Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, October 10, 1912, EXTRA 1, Image 12

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TOK ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. Auction Sales. T** SEVER A L CONSIGN- MEN TB. INCLUD ING M A H () G A N Y AND OAK DRESSERS AND CHIFON lER S, BRASS BEDS. MAHOG ANY DINING ROOM FURNITURE. PARLOR FURNITURE. LIBRARY AND RECEPTION HALL CHAIRS. RUGS. ART SQL A RES. LACE CUR TAINS. HALL RUNNERS. AND MANY OTHER THINGS TOO NUMER OUS TO MENTION. ERI DA Y. OCTOBER 11. AT 10 A. M. CENTRAL AUCTION CO. 12 E. Mitchell Street. AT AI ’CTI ON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 10. AT 10 A. M. SHARP. WE WILL OEEER TO THE PUBLIC SEVERAL CONSIGNMENTS OF FURNITURE. HOUSE HOLD GOODS AND OF FICE FIXTURES FROM SEVERAL HOMES. CON SISTING OF PARLOR! SUITS. DINING ROOM SUITS. BED ROOM SUITS. LI BRA R Y SUITS. DAVENPORTS. SID E BOARDS. I) R ES S E RS. WASHSTANDS. RUGS. DESKS. FILING CABI NETS. AND. IN FACT. EVERYTHING FROM THE PARLOR’ TO THE KITCHEN. SA LEST ARTS PROMPTLY AT 10 \. M. AT io x M SHARI*, we will offer sev eral consignments of furniture, house hold goods and office fixtures, consist ing of one five-piece mahogany parlor suit, plush upholstered, wardrobes, mahogany and oak. one oak leather davenport, Vernls-Mart in beds, one large oak ha track, one Peerless piano player, mahogany ami oak dining tables with chairs to much, mahogany and oak dressers, ami chiffoniers, one $75 oak desk, one typewriter cabinet, one typewriter table. Smith’s axmln ster. Wilton and Blue Ribbon velvet rugs matting squares. springs, mat tresses. crockerx . cooking utensils, bed linen, blankets, curtains; and, in fact, other goods too numerous to ment ion PEMBROKE SALES SO.. 143 S. Pryor Street. CENTRAL M CTIOX CO, 12 E Mitchell st., buys and sells everything, regular auction Tuesday and Frida x Bell phone Nla4 10 3 41 PAWN BkuKF.KS lUCTION II(• It S 11. 51 Decatur street We bu\ and sell mix and everything Atlanta prione 2235. Bell phone Main 1434 Main 187 7-29-20 SPRINGER’S Auction House, at 25 South Pryor street, will huv or sell your household goods, pianos and office furni ture Main 1526 10 3 6 PEMBROKE Sales Company under new management, will accept your sut plus stock of anx kind on consignment; bash advanced, settlement on date of salp. 143 South Pryor street 801 l phhne Main 14.34. Main 1 87. Atlanta phone 2285 8-6-30 Automobiles < I'T< >M< ‘Bl LE TRADE Five-passenger standard touring rat. lute model and ussy, jam-up in everx respect and just gem pami shop, to trade for desirable /■t or small house and lot. in Grant park >r West Emi sections Give or take cash difference \ddress x R . Box 200. care • 0 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE SACRTFICE SALE. DETROIT Elei lr <■ Coupe Four seats. Beautifully upholster ed in tine leather. Batteries and motor in good condition. Com pellet! to sell at once. Any rea sonable offer will be considered. I’hone M 3205. 10-!) : 46 jJ’IVE- PASSES!;Tit 1912 M.tehell for Hale at a price that sounds ridiculous, owner took car in exchange and wants to convert into rash. E-M F "30” tlve-pas senger; excellent condition, extra equip • mem $525; Moon <ar. five-passenger. first -class condltior SSOO Have you a car to sell on terms" We want one quick Auto Realty Exchange. Bell 2058 M. 31 Inman Bldg 10 7 9 F< >R SALE Kutomoblie tonneau body and top: five passenger; top and seats newlx coveted Bodx newly painted anti in fine condition, x great batgain Can be seen at ' C Miller’s shop, corner of Courtland and Gilmer streets Inquire for Mr Brooks. Georgian office 10-5-16 ()NE second-hand tnrer-fourths ton Ruh k truck Will veil this week Rt a bargain Adams Price Auto Company, 1 Washington street Phone Main 652 I 1 AUTOMOBILES FOR EXCHANGE MOpEL E BRUSH runabout, with top. llgh's. etc , in first-class running condi tion. to trade for unincumbered real es tate or toward a M<u&bl T Ford. Address • Box 900 care Ge**rgiai 10-9 21 I 11 x \ i a spier id five-passenger auto* 7*- bile which I will exchange for real estate of same value Car is in good condition Call Main 2405 .1 Charles R C<M>k. ■*" Soutl B'-’ilevanl 9 24-9 BRUSH neve z< exchange for Jot and 25-horsepower Maxwell, fin* reedition, for cash, cheap Owner, wk* 850 care <!eoig‘.«i 4 Motorcycles. ' w —' —’ SAI.F. Motorm <l®. almon' new iheap; terms Address \V T rare Georgian - «-hors:t ---- <•- ’r.- rjllnder with l.clip«e cluteh and lux rage arrler perfect running order and bargain a' *l<in H N ('onledge 12 North Forsyth street. Atlanta 10-8-10 Money Wanted. XA ANTED < >ne thousand dollars at I per ••ent for twelve months from a private oartx who will be satisfied with a good second mortgage and a hlgl moral *e » ur " XdrfreM. R.*i ra » e Georgian I I MAN ri.D Tn Lon* a inonex to start >r bk .. V J **ui * rooming house in Mlanta ''III tax * pm <ent and gio* firm mort ir lV OH.fJI i gadHS* <H>< X\ . . Money To Loan. FOR S per cent and 7 per cent loans. See John E. Gay, 801 Empire Life Bldg Main 14110-4-48 LOANS made on real estate Purchase money note? bought and Hold. F. M HOME FUNDS and insur ance money at prevailing rates of interest on real es tate. Can place your ap plication and get the money at once. Ralph 0. Cochran Companv. 19 South Broad. 8-25-36 “ MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE AND OTHERS, upon their own names; cheap ra<es, easy payments Conflden tlal D H. Tolman, 524 Auatell building MONEY ON HAND for immediate loans on property in or near Atlanta J E. Van ' alkenburg, 501 Equitable building -6-23 W’EYMAN * CONNORS ESTABLISHED 1890 Mortgages on Real Estate. 4-1-3 SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND, any amotfnt; 6 per cent. Write or call S. W Garson. 24 South Broad street. 4-1 17 I FARM LOANS placed In any amount on Improved farm lands In Georgia The Southern Mortgage Company. Gould build ing 7-13-1 THE PRUDENTIAL IN SURANCE CO. of Ameri ca <an make you a loan on I Atlanta improved property, through loan corre spondents. Turman. Black A Calhoun, 203-8 Empire Building. 6-7-12-1 JEWELERS AND BROKERS A'- 301 P,T **’ Cry- STRICTLY PRIVATE Without Indorsement Without Collateral Security Without Real Estate Seciirit ies Monev loaned at LAWFUL RAIES. NATIONAL DIS COUNT CO.. 301-2 Fourth Nation al Bank Building. WE HAVE plenty of money to lend at lowest rates on Atlanta and nearby property, either for straight or monthly payment plan. Also for purchasing pur chase money notes. Foster & Robson. 11 Edgewood Ave. Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE Two double six-room negro houses; almost new Always rented for S2B; 12,60(1 F I, . Box 200. care Georgian ssjixl!! si’Li N. i»n>i ,x located ibL (Suit L.uke, SSOO on verx easy terms Box 461. care <!»•,,[ i;,ill! 48-9-10 WEHAVE a two story eight-room house, facing car line, with water, sewerage, electric lights ami on charted street, level lot, 50x156; will exchange equity for auto, vacant lot, or sell on easy terms: price, $3,500 See Thomson & Lynes, 20 Wai tonjiL io 8 3? i < •»: sale <«R EXCHANGE <>ne 18- room bouse, one four-room house; both on a lot 58 by 130. rent for S3O per month Sell for $3,250 or exchange equity for va cant 101. McMillan, care Georgian. 10 7-24 BEA Uli I’l ’ L twelve-room modern house on north side; close In; lot 80 by 280. will exchange for smaller place. Exchange. 309 Temple Court, <’itv. 10-7-25 f'«." S\|,i: \t NL'tiiii \ir' . <'.a . six- room. modern bungalow, foe winter and summer occupancy; piazza all around; electric lights, fine water; lot 150 by 300 feet, seventx shade trees Price 12.500. x<idr*‘b< I* M Mount Airy* Gs 39-7-10 FOR 3\li: H\ ownen West End bungs low, first corner from Gordon, on Hol derness; just completed; seven rooms, sleeping polch, double floors, granite front, handsome interior and fixtures, birch doors. This house was built by expert workmen, day work, personal su pervision \ home of the better class at the price of the other kind Terms Kex on premises Phone West 460-. L 73 5-10 >•« »it QUICK sxi.ik list your property with Everett a Everett. 224 Hrown-Ran dolph building. Marietta and Forsvth -15-27 i• h; s\lu Large lot at East Lak**. SSOO. on easv terms Owner. Box Rl9. < are Georgian 57-5-10 FoR SALE Best bungalow in Kirkwood five rooms, bath, hot and cold water, electric lights; lot 60 by 160. Price $3,500, SSOO cash, balance to suit. Address War ,en< II <)X " 0(> - car** Georgian 10 5-1 FOR SALE Four-room house, lot 50 by 150. River car line, $1,000; $lO a month ■ • n Ca rey 2 W hit ehall street 9 16-17 Ft Hl SAIL <>R EXCH 'NG I WILL SELL or exchange for acreage dan d\ five-room cottage. 1054 DeKalb ave nue. near Moreland. Inman Park Price $3,000 <'all Main 2405-.1 Charles R Cook. <BO South Hi’iileva I o i THE HOUSE you build, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it is wired for electricity. Real Estate Wanted. sull TOUR property quickly foi cash no matter where located; particulars free Real Estate Salesman Companx . Dept 25. IJncoln. Nebr. 45-7-10 Farms For Sate. FOR SALE Gordon county farm lands in large or small tracts, in good com munities. convenient to churches, achools and rallmads Some excellent bargains in Cooeawattee river farms Xddreae D Z Whittemore <»akman Ga 58-9-10 For SALE 139’ 2 acres of land within half mile of Georgia Experiment sta tion. or will divide It into three parts. 56 acres In one 39 and 44’ t . and will sell for one-third caah. the balance one. two and three years time with 8 per cent P T Ellis, Route 2. Griffin. Ga 26-9-10 Timber Land Wanted. ax\ l ii» r<< buy a tract of > U<ns pli • timber Will buy land and timber if location s Huitable <» M Ennis. Oco nee Ga 10-8-29 \\ \\*t I'D To buy tract of har*iwo<-»*l timber, especially ash <i Ennis. Oconee, Ga 10-8-28 HoU MANY desirable boarders know that xou have s vacanrx at your table'* I ’here are hundreds thin xery dux look ng I h*t mi ♦ home like boarding places * • •' ' '* ' ' * * I » * Wanted * oiumn of The Geoigian READ FOR PROFIT— GEORGIAN WANT ADS— USE FOR RESULTS POU TOY* EDITED JLUXjE. IJ. MARSHALL. Autumn Poultry Troubles There arp some diseases that are more common in the fall of the year, principally because of the age of the chicks on hand. There is a tendency with chicks that are just maturing, and that are being fed liberally, or 1 might say heavily, to secure all the growth pos sible. to contract colds, which, if they are not checked, will develop into roup. Many poultry men have neglected to transfer their great big chicks into more roomy quarters. They are. per haps. huddled into brood coops or old boxes that are not half roomy enough In these places they become overheated and then take cold just as a person would. If they were driven out of these places and made to roost in the trees they would ne much better off; in fact, if it were not for the few extremely bad stormy days we have during the winter in the South our chickens would have better health kept that way than they would housed more closely. But the egg part of the business would not be half so good as with those kept in good warm quarters. The next best thing is the open front house. Our chicks should be removed to such houses and given room enough to spread themselves with a good circulation of air between them. Other things being equally well looked after, good health will continue. It is very essential that the feed for the developing chicks be not too heavy and concentrat ed. Let there be a good portion of green stuff in the diet. <>f course, where lhe stock has or takes a lot of exercise, the feed may be more bountiful, and they will be able io digest it. just as the man or boy does who is constantly on the move out of doors. The chicken not fully matured is more susceptible to ali dis eases than the older fowl is; just as the growing child is more easily af fected. rhe thoughtful poultryman will make nightly visits to his poultry house at least once a week; in that way he will be able to detect any little troubles that may be just making their appear ance. When everything is still, as it is at that time, he will hear any labored breathing or wheezing caused by a stoppage of the air passages from a slight cold. He may notice the wax or blubber at the nostril as indicative Plymouth Rocks, FAN(BFFT ROCKS AT A REAL BARGAIN. 35 IN ALL. YOUNG, BEAUTIFUL, VIGO ROUS. PRICE FOR QUICK SALE $2 EACH. ORIGINAL COST MORE THAN DOUBLE THIS PRICE. ADDRESS C. E. C. BOX 1484. PHONE 1600. AT 10-9-36 EXIGB from prize-winning Barred Plym outh Rocks; four ribbons, first cock, first, fourth and fifth hens Silver cup (sweepstakes> on just four birds. Fine cockerels for nale Benjamin H. Spurlock. Lithonia, Ga 9-14-5 Leghorns. Bl FF LEGHORNS; bred from prize win ners. A fine lot of utility pullets and cockerels at $1.50 each. Splendid layers Address U. 11. Sage. Oberlin. Ohio. 43-9-10 ' ; \ 8 \LL Kihmi) Let; C. ) ; five young hens; two ready-to-lay pul lets. handsome cockerel; all for $7.00. Ed L. Culver, Sparta. Ga. 10-5-19 Orpingtons. ALL my last season's winners for sale Pens and single birds Ribbons and cups go with birds V A. Ham, Newnan, Ga 9-21-1 R. I. Reds. MY young stock this season have just won third and fifth cockerels at Ten nessee state fair. Nashville, on two entries and first cockerel at Tri-State fair. Mem phis \nx one wishing first-class young stock for all shows or for breeding pur poses and can supply them; also have some of past season s breeders which 1 will sell at reasonable price Barrett F’hinizy. Athens. Ga. 10-2-2 Bantams. BANTAMS Game bantai Buff Cochins Carlisle Cobb, Athens. Ga 4-26-30 Ducks. WHITE Indian Runner duck eggs. $3 and $5 per setting Theo, A Brown. 125 Sycamore st . Decatur. Ga Bell phone Decatur 202. 79-5-10 Turkeys. M KMMOTH BRONZE turkeys and gin seng seed. Seed. $B a thousand. Nine roung turkej'i 13 each, until November IS old hens. $* \ddress Mrs Sallie Bromley. Iron City. Tenn 27 9-10 Egg«. THOROUGHBRED Buff Orpington egga, $1 per fifteen 126 Windsor street Main 3588 10-9 15 Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. WILLI A MS- H ARTSOCK C(). REAL ESTATE AND BUILDERS FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDING Phone 210 H Main HKRE IS \ BEAUTY It is cheap, 100 Seven-room house in Druid Hills section Thia house Is equipped with fine brick, tile and cabinet mantel* hardwood floors birch doors. splendid basement, is situated on an elegant corner lot with frontage of i»b feet I'legant gas and electric fixture* It won t keep 14,500, 1500 cash balance 130 per month no loan to aaeume \ll vou have to do im to j get buav rhie la the place you have been looking for CollM-’K ’»N POXiT DE I.l’iiN \\ ENI E It i* veil located anti vr are <iunf ing it below the market value <45 f» ••» frontage vou «an have It for <4.000 It ;► fust a ca*e of where the ownet needs the m«>n*v Terms M-.t • I i • 1 I ' i i • » 1 I • » ‘ ■ < u • .< r . ■ .■ u* in ■c hou*. that ve can «•»!>»• «ell < n u* about this Id'T IH 1 »<» jour buildiiig Will make ca»\ terms and the right price Judge Marshall will he glad to answer in this department questions on all points of rearing utility and fancy poultry. He can not undertake, however, to reply personally to such let ters of inquiry. Address Judge F. J. Marshall, College Park. Ga. ' •• A W 1 of cold. Locating these things in time, i a little simple treatment will usual!) ! check the trouble right In the begin ning. ’ One of the best remedies for these | fall colds Is a film of kerosene oil. Just a little of it will do the work, not more than a teaspoonful to the I gallon of drinking water. This is quite a germ destroyer and has a very sooth- , ing effect upon the mucous membrane as they get it through the nostrils and in the throat when drinking. If this it not sufficient to cheek it promptly, use arsenite of antimony in doses of 1-1,000 grain three times a ' day to youngsters that weigh from three to four pounds each. ; Soi e head is another troublesome dis ease with which the poultryman has to contend. This trouble, however, us ' ually makes its apearance earlier in the season when the mosquitos are at their worst. When taken In time, ep som salts is almost a specific, given freely In the drinking water. Another good remedy is calcium sulphide: all 1 that is needed is to get a bottle of the dry, strong powder and mix it in the wet mash at the rate of about a grain to the bird, giving ft once a day. Be sure that all have a sufficiency of fresh air all the while, as it does more harm than good to close them up tight with the idea of keeping these diseases away. Doga. WANTED—Every person with a dog for sale to address Kennel, care Georgian. 10-9-5 Poultry—Miscellaneous. WANTED—-Poultry, pet and live stock. Address Fancier, care Georgian. 10-9-6 WHITE INDIAN RUNNER ducks. FisTY el. Spencer and Carlisle strains. Most popular breed and greatest monevmakers White Leghorns. Wyckoff strain: great winter layers. Robert Downer, Route 3, Guthrie, Ky. 28-9-10 SINGLE COMB Rhode Island Reds and White Wyandottes. I can fill some orders now for pullets, cockerels and yearling hens for layers and show birds. State your wants in writing and how much you care to invest. Write Mrs. W. 51. Uosemoml, Pickens. S C 29-9-10 ONE pen Buff Orpington ducks.”s3i>; _ first pen Atlanta show. January, 1912; one > trio Buff Orpington ducks, sls; 20 pair White Homer pigeons, S3O; 25 pair Car- > neaux pigeons. SSO; unmated Carneaux pigeons. $lO per dozen; B. I'. Rock hens. $1.50 each: Buff Orpington bens. $1.50 each. Theo. A. -Brown, 125 Sycamore st.. Decatur, Ga. Bell phone Decatur 202 78-5-10 WHITE LEGHORN bantams. Fishel White Wyandottes. Pape Minorcas. 1 Nice stock. Satisfaction guaranteed. C. B. Martin. Greenville. S. C. 9-25-4 FREE RANGE duck and poultry farm. I have many yards of ideal Rhode Island 1 Reds and the finest White Leghorns; : largest White Runner yards in the South, also Fawn and White. Write for prices of eggs and stock (the large yards al ways sell the freshest eggs). Come and see our yards and stock. Chamblee. Ga.. Route 1 City Office. 304 Forsyth Build ing. Atlanta, Ga. 9-28-51 11. G. HASTINGS & CO.. Seedsmen for the South, 16 West Mitchell street. Four City De liveries Daily. North and ' South Side 9a. ni., Inman Park i and West End 2p. ni. Bell Phone M 2568, Atlanta 2568. ■ WE HAVE ON HAND a beautiful lot of Male Canaries. If it is not convenient for you to <all at our store, we will take < pleasure in making a selection for you. , All of our birds are accompanied with a xvritten guarantee that they will sing or i be exchanged. When ordering please : mention which you prefer, a pure yellow or one marked with linnet. Price $2.50 eac h Bx express < barges prepaid $3.00 SEED RYE, b;urb. wheat and oats; Sil- I ver Skin and Yellow Danver (Inion Sets. , Dwarf Essex Rapp. Vetch and Clovers. » Fancy Recleaned Kentucky Blue Grass 1 and our Evergreen Lawn Mixture. Time yet for planting turnips, mustard, lettuce and radish riu: BULB SEASON is do not care to plant them outdoors, we can supply you with seasonable bullxi for » lnd<»ors All of our bulbs are laYge. • strong sure-bloomers Let tis mail yok a * cony of our Bulb t’atalogue This givfes > prices and culture of the different varhy t ies ORDERS GIVEN OVEIT’thE PHoNT-U receive the same prompt attention as . those given in our store. ('ALL ON US when xour chickens ge’ » sick Real Estate For Sale. W. A. Foster & Raymond Robson REAL ESTATE, RENTING AND LOANS. Bell Phones 1031-1032 11 EDGEWOD AVE. Atlanta Phone 1881. “IF YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD.. IT S SO.” „„ FOR SALE. 336 GORDON STREET is a beautiful ten room house with two baths, furnace and servant’s room; the place is one of the most desirable in the city; the lot is 90x too, on the corner of Lawton, the very best part cf West End; the lot is worth almost the j-rice of the whole proposition The price has been reduced from $12,000 to $40,500, and ought to sell very quickly at this figure; $5,000 can be carried at 6 per cent and terms on the balance. See Mr. Eve. BOOK at No. 286 Oak street, at the cor ner of West End Place (Bunker street). This is a nice five-room cottage, with eight-foot hall through it. Everything is in splendid shape; lot 51x150, on a good comer, and to an alley. Price $3,500. Terms. See Mr. White. ON PONCE DE LEON PLACE, near St. Charles avenue, a nearly new two-story eight-room residence, with all city con veniences; hardwood floors downstairs; slightly elevated level lot 50x150 to an alley. Bargain for $5,250. Attractive terms. See Mr. Bradshaw. ON WEST PEACHTREE. clos7 In" have a splendid home of nine rooms; beautiful lot; everything in perfect condi tion. Price SII,OOO See Mr. Radford If You Have Money to Lend, We Can Place it Safely. i FOR RENT—FLATS. 6-r. flat, 79 Orme sts2l.oo 5-r. flat, 391% S. Pryor 5t531.50 6-r. flat, 36 Alice st 18.00 5-r. flat, A-72 Orme st 23.10 5-r. flat. 214 S. Pryor st 30.00 5-r. flat. 88 Woodward ave 20.00 5-r. flat. 324 Capitol ave 30.60 4-r. flat, 161-B Richardson st 21.00 WE PUBLISH A WEEKLY RENT BULLETIN, giving a good description of everything we have for rent. Get a copv. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT. 12 AUBURN AVENUE. PHONE MAIN 618. FOR RENT BY E. RIVERS REALTY COMPANY LET US SHOW YOU Unis brand-new seven-room, second-floor apartment. Peachtree. Has all mod ern conveniences. Nothing more attractive in or around Atlanta and only $65 per month. Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. Doctor Doctor Doctor LOOK at this beautiful sanitarium. Pine Ridge, about fifteen acres; 45 cottages and main building, furnished with silverware and all furniture and lines that make up a sanitarium. We will sell or lease at a reasonable price. We want an offer. EIGHT ACRES on Ashby street at a sacrifice; 48 lots; terms. This is beautiful. THREE EAST LAKE LOTS at a bargain. See us. G. R. MOORE & COMPANY 1409 CANDLER BLDG. PHONE IVY 4978. EDWIN P. ANSLEY REAL ESTATE REALTY TRUST BUILDING. THERE have been more homes purchased recently on the northern part of West Peachtree than in any other section in Atlanta. There are only a few vacant lots left, and these are being rapidly built up. WE HAVE a lovely new brick residence just completed on West Peachtree, in Ansley Park, with eight large rooms, nicely arranged, with large sleeping porch, and ample closets in bed rooms* If you are looking for a home you can’t go wrong on this. Price, $9,000. Terms to suit. EDWIN P. ANSLEY IVY 1600-1-2. ATLANTA 363 Two West End Bungalows---Easy Terms ON DARGAN STREET, near Lucile ave nue, we have for sale a five-room bun galow. very attractive, and having all modern improvements: elevated, east front lot. fronting a beautiful park. The price Is $3,250, on terms of about $259 CASH and $25 per MONTH. Pick this up. IN BEAI TIFI’L WEST END PARK, about one block from car line, we have * brand-new six-room bungalow, well built, well arranged and a little beauty. Good, level lot. Price $3,500. Terms about $350 cash; balance like rent. Let us show you this place because we know you will like it if you want to locate any where in that splendid residence section. THOMSON & LYNES 18 and 20 Walton St. Both Phones 458. Beautiful Highland View THIS LOCATION is so well known and its advantages for homes so highly appreciated that no word of praise is necessary. CALL AT ONCE and get prices and terms. Atlanta Development Co. 609-13 Third National Bank Building. SUBURBAN HOME MARIETTA CAR LINE. 4 1-2 to 10 ACRES. 6-room cottage, accommodation for 1.000 hens; spring waler on place. Will exchange for city propertv or sell on terms. E. G. BLACK 719 FOURTH NATIONAL BANK. MAIN 1514 LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US FOR QUICK RESULTS DILEIN-MORRIS CO. A BARGAIN LOT ONE lot 50x150 on north side, level and has water, sewer, gas. sidewalk and curb. <'lose to Forrest Avenue school. sso<>—ssso cash, balance one year. Build a house here and make some mono? $3,150 —Close in six-room house, on big hit. $250 i a-h and $25 per month Has ail improvements and Is in good order It Is only for quick sale r'/WTT OAT T STORE AND RESIDENCE T'»- FOR SALE < 304 Waldo Street > Tg j T I T if you want store and home together I \ / I 11 \ I . hei. It Is House of 5 rooms and store »* Price univ s;< 000 WOODSIDE THE HOUSE you xvili build, buy or rent will not i>e a modern home unless it is wired for Electricity. Houses For Rest. 6-r. h.. 21 Warren street, Kirkwood. Ga. $22.50 6-r. h.. Fair street and 4 acres of land 18.00 6-r. h.. Maiden lane and Howard, College Park 25.09 6-r. h.. 285 East ueorgia wrvuuS, and store attached . 1 6-r. h., 27 West Fair street 6-r. h.. rear 62 Candler street, De catur. Ga '• 6-r. h., 406 Fraser street 18.60 6-r. h., 11 Helena street. Battle Hill 10.00 6-r. h.. Bixby and Elevon. Kirk- wood, Ga 20.00 6-r. h., 16 Warren street, Kirk- wood. Ga 25.00 6-r. h., Gilbert street. East Atlanta. 12.00 6-r. h.. 31 Clay street, Kirkwood, Ga 17.50 6-r. h.. Boulevard DeKalb, Kirk- wood. Ga 15.00 6-r. h.. 36 Orleans street 17.50 6-r. h., 122 West Alexander street 17.60 6-r. h.. 26 Florida avenue. Battle Hill ."I.’ 10.00 6-r. h., Boulevard DeKalb and Cllf ton 17.50 6-r. h.. Poses’ street, Kirkwood. Ga.. 21.00 AND A LONG LIST of larger and smaller houses, and a good list of business houses. COME TO SEE US. Real Estate For Sale. gHARP & gOYLSTON TWELVE PER CENT NORTH SIDE APARTMENT. This is a brand new building on a lot 70x175 in one of the best north side sections. There are four tenants, and they have been carefully se lected. This is one of the best investment propositions on the market today, and the price we have on it will only hold for a short time. See us about this and let us SHOW YOU. Railroad Schedule, SO UTHERN RAWWAW “PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH'* ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF PASSENGER TRAINS. ATLANTA The following achedule figures are pub. llshed only as information, and ar« not guaranteed: Ncf Arrive From—|No. Depart" 35 N. Y0rk..5:00 am 36 N. Yorkl2 15 am 13 Jaxv111e...5:20 am 20 Col'bus. 520 am 43 Was'ton 5:25 am 13 CincJ . S : SO am 12 Sh’port.. 6:30 am 82 Ft Vai. & : 30 am 23 Jaxville. 6:50 am 35 B’ham.: 545 am ♦l7 Toccoa.. 8:10 am 7 C’noogu 640 a n 26 Heflin. .. 8:20 am 12 R'lr.ond B : ssam 29 N. York 8:20 am 23 K. City 7'OOam 3 Chat'ga.lo:Bs am 16 Bruns'k 7 45 am 7 Mac0n...10:40 am 29 B'ham .10 45 am 27 Ft. Vai..10:45 an) 38 N. Yorkil 01 am 2 L 9.? l b l UB ’ J? : ?2 am 40 Ch'l’tte 12:00 n'n « Cincill:lo am 6 Macon.. 12:20 pm 29 Col'bus . 1:40 pm 30 C'bus....l2-30 pm 30 B’ham... 2:30 pm 30 N. York 3 45 pm 40 8’ham...12:40 pm 15 C’nooga 3:00 pm 39 Ch’lotte. 3:55 pm 39 B’ham... 4:10 pm 5 Macon... 4:00 pm *lB Toccoa. 4:30 pm 37 N. York. 5:00 pm 22 Col’bus. 5:10 pm 15 Bruns'k. 7:50 pm 5 Cinci.... 5:10 pm 11. R’mond. 8:30 pm 28 Ft. Vai. 5 20 pm 24 K. City.. 9:20 pm 35 Heflin . 5:45 pm 16 C’nooga. 9:35 pm 10 Macon.. 5:30 pm 19 Col’bus..lo:2o pm 44 Wash’n. 8:45 pm 31 Ft Vai..10:25 pm 24 Jaxville. 9:30 pm 36 8’ham...12:00 ngt 11 Sh’port.ll:lo pm 14 Cine!11:00 pm 14 J’xvllle 11:10 pm Trains marked thus (*) run dally, e.V cept Sunday. Other trains run daily. Central time City Ticket Office, No. 1 Peachtree St Legal Notices. APPLICAITON~~FOR TRUST ANP BANK CHARTER. To the Secretary of State for the State of Georgia: The petition and declaration of Joseph H. Williams, Porter Langston, M C King, J. S. Slicer and H. O. Graddy, re spectfully shows: That they have associated themselves together for the purpose of organizing and carrying on the business of a trust and banking company, under the provl sions of sections 1903 et seq. of the code of Georgia of 1895, and the acts amenda tory thereof, and under the act of the general assembly of Georgia approved December 23, 1898. providing for the in corporation of trust companies, and do hereby declare as follows: 1. The name and style of the proposed corporation is Colonial Trust Company 2. The location of the principal office thereof shall be in Atlanta, Georgia. 3. The duration of the corporation shall be for thirty years. 4 The amount of its capital stock Is $250,000, divided into 2,500 shares of the value of SIOO each, with the privilege of increasing same, according to law. 5. That the purposes and nature of the business of the proposed corporation are the organization and conduct of all such business as can be legally conducted by either or both trust companies or banks under the laws of Georgia. 6. That they desire all the rights, pow ers and privileges which the laws of Geor gia authorize the exercise of by either or both banking and trust companies 7. That of the capital stock subscribed, more than twenty-five thousand dollars has been actually paid in by the sub scribers, and the same is in fact held and is to be used solely for the busi ness and purposes of the corporation. 8. That notice, as required by law. of the intention of petitioners to organize such corporation, has been published once a week for four weeks in The At lanta Georgian, the official organ of Ful ton county. In witness whereof, we severally do hereunto subscribe our respective names with our respective residences this 17th dav of September, 1912. JOSEPH H WILLIAMS, Atlanta. Ga.; PORTER LANGSTON, Atlanta. G» ; M. C. KING, Atlanta. Ga.; J. S. SLICER. Atlanta. Ga : H. O GRADDY. Atlanta. Ga. Sworn to and subscribed before m» this 17th dav of September. 1912 JOHN R. WILKINSOX. Ordinary. Fulton County, Georgia STATE OF GEORGIA—Office of Secre tary of State—l. Philip Cook, secretary of state of the state of Georgia, do here by certify that the two pages of printed and typewritten matter hereto attached contain a true and correct copy of th® application of the incorporators of Colo nial Trust Company for charter, as ih« original of same appears of file in this office. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of my office, at the capitol. in the city of At lanta. this 17th day of September, in !i • year of our Lord one thousand nine hun dred and iwebe arm m the mdependen'’® of the United prates of America, the on* hundred and thirty-seventh PHILIP COOK Secretary of Stat® -18 8 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRIJ'- ITORS. All creditors of the estate of Crockett, late of Fulton count.'', decearr" are hereby notified to render In th® l ' mands to the undersigned according law. and all persons Indebted In W'- tate are required to make Immediate ment MRS M G. CRO'/KL", Oct. 8, 1912. MEMBERS CAPITAL LODGE. NO f I O O. F You will meet at jour hall, corn®' I" and Alabama streets, hi 30 Thuredm afternoon, to attend Past <*ran<l J H <’laJ‘i'' tn hr hehl at chapel <»f H M PatDf s<»n ii« n o'clock Interment «t ' ' , l enietei x I’ullb* al h ’•» be »»eh < loxxm r»HirHMlIx (nvlic.j io be pre participate . W I, HAVG(»nI‘. Noble <»tana <» K I’ENN, Herretan