Newspaper Page Text
Published by The Georgian Company,
20 East Alabama Street,
‘Atlama, Ga
Entered at Atlanta postoffice at second- I
class matter
Subscriptions Payable in Advanct
One year. mail, postage prepaid s■’. 00 '
Six months, mail, postage prepaid 2 .s*' j
Three months, mail, postage prepaid 1 25.
One month.mail, postage prepaid fi. ■
Subscriptions Payable in Advance ■
Delivered by carrier, one 'ear "t?
Delivered by carrier, six months 2 <lO I
Delivered by carrier, three months. 1.30 !
Delivered by carrier, one month 4o ■
Delivered by carrier in \tlanta and
other ci 1 ies, <ne week 10
Want Ad Rates and Rules
in the Atlanta Georgian
Or.p eer.t a word each insertion. (
x, • '
of tei w< rds. Ads in larger txpe.
a line (four words to the liner i
Out -of town advertisements
must be accompanied with cash i
Agencies' discounts 10 and 5 per :
The Georgian wiU not be respoi -
sible for more than one incorrect
\ insertion of any ad ordered more
than one time
Closing hours. To secure prop
er classification ads must be in I
The Georgian of: a e before 1 o’clock
the day of tin issue
All ad:- must be ordered out In
writing at office No discon
tinuance noiice taken over phone
Every word In the advertisement.
Including the rame and address,
is counted. Each initial counts one I
word; compound words are counted
two words
Telephone your Want Ads to The
Georgian (both phones 801*0* when I
it is more convenient to do so. and
collection will be made at your
home or at your office the follow
ing day. This is an accommoda
tion service rendered Georgian
Want Ad patrons and payment
should always be promptly made ,
on presentation of bill. Always i
ask that your telephone ad be re
peated bain to you by the ad
taker to make sure that It has been
taken correctly. The Georgian can
not guarantee accuracy r.r assume
responsibility for errors of any kind
occurring in telephone advertise
ADVERTISERS should retain re
relpts given in payment for Want
Ads over the office counter, as mis
takes can not he rectified without
them In answering advertise
ments addressed In care of The
Georgian, if the advertiser requires
references, send a duplicate of
Help Wanted—Female.
fIRTANTED Lady in youi locality to sell
famous ‘'Knittop” petticoats Guaran
teed. $5 to sls daily Experience unnec
essary, whole or part time Every wom
an buys Exclusive territory Big Christ
mas and winter seller. S pel man & Co.,
Chicago 88-12J0|
■Wanted '* g’ - wi ■ to fettled, j
steady woman Apply at IH East Ninth 1
street 81-12-10 ■
SALES LAI dEr wanted tor the Help-a-|
ph< i." 150 awi i no ex |
nerience necessai) address National
Speciale Co., Atlanta. Ga 102-12-10
"WANTED Good cook and laundress; ref- I
erences required, good wages; cook I
must sleep on premises Apply at once.
20 E<»t tM< Phersop __ 10-12-71
"WANTED a’go- id cook Apply at once 1
|l‘' 12
GOOD COOK g1 v igef S7§ Washing '
ton. 10-12-67
E X PERI EN CED cre a m
flippiTs. None but skilled ,
dippers need apply. Good*
wages. Apply Monday.;
Harry 1.. Schlesinger.
10 1 J fiO i
WANTED —A good cook, must live on '
the lot. Apply 119 North Moreland ave. j
fRTED Servant girl to do general!
housework and cook two meals a daj
for small fainilx 6 oxford Place, North
Kirkwood Phon,’ Decatur 500 10-12-57
jfr.ij’ w ■ i • Png
Capitol aye • - j
Wa n ■ ...
Apply 7P/i Whitehall 10-12 3<i
WANTED Re liable color* d s« ams < ivss t* >
work by the day ?1 50 Addn ss 148
Bedford place 10-12-20 !
Sv ANTED Dressmaking help ,?!M Spring I
street. Phone Ivy 1211 10-12-5 I
fVANT ED An expcriei;** i maid Apply 1
755 Peachtree street 10-12-10
v. • : • general
housework, nice room and good home to
'write moving picture plays, spare
time; $lO to SIOO each: experience
unnecessary, free particulars Atlas Pub
fishing Compile, 33. Cincinnati, Ohio.
57aDIES make shields at home. $lO per
100. Woik sent prepaid to reliable
V' lnr. 1 b.i’s for stMinprii iul
dressed ♦t \. !•••<♦■ Eureka Cmnpanx
j . die 58 1210
WANTED i iTst-class lady steno-book
kexpt-! Must be neat and accurate
Address 3 (> G
v. X" r' ■ act h J ... Jng iadleai to sell
tickets for charity ball; worthy cause
liberal < • rn:?:.-sn •; Address at once.
F 1 '
v. ework; good
pay 4 ' I.
Want*-g» First-class experienced cookT
663 Piedmont ax<i ~c 10-11-29
Wanted *:.H.d ~'■ ■■ " “references ~ex"
gect Call Ivy 20 ' 10-1 I -22
WANTEI’- girl wh* can do part of
laundry \v*»ik. Mui sleep In house
Small fam < all ■ • 373 Gratft
street 10-11-17
get ••'
housework in snail family Room in
i ■ ■ 11-1©
I h i g • efer
-98 \V< t x av< nu< 27-10-10
hotist M - gi\t b»one
other r.'e<i ip, x IT;* i.» Ivx 3098
'x r| m • • unmart l« <:
small tamlly. furnished servant's room
on im ’’.ill < -<• iat- > * Whitehall. <u
• In P>
(iFFH’E < .IRE xxano-l 535 Peck bulidX
ing a t ” 10-1 o u
WANTED V. ,i : u, I «r and girls desir
ing I'lnani'’ attractive positions
Welfare -i'« ra't.-rs and clerks closely
supervised by t■< < -mpany . their con
duct or, ’it yen ms i artfully guarded by
v• ■ • • -. ■ »-rx •<■ i - hikl ch let*
operator, xx 1 l <mttc . <<ntrol over
ing at perating r.-»m Two
weeks ir»i »i! g .<• !• • fur it Ve mexpr
riem cd *a'at y I•n ,• ;,. i xx 1 < learning
E. !;oy increased at the « nd • ? two weeks
him fol th > becoming • tTicient, in
treason as tl Ihcomh worthy, with op
portunities t -i ItiM KTt advan<ement to
sla’uiiLg ■ f tlit applicant tin These
hax mg v< ; at <<i ,il ad van >■ - preferred
<'arr< gi< ilhiaix bool -for lu c.u . •<
nurse in attenmince Apji.x ; • G »ablx m
Ttl < i < 1111 I yen an i • n« ‘ ? \lll <* I <ll
THE (’l.i\l< of the ,\f :
lalit.i I h iiial < <i||< ■.-< . <>i
n<‘l of Eilupwihml ;<Vf‘ |||<|
' 1., i' 11< i\v <>| <<‘!| <|;i 11 \ .
! •pt <>H Sundays. Apply
•' 81. Io Ip. hi. 10 J 7
Help Wanted—Female.
WANTED—At once, a good, first-class
cook Apply 107 Piedmont ave.: good
| wages 10-10-4 2
I \\ ANTED -First-class cook; good wages.
241 Westl’encl i tree street.
' WANTED (Jill to stay in house to do
light housework and lake tare of baby,
'mtcbaii. apartment <’ " io ii
Help Wanted—Male.
’"I.'.AXIZEKK wanted by fraternal order
: Orioles. Good territory open. Good
i commission paid, organizers must fur
, nish bond and references. Address 409
| Brisbane Bldg. Buffalo. N Y. 85-12-10
START a home business that bring
you <IOO mnothly. 1 made $8,500 first
j year with same business. Spare time. No
• canvassing 1 will show you how In
istructiv* book free. Voorhfes, Desk 34G.
' • br 89-12-10
• BE EXPERT detective and Investigatoi
i Many waiting positions at big pay
'Stamp for particular National Detective
■ . D» j u li. «’ i • 94-1
I ANYBODY, anywhere, double your In
come mailing circulars in spare timt
; Write, enclose stamp. Cook A? Co.. *216 i
’ Cottage Grove ace.. Chicago. . 9f»»12-10
SALESMEN wanted for a high-class sp - i
cialty ; almost every automobile ownei
i buys at sight; .SIOO a week easily made; .
no experience necessary. Address ?.a
I tional Specialty Co.. Atlanta, Ga.
101-12-HI I
( w anted Job press feeders Appb
i Monday. Dittler Bros., 216 and 218 East i
Huntej i •
NTI n 1 ii> perienced hotel st eward
steam shovel craneman, well driller. < y
clone traction, bookkeeper for lumber I
plant erecting machinists, car builder-;
and carpenters Address Manager, Room ■
626, Chamber of Commerce Bldg Bir ;
iniiigham, Akr r's-12-I‘l
WAXTEI) Twenty-live fast rnesserg rs,
with or without wheels; best pa' in
city. Miller’s Messenger Ser vice. I‘horn
23.: o 12-50
|G(m »| > T‘R< >pt)SITI( >N for reliable ami
• nergetic young man to sell vacuum
i cleaners. 416 Fourth National Bank
I building l.s 12 L 0
WANTED a gi boj to operate multi
graph machine Pay good salary for
the right kind of boy. Must be over 16
Make application .Monday morning, sec
ond floor take elevator or stairway in
the rear Southern Rurallst, 20 South
I >r H.vtii street 10-12-38
WANTED —At once, sever
al good male stenog
raphers. Gome Monday.
Remington Typewriter Go..
56 North Broad street.
EX PERI EN( ’EI) upholster
ers. Steady 7 work. Good
wages. Capital City Chair
Co., 172 Marietta street.
FOOT DOCTORS needed everywhere;
earn s'o weekly ; profession taught by
mail; diplomas; write f«»r free booklet;
tells hov Prof. Frazier, LL.D , 101 West
i-'mix second street. New York 39-12 10
WANT ED Man to travel in Georgia;
snaps, groceries, jewelry, etc., good pay
and tailored suit or 20-xear gold watch
|in 90 days; experience unnecessary. .1 E
M I: ady & Co., <"■ !■•.> r 42-’-.:
1 WANTED Young men to learn the lin<>-
i type business Biggest fleld for young
| men today Big pay, short hours, pleas
ant work. We prepare you at home* in
ten weeks; assist y<»u to secure good po
' sltlon. Free keyboard to earth student.
, Reasonable Write today for particulars.
National Linotxpe Institute, Rochester, N
J (4-12-13
i\\ANT I.D Men to learn ihe barber trade.
Increase your earnings Will give you
start in life that will make you independ
ent Few weeks completes Light, t h an.
•Inside work Inxt-stigale today Molcr
Barbel ■ cm. <• • 4^12 10
I• 1J 1 .’; i.a 1 , . ; . . -i. not afraid o?
work; state salary expected, references.
, Address (\ B<<\ 203, care Georgian
10 12 20
! triu.i-* hone 1 man for hustling joh \<l-
• dress Hayes. Box 707. Fitzgerald. Ga.
I __ 33-LMO
I WANTED Cake baker; sober and steady;
1 also work on bread; must furnish refer
i ences married man preferred; start on
i S2O a week. Washington Staam Bakery,
Greensboro, N (’. 10-12-16
iWA• 1’ 1 1 apal experienced male
stepo lypis Apply suite 417-418
Fourth x.iii.ji.ii Bank £O-12 10
WANTED For 1 S army, able bodied
unmarr.ed men betweet ages of 18 and
■ itizena of 1 nited of good
character and temperate habits, who can
speal . read and write tie* English lan
guage For information, apply to Re
cruiting Office!, coiner I’eachtret and
Forsyth streets, Atlanta, or 411 Cherry
BI x '• 1 ;i<■ n\ i< Men wanted < verj
| where; earn SIOO to $;;t)0 monthly; write
1 Loraine System, Dept 63. Boston, Mass.
’ ■ 4 -
WANTED • ’olored agent In this locality,
hustler $139 a month \ll 01 spare
time Ins”, irce secret • .’der. Write
quick for pa ticulai Box M 40'. <in ■
cinna tLCmio •• .•
FREE ILLE> I RA TED BOOK tells about
more than 360.090 protected positions in
United States service More than 40,000
vacancies every .war There is a big
chance here for you. su.c and generous
pay, lifetime employment to get.
Just ask for booklet <’-112 No obliga
tion Earl Hopkins, Washington, D <’
■ I\i ' v
No canvassing or soliciting required.
Good income assured Address .National
('n-( iperative Realty Company. V-9V.* Mar
den building Washington. D <’ 37-5-10
per month; travel <»ver the world.
Write Supt Ludwig. 1463 Scarritt build
ing. Kansas <’ity. M" 41-28-9
II | IRE’S di; < >PP< >RTI NJ ia to n •
S2OO monthly, spare time: no matter
where you live; no canvassing; guarantee
free booklet will show \ou bow H E.
Rogers, Dep \>. 1 ■ - \i *
1 WILL ST MIT YOl ■ ; . a
home in spare time, silvering mirrors;
no capital, free instructive booklet, giv
ing plans of operation. G F Redmond.
Depl 85 Boss( ,r M.<* - 4-19
\v \NTI'I* Experienced, ■■ class In
surance producers for general and lo
cal agencies In Georgia and adjoining
states. I' mbrxx ritei > Reitliy Company.
66 West Mitchell street, Atlanta 10 ’i l€
WANTED Two glaziers \ppl> at once
\\ oodwurd Lumht r < .Hnp.iny <O-10 - .A
MAN xxell experienced in wholesale gio
eery baMm'ss desire: position as sales
[ man or »«ookke» per I orty y ears of age
1 Go-j. a<> ( i»<ss Replv Box 470, care Geor
; giau
'W A NTED Eirst-class bed rubbers, ma
'I chine and hand polishers ami copers
1<- ph Musta Sons-Keenan Companx L<
• . J ’al
I W \NT ED Butler, milker and general
’ y.irdman Must room on lot. Gas and
1 hail \ppL 806 West Peachtree street
10 to ’•
MAIL CARRIEfiK 1 osd ffi< e dei ks want
' 1 <*d SBO nmt th \tlanta. <la Exami-
1 natU-ns durmg Nov 'tnbei Free ■ carl ing
Franklin Institute. Dept. 49 T. R«'che<ter
TUI'. CLINIC of the At
lanta Dental College, eor
. ner of Edgewood ave. and
Ivy >t.. is now open daily,
except on Sundays. Appl\
, 9 a. m. to 1 p. in. 10-2-6
•f it \»!.ti«»i *. w.uin ar pr .es <>ffored
• • •• • \l- . I. \s ■ g. . I
. • ’ • ••» frn ft. tn' a«idt < Kat
j - "ip‘i a Kt iri • patent attorneys \Va.»b-
’I. 1 STaS* ■. 1 .< t • utw hlu.x. *
amp’”»w \|! L.irbrr uor fiee ('lean
H’fci!*'.™ ‘l
•I 't '.IL ’' ' l.r ’ I*l. < 1 a■ « • 1 xvitu
\ 11 1 111 • « XM 't < i‘■ 1 ■
| Ci ,t(, 1i t <■ S, |;< Lester, X 1
Help Wanted—Male.
STOP at Hilburn hotel, heart of city,
; Walton street, if you want a clean, quiet I
! 1 room; transient 50c Open all night
j 3-21-19 |
i YES, Professor G. O. Brannitig will teach i
, you the barber trade (it's easy). We
; tea. b In one-half time of other colleges. ■
Course and position in our shops only j
S3O. Why pay more? Thousands of our I
graduates running shops or making good |
wages. Atlanta Barber College. 10 East 1
tchell street. 5-11 -17 j
W WTED Bright, strong)
boys to deliver routes ini
1 afternoons. Good wages!
and chance for promotion, j
'Call at circulation depart-:
nient The Atlanta Georgian, I
,20 East Alabama street.
i ■ "■ •" 1 -- - j
Dentistry. I
I’Tee Dental Clinic.
North Buller street, opposite Grady
i hospital. Opt n from 1 p. in. to 5 p. m.
i ' ail; (’harges made for material used.
i Help Wanted—Maie and Female, i
TED ' ; ■ and accurat-traight ;
cornp. itor, cither man or woman, for
I book and pamphlet work. Address, stat
; ng fully just vxiiai you can do, The Post
I Publishing Company', Opelika, Ala.
WANTED Colored man and wife to live
on place, n.aii to look after yard and
wife in do the cooking Apply \\ . D.
Alexander, 56 North I’rvor street.
DO YOF W ANT a better position” f'ould
you (IB a bettor one if you had it? 1
have positions for six ladies and five gen- i
tleiue 1 ). .it salaries from $75 to $ 100 per
month ind commission. Address X.. Box
x 4 < are Georgian. 28-10-10
Schools and Teachers.
FOI R WEEKS complete course of pen
manship by correspondence to all Geor
gia teachers, $lO. Some students ac
ed 1 , lorn i • gt ante d to graduates.
Bogin any time. The Swindell School of
Penmamhip, I iemt rest, Ga. 10-7-17
Teachers Wanted.
WE FI’KN'ISH schools with competent
teachers and assist teachers in secur
ing positions. Xo charge to school boards;
moderate charge to teachers. Correspond
ence Invited with school trustees and
teachers. Address I>ept. R-5, Interstate
, Teachers Bureau. Rhodes building. At
lanta; ; l<y-5-::t
SPECI it. fall enrollment; good openings
yet. Foster's Teachers Agency, Atlanta,
Ga _ 9-.28-31
Salesmen Wanted.
' • ERI BODS S doin’ it now What? Buy
tug advertising novelties for the holi
days. You li\r salesmen, write us if you
! want to sell them. Box 75, Newton, lowa.
95-12 10
■ a \ xti i> Traveling irun who are mak I
ing small towns and cross road stores to
, handle our now and up-to-date pocket
side line Pays a commission of $4 per
i order. A winner For full particulars,
address Burd Mfg (’<»., 21.2 Sigel street.
(JhJiago. HI )g 12-10
SALESMEN Do you •• ant $lO a day side
lino punch hoard deal'.' Snappiest ever
I sprung American Factories Co.. St. Louis,
Mo. J 7 -12 -1(»
I V \x IT I ■ S \i.i:s\ji:.x Earn 1250 pe>
month, sell dealers highly advertised ar
ticle Samples* not necessarv. Elato <’o.,
Stat ion l . New Yoi k. N Y 80 12-10
, waxtt D Capable salesman to cover
f Georgia with staple line; high com
missions. MOO monthly advance and per
manent position to right man. .less H.
' Smith Cog Detroit Mich 11 12 10
\\ Four high-grade specialty
salesmen; men of ability can make $75
to SIOO per week every week; five men
1 doing it You must come recommended
• and clean You call on retail merchants;
ship all goods through jobbers; strictly
j commission; personal Interviews. States
t open: Oklahoma. Arkansas. Missouri and
• Louisiana Fargo Remedy Company. Inc.,
; Rho<les Bldg . Annex ‘ B.” 10-9-26
Agents. Wanted.
\G lu t coin money selling Nt'w
1 IMPROVED HOSIERY’ direct from mill
with our bijf advertising offer. You can
mak*' $25 dally Everybody' buys. Credit.
, Samples in leatherette case free. New Im
proved K .'-:o: Mill
; YGI .XT s Her< b( i of flaxors,
perfumes ami toilet preparations ever
. offered. No capital needed. Fine sample
case furnished to workers. Write quick
q for full particulars. American Products
Co. 6145 Sycamore st., Cincinnati, Ohio.
j i'RiT. to advertisers, a book to keep your
records ii you are looking for results
• use classified section Boyces Weeklies.
Write, using letterheiid. Record Book
' Depi. It. 508 Dearborn axe.. Chicago.
9 all Lip
AGENT'S getting rich selling wonderful
M Luminous Crucifix. Gives out myste
rious light all night in darkest room. Big
. profit- Free particulars. Catholic Im
porting Co K 1, ’ r Igo 91-12-10
0 \\ ORK IX «K Y (>1 list ;ij. Make jgj to
$75 • very week Weaver, of Oregon,
sold 10 in one day profit $24. Lowry re
-1 ports. "Why I actually believe I could
sell this article blindfolded and with a
0 gag in my mouth l.xperienco unneces
sary selling the self wringing mop; 150
per cent profit; sample free with first or
der Write today. I S. Mop Companv.
I 1586 Heiss Toledo, < Hilo. 90-12-10
r ’ '’''l.D CASH 'natif. paid, banked
r in 30 d.ays by Stoncmun; $15,000 to date.
v Join our famous $1,900 class, which abso
lutely insures SI,OOO per man. per county
• Korstml. farmer, did : 2.200 in 14 days.
-*• Schleicher, minister. $195 first 12 hours
’ after appointment. Ten inexperienced
men divided $40,000 within 18 months
Strange invention startles world. Agents
l t - amazed. Think what ibis invention does;
? gives everx home a bathroom with hot
and cohi running water for $6.50 Abol-
- isht s plumbing, waterworks, self-heating:
g no wonder Hart sold 16 in 3 hours 5,000
. I all<»grth<" Lodewick 17 first day Credit
6 gixen (’t>nie now Investigate Postal
. will do '< Exclusive sale requires quick ac-
■ n Lot >'.iiv. <1 ')00 and more for \ou
-- \llen Mfg c,. . :;.'.77 Allen Bldg. Toledo.
- io
MJi'N’TS for unoccupied territory, 'fhe
Qiwn brush -broom is still tlie winner.*
U Biggest Lne behind t. Sells 50c and up.
- Wai ren Brush Co.. Cincinnati. Ohio
97 12-10
i • ESS ICEBOX C<»sts next to noth
-4 .ng: greatest boon to housewife ex er
. invented, no expense, fuss or din appre
ciated '•■umnier and winter. Stamps.
G Write Iceless, Dulut \lini 99-12-10
0 AGENTS, mail orde! and *tfw workers,
we furnish I gh grade perfumes and
toilet articles ven reasonable We are
, mantifacturers Hopfinger A- Roth. St.
78 •
ii LANTERN it | sitivelj win u<<f
break Easily sold Large commission.
Write for catalogue II Zerbe Sacramen
to, P.'i.n . ■ 12-10
AGENTS Wi ~i■■ ••’ nfonnation
i Artlch »l nerit and big seller >ou can
I tend hack of it T .1 Durrett. Cordele.
Ga 19 12-10
• ENTS \V( want an honest man or
• woman inm »«i at*-ly in every town and
•m mak* a salary •t..ra* i guaranteeing
; | *2 *‘(> pei day <»r 20* pet spare hour t«» do
easy , ph-a-ant u >rk N** experience nec
t I »ar\ < m sales w*« pay 40 per cent extra
d < ommission give credit and share our
r p’ ’fits \ r..‘ii» -«l canvasser* making
I' x-ot'O dailx profits Write quirk
- nr our L. m*»n<y-making proposition
:I B* Al - • ’ ■ ng C. 10? Hr* ad street
j pi<<\ idem * i; 1 i" 12 10
• ,<■ »l o|{r|. '«:| V s < ■•ai|\ writ* f.*r
i ' part . i .! I'nylm Remedy <’o Louis
*. \ T- 34 12 10
x > r - II ‘ giade article
H ing ira ' x Pr**\» n good sellet
-t I r- . i ulu■ R 'cord Sale*
j' 1 ‘ ‘ *‘ ‘ 1 “ ' •/. 2 M
Agents Wanted.
I ANYBODY can make money selling Waks
cases They all want it: sells itself.
: Not sold in stores. Sell two. four, six In
, every home—forty or fifty a day. Made
■of Swedish paper. Hangs dresses, suits,
lovercoats without folding or mussing
< Three sizes, 40c. 50c. 75c. Gouldlng sold
l 2.000, Gridley 500. Mrs. Webster 300 in
| three days. Evans 100. Quick sales;
I large profits No experience. Free sam
i pie offer Write for description agents'
I selling plan. Waks Manufacturing Com
; pany, 39 Miller building. Cincinnati. Ohio.
110-12 17
; AGENTS Write today for our big prop
osition. It's free. You can easily make
■ big money with it The Miller Supply
' ( ' rjm pany, Cleveland. Tenn. 42-5-10
, bON'T CANV.XSS or peddle. The parcels
post has become a law and the mail
, order business is going to boom. Det us
' tell you how io gel started in it. A
I postal card will bring full particulars.
! Murphy Manufacturing Company. South
| Norwa Ik. Conn.s-11-5
about to spend SIOO,OOO on a tremendous
advertising campaign, requires the serv-
• lee; of a bright man or woman in each
, town and city. The work is easy, pleas
ant and highly respectable, and no prevf-
; ous experience is necessary. We will pay
a good salary and offer an unusual oppor
tunity for advancement to the person who
ran furnish good references. In addition
to this salary we offer a Maxwell Auto
mobile. a Ford Automobile and over $3,-
| 000 in prizes to the representatives doing
. the best work up to December 31. Tn
l your letter give age and references. Ad-
I dress IRA B ROBINSON, Advertising
Manager, 2163 Beverly St., Boston, Mass
. 3-24-18
AGENTS and canvas-ers wanted In every
city to sell "i soline” polishing cloth.
Sells on sight, big profits Will allow
territory to hustlers. Samples free. Oil
Products Company, Inc., 17 Battery place.
New York 31-10-10
Situations Wanted—Female.
SITI ATION wanted by young white girl
to nurse or do light housekeeping
; Phone Ivy 6292-L. 74-12-10
! GOOD waist hand wants position with
dressmaker. Address Mary. Box 843,
care Georgian. 62-12-10
WANTED By experienced young lady,
position as governess or comt>anion:
good references. Address Governess, care
( L2£. g .iil!L 31-12-10
VERY REFINED, middle aged lady seeks
position as a companion or any kind
of light work. Phone West 151-J.
WANTED Maternit) cases by experi
enced nurse; price $lO a week. Bell
pbon< Decatur 565.48-11-10
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires po
sition. Address Box 836, care Geor
gia n. 27-11-10
tVAXTED \t once, by middle-aged lady,
position as housekeeper in widower’s
family. References exchanged J ft G..
Box 8 ’O. cat e Jleorgjam?3-11-10
W ANTER Extra work to do; typewriting
or stenographic. Phone Ivy 4469. or Box
279. care Georgian.lo-8 61
LADY desires position in famil) as~house
keeper: rare of children, help sew Ad
dress A. N. K., Terrill, Ky. 60-2-10
Situations Wanted—Male.
WANTED—Position as salesman; feed,
hay and grain preferred, or with pack
ing house: experience and references Ad
dress G. H. Nelson, care General Delivery.
WANTED Position as chauffeur Have
had three years experience. Can give
references. Address Box 842. care Geor
gian. 29-12-10
WANTED Position at once, by first
class steno-bookkeeper and general of
fice man of several years experience.
Can furnish A-l references. Address C.
C. L , care Georgiansl 12-10
Yol'NG M/N, three years in a South
ern university, desires about three
hours' night work. Office work or blue
print tracingi preferred. Can use type
writer Box 3?>9. care Georgian. 31-11-10
Yol’NG MAN. graduate of a Southern
college in engineering, desires extra
work at night tor three hours. Prefer
office work or drafting. Can use type
writer Address Box 838, care Georgian
WANTED- Position by a young, unmar
ried drug clerk, with three years ex
perience Am not registered, but can fill
majoritj of prescriptions. Am employed
now. but desire a change by November 1.
State salary Address Drug Clerk, Box
201. < are Georgian. 26-11-10
YOI'NG colored man wants Job as cook;
also willing to do housework Address
Work, 35 Clifton street. 36-10-10
WANT E1 >■ I'osltion as prescription clerk
or manager of first-class drug store;
have had ten years experience Will give
best of references. Address G. A. P..
care Georgian .37-10-10
POSITION WANTED by - capable "office
man fully experienced in up-to-date
methods, business correspondence, etc.;
hard worker; use typewriter; satisfactory
'references Address Box 711. care Geor
gian. 33-10-10
WANTED—By young man, position as
stenographer, assistant bookkeeper or
office work. Address 440 Woodward ave
rt u e.26-10-10
WANTED—Position In grocery store or
gent's furnishing goods. Would accept
place in office as file clerk. Have had
experience in all. Can furnish first
class references. Address Clifford Floyd,
or call Atlanta phone 1603 495 Crew
st rec L3O-9-10
'lOt'NG MAN from North would like
position of some kind at once. Ex
perienced grocery, office, shipping room.
State salary given Address Box 1830,
care Georgian. 37-9-10
' WANTED- Position by young man. Ger
' man, to work around house and act as
butler: can't speak English; prefer with
German family Address German, care
Georgian 65-8-10
1 Situations Wanted—Male and
Model 5 Before You Buy
Contractors and Home Builders.
IT WILL PAY Y’OL' to gel out estimates
on steam heating and plumbing before
' letting your work. 35 years' experience
In c!t> put? us in position to give you
1 best work at minimum cost Bashlor
Heating and Plumbing Company. 43 Car
negie Place M 455 7-20-48
Boarders Wanted.
SEE "Rooms and Board” Under Georgian
Rent Bulletin.
• ■ -
Lost and Found.
LOST Alligator skin pocketbook Re
-1 ward if returned to room 205. Grand
I 'p> i a House Building.lo-12-56
LOST Gold locket; monogram “E. H. C.”
' Reward 65 Peachtree4l-11-10
, Lt'S!’ Fox terrier. Return to George
Winters. 136 Mills and receive reward
the little white male poodle pup Thurs-
La\ aftrrimon in front of 48 Currier street
an i wa* overtaken by two young ladles a
' few doors further, phase return the dog.
- or will the young ladles give name and
I address of child? Phone ivy 6259 Re
- wardlo-11 11
' REWARD for return of my two hound
dogs Willis, dark brown, w’hite feet.
t Buck, black with white star in breast
No questions asked John
- reet Atl-mta piume 4020 W-10-52
'lj 'ST Black and white spotted coach
d« g Please return to R Congdon.
18 . 4 ; ' S *;s
.I Bl 111 \l‘ BAGS all kinds F R Loran
II a <'. • . Mlan ta
Burlap Bags
KL \l* h XGs d! kinds F R I gan
.v Co. Allan* 10-5 59
“The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin”
Do Your Renting and Searching Through This Bulletin.
> Are you looking for the best Rooms, Houses. Apartments, Rooms for House? eeping, Offices Business
/ Locations, Garages, Storage Houses, Boarding and Rooming places, etc.?
; This bulletin contains a complete list of every desirable and suitable place that is For Rent in the citv
> and suburbs in each issue. 5
For the benefit and convenience of our patrons The Georgian employs special men to cover the city and
J suburbs each day in search of all the desirable places.
Save time’, useless steps, money and worry by consulting this bulletin. It is for your convenience, so take
5 advantage of it.
Rooms and Board.
ROOM and board; private family; furnace]
heat: gentlemen only. 73 W. Peachtree.
Ivy 433-L. l<hl2-33 !
EEAI'TIFI'L room with board: private]
bath; furnace heat. 1222 W. Peachtree.
Ivy 5784-. L 10-12-40
BOARD with room. 12 W. Pine street.
Desirable board; pleasant room. Ivy
LARGE front room with board; splendid
location. 79 West Peachtree. Ivy 1449-. L
GENTLEMEN or couple without children
to occupy room and board in modern
home. Inman Park. Reasonable rates.
Ivy 5335-.1.10-12-44
TWO GENTLEMEN or couple can se
cure board, furnished bed room and
living room, with private family, on
North Boulevard References exchanged
Phone Ivy 975.10-12-45
FURNISHED room and board in private
Jewish family. Apply 20 Cooper street.
LIGHT, clean front room on second floor;
excellent meals; homelike, good neigh
borhood: walking distance; reasonable.
Call Ivy 2856-L,lO-12-24
LARGE front room with meals; north
side; private family! on car line; close
in; home comforts for business women
Phone Ivy 6493.46-12-10
ON JUNIPER STREET, near Tenth: one
front room; first-class table board. Men.
Phone Ivy 4578.10-12-31
WANTED BOARDERS—Just opened the
most attractive home on north side; ele
gant rooms, with best home cooking 33
W est Harris street.lo-11-27
ROOM AND BOARD: business men and
women; in private home. References
required. Main 3148-. L 10-11 19
THREE young ladies can get room and
board in private family; rates reason
able. References. Phone Main 280-J.
DESIRABLE room, with board 79 West
Peachtree street. Ivy 14|1’-J. 10-5-66
TWO MEN, nice room; all conveniences;
new bungalow in South Kirkwood; sev
en-and a-half-minute cars. C. M. F.. Box
881, care Georgian.
ONE VERY LARGE room, with small
room adjoining; suitable for four young
men. Rates reasonable. Call Ivy 3691-J.
NICE large rooms with excellent table
board $4 to $6 per week. 123 Capitol
ave. 10-10-30
XEAT rooms and home-like cooking; also
table board; close in. 127 Capitol ave
M. 5172-.1.10-10-39
LARGE delightful front room, private
bath, steam heat, excellent table: gar
age on lot. West Peachtree Ivy 1959-L.
WANTED—Two young ladies, preferably
school teachers, to board. Sweet room
and good table in pretty home with re
fined coußle. Call Ivy 3758-J. Call for
Mrs, Grant. 29-10-10
NICELY furnished rooms and board; all
conveniences; norttrside. 46 Angier ave
TWO NICE ROOMS and good board for
couples: single rooms for gentlemen.
Bell phone West 568-J.Al: 9 :! 0
ONE LARGE and one small connecting
room, with board, at 513 Peachtree.
SUNNY rooms, running water, best board,
furnace heat; strictly refined surround
ings. Phone Ivy 5551. 32 East North ave.
WANTED—Two gentlemen boarders in a
private family; $lB per month Call 162
Atlanta phone; ask for Mr. Lewis. 10-8-18
TWO elegantly sanitary rooms for two
couples or two gentlemen.
Everj’thing new; delightful neighborhood;
next to church; best of references re
quired; terms $6 per week in advance;
delightful home atmosphere 354 Capitol
ave . corner Georgia, next to church
98 Ivy Street.
NICELY furnished rooms and excellent
table board. 121 Capitol Square Main
4839-L. 10-4-41
Board Wanted.
WANTED—Room and board tn about half
mile; North Boulevard and Sixteenth
street. Preferably private family. Ref
erences if desired. C. E. Newell. 30
Houston street. 56-12-10
BUSINESS LADY desires board In pri
vate family or boarding house, where
can furnish own room. Would take one
or two roommates, if large room. Must
be reasonable. Give price and phone
number. References exchanged. Box 461.
care Georgian. 50-10-10
Furnished Rooms For Rent
FURNISHED room for rent; gentlemen
preferred. 58 East Ellis street. Phone
Ivy 2403-.1. 83-12-10
FOR RENT To nice young man or busi
ness woman, newly furnished front
room; all conveniences. Owner Ivy
3211-L. 10-12-73
ONE large front room in home; young
men preferred. Ivy 1576-1,. 72 12 10
NICELY furnished front room in Inman
Park, to lad} or gentleman. rent reason
able Applv 119 North .Moreland ave
Foil RENT—ljarge. sunny, front room
for gentlemen or business lady. Close
in in private home Call Ivy 3540-L.
FOR RENT -One nicely furnishd room.
with private bath. One with a sleeping
porch. Call Ivt 4060. 10-12-48
PRIVATE FAMILY will rent one or two
furnished rooms to young men: all
home comforts 50 Grady place. West
End West 48-L.lO-12-49
FOR RENT Two nice connecting front
rooms in private family. Ivy 1692-J
10-12 51
FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms.
with or without board. 19 East Baker
street. Phone Ivy 2923. 67-12-10
FI'IINISHEI* complete for light house
keeping. with or without board; close
in: conveniences, Atlanta 4810. 10-12-32
IN owner's home, four rooms; private
bath; furnished complete; housekeeping
adults only. Ivy 2825-L.lO-12-35
LARGE front room, steam heat, electric
lights Most desirable neighborhood,
north side. References required. Ivy
2498-1. 10-12-36
NEWLY furnished rooms. Modern con
veniences, 65 E. Cain, Ivy 6490.
FOR RENT —Nice front bed room in
modern north side home for lady ste
nographer or trained nurse Call Ivy
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, all
modern conveniences. electric lights;
hot and cold water: gentlemen preferred
48 Williams street. 27-12-10
FOR RENT —S'swh furnished rooms 46
Houston street Bell phone Ivy 6673-J
FOR REN T Furn shed roon w aiking
distance conveniences. Woodward ave
nue. corner Central, Gentlemen onlv
FOR RENT Newlj furnished front room.
dressing r<amt connecting, ‘conven
iences private famil} references PI one
Io . a 53' 1 -" 10
FOR KENT Steam-heated furnished
room. with, private fatnll' private liv
ing loom tn connection M'pi' if Weal
Beker Streit tiiMt Hour. Ivv 68 •I - i
I 40 12 .7
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
FOR RENT—Nice room, with bath, heat
and electric lights. 485 Peachtree Ref
i erences. 10-12-29
FOR RENT—Furnished rooms: single
and double; to permanent parties; rea
sonable rates. 72 Spring.s9-12-10
FURNACE HEATED: two beds, tele
phone. bath. 169 Cleburne. Ivy 3984-L.
IF you want a furnished rooms that is
near in. comfortable and clean, call at
No. 20 West Harris street. Bell phone
Ivy 6594. Gentlemen 0n1y,46-11-10
ONE nicely'Turnished room in steam
heated apartment, second-floor. Phone
Ivy 5039. 14 West Baker street. 14-11-10
FURNISHED front room for rent; can be
used for light housekeeping; close in and
reasonable. 28 Pulliam street. Call Bell
phone Main 4231-J for information.
SIDE.PHI ISE IVY 4281,10-11-28
FOR gentleman, front room in steam
heated apartment; close in; north side.
Ivy 6033-J.lO-11-21
FOR RENT--Two connecting furnished
rooms for housekeeping. 58 West
LIGHT housekeeping rooms and furnished
front rooms. 67 Woodward avenue.
FURNISHED or unfurnished first or sec
ond floor room. Private home. North
side. All conveniences. Phone Ivy 5824.
FURNISHED rooms in strictly private
home. 19 East Harris street. 10-11-3
FOR RENT —Two nicely furnished con
necting first-floor rooms for light house
keeping; with every convenience. Close
in. Main 31.74-L. 69 East Fair. 10-11-5
FOR RENT—Large front room, newly pa
pered. nicely furnished, reasonable, to
gentlemen or couple. 37 East Harris
street. 34-11-10
FOR RENT—Front room in private fam
ily. Modern conveniences. Reasonable.
70 West Baker. Ivy 3266-J.lO-10-51
BEAUTIFUL suite of rooms: tile bath;
best section West Peachtree; new home.
W’ith owner. Ivy 99. 10-10-28
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished front room,
to gentleman. 47 East Cain. One block
from Peachtree, Reasonable. 46-10 10
TW<> furnished front rooms reasonable;
all conveniences; private family. 240
Central ave.lo-10-45
FOR RENT —One nicely furnished front
bed room for one or two young men;
private home; steam heated: dressing
room attached, with hot and cold water.
Apply 156 Juniper. Telephone Ivy 2342-L.
FOR RENT One or two furnished rooms
suitable for young men. Phone M.
31|41. Address 227 Capitol ave. 10-10-43
FOR RENT-Two furnished rooms; all
conveniences. 93 Pulliam.lo-10-18
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished front room;
steam heat: electric lights; hot and
. cold water. Apartment 3, 38514 Peachtree.
Ivy 2632-J. 10-10-21
NICELY’ furnished front room in private
■ home. jVtlanta phone 277. 10-10-2?
FOR RENT—One. two or three furnished
rooms, upstairs. 317 Grant street.
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished front
room; all conveniences. Phone Ivy
; 1954. 59 East Harris.lo-9-1
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms,
single or en suite, tn north side private
1 home All conveniences. 74 East Merritts
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms; all
■ conveniences; close in. 104 Ivy street.
TWO MEN, nice room; all conveniences;
new bungalow in South Kirkwood; sev
en and a half minute cars. C. M. F.,
1 l)X 831, care Georgian. 42-9-10
FOR RENT —Nicely furnished rooms;
1 light housekeeping rooms. 210 Spring.
I 9? "-J. 10-8-53
FOR RENT—Newly furnished rooms, near
in; heat. 34 and 35 Cone.lo-8-50
FOR RENT—Delightful, sunny rooms,
1 with private bath, or adjoining bath.
261 Whitehall, Atlanta phone 2203
FOR RENT —-Nicely furnished close-in
1 rooms at 185 South Pryor street. Bell
phone Main 5300. 29-8-10
DELIGHTFUL front room; private bath;
garage; refined home. "Peachtree.”
care Georgian. 33-7-10
f NICELY’ furnished rooms. 50c night. $2.50
i a week and up. Broadway Hotel. 7%
N. Broad street. Hot and cold water.
) 10-4-2
) ONE handsomely furnished furnace heat
; ed room. Call Ivy 2933-J, or call at
, 485 Peachtree street, upstairs.lo-5-27
“ NICELY furnished' front rooms; strain -
heat; all conveniences. 45 Williams
■ street. Apartment 3, Ivy 2110.10-1,-35
: FOR RENT—To nice young man or busL
ness woman, newly furnished front
■ room; al) conveniences. Owner Ivy
2211-L.lO 1-9
NICE, newly furnished rooms; also light
housekeeping apartment; close in 151
] Spring street. 9-27-20
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
, THREE large connecting rooms; private
! porch. 400 Courtland street, one block
; from Peachtree. 100-12-10
* TWO newly papered rooms in Gram park
i section; 88 a month. Address Box 844.
' care Georgian.lo-12-66
FOR RENT Two nice, unfurnished, con-
J necting rooms; gas. water, stationary
i washstand: ten minutes walk to union
•. depot. 174 Pulliam street Atlanta
phone 4776. t>B-12-10
Foil KENT Three large first-floor niTims:
$lO. or four for sl2: water and gas
: With ownei. 104 South Moreland ave-
I nite.Atlanta 4689. 66-13-10
> FOR RENT on first floor, for light
I housekeeping, two large roqms, hall.
kitchen. 143 Spring street. 58 -12-10
: !• 1 H< RENT —Three or four unfurnished
rooms for light housekeeping, private
bath. 297 Crew street. 10-12-5
THREE or four rooms, suitable - fi>r Tight
housekeeping: upstairs. Apply 105-A
* Highland avenue. 10-11-35
* 48 DUNN ST.. West End; lower floor and
■ yard; sls. ■ 47-11-10
] FOR RENT —Three or four rooms, jus?
j papered: near capitol; modern irnprove-
> ments. Call Bell phone Main 3889-.1.
’ FOUR or five rooms; gas and water 143
' Kelly. 10-11-25
■ TWO unfurnished rooms for rent cheap
11 Broyles st Atlanta phone 6037-M
.’ 10-11-25
FOR RENT Four unfurnished rooms.
Will rent to small family or in part
1 first floor. Very reasonable. Inquire on
i premises. 46 Brotlurton 10-11-18
F< iR RENT—Three rooms; s»cond~Hoorl
' east and south exposure, hot and cold
■ water, bath; with small family of three
i grown persons. 17 Crew street. Phone
Main 4457. 29-11-10
: Till;EE large first floor connecting rooms.
431* Central ave Bell phiuie Main 9084
; References * 10-10-81
FOR RENT--Thr‘<e unfurnished - rooms;
1 suitable for light housekeeping. With
; small familt No children. Terms reu
sonabh *'.<llMaii i--*-> 10-10-33
FoR RENT Three desirable light house-
1 keeping rooms: all conveniences Price
reasonaltic 225 North Boulevarci 10 10-4$
i <*NE large downstairs unfurnished room
for rent cheap G . 270 lb i-ton street
' I I'.' 6654 His-11
FOR KENT Three rooms, hot and cold
wa at, sink phttnc lit’cts. convenient t>
I 'cats, to . ■ tpie .Main 1* ;;■■• l vx |
teliiral a venue. Io 8-40
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
IOR RENT— rooms, furnished
unfurnished. 21 Gilmer street ms- 21
"THE WOODROW”— N ew i v
streel. unfurnished rooms. ' 143
DELIGHTFUL front room,
unfurnished; steam heat; all eonven
tences; north side; private home; gentl"'
h-T- »-n b \ lß ' nesa w, ” nan Preferred. Phone
J ’ - 10 -10-24
NICELY furnished and
rooms. 29 East Ellis.
Housekeeping Rooms For Rent.
TWO nicely
housekeeping with private family rates
very reasonable. Apply 236 South For
syth st., near Whitehall.
R . ENT —Three rooms for lighthouse
keeping, at West End; sls a month
For information, call 806-. T West. IQ-IQ-ia
LI o < ; T i?s housekeepers anti roomers warned
at 145 Spring street. Ivy 3904-L. 10-8-49
FRONT rooms furnished complete
housekeeping; reasonable; close in 18
Woodward. 16-5-4
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
LOVELY little
f, . ,l ;n |s hed; sink in kitchen with
hot and cold water: furnace heat and eler
trie lights; north side home, with owner
references given. Ivy 5731. 10-12-64
three attractive sunshiny rooms
housekeeping; north side; no children
also beautiful room with bath for tn.
gentlemen, T 'hone Ivy 2478. 10-7-5
FOR RENT—HaIf cottage, compleFeh
furnished: four connecting rooms and
bath; everything private: new gas range
sink in kitchen, hot water attachment
phone, good locality, near cars; south <ide'
Phone Main 4433-J. 43-7-10
Furnished or Unfurnished Apart
mer.ts For Rent.
IN THE ST. BRIDE. 52 East Caln street
two desirable kitchenette apartment
one furnished if desired. Each t!,'>.
rooms with kitchenette. Large ba’b
Three big closets. Ideal arrangement for
couple, comfortable son three for hoitt
keeping. New. Clean. Quiet. Sanitar’.
Close in. Good neighborhood. Stoat
heated, but cool irr summer. Good light
and ventilation, with windows on tl r<
sides. Storage room. Good janitor * >;?.
first-class tenants. References rc o
Owner lives on premises. For detail- ap
ply Apartment 9. Hamilton Dorgla
owner. io_s
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
FOUR-ROOMED brick apartments, near
In, north side; heat, lights and !•;<< r..
S3O: also four-roomed suburban house:
water and city improvements; $lO. ;oi
Candler Bldg. 10-12-tG
large porch; very desirable. 105-A High
land avenue. 10-11-34
FOR KENT—Two new 4-room apartmer.’-
with front and rear porches. 279 East
Pine street. 55-8-10
Unfurnished Houses For Rent
FOR RENT—Aji elevated corner house
close in; fourteen rooms; clean and in
high; sanitary condition; right price to a
good party; long or short lease as desired.
Apply Adair, Century Building. 8-12-I’l
FIVE-ROOM bungalow on South Dera
tur car line, furnace heated, for rent
Phone Decatur 79.28-12-19
FOR RENT—Very desirable 9-rocm re-:
dence: large lot. Apply 105-A Highland
avenue. 10-11-33
FOR RENT—Seven-room brick; large 1 '.
central; stables, garage. Main 4091-. J.
ARTISTIC bungalow, screened, furnace,
tile bath, garage. "Ansley Park." care
phone for our rent bulletin Ralph P
Cochran, 19 South Broad street. 4-1 21
THE HOUSE you build, buy or
rent will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
Stores For Rent.
CENTRAL BUSINESS property store 3
South Broad street; also basement and
second floor building, 1-3-5 South Br a<l
Access from Alabama and Forsyth streets.
Private railroad track Hugh Richard.- c.
Atlanta National Bank Bldg. 10-t’i-E
Furnished Rooms Wanted.
WANTED—Two furnished light house
keeping rooms, with heat. State pi”'‘
Address Box 842, care Georgian.
wanted—Smalt furnished apar
close In. by couple; no children
price. C. M., care Georgian. 32- U'
WANTED—Two or three gentlem,"
nicely furnished rooms and boar’!
West Caln street.
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted
WANTED—By elderly lady, imfurn '•'» 1
room, convenient to barb, on noi-tb
Phone Ivy 3635-L. 69-12-I*l
Housekeeping Rooms Wanted.
WANTED -Three rooms for light lv
keeping by couple; Inman Park or n*
Decatur car line; give location a
reference B<»x 77!), care (.corgi; l ’
Unfurnished Apartments Wanted.
WANTED To share an apart men* *
business woman. I desire to
own furniture and would wai
three rooms for my own use. Prefer ’ 1
with electric lights and close to ’l*e
Address C., T. O. Box 562, Atlai n
Unfurnished Houses Wanted
eight-room modern dwei
North side.
Fire-Proof Storage.
pianos. Office and warehou •
Edgewood avenue. Ivy 2037. '
Wocdside Storage Company
Stove and Range Repairing
We sell secondhand gas stov* -
We <weep ehinmevß.
Atlanta Phope 2235 Bell Phoru- M * 'y } -
Trunks, Bags and Siu' e»
Hl .1 All El * L\|> REPAIKI , b
PHONES. Bell •Miiill 1576, Al*' •