Newspaper Page Text
Published by The Georgian Company,
20 East » Atlanta.
Alabama-st : ' Georgia.
Entered at Atlanta p<»stofH «■ <»t. second
class matter
Subscriptions Payable in \dvar.
On<- year mall, postag* prepaid bVOO
S 4 x months, ma pou-w prepaid 2.30
Thr. t
Or stage prepaid. ' 45
Subscriptions Payable in \dvance
Delivered by carrier. one >* ar . $.»20
Delivered by carrier. >’x months 2.60
Delivered b\ came three months 1.30
Deliver-' 1 ■ ■ E-
Delivered by- ittier in Atlanta and
other cities. -me week
Wan! Ad Rales and Rules
in the Atlanta Georgian
( """“
Ona cent 3 word eaeh insertion.
No a ■ ■
of ten words Ads in larger type,
12c a line (four words to the line). I
Out -of - town advertisement
must be at pani< wit cash |
Agencies’ discounts 10 and 5 per
The Georgian will not bp rcspon- ■
sible for more than one incorrect
’ insertion of anj ad ordered more |
than one time.
Closing hours To secure prop
er classification ads must be in ■
The Georgian office before 1 o’clock
the day of the issue.
AH ads must be ordered out In i
writing or at office. No disenn
. J tinuance notice taken over phone.
Ever?*’ word in the advertisement,
Including the name and address.
1s counted Each initial counts one
word; compound words are counted
two words
Telephone your Want Ads to 'Hie
Georgian <br>th phones 8QO0) when
It ts more convenient to do so. and
collection will be made at your
home or at your office the follow
ing day This is an accommoda
tion service rendered Georgian
Want Ad patrons and payment
should always be promptly made
on presentation of bill. Always
ask that your telephone ad be re
peated back to you by the ad
taker tn make sure that it has been
taken correctly The Georgian can
not guarantee accuracy <»r assume
responslblity for errors of any kind
occurring in telephone advertise
ADVERTISERS should retain re
ceipts given in payment for Want
Ads over the office counter, as mis
takes can not be rectified without
them In answering advertise
ments addressed in care of The
Georgian, if the advertiser requires
references, send a duplicate of
Help Wanted—Female.
iio A WEEK easily made at home by any I
woman. Write Order of Owls. South
Bend, Ind 84-19-10
LATHES anywhere $lO weekly copying,
collecting addresses; inclose stamp.
Southern Information Bureau, Devi 104.
Memphis. Tenn. 86-19-10
#ANTEJ I—Good cook; references re
quired. Apply 101 E. Linden st
WANTED Good cook and to do general
housework. Apply 349 Luckie street
ANT El' A good cook, must sleep In
the house Apply 119 N. Moreland ave
WANTED- Mary Byers or Mary Galla
way to call A. B. Beeland. Main 117 i
or Ivy 2666-J 10-19-10
WANTEP Reliable woman to do general
housework and help with baby Bell
phone West 518-J io 19 20
WMTEJ moving picture plays; spare time;
$lO to SIOO each; experience unneces
sary; free particulars Atlas Publishing
Company, 153. Cincinnati. i Hilo. 33-19-10
LADIES make shields at home; SI(T per
100 Work sent prepaid to reliable
women Particulars for stamped ad
dressed envelope. Eureka Company.
Dept. 62-A. Kalamazoo, Mich. 40-19-10
HOSIERY manufacturer wants lady to
visit consumers direct. Exclusive ter
ritory. Credit. Experience unnecessary.
SSO to SIOO per month Parker Mills. 735
Chestnut street. Philadelphia. Pa. 53-19-10
WANTED- Two suit salesladies,
with exclusive suit department.
Experience. Grossman's.
Wanted Fo ing woSen and girls desir
Ing permanent, attractive positions
Welfare of operators and clerks closely
■uperv'sed by the company, their con
duct or. the premises carefully guarded by I
matron, women supervisors and chief I
operator, who have complete control over
tire retiring and operating room Two
weeks' training course for those inexpe
rienced, salary being paid while learning
Salary Increased at the end of two weeks
and for those becoming efficient. n
creased as they become worthy, with ,■-
aejtunitfes for ultimate advancement to
$76 per month References proving the
standing of the applicant essential Those
having educational advantages preferred.
Lunch room and comfortable retiring
rooms provided, with several hundred
Carnegie library books for the conven
ience of operators. Matron and trained
nurse in attendance \pply preferably In
person, 8:30 a m to 5 p. tn . third floor
Bell Telephone Exchange, corner Mitchell
and South Pryor. AtlantaGa 10-9-22
WANTED -Settled colored woman to
nurse and stay at night. Apply at once,
1163 Peachtree st. Phono Ivv *2050
Wa N'T ED -Young lady typist for office
State age and salary expected. Post
office Box 557. Atlanta 10-18-12
Wanted* —Settled colored woman for
nurse: rood place for reliable party 236
_ P I L €e 1 16-18-15
WANTED First-class young ladx or
chestra. three to five pieces, to plax an
hour and half during lunch and two hours
during dinner at one of the leading clubs
In th*» city. Must be first-class per
formers For particulars, phone Ivv 110.
WA Good cook white nr colored
Apply Peachtree Ini 10 18 5
•’ 4 < : *’ ■
and house woman All da\ 202 Raw
eon 27-18-10
WANTED At once, good k
lot. good wages 5*3 Spring street
EoSIbTnatION coal and gas ranges
Southern Stove and Supply Company
121 Whitehall 10-15-4
Help Wanted—Male.
1100 W EEKLI PR< >FIT Start in * bust -
ness for yourself don't worry about
capital, n<> experience Boyd 11. Brown.
< 'maha. Nebr ,'b- ! |0
ST \ 1;t \ HOME business at iHTTbring
you SIOO monthly I made $8,500 first
year with same business, spar* time; no
canvassing. 1 will simw \ >u how. in
structive book free V.H>rhi«< Des., .‘’,4o.
Omaha. Nebr <■ t•• -i o
WANTED White «»r < <»ior»<i n tn ■ \\ rk
on farm and help in dairx new house
on premises \p ( lx I i;. \rnold. 40
North Broad st 73-19-10
WANTEP A first-class driver and g< d
milker and to do general work. 3m» \\ est
Peach tt ee 1 •»-1 37
WANTED Wl., ■ • nessenget boj
plx Postal Telegraph < ’<> . 40 N Rr»»a<! st
FR()M < >TEI\ WA NTEI ■ .Must !h stri<-71\
high-clasS man • apable of s«*curing «*x
hibitlon dates for aeroplane in South this
winter. Sse 11 p
Hotel. 29 Houston st . between 8 > ami
10 a. m ' 41 Ix.lo
WANTED Young men to learn the lino
type- business. Biggest field to \ oung
mer today. B g rt short hours, pk-asant
" "*' I’l epaio you at home in ton
iss’s! \ou t<i secure good i»osi-
v '••dax f>.f 1 ar’ • *.ilar< \a
HjjjlH l-mm .pt Institu’t. Rochester. \ '
Help Wanted-Male.
IBE expert detective and investigator.
Manx wailing positions at big pax.
Stamp for particulars National Detec-
■ • Kgei i Jept 19, < ’ au- »;3-r«-10
I) Young man to learn station
er x business Salary S3O per month.
1 See Mr Wallace. Fielder Allen <’om
-1 1 ,an - v 10-19-33
1 \\ \NTED Manager foi a first-class poul
-1 ox farm in southern \labama No one
1 'it competent men rmed apply, who are
not afraid -»f xxork. Give r$ ferences. etc.
1 The Egg I- ,,ci 'hart. Ala 10-19-31
! WANTED Youth, 16 to 18 years old, for
■ll nor clerical position; must be accu
rate position promises permanencx anti
advancement. Applv, Tuesday, Fulton
Bag A* Got ton Mills. 10-19-12
I WANTED First-class general merchan
dise auctioneer first three weeks in De
cember Department Store Manager,
! < are GeorgiarL 31-19-10
; W ANTED .Men to learn the barber
trade. Few weeks completes. Tools
I given. Wages while learning. You can
I join ur with assurance you will succeed.
I We have received praise from thousands'
I for <»ur beneficial course Investigate ,
now Moler Barber College, 38 Luckie
street 37 19-10
iBE A DETECTIVE Men wanted every
where; »arn SIOO to S3OO monthly; write
, Loraine System. Dept. 63. Boston Mass,
i 4 '
t WANTED Colorerl agent in f his locality;
hustler. $l5O a month. All or spare
time. Insurance secret order. Write
quick for particulars. Box M. 409. Cin
■ -hi" 10-5 17
FREE ILLUSTRATE! > B< M)K tells about
more than 360,000 protected positions in
United Slates service. Mon* than 40,000
vacant ies er j >ear Th< r•• is a big
chance here for you, sure and generous
pay. lifetime employment Easy to get.
.lust ask for booklet cm. ,\ o obliga
tion. Earl Hopkins, Washington. D. <’
1 xse XL i< i: I ‘RESENT ATI vTTw ANT ED
No canvassing f>r soliciting required.
Good income assured. Address National
Co-Operative Realty Companx . V-9-t'j Mar
di n building, w T ;i<hingt<.n. r • < ■ .
5® x DETECTIVE Earn $l5O to S3OO
per month; travel over the world.
Write Supt. Ludwig. 1463 Scarrilt build
ing. Kansas City, Mo. 41-28-9
S2OO monthly; spare time: no matter
when* you live; no canva sing; guarantee
free booklet wij show you how. H E.
R< g* ; I ‘■i'' Mass. 9-14-17
1 w ill S’l’art x <»i earring $4 dally a'
home in spare time, silvering mirrors;
no capital; free instructive booklet, giv
ing plans of operation. G. I- Redmond.
1»• pj 86, Boston, Mass 9 14 19
nli .d For U S army. a hi" bodied
unmarried men between ages of 1.8 ami
35. citizens of United States, of good
character and temperate habits, who can
speak, read and write the English lan
guage. For information, apply to Re
cruiting Officer, corner Peachtree and
Forsyth streets, Atlanta, or 411 Cherry
si., Macon, Ga. 9- 4-27
WANTED Honest, sober, experienced
man that can control labor, as overseer
on farm No booze fighter need apply
References requireil Address N. Y. Z.
R. F. I > . Elko, Ga. 10-183
PRESS FEEDKbR and compositor wanted
Main 3864-.1 t10 l £ Whitehall street.
WANTED- At once, three good sheet
metal workers and six good men thaf
understand Installing warm-air furnaces
Moncrief Furnace Company, 139 South
I‘i.x’i streel
a NT El • '• boj ii 24 Trinitv avenue
to wait on tabled 10-17-5
\\ XNTED x reliable office boy See
I Withers, 154 Whitebell street 10-17-6
WANTED x reliable man to sei! flow
ers on streets Apply to flower shop,
| 43’ a Whitehall street 10-17-1
W ANT'ED A butler Applv 738’’Piedmont
1 ave.lo-16-19
WANTED Experienced motor
men and conductors. Apply
Augusta Aiken Railway and Elec
tric Company, Augusta, Ga.
10 14-3
FREE MASSAGE, bair cuts, shave*,
shampoos. All barber work free Clean
linen Atlanta Barber College, 10 East
Mitchell 5-27-.6
ST(at Hilburn hotel, heart of city, 10U
Walton street. If yon want a clean, quiet
room, transient 50c. Open all night
MAIL CARRIERS, postoffice clerks want
ed SBO month. Atlanta. Ga. Exami
nations durlttK November. Eree coaching.
Franklin Institute, Dept 49-T, Rochester.
N. Y 25-9-10
W\\ ri D [fleas, inventors write for list
of inventions wanted and prizes offered
by manufacturers Also, how to get your
I patent Sent free to any address. Ran
-1 dolph A- Briscoe, patent attorneys. Wash-
Ington, I>. C. 7-11-23
YES Professor G (i Rrannlng will tench
you he barber trade (it’s easy). We
teach ’n one-half time of other colleges.
Course and position in our shops only
S3O. Why pa> more"’ Thousands of our
graduates running shops or making good
wages Atlanta Barber College, 10 East
Mitchell street. 5-11-17
WANTED— Bright, strong
boys to deliver routes in
afternoons. Good wages
and t-liance for promption.
Call at t-irculation depart
ment Tht' Atlanta Georgian,
20 East Alabama street.
Help Wanted—Male and Female.
> W XNTED Twenty-five middle-aged men
and fifteen well-dressed xvomen to ap
, pear m the court scene in “Madame N
Xppl.' ■ : stage door Lx ri< theater. Mon
ti tojbei 2i. 10 a m
w x‘G ,, i‘i | In "in try, to live In home;
xvork for shares; couple for house and
i farm work Must be orderly, energetic
and agreeable Mrs. M A Shutze. Stone
, Mountain. Ga 10-18-16
i TAI. I NIVERSITX’ announces
‘to the public that the I )ental
■ I Clinic is now open, and will re
main open through out the year.
; Competent demonsi rntors in con
'sta ni al i endanee. 10-17-17
If what xou have for sale Is not worth
Hhe price of a Want Xd in The Georgian
! lot a fexx limes then talk business to the
I junk man
i— : : s s s
Schools and Teachers.
|Ft»UR WEEKS complete couise of pen
manship bx .-orrespi tuh*n< e to all Geor
,'gi t tvaclit-rs. <iu Some students ac
; • «-pt’*d Diploma* gran'ed to graduates.
• B«gin anx time Ti e Swimlell School of
I Penmanship). Demorest. Ga 10-7-17
Teachers Wanted.
|SI*E<’I\L fall enrollment, good openings
yet Foster's Teachers Agency, Atlanta.
I Ga 9-28-31
! SS = y—...
Contractors and Home Builders.
i | I'l WILL ? ’A Y YOl' t<* get our estimates
I I on steam heating ami plumbing before
i . !c’t .u ,'<»ut v\ <u k. 2.” years' experience
In citx puts us in position to gtxe xou
best work at minimum cost. Bashlor
, Heating and Plumbing <’ompany. 43 Uar
* negie Place XI 4 .* 7-20-48
i ~~
Boarders Warted.
SEE Rooms and Board” Under Georgian
) Rent Bulletin-
Salesmen Wanted.
'SALESMEN can make from $1,500 to
$2,500 yearly selling our complete line of
calendars, signs and novelties. W rite for
proposition to Ohio Noveltx' t’ompanv.
>j.riDt’D.’i-i < firio 58 '. --10
WANTED Traveling men who are mak
ing small towns and crossroads stores
to handle our new and up-to-date pocket
side line Pays a commission of $4 per
order. A winner. F«»r full particulars,
address Burd Mfg. Co.. 212 Sigel street,
f’hicago. 11l 67-19-10
SALESMEN -Do you want $lO a day
side line punch board deal? Snappiest
ever sprung American Factories Cb»m
pany. St. Louis. Mo. 39-19-10
SPEC ’Ta 1/I'Y SALESMEN Sell our big
line advertising pencils and pen holders.
Big commission Write today for sam
ples and particulars Meeker Advertising
< '"D d;h.\ . Ii ■ . Joplin, Mo 38-19-10
dle greatest telephone sanitary device of
ihe age. I sed by United States govern
ment and large corporations. Excellent
side line for men calling on office supply
trade. Address H.vgieni<* Phondaie <’om
pany, 501 Uolton building. Toledo, Ohio.
SALESMEN Full time line Sell new
staple articles to wholesale and retail
merchants. Liberal commissions. Hus
tlers will make $3,500 coming season.
State experience The Kenyon t’ompany.
De? Mtunes. lowa 12 19-10
<’APABLE SALE.-MAN wanted to cover
. Georgia with staple line. High com
missions. SIOO monthly advance and per
manent position to right man .less H.
'Smith Company, Detroit, Mich ■•..•• iti
side LINE MEN, \Tn:.\'Tio\.: We’ve
got it, a big holiday-maker for you; 25
per cent commission. Write the Import
Company. 624 Granite building. St. Louis,
WA NTED Experienced
salesman men's neck-
wear—for southern Geor-
gia and North Carolina. No
boozers or amateurs consid
ered, Neckwear, rare Geor
gian. 10-18-26
WANTED Good man to handle line of
eiders and vinegars. Exclusive terri- j
tory and high-grade goods. Liberal com- l
missions, weekly settlements. Exclusive i
or side line. References rc-quired. Red- ;
lands slfg. (’o„ Richmond. 25-17-10
Wanted Live, producing insurance
men for general and local agents for
< Georgia and adjoining states Under-
writers Realty Company, 66 West Mitch
ell .'-ireei. Atlanta. Ga. 10-16-21
w E SELL STOVES cheaper because our
» xpenses are less. Southern Stove and
■ d.I I'onman'.. 121 Whiiehall. 10-15-4
Agents Wanted.
AGENTS .lust < oin money selling New
Improved Hosiery direct from mill with
our big advertising offer. You can make
$25 dailx ; everybody buys; credit; sam
ples in leatherette case free New Im
proved-Knit t Ing Mills. Chicago. s 2-19-10
AGENTS Here’s the best Hhe of flavors,
perfumes and toilet preparations ever
offered; no capital needed; fine sample
case furnished to workers. Write iiuick
for full particulars. American Products
Co., 6445 Sycamore st., Cincinnati, Ohio.
!■ REE to advertisers; a book to keep your
records, if you are looking for results
use classified section Boyce Weeklies.
Write, using letterhead record book.
Dept. 14, 508 Dearborn ave., Chicago.
AGENTS getting rich selling Wonderful
Luminous Crucifix; gives out mysterious
light all night in darkest room; big profits;
free particulars. Catholic Importing Co..
K 4, Chicago. 80-19-10
AGENTS Something entirely new 200
per cent profit; sells stores, factories.
A. T Co., 2023 No. W’ashtenaw ave., Chi
cago. 79-19-10
AGENTS Big seller. Our self-threading
needles, 10c package, and big line house
hold specialties; large profits. Particulars
free. Bert Muller. 1325 W Walnut street.
Des M■ - in- -; lowa 66-1
AGENTS- A money maker. Guaranteed
hosiery to w'earer. Our proposition
beats all others. $lO per day. Write im
mediately. Quaker City Mills. 32 S. Six
teenth street Philadelphia. I*a •»;’> 19 10
XGENTS Big money in window signs
Our beautiful gold letters easily mount
ed, 1c each Samples, complete instruc
tions free. Eastern Specialty Co., 63 Bar
clax street. New’ York. 64-19-10
BE INDEPENDENT! Start a mail order
business in your own home. W’e tell
you how. and furnish everything needed
wholesale. An honorable and profitable
business for man or woman. Particulars
free. Many make S3OO a year. Murphy
Manufacturing Company, South Norwalk.
BANKED in thirty days by Stoneman;
$15,000 to date. Join our famous SI,OOO
class, which absolutely insures SI,OOO per
man per county. Korstad. farmer, did >2,-
200 in fourteen days. Schleicher, minis
ter. $195 first twelve hours after ap
pointment. Ten inexperienced men di
vided $40,000 xx it bin eighteen months.
Strange invention startles world Agents
amazed. Think what this invention does.
Gives every home a bath room with hot
and cold running water for $6.50. Abol
ishes ulumbing. water works Self heat
ing No xvonde.r Hart sold sixteen in
three hours. $5,000 altogether; Lodewick
seventeen first day Credit given. Come
now Investigate Postal will do. Ex
clusive sale requires quick action but
means SI,OOO and more for you. Allen
Manufacturing Company. 3563 Allen build
ing Toledo, Ohio.lo-19-24
AGENTS Your name and address on a
postal will bring our guaranteed salary
I contract offer of $2 per dax or 20c per
I spare hour to do advertising. We pax-
40 per cent extra commission on sales,
give credit and share our profits. Expe
rienced canvassers making $5 to $lO daily.
Best Manufacturing Company, 105 Broad
street. Pro\ ideme R. I _43- 19-10
AGENTS Haim!. <>ur proposition. Ex
perience unnecessary. Big money sell
ing household specialty. Every home
wants one. Write today. Particulars
free Inion Supply Companv. Eustis.
tci’.x.TS- Write today for information.
Article of merit and big seller. You can
stand back of it. T. .1 Durrett. Cordele.
I Ga. 49-12-10
ANYBODY can make money selling Waks
cases. They all want it. sells itself.
Not sold in stores. Sell two. four, six in
everx home fortx or fifty a day. Made
of Swedish paper Hangs dresses, suits.
; overcoats without folding or mussing
Three sizes. 40e. 50c. 75r. Goulding sold
2.000, <Jridiey 500. Mrs Webster 300 in
three days Evans 100. Quick sales;
large profits. No experience. Free sam
ple offer. Write fnr description agents'
selling plan Waks Manufacturing Com
panx. 39 Miller building, Cincinnati. Ohio.
KGENTS Write toda> for our big prop
osition. It’s free You can easily make
big monex with it The Miller Supply
<'• -i.i-.t? '. <'ie\ t i.tnd, Tenn 12-5-10
A I \lb SE WELL KNt -\\ \ <'<-Mr \ \ x
about to spend SIOO,OOO on a tremondous
advertising campaign, requires the serv
ices of a bright man or woman in each
town ami eit.x. The work is easy, pleas
ant an<l highlx respectable, and no previ
ous expoietp'e is necessary We will pay
a good salary and offer an unusual oppor
tunity for advancement to the person who
can furnish good references. In addition
to this salary xve offer a Maxwell Auto
mobile. a Ford Automobile and over $3.
900 in prizes to the representatives doing
, the best work up to December 31. In
your letter give age and references. Ad
dress IRA B R(»HINS<‘.\. Advertising
Manager. 2163 Bex er lx St.. Boston, Mass
w \nted Agents Gi irticles to sell.
Big money. Applx 120 Edge wood ave
-1 tine. 417 -10
AGENTS WANTED Men and women
sell the best selling insurance on earth.
One agent sold 200.000 last month. Dis
trict managers xx anted for Mississippi.
\labama and Georgia \ddress Joiner A’
Hitch. 616 Temple <’ourt building. \t
' lan,a ' ’
Situations Wanted—Male and
, Model 3 Before You Ruv
“The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin”-- 00 Your Rent T g hi a ß n ßunHF^ Through
Arp you looking for the lo st Rooms. Houses. Apartments. Rooms for Housekeeping. Offloes, Business Locations, Garages, Storage Houses, Eoardin-
5 Rooming places, etc.? • ' ’ ” an ’ )
This bulb tin contains a complete list of every desirable and suitable piace that is For Rent in the city and suburbs in each issue.
( For the benefit and convenience of our patrons, The Georgian employs special men to cover th’e city and suburbs each day in search of all the desire-
Save time, useless steps, money and worry by consulting this bulletin. It is for your convenience, so take advantage of it.
Rooms and Board.
HA.\DS<t.vIE front room with boaVd. In
modern home in Inman Park Gentle
men or couple. Reasonable. Ivy 4231-J.
EXCELLENT board and rooms, furnace
heal 75 West Peachtree. Ivv 1010.
('OMb ORTABEE rooms with
board with private bath. Gen
tlemen preferred. 314 Peachtree.
LARGE, delightful front room; steam
heat: near bath; best location; excellent
table: lionie comforts. West Peachtree.
Ivy I'■ fi 1 2 1 9- if)
HGARGERS WANTEH Room with bath;
excellent meals. 17 East North ave
nue. 59-19-10
<■< >< I’l.E of young ladies and young
men table boarders wanted; excellent
meals. 139 West Peachtree. Ivi 1050-L.
LARGE ROOM, downstairs, with private
batli: desire two or three young men.
Ivy 5235 L.lO-15-3
NICE ROOMS, with good board; close in;
all conveniences. 43-18-10
WANTED Few boarders at 53 Crew
Main 5485-L. 10 18-13
EXCELLENT BOARD: homelike, every
convenience: close in: S2O and $25 a
month .Main 3817 .1. 236 Central avenue.
REFINpI > C()VPLE or two gentlemen
can get nice room and board in pri
vate North Boulevard home. Answer
with references. L. N., Box 210, care
WEST END -Near corner Gordon and
Lee streets. Good table board; rea
sonable. Also one room; to either cou
| |>le or two gentlemen. 156 Gordon street.
Bell phone West 17-L. 10-18-10
I SPLENDID table board at 252 ivv street.
SETTIX7I> and refined couple, owning
home, wish to rent with or without
board, two elegantly sunny rooms; desire
couple or gentlemen; accustomed to re
fined home; three car lines; north side,
ivy 1762-L. 10-17-61
ROOMMATE for young gentleman; pri
vate bath, excellent meals. 442 Peach
tree si reef. Ivy 4562. 10-17-23
TWO gentlemen can get board with own
er on north side; no other boarders. Ivy
2477. 10-17-26
East Ellis.lo-17-27
61 Forrest AVENl’E—Nicely furnished
rooms with splendid table board; also
table boarders wanted. lyj 650 L 19_y17-J8
BOARD AND ROOMS. 238 Washington
street Home cooking Firfe rooms.
, 43-17-10
THREE young ladies can get room and
board in private family; rates reason
able; references. Phone Main 280-J.
COMFORTABLE rooms, wlTh table
board; furnace-heated rooms. 327
Whitehall. Phone Main 3286. 10-17-14
FURNISHED ROOMS for rent with board
at reasonable rates. 305 Woodward ave
nue. 38-17-10
BEAUTIFUL suite rooms; running water,
furnace heat; excellent board: location
and surroundings unsurpassed: block
Georgian Terrace. Ivy 5551.10-15-24
LARGE front room with hoard: splendid
location. 79 West Peachtree. Ivy 1449-. T.
DESIRABLE room, with board 79 West
Peachtree street. Ivy 1 449-.1. 10-5-66
NICELY furnished rooms and excellent
table board. 121 Capitol Square. Main
4839-L. 10-4-41
Board Wanted.
W.ANTED -Board in private family; close
in; couple and young lady. .1. M. C..
Box 316. care Georgian. 41-17-10
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
SIDE. IVY 4281.10-19-61
FI’I’NISHED room close in. 313 South
TWO beautifully furnished front rooms:
adults; North avenue; block Peachtree.
Ivy 514 5.10-19-58
PRIVATE family in West End would rent
one or two furnished rooms to young
men 50 Grady Place. I'hone West 48-L.
KRONT ROOM, first floor, new apart
ment. adjoining bath. Main 3188-.1.
ONE large front room, upstairs, for one
or two gentlemen; sl2 month. 382
Spring. 71-19-10
FOR RENT-For gentlemen, well fur
nished room on Myrtle, near Ponee De-
Leon Georgian Terrace neighborhood.
Private family. Also garage. Phone ivy
’ 1495. 10-19-56
FOR RENT Furnished steam-heated
room. Call Main 1823-.126-18-10
c< >R RENT Nicely furnished front
roomsx also two rooms furnished for
light housekeeping. 255 Courtland street.
FOR RENT To nice young man or busi
-1 ness woman, newly furnished front
room; all conveniences. Owner. Ivy
2211-L. 93-19-10
' FOR RENT- To gentlemen, one or two
1 furnished rooms in private home: hot
and cold bath, phone and all eonven
-1 ienees Four blocks to business center.
Phone Main 3990. or call 67 East Fair
street 94-19-10
NICELI furnished front room, turnace
' heat; convenient to bath: in private
. family. 152 Windsor street.lo-19-51
ONE furnished front room: private en
trance. 316 Spring.lo-19-34
F< fl; RENT Two uieelx furnished rooms.
2’B W Peachtree place. Ivy 6537-.1.
i>N E nicely furnished room, all conve
niences; private family; close in. Ivy
529!'. 10-19-15
ONE nicely furnished room: all conve
, os. close in. Uy Tfl.l-1 |O-l'.<-i2
XICEI.V flemished rooms for light house
keeping Atlanta 5496. 339 Courtland.
Situations Wanted—Female •
\' ■ i i; 11: \' i‘ i ■ stenographer wishes po
sition at once; neat and accurate; can
give ihe best <>f references Address Mrs.
Higgins, 340 Whitehall, or phone Main
2015. 07-10-10
WANTED Stenographer’s position; tine
English education. Write Denionstra
<i • 11. ..t /» Georgia! L 0
WANTED Work as convalescent n
can furnish best references. Phone Ivy
3066-J 3D 19-10
WAX’TEI I Position b\ white nurse im
mediately Phone Ivy 2357. 10-13-46
\N EX PERI ENt’EI» nurse v\ irts position
with invalid lady or companion; best
referem »' 11 • 1 !££ *’ ■■ ; ’ ? • ' "
w \NTED Position by white woman who
is an experienced cook; in private f.ttn
’ ily, best city references. Address Box
852. care Georgian. _ 2DIS-I'»
461 Nh GIRL. expertenced it < flee wo s,
wants position lice girl, salary s.’•
Address H<ix 85a. care horgian 50 17-10
Y« H NG LADY steno-bookkeeper desires
position at once: good reference; posi
tion in Atlanta not considered. Answer
at once. N L L.. Box 10. care Georgian.
57 ’7 10
WANTED B> veyng woman, position as
housekeeper in small family Must have
work at •to p B< \ 38. care Geo* gian
12 |< ll'
iu i; i-pi ’Tic >\ oil heats r - $3 50 up
Sou’i'prn Stove and Uun-t-anv.
121 Whitehall 10-15-4
Furnished Rooms For
BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room
with board for two young men: in strict
ly private north side home: best refer
-1 enees required. Ivy 1903. 10-19-41
ONE nicely furnished room; connected
with bath; private home; north side:
gentlemen only; references. Ivy 1718-.1.
FOR RENT- Four rooms, furnished or
unfurnished, two blocks of Candler
building; no children. 166 Courtland.
Phone Main 4347 .1. 1.0-1925
FOR RENT Nice, newly furnished front
room, conveniences; private family;
reasonable -'22 Piedmont avenue.
FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep
ing. 106 Auburn avenue. Atlanta
5140-A. . 10-16-22
FOR RENT —Steam heated room in a
quiet private home: gentlemen or cou
ple. 6192-. I 10-19-9
FURNISHED room, all conveniences, $1.50
and $2 per week. 286% Whitehall.
NICELY furnished rooms with conve
niences In private family; close in. 47
East Cain street. 27-19-10
FOR RENT—Steam-heated room, with
private family, at reasonable price, to
gentlemen only. 325 North Boulevard.
FOR RENT—Entire upper floor; three
rooms and bath; nicely furnished for
light housekeeping; parties without chil
dren. 15 West Linden. 49-19-10
FOR RENT —Two furnished light house
keeping rooms, hot and cold water;
walking distance from business center. 84
Cooper street. 55-19-10
FURNISHED ROOMS, also rooms for
light housekeeping; close in. 219 South
Forsyth street. 34-17-10
FOR RENT—On north side, in private
, family, nicely furnished front room; all
conveniences. 382 Piedmont avenue.
11 CONE ST., rooming house, steam beat:
near_ In. Ivy 6135-J..10-17-50
NICELY furnished or unfurnished rooms;
north side; good neighborhood; conven
ient to cars Ivy- 895-L. 10-17-51
THREE rooms, furnished complete for
light housekeeping; in private home;
north side; with refined family; every
thing first-class; adults only. Ivv 5731.
NEWLY furnished rooms. Ivy 6673-.1. 46
i ONE nicely furnished room; close in. 29
E. Harris.lo-17-55
ROOM adjoining bath; steam heat; every
• convenience; gentlemen only. Apart
-1 ment 5- 61 Gain. Ivy 3137.10-17-56
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms.
light housekeeping rooms. 210 Spring.
‘ Ivy 1907-.1.10-17-58
TWO furnished rooms for light house
keeping, on Vedado way. Ivy 3873.
1 NICELY furnished, well kept rooms, to
' gentlemen; also light housekeeping
rooms. 37 Carnegie way.s9-17-10
i NICELY furnished room reasonable. Call
I Main 3148-.LIO-17-30
NICE, large front room on Whitehall ter
' race; all conveniences. Main 1520.
! FOR RENT -Furnished front room: all
conveniences, including steam heat;
I close in. 45 Williams street; apartment 2.
I 62-17-10
FOR RENT —Two rooms for housekeep-
L ing; private home. 520 Central avenue.
I 65-17-10
; Ft >R RENT Nicely furnished room,
steam heat, electric lights, private fam
ily. north side. Ivy 1294-L. 12 East
i ort h avenue; apartment 4, 10-1.7-45
I TWO furnished rooms for rent. 244 South
Pryor. Main 1957-.1.10-17-40
' FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms
for housekeeping; all complete; close in.
138 Pulliam street. Phone 3058-B.
NEWLY furnished steam heated rooms tn
: modern apartment: five minutes' walk
of Candler building; meals next door. 45
- Williams street. Aptudnient I. 52-17-10
FOR lii’.NT— Furnished room and kitch
enette by couple; hot water. 107 Rich
ard sim street. 45-17-10
. FOR RENT Steam-heated room, electric
,• light: large closet; near bath: to young
f men or couple without children. Win
; turn Court Apartment five, 53 Capitol
I ave Phone Main 10-17-11
1 FOR RENT Four rooms. complete
j apartment. In West End. near Gordon
> street, in home of owner: also three-room
' apartment , every convenience for house
■ keeping: no children. Phone West 688-L.
j 10-17-12
- FOR RENT- Nice room, with bath, heat
* and electric lights. 485 Peachtree. Ref
’ erences.lo-17-9
' SJTREET. 10-17-2
j FOR RENT - Furnished room, adjoining
bath: all conveniences; north side: pri
“ vate family. References exchanged.
- Phone Ivy 3913.10-18-48
L FURNfSHED room with board, also a
roommate for young man. 25 West
' Baker Ivy 549-.1.10-18-47
FURNISHED rooms, with or without
5 board; rates reasonable. 114 Gordon st.
) I'URNISHED rooms on north side with
private family: with or without meals;
1 every convenience and heat. Phone Ivy
1 5974.10-18-37
j TWO nicely furnished rooms in private
family; all conveniences; reasonable
‘ prices. Apply 250 Courtland. Ivy 2959.
J 10-18-39
I, SECOND floor front room; private fam
ily; close to baths; with instantaneous
1 heater, furnace heat; meals near by; to
1 couple without children. 514 Spring. Ivy
’ 2197-.LIO-18-38
r TWO nicely,furnished front rooms; com
-5 plete for housekeeping; sl6; to parties
- without children: hot bath. Bell phone:
? best location. 290 Washington. 10-18-33
I NICELY furnished, bright, sunny rooms,
connecting; private home; no children;
’ conveniences. 66 Highland. Ivv 4809-.1.
! 10-18-29
■ FOR RENT- line large room, furnished
„ for light housekeeping. Call Main
' 1420-J. UI-IS-IS
nicely furnished, ■■lean rooms; halls are
; heated and hot bath; no objections to
i light housekeeping; ten minutes' walk
- from Piedmont hotel. Phone Ivv 2923.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room,
with private family, at 213 Spring
1 street Phone Ivy 3205-L. 10-18-9
Situations Wanted—Female.
YOUNG LADY who is strictly bus
i would like to make change in position.
Clerical work preferred. Can use type
i writer Address Clerical, care Georgian.
) 47-17-10
* LADY from the North wishes position in
widower's family as managing house
-1 keeper. Address Housekeeper, Box 963,
; can ‘ Georgian. 55-16-10
BRIGHT voting lady, well educated and
J thoroughly' experienced in both short-
hand and bookkeeping, desires a change
3 of position. Present salary SBS per month.
Can furnish best references. ‘‘Evelyn,”
* care <.'■*<>rgian ... 17-10
, DY desires i»osition in family as house
keeper; care of children, help sew. Ad-
1 dress A. N K.. Terrill, Ky 60-2-10
■ ; ==== sfe
! TAILORED SKIRTS. $2 up: one-piece
) dreses. $3 up. Satisfaction guaranteed.
J 8- Rimpson street. 30-17-10
Stove and Range Repairing.
'A e sett secondhand gas stoves.
Me sweep chimneys
, Atlanta Phone 2235. Bell Phone Mam
I I 4-4-7
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
FURNISHED ROOM for rent, with use
of dining room and kitchen, to de
sirable couple. 178 Forrest avenue.
FOR RENT—Furnished room, with or
without board. Phone East Point 98.
College Park, Ga.3o-18-10
FOR RENT-—Furnished; two rooms and
kitchen in house with owner; sls month.
7 La France. 31-18-10
A BRIGHT, airy, well-furnished room,
connecting bath; steam heat; electric
ity: phone: everything first-class; walk
ing distance. Price reasonable to voung
men. Main 9088, I 28-17-10
NICE, newly furnished rooms; also light
housekeeping apartment; hot baths: pri
vate family: ali conveniences. 151 Spring.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms; all
conveniences; close in. 104 Ivv street.
7»9 : 10-15-y
DELIGHTFUL front room; private bath;
garage; refined home. "Peachtree.”
care Georgian. 33-15-10
LOOK at our stoves and ranges before
you buy one anywhere. Southern
Stove and Supply Companv, 121 White
hall. 10-15-4
ONE newly furnished front room, every
convenience and steam heat; near in.
43 East Caln. Ivy 2020-L,lO-14-15
FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms: all
conveniences. 93 Pulliam Main 4528-J.
NEWLY’ furnished rooms. Modern con
veniences. 65 E. Cain. Ivv 6490.
NICELY furnished rooms. 50c night. $2.50
a week and up. Broadway Hotel. 7%
N. Broad street. Hot and cold water.
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
ROOMS furnished and unfurnished. 143
Spring street, 10-19-38
FOR RENT- -Furnished or unfurnished
rooms, with convenient table board
across street, Botli reasonable. 289 Raw
-80 n. 52-19-10
FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms for
housekeeping. 179 Pulliam. 10-17-24
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
LARGE unfurnished front room: modern
conveniences. 63-B Highland avenue.
FOR RENT—Three large connecting
rooms, heat and all conveniences; run
ning water; singly- or en suite. Ivv 993-J.
FOUR nice connecting rooms; water and
gas. 46 Johnson ave. 28-19-10
FOR RENT—Unfurnished room, $5 per
month. 286% Whitehall street. 10-19-14
THREE connecting upstair rooms; all
modern cohveniences; no children. Ap
ply 60 East Alexander, corner Peachtree
and Alexander. Ivy 2325. 10-19-11
FOR RENT—Large, unfurnished rooms;
two closets; connecting bath; kitchen;
pantry; gas stove connecting; sink. Close
in. Ivy 4399-J, 10-19-23
FOR RENT—Two unfurnished roomsT
private bath connecting, for light house
keeping. 105_ Pulliam street. 48-19-10
FOR RENT -Three unfurnished rooms for
light housekeeping, for persons without
Children. Second floor; east front; hot
and cold water; hath; near iru. walking
distance. 17 Crew street. Phone Main
FOR RENT —Two or four rooms. All
conveniences. By ownef. 136 East Lin
den street. 10-18-17
<>NE lovely front room; very reasonable?
214 Rawson, corner Central avenue
FOR RENT—Three or four rooms, just
papered, near capitol; modern improve-
I ments - Bell Phone Main 3889-.1. 10-17-64
FOR RENT Four or five unfurnished
rooms. 132 East Merritts ave. Phone
TWO unfurnished rooms for light - house?
keeping; all city conveniences; gas
lights, water, use of telephone. $12.50 per
month. Phone 5637-F. 986 DeKalb ave
nue. 10-17-35
FOR RENT—Two connecting rooms for
light housekeeping: close in. 220 East
TWO rooms to couple for light housekeep
ing. 21 Howell Place. 33-17-10
THREE large connecting rooms, private
porch; gas: sink. 400 Courtland street.
Housekeeping Rooms For Rent.
FOR RENT -Two very desirable connect
Ing completely furnished housekeeping
rooms. 66 Currier. Ivy 2098. 10-18-19
TWO unfurnished rooms for light house
keeping. B. M.. 1872. 307 Whitehall
TWO connecting rooms for light house
keeping. now vacant; use of phone, elec
tric lights and gas, hot water, adjoining
bath. West 183.10-17-31
TWO furnished bed rooms with small
kitchenette, gas stove, refrigerator and
table. Main 5017, at 34 Cooper street
FOR RENT - -Three nice sunny rooms,
Grant park section, all conveniences;
gas. bath and sink in kitchen. 180 Cam
eron street. Call Main 4688. IP-1 <-41
FOR RENT Three unfurnished connect
ing rooms with private bath and sink
in kitchen. References exchanged. Phone
Main 4259-.1. 10-17-12
FOR RENT- Three nice connecting rooms
in West End for light housekeeping
Phone West 728.f1u 17-47
COUPLE in six-room flat will rent three
or four furnished rooms complete for
housekeeping Desirable location. Near
in. Call Main 4521.10-17-22
FOR RENT—Two or three rooms, fur
nished complete for housekeeping. 73
Williams street. Phone Ivy 3681 .1
FoR RENT—Three rooms for light house
keeping, at West End; sls a month.
For information, call 806-. I West. 10-10-16
Situations Wanted--Male.
FHIST-CLASS stenographer and general
bffice man with seven years experience
desires a first-class position with a good
concern. Address 762, care Georgian
> _______ 00-isao
I 8 ■
POSITION WANTED by high-class offics
. man with thorough knowledge of nmd
. ern office methods, business correspond
ence. collections and management Ref- 1
erences. Address Box 853, care Georgian.
1 ______ ::t:-is-iu
WANTED Position by an experienced
double-entry bookkeeper, in or out of
city; operate typewriter ami good pen-
> man: A-1 references furnished. Address
P O Box 1263 40-18 10
1 WANTED A position with firm of merit
by young man of five years experience
in clerical and light bookkeeping; can fur -
nish \-1 references Address H. R 88
lax street. Kirkwood. Ga 33-17-10
W \ N'tei • A i ■ ■’> i'-. ’- i bbie mam
good habits, several years experience as
salesman Will do any honest woi • '
<' -31. >are Georgian 36• 17-1 n
A MAN well acquainted with the . itv de
sires position as salesman. collector »>r
i canvasser: best references Vldn.«
Worker, Box 242, care Georgian. 68-17-10
Furnished Apartments For Bent.
SIX ROdMS in iw?U?^idrh'^~ - 7r?'
ences exchanged. Call Ivy 3614-j
- 1"-18-->8
ANTED —<Ine or two ladies to —
nicely furnished apartment with r?
speetible Working girl tired of board it z
houses; must exchange references it
dress Box 851, care Georgian. ... ;
FOR RENT —Half cottage com.
furnished, four connecting rooms an,'|
bath, everything private; new gas ranee
sink m kitchen, hot water attachment'
Phone, good locality, near cars
side. Phone Main 4433-.1. 10-15 ;•!
THREE lovely bright rooms also two I£/
sunny rooms, with kitchenette; moder ,
conveniences; north side. Phone Ivv 2478
- U - 3 5
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
FOUR ROOMS, brick, steam heated
lights, bath, range: S3O. Ivy- 4676 e<i '
rOT }.u K n NT Tl,r . ee 'infurnished
with all conveniences for light 1
keeping; private family. Ivy 3454 e "
• 10-' :i-l$
a-room steam-heated apartmenTT?
333 North Boulevard. Phone ivy l-ifts-j'
Furnished or Unfurnished Apart
ments For Rent.
IN THI?ST??BKJDE?^rEasr^i/ s
two desirable kitchenette apartments
one furnished if desired. Each three
rooms with kitchenette, large bath Three
big closets. Idea! arrangements for cou
ple. comfortable for three, for house
keeping. New. Clean. Quiet. Sanitary
Close in. Good neighborhood. Steam
heated, but cool in summer. Good ligi •
and ventilation, with windows on three
sides. Storage room. Good janitor
Only first-class tenants. References re
quired. Owner lives on premises " For
details apply apartment 9. Hamilton
Douglas, owner. 10-17-18
Furnished Houses For Rent.
FOR RENT—-Furnished, north sldeTTrueT
ern six-room house; furnace; to family
with no young children. Phone Ivy 1325-L
WELL furnished, very attractive
per st.; S6O. Ivy 662-J. 10-18-31
Unfurnished Houses For Rent
IF YOU want your proper
ty rented list it with me.
We a<-t quick. See Mr. A.
S. Giles. F’dwin P. Ansley,
Rent department. Phone
1600. 10-19-53
FOR RENT —Nice six-room steam-heate?
bungalow. __lvy 3873. 16-17-46
FOR’ RENT —By owner, modern, north
side, six-room cottage: good condition.
Immediate possession. S2O. Phone ivv
6432.10 17 Alt
ARTISTIC bungalow, screened, furnace,
tile bath, garage. Ansley Park, care
Georgian. 34-15-9
154 MILLS STREET, corner McAfee, six
room and bath, on car line. S2O. W. W.
Brown. 617 Austell Bldg.lo-14-38
phone for our rent bulletin. Ralph 0.
Cochran. 19 South Broad street 4-1-31
THE HOUSE you build, buy or
rent will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
Business Space For Rent.
FOR RENT Half of store; can give lease
at reasonable rate. Apply 8 North For
syth street. 16-14-37
Stores For Rent.
BRICK STORE and six-room cottage ad
joining. north side, good location C.
W. Hatcher, both phones 44, 221 Grant
Bldg.lo-18 'I
Furnished Rooms Wanted
W-ANTED Two or three nicely furnished
rooms for light housekeeping: north side
preferred. Phone Main 300. Mondav
WANTED--Three nr four furnished Fiuuih
for light housekeeping. Inman Park,
near Highland school, preferred. Cooper,
care Georgian. 34-Is-10
WANTED -Three nr four furnished light
housekeeping rooms immediately. Cou
ple, no children. J. M. C., Box 240. care
Georgian. 40-17-10
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
Y(>UXG UOLT’LE, no children. de.-ir-'S
three unfurnished rooms for
housekeeping in PRIVATE FAMILV
Terms must be reasonable. Near in pre
ferred. Stare particulars in reply, inclm?
ing terms and locality. Address Box 277-
care <’©orgian 49-is 10
COUPLE, without children, desire three
unfurnished rooms for housekeeping
Phone Main 3237. 39-18-10
Unfurnished Houses Wanted.
ELDERLY widow lady wants small house
about six rooms in a god place for a
few boarders, near In. Address Mrs E
Box 45. care Georgian. 29 1?
Fire-Proof Storage.
goods, ami
pianos. Office and warehouse - -y
Edgewood avenue. ivy 2037. Jo ■ ’■
Woodside Storage Company
Situations Wanted—Male
WANTED Position as bookkeep.'i
general office man. at prescii
ployed, but wants to make cliaii.u
good reasons; have had three 1 ■
perlence ami can furnish best 11
ences as to character and abllitx
Box 244, <.lre < leot giai
A-l B< >< IKKEEPER and <
wants position from 2 to 6 li" a ’■
da;. Address M T.. Box 243.
YOUNG MAN desires collecting that ,'■
nivitpi mornings Experience and
references. Will collect evenings w
ne.i'ssurx \l_ain 4245-L.
YOI NG MAN Willi several years exi
rience in office work, at present
large corporation, Is anxious
Change, with chance sot advancem.i
C . 133 Cooper street
Blue Prints.
Trunks, Bag's <T7id Suitcas*’*
ItE'l .' fl i:i> \ND KEPA.iI ' I.' . .
PHONES: Bell Main 1576, Atlanta