Newspaper Page Text
GUNNISON. -Lu Oct 11 P s- ■
are searching th-- forest for a de
mented ranger, recently transferred
here from Oklahoma. who t* mad'• tied
by solitude. Tlirougl’ a. vo >os . is
wandering with a high i»f i-r gim.
shooting and shouting t!:a- he :o
A few days ago In wat- hi. yy Zeb
Scott, of Crookston. «• : < 7 a
gulch. He had been t:”i. it the r<-
ports of his gun J:.- - >•■ , <>■ down
in the gulch," callen S -••it I can't."
said the ranger, "f'm Jost W’th that
he j lunged back .nt-* t “.<•
■jr *F* ’ T '** v ®
Some Growing Children
are under size—under weight. Some grow
tall and thin, others are backward in studies—
pale and frail— improper assimilation is
usually the cause.
If your children are not rugged and
f ruddy and rosy—bubbling with energy
and vim at all times, you owe them
SCOTT’S EMULSION —nature’s concen
trated nourishment to build body, bone,
muscle and brain.
CkiWreo treed SCOTTS EMULSION to propeu.
Trade-Mart, SCOTT & Bowne. Bloomfield, N. J. 12-94
There’s a Shoe Made
To Fit Your Foot
II There are some who may doubt this or think that it is
’ only occasionally, through chance, that 1 hey can get fitted.
©= . . .
I suallv this is a mistake, for about nine out of ten times
lp ,a, dt lies simply in your not being properly fitted.
/ Igy=a This comes about by either the salesman not exercis-
\ > n K the necessary precaution in seeing that you are properly
\ \ titled, or lacking a shoe in stock that tits you allows you to
X®’’ \ purchase, either through design or ignorance, a pair that
\ was never intended fora foot like yours.
\ Xo such 1 real men! as th is will he accorded you al Black’s.
\ AH of our salesmen experienced and expert litters
jii d they arc instructed to let you leave the store withipi*
making a purchase rather than sell you a pair of shoes that
not tit as they should.
If you are hard to tit, and yet can be fitted, we are con
fident that we can do il. and not only that, but in the new
est styles, in the most desired design, finish and workman
Prices $3.00 and Up . v . . , .. ; n +
r Ir\ iis. i our shoe troubles will bra thing ol the past.
Sole Agents tJd a / / X*^S Cf ds
Laird & Edwin
Schober Clapp
SI " K,J ° r 35 Whitehall Street
FffiffiffllllllllilM NOt JUSt C° at ancl Pants ' But * Regular Full 3 Piece Suit.
’ ,i■ ' h Tailored to lit every line and curve of your fig
jte tiro front choice of over five Hundred handsome
“jf ™ l J i |r, : W ptire-wool Fall and Winter Fabrics. Suits that
lib 1 T ||jhave the quality, style, finish: in faet. everything
h* ■ Hirl rinbodit (I in the average $30.00 suit. The only
lb'' difference is in the price.
i Any Suit To YOUR Order
k/Kw Made ■■■ Union
BSEjI to Your jB Label
>''s Individual JCL in Every
Measure Garment
lit : rk''iLuxSiPrompt Deltveit and Satisfaction Guaranteed
7'/ T > -w
It,. 'A gg £jPT " I'
Corner Auburn Ave. and Peachtree St.
' W .
13.000.000 ARE INSURED
LONDON. Oct. 11.—Despite the at
tempts to wreck Lloyd-George's work
mens insurance act. reports coming
■nto the insurance commissioner's of
fice indicate that it is succeeding be
yenci expectation*.
According to latest returns from
stamp sales, it is estimated that the to
tal number of persons now insured un
der tire act approximates 13,000.000.
NEW YORK. Oct. 11.—Politics is in
vading Chinatown these days and the
Chinese are finding it more exciting
than tong wars or gamblers' feuds.
The district is preparing this week to
vote for a delegate to the presidential
electoral college, which will meet in
Pekin the latter part of November to
cote for the president of the Chinese
republic the new constitution
One American Chinaman as represen
tative of his countrymen in the United
States is to have a seat in the electoral
college and in the upper house of par
The American senator is to be select
ed by six delegates from the China
towns of six big American cities. Three
candidates for the alluring office of sen
ator are now campaigning the country.
Secretary Ju Chang Han. of the Chi
nese legation at Washington, is the
most prominent candidate. Other can
didates are Chew S. Gunn, a fiery rev
olutionary agitator of the Covenant so
ciety. of which .Dr. Sun Yat Sen is
president, and Chao-Hsin Chu, a stu
dent of economics at Columbia uni
WASHINGTON. Oct. 11.—The fol
lowing transfers of ofticei-s of ar -
tillery corps is ordered .
F’irst Lieutenant Hollis L. E. R. Mil
ler. from 15th to 101st company.
Lieutenant Isaac E Titus. from t 7Bth
to 15fith company.
Major Evan M. Johnson. Jr., infantry,
from inspector, instructor organized
militia of New Jersey, to office chief
division of militia affairs
Kansas Reformers Would Cut
Down the Number Who May
Perform Ceremony.
TOPEKA KANS.. Oct. 11.—The next '
Kansas legislature is to be asked to
pass a law limiting the number of per
sons who may perform marriage cere
monies. From statistics gathered by
the Kansas Association of Probate
Judges there are at least 3.000 couples
living in Kansas who are legally mar
ried, but who could not prove it if they
were called upon to furnish the records.
The judges believe this condition has ]
come about through the laxity existing]
in permitting so many people to per-]
form marriage ceremonies. The law I
gives the right to judges of the district
and probate courts, justices of the
peace and clergymen. In many cases
the ministers did not report the mar
riages. but the greatest fault appar
ently lies with the justices of the peace
and the judges of district courts.
Lax in Making Reports.
The law requires every perron who I
performs a marriage cerenidny to make I
a report to the probate court. The rec- I
ords gathered by the judges through
the association show that from sixteen ij
to two hundred marriages have note
been reported in the last ten years in ]
every county, the number not reported
depending on the size of the counties.
In Shawnee county there are 167 urt
repovted marriages, and in Sedgwick
county there are 189 cases in which li
censes were issued but not returned.
The matter was brought to the atten
tion of the probate judges by the
' United States pension office. Three
cases have appeared within the last five
weeks in which a soldier's widow will
not be able to collect a pension be
cause the fact of her marriage is unre
corded. In two of these cases the cou- I
pie went to a minister's house to be I
married, and there were no friends to I
witness the ceremony. |
Suggests Heavy Penalty.
The ministers neglected to make the I
i eport of the marriage, and there is no I
record to show the persons ever were I
married, although dozens of people will I
swear to the belief. The ministers
have since died. In the other case the
minister is still living and is willing to
make a report, but he can not remem- i
her the exact date, and the govern
ment will not accept such a report. 1
| There ate many other court proceed
| ings where records of the marriage are
l necessary. The probate’ judges and
| clergymen and then make the regula
■ lions so strict and the penalty so heavy
the ministers will not fail to make the
I proper reports.
Argued and Submitted.
Floyd Lambert vs. State: from Pulaski
t'tayton Aaron vs. State: from Terrell
Clark Solomon vs. State, from Sumter 1
Lee Blasslngame vs. State; from Mor
i gan.
Fletcher Wood vs. State: from Fulton
•lad; i.'oker vs. State; from Tift
Mint Manning vs. State; from Brooks.
Lewis Williams vs. State: from Filbert.
Huss Williams vs. Slate, from Fayette
Grier et el. vs. State: from Hall.
I F,<l Peek vs. state: from Taliaferro
Archie August vs. State; from Chatham.
; I'ell Guilford vs. State: from Pierce
I George Black vs. State; from Whitfield,
, Roy Ridley vs. City of Atlanta; from
I Full or.
I Will Strong vs. City of Atlanta from
I r ulton.
: J. M. Jackson vs. State: from Randolph
J. W. Holland vs Slate: from Catoosa.
M Fussell vs. Stare: from Ben Hill. |
t :ty of Reidsville vs. <). C. Penuel: from
Tattnall. (Dismissed.)
Anna ("oulson vs Sta’e. from Ben Hill.
Ben Suber vs. State; front Pierce.
—-- - —— Mi 1
! Millions us .iousekeeoers and rxpe
ING I-XTRA<’TS. Vanilla, Lemon. ®».r
Indorsed hv Pure Food Chemists. • Advt. >
There •« no finer dental work done,
anywhere than at the Atlanta Dental
Parlors yet prices here are so low a
to astonish those who have been pay
ing the usual dentist s charges.
This is partly due to an immense
practice and partly to the very tine
modern equipment end partly to tile I
fact that this establishment wishes to
make lasting friends of its patients.
Ask v out fro nd* about the work of
the Atlanta Dental Parlors at the coi
ner of Peachtree and Decatur streets.
i Advt.) i
Call Main 11 SO.
The Columbus Atlanta
Special with fii-st-class day
coaches and Pullman sleep-:
ing car leaves Atlanta 12:30
noon via Southern Railway,
arrives Columbus 5:10 p. I
m.; returning, leaves Col
umbus 9:30 a. m.. arrives
Atlanta 1:40 p. m., connect
i ing with the Birmingham
Special for New York and!
the East. Through Pullman
sleeping car Columbus to
New York.
’ Vi 1
. NORTH V£RNON, IND.. Oct. 11.—
• < harles McQuaid. 71 years old. and his
I brother. John, aged 53. were murdered
at their home, twelve miles southeast
i here, by a. man who called them to
the door and struck them on the head
I with a heavy club.
The McQuaids were believed to have
t considerable money hidden in their
I house, and robbery was believed to
I have been the motive.
ST. LOVIS. Oct. 1 L—James F. Not
| ten, 60 years old. walked into the New
stead avenue .station and asked to be
cared for in ordet to save him from
ending his life. He was sent to the
city hospital.
Tve been drinking a good deal." he
told the station attaches, "and I want
to get away' from ideas of suicide. 1
have no relatives and I won’Lappeal to
friends, so I thought the best place
would be here."
One Dollar
at Day’s
IWr f Will Go a 1>1 > J
Long Ways
A N “easy-pay way” of buying clothes for yourself and your
entire family. We will trust you for your new winter
outfit. Pay as you get paid—-SI.OO a week. Every trans-1
action strictly confidential. No red tape or embarrassing quest- !
ions. Your promise to pay is our only security.
Our lot of $1 5.00 all-wool suits is the best suit made at !
this price. This suit is made in blue serge and dark mixtures,
in the season s newest styles. 1 his is a real bargain.
Other Men’s and Boys’ Suits
of the very best material,
jforgfafc ranging from 4
I Overcoats from /i
U I Children’s Suits Norfolks, Is" ll
F 1 with bloomer pants
53.08 (0 SI 0
KT. Ladies’ and Misses’ Suits
Ji, from Iji II \
I ’■ fe SIO,OO to SSO II
ft One-piece Dresses from ,7 | 1
’ a large stock of Hats, K
Shoes and Raincoats
! Free Alterations Ask Our Customers
I Everything New The
I Everything
io , u dßsb aJMk Where
I Guaranteed A a a S3OO
I Gontidential Piano
| No Collectors Away
||r:r Mir (hr tenia I l.u bit resists o't
lined by Mr l> H Biantlex nil
’orniwalt etreet. this city, from the use
f tht» wonderful Quaker Extract. So
r- e it I- II- said
’1 am 2X .vars old. and have lived
icre all my life, and my friends and
irjghbors know how I suffered for -ex.
ral xeais fiom a dreadful ■ of ulitiil
,<-h and llvei trouble It seemed n ■
niiioi what Into ■ -u ■* I agree with
o» Fix erx th r« '.i eii <>n u stoinai h
old rauaed tries to form This gas
■ ould distress me te ribly ami press'd
6,i rot mx hemi < i.« ng i n- palpi-
■n?' nI ■ fli t< ' y 1 • i '"'
Hair coming out?—lf dry, brittle, thin or your scalp
itches and is full of dandruff—Use “Danderine.”
Within ten minutes after an appli
cation of Danderine you can not find a
single trace of Dandruff or a loose or
falling hair and your scalp will not
itch, but what will please you most
will, be after a few weeks' use. when
you will actually see new hair, fine
and downy at first—yes—but really new
hair—growing all over the scalp.
A little Danderine will immediately
double the beauty of your hair. No
difference how dull, faded, brittle and
scraggy, just moisten a cloth with Dan
derine and carefully draw it through
your hair, taking one small strand at a
him the night In ihe morning 1 would
usually awake with a dull ii-adat he and
genet ally ti’-ed feeling. My tongue was
very heavily coated and my breath bad.
(•nr day I was told to give Quaker Ex
tract a trial I did so. I bought a
treatment at I'oiu.-ty .<■ Munn's drug
-tore At first I f, -ip discouraged as
tx<- as i'i- remedy •• titled to have no
•fl t "Il m>- a' .ill Hut after a few
da\- I notiti d that n- tongue was get
ting t If-a i I rented to slat p bet ter and
feel more refreshed in the morning.
Gradually tin ga- topped forming and
oh 111'. What a relief this ms' And
thus Ik< fit growing b'tiei | ventured
lit, tail somt boi d <soblige, a thing I
time. The effect is amazing—vour h,i.
will he light, fluffy and wavy, and '
an appearance of abundance an
comparable luster, softness and lu '
nance, the beauty and shimmer of •' L
hair health, l be
Get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton ,
Danderine from any drug store or to -r
counter, and prove to yourself toni
now—that your hair is as pretty- Y
soft as any—that it has been neglec-M
or injured by careless treatment—th F
all —you surely can have beautifu' \
and lots of it if you will just try a ’I,
Danderine, . (Adv; .
hud not dared to do for years v " , ,
did not distress me in the sliga-’-'•
realized that my stoma-h wa~
and healthy again Since th’
been eating anything served t
home. I thank Quaker Exti '
If you suffci from stotnm b
nex, catarrh, rheumatism or i |! " s
bles you Mhould call at 1
.Munns drug store. i 9 Mv :• ’’
You an obtain Quaker Ext <
Jft.OO. 'i for SJ .'.n <nf of 'fa '
bottle. - foi Sl.O'i W's pt' l •<'
thaiges on all order- of I ‘ “
Mo tin mn delay x-nur visit b ■ ’ .Ji