Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, October 11, 1912, EXTRA 1, Image 12

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THE H r2OK< r IAN AXE X VAVs REZAP FOR PROFIT —GEOR GJ A. PM WANT ADS—USE FO R R. ES U UTS Auction Sales. AT AUCffON? SEVERAL CONSIGN MENTS OF HOUSE HOLD GOODS. INCLUD ING MAHOGANY BUF FET. EIGHT FOOT MA HOGANY TABLE. CHI NA CLOSET AX'D CHAIRS TO MATCH. BRASS BEDS. MAHOG ANY DRESSERS. CHIF FONIERS. CARPETS. ART SQUARES. RUGS. CURTAINS. MATTING. ETC., FRIDAY. OCTO BER 11. AT 12 E. MITCH ELL STREET. COMMENCING at 10 a in.. Friday, we will offer tn the highest bidder a fine lot of furniture and household good*, including several mahogany dressers and chiffoniers, brass and Vernls Mar tin beds. National springs, felt rnat tresse*--. i I’-lor suit, a complete ma hogany dining r-<m suit. cost $400; drophead Singer machine, bird's-eye maple be<; room suit., early English pedestal -lining table and chairs, early English fumed oak and mahogany rocKers. reception hall and bed room chairs, library tables, center tables In oak and mahogany. Turkish leather rocker cost S6O. range, ice box. Brus sels and velvet art squares, rugs curtains, matting, hall and stair car net. picture runners, blankets, table linen, and many other things too numerous to mention The goods are .Hi in elegant shape. A fine oppor tunity to furnish your home at your own price Sale Friday, 10 a m CENTRAL AUCTION CO. 12 E. Mitchell Street. CENTRAL AITTION CO., 12 E. Mitchell st . buys and sells everything; regular auction Tuewla\ and Frida\ Bell phono 124 H* '• 11 BRO ERS" • 1 ""L 'X Hi -I ? BE. 51 Decatur street We bu\ and sell any and everything Atlanta pnont 2285; Bell phone Va in 14 34Ma in 187 7 -21'- 20 SPRINGER'S Auction House, at 25 South Pryor street, will buy or sell your household goods, pianos and office furni- PEMBROKE Sales Companj u dez new management, will accept your surplus stock of any kind on consignment, cash advanced; settlement on date of sale. 14.3 South Pryor street. Bell phone Main 1434. Main 187, Atlanta phone 2285. 8-6-30 Automobiles. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. SACRIFICE SALE. DETROIT Electric Coupe. Four seats. Beautifully upholster ed in fine leather. Batteries and motor in good condition. Com pelled to sell at once. Any rea sonable offer will be considered. Phone M. 3205. 10-9-46 FIVE-PASSENGER 1•< 1 2 MAchell for sal* R1 a price that sounds ridiculous, owner took car in exchange and wants to convert into cash E M-F "JO” five-pas senger; excellent condition, extra equip ment: $525; Moon < ar. five-passenger, first-class condition. VJ»O Have you a• ai to sell on terms” Wv want one quick Auto Roalt} Exchange, Bell 2053 M 31 Inman Bldg I ' 1 > bod and top; five passenger: top and seats newly covered Body newly painted and in fine condition A great bargain. Can be seen at A. C Miller’s shop, corner of Courtland and Gilmer streets Inquire for Mr Brooks. Georgian office io-r»-iK < »n e s< ree-f ton Buick truck Will sell this week at a barga n Adams Price Auto Company 1 Washington st reel Phone Main 6;»2 AUTOMOBILES WANTED. WANTED Gear wheels for Jones speed ometer, to work on 30-Inch wheels. Apply to Mr Brooks, Georgian office ■■ ■ ' :7 AUTOMOBILES FOR EXCHANGE. MODEL E BRUSH runabout, with top, lights, etc . in first-class running condi tion, to trade for unincumbered real es tate or toward a Model T Ford. Address Owner. Box 900. care Georgian. 10-9-21 T HAVE a splendid five-passenger auto mobile which 1 w ill exchange for real estate of same value Car is In good condition. Call Main 2405-J Charles R. C00k.480 South Boulevard • 24 9 5?l-7XV BRESH; never used; to exchange for lot; and 25-horsepower Maxwell, fine condition, for cash, cheap Owner, Box 350. care Georgian 9-16 36 Motorcycles. i ' ll t nevi cheap terms Xddress W T . care Georgian 70-8-10 FOR KALE Excelsior 6-hoTHepnwer twin cylinder with Eclipse clutch and lug r?ge cßtTie’-; perfect running order amJ bargain at ?100. H N. Cooledge. 12 North Forsyth street. Atlanta 10-3-10 Monev Wanted. 33 ANTED—One tbous;.n ! dollars at S per eppt for twelve months from a private party who will b« d with a g«-od ' second mortgap and a high moral se i urit> Addros K-x 826. care < icorgian __ 18-S-10 Money To Loan. WE HAV| $ >OO to lend 8 pai ent on real e Will divide Into two loans. Etheridge t y Etheridge. Atlanta National Kai k b«Hiding 30 10-10 TIHH’KANDS »f dollars tn loan. First mortgage nty properly m Atlanta 5. ..4 and 6', |<.,ui money direct to own- ers of property J C BOONE, S2l Candler Bldg Ivy (069 HOME FI NDS and insur ance money al prevailing rates oi interest on reel es tate. (’an place your ap plication and get the money at <»me. Ralph () (’ochran Company. 19 South Broad. MONEY I'< >l< SAI. .11 D Pl OPLE~ AND OTHERS. i, tletr «r tames, chtay rates, easy paymei. ■ <‘o’ l.d. n- tlalD H Tolman 24 Austell but:. . % Soßey“oK iitXKM irntned . on property In near Atiun’.. I” 'an Valkenburg. 501 Ijpiltube b old WHYMAN A- CONNORS ' ESTABLISHED 1890 w Mortgages on Real Esta.e 4-1-3 3'll E PRUDENTIAL IN- SURA NCR (’(). of \mcri va can make you a loan on Atlanta improved propertv. through their loan mrre spoiideiir* Turman, lilack ‘ ii, _U3-8 Umpire 1L j J Money to Loan. [SPECIAL HOME F’CNDS TO LEND any amount: 6 per cent Write or call. S ' ™ ('arsen. 24 South Bread 4-1-17 FARM LOANS placed in any amount on Improved farm lanes in Georgia The Southern Mortgage Company. Gould build ing TO .3-1 AND BROKERS 301 petbrs Zy- I BIDO .MONEV LOAN ° (V /X: PHONtMAWH, Pf) STRICTLY PRIVATE Without Indorsement Without Collateral Security Without Real Estate Securities Money loaned at LAWFUL RATES. NATIONAL DIS COUNT CO.. 301-2 Fourth Nation al Bank Building. WE HAVE plenty of money to lend at lowest rates on Atlanta ami nearby property, either for straight or monthly payment plan. Also for purchasing pur chase money notes. Foster & Robson, 11 Edgewood Ave. Real Estate For Sale. BARGAIN FOR SAUS—Corner tot, 108 by 178. block of car line; sidewalks, sewer and water Price J 15.000. .1. H. Estes. 514 Temple f’ourL Main ’256. 10 10-10 I'<»R SAI.E Two double six-room negro houses; almost new. Always rented for ?2S; *2.000. !•’. 1. . Box 200, care Georgian. SPLENDIDLY located lot. East Lake. 3500 on very easy terms Box 461, care Georgian 48-5-10 Koi Fsale or exchange— one i:i room house, one four-room house; both on a lot 58 l>y 120; rent for S3O per month. Sell for 53,250 or exchange equity for va cant lot McMillan, care Georgian BEAUTIFUL twelve-room moitorn house on north side; close In. lot So by 280; will i xcnange for smaller place. Exchange. ’.OO Temple Court, City. 10-7-25 ft’P. SALE By owner. West End bunga low, first corner from Gordon, on llol derness. just completed, seven rooms, sleeping porch, double floors, granite front, handsome interior and fixtures, birch doors This house was built h\ expert workmen, day work, personal su pervision A home of the better class ar the price of the other kind. Terms. Key on premises Phone West 460-. I 725-10 For QUICK SALK, list your property with Everett y Everett, 224 Brown-Rari dolph building. Marietta ami Korsvth FWt SALE Beet bungsUow m Kirkwood; five ro< ms. bath, hot and cold water, electric light--; lot 60 to IGO. Price $3,500, SSOO cash, balance to suit Address War ren. Box 700. care Georgian. 10-5-1 EDR SALE I'our-roorn house, lot 50 bv 150: River car line, $1,000; $lO a month. .!■’! n <larej. v.'i ii-t ~n ■ ii-e.-t o-i 6 17 E< ’ll SALE OR EX’ IHA NGE WII,L SEI,I, or exchange for acreage dan dy five-room cottage. 1054 DeKalb ave nue. mar Moreland Inman Park Price >.1.1100 Call Main 2405-. I Charles R Cook. HO South Boulevard 10-4-13 THE HOUSE you build, buy or rent will not be n modern home unless it is wired for electricity. Real Estate Wanted. SELL YOUR ropi rtj q i cklj for caah iu» matter where located, particulars free Real Ksiate Salesman Companv, Dept 25 Lincoln. Nebr 45-7-10 Farms For Sate. I- ARMS FOR SALI-: 94 a< rt s. price |l.- 500; 10«» .ores, price 51.X50; xi'n acres, prh e $1,500, 75 acres. pri<-< $1,400; 371 acres, price $6,500 The above farms are all improved l , 'or particulars, address .1 C. Stokely, A< worth. Ga. 18 10 1,1 PECAN GROVE .Inst outside city lim its of 4.000 p<*ople; finest varieties’ hear ing; price $10,000; good terms. Loci. Box 8, Haralson. Ga 4.;.;0-10 FOR SALIC Gordon county farm lamis in large or small tracts, in good com munities, convenient to churches, schools and railroads Some excellent bargains in (’oo.MH watt re river farms Address I). Z Whittemore. ( >akman. Ga. 58-9-10 FOR SALE 139*2 acres of land within half mile of Georgia Experiment sta tion, or will divide it into three parts. 56 acres in one. 39 ami 4l« ? . and will sell for one-third cash, the balance one. two and years time, with 8 per cent P T F'llis, Route 2. Griffin. Ga ~ 26-9-10 Legal Notices. NOTICE OF TRANSFER OF STOCK GEORGIA b'ulton County Know All Men by These Presents: That Vivian Slaughter, Esquire, of the mwn of (»range, county of Orange, state of Virginia, administrator of the estate of Mercer Slaughter, deceased, has atqdied to this hank for transfer to himself, per | sonally. of stock certificates 189 and 190 of the Fourth National Bank, represent ing eight «S) shares us stock belonging to the estate of Mercer Slaughter, de ceased, this fact will be duly advertised by the undersigned bank in accordance with section 4105 of volume 1 of the code of the state of Georgia, in such cases made and provided, after which adver tiaement this bank u 111 proceed as shall be right and proper in the promises This m»tice is given ns required by law ami that all persons interests may notify this bank ot anx reason, if any there bo. why sin h transfer shoghl not be made This September 17. 1912. THE FOURTH NATIONAL BANK OF ATLANTA. By WM T PERKERBON, Assistant Cashier. RoSSF. R *<• BR A N DON. All omev s 9-19-28 >R< sTa FtEtON -I'XTV \O!\ 8 I hmovan vs John F Donovan To John F lonovan Hx order of court, you arc notified that on the 7th day us October, I3ij. Amy s. Donovan filed suit against you U r divorce, io the January term. 1913. of said court You are required to be at the January term, 1913. of said court, to be held on the first Monday* in January. 1913, to answer the plaintiff's complaint Witness the Hon J ’l’ Pendleton. Judge us said court, thm ovtubrr *.■ \RNoLD BRoYLES. Clerk. •° lu 1 GEORGIA Fl 1. 0 N • : N’l Rehab Perkins Dunbar vs Stiles H Ihinbar In the Kupeiioi <’<»urt of Fulton County. Stale of <. -org.a Lil-el for divorce Mas | Term. 1911 'I he verdict fur total <llvor< e •maided tiie 11th day of April. 1912 Voice »ere|.y given to all concerned • hat on the Sth day of <htob‘*r. 1912. 1 I filed anti the clerk of the superior cnurt I"! saiti county my petition addressed to said o.ur«, returnable to the January term. I**l3, of Mtid murt, to I e held on the ‘it • \i t da\ in January, 1918. for the Irem' v.j: ■” 11 » .usabilities resting upot ! me 1 ndrr fl verdict of the above Mated ■ 1 A f' .r n fn v marriage with saisi il« liD P»rk’U 4 I »ut:bar which ippH< ation ' u J ! at ths said term *»f hr j h ’l. ■ ’ * ourt on the tir-i NLmdaj STILUS* 'h ' dunbai: 10 10 3 -i hit in* ♦ - -v * roiTtD J- JUD® r.J.MRSjiAU. Fattening Turkeys and Chickens Io get the most and the best from our turkeys and chickens i that are io be slaughtered they should he passed through the fat- 1 ’ toning pens. Stock that takes a good deal of exercise, as tin* turkey must of necessity do to keep in good health while growing, have a lot of good tender flesh upon their frame, but they do not as a rule lay on much fat. To se cure this lhe raiser should coop the ones he ex pects to kill at least two weeks before killing them. Ihe coops should he roomy enough for the stock to stand erect and have sufficient room for them to move about easily. These coops should be placed away from the run of the balance of the flock, so that the cooped ones will not worry about tiiose with their freedom. If lhe bottoms of the coops be made of 1-2-ineh rounds placed about an inch apart, and the coops raised a foot or more from flu* ground ♦ R,. ,I™—; ...11 c ,ii . the droppings will tall through to the ground ami be easily cleaned up. Such a method prevents the necessity of having foul smelling coops upon the premises. For this fat tening purpose use corn meal tli re '* parts, beef scraps one part moisten with hot water. Do not in.ike ii sloppy. If one would take the trouble to cook the meal, as in making mush, so much the better. You will get quicker results. If need be, for the last week the.' can be crammed by pushing down their throats wa<ls of the dough, but usually this is not necessary. Chick ens should be handled in about the same manner. It seems very deirable to coop and feed chickens intended for the household, cspeciall' when the live chickens are bought upon the market and one does not know what filth they have been Fiving upon A week or more of cleanliness in feed, water and surroundings will make them finer in flesh, and 1 am sure more palatable. A chicken makes mighty fine eating, but if al lowed tin' privilege they are great scavengers. To overcome any trouble along the line of impure meat the fattening pen should fie introduced. 'I hey should occupy a place in the hack yard of every home whether in the city or the country. Judge Marshal! will be glad to ans'ver in this department questions on al! points of rearing utility and fancy poultry. He can not undertake, however, to reply personally to such let ters of inquiry. Address Judge F. J. Marshall, College Park, Ga. Plymouth Rocks. FANCY BUFF ROCKS AT A REAL BARGAIN. 35 IN ALL. YOUNG. BE A UT I !•' U L. VIGO ROUS. PRICE EOR QUICK SALE $2 EACH. ' ORIGINAL COST MORE THAN DOUBLE THIS PRICE. ADDRESS ('. E. C. BOX 1484. PHONE rvv 1600. AT 363. 10-9-36 Foil SAI I’ Purebred Barred Rocks and ' Buff Rocks in trios, pons or singly, $1.25 ■ and M <a< L Charles W. Davis, care An ’ dersnn Hardware Company. 10-8-47 Pigeons. FOR SALE Jumbo homer pigeons, from extra stock Write Box 358, Gaffnev. b | S. C 32-10-10 Egg'B. riIOROI'GI IRRED Bufi Orpington eggs. i $1 per fifteen 126 Windsor street. . I Main 5588. 10-9-15 Dogs. j F()R SALE One first-class opossum dog. i: H > '"a a ft>i <’ Tiger, Ga 10-l( WANTED Everj person with a dog for • sale to address Kennel, care Georgian. I 10-9-5 Horses and Carriages i : FOR SALE One < overed delivery wagon and one flat bottom drav Anderson Hardware Company, 32-34 South Pryor street 10-8-45 Monkej s. - l’i IR SA I .I! Mamo« t rnonkt y Call M f 1315. or lippl' 140 Trinit' avenue. i 10-10-37 ) .11.■ . Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sals. i Beautiful Highland View 1 i TUTS LOCATION is so well known and its advantages for homes so highly appreciated that no word of praise is necessary. CALL AT ONCE and get prices and terms. Atlanta Development Co. 1 (>O9-13 Third National Bank Building. ' j M ( ] 1 SIBCRBAN HOME. MARIETTA CAR LINE. 4 1-2 to 10 ACRES. (i room cottage, accommodation for 1.000 hens, spring water on place. Will exchange for city - proper!v or sell on terms. , E. G. BLACK 71S on KTH NATIONAL HANK MAIN 1514 LIST YOl’R I’RenntßTl WITH I S IOR QIICK RKSILTS DILIJX-MORRIS CO. i A BARGAIN LOT 1 1 ( 'ot ,t» on not h s ;( | ( »»v»*l <nd han water g,v. sidewalk and >u h • >< > • < .oi l .\\eiii »‘ s iiool SSO«* cash, ba .a net* one year Build h hot**- . • and niaK>* *•>»!.»- money i ’ i < • t. »iT t - i ■ ~ t. i t mom h Hh« h improv, ii nt« and > n tr.lrr It i» unh for quick «a c , lilL HOI SB you wilj build, buy or rrui will not be a I * uiuiUrn humc unless it la wired fur Electricity. iIMh F.J XXE'SHAX-T. Poultry—Miscellaneous. S|',Nl> 25 cents to J. I’. Power, repre sentative. 328 Oak street, Atlanta, and receive The Country Gentleman every week from now until February 1 next. Tiie oldest agricultural paper in the world. Published by The Curtis Pub lishing < 'ompany. 47-10-10 "'ANTED -Poultry, pet and live stock. Address i'ancier, care Georgi at>.10-9-6 SINGLE COMB Rhode Island Reds and "lute "yandottes. I can fill some orders now tor pullets, cockerels and yearling liens for layers and show birds. State your wants in writing and how much you care to Invest. "'rite Mrs. W. M. Rosemond, Pickens, 8. C. 29-9-10 11. G. HASTINGS & CO., Seedsmen for the South, 16 West Mil ehell street. Four City De liveries Daily. North and South Side 9 a. m., Inman Park and West End 2 p. m. Bell Phone M. 2568, Atlanta 2568. "E II \VE ON HAND a beautiful lot of Male Canaries, if it is not convenient for ;. ou to call at our store, w e will take pleasure In making a selection for you. All of our birds are accompanied with a written guarantee that they will sing or be exchanged. When ordering please mention which you prefer, a pure yellow or one marked with linnet. Price $2.50 each, iiy express charges prepaid $3.00. SEED l;t ii, wheat and oats, - SIL ver Skin and Yellow Danver Onion Sets, Dwarf Essex Rape. Vetch and Clovers, Fancy Recleaned Kentucky Blue Grass and our Evergreen Lawn Mixture Time yet for planting turnips, mustard, lettuce ami radish. THE BULB SEASON (S HERE—If you do not care to plant them outdoors, we can supply you with seasonable bulbs for Ind tors. All of our bulbs are large, strong sure-bloomers. Let us mail vou a copy Os our Bulb Catalogue This gives prices and culture of the different varie ties. ORD flits - (; I VEN “OVEI f~T 11E ~PH i’ N E receive the same prompt attention as those given in our store. CALI. ON US when your chickens get sick. Real Estate For Sale. Souses For Rent. \V. A. Foster & Raymond Robson REAL ESTATE. RENTING AND LOANS. Bell Phones 1031-1032. 11 EDGEWOD AVE. Atlanta Phone 1881. "IF YOI7 SEE IT IN OUR AD., IT’S SO.” FOR SALE. 4 336 GORDON STREET is a beautiful ten room house with two baths, furnace and j servant's room; the place is one of the i most desirable in the city: the lot is 90x ■ 100, on the corner of Lawton, the very i best part of 'Vest End; the lot is worth I almost the price of the whole proposition : The price has been reduced from $12,000 to $10,500, and ought to sell very quickly [ at this figure; $5,000 can be carried at 6 per cent and terms on the balance. See Mr. Eve. LOOK at No. 286 Oak street, at the cor ner of West End Place (Bunker street). This is a nice five-room cottage, with eight-foot hall through it. Everything is in splendid shape; lot 51x150, on a good corner, and to an allev. Price 33,500. Terms, See Mr. White. ON PONCE DE LEON PLACE, near Si. Charles avenue, a nearly new two-storv eight-room residence, with all city con veniences: hardwood floors downstairs; slightly elevated level lot 50x150 to an alley. Bargain for $5,250. Attractive terms. See Mr. Bradshaw. ON 'VEST PEACHTREE, close im we have a splendid home of nine rooms; beautiful lot; everything in perfect condi tion. Price SII,OOO. See Mr. Radford. If You Have Money to Lend. We Can Place it Safely. FOR RENT. 19-r. h., 12-16 West Ellis street ...$175.00 10-r. h.. 75 Washington street. .$70.00 -r. h., 27. South Pryor street .. 62.50 10-r. h.. 432 Central avenue 27.50 io-r. h., 6n Houston street 50.00. 9-r. h., 9 East North avenue.. 60.00 10-r. h.. 400 South Pryor street .. 10.00 9-r. h.. 42 West Baker street ... 40.00 WE PUBLISH A WEEKLY RENT BULLETIN, giving a good description of everything we have for rent. Get a copy. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT. 12 AUBURN AVENUE. PHONE MAIN 618 FOR RENT LOCATED RIGHT IN TIIE HEART of the business section of Atlanta, large, spacious proposition that can be used for garage, machine shop, in fact, any kind of business in this line. Rental that will attract you. See us at once for particulars. E. RIVERS REALTY COMPANY FOR RENT 16 R. H.. 605 Washington 5t575.00 6 R. H., 98 Boulevard place .. ..$20.00 BR. H.. 334 Central Ave. 30.00 5 R. H„ 31 Turman Ave 25.00 BR. H., 452 Chpitol Ave 30.00 c „ . SR. H„ 126 Capitol Ave 35.00 b '?, o,ns ' 10 Confederate avenue, 7 R. H.. 297 Crew St 25.00 E 0,1 conveniences2o.oo 7R.H..165 Grant St 25.00 a rr, oms 4 Confederate avenue. 7R. H., 442 1-2 S. Pryor St 28.60 furnishedoo.OO 7R. H., 383 Capitol Ave 25.00 4 rooms, 456 Capitol avenue .. .. 16.50 6R. IL. 695 Capitol Ave 20.00 352 Whitehall, 3 apts., each . . . . 45.00 6R. H„ Simpson St 17.50 406 S. Pryor St.. 3 apts., each .. 25.00 Empire Trust and Safe Deposit Co. EMPIRE BUILDING. Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale. sioo Cash, $35 a Month WILL BUY YOU one of the best new 8-room bungalows in the city, on an elevated, east front, well shaded lot 50x200, with all street improvements down and paid for. Price $4,500. HARPER REALTY COMPANY 717 THIRD NATIONAL BANK BLDG.. BELL PHONE IVY 4285. ATLANTA PHONE 672. Wanted—Central Real Estate LIST your central and semi-central property with me. I have clients with the cash to buy anything offered that will pay any kind of interest on the investment. J. H. EWING 116 Candler Building. PHONE IVY 1839. ATLANTA 2865. SACRIFICE! INCOME PROPERTY! Must Be Sold Before Saturday, October 19 One of the biggest bargains ever offered in income property in Atlanta. It pays 7 1-2 per cent on $21,600, and I will take $14,350 IF SOLD BE FORE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19. Circumstances are such that I must sell before then or not at all. For the next few days, address *‘W,” Room 235. Piedmont Hotel. 39-10-10 FOR SALE N «>y E STREET. (Near Capitol Avenue.) TrYT-INT T COMFORTABLE home of 6 rooms, 2- 1 \7 1 11 1 I . story: gas, water and bath; lot 35x U 100 to alley. Terms. Price. $2,600 woodside WE HAVE the following real estate to exchange for automobiles; Beautiful six-room bungalow at East Lake, two blocks from Atlanta Athletic club, tot 100 by 400: nine-room brick on Highland avenue, absolutely modern. Also other property. We buy. sett and exchange autos and real estate AUTO REALTY EXCHANGE MAIN 2053. 31 INMAN BUILDING SM ALL HOM E BARGAIN. THIS is a nice corner in Grant park section. 50x200; 6 rooms: all conven iences. on easy terms; small cash payment, balance $25 per month A. S. HARRIS, Real Instate MAIN 13$i too Krupire tiuildin<. W ILLIAMS-HARTSOCK CD REAL ESTATE AND BUILDERS FOURTH NATIONAL BANK BUILDING Ptione 31CC Main HERE IS ' BEAUTY It is cheap, too Seton-room house In Druid Hill« xeclion Th!-- house s equipped with tine brick, tile and cabinet mantels, hardwood floors birch do.”--*, - ,en<lfu basement; is t tuated on an elegant corner lot w’th ft. t,tag" of (.5 fee< Elegant gas and electric fixtures It won't keep 14 500 SSOO cash, balance S3O pet month: no loan to assume All you hate to do is to get bust Tills is the (dace you have been looking for t ’ ’ ' E It IS Well to< ■ . n f Ing t below the value; 65 fest frontage you an a e it for $4,000 I II ’ i. *t a < are of where the owner netos the money Term* Ill'll .'I I' (•> I’l: \<"H 'll: KE S’l t:t:ET .on North avenue haw a bargain In • t •' • ' • 'het en;i exchange See us about this JKi le DO wur building Will make vae> semis and ths light price. 6-r. h., 21 Warren street, Kirkwood. Ga 522.50 6-r. h.. Fair street and 4 acres of land 18.00 6-r. h., Maiden lane and Howard. College Park 25.00 6-r. h.. 285 East Georgia avenue, and store attached 1.5.00 6-r. h., 27 West Fair street 25.00 6-r. h.. rear 62 Candler street, De- catur, Ga: 10.00 6-r. h., 406 Fraser street 18.60 6-r. h.. 11 Helena street. Battle Hill 10.00 6-r. h., Bixby and Elevon, Kirk- wood, Ga 20.00 6-r. h., 16 Warren street, Kirk- wood, Ga 25.00 6-r. h., Gilbert street. East Atlanta. 12.00 6-r. h., 31 Clay street. Kirkwood, Ga 17.50 6-r. h.. Boulevard DeKalb, Kirk- wood. Ga 15.00 6-r. h., 36 Orleans street 17.50 6-r. h., 122 West Alexander street.. 17.60 6-r. h.. 26 Florida avenue Battle Hill 10.00 6-r. h.. Boulevard DeKalb and Clif- ton 17.50 6-r. h.. Posey street, Kirkwood. Ga.. 21.00 AND A LONG LIST of larger and smaller houses, and a good list of business houses. COME TO SEE US. Real Estate For Sale. igHARP & gOYLSTON TAVELVE PER ( ENT ’ INVESTMENT. J NORTH SIDE i APARTMENT. ) This is a brand new building on a lot 70x175 ’ in one of the best north ) side sections. There are ’ four tenants, and thev s have been carefully se- lected. This is one of the best investment propositions on the market today, and the price we have on it will only hold for a short time. See us about this and let us SHOW YOU. Railroad Schedule. SOUTHERN RAWWAY. "PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH” ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF I’ASSENGER TRAINS, ATLANTA The following schedule figures are pub nshed only as Information, and are not guaranteed: No! Arrive From—[No. Depart To- " 3o N. Y0rk..5:00 am 36 N. Ycrkl2'lsarn 13 .faxvllle...s:2oam 20 Col'bus 5 : 20 am 4o Waston 6:25am 13 Cinci 5 Mam 12 Sh'port.. 6:30 am 32 Ft Vai 550 am 23 Jaxvllle. 6:50 am 35 B»ham ! MS am ♦L loccoa.. 8:10 am 7 C’nooga 640 am 36 Heflin.. . 8:20 am 12 R'mond 6 : 29 N. York 8:20 am 23 K. City. LOO am > 3 Chat'ga. 10:35 am 16 < Maccn ..10:40 am 29 B'ham..lo'4s am 27 Ft. Va1..10:45am 38 N. Yorkivoi tm 21 Col’bus..lo:so ami 40 ChT'tte 12:00 nA 6 Ci“Ci11:10 am! 6 Mac0n..12:20 urn 29 Col bus.. 1:40 pm 30 C’bu5....12:30 pm , o 0 B ham... 2:30 pm 30 N. York 2:45 nm 40 8'ham...12:40 pm 15 C’nooga 3:00 mn 39 Ch lotte. 3:55 pm 39 B'ham.. 4:10 nm 5 Macon 4:00 pm »18 Toccoa. 4:30 pm ( 51' 3o r k - s:M,)nl 22 Col’bus. 5:10 pm 10 Bruns k. 7:50 pm 5 Cinci. .. 5:10 pm 11 Rmond. 8:30 pm 28 Ft. Vai. 5:20 pm I 2 4 K* City.. 9:20 pm 35 Heflin... 5:46 pm 16 C'nooga. 9:35 pm 10 Macon 5:30 pm 19 Col’bus..lo:2o pm 44 Wash'n. 845 pm > 31 Ft Vai..10:25 pm 24 Jaxville. 9:30 pm » 36 8'ham...12:00 ngt! 11 Sh’port.ll:lo pm 14 Cincill:oo pm | 14 J'xville 11:10 pm Trains marked thus (*) run daily ex cept Sunday. Other trains run dally. Central time City Ticket Office, No, 1 Peachtree St •Legal Notices. TRUSTEE’S SALE. GEORGIA. FULTON COUNTY—Bv vir tue of an order passed by the Hon P. . H. Adams, referee in bankrupts,, on September 25, 1912, the undersigned, W. A. Fuller, as trustee of the estate of E S. Sims, bankrupt, will expose for sale at public outcry before the court house door of bulton county, on the first Tuesday in November, 1912, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest and best bidders for cash, the following described real es tate. to-wit: Parcel No. I—All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in land lot 108, of the Seventeenth district of Fulton county. Georgia, and more par ticularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the east side of the right of-way of the Southern rialroad at a point six hundred and two (602) feet in a southerly direction from Peachtree street, measured in a curved line with the right of-way, and running thence in a southerly direction along the east line of the said right-of-way one hundred and ninety (190) feet, more or less, to the northwest • corner of the Ladson property; thence In a southeasterly direction along th* north line of the said Ladson property l sixty-eight (68) feet, more or less, to the . Emma G. Black property; thence in a northeasterly direction along the line ot Emma G. Black property one hundred and ninety (190) feet; thence in a northwest erly direction one hundred and seven (107) feet, more or less, to the right-of-way of the Southern railroad. Parcel No. 2 —All that tract or pat-net of land lying and being in the Seventeenth district of orignally Henry, now Fulton county, Georgia, and part of land lot 57. and part of lot 16, in the sub-division of the Edwin Plaster estate, described as follows: Commencing at a point on the Boulevard at the southeast corner, run ning northeast along the west side ot Boulevard two hundred and forty (240 i feet; thence west two hundred and twen ty-six (226) feet to a stake; thence south , two hundred and twenty-two (222) feet to a corner of Center street; thence west I along the north side of Center street one l hundred and fifty-three (153) feet to a i I stake corner at Center street and Boule | vard: containing one and nine-tenths U S) acres, more or less. Said property con taining all the tracts of land described In a deed to J. W. Giles from Ida E Walker, dated February 7. 1891, recorded August 24, 1891, ami a d’eed to J. W. Giles from Ida E. Walker, dated October 27. 1891. Parcel No. 3—An undivided one-halt (%) interest in and to all that tract or t parcel of land lying and being in land lot 61, of the Seventeenth district of Ful ton county. Georgia, described as fol lows: Beginning at a point on Decatur road where the west line of said land lot crosses said road and running thence souther’t along said road four hundred (‘’DO) feet; thence south parallel with said land line four hundred (400) feet to Em orys avenue; thence west along Emory* avenue four hundred (400) feet to said original west line of said land lot: thence north along said land lot four hundred 1400) feet to beginning point I Parcel No. 4—Part of land lot No. " of the Seventeenth district of Fulton county. Georgia, beginning at a poir’ ’ the south side of a fifty (50) foot street known as Smith avenue, twenty (20> fee: east of the west line of said land lot isan. . beginning point being at the southeast I corner of Smith avenue and a fort' 40t foot street, and running thence east •(« the south side of Smith avenue fou' hundred (400) feet; thence south two hundred and forty (240) feet, more or less, to the north line of tiie proper!) > Edna Bell Sims: thence west along -art line four hundred (400) feet, to the ab"''* mentioned forty (40) foot street): thence north along the east side of said stree’ two hundred and forty <240) feet, nj'jre or less, to the point of beginning premises having thereon four houses i above described property is a part <> the tract of land conveyed by J Can'™; Payne to John N. Sims & Son, a firn composed of John N. Sims and EmoO’ B Sims. , Parcel No. s—All that tract or P al ,£t of land lying and being in land lot of the Seventeenth district of said and county, described as follows He ginning at a point 58 feet southwest fr ■' the southwest corner of Howell Mil! : and Holly street, and extending southwesterly along the west side - ♦II Mill road 80 feel, thence west I." •’•’ thence northeasterly 80 feet parallel Howi-il Mill road, thence east 1-' l ’ parallel with Holly street to Howel! m road, the point of beginning the .nam ing part of lots 77 and 78 as pet pla» North Side park , These trai ls of land will l<e v d from ail Ilers ami incumbrances (urthtr Information. < all on und pr - r * \V v I ULLER. Trustor l<i|6 Empire Buiio ,u . Atian’a 10.’.0-U | •ate—-4'