Newspaper Page Text
| Get a Grandfather’s Clock FREE
"DE SI RE to come in ami get a beautiful GRANDFATHER’S Clock EREE. This offer holds
U good for two more days—Friday and Saturday! We’re a new store with brand
new goods and we want YOI'R account. If you'll buy goods amounting to $25 or more
THIS week we ll give you a magnificent GRANDFATHER'S (.'lock, like shown in picture, FREE.
It's a beauty and tall as a man !
W<e re just outside the HIGH RENT district—within a few steps of it. Our expenses are
small, our goods new ami of high quality—and our prices are the LOWEST in town. We’ll save
you money and will DIVIDE your payments, if you wish. We have only ONE price! All
goods are marked in PLAIN FIGI RES.
Dining Room
Furniture i HIBIWIS
Qj r»TMr rasa HE? |l
b' y" 1 tuning Room Is prob ijE BL*jjhltM 'jf
£ WX ,'zj ■’V} s & ,ll ’’ aost popular room II
I i .fEjfcxCi jS. - ■ 111 your home. Make it i-ozv HE I Vi ’
' •"’’ ith KAI, ' IRK furniture W. II
' ' ■" nif, " ha, " s ,n ‘ ,vpr h-'a
■ I ' ' ,urs lh<l " lOH| 501,, ‘ 1 Hi
ri 4: "' h1,1 " >
L ‘' Z bldm : Mahogany, I-’iiiik <1 In BOTINS _ " IK’fe '
, " W 1 ,J k. Golden link. Wiiy-d Oak Wfi O' EKa 71 '' 7
g ” Early English. A wide HI uW M£| Bty/Z
range of prices. The buffet UN mHI H| 'ffiK
yjg tike cut is bring sold at other BjlH .Jy, CM /jf\ HH Lin
stores at 822. M- but you can rSjO lluil SS nhu-tiiim WW //Il
'’ l1 -' h ii! ,ht 417 un to SB \w f ivl IH //
Our Divided Payments are Popular. Empire for V* • "sJO KH |
__ _ MM »M I
ltalrw " Pl il l
F " r " itiire H Mi
1 '“ 'jux 1 j 1 ' 1,11 about one-third BM || I Bfcj g' I’mH }
’ ' '—your life in your bed loom rnjfflfl j j IrW IrffiK/l I .
, „ , —;—• s ". why not make it as coni KMfl I wW »' MM 1I I
HuFlnl-’ f ° riHbH ' tr y.m
I,L ,'■ : -■'A jLX *l* f ; “■'“t it comfortribh and lux |S& •!& W *
tty «, • " W'l I i urlomdy furnished, at a ntnall lie’ Un
; / A//\ ** j I'lice. come to UH See til.
| 111 i I* nd that’-, specially made for IM!
1 ! \V - / B'tyß ti- In Mahogany. <'ireitstdan, t '4
ty" >* ' W alnut. Oak. Bird’s eye Ma- MR y? lE
qP*ATr pli amt Early English. We fM HI ® K® IzUl
(m ’*7 ff) h.i ve Blossers from $8 up to ID? WW ® ilt
I ,h ' BKST The one like Iflus |||
w- tration comes In Mahogany or M " ... mft W ■&? | ffl
' Oak. Other stores charge S2O U tpl Jm M 0 m
Divided Payments if You Wish. it at* *"* ' $15.00 ’ ||kJ® ffl raj J
•~~ - ' . . ■ |Il m Oh
Two Carloads of Heaters and Ranges Just Arrived : ■ [fill ffl w/J===sa Oa d
We are Sole Atlanta Agents for McDougal Kitchen Cabinets ' W 3
* 5 ft. 8 inches High.
129-131 Whitehall St., Between Mitchell St. and Trinity Ave.
Our Name Is on the Windows—Make No Mistake
I—/• —i
You can wait a year for this Lon
don shape or buy it nowina Regal.
This model, one of our many new Fall styles, will be popu
lar throughout the country next year. CRISPIN MODEL is
really an English shape refined by us for New York trade.
All of the characteristics of the London custom-made boot are
preserved—flaring right and left heels, wide shank and
flat, stout sole.
But aside from its advanced style, there . -
is wonderful value—real economy in this [p, " ■■-■I
shoe. What a sole' Right out of the //
butt of an Oak-tanned. South American !'• Q t
green hide thick, tough as raw hide, /I"
pliable and water-resisting. No sl2 £ ■’ I
boot ever had better. And the upper tj? \
' choic* /yw' . ' \\
cut of a full-weight calf skin, /'y'w \\
close grained and elastic— \\
the sort of leather that .AA- ■ —" \\
r»v*r st:etches out XX < 1\
of shape. / \ P I' I
. Z—VK D
T»t Viking R» m C.t •or I- t! King Calf, English Brogan (tA CM
Blucher. Heavy Single Sole. Flat bhank. Right and Lett Hvein,
G aAvLSp.
t r f Regal Shoe Store
Wf L WINO, Prop. 6 Whitehall St.
Route Traffic Over
Atlanta Phone and
Save Money
We have built up our
“IJapid Fire Seiwire"
nutil it is I’emniiizcil as
a standard of effirieiirv.
Especially does this
s e r v i e e. with its
promptness and accu
racy. appeal to tele
phone shoppers.
In addition to splen
did service, merchants
find that routing traf
fic over the Atlanta
Phone means a saving
of from 2D to 50 per
cent, or more.
Atlanta Telephone
and Telegraph Co.
‘ A. 11. CONKLIN, lien. Jljr.
10-Pound Pail
• Hogless
ARGO Salmon 1 KG
Regular 25c value I U
SALMON . . . 03
Full ib. cans, 20 eval. ”
Libby's Largo 09G
White Asparagus L L
21-2 Ib can, regular 50c value
Libby’s Aspar-1 71 1
agtis Tips .J’2
Regular 35c value
10c pkg. Corn Flakes... 5c
Quaker Oats 8c
25c Bine Label KetsupW 1-2 c
Lee & Perrin’s Sauce 21c
11b. Royal Bkg. Pcwrf’r 33c
1 Ib. Rumford’s Powder, ,21c
Fresh Country Fggs.daz. 25c
| Eagle Milk 141-2 c
I Mead~w Gold Butter, Ib. 35c
40c Coffee ........ 23c
30c Coffee 22c
25c Coffee 19c
Instant Postum 19c
Florida Limes, pj 100, 35c
118-120 Whitehall St,
maniM ■■■KMiMnHHHMWNnmnnMro MrsaKvsHMKaant
'' ■ 1 fin •'-*■-• rjrw—M—
I $ 4 *do I
I ’■* I
L *■ . sWj*■< '(■>
H I’i’oi.‘vsional I’.Y E EX- H
■ geroits drops used in test- B
fl ’ n rT- B
LH Bifocal an d 1e n s
uQ ground to order at low- Ba
Hl 83 Whitehall Street.
“Tape’s Diapepsin” ends
Indigestion. Gas. Sourness
in five minutes.
■R allv does” put lad stomachs in
order really does” overeonu indiges
tion, dyspepsia, gas. heartburn and sour
ne-s in five minutes- that -just that
makes Pape's Diapepsin the largest
- ; :.-s stomach r< gu’.tttor in the world.
If wh. t you eat 1< tuents into stubborn
iumt s, you belch gas ;u>d eructate sour,
undigested food and acid; head is dizzy
and aches; breath foul; tongue coated;
>our insides rtlled with bile and indi
g.stia.e waste, remember the moment
Diapepsin comes in contact with the
stomach all such dis ess vanish, s It -
ruiv astonishing almost marvelous,
and the joy is Us harmlessness.
A >.;ge 50-eent case of Tape s Diu -
pepsin will give you a hundred dollars’
worth of satisfaction or your druggist
hands you your money back
h’s worth its weight in gold to men
and women who can’t get their stom
achs regulated. It belongs in you.
home should aiwnys be kept handc in
as.- of a sick, sour, upset tomach du 1 -
ing the da\ o .it night. Il’s the quick- I
■s’ st .!■ '■ ■ ■ si harmivss st m o!-. I
no. i lir n. tie w>i Id. (Advtj I
Rhodes-Wood Co.’s New Acquisition
The Famous BERNSTEIN 3-Piece Bed
By special agreement
with Mr. Bernstein we
Bernstein MBttfRIWKSW
3-Piece Metal Bed. w
The Bernstein Bed is " After
the acknowledged world's .• i »n
standard. For beauty. / tiresorrie , y °U 11
strength, finish and dura- / appreciate a Bernstein
bihty it has absolutely no Bed, for the refreshing sleep
fiOOI. B-d.' h.-re 1. is. and comfort that it gives. Only \>%\
You'll sh\ so when .vou \nL\ three pieces instantly locked together
klw nJXcL'Ii.L" W\ Don’tget the idea that the
snow, and smooth, and J HStOlll is high-priced.
hard as polished ivory. It s really cheaper, con-
Every Bed is equipped sidering you get '7,'TZN
’ with its own particular X*fikN ±i. ‘ qhrinfr I
spring, which goes FREE PUFF' AtWn i JI
with the Bed. So you 111 i I
have no expense whatever NoKgs T hItI
for the spring. The / / /f?T~7r' VSfi/ ’ 'UGI
spring is attached to the _ f ■Mr;
rails, and when placed I PiMW C |
makes a most luxurious ''l 111 '
Bed. that stands up firm \WTL " " T 'il'ld- « » iillllM I '"'
and steady. Come and xW ’ L 'lt r I ’ii ''‘E l
see. Going fast to every • JjT| TTDraLaIL,, : d **
t5iiii..,,,.... 1 .ZFi Eagle Ranges
I 41 I i nn Ml I The Family Favorite
lol* This illustrates our 1!)12
ff pattern of our well-known
Eagle Range, made of cold-
I rolled steel sheets, fully
07 Ik\ /Ju Ihied with asbestos. 'This
I S’ tvpe of construction gives
" W < l’fi < ‘l service with
: l|™|| K\ l’l le least fuel consumption.
illll’llllllllljlllllgM The steel allows the heal to
I‘apidly affect the oven.
w hile the asbestos lining
Wl keeps the heat inside the
®IT 4* W ' stov ?-
y[l I'l I'his conserves all the energ'
SSI/f g [;,! i lU|lkini'^4ffi| [ i.\ ,! i ||j{ generated by the fuel, and makes
W' i'-I* 1 falfoYAi-vFll ■ ii'i f° r economy, as well as rapid sfi-
nl j| i|nL£^ 1 i’ 1 vice. The Eagle is a handsome
■wi: -—- — 1 ■! ii;h- j Range, the door, clean-out. dom’.
B| H ipMljy»i HlM'i mz tea shelves and all edges being
& * ufiU heavily nickeled with three-pl.'
flffl Q ffi|i[|i|||M " WffWftbJjaM plating. End pouch feed so the
I I'hnSß Range can be fed without open-
MSSJ ing doors or lifting lids. Tin-
niakes f <ir '-leanliness, a.s, no
/■ smoke puffs out as in old styles
Nt ■ . mrn .ouniuiPtunmifiiniUhlWlUlUlllllllL'i® of ranges. The cheek draft in
4i™ il'rn • re a t all times. We fully guar
li \\ antee the Eagle to do perfect
f u XX work, and the price is right; I
U Exactly Like Cut . S1 ; 00 a $35.00
Oft o do.f)AVo o di
103-5-7-9-11 Whitehall Street, Corner Mitchell
Why Salves Can’t Cure Eczema
sin. ' the oki-i. shlonecl theory of trouble- but none that we can recoin- ( I
. . ni.i through tho blood has mend as highly as this, foi w< know \ /
>een given up bv scientists, many dis- that D.D.D stops the itch at once. \\ < /
terent salves have been tried for skit 'an give you a good size bottle for Mt
cents that will be enough to prove it. '
diseases. But it has been found that qj course all other druggists have
those s.<l.i < mill clog the pores and can D.D.D Prescription—go to them if you
not penetrate to the inner skin below can’t come to us—but don’t accept some
tlie epidermis where the eczema germs big profit substitute. A £■ r n j
u’e lodged But if you come to our store, we are /I lI3CS • U
This—the quality of penetrating— so certain of what D.D.D will do for
nobably explains pie tremendous sue- you that we offer you a full size bottle n
cess <>f the well known liquid eczema on this guarantee;—lf you do not find rilll/ <ff3CCPS
emedy. oil of Wintergreen, thymol, gh - that it takes away the itch AT ONCE
• •rine. etc., as compounded in D.D.D it costs you not a cent.
Prescription Jacobs' Pharmacy, fi-8 .Marietta St.
»e sold other remedies for skin (Advertisement.) The onlv safe way to buy
glasses is to first have a thor-
■ - A..» .1. ..’be ough examination of the >
y Fibre Covered Trunks XXZLLLL
lished in 1870—forty years igo
For good guaranteed service should be made right. come in and talk to out •’’ •
Veneer boxes, vulcanized fibre glued on under pressure ' ians about youp ey< ’*
H and all riveted Hardware— then you are right. Lenses, invisible Bifc
I ... . , Shell Library Frames and
J " e make el " that Wfl . V ’ test style eye glass mounting*
sl6 00 and $35.00
The House of Guaranteed Baggage. I WHITEHALL
! 92Whiteha,l |