Newspaper Page Text
Legal Notice.
BER, 1912.
\\ II be sold before the present court ;
I <e door, "old city hall building," lo- I
it the northeast corner of South '
and East Hunter streets, the said
.ypmis s having been designated by the
board of commissioners of roads and rev
, s of Fulton county as the court house.
' ' i e citv of Atlanta. Fulton county,
..-la ori the first Tuesday in N’avem
her 1912. a ’ public outcry, within the
,eeil hours of sale. to. the highest and
h/.: bidder or bidders, ’for cash, the
whole, part or parts of the following de
icribed property:
All that tract or parcel of land, lying
sr . being in the city of Atlanta, part of
Is J lot Number One Hundred and Ten
n the Fourteenth (14th) district of
Fulton county, Georgia, commencing fifty
,p. e t from the southeast corner of
Carter i formerly Jack) street and Chest
nut street. and running thence south
along the east side of Chestnut street fifty
.sii,' feet, thence east eighty-six (86) feet,
■ , tl ,. north along the property owned by
\po Renthrow fifty (50) feet, thence west
' ng life property owned by Robert Bell
ightv-six (86) feet to the begin
nK point. It being the same property
, unveyed to C. K. Keith by deed dated
first day of October, 1902. by Atlanta
Banking and Sav,n gs Company, which
,lee,l is recorded in Book 167, Folio 48, in
the office of the clerk of the superior court
Pulton county, Georgia. Levied upon
.. ti ■ property of the estate of Clarke
Kendrick Keith in the hands of his ad
ir. i Atrator. Jetty L. Keith, for the pur
of administration to satisfy a fi. fa.
tsuied from the Fulton court of ordinary
in favor of Cora Keith Early vs. the said
letty 1. Keith as administrator of Clarke
Kendrick Keith. Tenant in possession no
t i fi ed.
Ms,, at the same time and place, all
that tract or parcel of land situated, lying
and being in the city of Atlanta, part of
land lot Seventy-six (76), of the Four
teenth H4th) district of originally Henry,
now Fulton county, Georgia, and more
particularly described as follows: Lot sev
enteen (1.7) of the subdivision of Block
ihirty-six (36), commencing on the west
aide of Formwait street eighty-three (83)
feet north of Glenn street, and running
thence north on the west side of Form
walt street fifty- (50) feet to lot sixteen
<l6). thence west one hundred and sixty
11601 feet to a nine (9) foot alley, thence
south on said alley fifty (50), thence east
one hundred and sixty (160) feet to point
of beginning, said premises being known
as No 249 Formwait street, according
io the present system of -numbering
houses in the city of Atlanta; said deed.
I having been dated June 27, 1907, and re-
I corded in Deed Book 204, Page 438, of
Pulton county records. Levied upon as
the property- of Mrs. Theodosia D. Warren
to satisfy a fl. fa. issued from the city
court of Atlanta, in favor of E. McC.
kdamson vss, the said Mrs. Theodosia D.
Warren; a deed for the purpose of levy
and sale having been executed, filed and
recorded as required by law. Tenant in
poeseeeion notified.
AJm at" the same time and place the
following described property, to-wit: All
that tract or parcel of land lying in the
citv of Atlanta, and in land lot One Hun
dred and Eleven <111) of the Fourteenth
I 14th) district of Fulton county. Georgia.
I and commencing on the north side of
I Jett street at a point one hundred and
I ten G 10) feet west from Sunset avenue
I formerly Arthur street), and running
I -hence west along the north side of Jett
I street fifty-four (54) feet, and extending I
I back north of same width as front along I
I the west side of a ten (10) foot alley one j
B hundred and thirty-five (135) feet to
another alley, being Jots 14 and 15
| tn Block "H,” as in plat in Deed Book I
I NX-793, Fulton county records. Levied
upon a-s the property of Joel A. Jolley to
| satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the superior
I court of Fulton county, Georgia, in favor
■ < f Atlanta Banking and Savings Company
| vs. the said Toel A. Jolley. Tenant in
ptAsers'.cn notified.
Also, at the same time and place, all
| that tract or parcel of land lying and be-
■ Ing in ths city of Atlanta, in land lot
| twenty (20) of the Fourteenth tilth) dls-
I trict of Fulton county, Georgia, begin-
■ at a point on the west side of Pow-
■ *ll street one hundred anti fifty (150)
I feet north of the northwest corner of
■ Fair and Powell streets, at the north line
| of an alley; thence running north along i
■ the west side of Powell street elghty-six !
■ 'B6 feet; thence west one hundred and '
■ forty (140) feet; thence south eightv six I
■ <B6) feet, to said alley; thence east along i
K the north line of said alley one hundred
■ anti forty (140) feet, to beginning point.
■ I*vied upon as the property of E. C.
I lister, L. G. Camp and L P. Huddles-
■ ton to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the
■ city court of Atlanta In favor of Empire
■ Trust and Safe Deposit Company vs. the
El said E C. Lester, L. G. Camp and L. I'.
E Huddleston, as makers, and 1. C. Clark as
i indorser. A deed for the purpose of levy
■ and sale having been executed, filed and
■ recoxled required bv law Tenant in
■ P l,reffSfi ion not;tied.
E| Also at the same time and place the foi- *
E mwtng described property, to-wit: All
E that tract or parcel of land lying and ■
■ being in the city ot Atlanta, being part
of land Kot forty-three (43) of the Four- |
■ r«“ (14th) dfetrlot of originally Henry.
El county, Georgia, and being
■ lot number twenty-four (No. 24), in sub-
■ division of a part of the Continental
■ <rd Company's property according to
E Plat of Hall Bros, civil engineers, as re
B vorded In plat book number two (No. 2). 1
E rare 14. of the records In the office of the i
Bl ' erk of the superior court of said county, i
E and more particularly described as fol-I
■ lows: Beginning at the northeast corner I
■ m ""mono and Hill streets and running
K m»nce east along the north side of Or-
■ lent. street sixty-four (64) feet; thence
■ n one hundred and forty-one (141)
E to an alley ten (10) feet wide; thence
■ rest along the south side of said alley
■ I ►'xty five (65) feet to Hill street: thence
■ h along the east side of Hill street
■ '\r.e hundred and forty-one (1411 feet to
KI ,l p P'-int of beginning. Levied upon as
KI Uoperty nf Jk- l-awrence to satisfy
B ", H from the city court of At-
K -rta m. favor of Mrs. Mattie King, guar-
B l ' le sa ’° !'-■ E Lawrence. A deed
B ’ p Purpose of lev) and sale having I
B ' executed, filed and recorded as re- ‘
" ' aw Tenant in possession noti
fy , ,’he same time and place, the
H . E oeserlbed property, to-wit: All
B ,r act or parcel of land lying and
E", ’he city of Atlanta, and in land
■ mteen H 3), of the Fourteenth (11th I
Bl ' Eulton county, Georgia, and
K ijng at a point on the south side
avenue two hundred and
Bl s;.':. '' fpet eapt from Walnut mow
B. ' s,rop ’. and running thence east
K B south side of Kirkwood avenue
H. '' feet: thence south one hundred
s<> • .feet to an alley; thence
Bf I'lfig the north side of said alley
HF ;' IH| 1 f the sub-division of the
IB I't' i.ertj : thence north one hun-
■ a! ' 'hir’.' <l3o> feet to the begin-
K f : mt -being all of lot 6 anti west
K| ■. "< the above named plat as
H s Robert, civil engineer. June
levied upon as the propertv
M '"rd to satisfy a fl. fa. is-
|K ' the city court "I' Atlanta in fa-
' 'Jania Banking and Savings
K us transferee, vs. the said \\ .
K tumlpai, and W. H Faith, en-
... ' ceeii for the purpose of levy
HB '■ ravmg been executed, filed ami
Hf. ' !> tequired by lav. Tenant in
ui notifld.
•. . ~ip same lime and place, the
y-jies.-i ibe.l property, to-wit: All
■■ or parcel of land lying and be-
BE -Ity of Atlanta, part of land
- W" '..-I, ot tlie Fomueenth il4tb>
■B "tiginallt Henry, now Fulton
EK ''-'i.'Tia, known in the plan of
BB ■ p.'tt if vitv lut number one
BB h '“ ,u .t-i)-r.t e i Ri'ii. ami on
■B . ’ a< former number two hun
-ixtx-tu., i;.t;_i. fronting mi
■B t-aui l air siri-et, between
EH > "1 1 ' s| reets. lliii'tv-seven
feet, ami extemiing
SB " ' tie humlred ■ lv(>, teet, mure
flHfi bi-umled as follows: (>n tlie
IB '■ -I rtn. rlt Shocks, . n the easl
Hajj .’ r ■ 1 ' Woods, uh Hie south
Bi :, t 'l on ti e W' -I by t',.rmi " -
1 derr , known in the present
- «- t.umber two hun-
■ (No. 280, Hast Fair
‘ "eng the same property con
|n -hi ano M Human hv Frank
bH l.ijolmann, deceased Levied
MB /' t‘f"imrtv of I <• .'lark t „
HK ’a issued item th, eii\
■K ’ lam.' (I favoi f,w, Ht Rame's
lam. primupal. at ,l I. i
Bl i m.mto.ii
I . ’ ■ "me' I erar.: in I
UK ' -riiiu- lime ami pin, , T) e '
Mi -ill".. r- ■i .; m..( ,i t, ~ . I
n 'Sts. ir.m -nfr. || r u ,;i
"■ " >‘..l . |"|. m- n,, I
Legal Notices.
paopertx of John M, Baird to satisfy a ti.
ta. issued from the justice of the peace
court of the 1026th district, G. M., Ful
ton county. Georgia, in favor of .1. H.
' vs -_ -'l’ m Georgia Morgan as prin
cipal and John 11. Baird as security.
I nis property being difficult and expen
sive to tiansport, it will not be brought
ami exposed at the court house door on
the date of sale. The same can be seen ,
and examined in room 110, Temple Court
building, corner of South Pryor and Ala
bama streets, Atlanta. Ga.
at ’ke same time and place, tlie
tollowing described personal property, to
wit. Baking outfit consisting of porta
hie oven (Hubbard make), utensils, pans,
work table, bread trough, coulter scales.
n - ' ~L m le< ? upon as tlle property of
i.. I . Goddard to satisfy a ti. fa. issued
'VV Fulton superior court in favor
?■ I■' . • Bro °ks & Co. vs. said L. I’.
Goddard. I his property being difficult
and expensive to tiansport, the same will
not be brought to and exposed before
th< court house door on the day of sale;
Y an Pe .~^S en aIHI examined on the
premises, „(>, Butler street, Atlanta, Ga.
Also at the same time and piaceT~the
following described personal property- to
n?,lkn,oK(V e ‘."'“-seated Clement-Bayard
automobi e. Levied upon as the propertv
rl H P nt anil "• G - Hunt, to satis
fc iZ issueci from the superior
t our A' ,f Fu, ton county in favor of John M
Smith vs, .1. A, Hunt and W. G. Hunt.
Also at the same time and nlace*.~the
tollowing described personal property to
wit: One While gas foredoor 30-horse
power automobile and equipment. Levied
upon as the property of J. J. Murphy to
satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the superior
court of I-ulton county. Georgia. In fa
xor of Motor Car Service Company vs.
the said J. J. Murphy.
Also at the same time~and place, the
following described personal property, to
wn: one five-passenger Thomas automo
bile, painted red. Levied upon as the
property of W. W. Fox to satisfy a fi. fa.
Issued from the city court of Atlanta In
favor of H A. Harth vs. the salt! W W.
box. Property pointed out by plaintiff s
C XV, MANGVM, She r i ff.
STATE OF GEORGIA —County of Fulton
lo the Honorable the Secretary of the
State of Georgia:
The petition of the Trust Company ot
Georgia, a banking corporation organized
and existing under the laws of the state
of Georgia and chartered by virtue of a
special act of the general assembly of the
s’ a ’ e “I Georgia approved September 21st.
1891, as amended by an act of the general
assembly of the state of Georgia ap
proved November 13th, 1893, respectfully
, That by virtue of the provisions of sec
tions 2271 to 2274, both inclusive, of the
(. ode of Georgia of 1910, said Trust com
pany of Georgia desires to amend its spe
cial charter by incorporating therein cer
tain provisions of the General Banking
Act, to-wit:
1. The provisions of section 2267 of the
Code of 1910, as amended by act of the
general assembly of the state of Georgia
approved August 19th. 1912, which section
as amended reads as follows:
"The business of the Corporation shall
be under the management and control of
i a Board of Directors to consist of not less
than three nor more than twenty-five
members of the corporation, who must be
the owners and holders of one or more
shares of the 'apital stock in good faith.
The Board of Directors shall exercise only
| such powers as may be legally delegated
i to them by the stockholders or by the
I by-laws adopted by the stockholders. The
Board of Directors shall be elected by the
stockholders at such time and place and
I for such term as mav be appointed b\ the
And that it shall be within tin- right
and power of the stockholders of said
Company to fix the number of directors
from time to time within the minimum
and maximum numbers named in said
enactment so proposed to be incorporated
as an amendment to the charter of said
2. The provisions of section 2268 of the
Code of 1910. which section reads as fol
lows :
"The board 'if directors shall have
power to prescribe how, and in what
sums, and at what times and places any
unpaid part of the capital shall be paid
m; and in the event any stockholder shall
I fail or make default for sixty days to
pay any call regularly made in his sub
: scription to stock, the directors may di-
I rect suit to be brought against him fortb
' with for the amount of such call, or may
In their discretion, after thirty days no
tice to such stockholder, cause his stock,
after proper public advertisement for thir
ty days, to be put up and sold at auction
to the highest, bidder, and any deficiency
in this sum thus received, necessary to
make the amount of the call, shall be
made good by the delinquent. Any sur
plus over the amount of the call and the
expenses of the sale shall be paid to him.
A new certificate of stock shall be issued
to the purchase;, and he shall stand in
the same relation to the company as the
; delinquent would have done had ho net
iso made default. The sale shall be at
i the court house door in the county where
said companv is located. The capital stock
lof the corporation may be increased to
such amount as may be desired by the
stockholders, or it may be decreased to a
sum not less that, twenty-five thousand
dollars, at a meeting of the stockholders
called for the special purpose by order of
the board of directors, of which notice
■lms been given each stockholder lor, in
lease of death, to hfs legal representatives
I or heirs at law), personally or by mall,
1 addressed to Ids last known residence.
1 at least thirty days previous to said spe
cial meeting, and such Increase, or de
crease shall be made in such manner as
shall be determined by the meeting of
stockholders, it requiring the vote of a
majority in amount of the entire capital
stock to authorize such increase or de
crease, and the manner of effecting the
same. If, at such meeting, the stock
holders holding the majority in amount
of the capital stock vote for such in
crease or decrease, the proceedings of
the meeting must be reduced to writing
and entered upon the books or minutes of
■ the corporation, and a copy thereof, verl-
I fled by the president or cashier, shall be
' filed and recorded In the office of the sec
retary of state, and when so filed and
recorded shall become an amendment to
said charter, and a certified copy thereof
shall be evidence of all facts therein con
tained in all courts of this state, without
further proof." ,
That there accompanies this declara
tion. attached thereto as "Exhibit 1." a
e.ipv of the resolutions of the board .of
directors of the Trust Company of Geor
gia. authorizing this application to be
made, certified to be such by the sec
retary thereof under the seal of the com
pany,’ together with statement contained
in the certificate of said secretary speci
fying the date of the charter of said com
pany, together with the date of an amend
ment thereto.
WHEREFORE, it prays that this decla
ration or petition be filed as provided by
law and that after a due compliance with
the provisions of the law in such cases
made and provided the charter of the
Trust Companx' of Georgia be amende*
so as to incorporate therein the provisions
of the General Banking Law hereinbefore
WITNESS the signature of the presi
dent and the corporate
seal of said corporation.
(Seal) this the 10th day of Oc-
tober. 1912.
WHEREAS, it is deemed desirable by
the board of directors of the Trust Com
pany of Georgia that its charter be
amended so as to permit it it' to in
crease the uieml'crship of th*' board "f
directors, and (2> to hav« the right and
power to increase or decrease its capital
stock as its stockholders max determine
upon: and
WHEREAS, tills i ompaiix was incorpo
rated under ii special aei of the general
us.-emblx of tile state of Georgia, ap
proved September 21st. IXl*l. which m t of
incorporation xxas amended by an act "1
the general asxembly of tb* slate of Geor
gia npproxe.l November 13th. 189:i; and
W HEREAS, it .• in c. ssai x in order to
accomplish the purpose hereinbefore set
forth to procure an amendment of the
charte’- of this company, bx having in
corporated therein these of. the
General Banking Laws providing for the
number of directors wbo-b s,|. I, a cor
poration may hnxe ate r , ovid ng for the
decrease ot mrrease o' t c capital stock
, :,. j , cs' d* 11* "f ' ■ no 11 '‘ i' bi .i ■-1 r
I c licrehx authorized lo make ami die m
| the oi'dc. of tin ■ . ••■< ■ of i'' of h*
I .»;i ,i t ( I <f < «u<'J - '.*in ' •I■ < ’ h ra • ■-n * n \v rH i fi•.
t n . . .»rp<»rair >• 'i "f thj! "ii.pan,
I .IH> 'gtialhig Ill'll ’.'’>4 Mini li'r
I »’4w|» •>’ I’ I”, it-* ’I” 'h»* I*' ”1 H'U
i The w. T. Danforth Realty Company
' lias opened offices at 8 Auburn avenue.
W. T. Danforth, president of the com
pany. is well known in Atlanta, having
been here twelve years, connected with
the Atlanta. Birmingham and Atlantic
' ami Georgia railroads as claim agent,
i Mr. Danforth was fortunate in getting
ie R. Groover as sales manager. He is
| a well known real estate man with tlie
|C. R. Groover agency, 718 Empire build
| Ing, He is a wide-awake young man.
J. O. Smith also is with this company as
salesman. He is extensively known in
Atlanta, having been fifteen years with
the Southern Bell Telephone Company
and of late with the Harper Realty Com
pany. 717 Third National Bank building.
N - . R. Hathorn is with the new firm
as salesman. He is known widely in
the real estate business, coming over
with Mr. Groover from the C. R. Groover
I he new firm will handle city property
and acreage, especially in Fulton coun
i ty, and do renting and general real es
tate business. It now has a large and
carefully selected" list of city and subur
ban places for sale or rent, which any
. member of the firm or any of the sales
men will take pleasure in showing pros
pective customers. They will be glad
to have all their friends call to see them.
i 1
Warranty Deeds.
i ssso—Moses Wood to H. S. Ha: per,
lot 200x200 feet, south side Bellemeade
. avenue, adjoining E. H. Wood’s land,
land lot 152, seventeenth district. Oc-
; tober 10, 1912.
SSO0 —\\ . M. Reed to H. J. Ctanshaxv,
■ lot 50x195 feet, east side Clark street,
I 202 feet south of Fourteenth street.
‘ June 15, 1912.
$5—G. A. Duke to Lillie M. Shaw as
1 administratrix of estate of H. AL Shaw,
i lot 50x110 feet, at corner West Simp
son and Mangum streets, to correct
■ former deed. October 10, 1912.
$750 —E. E. Steed to R, I. Barge, lot
■ 95x280 feet, southeast coiner of Hardin
‘ avenue and Madison street, College
Park. August 17. 1912.
SI.SOO—A. H. Eidson to R. J. Barge,
; lot 50x150 feet, west side Holderness
street, 150 feet south of Greensferry
■ avenue. September 21, 1912.
■ $1,315--Miss D. I). Ector to Georgia
, Savings Bank and Trust Company, No.
j 315 East Fail- street, lot 43x100 feet.
I made to secure notes. October 9. 1912.
$6,000 —J. H, & H. A. Russell to same,
’'lot 60x190 feet, south side West Fifth
■ street. 320 feet south <3f West Fifth
; | street, made to secure notes. October
; ; 4, 1912.
i SIOO A. C Martin to Mrs. S. G. Pope,
I i lot 50x100 feet, east side Sampson
1 ; street, 92 feet south of Houston street
; I October 4, 1912.
$1 anti Other Consideration- John H.
> Doyle to Mrs. Fannie G Turpin, lot
i 38. section 29, Hollywood cemetery.
■ September 21, 1912.
[: $1,500- Henry W. Plunkett to Bassil
J Blackwell, lot 50x162 feet. South side
P Oakland avenue, 250 feet-east of Hart-
I : ford avenue. October 11. 1912.
$5,733 Mrs. Minnie W. Lampkin to
' Joseph T Wiley, No. 103 Ivy street, lot
being 3-4 acres, being 2-15 interest.
: June x. 1911.
> > sll’’. J, Young to l>. H. Townsley,
Hot 37x95 feet, w* st side Herbert street,
t 167 feet south of Johns st eet. Nu-
j vernber 15, 1910.
H $475- Jacob Auerbach to Lamar
Flowers, lot 40x1,100 feet, east side Ira
. street. 40 feet south of Marx- street.
; October 11, 1912
| S6OO J. M. Austin to N. M. Daniel
I and J. N. Renfroe, six acres at north-
■ west corner Moreland and Sherin ava
il nues. March 27. 1911.
I $3,276 A. J. Jones to Willie ('. Hair,
i I lot 50x200 feet, southeast corner Green
t i wood avenue and Fredrika street. Oe
i tober 11 1912.
‘j $3,500 W. (’. Hair to ri. F. Everett,
jisame ptoperty. October 11. 1912.
I I ,
Quitclaim Deeds.
SBOO John W. Alexander lo George
iA. Richards. No. 272 North Ashby
Hstreet. September 17, 1912.
;l sl--Woodward-Eubanks Mantel Co..
.I to same, same propertj. September
i 20, 1912.
I $1 anu election to take child’s part in
; lieu of dower —Mrs. Lillie M. Shaxx to
Lillie AL Shaw, administratrix of e.--
! late of H. Al. Shaw, lot at corner of
,' West Simpson and Mangum street -.
, I October 10. 1912.
.J $10 —Union Savings bank to J. W.
IHuit, lot 48x100 feet, south side East
I Fair street. 96 feet west of King street.
i | Octoper 9, 1912.
Administrator’s Deeds.
s3.oos—Mrs. Lillie Al, Shaw admin
istratrix of Henry As. Shaw, to Bonnie
Craig, lot 50x110 feet, corner of Simp
son and Mangum streets. October 10,
■ 1912.
Bonds for Title.
$3.80(i (Penal Sum)—Annie R. and
Nettie V. Howard lo John A. Learnon,
I lot 50x231 feet, south side of St. Charles
, avenue. 263 feet west of Bonaventure
Legal Notices.
General Banking Laws which this com-
• pany desires to incorporate Into its char
L John B. Wheat, secretary of the Trust
I Company of Georgia, do herebv certifx
that the foregoing is a true and correct
copy of a resolution adopted by the board
of directors of the Trust Company of
Georgia at a meeting regularly called and
held, in accordance with the provisions of
' its by-laws, on the Bth dax of October
i 1912.
' : I do further certify that the original
• I charter of the Trust Company of Geor-
I i gia was by act of the general assembly
: of ibe state of Georgia approved Sep-
■ tember 21st, 1891. and that this was
amended by an act of the general assem
bly of the state of Georgia approved
i November 13th. 181'3. said companv be
, ing originally incorporated under the
name of the Commercial Travelers’ Sav
ings Rani: and the amendment of the
charter above referred lo having, among
other things, changed its name to Trust
■ Company of Georgia.
Witness mx signature and the seal of
■ said corporation this 9th
(Seal) dax of October, 1912
-I STATE Ot- GEORGIA Office of Secre
tarx of State.
I. Philip Cool,, secretary of stale of
l|Georg:a, do hereby certify. That tlie five
;i.’>i bages of typewritten matter hereto
' attached, contain a true and correct copy
of in- petition of the Trust I’ompanx it
'Georgia for amendment of Its .special
, ctiart*-r' Ic. incorporating therein certain
■ ' provs.on- of tlie General Hanking Act. as
■ tlie original petition appears of m,. ir ,
' this Office
here info set ni hand and
' affixed the seal of m\
I.fficc. HI the eapitoi
'n the eii ; of Atlanta,
tliis 11 til dax of ii, tober
m tin- \<ai- of our Lord
(Scat) ''nr Thou 'and Nine Hun-
' trod and Tvelxc ami of
I"- Independence of tie
1 niled Stales of (metl'H
• * me 11 utatred and
PHILIP Ci ii ■!<
I XXf'l'.-'iN I EI.DEI: It'd X I'IIEI a
'A 11 .>N ’ Hi I •
Istiiot. October 11. 1912.
$6,000 (Penal Sum) —James W. Green
to John W. Mcßae, lot 48x153 t'eet.
south side Johnson avenue, 244 feet
east of Hoxvell street. October 11, 1912.1
$1,500 (Penal Sum) —L. P. Bollen-I
field to J. L. Williams, lot 4. block C, of
Peachtree Hurst. September 19, 1912.
sll,l’oo (Penal Slim)—Alls. Martha
Adams and Miss Jane Orr to W. R
Thompson. 14 acres on east side Stew
art avenue, at north line of land lot 90.
October 7, 1912.
$12,000 (Penal Sum)—Mrs. Martha
R. Bigham to Alls. Sarah C. McHan.
lot 40x144 feet, east side Jackson street,
443 feet south of Ponce DeLeon avenue.
October 10, 1912.
Loan Deeds.
$:.500 Mrs. Katrina Ruse Harris lo
Fulton County Home Builders, lot 60 by
158 feet, east side Linwood avenue. 160
feci north of North avenue. October 10.
s3o7—Eliza Lyons to Sally Lyons, lot
50 by 93 feet, west side Martin street, 200
feet south of Georgia avenue. October 9.
SI.3OO—S. F. Everitt to Atlanta Sav
ings Bank, lot 50 by 200 feet, southeast
corner Greenwood av’enue and Frederika
street. October 11.
S4SO—R. A. J. AlcDuffie to Mrs. Kate
B. Munford, lot 81 by 351 feet, west
side Maple street. 360 feet south of Chat
tahoochee avenue. October 10.
sl,ooo—l’. R. Byrd to C. K. Nelson,
trustee of E. H. Mason, lot 60 by 165
feet, west side East Point avenue. 90
feet south of Dorsey street. October 11.
SI.OO0 —P. R. Byrd to C. K. Nelson, trus
tee of E. H. Mason, lot 42 bv 165 feet,
southwest corner Horsey street and East
Point avenue. October 11.
SI,OOO- —P. R. Byrd to C. K Nelson,
trustee of E. H. Mason, lot 48 by 165
feet west side East Point avenue. <2
feet south of Dorsey street. October 11.
SSOO -A. J. Colcord to Miss A. As. Ken
drick, lot 50 by 140 feet, south side Bel
grade avenue. 100 feet east of Woodall
avenue. October 11.
SSO0 —J Andrews to Mrs. Amanda G.
Hudson. 76 Kalb avenue. September 22.
, SSO0 —J. Andrews to Mrs. AmandA G.
Hudson, 78 Kalb avenue. September 22.
$320 per .Month M. Cohen to L. D. Joel.
Nos. 127 and 129 Decatur street. Octo
ber 8.
ssll- I nion Lumber and .Manufacturing
Company vs. M. F. Hennessy, 153 Cooper
street. October 8.
ssl1 —Union Lumber Company vs. Mrs.
Clara B. Cole, same property. October 8.
$25:; -- I nion Lumber and Manufacturing
; Company vs. Mrs. S. J. Hawkins, lot 50
by 200 feet, north side Catherine street,
450 feet west of Stewart avenue. Octo
ber 8.
S3,OOO—W. W. Morgan to J. D. Whita
ker, lot 88 by 70 feet, west side McDaniel
street, south side Macon and Western
, railroad. < Ictober 11. Transferred to
Monroe .1. Elkan, October.
Judgments Affirmed.
Southern Railway Company vs. Payne;
from Floyd superior court —Judge Mad
dox. Maddox, AlcCamy & Shumate.
George A. H. Harris & Son, for plaintiff
in error. C. I. Carey. Ennis & Shaw,
Gay vs. Medlock; from city court of
Swainsboro Judge H. R. Daniel. Wil-
I Hams & Bradley, for plaintiff in error.
. Smith & Kirkland, contra.
Moss & Co. vs. Postal Telegraph-Ca
ble Company; from city court of Athens—
Jiidge Wesi. T S. Mell, lor plaintiffs
> in error. Anderson, Felder. Rountree &
Wilson. John J. Strickland, contra.
Wrightsville and Tennille Railroad Com
i pany vs. Mullis; from city court of East
man- Judge Griffin. Daley Daley, Rob-
• erts & Smith, for plaintiff in error. J.
> A. Neese, contra.
Waldo vs. Central of Georgia Railway
Company; from city court of Savannah—■
Judge Davis Freeman. Twiggs & Gazan.
| for plaintiff in error. Lawton Cun
iiingi.ain. H. W. Johnson, contra.
•| John-on Murphy et al. vs. Globe Dry
Goods I'ompany et al.; from city court of
i Waycross Judge Parker presiding.
Parke k Reed, tor plaintiffs in error.
Wilson. Bennett a- Lambdin. contra.
Mountain. City Mill Company vs. Wood
A- Company; from city court of llart-
■ well Judge W. L. Hodges. A. G. &
• Julian McCurry, for plaintiff in error.
■ James H. Skelton, contra.
Rogers vs. National Cash Registe.
Company: from city court of Atlanta-
Judge Reid. Morris Macks. Lamar Hill,
I 11. , J A. Dodger., Jackson A Smith,
foi plaintiff in error. W. S. Dillon, An
iler.-on, Felder, Rountree & Wilson, con-
■ t ra.
Ariiall-Couch-Powers Company vs. Na
tional Discount Company; from eit.x court
of Newnan Judge I’ost. T. G. Farmer,
Jr.. W. C. Wright, for plaintiff in error.
Hall A- Jones, contra.
Gossett A Son vs Bishop: from city
i cciirt of Zebulon—Judge Dupree. E M.
, Owen, William H. Beck, lor plaintiffs
in error. J. Y. Allen, contra.
Citizens Bank of Tifton vs. Fulwood A
-1 Murray; from city court of Tifton—Judge
11. Eve. L. P. Skeen, for plaintiff in er-
I ror. J. S. Ridgdill, contra.
I Georgia Southern and Florida Railway
Company vs. Knight; from city court of
Nashville- Judge Buie. John I. Hall. .1
E. Hall. Al P. Hall. J. P. Knight, for
plaintiff in error. Alexander A- Gary, con
t ra.
Odom vs. Coley el al; from Gordon su
. perior court Judge Fite. George A. Cos
, fee. for plaintiff in error. J. M. Lang,
Stephens vs. Barnes; from Richmond
• .superior court—Judge Hammond. J. s.
Peebles, Jr.. T. F. Harrison, for plain
tiff in error. J. S. Watkins, contra.
Buck et al. vs. Duvall: from city court
I of Tifton Judge It Eve. L. P. Skeen,
for plaintiffs in error. R D. Smith. 1-ul-
> wood A- Murray, contra.
; Doctor Shoop Family Medicine Com-
■ pany vs. Clifford; from Columbia superior
court Judge Hammond. Isaac S. Pee-
: bles. Jr., for plaintiff in error. John T
West, contra
Weaver Merchandise Company vs.
. Britt: from Epson superior court Judge
11. 'I. Daniel. J. Y. Allen, Hugh Thurs
ton. for plaintiff in error. W. Y. Allen,
Pert) vs. Independent Daughters of
Bethel: from eit.x court of Atlanta -
fudge Reid. A. (.'. Corbett, for plaintiff
; in error. Shepard Bryan, contra
i Judgments Reversed.
i Mutual Fertilizer Company, for use, etc.,
I vs. Heath: from city rourt of Swains
, boro- Judge H. R. Daniel. Saffold A- Lar
son. for plaintiff in error Williams A
‘ Bradley, contra.
I Carter vs. Pembroke National Bank;
from Bryan superior court Judge Shep
pard. J. P. Dukes, for plaintiff in error.
E. C. Elmore. P. M Anderson, contra.
Ederheiiner. Stein , v Company vs. Car
son; from Tift superior court Judge
. Thomas J. B. Murrow, J. J Murray,
for plaintiffs in error. Fulwood A- Skeen.
R. D. Smith, contra.
’ Coplan xs Thompson Transfer Compa
ny. from Polk superior court Judge Price
Edwards. Charles G Janes. Bunn A-
• ; Bunn, tor plaintiff in error W. W Mun
l iiy. contra.
i.'liarleston and Western Carolina llall
xva.x Company vs. Robinson, and the same
1 company vs Brown, from eiiy , ourt of
Richmond county Judge W. F. Eve.
AYilliam K. Miller, lor the railroad com
pany. Henry Roney, for Robinson.
Isaac S Peebles. Jr r Henry A Rod
ney S. I’ohen. James ('. (’ Black, for
Bt. iw n.
’ Aliller .McKenzie; from city court of
Ashburn Judge Tipton. |,. |> Skeen.
< John B Hutcheson, for plaintiff In error.
.1 II Pate, j a. Comer, contra.
John vs Thrower; from city court of
l| Atlanta Judge Reid Wimbish A Ellis,
i for plaintiff in error (' B. Reynolds,
i 1 contra
> Kltehex xs Pendlij. et al., from Whit
field superior court Judge Fite. M. C.
Tarver, 10l plaintiff in ertor (' 11. Rlv-
I ere, Maddox, McCamy A Shumate, con-
- tra
. . Trayl ir vs. Eppes. tcceiver. from eit.x'
court ot < 'ovingtoli Judge AV’iak I' A\
Davis, Jr . for plaiqilff in erroi <* <’.
I King. I'oetra
Georgia Brokerage I,’ompnn.x xI- razor
r A ‘ ’omjair from I’ tillon super nr coiirl
■ i Judge Elli- Paxnr. I.ltlh A- toms for
i ' pin nt iff ' iir.,r AYaltei <’ H.ndrix
I I roiilra
AV.sicin I nn>n Telegraph ' uiipanx v
i i.i' hi from Fulton sup< rtoi .oiirt
I I'ig' Bell losipl I’ Greene 10l pltlll:
Ilf in , i i..r
Hoiiiheri I . o I’otupan) v« Aim
CINCINNATI. OHIO, Oct 12. Through
the agency of candy which bad been
dipped in a solution of bichloride of mcr
| cury, an unidentified enemy sought the
I life of Miss Isabel Sparkes, soprano so
loist at Church church, the leading Epis
copal congregation of the city, who lives
at 2511 Auburn avenue.
It is at this church that President I
Taft usually worships when in the city.
Miss Sparkes ate three pieces of the |
candy and became dangerously ill. Her i
life was saved by the ministrations of the
I family physician.
Miss Sparkes’ sister also partook of a
piece of the candy and was made ill.
It is pointed out that the aim of the
sender of the candy might have been the
permanent injury of the girl's vocal or
gans through inducing lockjaw, as the
drug has that tendency.
! MOTHER GETS $5,000
For the death of her seven-year-oki
child, who was killed by an automobile in
the Howell Mill road a year ago, Mrs.
1 M. C. Fuller has been awarded $5,000 •
' damages against Miss Jennie Inman, of
552 Peachtree street, by a city court jury.
The boy met death under the wheels of
Miss Inman’s car, driven by a negro
chauffeur. The chauffeur was freed in
' recorder’s court for want of evidence
when arraigned on a charge of reckless
Mrs. Fuller brought suit for $25,000
I damages in city court.
NOROTON. CONN., Oct. 12.—A
' beautiful wiki doe weighing about 300
pounds dashed through the streets here
early yesterday and, pursued by men
,: and boys, sougth refuge in the grounds
’ of the country estate of John D. Crim
Mr. Crinunins saw the animal from
> his window. It saw him and scooted
away toward the Anson Phelps Stokes
■ place. But it changed its course and
entered the grounds of the late William
Ziegler. Dogs took after it. and it tried
i to jump a nine-foot spiked fence. The
, leap was too much for the animal, and
> it was impaled on the spikes.
It uttered one shrill crjr and died
Deer are becoming plentiful again in
Connecticut owing to the strict game
: law which will not be intermitted until
; 1917.
SAVANNAH, GA., Oct. 12.—Possums
■ are said to be unusually plentiful in
' south Georgia this fall. High water all
through tlie section has prevented the
’ possums from getting Into the swamps
■ to seek food and they have been paying
■ visits to the hen roosts. When the
• country citizens hears a squawk from
the vicinity of the chicken yard at night
• he grabs his gun and sallies forth with
. (he expectation of finding a four-footed
f marauder instead of the sable txxo-
footed one who for so long has held the
record along- that line.
NEWPORT, Oct. 12, —While Captain
’ Frey, of the German training cruiser
■ Victoria Louise, has gone to see the
naval review at New York with the
• cadets his officers are being taugin the
1 turkey trot by a bevy of society women
’ here, including the Misses Roberta
, Willard. .Marguerite Caperton and Mis
John Borland, formerly of the "Pink
' Lady” cast, who mart led Ensign Bor
land. of the navy.
■ In the Second Baptist church tonior
’ row evening. Dr. John E. White will
preach a sermon In application to the
piesent situation in Atlanta. His sub
. Ject will be "The Bible Teaching on Bad
Men in Office.”
Tomorrow morning he will preach on
"A Time to Work."
The first semi-annual banquet of tlie
freshman class of the Atlanta College
■ of Physicians and Surgeons was held
at Durand's last night. Haifa hundred
, members of the class and half a dozen
r tirofessors attended. C. 1,. Davis was
. toastmaster. P. M. Hopkins spoke on
"i'lass Spirit;" C. W. Hunter gave a
toast on “The Ladies." Dr. W. F. West
moreland, president of the college; firs.
; Hastings. Bachmann. Papez. Everhart,
Stump, of the faculty, and Mr. Ever
hart. the registrar, all made speeches.
SAX ANNAIL GA., (let. 12. Accompa-
• nied by Vice President C. R. Capps, Vice
! President ('. H. Hicks and others of his
subordinates, W. J. Harahan, president of
the Seaboard Air Line railway, reached
Savannah on his initial visit of Inspection
| today. He will spend tomorrow here.
; j leaving Monday sot Jackaonville.
WAYCROSS, GA., Oct. 12'. (' Howell,
. I night engineer lor the Ware County Light
and Power company, died from Injuries
i reeeivni w hile making adjustments tu
• iiiuibinery.
COLI'MBI'S. GA. Oct. 12. (m
--f Pe'iy. unmet maishal of Girard. Ala.,
who .shot and killed Jim Floyd, ati
' utlie former marshal of the same place,
,nst ,\ln'< h, was riinvi. t"ii of murder in
■ the S' < ond degree m the criminal divi
sion of the i iri'itit (ourt of Russell
eountx and to fifteen tears In
the |a riltcnt larv
■ I sirring from cltx court of Itli-limond
iraiiilx Judge )) F Eve William II
I Barren for plaintiff In error i' ll I;
i ..lo ti < i.i’tra
Rehearing Qaniari
■'-I" • liii'li Oonqiari' xn Amera-gn
du loillllan <'ouipa ll) . (roin ill' i oil! I
, of i *s mills
• M • lii« x Slav from Millon Mipi'iir>r I
ROME, GA.. Ort. 12.—Two days ago I
Fletcher Ware, formerly a political leader ’
of Floyd county, wore the suit of a busi
ness man. Today he is garbed in a ]
convict’s stripes and is serving time for i
selling whisky.
Ware was convicted in two cases and I
> was given sixteen months on the gang.
I He is one of the best known men of
’ Floyd county. and his incarceration was
i a big surprise.
! Not long ago, Judge John \V. Maddox i
declared that he would send to the j
chaingang any ore convicted of selling j
whisky, and lie evidently meant what he i
said when he sent a man of Fletcher’
Ware’s standing to the rock pile.
A number of white men have been ,
convicted of selling whisky and given j
chaingang sentences, but they made
bond and appealer! their cases.
Ware said lie Thought it was useless
to resist the verdict of the lower court.
NEW YORK. Oct. 12.—Mrs. Hetty I
Green and her son, E, H. R. Green, of I
Dallas, Texas, were in an automobile that 1
knocked James .Miner, an agent of the
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals, into a muddy gutter this morn
Green's chauffer looked back and laugh
ed. according to Miner, but didn't stop.
A policeman scraped some of the mud
from .Miner's clothing.
"That was Mrs. Hetty Green and her
son.” the police-scan said. "1 know them.
They pass here every morning on the
way to their office."
Miner's right knee was injured severely.
Mrs, Rosa E. Trammell, who gives
her address as S 4 Cooper street, today
filed suit for complete divorce from her
husband. Thomas Parrott Trammell,
and at the same time asked for an in
junction to keep him from seeing her
Mrs. Trammell asked for the custody
of her children of minor age. She al
leges habitual intoxication on the part
of her husband and mistreatment.
PASCOGULA. MISS.. Oct. 12. Mist-
Ada Welch, of St. Louis, accosted a
stranger on the street here today, say
ing: "I have been mistreated by the
world, and now before I die I want to
feel for once in my life the touch of
human kindness. Please kiss me.”
The man kissed her. Then she drank
poison and died almost instantly.
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 12.—Mme. Alma
Gluck, who sang at the Veiled Proph
ets ball at the Coliseum this week and
received an ovation there, laughed and
clapped her hands when told of a dis
patch from New York to the effect that
she had brought suit for divorce.
“Why, 1 am surprised to heat that 1
am married.” she said. "Tell me all
about it.
"And there is a child, ton!" she de
clared when the telegram was read to
her. "Now, isn't that queer'.’ | knew
nothing about it. They circulate such
queer stories about me. | have never
been married."
SAV ANNAH, GA.. Oct. 12.—Although
cotton and some other crops may be a
little off fhfs season, south Georgia can
boast of one of the finest crops of sugar
cane that has been seen in many a day
The long continued rains, which damaged
other crops, was just the thing that was
needed for the sugar cane, and it is in
beautiful condition With the cessation
of the rains just at this time, the cane
will have time to dry out well before
the time, for grinding.
With the coming of cooler weather the
grinding will begin, and the output of
"Georgia cane syrup" is expected to be
greater In south Georgia than in several
Housewives of this time have bo < ‘n hav.
ing the times of their lives for two
weeks camping in the orchards, or at
least spending their dax s there and
returning home only foi well earned
rest. Everybody had to be content with I
"quick lunch" meals or go to the restau
When the rush of the fruit harvest
came there was no response to the call
for help in the orchards. Some ono
suggested that the women ■ ould do the
work and they were appealed to. They
responded with alacrity and worked dil.
igently until the danger of damage was
PHILADELPHIA, Oct. L: Twenty-,
four convicts at the Eastern peniten
Ha y w ere confit med at the same . ere
mony by Bishop Garland, of th • I’rot
estant Episcopal ehurch.
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 12. By .igi" -
mint of counsel, Hie trial of Ulat'-nce
Darrow for tin alleged bribery of Juror
Robert Bain In the McNatnura ease, has
been postponed from Octobei 21 to Oc
tobe. 'll. Press of other bu-iness was
the reason assigned by the attorneys.
Horace D. Smith.
Ho-ac. D Smith, II well known
wholc-mh commission uu, died
at a private sanitarium I'rld.ix at the
,igc of HI 111 was n plmu-n; citizen ol
Mlanta and eonitni'ted p-otnlncntlx
throughout the Mate. He is survived
b.x Ids wife , n d H ~ daughters, Mrs
Lit' ■ .-rnith Neal and Mb- Rubx Smith
'I funoal ariatig. pouts will tu m
mim'd Ih I r
Bld Asked.
•Atlanta Trust Company.... 117 120
Atlania A West Point R. R 152 155
American Nat. Bank 220 225
Atlantic Coal & Ice common. 100 102
Atlantic Coal & Ice pfd 91 92(4
Atlanta Brewing & Ice C 0.... 171
Atlanta National Bank 325
Broad Riv. Gran. Corp 35 36
do. pfd 71 <4
Central Bank & Trust Corp 147
Exposition Cotton Mills 165
Fourth National Bank 265 270
Fulton National Bank 133 135
[ Ga. Ity. Elec, stamped 126 127
. Ga. R>’. & Power Co. common 28 30
1 do. first pfd...' 83 86
do. second pfd 44 46
i Hillyer Trust Company (See
Atlanta Trust Co.)
' Lowry National Bank 248 250
Realty Trust Company 100 103
I Southern Ice common 68 70
The Security State Bank.... 115 120
Third National Bank 230 235
Trust Company of Georgia... 245 250
Travelers Bank A- Trust C 0... 125 126
Atlanta Gas Light 1s 102
Broad Rlv. Gran. Corp Ist 6s 90 93
Georgia State 4»45. 1915, 55.. 101 102
I Ga. Ity & Elec. Co. 5s 10314 104'.i
I Ga. Ry A- Elec. ref. 5s 101 103
! Atlanta Consolidated 5s 102V4
' Atlanta City 3445, 1913 90‘J 91H
Atlanta <s, 1920 99 100
Atlanta City 4'is. 1921 102 103
• —Ex-divldend 10 per cent.
: (By W. H. White. Jr., of the White Pre
vision Company.)
Quotations based on actual purchases
during the current week:
Choice to good steers, 1,000 to 1,2000. 5.5*
416.00; good steers, 800 to 1.000. 5.004i>5.25
medium to good steers, 700 to 850, 4.254 i
4.75; good to choice beef cows, 800 to 100
4.00® 4.50; medium to good beef cows. 70(
to 800. 3.50@i4.00: good to choice heifers
750 to SSO. 4.00414.50; medium to goop
heifers, 650 to 750. 3.50414.25.
The above represent ruling prices on
good quality of beef cattle. Inferior
grades and dairy types selling lower
Medium to good steers, if fat, 700 to 800.
3.7541 1.25. Medium to common cows, if
fat, 700 to 800. 3.2i>4i 4.00; mixed common
to fair. 600 lo 800, 3.00®3.50; good butch
er bulls, 3.00@3.75.
Good to choice Tennessee lambs, 60 to
81, 5.004(5.50: common lambs and year
lings, 2'54i4: sheep, range, 2@4.
Prime hogs, 160 to 200 average, 8.75©
9.'-5; good butcher hogs, 140 to 160. 8.5041
8.75: good butcher pigs. 100 to 140, 8.0041
8.25; light pigs. 80 to 100, 7.0007.75; heavv
rough hogs. 200 to 250, 7.5008.50,
Above quotations apply to corn-fed
hogs. Mash and peanut fattened hoes
10144 c lower.
Cattle receipts nominal with a better se
lection of steers than usual. Several loads
of good tieshy butcher cattle with quite a
good many goisl grade heifers were among
the week's receipts, which sold prompt!'
at prevailing quotations to a shade higher
on the best. Cow stuff in good flesh is in
good demand, while the lower grades are
a slow sale at lower prices.
Several loads of feeders were received
this week, which met with a good de
mand and quick sale. Quite a good manv
feeders were on through billings to near
by points, although the movements of
lecdors are considered light for the sea
son and the present indications point to a
short supply owing to the advance prices
m Tennessee, and other sections where
feeders are obtained.
Quotations on cotton seed meal and
hulls arc reasonable, and it is expected
that stock men securing a good grade of
leeding steers will do well with them this
Sheep and lamb receipts irregular, and
uneven and mixed; market N
stronger on best grades of lambs, slow
on common kinds.
Hog market continues strong with lib
eral supply; quality of this week's run lias
been tin- best of the season, and extreme
high prices for all fresh pork cuts has
improved the demand for light butcher
ATLANTA. GA., October 12. 1912
Lowest temperature
Highest temperature '.... So
Mean temperature 73
Normal temperature 64
Rainfall in past 24 hours, inches .... 0
Excess since Ist of month, inches..'. 1 90
Excess since Jan Ist, inchesl7.l,l
.. I ITemperaturelßTfafi
Stations— 1 Weath. 1 7 I Max. I 24
I la. m. ly'day.[hours.
Augusta ... i 'lear 66 ,
Atlanta . Pt. cldv.i 68 : 80
Atlantic City.. Clear I 68 I 72
Anniston . . Clear 64 84
Boston . . .1 'loudy 54 ' 56
Buffalo I’t. cldv. 70 1 68 ' 02
Charleston . I’t, cldy. 72 I 78 I .
Chicago . . . . Cloudv I 50 I 70 I 66
Denvet ... . Pt. cldy.' 34 I 50 ..
I>es Moines .Clear j 38 1 1
Duluth Cloudy 1 52 I 44 I
| Eastport . . . Clear 48 46 18
Galveston . . Pt. cldy. 74 I 86
Helena ... , Clear 38 I 54
Houston Clear 70 '
Huron< 'lear I 38 I 52 '.
Jacksonville. .Cloudy ' 74 84
Kansas City . Clear 44 74
Knoxville . . . Cloudy I 66 I 82
Louisville . Cloudy 63 I 86 41
I Macon . Pt. cldy. I fifi 'B2 I .
Memphis Cloudy I 58 I 82 OS
Meridian ....'('loudy I 68 1
Mobile Cloudy i 70 86
Miami .1 'loudy 82 86
Montgomery. .Clear 66 84
Moorhead . . Clear 26 46
New Orleans . Clear 72 I 88
New Yol k . . Cloudx 62 68
North Platte .Clear 32 I .32
Oklahoma Clear 44 70
Palestine Cloudy 56 I 90
Pittsburg . . ('loudy 72 I 82
I Portland, O. . Clear 18 I 66
| San Francisco:!'lear ' 54 I 76 '
St. Louis . . . Cloudy IS I 84
' St. Paul Clear 26 ' 60 I .. . .
I Salt Lake <’it x Clear 38 ' 52
Savannah . . . Clear 70 I
Wa Hiiglon. , J'l fid.? 1:8 86
T' F. von
Section Director
(More Markets on Page 20.)
SAVANNAH, GA., Oct. 12 —Angling
in the waters round about Savannah is
a vet) popnlnr pastime at present. The
tisti are biting as if they were starving
for bait.
As a party was passing the old oyster
factory between Thunderbolt and Wil
mington a large winter trout leaped
clear of the water and landed in the
bow of the launch. Judge William
Farr, who was sitting well forward in
the boat, captured it. Tlie trout was
nearly fourteen inches long.
SAVANNAH, GA., Oct. 12.—A commit
lee representing tlie track men of the
Central of Georgia railway lias appeared
before Chief Engineer (’. K. Lawrence
to submit at revised working agreement,
which they wish adopted Among other
concessions, a substantial increase In pax
l.s asked.
The committee wants the new agree
ment tu become effective May 1, and a
proposition looking to this end will be 1
made to the Central management.
I’.isiicp \ w Knight will tell cf th*
»"ck In- I fi. iqi lining In Cuba at St
Philips i.ciie.ire! tomorrow morning »i
11 o'< lot a Hl«hnp Knight has Jurisd"
i nos the . huri In ,n Cuba and In th*
nal r.onr