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The Atlanta Georgian nia
Buds of Future
Years to Rival
This Year’s
WHILE reflecting on the scar
city of "buds” for the sea
son one is reminded of the
fact that many tiny buds have
blossomed into life this year and
promise of a notable list of debu
tantes in 1920 or thereabout might
be based on the year's record.
Among the charming babies
whose fond mothers. themselves
debutantes and brides of a few sea
sons ago, are little Mabelle Swift
Dickey, daughter of Mr. anad Mrs.
Eugene Dickey and granddaughter
of Mrs. Lena Swift Huntley. The
little girl, named for her mother,
inherits much of the beauty and
personal charm which made her
mother one of the popular young
girls of the city. Then there is
little Miss Annie Caverly Tye, also
named for her charming young
mother, now Mrs. Benjamin Tye,
who celebrates her second wedding
anniversary next month.
Miss Mary Cobb Hunnicutt is a
small hud, only a few weeks of
age. She is the daughter of Mr.
and .Mrs. Lute Hunnicutt, her
mother having been Mies Claire
Ridley. The little girl is named
for her maternal grandmother.
Some Lovely Children.
A lovely little girl is Miss Su
san Baker Jones, daughter of Dr.
and Mrs. Francis Jones, the latter
having been Mies Lamar Jeter.
Mrs. Shepard Bryan's little daugh
ter. named Florence Jackson, and
Mrs. Vaughan Nixon’s dear little
girl are other "buds” of the year.
It must be acknowledged that
the future “beaux” are fewer in
number than the buds, though none
the less interesting, because these
mothers must, perforce, plan ca
reers of dignity and work for them
Instead nf debut parties and a so
cial helledom. In this latter list
are several handsome youngsters,
most of whom bear their father’s
name. There is Master Phillips
McDuffie, whose lovely mother was
Miss Helen Bagley: Masters J. L.
Riley, Jr., Sims Bray, Jr., George
Lowndes, Jr., and Edward Dough
erty, Jr. Among the popular mem
bers of the “future beaux" series
are two young sons of Mrs. Roy
Collier, formerly Miss Mildred
Spratling, who looks like a debu
tante herself. Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Maddox's young son. born this
year, is a fine fellow and shares
In the popularity of his parents and
his older brothers. Mrs. Charlton
Ogborn, the fond mother of a
handsome little son, is a girlish
looking young matron. Master
Henry Johnson 111, the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Johnson, Jr., is a
popular young man, and others of
a year's age or slightly older are
Master T. B. Felder, Jr., who has
taken a trip abroad this year, and
Master Milton Hopkins, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Hinton Hopkins. The fact
that the young son of Dr. and Mrs.
Hinton J. Baker will reside in Au
gusta, but this does not make the
voung man of less interest to the
many friends of his mother, for
merly Miss Emma Robinson, of
Club Women Ready.
The clubwomen are anticipating
the approaching convention of the
Georgia. State Federation of Wom
en s Clubs, w hich holds its opening
session here next Tuesday. Almost
every city and town tn the state
" ill be represented, and. besides the
delegates, there will be present sev
ral women of nation-wide fame,
who will speak at the sessions.
Mrs. Victor Pennybaker, of Aus
tin. Texas, president of the Gan
eral Federation of Women’s Clubs,
representing 8,000 women, will be a
distinguished guest. Mrs. Penny
backer win arrive in Atlanta Mon
day afternoon, and will be enter
tained by Mrs. Bolling Jones at
her handsome new home on Peach
tree street. On account of the
United time, no formal entertain
ments will be tendered Mrs. Pen
m backer during her stay, but she
'''ill he a distinguished guest at all
official entertainments during the
The Baroness VonSuttner. a
"riter and worker on peace, will
be a guest of the state federation,
and while here will be entertained
by Mrs. John Marshall Slaton, wife
of the next governor of Georgia, at
her country home on the Peachtree
road. The distinguished visitor
arrives on Tuesday morning, and
"ill be in the city two days. <»n
the afternoon of her arrival Mrs.
Slaton will entertain at an In
formal tea, inviting to meet the
Baroness a limited number of the,
official and leading clubwomen of
the state and city.
While there will be few private
social affairs for the convention
visitors, the official functions will
be notably brilliant. The Atlanta
City federation, the hostess club,
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will entertain the visitors at a re
ception at the Capita! City club
Tuesday afternoon at 5 o'clock,
Mrs Charles J. Haden, presidin'
of :he city federation, to be the
official hostess.
Two elaborate luncheons will be
tendered the delegates, the first to
be given by the nTembers of the
Atlanta Woman's club on Wednes
day at 2 o’clock, and the second to
!><■ given Thursday at 1 o'clock by
Cue Atlanta City federation. The
luncheons will be given in the Au-
ditorium. tne sessions of the con
vention to be held in Taft hall.
Mrs. H. <' White, of Athens.
|ir< sld< nt of the Georgia State Fed
eration, and Mt-. Z. I Fitzpatrick,
of Thomas'. Hie, vice president, w ill
attend the convention.
Other prominent club women of
Georgia to be here are Mrs. Eu
gene B. Heard, of Rose Hill; Mrs.
John Donaldson, of Bainbridge;
Mrs. 11. <). Granger, of Carters
ville; Mrs. James Hays, of Monte
zuma; Mrs. Frances Long Bar-
tow. of Athens; Mrs. J. Lindsay
Johnson, of Rome; Mrs. E. R.
Hodgson, of Athens; Mrs. Max
Nussbaum, of Bainbridge; Mrs W
D. Lamar, of Macon; Mrs. S. B. G.
Morgan, of Savannah; Mrs. Peter
Godfrey, of Covington, and Mrs.
M. A. Lipscomb, of Athens.
October s Social
Calendar Comes
to End With
THE marriage of Miss JuMa
Richardson, daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. Joseph Richardson,
to Mr. Presley Daniel Yates will be
an event of October 30, talcing
place at the family residence on
Piedmont avenue. The hour of the
ceremony has been set for 3:30
o’clock, and a reception will follow
the marriage Miss Katherine
Richardson will be her sister's maid
of honor, and Mrs. Jernes Puller
McKinley will be matron of honor.
The bridesmaids will be Mieeee
Gertrude Richardson, Frances Nun
nally. Anne Orme, Nancy HTII Hop
kins and Lillian Logan.
Mr. Gabriel Soloman will act as
best man for Mr. Yates and the
groomsmen will be Messrs. Stroth
er Fleming. Westerfelt Terhune,
Frederick McGonigal, Walton Har
der and Rockwell Johnson.
Messrs. John Justice Disosway,
Harvey Phillips, Ralph Reed and
Dr. Leßoy Childs will be the ush
ers. The ceremony will be per
formed by the Rev. W. W. Mem
minger, rector of All Saints church,
assisted by Bishop Kinloch Nelson.
A Series of Parties.
A series of parties will be given
for Miss Richardeon next week and
the week after. Among these will
be Miss Nancy Hill Hopkins' after
noon bridge party on the 24th: the
evening bridge which Mrs. Burton
Smith and Miss Hildreth Burton
Smith give on the 25th: a dinner
party given by the groomsmen on
the 26th at the Driving club, and a
buffet supper on the 28th given by
Captain and Mrs. Grayson Hefdt.
After the Richardson-Yates wed
ding the Important autumn series
of marriages, with their attendant
social affairs, will come on rather
close together and will serve to
keep the social world in activity
until the season for the debut par
ties and the large affairs is fairly
here. Miss Mary Traylor and Mr.
Rudolph Thleson wed on Novem
ber 9, and among the parties for
the bride will be Mrs. Burton
Smith’s evening party, which Miss
Traylor shares with Miss Richard
Mrs. Robert Bi-own and Miss
Lyda Brown entertain at an after
noon tea on Friday, November 1. in
honor of Miss Traylor, and she will
be tendered a luncheon by Miss
Ruth Northen on Wednesday, No
vember 6.
Miss Elizabeth Rawson and Mr.
Clarence Haverty will be married
on the 12th and a brilliant series of
parties will precede the wedding,
which will be a notable one in the
series. The first of the parties for
this popular young bride-elect was
given this week by Mrs. Hughes
Spalding, and the next several
weeks will witness numbers of de
lightful affairs for Miss Rawson
and Mr. Haverty.
Weddings of Interest.
On Tuesday, November 5. which
Is the twenty-first anniversary of
the wedding day of her parents,
Miss Emily Jennings will be mar
ried to Mr. Rayborn Clay Foster at
the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Tyre
L. Jennings, on Clairemont avenue,
Decatur. Miss Jennings will have
as her maid of honor Miss Kate
Howell. Mr. Robert Crenshaw will
be best man. Little Misses Cath
erine Hook and Virginia Smith, of
Kingston. N. C., will be ribbon
bearers. The white satin cushion
on which the bride kneels as the
ceremony is being said will be
brought in by Master John Schley
Hook, Jr., of Augusta. Mr. Tyre
L. Jennings will give the bride
away. A reception will follow the
ceremony, the young couple going
to Florida on their wedding trip. A
series of parties will be given for
Miss Jennings, among those to en
tertain being Mrs. Stephen Hook.
Miss Kate Howell, Mrs. A. R. Col
cord. Miss Evelyn Pratt. Miss Una
Mitcham and Mrs. Bernard Mason.
Two weddings of the coming
week will be that of Miss Pearl Da
vis and Mr. Ernest Durham, on
Wednesday evening, and that of
Miss Allison Badger and Mr. Al
ston Davis Morrison, on Thursday
One of the important weddings of
the season was that of Miss Nell
Hodgson, of Athens, and Mr. Rob
ert Woodruff, of Atlanta, which was
solemnised at the home of the
bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward Reginald Hodgson, in Ath
ens Thursday evening. A number
of Atlantans attended the cere
mony and reception. Mr. Woodruff
and his bride will be at home in
Atlanta after November 1.