Newspaper Page Text
• T ' -
Witness Tells of Events of
Evening Before Assassina
tion of Rosenthal.
Continued From Page One.
'er>,aktng' Rosenthal?" he was asked.
Becker Was Anxious.
' I did not do anything outside of
talking to Rose. I talked to liim on x
ferryboat Jul) 1" I told Rose that I
had just left Becket and that Becket
was very anxious that the hoes get on
the job and croak Rosenthal I told hint
that I would help .him w hen I got back
He said. All right’ and that he would
wait until I got back, and would see
that the hoys were on the job."
"Did you have any conversation after
leaving the conference at line Hundred
and Twenty-fourth street?"
"Rose spoke to me and said that
Becker was very anxious to have Ro
senthal killed "
"Was anything said as to the method
of killing Rosenthal.’"
"Rose was to get the gunmen and
bring them to tnj place."
"What do you mean by your place.’"
“My poker room. Then he said if 1
would find Rosenthal the job would
come off.”
"What names were mentioned to
you ?”
"Lefty Louie anti Whitey Lewis ”
Webber calmly faced Becker its he
testified that the police official had
coerced the clique who stood in fear of
him to procure the murder of Rosen
Saw Becker »t Prize Fight.
Coming down to a conversation which
he had with Rose on July 15. the day
before Rosenthal was assassinated, Ihe
witness sain:
Rose came to rn\ gambling place
about 4.30 in the afternoon He told
me that Becker previously had had him
on the telephone and told him that four
men had tailed at District Attorney
Whitman's office to corroborate Ro
senthal's story. Rose said Becker
wanted him to see these men. I went
to a prize fight at Madison Septate Gar
den that night, and there saw Becket.
After the tight I returned to my po
ker room, where I found Sam Paul.
’Lefty Louie' Rosenweig. 'Gyp the
Hloou' and 'Whitey' Lewis. In a minute
Jack Rose. Harry Vallon and Dago
Crank' Clrofici tame In. We had some
refreshments. 1 put on my hat, then
walked over to the Metiopole, where I 1
saw Rosenthal sitting I returned to j
mj place and told the boys. They
went out in a machine Later I walk-I
ctl down to the corner and met a man
named l-'larct) We got into an auto
mobile and rode around a w hile finally
going to the Hotel Cadillac, where I
saw Police Lieutenant Files
"There was a man's body lying on the
pavement in front of the Metropole, and
a crowd about it. It was Rosenthal's.
Latet I returned to my place, and there
1 saw Becker, who came along after a
while. Rose and Jack Sullivan were
with me Becker walked up io Rose
and exclaimed. Jack, I congratulate
you You did a good job' Rose re
plied 'Charlie, there is going to be
trouble over this Whitman was around
at the station house and they have got
the number of the automobile mat the!
boys rode in.'
No Trouble. He Assured.
"Becker then exclaimed, contemptu I
ouslc Hell there is not going to h>-
anv trouble I was around at the sta
tion house, and they haven’t got the
right number I saw the - (re-
ferring to Rosenthal’s corpsei. and if
Whitman had not been there I would
have taken out my knife and < ut his
tongue out as a warning to all squeal
ers. All you have to do. boys, is to
lay low. I will take care of you al''
He then told Rose to give* the boys
Rome money, and, turning to me. said.
'Bridge), give Jack $1.(100. and that will
make $1,500 I owe you.'
"Becker was in good humor, and said
to us, I went bv the Metropole about
I'3o o'cha k I told niy box to drive
slow, and if I had seen that d -
Rosenthal outside I would have taken a
«hot ai him myself 1
Webber said that he met Reese al
fiftieth street and Seventh avenue .end
there gave Rose $1 000
this < nd< «i the direct examitiato n
and M< Inure began his cross-examina
Waldo's Secretary Called.
When ,rcun opened Diptriet \ttorncy
Whuman . .i.led Winfield R Shehan.
inmiss .Her Waldo's private
' r • f•,l !A .
Before Slice in t. sttfic-,1 Judge Golf
Intimated that he n ght order the .an
c-e latioli of al, police cards on which
newspaper men ha,i gained entrance to
,h ,OUit t'" ' ”’t» s.-sstons on
the ground that 5,,,| f these IM,I ~||
hi, into tee h,n is gangwi.r. who li.-.d
threatened ■ . | v . - ,f attomcc- h (he
r;< tn
t.. > fJ -4 ai .. ' 1
‘ ,UiU h r.* t<» !HMi, oinpla nt hkhihm
I'j-> L< !IK !U!fM (’ tlou n |,\
■ « onnt lion. H hh B» • k<- r i»> v i«t. 1
M-trh i Alb, i,. > m <( -. (Uhj ...
1 • 1 ii" >. • u< 1
i •’ til ng lib- r. uur . fit, )( i|| hl I
I • *
*op\richi. 1912. by International News Service
f"'' B
i c | ..oh"Tf
W| r I
IS iMi !
—-= \ix7---L j / *
. 7 m® 1
< ? Hi >7"
WsU' Wk
B -4
‘ W illi.itti. vent seem to have a bad chill; pei’liaps that hot water bag and that oil stove niav
warm von up a liltle Theodor e \ great parachtiiv drop is aI hr illing spectacle; I think it would
be safer, though, if lie had a feather heel lied arouitd him! Elihu. go get my panama hat and
bleach it out with a liltle oxalic acid!”
.\'l<W YORK Oct 14 Knockout blows
to the “Turkey Trot,” the “Grizzly Bear”
and similar dances are planned loda? b?
the commit lee on amusement resources
for working girls, of which Mrs. Charles
Henry Israels is chairman
’This announcement was made at a
meeting of the committee at 311 Madison
avenue. The work will include live
• lasses in dancing to provide interesting
substitutes for vulgar dancing
Arrangements have been made (or a
dance demonstration for the Feedration
of Children’s Stud\ to he given in the
meeting house of Ethical Culture on the
evening of November 20 next, when Mrs.
• lames .1 Storron of Boston, and Eliza
beth Burchenal. of New York, will dance.
DEN \ Ell. COLO.. Oct It Ca pta in
Richmond Pearson Hobson. the famodgt
mmh-kissed hero of Santiago harbor, on
h prohibition lecturing tour through the
West, was snubbed bv the Denver Cham
ber of Commerce ami Denver university,
a Methodist institution when, within an
hour of the time he was to appear before
them, invitations extended to him were
w ithdra w n
The hotel men’s association, opposed to
prohibition, was responsible for the
Chamber of Commerce episode and mas
ter.' attaches to tin re fusal of i.i* Meth
odists to allow Hobson to speak there
FoRT SMITH. XRK <>ct 14 Three
months-old W'omlrow Wilson, son of Mac
Wilson, a Franklin county farmer, cap
tured first prize in a hah\ show routes!
at «»zark. He is the first child to be
I named after the Democratic candidate.
I He was born an hour after the nomina
pion at Baltimore, and was < hristened an
hour later
post office inspectors lute were notified
I loda? that thf poMi <-rij< o at Normand?.
, ’rent’ was robbed las' night of about
’ S3O« in mon, . and stamps The post office
|al Tro'.p* Ma wa - also robbed, but the
I loss was not i » porter
roports op hal « and /iourderl?
S eeha n u ■ \ i*. <• at 1132
I o'clock, th* <O ||| m<! tiling tile d» •
* fen**-- t'.iiiu ia ! to the rig.i to via»*s
, * i in* a; • ngth 1.0 * W < lib* i w;t
I t hen I'M iled
Becker Calm.
Io 'k< ■ attic into « Olli I <lll til .'Hill self
i I’o Shorllv aftei hi* u fe took
; t a-1 p. .i» • I ■ mv\ s p.i j, 11n-n s h•• de
| li ••' that Ro*< had lb <1 t»n tin Mlund
ah'* :!■ i >ii< Im !i*\ed the jur\ knew h-
a I lot in > a sslxnnta
- .piv UI.HI ton.; to .n..l the
I • epi Ul O! .Ma Xi\ UM v 1... a |||. tl
! n» * in tw o oi h» i •a m< - > 1 1 • ■ from
• <
Three of Painter Family Proba
bly Will Be Held for Killing
of Mountaineer.
Yes, Jasper and Joe Painter. accused
of the murder of MuUltrv Hugh's and
his baby in Fannin county on Septem
ber 11. wire before the t'nited Slates
grand jury this morning and , indict
ments ptobably will be returned some
lime this afternoon. At ' o'clock the
hearing of witnesses still was in. prog
ress,and it could not lie learned wheth.
, et indictments against anv of the three
had b. eit ret timed.
Mis .1 II Wrigiit, who was brought
lo the Fuljofn counts' Tower a week
ago at the time Joi Paint, r was placed
in the jail, has been implicated in some
way. What het connection is can not
lie liarned from the Federal attorney's
OfTice Her tvii-yi-ai-old son Virgil
Wright, was one of the witnesses be
fore Hu grand jurv and following in
structions from the district attorney's
oilier nothing could be learned from
Hughes was killed, it is said, as Hie
f result of a number of raids made by
revenue officers upon moonshine stills |
in his community Hi was accused of
being an informer.'' and on the after-,
noon of the da> he was slain some one.
attempted to assassina t e him bv shoot
ing ft om ambush.
He was called out of be I that night
i and went to the doo Some one in toe
shadows shot Ill'll, and his wife, with
the baby in Iler arms, rushed out and
attempted to drag him inside. i lie
i murderers rushed forward and .lushed
in the ski: of the child with a gun,,
slaying Hughes at the same time. 'li».
' Huglies was prostrated and lot some
I tinn refused to give an> ■> as to tin
I identity a>f the as-aUants. b.-. of
■ feat.
Ves and .lawpei Pamiti were caught |
' l»i a pos-. scvvia 1 dais aftei tile snov'- i
J ing and were brougnt to the Invai.
s\ \ l-'H AXa 'ISI '• ' I 'et M William i
LI I '.mno el. \ aloi pilot at 11.e H 111 Ot
I i> t • net! m < Mid l<» mii m< hniK
H.Mth hklmv li» <1 ilm- Mihct ml tn the
'■» “I Hu ♦ cx.Uoi <»i» the l<»pl
‘ n«H.r and a\< ailed a . all.
T . clung Ml the b • Im <1 mC .< p. t s
. I up; .h mW him <» ' MHIIUf I
pull, I I|M !»■'<’ VS hie W hen tlu l»a*
mi pu< <>n tii< 4iHi,iii! ilmoi v. a- admit*-
d Im the tag*’ b* liHinu < vtciih vviih < i
-f . .. m Hanging liMin bi* niMinb
mi till* *.t ■ i«m I • <-t. nMp h'. |
I,; r, ' 7‘" " 'L, ■' i
\ ' - . • ~ . i.l ' p 11.
George Wren, last -<rf the trio indiefed
for complicit? in the Piedmont hotel
• Hamond robber?, yv iH face a jut?’ in
criminal division of the superior court to
morrow Wren like George Kaul and
Hoddy, convicted and sentenced to one.
• ear several nn-rtihs ago. is charged with
Kaul and Roddy pleaded guilt?' and took
< light sentence. Wren, who has been
mu <»n bond, has entered a plea of not
guilt?' and will fight pFosecution to the
last. ‘
The trio was Jr <H<-ied for robbing the
H 4 <* F. Gilse? Jdw elrv- Gotdpany. of Cin-
I cinnati. of vyortJ) of geii|s. A
sample trunk bound for nhe "I'irmiral sta
tion was taken <»<T a dr a?, in Forsyth
street, .liter Hie driver had been lured
into th* Grant buildirg. Ender a peculiar
construction of Georgia law. the offense,
as it was committed, constitutes but
simple larceny, and but a light sentence
as a maximum is provided.
.X'KWPtifTr. H I. Oct. 14.—The Ko -I
of Loveii, from Scotland, is going about
boosting .X'ewpe't-t as a health teso t.
He (<itne here last week, ill with grip.
The Hti< mild weather afforded the Karl
his lir.-t opportunity to see Oehe'Court,
the magnificent residence of his host
- ss. m s. ' »oelet.
She had Hie best physician an i
tri|ined nurses obtainable to look after
hot guest.
KA.XSAS CITY, (.let It While Mrs.
\ la Ulen, wife of Leo Allen, a farmer
of Buckni i, Mo., was lying in a faint
in Judge Po t,e field's court opm. the
Judge s anted horn divo .e She faint
ed aftei gr. ing her testimony. Mis.
A on a.-ki’d a divorce because he hus
band. who - twentx years her senior.
Hied to wo k her too hard on'the farm.
He collapse in the court room was clue
| to overwork, site -aid today
•I HA.XV ILL i>“~4 - Captaip Da
i'id ' Hauks ST vears old. a first < oub-
I in ot' Amaham Linrnln. is dead al his
' • ' het IL «. -
■ “boat pilot' on Ute ‘
I live His rathe T.m ,~w Hanks v. as
■'O ' 1 Nani . H ..nk- moth, of
I .in. oln
Two brothel > ail.! o si.-ter. all mor.
than mi v.a.s old. sti <urvive.
S>. V \ X.X All, G A < let H fl), I
lof Holx tt I' M. Even, of Bladen, w .1.. !
jw i- tin ..ver ami kn.d b< Souboerd|
•< i«• nget 11 a i xm no t „. I
1 ar. r »tstrfx after norm, wa -
"'"OS tot savannah tod.r- Th. Utah I
uu r•. r... k. ■. .«'asp :
I l.o'fv a .<• . , | |. t ..j ... ~.r M ,
1 • ‘ 1 • - <»<».« ru • » «ii
fuu himb «it lil t••< u,
Pre - Convention Expenditures
$208,000. or $15,000 More
Than Contributions.
Continued From Page One.
tuiti. Is there no further expenditure
that you recall?
A. Thar Is all the money spent by
the national organization, and so far as
I know that is all the money spent.
Q. Would that apply to all the states?
A. The report is complete, so far as I
Q. Who was in charge of the Illi
nois campaign?
A. Lawrence B. Stringer, who is run
ning- tin- congressman at large.
Q. I see in this report that you say
$3,000 was ail of the money spent in
Illinois. Do you mean to say that tltat
was the total expenditures in that
A. I think ft was.
McCombs then stated that the total
expenditures of the Wilson men in the
pre-convention campaign amounted to
$205.153.,i5. thus a deficit of nearly
$15,000 exists as a result of the pre
convention fight.
Identity of Princeton Friends.
Senator Oliver .was particular to’di«-
close the identity of the "Princeton
friends", who contributed to the $85,000
fund accredited to Cleveland & Dodge,
and M . McCombs said that h - lead
be c n told by Mi. Dodge that Cleveland
th Dodge liad contributed $51,300. Thos.
D. Jones $10,500. David P. Jones $10,500,
Cyrus H. McCormick $12,500 and Ed
ward W. Sheldon SI,OOO.
He said that s3.Otto was sent into
Illinois and that he was certain that
the pre-convention expenditures in
Governor Wilson’s interest in that stalo
did not exceed that amount.
Senator POnterene took up the ques
tj. Who is Henry ilorgan Thau?
A. He is in the real estate business
in New York city. He was introduced
to me as an enthusiastic Wilson man,
whose oniy interest was In seeing Gov
ernor Wilson elected president. He
gave me fiur check-, totalling SIO,OOO.
McCombs told the committee that he
had no money to finance the Dakota
primaries and that he gave ape sonal
pledge to guarantee an expenditure of
SIO,OOO by the local committee in that
McCombs said that "in states like
Connecticut, in which there were, no
primaries and in which we did not feel
that Wilson had a good chance, we
spent very little money.
No Promises Made.
"There is not a dollar upon that
statement which reflects any promise
expressed or implied upon my part.
There had been no representation made
except that this country needs a man
like Wilson.
"We were convinced that Wilson
could not carry Illinois and we consid
ered that money sent there would be
wasted following the expenditure by the
Clark people of large sums of money.
In Pennsylvania both factions had in
dorsed Wilson a year before. There
fore, there was no need of spending
money in that state."
When A. R. Parker was sworn he wa
asked what he knew of contributions
made during his campaign for the pres
idency in 1904. Judge Parker replied:
"So far as the Demociatic party is
i Men’s Raincoats
That Look Better
and Wear Better
I lie? re all new Fall models, cut in full
pi'<Tpo) tions, and come in three-quarter and
I'tdl lengths. The?' have large pockets on
either side, and are cut so that coal or
trousers pockets max he easilv reached.
Adjustable storm cuffs.
I he labrics are of double textures, uovel
t? worsteds. Scotch mixtures and rubber
ized silk ami serge.
Staple colors.
You can get a stvlish. DEPENDABLE
< oat aiivwhere from
$6.00 to $27.50
Shoe and Clothing Co.
36 Whitehall St.
— — ■■■ ■' "
Weapon Drawn in
Political Argument
■I. S. Andrews, floor manager of the
Bear ers' club, related to Recorder Broyles I
today the story of a lively scene in the j
club Saturday night, growing out of a '
fight between two members over the |
mayoralty situation and in which he camel
near being cut to pieces when he sought j
to restore peace and order.
E. C. Brown, one of the political bellig
erents and the man who assailed the
manager with a knife, declared he remem
bered nothing whatever of the incident
—not even the discussion and dispute over
the mayor's race. As lie couldn't remem
ber the affair, he made no statement as
to whose candidacy he v as advocating at
the time the row broke forth.
Manager Andrews said that when the
two members began fighting, he attempt
ed to act as peacemaker, and that Brown
attacked him fcvith a knife. Andrews re
ceived a few scratches.
He made a plea for Brown, after which
Judge Broyles fined Brown $15.75 or thirty
Three men are missing today and are
believed to have been burned to death
in a fire that destroyed tlie Ev.ert &
Ritchie Storage Company's plant here.
The men usually sleep in the storage
house. Nineteen horses were burned
to death.
The fire occurred while a perform
’ajice " as under way in tlie Davenport
theater next door. The audience was
thrown into a panic and there was a
wild struggle to reach the door. No
one in the audience was severely hurt.
The Atlanta I'nion Singing convention
contest must be held again to decide who
gets the coveted banner The "judges
could not decide which of three classes
sang liest in the recent contest, and gave
each an equal percentage.
The Ponders Avenue. Lakewood and
Happy Unity classes will compete in the
"sing off."
concerned I have no information what
ever. I gave instructions some rime
about the middle of August. 1904. that
no contributions tt> my campaign were
to be received from corporations or
combinations "
By Chairman Clapp:
Q. Who was your national committee
chairman ?
A. Tom Taggart, of Indianapolis.
Q. Who was your treasurer?
A. George Foster Peabody.
Q. During the campaign you made no
inquiry as to the sources of contribu
A. I did not, either before or after
Q. Now. do you know anything con-|
ce; fling contributions to campaigns I
other than your own that .tear?
Only Hearsay Evidence.
A. I had.some hearsay evidence. As
to direct evidence, I have none. 1 had
hearsay evidence on which I based the |
speech of October 24. 1904. This was
the speech in which he charged the Re
publicans with receiving contributions
from the trusts.
Judge Parker said he had no infor
mation bearing' on tlie pre-convention ■
campaign of 1912 or upon those of 1904
and 1908. He then submitted the fa
mous series of speeches mad, from Oc
tobc 24 to November 5. 1904, in which
he charged President Roosevelt witli
receiving the support of tlie moneyed
interests of the East.
Because of the approaching national
election, the committee will com
plete its work as rapidl) a- possi
ble and then adjourn to formulate its
report. It is understood that in this
the members will recommend greater
publicity for national contributions.
“I’ll Win by 2.000.” Declares
Woodward—”We Will Beat
Him Early,” Says Smith.
Continued From Page One.
was not political in its tone an.l the n.u,
of neither candidate for the maiom
was mentioned. But the wornt .. .
themselves as indorsers of the effor, t,,
purify Atlanta.
In part the resolution asserts:
"We disclaim any purpose to interfer,
in the political affairs of the city, h .
is resolved by the Christian women h
"That the election of any can<li, ,ir
pledged to the protection of vice wool., i,.
a stain upon the honored name of \ .
"That we believe that one wl u
lived improperly should, after a .
change of heart, be condoned: hut a
not believe that such a person siioir. .
crowned with a great public office
reward of former dishonor.”
The governor today received ■
letters and a number of I. fgiain> ii
dorsing Judgr Sam P. Mi' ox
Whitfield, for the -olieitorship of !:1
Cherokeb ci’cult, made vacant h\ i
death of Solicitor T. <'. (Milne: m ,\i
lanta Saturday night.
There are no applicants fort!
tion. but a new solicitor like!) vi ! l In
named immediately, as the conn in . ■>
Cherokee circuit is in session.
Garant'd, Fresh Country
91- c
I 1
B Hogless i
10-lb. Pail
Argo Salmon Isc
Fancy Pink Salmon, full 0I p,
pound can. regular 2Cc value W3w
Libby's Asparagus Tips, 1 "7 1
r.gular 35c value I « 2V
lOc Pkg. t orn Flakrm
<4 linker Oatn
l!T»r Hine l.ahel < IT'/*’
I lb. Koya! Baking I’nnder
Frrmh Country Idgg*. dozen
Kagle 'lllk. can
Mendof* Gold Butter, ih
49c Coffee
34H* (offer
25c Coffee 19r
InNtant Poeruin |9 '
Florida Lim?*. per JOO -3. V
Cash Grocery Co.
118-120 Whitehall St. ,
«mwy:.TiTffi Tmam—nnnTr - -
The ATLANTA Tonight 8:15
Special Matinee Tuesday 2:30
Nights 25c to 12; Matinee 25c tc *
Keith Vaudeville
Howard & Snow The Caberet Tr ■ |
|^S'^ e " ly
FORSYTH ocf E T^l^r f
I UIIUI ill Thurs. and Sat
A-d Her Splendid P |a y e ;\ p j
Present Barrie's Great Foiir-A-.
Next Week “Little Lord Famit-e 1 |
IVrun THUS week
! YHili Motiners. I urs
L ’ UIU «nd Sfltur.’xv .
engagement f xtna(ino