Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, October 10, 1912, EXTRA 2, Page 7, Image 7

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SUNDAY SCHOOL CONFERENCE. WAYCROSS, GA., Oct. 10.—D. W. Sims, of Atlanta, secretary of the Georgia Sunday School association, will hold a conference here tomorrow with representatives of all the Sunday schools of the city. Two sessions will he held, afternoon and night. “Mama, Look!” Will This Doll Make YOUR Darling ’s Eyes Flash With Joy? sloo At JACOBS’ // This Week Regularly Valued $1.50 •‘jL ''' ‘ THIS is the FIRST Ja- rliro cobs’ Doll of the season T r ■ i << v“ r 1/ z //fl I i'll le * a^va)lcP agent to yi tell that JACOBS’ Doll fTI/W/f./i ■>l Show is the “Biggest and Ir' 1 ' w 'll J est 0,1 Earth.” and she »/fflt A carries conviction with her 1 because never before in At- 1 'K . • lanta lias such a BIG doll K Z i va^”e een °ffcred for SI.OO. |i;' I And perhaps WE shall not du- C-"*-**' plicate the offer again this sea- t W son - We are trying to attract I W Affif i B 1 your attention now, as when the jffiiwffllwh T 1 ‘ 1 circus shows its amazing beau- h'TnMWWlMwAwnffiw ties in lhe advance parade, and Wf’w ■'Wfe ' ' ve have selected this doll value / that’s head and shoulders over all others. V' m™ l Be wise and grasp this intro- ductory offer, and act quickly, because we can not afford to of- See lhe Windew at Main Store 1;,,,”'“,’'. ’“X Bisque Doll. 23 inches tall. x °te description in detail below Body fully jointed. ’ut. Head both turns and nods, and x,) little girl could want a more Face has an exceptionally beau- beautiful doll than this to love, tiful, child-like expression, with ar ' y P r ,' oe£ b it would cost open-and-shut eyes, blue or $1.50. Buy NOW, at the Special blown, and genuine hair lashes. Advance Price of SI.OO. and There are blondes with golden aress it prettily before the holi er light brown curls, and beauti- day rush begins. Perhaps you ful dark-haired brunettes. have several toddlers begging for And Dolly has pretty lace "a Dolly’’—if you come early you stockings and buckled slippers. may secure one for each. Jacobs’ Pharmacy Main Store and Laboratory, 6 and 8 Marietta Street ¥ 23 Whitehall St . 544 Peachtree St., 245 Houston St., 102 Whitehall St.. 260 Peters St. 70 W. Mitchell b» 423 Marietta St., 152 Decatur St. '-■<** 'v= s i 1W -F - Sf \[ f f sty^ 1 ~- A -" :a | J <SS5 r E ver y Boy an J Girl f 5 Wants a Watch! p Snr „ JyL. « 5 HtMute,» •*" £ A We want every pipe and cigarette smoker in this country to know how good Duke’s S Mixture is. We want you to know that every grain in that big Sone and a half ounce 5c sack is pure, clean tobacco —a delightful smoke. Li And you should know, too, that with each sack you now get a book of cigarette papers and H| p A Free Present Coupon |$ |J| These coupons are good for hundreds of valuable pres- 4 ents, such as watches, toilet articles, silverware, furni- P<fi gjh ture, and dozens of other articles suitable for every member of the family. tS& You will surely like Duke’s Mixture, made by Liggett [X i Myers at Durham, N. C., and the presents cannot fail to please you and yours. ?j| As a special offer, Z/ ' during October .\'.'a our new illustrated gti a UAtt&d '•** catalog of presents p gy<L si FREE - Just send us ' I your name an d address M on a p t ’ sta ’- s , ’ f .'»f * d+'- .■ jdS Ctm/ms trim Duke's Mixture may be ■Yr-t TM’JrSfK' . aborted untn tags trim HORSE rd r SzZsfZ shoe.j.t. tinsley’s natural ra ff.'WvWjJJL " I LEAF, GRANGER TWIST, cob/ohi £1 I from FOUR ROSES (lOc-lin doulde ’ '•tQaBT / «>«/«•«). FICK PLUG CUT. PIED- MA < <BMM6&.fc. vV'tj* / RETTES, and older lags or arifom rd ? _7“ ' “sued Ay “’• »* I Address— Premium Dept. ' ST. LOUIS. MO. JjL TO TRY FIVE KILLINd CASES. WAYCROSS. GA., Oct. 10.—The fall term of superior court in Charlton county is in session at Folkston and may, before adjournment, dispose of no less than five killing cases, four of the five defendants being white men. One of the cases is a new trial. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN ANT) NEWS.THTKSDAT. OCTOBER 10. 1912. Motor Car Carries Papers to Strike-bound Communities ISOLATED TOWNS GET NEWS BHpMMi I tjb F ' Wlr/’ «. mnftuw nul ■KiMTA pJS& B gMp i - bhMr i> *- ' x rFfti HL.. jl Mt.'. Uft!” »?ae m 3FU v Lt Jr TIIrWK ' . , __, _ . r . w~',Mwffir*gaHißraaaßawaKMMMßmMMUiln*li -‘■' ' ** J - S,-.. ~. . _VA > ) . . ... / The newspaper motor car which carries the daih news to the strikebound towns along the Georgia railroad, “Cap” Beale at the “throttle.” ram hero TRIES TO END LIFE Man Who Gave Blood in Futile Effort to Save His Wife Swallows Poison. After having given his blooi in a vain attempt to save his wife's l i-j. M. B. Duke, a real estate agent, 566 z.outh Pryor street, worried by the debts en tailed in his wife’s illness, tried to end his life. He is recovering from mor phine poisoning at his home today. Duke attempted suicide at the Hotel Peachtree, on Peachtree street, and was only prevented by the arrival of Mrs. N. L. Monk, the proprietress, a former trained nurse, who rushed to a nearby drug store, got a bottle of mustard and used it as an emetic. Above two newspaper pictures of Duke and his wife was written this note: “My dear, darling wife: I hope I meet you in that home above to which you have gone before me.” Duke said today he was glad his at tempt had not succeeded, but that he was driven to it by his inability to meet debts contracted during his wife's illness. Twice Duke gave of his blood to save his wife in transfusion operations at the Wesley Memorial hospital. The first operation was partly successful, but a few days following the second she died. MILLIE-CHRiSTINE, FAMED TWJNS WITH ONE BODY, DEAD WILMINGTON. N. C„ Oct. 10.— Death has claimed Millie and Christine, the famous Millie-Christine twins. Christine survived her sister by a few hours. The twins had the same body, but had two heads and two sets of lower limbs. They died at their home near Wilmington. They could talk to them selves or could carry on conversations with others at the same time. While one was asleep the other would be awake, but as a rule they went to sleep at the same time. They had been all over this cot r.try and In Europe .and i 'anada. A Log On the Track. of the fast express means serious trou ble ahead if not removed; so does loss of appetite. It means lack of vitality, loss of strength and nerve weakness. If appetite fails, take Electric Bitters quickly to overcome the cause by ton ing up the stomach and curing the in digestion. Michael Hessheimer. of Lin coln, Nebr., had been sick over three years, but six bottles of Electric Bitters put him right on his feet again. They have helped thousands. They give pure blood, strong nerves, good digestion. Only 50 cents at all druggists. (Advt.) To flavor fancy food deliciously use SAUER’S PURE FLAVORING EX TRACTS Vanilla. Lemon, etc Ttilr 'een highest awards and medals (Advt > EXQUISITE WEDDING BOL'QUETf, AND DECORATIONS. ATLANTA FLORAL CO C&ll Main 1130 ( A«l v»r|tMHffi<*nt • Georgia Railroad Officials Al low Atlanta Publishers to Op erate a Unique “Special.” Despit? the complete tie-up of the Georgia railroad, people along the route are enabled every night to read the de tails of the big strike and to get the news of the world. This is made possible by the opera tion of a gasoline auto ca over the tracks of the Georgia road, distributing to subscribers the regular editions of The Atlanta Georgian and The Atlanta Journal. The car is operated through the kindness of officials of the railroad, who consented in order that thousands of people might not be inconvenienced by failure to get the Atlanta afternoon papers. While it has been found impossible to operate freight an<l passenger trains on the Georgia, the “paper train” is given a clear light of way. Its coming every afternoon Is impatiently awaited by throngs along the route, and its ar rival is greeted by cheers and hurrahs. The car is operated jointly by The Georgian and The Journal, ami leaves Atlanta at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. Through this medium subscribers get their papers as early, and. in fact, earlier, than by the ordinary railroad schedule. It will continue to he run until the strike is settled. The ear is operated by “Cap" Beale, an experienced machinist of Montgom ery. "‘hays hair health I BaMMMMBMMMBMIIBWIH ■— I «!»■■>!" MMUJ■PMI 5 Restores color to grey or faded hair; Cleanses, cools and invigorates the Scalp. 5 Removes Dandruff-there by giving the hair a chance to grow in a healthy natural way and stopping its falling out. Keeps hair soft and glossy. Is not a dye. SI.OO and 50c at Drug Stores or direct upon receipt of p r ice and dealer's name. Send 10<' for trial bottle. Philo Haja Specialties Co., Newark, N J., U. S. KEEPS YOdIqOKING YOUNG ~. —i-mrirun 11 m • —raw nrirßiwi.uM ewh rOn OALC AND RECOMMENDED BY JACOBS’ PHARMACY. -S rr-1 ri —~i i .i n——■■ ■! ■■ ...... Optical HIGHEST CLASS Is what Dr. Hines, the Optometrist gives in every case. He examines the eyes and fits glasses in such a way that they relieve the trouble, remove all strain front the nerves and muscles, give perfect sight and make life worth living. NO POISONOUS DROPS OR DRUGS USED. Hines Optical Co. 91 Peachtree Street. f etween Mon gomery and Alcazar Theaters' iwpixj=j=ikirs 3 1 R ■ Optuoi, Whinke v and Drug Hablta treated 1 A ur at Sanitarium fi<»olc on iuh|t, t P ' I,P •’ M • WOOI.IKVUI.N, Vk*< • UMMKMMi Sanitarium, Atlanta. (»«<»<»!■ 50REL1SETTLES OPSET STOUGHS “Pape’s Diapepsin’’ ends Indigestion, Gas, Sourness in five minutes. “Really does" put bad stomachs tn order—-‘‘really does" overcome indiges tion, dyspepsia, gas. heartburn and sour ness in five minutes—that—just that— makes Pape’s Diapepsin the largest selling stomach regulator in the world. If what you eat ferments into stubborn lumps, you belch gas and eructate sour, undigested food and acid; head is dizzy and aches; breath foul: tongue coated; your insides filled with bile and indi gestible waste, remember the moment Diapepsin comes in contact with the stomach all such distress vanishes. It’s truly astonishing—almost marvelous, and the joy is its harmlessness. A large 50-cent case of Pape’s Dia pepsin will give you a hundred dollars’ worth of satisfaction or vour druggist hands you your money back. It’s worth its weight in gold to men and women who can’t get their stom achs regulated. It belongs in your home—should always be kept handv in ease of a sick, sour, upset stomach dur ing the day or at night. It’s the quick est, surest and most harmless stomach doctor in the world (Advt.) READ FOR PROFIT, GEORGIAN WANT ADS, USE FOR RESULTS. A FRFZE TRIP October is liable to surprise you with its unexpected call for merchandise. If a filling-in trip to market is advisable why not Atlanta. If your purchases amount to a thousand dollars from any or all of our members, you can have your railroad fare both ways refunded. That’s Atlanta’s way of wanting to know you better, and to thereby serve you better. Meantime our hundreds of salesmen are at your service. ATLANTA MERCHANTS AND MANUFAC TURERS ASSOCIATION, Harry T\ Moore, Secretary, Rhodes Building, Atlanta. TO RUN TWO YEARS HENCE. MONTGOMERY, ALA., Oct. 10.— State Treasurer John Purifoy has au thorized the positive statement that he DELICIOUS “SIRUP OF FIGS” FOR J Bi LIVER OR SLUGGLISH BOWELS This gentle, effective fruit laxative thoroughly cleans your system, liver and 30 feet of bowels of sour bile, poisons, gases and clogged-up waste. A harmless cure for sick headache, for biliousness, for a sour, gassy, dis ordered stomach, for constipation, in digestion. coated tongue, sallowness, pimples—take delicious Syrup of Figs. For the cause of all these troubles lies in a torpid liver and sluggish condition of your thirty feet of bowels. A teaspoonful of Syrup of Figs to night means all poisonous waste mat ter. the undigested, fermenting food and sour bile gently moved on and out of your system by morning, without griping, nausea or weakness. It means a cheery day tomorrow —many bright days thereafter. Please don’t think of gentle, effective Syiup of Figs as a physic. Don’t think you are drugging yourself, for luscious figs, senna and aromatics can not in jure any one. This remarkable fruit preparation is IT’S TIME TO PAINT ■ FALL IS THE BEST TIME TO PAINT. STERLING PAINT IS THE BEST PAINT TO USE. IT COSTS LESS AND WEARS LONGER THAN ORDINARY PAINT. WE CAN TALK PAINT OVER THE Phones, Main 1115 PHANf! Atlanta 329. rnuiw. MANUFACTURED BY >1 DOZIER & GAY PAINT C - 22 E. Bay St. 31 So. Broad St JACKSONVILLE. FLA ATLANTA. GA Here is the opportunity you have been waiting for. The matchless Ford is now with in your reach. We have min imized the price. We have maximized the product. And we have made possible a Model T—for you. Runabout - - - - $525 Touring Car ... 600 Town Car - . - - 800 These new prices, f. o. b. Detroit, with all equipment. An early order will mean an early delivery. Get particulars from Ford Motor Company, 311 Peachtree street. Atlanta, or direct from Detroit factory. will be a candidate for secretary of state two years hence, unless some thing unforeseen causes him to change his mind. a wonderful stomach, liver and bowel cleanser, regulator and tonic, the safest and most positive ever devised. The day of violent purgatives, such as calomel, pills, salts and castor oil, is past. They were all wrong. You got relief, but at what a cost! They acted by Hooding the bowels with fluids, but these fluids were digestive juices. Syrup of Figs embodies only harmless laxa tives, which act in a natural way. It does what right food would do —what eating lots of fruit and what plenty of exercise will do for the liver, stomach and bowels. Be sure you get the old reliable and genuine. Ask your druggist for the full name. "Syrup of Figs anad Elixir of Senna. ” prepared by The California Fig Syrup Company. Hand back, with scorn, any Fig Syrup imitation recom mended as "just as good.” (Advt.) 7