Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1912-1939, October 15, 1912, EXTRA 2, Page 15, Image 15
THE ATLANTAGEORGIAK AND_NWS.|tEAD FOR PROFIT-GEORGIAN WANT ADS-USE FOR RESULTS TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1912 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN Published by The Georgian Company, 1 20 East Alabama Street, Atlanta. Ga. at Atlanta postoffice at second -1,11 class matter. Subscriptions rayable in Advance, nre vear. mall, postage prepaid. 55.00 L'v months, mail, postage prepaid. 2.50 Three months, mail, postage prepaid 1.25 One month, mail, postage prepaid. .45 —Subscriptions Payable in Advance. Delivered by carrier, one year 55.20 Delivered by carrier, six months .... 2.60 Delivered by carrier, three months... 1.30 DeP’-cred by carrier, one month4s Delivered by carrier in Atlanta and I other cities, one week 10 Want Ad Rates and Rules in the Atlanta Georgian One cent a word each insertion. •Co ad taken for less tsan the price ,-.f ten words. Ads in larger type, 12c a line (four words to the line). Out -of - town advertisements must be accompanied with cash. Agencies’ discounts 10 and 5 per cent. The Georgian will not be respon sible for more than one incorrect insertion of any ad ordered more than one time. Closing hours: To secure prop er classification, ads must be in The Georgian office before 1 o'clock the day of the issue. All ads must be ordered out in writing or at office. No discon tinuance notice taken over phone. Kvery word in the advertisement, Including the name ’and address. j is counted. Each initial counts one word; compound words are counted two words. Telephone your Want Ads to The Georgian (both phones 80001 when it is more convenient to do :-o. and collection will be made at your home or at your office the follow ing day. This is an accommoda tion service rendered Georgian Want Ad patrons and payment should always be promptly made on presentation of bill. Always ask that your telephone ad be re peated back to you by the ad taker to make sure that It has been taken correctly. The Georgian car, not guarantee accuracy or assume responslblity for errors of any kind occurring in telephone advertise ments. ADVERTISERS should retain re ceipts given in payment for Want Ads over the office counter, as mis takes can not be rectified without them. In answering advertise ments addressed in care of The Georgian, if the advertiser requires references, send a duplicate of sa me. Help Wanted—Female. GOOD home with man anti wife for an orphan girl that is O. K.: are worth 15,000. Address E. G. Copland, Phenix, A1a.38-15-10 WANTED Woman to cook and do gen eral housework. 231 Myrtle st, 10-15-31 WANTED—-Energetic young lady for our filing department. Call at once. Gen eral Ellin Co.. 314 Rhodes Bldg. 10-15-21 UAN'iEH A reliable colored girl to do general housework. Apply SO Metropoli tan. Phone Main 4836-J.lO-15-22 WANTED A first-class cook. Apply Mr lAans. 196 Ccurtland st. 10-15-23 WANTED—Good cook for small family. 303 Washington street; apartment 2. 10-15-9 WANTED—Good maid. Must come well recommended. Apply 325 Washington street. 10-15-10 52.50 PER DAY paid one lady in each town to distribute free circulars for concentrated flavoring in tubes. Perma nent position. F. E. Barr Company, Chi cago. 26-15-10 WANTED—Settled woman for general housework. Apply 321 Central avenue. Those that don't mind work need apply. __ 25-15-10 WANTi f' Good cook. Apply 158 High _land avenue. 48-14 10 WANTED Reliable colored girl to do general housework. Apply at once. 285 Eu ■■ 'iiue. Phono Ivy 958-. T. 10-14-42 COMBINATION coal ami gas ranges. Southern Stove and Supply Company. U1 Whitehall. 10-15-4 WANTED— Colored woman or girl to cooic anil iP, general housework. Good wages ■" right party. Apply 37 North More land avenue, , 10-14-41 II ANTED Three or four experienced solicitors to represent a large cor poration presenting an attractive invest ment offer to school teachers and other salaried workers. A splendid contract for the right parties Address Box ;112. care. Georgian, 10-14-11 GOOD cook; bring references-. 236 Cen tral avenue 10-14-17 " ANTED (luod cook ami laundress; ref erences required; good wages; cook sleep on premises. Apply at c.n< . . -( 9ort McPherson. 10-12-71 " ANTED—A good cook; must live on ne lot. Apply 119 North Moreland ave. __ . 1( Vl2-55 WANTED Servant girl to do general housework and cook two meals a day tor small family. 6 Oxford Place, North ktrood.Phone Decatur 500. 10-12-57 "ANTED Experienced waist finish I Apply 71H Whitehall. 10-12-30 "ANTED. Reliable colored seamstress to work by the day; $1.50. Address 148 Bedford place. 10-12-26 ''•ANTED Young women and girls desir w>» Permanent, attractive positions. fare of operators and clerks closely • ipervised by the company; their con mict on the premises carefully guarded by , a , n ’ "omen supervisors and chief operator, wh° have complete control over ... ’etiring and operating room. Two . training course for those inexfie veil, salary being paid While learning. ' increased at the end of twd weeks rrk. .. I '.' loose becoming efficient, in a? they become worthy, with op ppr unities for ultimate advancement to - 'or month. References proving the ln K °f the applicant essential. Those mg educational advantages preferred. ■ i room and comfortable retiring looms provided, with several hundred ‘ r ‘ e k'e library books for the conven nf operators. Matron and trained ,n attendance. Apply preferably in k. ii "-r’> a - m - to 5 p. m., third floor ■ I e.ephone Exchange, corner Mitchell 2—Pryor, Atlanta Ga. 10-9-22 Nurse. 2 West Fort Mcl’her -5 n Phone Main 2062. Hollldav. Help Wanted—Male. ' ■ ■ I'.D—Experienced colored man to 1 " ISI I wheels. Apple Phillips Hand T V ' 336 Houston street. 10-15-14 ' ' I B.D-Two first-class experienced nag,, trimmers. Apply at once. Gold '. E'le Buggy Company, 32 Means I - • ! '.D—Man to do pressing. Tallev I 128 Edgewood. I '-U—Young men with energy to r .. ' ~.’ r themselves a permanent In- -“llliig Insurance, monthly pavment , "'th big renewals. Call or address ■’l Agent, 419 Peters Bldg., \tlanta. jry-,.- 10-15-10 I;1 ‘ Colored man for stable work m .i ll Capital City Laundry. 10-15-2 1 .’ 1 El l --Twenty-five boys - as fast „ ' '■'■ngers; salary SB, sl6 and sl2 a v "_lth or without wheels Miller's I ■' Messenger Service. 42 Walton st. “ 10-15-30 \ I hl)—-Exporiencod inotor- "Ti and conductors. Apply ■’ -'ista Aiken Railwat and Elc<t •'otnpany, Augusta, Ga. pi 11-3 1 ' ' * k I huntii '- w »rk • • itk •*n Magazine in (<»nnei*tion v.>h line • • 1 idhw premluinH; n<> hook-. mu u< n good pay Apply nt <>n« f !, i, North Pryor Mt 10-1 i _i evp-riepctul man rook, good * ’ ‘M good pi.y tn r gio pu» • ‘a 1 ’ iii o(r,» t Third National hui-i Hid 1U !I ■ Help Wanted—Male, W A N T E D—A STENOGRAPHER PLUS A CHRISTIAN Young Man. Good stenographer. Good typewriter. Inclined to Christian work. Willing to learn. Teachable. See Mr. Jackson. Association Building. Pryor ami Auburn, Second Floor. " ANTluD—Twenty-five fast messengers, with or without wheels; best pay in city. Miller’s Messenger Service. Phone 10 12-50 GOOD PROPOSITION for reliable and energetic young man to sell vacuum meaners. 416 Fourth National Bank b U‘l<lmg. 68-12-10 WANTED—Men to learn the barber trade Increase your earnings. Will give you start in life that will make you independ ent Few weeks completes. Light, clean, inside work. Investigate today Moler I Bai ~ber C<!l lege. 38_lmck 1 e_s t. ' 48-1200 j lILE LAYER WANTED—Sober, indus trious, honest man for hustling job. Ad dress Hayes, Box 707, Fitzgerald, Ga I - 33-12-10 ; " ANTED—Capable, experienced male I steno-typist. Apply suite 417-418 Fourth National Bankjoullding. 60-12-10 I MAIL CARRIERS, postoffice clerks want- I ed. SBO month. Atlanta. Ga. Exami ! nations during November. Free coaching I Franklin Institute, Dept. 49-T, Rochester jN.-X-_ _ 25-9-10 j WANTED -Ideas. Inventors write for list of inventions wanted and prizes offered sby manufacturers. Also, how to get your ; patent. Sent, free to any address. Ilar- I dolph & Briscoe, patent attorneys, Wash- I ington, D, C. 7-11-23 FREE MASSAGE;- hair cuts. shaves. : shampoos. All barber work free. Clean ;linen. Atlanta. Barber College, 10 East I Mitchell. 5-27- 6 I STOP at Hilburn hotel, heart of’city, IT4 " alton street, if you want a clean, quiet Toom; transient 50c Open all night -21-19 YES. Professor G. (7. Branning will teach , you the barber trade (it’s easy). We . teach in one-half time of other colleges. ! y/lurse and position in our shops onlj’ I S3O. Why pay more? Thousands of otir ! graduates running shops or making good I wages. Atlanta Barber College. 10 East ' I Mitchell street. 5-11-17 [WANTED- Bright, strong boys to deliver routes in I i afternoons. Good wages :land chance for promotion. •. I Call at circulation depart ment The Atlanta Georgian, 'i 20 East Alabama, street. I I J Help Wanted--Male and Female. I BUTLERS, chauffeurs.' waiters, ~~p'orters. , cooks, maids, nurses, etc. wanted for ■ I places in and out city. J. W. Jones, lit., 1 ' S. Broad st. 43-15-16 Dentistry, Free I Jental (’linic. > , SOUTfiERX DENTAL COLLEGE. 100 I j North Butler s.treet, opposite Grady . | hospital. ' tpen from 1 p. in. to 5 p. m. .daily. Charges made for material used. H 10-11-7 . ( :: Schools and Teachers. • r WEEKS complete course of pen manship by correspondence to all j gia teachers. £lO. Some students ac ; i cepted. Diplomas granted to graduates. . ; Begin any time. The Swindell School of v Penmans! ip. Demorest, Ga. 10-7-17 ’ . r— ,-r Teachers Wanted. ■j WE FCRNISH schools with competent it'aclu i s and assist teachers in sccur .mg position: No charge to school boards; ' i modcraie charge to teachers. <'orr-spoial- V cnee invited with school trustees and ' ’eachcrs. Address Dept. R-5. Interstate . i Teachers Burenu. Rhodes Jjullding. At- • lanta.__ m-5-21 ■ SPECIAL fall ‘nrollment. gobd openings : i yet. Foster's Teachers Agency, Atlanta. . i Ga. 9-28-31 . | Salesmen Wanted. , ! WE SELL STOVES cheaper because our ; expenses are less. Southern Stove and Company. 121 Whitehall. 10-15-4 ■ WANTED- -Four IMgh-grade s,-■. • salesmen: mtn of ability make $75 : to SIOO per week every week; five men . doing it. You must come recommended > and clean. You call on ref Hl merchants; i ship all goods through jobbers; strictly > commission: personal intervb ws. States ’ open: Oklahoma, Arkansas. Missouri an« Louisiana. Eargo Remedy <’■»mpany. Inc., Rhodes Bldg., Annex * B.” 10-9-2$ ’ Agents Wanted. ’ AGENTS and canvassers wanted in every city to sell “Usoline” polishing cloth. Sells on sight, big profit.' Will allow > territory to hustlers. Samples free, oil Products Company, Inc., 17 Battery place. New York. 31-10-10 » - Situations Wanted—Female. i FIRST-CLASS reliable colored seamstress wants to sew by the day; $1.50. Ad dress 148 Bedford place. 1( i PERFE< ’'l'l' N <:1 1 eat< rs, $3 50 up. Southern Stove and Supply Company, 1 121 Whitehall. 10-15-4 ■ EIRST-CLASS laundress wants position as laundress on the lot. Apply or call ’ 352 _ Hilliard street. A. 46 1 1-10 • WANTED Position by an experienced : colored maid. Address E. .1 , 232 West Mitclmll street.4s-14-10 WANTED By experienced young ladv. position as governess or companion; ’ good references. Address Governess, care I G p orgian. 31-12-10 1 vT:RY REFINED, middle aged lady se< l<s 1 position as a companion or any kind of light work. Phone West 151-. J. > 52-12-10 t*ADY desires position in family as housi ’ keeper; care of children, help sew. Ad ( dress A. N. K., Terrill, Ky. 60-2-10 ) ~ .... ■■ 2 -2^27- „ ——2— _’.L7 Situations Wanted—Male. COI’NTER MAN wants posftlnn. i \prii 1 enced In pantry Restaurant. Box 21.. care Georgian. it;-I.‘. H) 1 j WANTHD - Situation by experienced I cigar salesman ami clerk Plume Ivt 4548; JA-L !■ ’ I iI.XI’HRI i:N< Tlf' Miung man wants light set nf bunks t<> keep er stenographi. 'wi rk. requiring about :< half dat 1, D lit.; ltjix_3. r- i h'a i FF'iiri:’ -«hite ■ lehe with private oi lommercial parties K<m*P up .'ar lt» st of icfi renc.-s A*i- 1 ... . !\( A NTI ii > I 'Du' • i. • i ■ 1 gem i'll i ffii c assistant b' a 'uung mat |wlth two 'cuts ,■ xpefuqici ’’all ■•De be.' ■I H f.Tcru • Aiiiiic- \nxious. ll.'X i .re Georgian 31-H-K' ' W ANTED I’nsition mb -man. D• <i I b.A and gr.-. u preferred. with po '< ' ing hou*r » K f»er fin un<' \d . . i, JI Nt I <>h i.G < Gt n< rul 1 ht • \ Situations Wanted—Male. MAN. well experienced in wholesale gro cery business, desires position as sales man or bookkeeper. Forty years of age. Good address. Reply Box 470, care Geor- Pia n. 10-14-2 A-l STENOGRAPHER and office man with seven years experience, desires first-class position. Address Box 8000. care Georgian. 34-14-10 WANTED —By competent young man two hours clerical work with good house about four nights each Week. Address • • Box 902, care Georgian. 26-14-10 WANTED—Position as chauffeur. Have had three years experience. Can give references. Address Box 842. care Geor gian. 29-12-10 WANTED Position at once, by first ; class stono-bookkeeper and general of fice man of several years - experience, (ian furnish A-l references. Address C. CH., care POSITION WANTED by capable office man: fully experienced in up-to-date methods, business correspondence, etc.: hard worker: use typewriter; satisfactory references. Address Box 7U, care Geor gian. 33-10-10 YOUNG MAN from North would like position of some kind at once. Ex perienced grocery, office, shipping room. State salary given. Address Box 1830. care Georgian. 37-9-10 i WANTED —Position by young man. Ger man, to work around house and act as butler: can’t speak English: prefer with German family. Address German, care Georgian. 65-8-10 Situations Wanted—Male and Female. examinF THJ£~ROYAL ST A XDA RD TYPEWRITER Model 5 Before You Bnv -27-13 Contractors and Home Builders. IT WILL PAY YOU to get our estimates on steam heating ami plumbing before letting your work; 35 years experience in city puts us in position to give you best work at minimum cost. Bashlor Heating and Plumbing Company, 43 Car negie Place. M. 455. 7-20-48 Boarders Wanted. SEE “Rooms and Board” Under Georgian Rent Bulletin. Lost and Found. LOST Gold watch fob, with initials W. P. J., on Pryor street, between Edge , j wood avenue and Hunter street, or on | Hunter street, between Pryor street and j the capitol, or at the capitol. Finder i ' will please return to \V.> P. J., care Geor gian. and receive reward. 10-15-12 . i REWARD lor return of my two hound ’ dogs. Willis, dark brown, white feet; ' Buck, black with white star in breast. ■ : No questions asked. John Lackey, 42 11 l| Gjdreet..Atlanta phone 4020. 10-10-52 ' LOST Black and white spotted coach dog. Please return to R. C. Congdon, 185 Myhtle st. Phone Main 4'.>45. 10-8-68 , i Personal. ! FOR ADOPTION, a beautiful six-months i.ld b<lby girl. Answer quick. Box 188, care < Jeorgitgr 41-15-10 , I CADET HEATERS; w itli coil. Southern Stove and Supply Company, 121 White , hall. 10-15 : 4 . ; LaDiEs -Ask your druggist io- '..nicut'.- ters Pills, the Diamond brand; for 25 years known as best, safest, always relia- | ble; buy of you? druggist, "’ake no other, j Chiehesters Diamond Brand .’ills are sold • bv druggists everywhere. 5-2-1 Al THORS. WRITERS: Let us secure , i your copyrights, print and place your . ] books on the market. Morton Publishing | Company. Dept. ATG. Morton building, I New York. 7-11-26 ! 1-'LY SCREENS. FLY SCREENS; FLY "I SCREENS -Wood fly screens, metal fly ; screens, hardwood floore, Venetian blinds, metal weather strips furnished anywhere iin the South. Write or piicne W It. Cal ' i laway. manager. 1403 Fourth National Bank building. Atlanta, Ga. Main 5310. . ; 8-15-5 I SERlors RESI’LTS come Iron, trusses improperly fitted. John B. Daniel, at 34 | Walt street, has an expert fltie- and it ■ will cost you no more to hav. him tit ' you, and it means insurance. 6-24-19 Palmistry. ’ Palmist and Life Heading. 17 EAST MITCHELL ST.. HN_TENT>. Miss’ BECK, Wi iRLD-EA.MED INDIAN PALMIST A GIFTED WOMAN. 1.0- . CATED 76 EAST HI’NTER STREET. 9-30-19 GYPSY 1 CLAIRVOYANT AND PALMIST; RE VEALS PAST, PRESENT AND FC- ■ I TIRE CON SI LT ON ALL AFFAIRS I; OF LIFE. 138 WHITEHALL STREET. .; 9-16-I.’: PROF. LAVOUX, SPIIUTI AL MEDICM CLAIRVOYANT, , ’ ”4 Walton St. Office Hours, 9 a. m.. 9 p. m. 1 i Sunday. 10 to 4. Ladies' Maid i i in attendance. ' ; _ 8-6-J G YPSY QUEEN. I j IS NOW LOCATED in tent, corner For syth and Lijekie; ran be consulted' on 'all affairs of J life. Charges moderate. • ; SafisfaetJon guaranteed 6-25-13 i Medical. DR. VP 'LET M MILLAN. Diseases of Women. Non-opera ting. 200-202 Hillyer Trust building. r 11282.58 DR. EDMONDSON S Tans}, Pcnnyr< yai and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re- 1 liable treatment for painful and sup ' pressed menstruation, irregularities and i j similar obstructions. Trial box by mail, . I 50c. Frank Edmondson X- Bro., manufac- | turirg chemists, 11 North Broad street. Atlanta. 2-17-14 Dropsy. Bel eves shortness of I breath in 36 io 48 hours. Reduces swell . | ing in ffG-cn to twenty days. Write for I ' particulars. Collom Dropsy Remedy Com i i pany, 512 Austell building, Atlanta. I | 5-25-11 , .. - e Wanted —Miscellaneous. ■ ! HEATERS. $2.50 to $46. We save you . | enough to buy y< ur coal. Southern ; Stove and Supply Company, 121 White reet 10-15-4 ' W A NTEt» Your qoutntlons on multi graphing jobs Box 4, Lisbon, Ga. 13-14-10 DIAMOND WANTED About one'carat in size; must stand expert examination. “Diamond,” Box 10, cair Georgian. 10-12-39 Grs for grocery store. Call .Atlanta 887 ..I 0-9 " 10 1 ■ ’ ’ ’ . ' ■ ' . ■ ■ • -1 • ■ • . - ■ t • • fixtures and merchandise of any kind j 3<c”pte(! <n < (»n* igument. Cash advanced. ■ Pf iiibioke Sales •143 South Pryor St. I i Hell phonos Main 1 434, Main 187, Atlanta i 2285 8- IL -12 !WEP\V! Ih: 11 ES 7 ! f ash p’-lcos for house hold r <»d pianos of:. < furniture ('asli ad\ .ineed on capsigna • nts. Central I\u tion Company. pj East Mitchel! i treot Bell i- t . Main 34 i '(DR)'!’ A ('ARD W’hT bring cash for old (‘l-nhos a:i«l .-!. ws Tb( Vostiare !• ' tree! I WAXTIJi V> <■ i.,i\ Cdgheat cash prices II .-n h<i”s. I c-ld go"<is, pianos and office (furniture «‘a-!i advanced on < onsign- in« its Sprh uo’i’s \uotlon House. 25 South Prym street p,»q| phone Main 15?0 I OH \\ \.NTi:D V i ' U,’ ’au V. W M Cox <ha»i) a I ' nds carpets; rug- a spo il' I :i:I Hlantu 1818 145 Au- I. •ejiH 10-2-K I I’d \ I’. r old lot'hes ai>u shoes bi j a •a rd 1 Buck, 32 Bell .• «r» et t-lli 2> “The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin” j Do Your Renting and Searching Through This Bulletin. 'a < Are you looking for the best Rooms, Houses. Apartments, Rooms for House ceping. Offices, Business S j > Locations. Garages, Storage Houses, Boarding and Rooming places, etc.? ■ i < This bulletin contains a complete list of every 1 desirable and suitable place that is For Rent in the city ■' > and suburbs in each Issue. ’ ! For the benefit and convenience of our patrons The Georgian employs special men to cover the city and • i > suburbs each day in search of all the desirable places. ’ > Save time, useless steps, money and worry by consulting this bulletin. It is for your convenience, so take ? advantage of it. ' Y Rooms and Board. ROOM and board for couple; reference. 102 Ivy 5t..10-15-30; BEAI TIFI'L suite rooms; running water, j furnace heat; excellent board; location j and surroundings unsurpassed; block ; Georgian Terrace. Ivy 5551.10-15-24 j FOR RENT—Nicely furnished down stairs front room with board, for young men only. 102 AVashington st. Main I I 840-J.lO-15-26 I WOULD BOARD three ladies or gen- ) j tiemen: $lB per month. Nortli side, i Walking distance. Nice place. 68 Currier I street- 31-15-10 ; ' I OPENING a boarding house. Few boarders can get first-class board and 'pleasant rooms, with all conveniences;' 1 i close in. Main 3817-J. 236 Central ave- ; I nue.lo-14-16 j i REFINED COUPLE or two gentlemen I j can get nice room and board in pri vate North Boulevard home. Answer | with references. L. N., Box 210. care ; Georgian. 10-14-33 ! ROOM anil board; private family; furnace I heat; gentlemen only. 73 W. Peachtree. : Ivy 433-L.lO-12-33 IBEACTIFI L room with board; private bath; furnace heat. 222 W. Peachtree, i Ivy 5784-J.lO-12-40 ' LARGE front room with board; splendid ! ! location. 79 West Peachtree. Ivy 1449-.1. ! GENTLEMEN or couple without children • to occupy room and board in modern home. Inman Park. Reasonable rates, i i Iv - v 5335-J. 10-12-44 | | LIGHT, clean front room on second floor; ' excellent meals; homelike, good neigh- i borhood; walking distance; reasonable. Call Ivy 2856-1,.10-12-24 ! WANTED BOARDERS—Just opened tile; most attractive home on north side; ele- I gant rooms, with best home cooking. 33 I West Harris street.lo-11-27 DESIRABLE room, with board. 79 West Peachtree street. Ivy 1 449-J. 10-5-66’ NEAT rooms and home-like cooking; also I table board; close in. 127 Capitol ave. I M. 5172-J.lO-10-39 I NICELY furnished rooms and board; all conveniences; north side. 46 Angier ave. 1 TWO NICE ROOMS and good board for , i couples; single rooms for gentlemen. 'I Bell phone West 568 J. 34-9-10 1 ONE LARGE and one small connecting room, with board, at 513 Peachtree. i • 71-8-10 ; ! St ANY rooms, running water, best board, furnace heat; strictly refined surround - ■ ' ; Ings. Phone Ivy 5551. 32 East North ave. i 10-8-33 : WANTED Two gentlemen boarders It a private family; $.lB per month. Call 162 AJJa n,a phone; ask_for Mr. Lewis. 10-8-18 OPPOSITE THE"CAPITOL. ' . NICELY furnished rooms hnd excellent > table board. 121 Capitol Square. Main t 4839-L. 10-4-41 . :.. —, Board Wanted. WANTED- Board by couple having little girl, in home where no other boarders. Looking for quiet, refined, Christian home. Give full details in answer. Board. ; • Box 215, care Georgian. 29-15-10 I WANTED- Room and board in about half ■ | mile; North Boulevard and Sixteenth , I street. Preferably private family. Ref ; I erences if desired. C. E. Newell. 30 ; I Houston street. 56-12-10 i . I Furnished Rooms For Rent. I TWO comfortable furnished housekeeping rooms; all conveniences; $4 week; walk- ; ing distance; adults only. 65 Crew st. ; 42-15-10 I FoR RENT—One nicely furnished front t bed room for one or two young mlln; : private home; steam heated; dressing i room attached, with hot and cold water. Apply 156 Juniper. Telephone Ivy 2342-L. 10-i5-33 NICE, newly furnished rooms: also light . housekeeping apartment; hot baths; pri vate family; all conveniences. 151 Spring. • 10-15-29 FOR RENT —Nicely furnished rooms; al! [ conveniences; close in. 104 tvj’ street • 10-15_-28 TWO nice rooms on second floor adjoin- ! ing bath: one front, one side view; good neighborhood; near in; five car lines pass ; door; rent reasonable. 371 Whitehall st. ! M. 3462-J. 10-15-27 I ONE R< >QM FOR "RENT; ELE< i! LIGHTS. STEAM HEAT; IN APART MENT, WITHIN THREE BLOCKS OF : CANDLER BLDG.; GENTLEMEN ’ ONLY. FOR INFORMATION CALL IVY 759. DELIGHTFUL front room; private bath; garage; refined home. "Peachtree.” i are <1 eorgian. 33-15-10 FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms; con venlences, 249 Central ave.3s-15-9 TWii connecting rooms, beautifully fur nished. for rent with living room at tached. in steam heated' apartment. 16 West Baker st., lirst floor. 10_-Ki-20 FOR RENT —Two nicely furnished rooms, three blocks from Candler building. Applj 9 Williams street. 10-1.7 2 1 LARGE room, downstairs, with private bath; desire, two or three young men. Ivy 1535-L. 10-15-3 I/iok at our stoves and ranges before you buy one anywhere. Southern Stove and Supply Company. 121 White- I hall. 10-15--. j I FOR RENT —Two nicely furnished front rooms, complete for housekeeping; pri- : ' vale entrance; dressing room attached. • To parties without children. sl6. Hot I bath: Bell phone; best location. 290 Washington street. or-14 43 I F< >R RENT Large front room, in steam I heated apartment: gentlemen only. I ■ References exchanged. Apply at 193 ( . Spring street; apartment« 2. 10-11-40 ■ For Exchange—Miscellaneous. EXCHANGE—S4O Victor graphophone, good as new, $1:0 worth of good records, for second-hand rubber-tired buggy, top preferred li. G. Blackwells, (hi. . WILL exchange music lessons for millin ery or dressmaking. Address Box ‘413. care Georgian 10-14 34 i For Sale —Miscellaneous. CAST RANGES, with water back, S3O and Ul>. Southern Stove and Supply Com • pany. 11 Whitehall. 10-15-4 i Sr.<'v.'D-HA Nl' S.AI’iCS Small, medium and large home safes. sls; Hall s bank and fireproof safes, vault doors, etc. C 1 .1. Daniel, 416 Fourth National Bank build ing _____. ■ 'i. " I'fiit' SALE -ofTTce FtHTßltvre. 1 ROLLTOP DESK, typewriter and desk, office table, chairs, cabinet, filing case. . tc. 4I; 1 . Candler building. 4,-14-16 Ii HI SALL New Royal typ< writer. nev er used. Eirst S4O gets it. Box 215, c; re Georgian. . __ 44-JI4-1O FOR SALE- Entire house of furniture, consisting of !) rooms. W ill sell reasona ble. Phone Atlanta 2187. or call at No. 8 W'. Ellis Street. - 14-2 C I-1 HI SALE -One handsome evening vat > one blue velvet dress Phono Ivy 53111' I 10 I 2-7- F<»l< SALE,' FEATIIF.RS All kinds do tn»’stl< feather* Live geese feather* a -I f - Hilt' Write <>r plmne for Marnplc** and nt i.«i* It S Eubanks. 73ty SOIIH ur»4‘t Atlanta Ga G5K’-|u i'IIICAGh <’b«»p Huey Bentaurnnt for col ored N« *» Ivy street. Atlanta phon* i 5U31-I'. (»p«.n now. 30-7-1 V Furnished Rooms For Rent. SMALL front room, neatly furnished, for one person, $6 per month. 78 East El lis street.lo-14-36 bolt RENT—Two nicely furnished rooms, ■ steam heat, electric lights; gentlemen only. Call at 44 East Harris, apartment 1, or telephone ivy 4412.10-14-28 FOR RENT—Furnished room: all con- 1 venienees: adjoining bath; privata fam- i ily; north side References exchanged 1 2 ioi,e lvy 3!)13 ' 10 _* FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room, sin- i gle or for light housekeeping. 255 i Courtland street.lo-14-30 I LARGE front room with kitchenette; furnished complete; private family. 325 Courtland, ivy 248.".-.1. 10-14-19 Nl’< 'ELY FURNISH ED - RO( )M REASON ABLE. CALL MAIN 3148-.1. 10-14-14 TWO furnished rooms, convenient to bath, select neighborhood. Apply at 39 West ■ North avenue.lo-14-12 1 NICELY furnished room, private family. north side; furnace heat; conveniences , ivy 2935-J, 10-14-13 ONE newly furnished front room, every convenience anil steam heat: near in. 43 East Cain. Ivy 2020-L. 10-14-15 FOR RENT —Two furnished rooms; all conveniences. 93 Pulliam. Main 4528-J. 10-14-7 ONE large front room in home; young men preferred. Ivy 1576-L.72-12-10 NICELY furnished front room in Inman Park, to lady or gentleman; rent reason able. Apply 119 North Moreland ave. 10-12-54 FOR RENT—One nicely furnishd room. . with private bath. One with a sleeping porch. Call Ivy 4060. 10-12-48 | PRIVATE FAMILY will rent one or two . furnielieil rooms to j oung men; all | home comforts. 50 Grady place. Wsst End West 48-L. 10-12-49 IX>R RENT Two nice connecting front rooms in private family. Ivy 1692-J. ■ 10-12 51 FL'RNLSHED complete for light house keeping, with or without board; close In; conveniences, Atlanta 4810.10-12-32 I IN owner's home, four rooms: private.! bath; furnished complete; housekeeping;] adults only. Ivy 2825-L,19-12-35 LARGE front room, steam heat, electric lights. Most desirable neighborhood, ' north side. References required. Ivy 2498-L. 10 2 12-36 NEWLY furnished rooms. Modern con-I venienees. 65 E. Cain. Ivy 6490. 10-12-34 ' FOR RENT —Newly furnished rooms. 46 Houston street. Bell phone Iviy 6673-. L I FOR RENT—Furnished room; walking distance; conveniences; Woodward ave nue, corner Central. Gentlemen only. FOR RENT—Nice room, with bath, heat and electric lights. 485 Peachtree. Ref ' erences. 10-12-29 Ft >R 11ENT—Furnished rooms; single and double; to permanent parties; rea sonable rates, 72 Spring. 59-12-J 0 IF you want a furnished rooms that is near in, comfortable and clean, call at No. 20 West Harris street. Bell phone Ivy 6594. Gentlemen 0n1y,46-11-10 ■ LIGHT housekeeping rooms and furnished front rooms. 67 Woodward avenue. 10-11-24 FCRNISHED rooms in strictly private home. 19 East Harris street. 10-11-3 FOR RENT —Nicely furnished front room: all conveniences. Phono Ivy 195'. 59 East Harris.lo-9-1 I FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, single or en suite. In north side private home All conveniences. 74 East Merritts ue. 3 FOR RENT -Nicely furnished rooms; light housekeeping rooms. 210 Spring Ivy 1907-.1. 10-8-53 FOR RENT -Newly furiWshed rooms, near in; heat. 34 and 35 Cone. FOR RENT - Delightful, sunny rooms, with private bath, or adjoining bath. 261 Whitehall. Atlanta phone 2203. 10-8-30 FOR RENT—Nicely furnished close-in rooms at 185 South Pryor street. Bell ph.>ne Main 5300.298-10 NICELY furnisbiil rooms, 70c night. $2.50 a week and up. Broadway Hotel. N. Broad street. Hot and cold water NICELY furnished front rooms; steam heat; all conveniences. 45 Williams street. A part meat 3. Ivy 211b.10-1 -35 FOR RENT To nice young man nr busi ness woman, newly furnished front room: all conveniences. Owner. Ivy 3211-L. 10-1-9 Unfurnished Rooms For Rent EoR RENT Two unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, with private family, all. modern conveniences; ion minutes walk from center of citj (’all at 117 Pul- I I■' ' THREE connoi'tii’.g r<>«.tns with sini-. h< > < oupie wit hout ci ildren ’ hree r<)on private bath: references. 443 Courtland’ street, corner Pine, I_‘) -14-I*' T\Vc7newly papered rooms in Grant park section; $8 a month Address Box M 4. care Georgia n. 10- F r OR RENT on first floor, for light housekeeping, two large rooms, hall, i kitchen. 143 Spring street. 58-12-10 1 li< •11 R —Three «»r four unfurnisTip< 1 - rooms for light housekeeping; private batl 2 / grew .-in-' t. • I FOR RENT Four unfurnished rodmii • Will rent 1o small family or in part : first floor. Very reasonable. Inquire on i premise s 16 Brot herton. I<> 1 1 -1 1 l ? OR RENT —Three rooms; second floor I east and south exposure: hot and <okl i water, bath; with small family of ’href grown persons 17 Cnew street. Phone ; Main 4457. 29-11-10 For Sale—Miscellaneous. pi; fl ) iFire Pieces of Any Music i I TO any one sending us the NAMES I of 5 responsible people, the heads cf ‘ families, that have not an upright pi ano in their home, we will send five • pieces of any music you may select CLASSIC or POPULAR—as soon as v.e have verified the list. In sending - in names, it is absolutely important to give t !:<• correct address, street num- 1 her. town and state. If in the country, give RURAL ROUTE, postofUce and county. The music will be mailed postpaid, to party sending the names , Not more than one in a family consid ered Write your name and addreSf plainly. Address I*. O'. Box No. 1623 Atlanta, Ga. 5,000 Ladies Walited. T<> C<»ME out and kf*» my r*m in bloom Take Hou th l’ry*tr and Federal prlaot cars to South Atlanta, ret off ut Buchan an’n l.'tne S U Buchulian ♦’>.'<-II!,11 I SAFES. tdcs. tibineiM. n<-u a 4i»<i lid Gru!.in Bunk a. Office Equipment Co *1 $-30-31 | Unfurnished Rooms For Rent. FOIt RENT—Three desirable light house keeping rooms; all conveniences. Price reasonable. 225 North Boulevard. 10-10-48 ONE large downstairs unfurnished room t cheap. G., 270 Houston street. ivy 6654. 10-9-11 Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms For Rent. FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms; ex cellent table board across street; both roast, nab!,-. 289 liawson 15 -1 o 111 !•. VVOODROW” - Newly furnished and unfurnished rooms. 143 Soring Housekeeping Rooms For Rent. I" OR RENT -Two very desirable eon necting completely furnished house keeping rooms. 66 Currier street. Phone Ivy 2098-J. t o.-s.ts I’OR RENT—Two or three rooms, fur 7 n"i.i e< complete for housekeeping. 73 V) illiams street. Phone Ivy 3681 .1 rWO nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping with private family; rates very reasonable. Apply 236 South For syth st. near Whitehall. 10-11-41 FOR RENT—Three rooms for light house keeping. at West End; sls a month. lor information, call 806-J West. 10-10-16 LIGHT housekeepers and roomers wanted at 145 Spring street. Ivy 2904-L. 10-8-49 Furnished Apartments For Rent. I-OR RENT—HaIf cottage, completely furnished; four connecting rooms and bath; everything private; new gas range, sink in kitchen, hot water attachments, phone, good locality, near cars; south siilo.llium l Main 4433-J 10-15-32 FOR RENT Small, first-class furnlshetl apartment. References. Apply 18 East Pine street, between two Peachtrees I HREE lovely bright rooms also two large sunny rooms, with kitchenette; modern conveniences; north side. Phone Ivv 2478 Unfurnished Apartments For Rent POl R-ROOM ED brick apartments, near ’ side; heat, lights and bath; ♦3O; also four-roomed suburban house; waler and city improvements; $lO. 504 Candler Bldg.lo-12-418 bOk RENT Two new 4-room apartments with front and rear porches. 279 East stn et. Unfurnished Houses For Rent FOR RENT—-Close in eight-room brick , •’csMence. 63 I-;. Cain st. Bill phone Ivy 3834-J. 15-15-31 ARTISTIC bungalow, screened, furnace, tile bath, garage. Ansley Park, care am 34-15 - 9 6OR RENT—237 East Pine street, nice, modern six-room cottage at $23.50 a month; Immediate possession. Phone Ivy 4748-. L j ft-14-29 154 MILLS STREET, corner McAfee, six room and bath, on car line, S2O. W. W. Brown. 617 Austell Bldg. 10-14-38 j FIVE-ROOM bungalow on South Deca 7 tur car line, furnace heated, for rent Phone Decatur 79. 28-12-10 FOR RENTiTIOUSES—CcdL write” or phone for our rent bulletin Ralph O. Cochran. 19 South Broad street. 4-1-21 THE IFOI’SE you build, buy or rent will not be a modern home unless it. is wired for electricity. Business Space For Rent. FOR RENT Half of store; can give lease at reasonable rate. Apply 8 North For syth street. 10-14-37 Furnished Rooms Wanted. WANTED Two or three nicely furnished housekeeping rooms on north side, by young married couple. Phone Ivv 3949 or address R. M.. Box 200. care Georgian Unfurnished Rooms Wanted. WANTED Three unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, close in, on south side. Give legation and price E R. Y.. glam 10-15-11 \\ ANTED By elderly lady, unfurnished room, convenient to bath, on north side. Plione Ivy .3535-L. 69-12-10 Housekeeping Rooms Wanted. WANTED—Three rooms for light house keeping by couple; Inman Park or north Decatur car line; give location and price; reference Box 779, care Georgian Fire-Proof Storage. WE STORE HOI’SEHOUD goods and pianos, office and warehouse, 239-241 Eugewood avenue. Ivy 2037. John J Woodside Storage Company Want to buy your second haiui — fnriilr ture, stoves, household articles and inis ■ellaneous things" Your ad in the "For Sale. Miscellaneous" columns will be read with interest and your used but useful articles will be sold at a big profit to you. For Sale—Miscellaneous. PAPERSHELL Pecan Culture very profitable. Catalogue free. Bass Pecan Company, Lumberton. Miss 44 10 Id NEW, beautiful rum woven from your old carpet, superior to any in service; plain or designed; any size. Catalogue free. Oriental Rug Company, Baltimore -16-31 National ( ash Registers. ?35-SSO; S6O-$75 and up. Terms easy Lib eral exchange allowance. Both phones THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO., 60 North Broad Street 7-20-52 \ IDCl'ift II registers every th.n'g rxirn ii> .in Latest improvements. ( *<><]■> Old registers exchanged v.clsli .Ml sizes; easy terms KUrriof ni-o Atlanta Cash Register Co • glSlt I; 34 East Alabama street 6 13-47 CA RRI AG IIS RE PA IR ED AN D ~ RECOV ER! II '. NEW lUBBHFi TIRES PCT ON YOUR RABY'S CARRIAGE PHONE IVY 3076 ROBERT MITCHELL. 229 EDGE WQi >l'7-18-15 Stove and Range Repairing. I JAN. TI IE FIXER/ STOVES AND REFRIGERATOR RE PAIRING. We sell secondhand gas stoves We sweep chimneys, 121 WHITEHALL STREET Ailanta Phone 2235 Bell Phone Main 2«Jf -4-7 Trunks, Bags and SuitCMes itETAriEiC'A'Srfi ~KEpAii<fcn ROUNTREE’S 77 :i 'V LL PHONES Bell Main 1576. Atlanta XC&4 Auction Sales. I 1 st., buys and sells everything; regular i auction Tuesday and Friday. Bell phone ■ Main_2424. 10-3-41 ! PA WN BROKERS AUCTION HOUSE. 51 1 Decatur street. We buy and sell any and everything. Atlanta pnone 2285; Bell phone Main 1434. Main 187.7-29-20 SPRINGER’S Auction House, at 25 South Pryor street, will buy or sell your household goods, pianos and office furni ture. Main 1526,10-3;6 PEMBROKE Sales Company under new management; will accept your surplus ’ stock of any kind on consignment; cash advanced: settlement on date of sale. 143 South Pryor street. Bell phone Main 1434. Main 187, Atlanta phone 2285 3-6-30 Automobiles. automobiles for sale. 'Sacrifice' sale. DETROIT Electric Coupe. Four seats. Beautifully upholster ed in fine leather. Batteries and motor in condition. Com pelled to sell at once. Any rea sonable offer will be considered. Phone M. 3205. - 10-14-5 FOR SALE—I9II Cadillac; first-class con dition. Phone Ivy 883-J.83-12-10 FOR SALE—Four-passenger E.-M.-F. car, 1912 model, electric lighted, nobby tread tires, and in splendid condition. In fact, the car is almost as good as new. but for quick sale. S7OO cash will buy it. J. E. McCullough & Co.. 315 Empire building. Alain 3903.10-12-25 FOR SALE —Automobile tonneau body and top; five passenger; top and seats newly covered. Body newly painted and in fine condition. A great bargain. Can ba seen at A. C. Miller’s shop, corner of Courtland and Gilmer streets. Inquire for Mr. Brooks. Georgian office. 10-5-16 ONE second-hand three-fourths ton Buick truck Will sell this week at a bargain. Adams Price Auto Company. 1 Washington street. • Phone Main 652. 9-24-1 AUTOMOBILES FOR EXCHANGE. MODEL E BRUSH runabout, with top, lights, etc., in first-class running condi tion, to trade for unincumbered real es tate or toward a Model T Ford. Address Owner. Box 900, care Georgian. 10-1.5-5 I Have a splendid five-passenger auio mobile which I will exchange for real estate of same value. Car is in good condition, (’all Main 2405-J. Charles R. Cook, 480 South Boulevard. 9-24-9 Bankrupt Sale. "YiankuupYsalu * 1 will sell to the highest bidder for cash on the 16th day of October, 1912, at 11 o’clock a. m.. Room 513 Grant Building. Atlanta. Ga., the entire stock of tobaccos, candies and fixtures, including soda fount, chairs, tables, etc., of Harry Manos, bank rupt. WALTER C. HENDRIX. Receiver. 922 Atlanta National Bank Building. • 10-14-4 Timber Land Wanted. WANTED -To buy a tract of yellow pine timber Will buy land and timber if location is suitable. O. M- Ennis, Oco nee, Ga. 10-8-29 WANTED—To buy tract of hardwood timber; especially ash. O. M. Ennis. ‘ Oconee, Ga. 10-8-28 Blue Prints. ' 317 AUSTELL BUILDING. MAIN 3840. yt'ALITY, LOW PRICES, PROMPT , SERVICE. 9-30-55 ( Sewing Machines. WE RENT new machines with complete set of attachments for $2 per month; ’ also machines repaired; prompt delivery. Both phones 1893. Singer Sewing Ma chine Company. 79 Whitehall. 9-14-44 Money to Loan. sss ?? OWNERS, come direct to us. Money in any quantity at 5 to 8 per cent; $200,000 for apartment houses at 6 per cent. We handle purchase money notes, stocks and bonds. Randolph Loan Co.. 821 Candler Building.lvy 5069.10-1-49 ON ETRST mortgage real estate security? Home funds and insurance money. Rates to 8 per cent interest We also make mouthlj payment loans. We can give you the money as sodn as titles are ap proved. RALPH 0. COCHRAN CO., 19 S. BROAD ST. I. 11. ZrilIJN'E. Loan Manager , nUnTy for sa’larTfd PEOPLE AND OTHERS, upon their own names: cheap rates, easy payments. Confiden tial D, 11. Tolman. 524 Austell building. .MONEY ON HAND for Immediate loans on property in or near Atlanta. J. E. 'van Valkenburg, 501 Equitable building 6-6-22 WEYMAN * CONNORS. ESTABLISHED 1890. Mortgages on Real Estate THE PRUDENTIAL IN SURANCE CO. of Aineri ca can make you a loan on I A Ulanta improved property, through their loan corre spondents, Turman, Black Calhoun, 203-8 Empire Building’ 6*7-12-1 SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND, any amount; 6 per cent. Write or call. S. W. Carson. 24 South Broad street. 4-1 17 ‘ ARM LOANS placed in any amount on improved farm lands in Georgia The S< nthern Mortgage Company. Gould build mg 7-13-1 IJEWELERS AND BROKERS 301 PETIRS \ bldg - Co' - STRICTLY PRIVATE i Without Indorsement Without Collateral Security Without Real Estate Securities Monev loaned at # LAWFUL RATES. NATIONAL DIS COUNT CO.. 301-2 Fourth Nation al Bank Building. WE HAVE plenty ot money tc ! lend at lowest rates on Atlanta and nearby property, either for straight, or monthly payment plan. Also for purchasing pur chase money notes. Foster & Robson, 11 Edgewood Ave. •Are you looking for Real Estate to in vest In or do you want to sell your prop erty? Then read the Reni Estate Ade in The Georgian. Every dealer of im portance In the real estate btielneea tn this ectlon. advertises In The Georgian s Leal Estate columns. 15