Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, October 12, 1912, EXTRA 2, Page 28, Image 28

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28 ’—MAGAZINE SECTION IHE GOAT GETTERS By T. E. POWERS, the Famous Cartoonist \ / X / \ —\ ZlO\ < 3 \ x I , a l,ke I \ \X K ) \ \ ' F \ ATNonwAud £ £ . W L X i*xO tLaUk X ja® jmO ® Kx loT wxxiß®l BWvc^ —T" v B Hkcii& j / n blh Gx-'cr By r "’'v By JSwWfWrW. h P ~rgr~ “'pt, to \? 'Q - h $ C_¥o & r T £l& *— - “ - ■ ZTbscbn-ub- R( 11 I CC ' A/ '"X 7 3 I Conductor vmhenlW walrus] " / QOSHTHE BULL MOO 5E \ ( / ) I (» t 'i WAKESUPqwE HIM THIS r~—Z I is raising the Pickens) 3r> 7 X x <<l . v ' —-r— y C » >F9®T&> p oj 1 k 1 N /a \ 1 w 5 jjR xM_J A HESAUAR L *ll G jMLvX. 3'' m 7x 00 ® X'Xxo ffl Wil Ow WHOS A LIAR Z7jf\ X Bl //' '! F"i "v s « ®A' \a‘X-T7Z ST* e®Wu *« 'yi'owt a i-iAf, ( 111 ) I gfe ■ L-X-L SShr- S ffllr \\ lIOW ►«> IjptsALIAR - v =ffl \l BTI a"'" ij 'T x |U-"XM. It xl /xf XOTW IX W w wxW K>r 1 \1 ft y I — 4 ■ . ■ . ... „ . , d Optical Work of the HIGHEST GLASS is what I>r Hines, the Optometrist K<tes in every case He examinee the eyes and fits glasses in such a way that they relieve the trouble, remove all strain from the nerves and muscles, give perfect sight and make life worth living. NO POISONOUS DROPS OR DRUGS USED. Hines Optical Co. • 1 Peachtree Street. i»twee<i>Monigoinerf and Alcazar Th»»lers 4TI-ANTA LODGE, NO. 5 . 3 Loyal Order of IVeOOSE Protect* the Whole Family Give, l~ per week, sickness or »c --•ldent’ linn flwi) and free medical . gSbentloe w* members and dependents. Djm 75e ■ month <Por establish ment <Y free Moose College, £*•»» Moots Heme far At«xJ and Innrm. sod free Moose Twberculoeig Sanitarium dseginnfng Js®. L IMS, only 38 cents t TJste peps «U No sssms ments. By special dlspensattewt the member ghip fee for a short time Is 18 after ♦rcrter clones Hl Tow can pev |! with appltcetlwn and 23 when oMtgat gfl Medical etsasnfnMlon fl Medical sfmmlners Dre C. A. Rhodes 1308 JPotrrth National Rank building Dr W B Hoey, SOI Walt on building Tlte Moos* Is 24 years old has near ly 1.200 lodger with 800.000 members, «tnd is the fastest growing fraternal seel si and beneficial order extant. It ' ie op** s *JI rood whit* male ottt- •etM enraged tn lewohrt oocupetten. be fjween SI and M Boose fighters are • ■at wanted Sign an applieetlor and save ISO N WALDO KENNEDY, Vatisssi IMm-tor, M» Peeete«ree St.. CandUr nigga Open bar Prrolss SANTAL-MIDY @ Relieves in 24 Hours Catarrh of the Bladder AO Drvjjirff BrtAorr of CbamMr/WfJ santal-midyl READ FOR PROFIT. GEORGIAN WANT ADB, USE FOR RESULTS F BLOOD POISON ~| Plies and Rectal Dlseanet. CURED TO STAY CURED. By a true Hpeciallat who possesses the ex \ perlence nf years the \ right kind of axperl w en» e doing the same \ thing the right way hundreds and perhaps thousands of limes J with unfail i g perma vjp? r nent results, No eut xy \ Ung or detention from LuHinesß. Don’t you thl n k it’s about time to get the right treatment? I Gl\ E 606, the celebrated German prepara tion for Blood Polson and guarantee results. Gome to me. I will cure you or make no charge and I xx ill make my terms within your reach. 1 cure Vari cocele. Hydrocele. Kidney. Bladder and Prostatic trouble*. Piles. Rupture, Stricture. Rheumatism. Nervous De bility and all acute and chronic dis charges of men and women cured In the shortest time possible If you can’t call, write Free consultation and examination Hours. S a m to 7 p. rn. Sundays. 9 to 1. DR. J. D. HUGHES. Specialist. Opposite Third National Bank. 16«4 North Broad St., Atlanta, Ga VMHMBMWWKHKSKMRiraHZaV! WILTON JEIIICO ! COAL $4.75 Per Ton The Jellico Coal Co. 82 Peachtree Street Both Phones 3668 CHICHESTER S PILLS I & ? ,IU ln l<r ? 1:1(1 »eulik\vj AX STIHtT’ ’ ea, *4 *i<h B!ue Ribboa. I? e,b * r 8,,r vo«r V A /F yrtn known at best, Safest, AI w», t Reliable SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE QUICK RELIEF FOR ECZEMA Mr. TV G McNelley, of 47 Oglethorpc ave Atlanta Gu say, "Your Tetterine cured a tantalizing oaae of tatter 1 applied l.> rented' one evening and the next morning «ax much relieved I will At all di in at* or < for 50c by mall from J T Shuptrine. i 111 ■ Opium. Whlek.y a.d Drug Habit, rrr.tvd 113 ■ Hom. or •' .'..luriii.B Boob on >uh|».l I AM ■ »<«. OK B MMOOt.I I Y,J,.N. Vktoi WIHmB ■.eiMiK.ia. AtiMta. Uterus THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 12. 1912. 1 8 iffi M-lI £ wlh^' z ! 1 ■ f “Can for I | * YOU, Mr. Jones” | Wh.t wh«> the telephone tin,, in YOl'R (>( office? Does some one about across the office or down u she hail that Jones, or Smith, or Brown ia wanted? ft ‘ Let ns tell you about our Extenaion Station Service. p^ at *‘ s Another telephone where it is most needed, and y > cuts out the confusion, loat time and useless steps in the Ew) ”*d order of things, beoidee increasing the efficiency Vi.f generally. /Zg T'Z £"■! ' iy/ Its saving in the lirtie worries and bothers will show //& up on the balance sheet, too. Gali the Ckxitract Dept. about it to-day. Z'3 i i /fs>.?. SOUmRN BELL TELEPH9NE 'ft 'dW ABB TELEGRAPI COMPANY I h .« Bk.. J. J. A. GWINN FINE SHOE REPAIRING 6 LUCKIE STREET. OPPOSITE PIEDMONT HOTEL. BELL PHONE 2335. ATLANTA 2640. H V-n ‘•loci Rubber Heels, 20 cents. Best, 35 cents. Bast half-aole, sewed, 7o cents Will send for and deliver your shoes without extra coat. S’ -. ,-v.v OOH F-- pnp RFNT dffir. cn.n da a-d r, o h-. Beth Phones. THE BEST AND QUICKEST WAY TO RENT YOUR ROOMS: USE THE GEORGIAN “RENT BULLETIN" Hall Caine’s New Serial “The Woman Thou Gavest Me” is a strangely human story of a woman’s life. \ ou will be carried to the intensest pity—the deepest love and the extreme of hatred as you follow each character. The men and women will indelibly impress you and hold your keen interest to the very end. More Standard Oil Letters The Truth About Roosevelt-Archbold William Randolph Hearst In the October issue answers Senator Penrose and those false to their trust. It is an unrelenting revelation in the interest of truth and justice, and in the hope of better government. The article reveals the Standard Oil cipher code and shows their investments in U. S. Senators. The surprising attitude of the then President is disclosed. This article should be read by every patriotic | citizen. I • Hearst’s Magazine 15 Cents a Copy $1.50 a — i