupture in forty years of day-after-day
experience in the successful treatment of
more than 290,000 cases. It deals with
rupture In all its fdrrns and stages -ex
plains the dangers of operations—ex
poses the worthless trusses and the
equally worthless makeshifts masquerad
-1 ing under such names as “appliance,”
“method.” “system,” “plasters,” etc.—
, puts you on guard against throwing
money away on things that can’t stand a
fair lest.
And it tells all about the Cluthe Truss
how little it costs how it ends con
stant expense on account of your rupture
how thousands have found ibis truss
as comfortable as their clothing ino
• springs or web or elastic band or belt
around your waist no leg straps)—how
you can try one sixty days at our risk
thus giving you plenty of time to make
sure of its wonderful holding and healing
powers and of its waterproof and wearing
It tells in their own words the ex
perience of many former sufferers—gives
their names and addresses—perhaps you
know some of them.
Book sent in plain, sealed envelope,
; Write for it today don't put it off this
book may be the means of adding many
years to your life and of restoring you to
full strength and usefulness.
s .lust use the coupon or simply say in a
letter or postal “Send me the Book ” In
writing us. please give our box number:
125 East Twenty-third Street. NEW
Send me your Free Book on The
( Cure of Rupture
i Name .
I r.
8 f roe t
Replies to
“Bulletins Extra”
Your publication of “Bulletins Extra’’ in open support of the can
didacy of James G. Woodward for Mayor, and copied by his campaign
committee in newspaper advertisements as an effort to make it appear
that the Churches of Atlanta are supporting him, has made it necessary
for me to make a statement.
It is not strange that the two extremes typified by you and Mr,
Woodward should have come together and joined forces. It is not sur
prising that the fanaticism which moves you to make a public at
tack upon me, while assuming to represent the churches of Atlanta,
should at the same time move you to support James G. Woodward and
all that he represents.
I do not believe the views of the good people of Atlanta are repre
sented in your “Bulletins Extra,’’ which gives no credit for public hon
esty and cleanliness of life, any more than I believe the true spirit of
progressive Atlanta is represented in James G. Woodward.
Every man elected to office takes an oath to enforce the law. I
have endeavored in the past, and will endeavor in the future, to faith
fully and properly discharge my duty under that oath.
But the responsibility of how I shall discharge my duty will rest
upon my own shoulders, not yours. No man can answer for my conduct
but myself, and no man shall dictate to me the manner in which I am
to perform my duty,
Atlanta is a metropolitan city where every class of honest men are
welcome. For you or any other set of fanatics, charged with no respon
sibility except that which you gratuitously assume with reference to the
morals of the community, to be allowed to dictate the method of pro
tecting and furthering the moral and industrial welfare of this city,
would be a blow at the vitals of democratic government, and I do not
propose ever to be a party to any such procedure.
The subjects discussed by you in your “Bulletins Extra’’ were not
and are not issues in this campaign, nor is there any reason to believe
that any considerable number of the people of this city, especially the
churches, have any desire to make them the issues.
But inasmuch as you two immaculate gentlemen, presuming to con
stitute the “Executive Committee,” have so persistently and publicly
clamored for an expression from me, I have decided to give it to you.
If you have made up your minds to believe Mr. Woodward’s claims
of reform and repentance, and to support him in preference to me, not
withstanding his past notorious record, well and good.
Pure motives, efficient service, and honest endeavor to lead a moral
life may count for nothing with the “Churches in Our Midst,” but I
have yet to arrive at such a conclusion.
Ido not claim perfection or immaculate conduct. lam a normal
man in the early prime of life, swayed by human emotions, earnestly de
sirous of achieving the highest degree of permanent good, conceding the
fallibility of human judgment, but endeavoring always to do what is
right and to accomplish lasting results.
Permit me, excellent gentlemen, to suggest that it might be well for
you to look into the question of educating the public along moral lines,
rather than for you to undertake to foist upon the community your own
particular scheme of obtaining moral results.
You have insisted on a declaration from me, and now you have it.
If you prefer a man whose sole ambition for twenty-five years has
been to hold public office; whose administrations have been famous for
wrangling and dissension, not to mention other things which reflect no
credit upon himself or the city—and whose present race can have no
motive except to obtain personal and political revenge upon the people
who have twice repudiated him—
If you prefer this man to a man who is making his first race, whose
whole life is before him, and who has all to lose by inattention to duty
and improper conduct, then take Mr, Woodward, and say so.
In the language of Holy Writ, from which you are so fond of quoting:
“Choose ye this day whom ye will support.”