Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, October 11, 1912, EXTRA 1, Page 5, Image 5

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ARCTIC VOYAGE IN MOTOR BOAT Professor Donald McMillan Tells of 3.000-Mile Trip to the North. SYDNEY. NOVA SCOTIA, Oct. 11.— p r „fessor Donald B. McMillan, who was nitl; Mr- Deary on his trip to tha North p r .> has arrived in Sydney after a three months' voyage along the Labrador coast. The trip, which covered 3,000 miles, was made in a motor boat 25 feet long and 7 fee beam The object of the expedition ornithological and ethnological re (parch. Coming through Belle Isle straits h’s party passed many icebergs in the path of transatlantic steamships. The party reports splendid success. I ~ easot McMillan said: ■, . reached Rattle harbor July 5 and |. (l . , the port blocked with drift ice. Sel dom or never have I seen such storms on the Labrador coast as were expe r prrmi this summer. Soon after leaving i,. , Cape Harrison we encountered n < ,: | er. and for seventeen days battled wi h the storms That, however, was oidy fun and served to break the mo notony. Called Off Interior Trip. io ■ intended to pay a visit to .Irdiars f the interior, who are a r , !,!«• . It, gether different from the Es- st,!,, and cruel. Owing to the , !» waited for a time for some C,. ■ r< ' .e to join us. who (. , -o we had to call off ■ . trip.” ~ ... ,to the Crockerland ex ,. I, s-or McMillan said: . ■ t.novA this expedition was to i'. s licit about the last of July t r o - \«v. .noor command of Proses .. hori’i myself. bit l <.« ng to it is f i H i ,t was postponed until 1913. As fi.. ... ; .ell. the Ci • ckerlard expe , \. leave Sydney in July. '913. on ■I . I tiara, a sealer somewhat smaller an oi(. !t<,osevelt. In the party will . .oolngist. geologist, hydrographer .. .pan-maker. The whole parly of ’ em tifteen will be dropped at Crock «rd The Diana will, then go south, turning for as in 1915. To Try to Find New Land. ■Tt-o firs* year of the expedition will p. . . . . ; to rn attempt to discover a !:::>: • the Polar tea which Mr. I’earj -a> . > e saw and named in !!06. As rew land Is accepted by science >r i- •. i.t. has set Tot upon it, and I ,i ■ . i’s '..r.itttde, and longitude. > ~i that there are about -*OO.- i .r.T'es of land still unknown it: v ~ ; a it is supposed that Mr. !'• corn*-’.- of this. '< ot tear wc will penetrate the r ■ i: ecnland for. although the th are 'airly well known, .■ <: ; is unexplored. It is un .l so:r.‘ uea <:> in the interior ■| m| . ome of t he-e w>i attempt '<> reach. We ill c, v. Ml. In the 'all •a- io i found out a I >m we l;r ,v. now.” • 5 \ ■ Q THE GLOBE CLOTHING CO. | THE GLOBE CLOTHING CO. j THS GLOBE CLOTHING CO. THE GLOBE CLOTHING CO. | THE GLOBE CLOTHING CO. THE GLOBE CLOTHING CO. - -'*F S R?» ..,„ n^ . ._ __ M* • ; 8r - OSHI 1 J W ' i " $ s .; 4||M» , '»» v^xe"'t- : ‘ .iWfltt' diiM a « Wh IWB • < ‘t - a w -fc-? •■ i i wKIZ’W ® ? B wWa - HBwkmK4 fwfi A'» zl Ip ßw IWWBMIOFOaIIMMII "'■ 1 Kp i PflMfrilri z^wf«> ill wi “ ffWlHlHi' t Ji“ ■ ~ * i i: »--iiiM|-w^ > -; f I MM/Sil |jyg ■ jlrlHLy • '■ -iaU' «^BW ; : < k ' t 'W ? mMK| ' lfc : 'wi ■ t Tv** •*f M I spw aM^jUEMMIiW/«.' IMK»JMMMt-i- 1 kUKM /Waiß'l >Ol^k<| <1 6 g & 1 < 1 w 3^ ; Wfl W If II Is i I ‘.ti i'M 1 JBT f 5 IVfil tXl# F i F 1 w yB ®| (wi A* Il \W w II H r ’ ® '- I o ftrl 'll Mir w U kK s Xf jM wak M'wl (( ) zEJr 1 f? fffil 9 i £ A representative gathering of .JWQ ™~, TT 7Z Z Z S | Men's ana \oung Men's Fall and Men S and Yoting Men S Suits | tj H'77//fr Suits, culminating every 7 —~— ~’ - !B i[; ’ A In Black Thibet and Dark Worsted Suitsslo, $12.50 j.; tailored feature, manufactured tn „, F , m . y w ,„. 5t ,.,| ti „, S „ ils .•...„, , Md WMO ffl our factory and priced to you rea- In Tweeds, Velours and Worsted Suits $lB, S2O, $25 |-|g s tenable with our past service of „ ' rav '" f "-$lO. tmo, sls, » 8 g years as a partial indorse- ILJL f_| ( |DL fl (IJ LJ IRf _ - $lO. sis, sis, S2O. p incut of satisfaction. IHE ULvDL LLvlilllNU LU. w g —J EIGHTY-NINE WHITEHALL STREET J=y... g t*i 'Mji “‘MSsajiiuiKssignajiifiiisiseiMiHiigiiHSfflWiSgaisfflggfflffliffistisgisasttfegffißffiMjjMMaggfMLssGsusisissssgffiSisffigissasgffißigfflgsiaggßggagMiMagggj lir fir Women Furnish Pupils Cheap, Wholesome Food PENNY LUNCH IN SCHOOL An Innovation in Atlanta schools will be tried next Monday, when for the first time in the history of the city "penny lunches” will be served the children. On that day one of the fondest dreams of Mrs. V. H Kriegshaber. leader in civic progress and practical charity, will be realized It was more than a year ago that Mrs. Kriegshaber returned from on® of the Northern cities full of a new idea to help along the children In Atlanta schools. The "penny lunch" Is not a new thing in the I nlted States, but it was a discovery for her. She told the members of the board of women visitors for the Atlanta schools about the way the children in Northern schools were served. The women visitors, there are ten of them, were enthusiastic and Mrs. F. D. Pickett, president of the board, suggested that they present the matter to the board of education. When Mrs. Kriegshaber ex plained to the board members the "penny lunch plan they immediately suggested the women fry it here. It took a lot of work and some little money, as well as persistence, to get the movement under way, but at last the plan will have a trial at the Inman Park school. Mrs Kriegshaber will be there, helping to serve the little fellows. The children will have a variety of things to KILLS WIFE: SELF DEFENSE IS CLAIM GRASS RANGE. MONT., Oct. 11.— James W. Briggs shot and killed his wife. Evidence thus far Indicates that Briggs acted in self-defense. The wom an formerly was the wife of Jacob Hoover, and it is said that while they ■ ere living together she shot through a door at him. but missed. She was granted a divorce from Hoover and was married to a man named Riordan, in Yellowstone county. She claimed to have learned that Riordan had a wife living and shot and killed him. She was convicted of manslaughter in 1908 and served sentence of a year. She had instituted divorce proceedings against Briggs. INDICT POSTMASTER AS FREE SEED THIEF RICHMOND. VA., Oct. 11.—Postmas ter S. M, Mealy, of Laiana. Gochlar.d county, was indieted by the giand jury in tiie United States district court on Lie charge of confiscating packages of free seed sent through the mails by Senator Thomas S. Martin and Repre sentative John 1 ainb to their constitu ents. It was charged by the govern ment that, ih' postmaster, who a9tto conducts a store believed the fr e dis tribution would injure his own. seed business. # . SUFFRAGETTES SPEAKING ON MILWAUKEE STREETS MILWAUKEE. Oct. 11.—A full f!< ilged suffrage campaign is on here. Women speakers invade the factory, dock and department store districts ard street corners at the noon hour daily. * » i HE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11. 1912. choose from, and for a penny one may take two of 'the following dishes: Rice pudding, corn pudding, hot meat sand wiches. baked sweet potatoes, baked beans, fruit, candy and other things. A cook at the school will prepare these dishes daily and they will be served the children each forenoon between 11 and 11:30 o'clock More than 400 of the chil dren at the Inman Park school already have declared that they will purchase daily lunches. A variety of dishes always will be prepared, and when the board of education thinks the plan has made good in Inman Park they will allow the women visitors to try it elsewhere. “It's pleasant to be able to help the children.” said Mrs. Kriegshaber. "but we need more money and supplies. We know that the people of Atlanta will subscribe to the movement and we want every one who will help to send checks or supplies to Mrs. J. D. Pickett, our president, I hope to see the penny lunches in every school by next spring.” The women visitors will maintain a su pervision of the plan at all times. A cook will be provided for each school when the lunch plan is adopted, and before many months the most economical lunch plan ever tried in the South will have had a thorough trial in the public school system of Atlanta INDIANS AS FARMERS ARE MAKING RECORDS CHIPPEWA FALLS, WIS., Oct. 11.— The Indians of the Chippewa tribe in northern Wisconsin will soon be an im portant factor in agriculture in the northern section of the state. This was the statement made bv a well known railroad man here. "These Indians ate raising potatoes and corn with all the intelligence of white farmers." he said, "and some of them are raising remark able crops." FEEL BULLY! HEW M, SWCH SWEET, BOWELS RIGHT-"C£CKTS" You Tnen and women who can't get feeling right—who have lieadache, coat ed tongue, foul taste and foul breath, dizziness, can't sleep, are nervous ami upset, bothered with a sick, gassy, dis ordered stomach, and are all worn out. Are you keeping your bowels clean with Cascarets—or merely dosing your self every few clays with salts, cathar tic pills, castor oil and ther harsh ir i itants? Cascarets immediately cleanse ami sweeten the stomach, remove the sour CATHARTiCLg IO CSHT BOXES-ANY DRUG STORE '' • »I-SO 25 ft: SO CENT B0X£?: ■ BARS iff E FROM HUSBAND'S W Court Says Woman Suing for Abandonment Had No Righi to Take Money. CHICAGO, Oct. 11.—Model husbands have some rights, according to Munici pal Judge Gemmill, even after they cease to be “model." And so. while at torneys for Mrs. Lola Sutcliffe were undertaking to prove that Robert Sut cliffe, formerly part owner of the Ge neva Optical Company, had deserted his wife at the beck of another woman. Judge Gemmill hunted for the reason. 1 "She took S2OO front her husband s bank account without his consent." Sul cliffe’s attorney offered to prov<-. And Mrs. Sutcliffe did not dent it. Pre viously she had confessed that tor te: years her husband was "simp y ideal a model." "That settles it,” said the court "Case dismissed.” , “But we can prove,” protested the wife’s attorney, “that Sutcliffe left her for Mrs. Alta Moore, of Antioch, III." A woman has no more right to steal from her husband than from anybody else,” declared Judge Gemmill firmly. "Didn’t Sutcliffe get letters from a woman at his office?” asked the law yer. appealing to Herman F. Jacobs, of the optical company. “That question is immaterial," said the court, impatiently. But Jacobs an swered, anyway. "I get letters from forty women my self—what does that prove?" he said. I t undigested and fermenting food and - foul gases; take the excess bile from . the liver and carry off the constipated I waste matter and poison from tile bow els. A Casearc t tonight will straighten i you out by morning—a 10-eent box w ill keep your head clear, stomach sweet, liver and bowels regular and make you feel cheerful and bully for months. Don't forget the children —their little i insides need a good, gentle cleansing \oo. ADEL HOLDS ELECTION. ADEL. GA.. Oct. 11.—In a spirited con test here for mayor and council. C. E. Parrish was elected mayor and .1 H. Kinnon, J. T Pope. Claton Harris, s. A. Parrish and J W. F. Wodall councilmen. The town is ready to begin construction of a si werage system | Bring This Advertisement = $ J .00 ’ Y flur /I ■ Your JW - Choice /1 = Choice Tour out this advertisement and brine [ f’F 'l l F"/I *" onr dollars, and we will give you I credit on either of these 'suits for Five J WA Dollars, and allow you to pay the bal- I H anee in small payments of SI.OO A pos ■ u I I'ti WEEK. Remember, this advertisement H. "■ 'j]/ g I .A" ’ s ' V(), ’'l | onp dollar to you. so tear Ljj"" ■' •'S I «IBr’w u wWWffl' I I® fp LADIES’SUITS MEH’S SUITS |s|r! W S2O 420 flip J V « W t"e new cutaway es- of .„ t |’ eße S,, . its ' . Y'’ U V I I RSra \i a . MlV'.ffHtUf/// will be sure to gel on< |u iU W « V Al SWW fect ' " lh fancy vest ’ if you ea'l earh They ¥..|g ? I V r' Wl|l lined w ith a guaran- are made of absolutely liJ.g j\S teed satin lining. Col- pure wool worsted. I ‘Ai. jl ors. Gray. Blue, Black with the very finest \ ■ Nik and Lavender. They Venetian lining. Pants 6kH}' Ka 4? are regular thirty-dot- are cut peg top. Col- Vjb nM tar values, but will be or, Dark Blue, within- JnK our special for Satin - visible silk stripes. (J day_at the above pike. This advertisement ami This ad and $4.00 gets $4.00 gets you credit AfiZ L —— — credit for $5.00. for $5.00. PAY IKE R JUpira J— PAY THE § EASY WAY hj k i BJJIaaWffIHMMMHIi EASY WAY 73a ! Whitehall Whitehall ra (Over A& P Co.) (Over AA P Co.) Better quality than the high-priced powders, but sold at about half their cost. A big worth-while saving on a year’s supply. 1 lb. 20c.—X lb. 10c.—X lb. sc. Sold by all good grocers. Insist on having it. GEORGIAN WANT ADS BRING RESULTS. 5